>Nice, my dude. I fricking love RTS. I used to play AoE2 4v4 in LAN with friends all the time. Standard, quickstart, Deathmatch Post Imperial, whacky mods, you name them.
>I love strategy. I love Starcraft's pacing even though I'm not that fast. I love SupCom design. I fricking love every AoE, every Relic game, even gave DoW3 a chance, too bad it wasn't what we expected.
>Deserts of Kharak? i'm up to it
>Come on bro, why you shy?
>You like Campaign modes? I can point you into some awesome ones if you like, it's a great way to learn the MP
>Nah, man, don't be shy, everyone starts slow. It doesn't matter if you lose your first matches, whats important is that you learn and have fun doing so
>Ladder anxiety is real, no denying it. Can you imagine? I still got that feeling too sometimes! but it's part of growing up. It's a game, a training of mind and soul. The real enemy is within, not the other player, he's just testing himself too. So give it all you've got!
>Cities Skylines is cool, but that's not an RTS, senpai.
>Actually, yes, I have a copy of The Art of War right here. It's incredible how it actually can be applied to any vidya too. I can lend it to you if you like.
>Yes, see, I'll teach you the pacing and why build orders are important, but mostly to think like your enemy and be 2 steps ahead.
>Never give up! I won so many games with pincer attacks or guerrilla warfare behind the enemy production, outnumbered and outclassed. Scouting is vital! You see, you might have foresight, but it's better to actually have true sight
>Pushes, defenses, turtling, rushes, eco, micro, macro, cheeky infiltrations, offensive maneuvers, defensive tactics, tech domination, they're all valid, as long as you try your best
>Wanna hit me up at AoE4? I play RUS right now, eco boom is interesting to me right now
>Let's smash some bots in BAR next!
>Next we hit the gym and then some work. Healthy body and a healthy mind!

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  1. 7 months ago

    Get in here RTSbros
    >what are you playin?
    I’m playing Steel Division 2 right now, been having fun with the Axis Italian division and drowning the enemy on cheap CQC infantry and light tanks

    • 7 months ago

      Waiting on Men of War 2
      The beta was nice. I don't get why people get so pissy about the changes on it, it's pretty good so far

      AoE4 in the meantime. The Byzantines and Japs are interesting

    • 6 months ago

      Knights of Honor II Sovereign
      Ultimate Admiral Age of Sail
      Literally could not stop playing. They're just that addicting.

    • 6 months ago

      >this man plays steel division 2
      1v1 or teamgames?

      • 6 months ago

        Both, me and my friends are all sub level 10 and usually create open lobbies for people to crush us. We 1v1 each other too but I’ve been playing ranked recently

        • 6 months ago

          >has friends who will play steel division
          how do i find such friends?

    • 6 months ago

      Wc3 campaign currently

  2. 6 months ago

    too green

  3. 6 months ago

    Men of War AssQuad 2 is really cheap

    Should I get it to at least play with my friends? will I have fun?

  4. 6 months ago

    then you should check this out OP , best part of it happens to be its price... Free

    • 6 months ago

      >No name

    • 6 months ago

      It looks the part.

  5. 6 months ago

    My AoE2 friend group stopped doing randomized PvP.
    I always play Franks and do a standard rush (not even executed well, because I can't be bothered to look up build orders) to castle age and start printing Knights and without fail, they'd meet no resistance at all. Everyone else plays medieval Simcity, and only one other guy bothers with military production and can keep up with me. Shit's fricked if the two of us are randomized onto the same team.
    We just do PvE bot stomps now, but I'm going to lose my mind if I see Black Forest or Michi one more time.

    Thanks for listening to my blog, Ganker.

    • 6 months ago

      aoe2 has so many maps and there are so many more to get. i dont understand how people can enjoy playing the same map every single time even if it is your favorite.

    • 6 months ago

      >but I'm going to lose my mind if I see Black Forest
      Playing that disgusting seed?
      Atrocious taste from your friends

  6. 6 months ago

    >even gave DoW3 a chance, too bad it wasn't what we expected.
    Nah, I 100% expected it to be mobage shit, anyone paying attention to the devs talking about it called it months before release.

