I was born in 2004. My first console was an xbox 360 when I was 6.

I was born in 2004. My first console was an Xbox 360 when I was 6. I played tons of call of duty with friends and in high school I played a ton of fortnite and minecraft. These were the best years of my life.

HOWEVER some people on here would call me a "zoomer" because I am young and they shit on this era of video games I deeply cherish.

The question I have for you old frickers is was the early 00s/90s REALLY as good as you make it out to be?

The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely. Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is. Look how shit the graphics are.

How the frick could you enjoy this?

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    people were already playing mmorpgs back in 1999

  2. 12 months ago

    idk, my first system was an N64 so all 2D games seemed really old to me and I have very little interest in them. Nostalgia gayging is real and should be avoided. Live in the present.

    SNES and NES games were also designed to be purposefully vague so they could sell you guides.

    • 12 months ago

      >SNES and NES games were also designed to be purposefully vague so they could sell you guides.
      You just suck at games you born in 3D gamer

    • 12 months ago

      >SNES and NES games were also designed to be purposefully vague so they could sell you guides.
      A lot of developers kept doing that until the internet got big enough that going to GameFAQs was easier and cheaper than buying a Prima guide, and then the guidebook market crashed through the floor. It was never restricted to 2D games - remember fricking Donkey Kong 64's bullshit collectathon?

      Plenty of 3D games also had cheat codes that were basically bait for buying gaming magazines and/or guides.

  3. 12 months ago

    My imagination did most of the work.

  4. 12 months ago

    >Look how shit the graphics are

    What? That's beautiful

    • 12 months ago

      nostalgia gay detected. Even by SNES standards, Super Metroid graphics are shit. Pic related however looks much better and came out the same year.

      • 12 months ago

        Not a fair comparison. DKC is leagues ahead of any other SNES game. When it was announced people thought it was an N64 game.

        • 12 months ago

          You dumb zoomer, dkc came out before n64.

          • 12 months ago

            No shit you fricking moron. People thought DKC was being teased for the upcoming SNES successor.

        • 12 months ago

          >Not a fair comparison. DKC is leagues ahead of any other SNES game. When it was announced people thought it was an N64 game.

          this is false and DKC looked bad at the time. we thought it looked like visual vomit

      • 12 months ago

        >Super Metroid
        >looks shit
        Kys. Super Metroid is gorgeous and games nowadays don't hold a candle to it's style and atmosphere

      • 12 months ago

        >dk looks great
        Anyone I knew in person that liked this game was a certified moron that had the worst taste in gaming. The game is fricking ugly.

  5. 12 months ago

    There are good and bad games in every generation and I see nothing wrong with enjoying what you grew up with. I don't play online, I don't like gaming with people, but I can understand why an extroverts needs it. As for the graphics and tech... don't mind. Pixel games are before my time but I like em for what the are.

  6. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely
    That's because you don't like video games that much. For you it's just a social activity. You care more about doing something with your friends than the game itself

  7. 12 months ago

    You don't actually care about video games, you just use them as a way to socialize. have a nice day moron.

  8. 12 months ago

    >muh graphics
    you don't even like video games

  9. 12 months ago

    Silence zoomer.

    • 12 months ago

      Andrew? Andrew Hussie, is that you?
      Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
      You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.
      Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
      In short, you are an enormous failure.
      Andrew, being that you're probably over 40 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
      The abhorrent failures that are Homestuck, Hiveswap, Psycholonials, Andrew Hussie, they are your legacy.
      Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
      Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
      I genuinely doubt it.
      Now excuse me, I have to work on Deltarune. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.

    • 12 months ago

      >major company with dozens of employees and a big budget
      >two people and tiny budget

      • 12 months ago

        >two people and tiny budget
        Not an excuse
        Pic related was 3 people for most of its development

        • 12 months ago

          >3 people
          That's more that can be said for 90% of indie games. Also the person who made the graphics was a professional graphic designer.

          • 12 months ago

            >That's more that can be said for 90% of indie games.
            No it isn't.
            Most indie games have bigger teams than that.

            >Also the person who made the graphics was a professional graphic designer.
            Chad(one of the 2 brothers) had little experience with animation and he had to teach himself to draw/animate in the 1930s way which is just insane.
            He actually said that he had to unlearn some shit he had learned in college before to do it.
            He was doing 70% of the animation himself until 2015 or so.

            • 12 months ago

              You act as if someone who's already a professional artist trying to mimic a certain style doesn't have a huge leg up over someone with no experience at all.

              • 12 months ago

                He worked on graphic design which generally has nothing to do with animation.
                He taught himself to do animate by reading Disney 9 old men books and had to unlearn some garbage he was taught at college.

