I you honestly don't like these games, I'm curious about your reasoning because I'm finding both of them awe-inspiring, particularly To...

I you honestly don't like these games, I'm curious about your reasoning because I'm finding both of them awe-inspiring, particularly TotK. I'm a 30+ boomer and TotK has shocked me with how good it is. I haven't been this into a game since in ages.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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  1. 11 months ago

    I had my fun with TotK but I stopped playing somewhere around halfway through because it got tiring and boring. Too similar to BotW while not fixing it's problems enough. Overall still a pretty good game. And I liked pic related even if the rest of the story was possibly the worst I've ever seen from this series.

    • 11 months ago

      >I had my fun with TotK but I stopped playing somewhere around halfway through because it got tiring and boring

      The way I see it the beauty of TotK is that when you start feeling burned out from it you can just completely change your approach to everything because there are so many options on how to go about every single thing in the game. For an example if you get tired of walking/horses/vehicles to get around you can leap frog using the sky islands, traverse using the dephts, or make a boat and use the waterways. It's mind-blowingly well-designed.

      • 11 months ago

        Except if wandering or gliding or hoverbiking through an empty world itself gets boring, because it largely is once the honeymoon period wears off, what then

        • 11 months ago

          >because it largely is once the honeymoon period wears off
          No such thing exists if you actually like the game to begin with.

          I have played the two combined for over 1,000 hours and not once did I reach that point.

          You're literally using a term in which two morons rushed into marriage before actually getting to know each other realize that's what they did and not realizing the same had to be true here.

          You are just admitting you bought something you don't actually like by using the term.

          • 11 months ago

            >I have played the two combined for over 1,000 hours
            A normal person would realize why this probably disqualifies them from a discussion about the game. It's like someone who spent 20 years of his life fishing comes to a bar and asks for anyone to explain to him why fishing is boring, he won't ever actually get convinced he just wants an excuse to talk about fishing.

          • 11 months ago

            That's complete horseshit, I'm referring to a period of enjoying a game before being burned out by mediocre elements of its design. Why the frick are you relating marriage to videogames, its obvious the term has it's own context here. I had around 130 hours in botw before I was done with it, largely enjoyed it, I have probably about the same so far in tears and I'm only now struggling because the rito village segment was immensely disappointing. This is just the way the game is going to go for me and most others. Just because you have 1000 hours doing very little in these games doesn't mean everyone else is wrong for burning out.not that it matters, didn't buy it anyway, but how do you know if you like something before you buy it these days? Demos are long dead

      • 11 months ago

        >For an example if you get tired of walking/horses/vehicles to get around you can leap frog using the sky islands, traverse using the dephts, or make a boat and use the waterways.
        Tired of empty boring generic fields with 3 enemy types? How about empty sky island or boring deths?
        <- why would i want to spend more than an hour in this area

      • 11 months ago

        I understand what you're trying to say and I do enjoy the methods of traversal intrinsically. But what I mean is that I just don't care about going to the locations anymore. Maybe because they're largely the same ones from before.

      • 11 months ago

        They're fun until after the first dozen hours when you realize there's nothing to find or really do besides the main story. Pretending you have something interesting outside of that is a massive cope

        Lying out your bleeding arse
        >It's not boring you can choose to find nothing uh on a boat uh using fast travel?
        the state of g4m3rs lol I'm not attacking you I just want what BotW implied in it's advertising
        >Build log cabins etc
        >Survivalist content
        >Macgyver x Jackie Chan combat IN ADDITION to traditional LoZ combat
        >Systems that fully make use of open world

  2. 11 months ago

    its an open world. not my thing

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        That image describes BotW and TotK as well, depressing.

    • 11 months ago

      Women aren’t your thing either, but that doesn’t stop you from pretending to be hetero.

    • 11 months ago


      Holy based

    • 11 months ago

      Are all Zelda games bad then? It's fine if you say yes, because it seems like that's what your image is implying. You need to save the sages/sage's daughters and the princess yet you're stopping to pick up plastic hearts and kill golden spiders. ALTTP and OOT are both the same as the Witcher 3 example given in this image for ants.

    • 11 months ago

      Inability to enjoy open worlds is a mental illness.