  7. 6 months ago

    >Play CoH2
    >Have really high rank on the ladder, but skillset is imbalanced
    >Usually crush my opponent early and move in to tank play with T-34s/P4s/Shermans in pairs to chase down enemy vehicles with flanks, bleeding their manpower out while I go
    >Have never even deployed a HMG or a mortar in my entire time playing
    >Cannot play any other way than high aggression and attrition, points on the map are constantly switching hands because I can't hold anything I take

    >Finally force myself to learn defensive meta strategies
    >Get wrecked a few times while starting, but finally get a good game
    >Set up a strongpoint near a choke on my opponent's fuel, only way around it is to flank through the center of the map
    >Counter-battery artillery fire set up so trying to shell the emplacement with a mortar won't work
    >After 10 minutes of trying, opponent never even bothers to try and take his fuel back
    >I'm floating 400 fuel and neither of us are using tanks at all, we're just having a slugfest with infantry in large waves

    • 6 months ago

      coh2 is comfy compared to other rts games i really enjoy it compared to games where you have to care about resource management

  8. 6 months ago

    you sir make me want to play a rts now

  9. 6 months ago

    Play Beyond All Reason

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        differences between BAR and zero-k? is one hands-down better than the other?
        i wish there was human infantry...

    • 6 months ago

      I tried and the server got autism and nobody was able to play.
      That aside the game has a gorillion units at each tech tier and their utility feels obfuscated by the sheer volume of them. This isn't helped by the fact the artstyle for both factions is a bunch of angular shit mashed into the shape of a tiny vehicle. I'm not usually a readability snob but at least in a game like C&C you can tell what you're looking at instead of having to bust out the bipedal robot encyclopaedia to figure out if its a stealth robot, an armoured assault robot T1, an armoured assault robot T2, a battlefield repair robot or a handjob robot.

  10. 6 months ago

    The only RTS that had me interested in PvP with random people (usually I play with friends) is wargame red dragon
    Was surprised that there were people who're worse than me, but when you lose 85% of the time it gets boring fast.

    • 6 months ago

      Biggest problem with RTS games in general is the perception that you will never get good and while that book reviewing furry did a really good video on what RTS basics people actually need to learn I don't think it changes the fact that a lot of RTS players are the kinds of people who have been playing the same game for half a decade or more like a boomer quake god who plays nothing but Quake 3 who immediately stomps anyone new.

      • 6 months ago

        just need to play more populated RTS games (SC2/aoe2 being the big 2) to give you the ability to rank down to where you'll fight someone on the same level. any other RTS and you run into that problem.

      • 6 months ago

        The video in question.

        just need to play more populated RTS games (SC2/aoe2 being the big 2) to give you the ability to rank down to where you'll fight someone on the same level. any other RTS and you run into that problem.

        I suppose so. I like the look of the balance of AoE2 but then I want a game with BIG TANKS and GUNS and BOMBS. SC2 technically has those things but the hyper readable tonka toy chunky blizzard artstyle sucks balls. Even in OpenRA or SC1 I get my balls stomped by AI.

        • 6 months ago

          This video makes a good point about multitasking being the primary requirement for RTS games, and it's arguably can be even bigger wall for people than APM. I've been playing and loving RTS since Dune 2 on sega, and I'm still garbage at multitasking, constantly forgetting to do shit, missing attacks, leaving units to die etc.
          In singleplayer you sorta need different skillset to do good as your opponent plays by different rules, and the winning conditions are usually different too. You can say that singleplayer RTS is akin to real time puzzle solving, you put the pieces into place in time and they do the thing on their own, while multiplayer RTS is, as video says, like a competetive juggling, the one who misses the ball first is most likely to lose.
          And you wouldn't believe how slow some people are at playing those games. Like if you take Starcraft for example, imagine someone starting to build high tech buildings and a second base while their opponent sports a full limit of battlecruisers.