                He didn't have any leg on anyone, indie shits are just lazy and unambitious. Why make a great looking game when you can make a game like tumblrtale for much less effort that will sell millions anyways because redditors will eat it up anyways.

        • 12 months ago

          >3 people
          Didnt they pawn their house?

          • 12 months ago

            Yes twice
            But IIRC the first time they did it it was still 3 people, the second time in 2015 they hired more people to help finish the game

        • 12 months ago

          Over 7 years, at the very least. and got Microsoft money. So shut the frick up, moron.

          • 12 months ago

            They didn't get Microsoft Money, if they did they wouldn't have to remortgage their homes twice
            They only got promoted in the Indie Showcase at E3 mostly and some advertisement here and there(which really wasn't much)
            Frick you for still trying to spread bullshit like this after so many years

            • 12 months ago

              Ye, they released the game only on Xbox (and PC, but everything comes out on PC), the least popular platform, originally just because. No money was involved, nope.

  10. 12 months ago

    I guess I'm replying to bait tonight. The early 2000s were a lot of fun as far as video games were concerned, yeah. I don't see why you're so chuffed about being called a zoomer, also. You're 19 years old.
    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely.
    We would play games at each other's houses.
    >Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is.
    Funny, I actually own that exact one now. The actual TVs of that size I grew up playing games on were cheapo Zenith or Sanyo TVs, not PVMs or security monitors. It's also worth noting that the tube you posted a picture of has a single speaker that practically sounds like a greeting card speaker.
    >How the frick could you enjoy this?
    The games were fun, and so was hanging out with my friends. I felt kinda left out as I got older since I didn't have a 360 or any interest in Call of Duty. Much preferred the Halo, Timesplitters, Soulcalibur II and Smash Melee days.

  11. 12 months ago

    do you even play single player games or just online slop? can you actually hold a discussion about games that aren't those?

  12. 12 months ago

    Okay zoomie, assuming you're not trolling, get one of those friends of yours and go play NES Battletoads or Contra coop in person, on the same couch and don't come back until you beat it. Then you'll understand what video games used to be.

    • 12 months ago

      Do you know how insane this sounds? We have lives, gfs, bfs etc no one has time to do that except incels.

      • 12 months ago

        have a nice day Black person

    • 12 months ago

      >play NES Battletoads coop in person, on the same couch and don't come back until you beat it.

  13. 12 months ago

    Jokes on you, not only am I better than you for living through and appreciating the best years of gaming, I am currently living through and enjoying the trash that you know as "modern" videogames. BTW I also grew up on COD and minecraft when they were actually good. Lol fortnite.

  14. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely. Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is. Look how shit the graphics are.
    we played couch co-op at each other's houses. developing actual social bonds, instead of yelling Black person in the lobby and staying cooped up inside. your parents ruined your generation's social development, and now "tiktok influencer" is a career.

  15. 12 months ago

    I'm not going to pretend my childhood was any better than yours because I played retro games. I will say that your generation has never gotten to experience real innovation though. Two Zelda games that look exactly alike with 6 years between their release. 2 generations of hardware yet the graphics look no better than the last. On top of supply chain issues, rising costs, forced diversity and monetisation. I would never trade my experiences for yours.

    • 12 months ago

      This is it. The change in gaming from the mid 80's to the mid 2000's was such a monumental shift. The change from mid 2000's to now is non-existant.

  16. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely.
    SNES, N64 local couch play and LAN parties for PC back when online wasn't pozzed.

  17. 12 months ago

    For the homosexuals responding to this bait, anon just lifted this from a Ganker thread earlier

  18. 12 months ago

    Living through the 90s-2010s was a wild ride of technological progress. Videogames in arcades to videogames at home. 2D graphics to 3D. Cartridges to discs. Standard definition to HD. Game magazines to websites. Offline to online.
    It's strange to think that I'm one of the last group of people to have experienced this.

  19. 12 months ago

    >My first console was an Xbox 360 when I was 6. I played tons of call of duty with friends and in high school I played a ton of fortnite and minecraft
    I unironically pity you.

    • 12 months ago

      You're a fricking moron

      • 12 months ago

        he's right, you justifying playing shit toys makes you a shit person, i am literally a better person than you

  20. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely
    lol you are moronic. go give up more personal information to your corporate overloads, boy

  21. 12 months ago

    >lust-provoking image
    >time-wasting question
    OP is a zoomer, and of course, a homosexual.

  22. 12 months ago

    i like all the 90s and 2000s games i play

  23. 12 months ago

    Zoomers don't even enjoy vidya, they were just memed by Microsoft into thinking the only way they could socially interact with others was through a COD match.

  24. 12 months ago

    >boomers will bump this shit bait to bump limit
    it's all so tiresome

    • 12 months ago

      Don't look at me, I make sure to sage shit like this.