      • 11 months ago

        i enjoyed your moms ass, homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        Zelda isn't even a good series for open world type games. Hyrule is not interesting because you know any sort of environmental story telling or lore will be fricking retconned and mean nothing in the next game. Nothing you ever discover has any real meaning to it in the grand scheme of the world building because nintendo doesn't fricking do world building.

        Link is barely even remembered by most of the characters despite saving the world, The guardians and towers are all gone and if you don't do specific side quests I wouldn't blame you for thinking TOTK is a reboot of the story they just finished telling

        The depths could've been a really cool place to explore if there was any explained history behind it about what it was and how it was created, but Nintendo knows they aren't coming back in BOTW 3 so it's a waste of time.

        All the books you ever find too are just tutorials, same with npcs they never tell you anything interesting, they're just soft ways to tell you hints that you normally get from the loading screen. Hyrule isn't a world, it's a minecraft server with important zelda assets.

        • 11 months ago

          >Zelda isn't even a good series for open world type games.
          Anon, the very first game was just two mandatory dungeons away from being open world.

          Also, none of what you said after that has anything to do with open world game.

          • 11 months ago

            >the very first game was just two mandatory dungeons away from being open world.
            Zelda 1 without dungeons would be fricking nothing. Not even a tech demo. The empty world is just a vehicle to stretch time between the dungeons.

          • 11 months ago

            If the first zelda was so good why not repeating the formula in the next 25 years? First zelda was shit, frick this manchildren marketing moronation of "going back to roots so its ok"

        • 11 months ago

          >Zelda isn't even a good series for open world type games.

          Stopped reading right there. Zoomers should be gassed.

        • 11 months ago

          >if there was any explained history behind it
          There is, it's conveyed through what you see and not what you hear.

          • 11 months ago

            I see the same copy pasted coliseum about 6 or 7 times, I see the same mine that has a treasure chest holding an item from a previous game that makes no sense being there, and I see 500 million Bokoblin mining camps and Yiga hideouts that I use Majora's mask to mine without engaging in the boring combat or completely ignore because the only auto build I need is the hover bike.

            Real interesting depths you got there.

            • 11 months ago

              Oh I forgot about the Spooky ooky fricking Poe salesmen. Could've been cool, but what are they used for? To sell you shit you get in abundance from the depths or to rebuy items that shouldn't fricking break in the first place.

              Why are they there? Who are they? what are they? You're never gonna find out cause Nintendo doesn't frickin care. They'll be gone in Botw 3 and never mentioned again.

            • 11 months ago

              So the fact that there was a thriving zonai civilization with a mining culture down there just flew over your head.

              • 11 months ago

                Knowing the Zonai mined for their special glue doesn't make the depths interesting. In fact the Zonai make the game worse. When I got a furry suit at the end of completing all the shrines instead of a new tunic I was pretty much done with this series of Zelda.

      • 11 months ago

        I only enjoy good open world games, sadly there are none

    • 11 months ago

      at least post a legible version

    • 11 months ago

      anyone have higher res file of this? love everything that i can actually read about it

    • 11 months ago

      >"not my thing"
      >drones start screeching

  3. 11 months ago

    I'm more into action combat element and navigating dangerous / arduous areas rather than pure exploration for the sake of it
    this is why I prefer dark souls / sekiro over Botw / zelda
    the combat isn't just there and exploration doesn't feel rewarding

  4. 11 months ago

    Because they're fundamentally empty experiences
    Their only trick is not explaining all the sandbox quirks up front and letting you discover them on your own, but once you figure out how the game works, they're all just cute little details that don't have anything deeper for you to dig into- and then the guiding hand of Nintendo still strips the fun out of some of them anyway

    Like, hyper-specific example: I think the survival aspects are really cool on the surface, needing to gather and prepare resources to get through harsh temperatures and such, and thinking on the fly about how to deal with it when those resources run out. Only the resources never really run out, it's just a matter of your persistence in gathering and crafting them. And then very quickly the resources stop mattering entirely as you discover ways to bypass the systems entirely, mainly coming in the form of clothes that permanently disable the feature as long as you wear them, which are very easy to find and acquire, in some cases even being potentially handed to you before you ever get a chance have any real problems with the thing they counteract. And then there's just the fire status near lava which has similar problems but just isn't as cleverly designed as regular hot and cold to be fun in the first place.

