I would like to make a game

Hex TBS game with counters. Any suggestions on an engine I could use to get started?

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  1. 6 months ago


  2. 6 months ago

    A piece of paper and a pencil.
    If you can't make it work as a board game using most basic tools, it means it's a shit idea anyway. And I'm not being snide or dismissive, but this is like 101 strategy game design: can you make it work with a sheet of paper and a pencil? If you can't, either you didn't strip down your idea enough to its core element(s) or you have no idea what you want to make your game in the first place.

    • 6 months ago

      Fair enough! Thank you. I’ll give it a shot pen and paper first.

    • 6 months ago

      I agree with this and am designing this way. If you have a finished game it's not even that hard at that point to just get an artist and programmer to work with you too.

      • 6 months ago

        I have a finished game and art assets but no programming skill. What’s the best place to go to find affordable help?

        • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      I'm still trying to understand Unity, but from what I gather it works well hexagons.

      Another thing you could do it, it dry run on /qst/.
      I ran pic related there it was a lot of fun, it worked like a board game.
      Players had gold and characters, every turn they had to decide if they attacked (which cost money) or reigned (giving them money and a chance of siring a child).
      So kinda like extremely simplified Crusader Kings.
      Despite its overall simplicity and reliance of rolls, I found it pretty relaxing.

      • 6 months ago

        this is a good resource if you're doing hexagons for gamedev, there's a lot of sample code
        The pages on pathfinding might also be interesting for you

    • 6 months ago

      There's graph paper that makes grids but is there.... HEX paper?

      • 6 months ago

        you can either buy it or print your own

        • 6 months ago

          if you're 'tistic enough to make a hex wargame you're also 'tistic enough to draw your own hex paper

    • 6 months ago

      le board game is precisely why strategy games have stagnated for decades, go frick yourself

    • 6 months ago

      >if you can't make it work with a stick and a stone, it means it's a shit idea anyways.
      >wtf why are strategy games dead?

    • 6 months ago

      I've been coding a turn-based games for over four years now and gotta say is full of shit.

      A PnP design can be extremely simple but horrible to implement in code and prone to errors. Paper has two dimensions. Computer memory has one. It's very easy to enter the pitfall of setting up giant 2D array structures that make your shitty pixel graphics project hog as much memory as an AAA written by pajeets.
      You need to think classes, not positioning for storing data and interactions per turn, not math complexity for solving attacks and such.
      If you build over PnP mechanics prepare to keep your unit caps low, have 10 minute AI turns reading/writing from disk or prepare to learn a low-level language like Assembly.

      • 6 months ago

        How horrible are you at making complicated math work on the computer? I've done it before, and I can generate a map of over 1 million tiles with stuff in it in like 30 seconds on my toaster oven. Of course, once I add in pops, it starts to chug, but I did that mainly to flex on paradox, who somehow can't do pops anymore even though I did it in a week with very little effort.

      • 6 months ago

        frick, you got me to consider actually working on my TBG again, it was in development hell because I got a normal job, but it's sunday, so might as well. gonna have to go dig up the project and remember how I got the map working.

      • 6 months ago

        >to flex on paradox
        Not a TW player: is there any chance for a non-Paradox game to bring in the TW audience, or will they stick to that company until the end?
        Not OP but I'm also working on a RTS, and it will have kinda the same shtick of a bajillon soldiers on the field & troops-based controls that TW has - although afaik the resemblance will stop there.
        Should I bother playing a few TWs and try to make my game at least vaguely familiars in controls/UI/etc to Paradox's audience, or will they not play something that isn't historical/warhammer anyway... and I should just do my stuff without bothering with that?

        • 6 months ago

          Paradox doesn't make Total War, did you mean CA?
          There have been some other TW like games over the years but generally low budget offerings like XIVth century or whatever it's called. The best one I played was the first King Arthur wargame by Neocore but even they didn't attempt to directly compete with TW. They had a more boardgame overworld approach with a lot of RPG choices based gameplay.
          TW fans are always divided and nitpicky about different aspects of each game. They aren't really loyal to TW itself but to the specific games that are their favorite. I wouldn't waste time trying to win them over.

          • 6 months ago

            >Paradox doesn't make Total War, did you mean CA?
            Ah yes my bad, I'm tired and moronic.

        • 6 months ago

          Play a total war game if you feel like it so you understand what the audience sees in a total war game. If you want to play a shit total war game, play after shogun 2. If you want to play a good total war game, play before shogun 2. In other words, just try shogun 2 to see what a good total war game looks like.

          • 6 months ago

            What about Three Kingdow/RomeII/MedivalII/Empire?
            Looking at Steam charts they have higher player count (with MedII having the highest rating).
            I know popularity doesn't always correlate with quality, just asking.

      • 6 months ago

        This guy is bullshitting, he's saying stuff that sounds possible if you don't know anything about programming, but makes absolutely no sense if you do. Either that or he's a complete scrub at coding.

        • 6 months ago

          >Either that or he's a complete scrub at coding.
          Anon, you just described 99% of all professional codemonkey.

  3. 6 months ago

    Godot supports hextiles and probably has tutorials for it somewhere
    for opensource code that's not really an "engine" but you can turn it into what you want you could look at Zetawar (browser), Jsettlers2, Battle for Wesnoth or ASC:Advanced Strategic Command

  4. 6 months ago

    what picture / map is this? I love the ACW

    • 6 months ago

      GMT's The US Civil War

      • 6 months ago

        nice.. does this offer Solitaire play? anyway I'll look it up, I just ordered People Power, my first COIN style GMT game

        • 6 months ago

          There's a game that has solitaire play from GMT called Mr. President, it was tedious to set up, but I'm gonna play it eventually.

  5. 6 months ago

    leftover cereal carton and a pen

  6. 6 months ago

    battle for wesnoth
    open-source innit anon

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