  25. 12 months ago

    Everything was the best when you were 12 years old. With that being said, a lot of great games from that era are still really fun today. Plus the pace of advancement in terms of genres, technology and graphics was really exciting. I genuinely thought gaming could ONLY GET BETTER as the years went on. Now I'm mainly playing games from the mid-2000's and all my favourite genres are stagnant as frick

  26. 12 months ago

    Super Metroid still holds up as being the best example in its genre.

    It’s fine that you enjoyed your childhood, but to answer your question, yes, your childhood games are not nearly as good.

  27. 12 months ago

    I fricking hate zoomers so much it's unreal.

  28. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely.

    Reevaluate your "miserable and lonely" sentiment. We had online games by the late 90s/Early 2000s. There were plenty of MMOs and Arena/Team Death Match FPS games.
    And on top of the online options we had Arcades, Lan Parties, Couch Co-Op, Link Cables, etc. We were actually around real friends and actual fans/players of the games we grew up with and loved.
    Nowadays everyone is just sitting by themselves in a room playing against random, faceless gamertags for 6-8 hours and all the previous in-person options are all but eliminated in order to favor internet kiddies.
    Which sounds more "lonely" to you?

    • 12 months ago

      fricking BTFO
      Thread over

    • 12 months ago

      OP destroyed

  29. 12 months ago

    It was more about games going though significant changes in that period along with new genres emerging and genres being established, something I can't see being topped after 6th Gen gaming.

  30. 12 months ago

    >xbox 360
    Fortnite wasn't out back then

    • 12 months ago

      Did he imply that both his 360 days and high school Fortshite days were at the exact same time?

      • 12 months ago

        Uh yes? 360 is ancient and fortune is like a few years old

        • 12 months ago

          >and in high school
          Why am I volunteering to be you substitute teacher for English? Reading comprehension, nignog.

    • 12 months ago

      Uh yes? 360 is ancient and fortune is like a few years old

      >My first console was an Xbox 360 when I was 6.
      >I played tons of call of duty with friends and in high school I played a ton of fortnite and minecraft.

  31. 12 months ago

    online gaming basically killed the entire medium.
    you used to buy a COMPLETE PRODUCT, for cheap, and play through it multiple times, plus playing in splitscreen coop or versus with your brothers or friends
    when some ps3 discs started to require mandatory installs to the hdd and lengthy updates, i knew the writing was on the wall for console gaming.
    the switch is the only one still kinda carrying the torch, but its hardware is too flawed to fully invest into it like i used to with older consoles
    aside from all the predatory live services dying every day, what pisses me off the most is companies making playing their old legacy software a nightmare and forcing you to emulate.

    • 12 months ago

      Well it began with games like the first Fallout or Morrowind which were barely playable after launch. PC gays didn't react appropriately and still bought unfinished games, which started this trend.

      >The question I have for you old frickers is was the early 00s/90s REALLY as good as you make it out to be?

      >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely. Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is. Look how shit the graphics are.
      Here's how I would explain why the 90s (really late 80s + 90s) were so perfect. It was dizzying. There was never any down time or publishers resting on their laurels. You didn't have a decade worth of the same game getting incremental updates. A game would come out that did something you never thought games could do and then six months later a new one would drop that made the first one look like old news. The dopamine hit was like nothing you could imagine. We were on the cutting edge of every new technology and game mechanic. There was a pioneering spirit to it all because the people making the games were equally new to the technology as it came down the pipeline and most teams were pretty intimate. Street Fighter II in 1991 had something like 12 people on staff and that was considered a massive team for the time. The bean counters and suits hadn't fully taken over the industry yet. Corporate mandates weren't the norm. A lot of games got made because a bunch of guys decided they believed in a project and so long as it didn't cost too much the company would greenlight it. Mega Man 1 didn't perform all that well but people inside Capcom wanted a second shot so they just started making Mega Man 2 and Capcom brass let them do it. The consequence of this is that sometimes you'd get a game that barely functioned but we learned to be more careful consumers and avoid certain publishers. The upside is the good games weren't just good: they were revolutionary. You're of an age that you can recognize the significance of GTAIII, right? Well imagine what it was like getting a GTAIII equivalent every few months for a solid 13 years or so. No gaming era before or since matches up.

      This, sadly zoomers will never know that feel. Nowadays almost every game is rehashed mechanics from a precious game, it feels like there's nothing new anymore. For example, I love Elden Ring, but it's "just" a FROM Greatest Hits with a horse.