          Anyway, if you're in a mood for some late 90s weirdness, I can recommend trying Dawn of War, not the Warhammer one, but an unreleased game by Southpeak that got available a few years ago. It's a caveman RTS where you produce units by fricking(literally), can turn your enemies to stone and mine them for resources, summon volcanoes right under your enemy's base, breed T-rexes and throw explosive stones and pots with acid at your enemies. Game has 3 playable races with (mostly) fully functioning campaign for each, some terramorphing which is cool to see in something from that time, and seems to work fine on modern systems, albeit only in low resolutions. Unfortunately it has little to no documentation anywhere so some mechanics and controls can be hard to grasp, but it's a pretty unique piece of work that's worth checking out.

  11. 6 months ago

    AoE2 was for autists though

  12. 6 months ago

    how do i improve my cities skylines city
    resources here


  13. 6 months ago

    I'm thinking about getting into AoE 3 because the colonial era and gunpowder is ludokino compared to medievalslop

  14. 6 months ago

    Playing SC2 co-op missions, unlocking all of Kerrigan and Zagara's prestiges.
    I wish they added something like this to Warcraft 3 Reforged.

  15. 6 months ago

    Is Brood War genuinely worth getting into these days as a competitive game?
    I'm looking for a game to autistically sink time into, but nothing I play scratches that itch
    Gave up on fighting games when the community turned to shit and the devs took the piss
    Shmups seem fun but don't like how static and deterministic they are
    Stylish Action games keep adding stupid bullshit that makes it tedious to play over and over, Platinum being the absolute worse for this

    • 6 months ago

      problem is almost all the resources to get into broodwar will be in korean. there are some westerners/asiatics who speak english who have resources, but the newer ones are few and the older ones are outdated. you'll also get rofl-stomped even in D/F-rank by people who have played for 20years.

      would you consider age of empires 2 or starcraft 2? more western resources and the ranking system would allow you to lose a few matches until you can actually win some.

      • 6 months ago

        >aoe 2
        I don't like the setting and what little I played of it seemed to come down to castle spam, but maybe that's just the noob stomper equivalent of spamming fireballs
        I do like SC 2 but everyone says BW is better
        I prefer how easy it is to control SC 2 and how your units aren't frickin drunk

        • 6 months ago

          sounds like you should just go with sc2 since you like it. i think bw is the better electronic sport to watch, but trying to get into it now (especially since you're coming from sc2 where units control nicely) it would take too long to even be able to get to C-rank unless you just chose protoss and cheesed constantly.

          artosis has been playing for over 20 years and only recently was able to get into S-rank and he constantly de-ranks to A-rank.

    • 6 months ago

      Not really, you can if you want and the skills are transferable to other games but it will be a long fricking road brother. Aoe2 has better global esports scene atm and massive amounts of resources in English.

  16. 6 months ago

    >umayyad caliphate
    >always without fail read it as u mad

  17. 6 months ago

    You know what I've found?
    Online people say that people who are super into stuff are toxic, gatekeeping, elitist etc.
    But if you actually do the thing you'll find that while they have no tolerance for smugness or high egos, they're incredibly nice and willing to help newbies learn, and hype them up on basic shit they can do in their sleep, because it means helping someone new.
    Why is that, why do peope assume people into a hobby would want to exclude new people?

  18. 6 months ago

    >RTS thread
    >it's chill and comfy
    >THOSE people haven't shown up to ruin it
    Is Ganker healing?

    • 6 months ago

      They have their own thread, OP probably made this one in response.

  19. 6 months ago

    I feel like I'm being fricking psyopped when people say AOE 4 is good. It's fricking dogshit.

  20. 6 months ago

    >mfw reading the other RTS threads
    Ganker really is as casual as the normalgays they cry about

  21. 6 months ago

    Of course the real thread is dying

  22. 6 months ago

    I like the idea of RTS, but they're all way too fast for me and speed through all the content every match.
    >Get gud, homosexual
    That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying the game progresses too quickly for me to have fun with it. Sure, I could learn the most optimal shit to get out ultralisks in under eight minutes, but I want to play with zerglings. I have more fun with my squad of Marines than I do with tanks. Frick Protoss I'm not even gonna pretend I ever played those no-lipped homosexuals for this.

    • 6 months ago


  23. 6 months ago

    I don't have a working mouse scroll so I can't play RTS anymore 🙂
    I really want to though, what are the good buttons to bind zoom to?

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