  32. 12 months ago

    Imagine playing goyslop in your formative years lmao

  33. 12 months ago

    Even today I can't enjoy online games. Especially not in a voice call. I go into games for a sorta immersive escapist experience and other players acting or behaving outside the setting of the game world hurts that.
    Even the few multiplayer games I do play I mostly just think of the other players as some sort of npc and focus on my own stuff.
    There hasn't been a single game come out since 2010ish that has captured the kind of game experience I like, it's hard to articulate but everything new is somehow simultaneously too streamlined and too messy, like everyone "solved" game design and just makes weirdly bloated versions of extremely tired game types.
    I legit cannot relate to current gaming scene at all despite being a part of it because people like you are actually the focus, people who primarily have seen and enjoyed games as a social element, rather than people like me who have always enjoyed them as a personal experience.
    Honestly even learning where to talk to people about games (nobody besides me played games where I lived) has dampened my enjoyment of them, like when I realize everyone else did the same stuff I did it ruins that personal feeling and makes it all feel as scripted as it is.

    • 12 months ago

      I share a similar sentiment. I've always treated video games like interactive novels but that's clearly not the kind of person the industry decided to go cater to (because of $$$ obviously since there is much more of it generated catering to social types). If you want that personal experience it helps if you find more obscure (mostly retro) games to play but the trade off is you have less people to talk about them with.

      • 12 months ago

        I legit don't know what good games I have left to play anymore. I don't have a backlog I cleared it years ago.
        Obscure shit is obscure though and I'm always hoping some hidden gem will reveal itself to me, but getting to the point where I think anything like that that's also my type of game wouldn't have remained hidden.

        • 12 months ago

          Try playing a genre you normally wouldn't. Also use sites like myabandonware.com and internet archive. There's tons of good obscure stuff that has been lost to time.

      • 12 months ago

        that's a really nice picture for 1999, looks like a place I could just walk into

      • 12 months ago

        God, I love Asian girls with Dumbo ears.

  34. 12 months ago

    I have the same feelings. Take off the nostalgia goggles and these sprite based games are pretty boring.

    • 12 months ago

      oh so you just have shit taste like op

      • 12 months ago
  35. 12 months ago

    >I was born in 2004
    i am so sorry for your disease

  36. 12 months ago

    Born in 93
    Played Super Nintendo until 2003 when I got a PS2 and a computer

  37. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely
    It was more romantic
    You had to go out and make friends, not just so they could play with you but so you could borrow each other's games and magazines and acquire intel that wasn't on the magazines (unless you were a rich kid who had internet and a mom that would drive you to toys r' us to buy you a brand new game every weekend and then you'd smell the box and read the manual on the way back etc etc etc, those kids were lonely)

    • 12 months ago

      >those kids were lonely
      No I wasn't. I had sleepovers with like 10 friends at a time.

  38. 12 months ago

    I genuinely pity anyone born after 2000.

  39. 12 months ago

    people who cant comprehend single player should be put in work camps

  40. 12 months ago

    >The question I have for you old frickers is was the early 00s/90s REALLY as good as you make it out to be?

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely. Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is. Look how shit the graphics are.
    Here's how I would explain why the 90s (really late 80s + 90s) were so perfect. It was dizzying. There was never any down time or publishers resting on their laurels. You didn't have a decade worth of the same game getting incremental updates. A game would come out that did something you never thought games could do and then six months later a new one would drop that made the first one look like old news. The dopamine hit was like nothing you could imagine. We were on the cutting edge of every new technology and game mechanic. There was a pioneering spirit to it all because the people making the games were equally new to the technology as it came down the pipeline and most teams were pretty intimate. Street Fighter II in 1991 had something like 12 people on staff and that was considered a massive team for the time. The bean counters and suits hadn't fully taken over the industry yet. Corporate mandates weren't the norm. A lot of games got made because a bunch of guys decided they believed in a project and so long as it didn't cost too much the company would greenlight it. Mega Man 1 didn't perform all that well but people inside Capcom wanted a second shot so they just started making Mega Man 2 and Capcom brass let them do it. The consequence of this is that sometimes you'd get a game that barely functioned but we learned to be more careful consumers and avoid certain publishers. The upside is the good games weren't just good: they were revolutionary. You're of an age that you can recognize the significance of GTAIII, right? Well imagine what it was like getting a GTAIII equivalent every few months for a solid 13 years or so. No gaming era before or since matches up.

    • 12 months ago

      >Mega Man 1 didn't perform all that well
      But that was mostly because of that awful box art for the US version

  41. 12 months ago

    I was born in 97, played through 2 decades of gaming evolution, yet somehow, the online era of gaming has made me feel more lonely than ever

  42. 12 months ago

    >ctrl+f "went to friend's"


    • 12 months ago

      You didn't read the thread

      I guess I'm replying to bait tonight. The early 2000s were a lot of fun as far as video games were concerned, yeah. I don't see why you're so chuffed about being called a zoomer, also. You're 19 years old.
      >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely.
      We would play games at each other's houses.
      >Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is.
      Funny, I actually own that exact one now. The actual TVs of that size I grew up playing games on were cheapo Zenith or Sanyo TVs, not PVMs or security monitors. It's also worth noting that the tube you posted a picture of has a single speaker that practically sounds like a greeting card speaker.
      >How the frick could you enjoy this?
      The games were fun, and so was hanging out with my friends. I felt kinda left out as I got older since I didn't have a 360 or any interest in Call of Duty. Much preferred the Halo, Timesplitters, Soulcalibur II and Smash Melee days.

      >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely. Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is. Look how shit the graphics are.
      we played couch co-op at each other's houses. developing actual social bonds, instead of yelling Black person in the lobby and staying cooped up inside. your parents ruined your generation's social development, and now "tiktok influencer" is a career.

    • 12 months ago

      >pc poster

  43. 12 months ago

    By the time I was old enough to take gaming seriously, the Nintendo 64 was out and TVs were pretty big. Gaming in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s was not radically different from gaming today, with the exception of more internet shit and more polygons + faster tech.

  44. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely.
    If you can't enjoy a game by yourself alone then you don't actually like video games. You just use them as a social crutch.

  45. 12 months ago

    Born in 83 here. The 80-90's were special because the technology was advancing so fast that you could barely keep up. Everything felt fresh. Each generation of hardware was truly mindblowing, not only because of the graphical upgrade, but because new tech was allowing new gameplay features each time. It was truely exciting. Socialization was happening mainly at school, girls and gays were not a factor at all, so no one was caring about our violent and sexy games, except far right parents associations who were scared by games like GTA , Mortal Kombat and such (lol). We were exchanging magazines, games, walkthrough and cheatcodes each other, which was also a good way to play games for poorgays. There was also THE guy with a Neo Geo (and maybe 2 or 3 games), which was instantly turning him into the coolest man ever.

    All in all It was just careless fun.

    The beginning of the internet era was great too, up until the late 00 I'd say. It's really social medias and corpo greed that ruined everything.

    Also OP, as long as you have fun, don't care about what other people think. My kids enjoy Megaman X, Minecraft, Sonic and Switch games all the same. I'm pretty sure that they don't care much about graphics. Maybe you should do the same.

  46. 12 months ago

    i mostly spent watching Nicktoons at that time and playing lots of mortal kombat deception’s konquest mode and whatever previous games I hadn’t finished like pac-man world 2, Dino city on the snes and sly 2.

    • 12 months ago

      Yooo Corneil and Bernie, as well as Kaput and Zosky, were my shit. And all the little mini shows in between that they used as "commercials". Purple and Brown, Leader Dog, Little Freaks. Shit man, thanks for the throwback.

      • 12 months ago

        nostalgia bomb attacks

        • 12 months ago

          >Corneil and Bernie
          I was going to say this looks french and it is

  47. 12 months ago

    The social play in the 90s was coming home from school with your friends and playing multiplayer right there not playing with random strangers across the world.

  48. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable
    Couch-coop unless you were one of the few kids that had an internet connection, and even then half of those probably weren't using it to play online games. We didn't complain about video games like we do today. We took it for granted that things would keep getting better. We certainly were not unhappy.
    >Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is
    So what? You were a couple feet away from it.
    >Look how shit the graphics are.
    Not as ugly as your face. I know not all zoomers are graphicsgays. You would have been a little b***h no matter when you were born.

  49. 12 months ago

    I was born in 1995, and the worst thing about current games is that I also played Minecraft and League of Legends in high school. How are these fricking games still some of the biggest ones around? I've been an adult with a full time job for years now and the only new game kids play is Fortnite?
    >inb4 people say I'm lying
    I played on servers we set up when the multiplayer test version came out in 2009. I found it in threads on this very board.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm the same age as you and found Minecraft when I was browsing the MS Paint Adventures forums one day in 2009. I didn't get my buds to play it with me until the next year, though.

  50. 12 months ago

    I'm 29 now and I literally live with two of my online gaming bros from highschool. Today we had a BBQ and as we all stood around, they talked about the badass LAN parties they used to have back then (since I'm the only one who didn't grow up in this town but moved here as an adult). Meanwhile I used to have sleep overs with my childhood friends all the time. We would play Halo, Smash Melee, and many other great games together. I prefer couch co-op to online shit. It's much more intimate and fun. Hell, I used to have crazy matches of Pikmin2 multiplayer with my best friend and alien hominid as well. Those days were the best.

    Now, I play games for two reasons. I socialize via MMO, and I play actual games for fun. I also am developing a game with some other anons that is entirely gameplay focused because we were sick of the dogshit standards of today.

    Games should be about fun and even the Japanese made Dragon Quest into a social experience with people talking at work and school about their progress.

    • 12 months ago

      Even meh games like FF Crystal Chronicles are great when you're playing with good friends. There are a lot of similarities between video games and board games. I was mainly playing with my paper RPG crew, up until WoW TBC.

  51. 12 months ago

    I'll bite, graphics always look good for the era you are in, back then people thought they were good, people in the 80's thought the Colecovision and NES had amazing graphics, the 90's you had N64 and PS1 which was considered insane (also the Lynx which is fricking insane for the time) the early 00's had PS2 which especially in 2004+ was having games that looked as good as 360/PS3 launch titles.
    As far as social play PC players and a select few consoles had online play and by the PS2 generation it was standard. But to that point pretty much every game had local multiplayer and having people right next to you is a much better social experience.
    As far as actual games and gameplay there was a lot more variety and a lot of games had significantly deeper systems, Ultima is a good example where it had so many systems that all worked together and had a shit load of depth, for someone who can look past the 5 fps and 0 animations these are very fun and interesting to work with. While if you get caught up on that presentation you'll never actually get to experience that kind of gameplay.
    Also games just actually released back then, shit wasn't in development for a decade before it was released in a beta state, most games were made in a matter of months, wizardry 4 for instance took 4 years to make and that was considered an extremely long time with most people assuming it was dead after 2 years. If a game took 4 years to make now days it would be considered rushed.

    • 12 months ago

      >graphics always look good for the era you are in, back then people thought they were good
      They still look good. I'd even argue that the graphical limitations of the era forced games to focus on having a recognizable aesthetic, and in many cases, that still comes through despite the low resolution compared to modern games.

      • 12 months ago

        in 10 years you can put every ubi open world/horizon game next to each other and you won't be able to accurately name them

  52. 12 months ago

    >I was born in 2004
    you must be over 18 to post here. how the frick is a babby like you even able to use a computer?

    • 12 months ago

      >how the frick is a babby like you even able to use a computer?
      Smartphones and tablets are a thing grandpa.

      • 12 months ago

        you are literally in diapers and you're telling me you're able to use a phone or tablet? get the frick out of here. no way you were born in 2004 you'd barely be able to walk let alone post on Ganker in this year of our lord 2007.

  53. 12 months ago

    Stop huffing duster anon, your brain cells are sparse enough as it is.

    • 12 months ago

      >huffing duster


  54. 12 months ago

    the era you cherish is shit.

    sage for a dogshit thread.

  55. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely.
    people used to visit other people's places and play split-screen multiplayer
    it was much better than online play

  56. 12 months ago

    >Look how fricking TINY this screen it
    I think most people played on much bigger screens than that especially if they were playing in their living room.
    >yet how thick it is
    I consider carrying those frickers with another person to be a formative bonding experience.

  57. 12 months ago

    shut the frick up moron, you are born in 2004, what do you know?

  58. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely.
    the anonymous and shallow online interactions we have today are much much more miserable and lonely. you are just lucky enough to never have experienced an offline world

  59. 12 months ago

    >this whole thread
    Holy shit did OP catch some whales with this one.
    He must've been cumming non-stop for three hours at least.

    • 12 months ago

      You're so charitable to assume everyone is baiting and no one is actually that much of a shit for brains.

  60. 12 months ago

    You wouldn't get it, zoomie

  61. 12 months ago

    I don’t think you’re being serious. I’ll still bite. I don’t think you’re lame for liking COD and Fortnite. I’m a 95gay and also enjoyed those games. Was 90’s/early 2000’s gaming better? As a concept, yes. You paid for the disc and that was it. Memory cards were annoying, but whatever. The difference between now and then, is that video games (and technology in general) were evolving at a rapid pace. The leap from NES to SNES to N64 is much bigger than PS3 to PS4 to PS5. We’re unlikely to see big leaps like that again. So we have a constantly evolving art form that isn’t yet a commodity that’s been well-designed to suck the consumer for every penny. No longer is there a $40-$60 transaction for a disc with complete content unless you count smaller games. Its just become very homogenized, very stagnant. I could go on forever, but yes, it was better, at least as a consumer and as a fan, it was exciting to see it evolve in real time. It stopped evolving when DLC (and on-disc DLC), battle passes, FOMO tactics, etc became the norm.

  62. 12 months ago

    >some people on here would call me a "zoomer"
    Well yeah, because that's what you are whether you like it or not

  63. 12 months ago

    You might have missed out on the cultural zeitgeist of some games and may not be able to fully understand/appreciate their impact, but you can still try out the classics. I feel bad for kids. They’re brought into gaming when it’s at its most israeli and they come here asking if the old days were really better. You have no fricking idea. But you can play classic games at your leisure.

  64. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely.
    I am not exaggerating when I say that you simply can never ever fully comprehend what you missed out on. All I can do is pity you.

  65. 12 months ago

    >was the early 00s/90s REALLY as good as you make it out to be?
    Yeah. Consoles and handhelds were in a sweet spot where you didn't need truckloads of cash to make a game up to then-modern standards, and a lot of genres hadn't fully standardized to the single cohesive model we see now, so there was a lot of innovation and intriguing stuff coming out at quite high quality. Games from big-money developers and publishers got as odd as the indie scene has been in the past few years, while still having what was at the time AAA-level polish and graphics, which was cool.

    Without the expectation of everyone having an internet connection, publishers shipped GAMES THAT FRICKING WORKED. That's not to say all the games were bugless, but you could pop in a cartridge or a stack of floppies, or a CD, or whatever, and that game was going to work without you having to download a day-1 patch, or else it was going back to the store. And the industry knew that and (usually) respected it.

    Did I mention DLC and Lootboxes didn't exist? That's a big one. Instead of DLC, you either got a sequel or an expansion pack, both of which had serious expectations as to their content.

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely.

    Our social play was done on each other's couches and in front of each other's computers and on lunch breaks and such. Singleplayer game? If you die, you hand off the controls to the next guy. Or we're working together to try to figure out the puzzles in adventure games. Multiplayer game? Everything had splitscreen, or was designed for both players to stay on the screen. Or you took a link cable to school with your Gameboy and your Pokemon cartridge, and battled during breaks.

    I like a lot of the conveniences the modern era of videogames has brought and I know that if Fortnite had existed when I was a kid, I would have played the shit out of it, but there are reasons beyond nostalgia that people say earlier eras were better on the whole.

  66. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely. Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is. Look how shit the graphics are.

    I had 3 PCs as a 5-8 year old thanks to my parents' office being in our house you could imagine all the kids were always at my place.

  67. 12 months ago

    For me sixth gen is the peak of vidya and I legit feel sorry for zoomers who weren't old enough to be an idort around 2003-2006

  68. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely

    if you were born in 1982 like me, you would not have played video games

    you would have just been a "regular" person

  69. 12 months ago

    OP is proof that zoomers are soulless, have zero self awarenss, and revel in the cancer that is their existence
    all you do is pick away at generations with actual culture and larp as a poor imitation of it, then try to claim it as your own
    you little Black folk are literal golems, id feel sorry for you if you didnt pozz yourselves at every possible opportunity
    you are second only to boomers in being pure aids to actual human beings

    • 12 months ago

      >OP is proof that zoomers are soulless, have zero self awareness, and revel in the cancer that is their existence
      Hey, at least OP is asking his elders about what he missed out on. Although he's being a dick about it.


      I was born in 2004. My first console was an xbox 360 when I was 6. I played tons of call of duty with friends and in high school I played a ton of fortnite and minecraft. These were the best years of my life.

      HOWEVER some people on here would call me a "zoomer" because I am young and they shit on this era of video games I deeply cherish.

      The question I have for you old frickers is was the early 00s/90s REALLY as good as you make it out to be?

      The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely. Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is. Look how shit the graphics are.

      How the frick could you enjoy this?

      Emulators are a thing, and you can still play the past greats (for free, with no microtransactions!), although I'm not sure you'll be able to get any couch multiplayer. Trust me, some of them really are as fricking good as we say they are. If you really feel like padding already-stuffed pockets, some of this stuff is getting re-released on modern platforms too.

    • 12 months ago

      what zero minecraft does to a Black person

  70. 12 months ago

    >The question I have for you old frickers is was the early 00s/90s REALLY as good as you make it out to be?
    You had to have been there.

  71. 12 months ago

    The world got a lot worse post 9/11

  72. 12 months ago

    >I was born in 2004. My first console was an xbox 360
    Holy shit, sometimes I forget this board is full of literal 15 year olds who weren't even alive when the PS2 came out or Ganker was created. Next time you see some gay zoomer frog/soijack poster with a shit opinion on Ganker just remember it's probably one of these guys.

    • 12 months ago

      Anon, someone born in 2004 is 19 years old.

  73. 12 months ago

    I swear zoomers have some kind of deficiency because of their ability too ALWAYS be in social contact with someone. A lot of them seem actually incapable of having fun even playing games alone. They play most games for less than 5 hours then just drop it for whatever FOTM multiplayer shit comes out. It's really weird. I couldn't imagine being dependent on what my friends do or like too enjoy my free time. There are people like this from my gen too but it's mostly about TV shows and movies, they only watch what is le popular with their peer group and act like nothing else is good.

  74. 12 months ago

    >The question I have for you old frickers is was the early 00s/90s REALLY as good as you make it out to be?
    Yes, now frick off

  75. 12 months ago

    >Look how fricking TINY this screen it yet how thick it is. Look how shit the graphics are.
    Get back to your Fortnite kiddo

  76. 12 months ago

    >The lack of social play through online sounds miserable and lonely
    Games are my escape from people.

  77. 12 months ago

    >redditors falling for bait this obvious
    Just go back to your site already the second hand embarrassment is so bad I'm physically hurting.

    • 12 months ago

      It's bait that allows me to get my nostalgic rocks off.

      • 12 months ago

        If you wanted to jerk off to your past you could just emulate and play through the games of your youth. But we both know you won't do that. We both know why you won't do that.

        • 12 months ago

          >you could just emulate and play through the games of your youth. But we both know you won't do that. We both know why you won't do that.
          Because I already put thousands of hours into them on the original hardware, and the games from that period I've emulated for thousands of hours are ones that I never got the chance to play when they were originally released.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm not your father and don't want to usurp his place but I'd still like to remind you that lying to yourself will get you nowhere.

            • 12 months ago

              Is Ganker such a shit board that it has no protection against posting duplicate images?

              Are you such a shit person that you have only one image to post?

              • 12 months ago

                Most of the images I have saved are real art and I feel uncomfortable posting them in the presence of non-whites with their incessant sh*tposting and cussing.

  78. 12 months ago

    Ehh I know this is a bait but people hanged out together and played together. Internet wasn't a thing yet so I'd go to my friends' house to copy disks.
    It was way more social than your homosexual discord, phones and social media will ever be.

  79. 12 months ago

    OP prob played super metroid on switch.

    Here's a hint op, old games NEED to be played on a CRT or they look like ass.

    Get a cheap crt and go to town.

    • 12 months ago

      >Posts a pic of a BVM just like OP
      Soulless as frick
      Retro 240p games are meant to be played on =< 300 line consumer CRTs

  80. 12 months ago

    I dont know a single zoomer who hates NES, SNES and SEGA gaming and our company has plenty of those. Surprisingly many say that their firsr console was a SNES.

  81. 12 months ago

    When you were 6 I was in middle school playing Super Metroid on my PC on a big ass monitor not on a 480i TV cause I'm not a purist homosexual.

    Single player games will always be better than your casual multiplayer garbage like CoD. You managed not to mention Halo, the only worthwhile experience on the Xbox. I'd get home from high school and play Halo 3 all fricking day and night. That said Xbox 360 is the worst console of all fricking time. The console's failure rate was not a percentage, but a ticking time bomb. We played Minecraft on PC cause we're not homosexuals.

    Xbox 360 represents the advent of XBL and the homogenizing of gaming in general, everything went to shit.

    • 12 months ago

      Please leave.

      • 12 months ago

        Unlike you tribal morons who for think you have to choose sides for some reason and cuck yourselves, I had all 3 consoles + PC.

  82. 12 months ago

    Quality bait

  83. 12 months ago

    > The question I have for you old frickers is was the early 00s/90s REALLY as good as you make it out to be?
    It was fun at the time, but any of my peers saying gaming today sucks compared to then are stuck in a state of arrested development, or to poor to do anything but emulate old shit for free and are coping.

    • 12 months ago

      >any of my peers saying gaming today sucks compared to then are stuck in a state of arrested development, or to poor to do anything but emulate old shit for free and are coping.
      There's a lot of really exciting stuff that's happened over the past few years in gaming, but it's clear that the costs of modern AAA-tier game development have made studios and publishers very risk averse in general, and I don't particularly like what the suits think are safe bets. A man can only take so many remakes, remasters, and "ok, fine, we're releasing this on PC to milk the absolute last of the cash we can out of it", after all.

      Hell, the decisions of many publishers/devs to releasing remasters and/or porting older games to PC for the first time speaks volumes about how much better the industry itself thinks its past products are. Or at least how much safer bets they are than doing anything new.

      The real elephant in the room is the Games As A Service model, with its season passes and gacha/lootbox mechanics and exploitation of FOMO and other shit, which is obviously very profitable, but ...frick, man, when I bought Red Alert 2 back in the early 00's, I bought AN ENTIRE WORKING GAME. And then I bought the Yuri's Revenge expansion pack, which was basically a second game's worth of content! Oh, and it also worked straight out of the box, because "just ship a broken game and we'll patch it" wasn't acceptable back then, since the internet wasn't omnipresent.

      We had games that worked on release, games that didn't demand patches or microtransactions or always being online. We still have that today, but they're usually indie games or from studios that haven't implemented the 'milking model' of making money with software/games as a service.

  84. 12 months ago

    You are a zoomer.

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