    • 11 months ago

      But they are both so flexible that you can essentially set your own difficulty level. Depending on what you want out of it, BotW/TotK can be babby tier or /MGR/Bayonetta/Souls/Project Diva/whatever level hardcore.

      • 11 months ago

        >you can essentially set your own difficulty level
        This is a sad cope
        >/MGR/Bayonetta/Souls/Project Diva/whatever level hardcore
        This is just a straight-up lie

  5. 11 months ago

    These two entries are the death of the franchise. The point normification was complete.

    • 11 months ago

      It's funny that you make this point because I completely disagree, I think BotW/TotK are way less normie friendly than previous Zeldas. For one thing, there are less cutscenes, and less forced tutorials.

    • 11 months ago

      What a ridiculous thing to say. All nintendo games are the very definition
      of normalgaycore. That's why they're successful.

      • 11 months ago

        Didn't you homosexuals use to say "Zelda was about to fail until BotW saved it"?

    • 11 months ago

      >the Nintendo Switch has sold like 150m units
      >and a collective 1b units of software
      >but somehow this is not normie shit
      You nintendogays are so desperate to still be the bullied nerds of the 1980s. You're Chad now, too bad being Chad means being a troony these days.

      • 11 months ago

        Better being an old Nintendogay than being a modern day tendie

    • 11 months ago

      >These two entries are the "death of the franchise"
      >TOTK sells 10 million in 3 days
      "killed the franchise" my ass.

      • 11 months ago

        There are many kinds of death, anon.

      • 11 months ago

        It is the death of the franchise. All Zelda games from now on are going to be boring open world shit.

        • 11 months ago

          Zelda is saved

          >Doesn't feel at all like Zelda anymore

          TotK is the ultimate Zelda game.

        • 11 months ago

          I'd like to think if they used the same map again people wouldn't buy the third game and we might see a return to form, but people are gonna lap it up because this time you'll be able swim under water or some other moronic bullshit.

          • 11 months ago

            They won't use the same map. TotK used the same map because it started as DLC that got out of control. You can basically see the seams still, TotK is a disordered mishmash of different DLC ideas they had.

            Next game is going to be a totally new Link. Best case scenario we get something like "Elden Ring with Zelda items and puzzles".

            • 11 months ago

              It took them 6 years to develop TOTK with a completed map. If they're starting from scratch we're not seeing the next Zelda for another 15.

  6. 11 months ago

    only a vocal minority like this game on Ganker

    • 11 months ago

      maybe the people that like it are playing it and not posting on Ganker? It does have a bit of a learning curve, which I think turns uncle Ganker away.

      • 11 months ago

        >It does have a bit of a learning curve
        Huh? First time i'm hearing this cope in specific

  7. 11 months ago

    The open-endedness and extreme amount of content belies the urgency of the main quest so I lose my primary motivation to play it when it becomes just Link fricking around for 50 hours.

    • 11 months ago

      This is an interesting point. I reckon that Nintendo went out of their way to make TotK's plot have less urgency than BotW's. In the narrative of BotW it would make sense for Link to be progressing asap and not fricking around much: "Clamity Ganon's power will soon be restored", "Hurry, Link!" etc., however the problem is that the actual game works better and is more fun if you take everything at a cruisy pace. This is a bit of a conflict.

      But in TotK, the plot is more like Link and the Lookout Landing crew, Lucky Clover and so on are trying to solve a mystery. There is urgency, yes, but not so much as BotW where the vibe is that Link has to hurry the frick up or everybody is completely fricked.

      • 11 months ago

        The inventory system is jank because they never substituted the Wii U tablet interface for anything. It feels like you were never actually expected you to have to pause to do any of this, you were just supposed to tap an icon in a menu to get all of your items out.
        BotW itself is also littered with compensation for things that they took out or which weren't quite finished yet like weapon fusing (already present in a limited form in the non-gameplay teaser trailers) or something similar being replaced with the tiered weapons.
        You can really tell that they were told to stop development and start developing a launch title for the Switch with the possible compromise of just trying to make the full game with reused assets at a later point in time.

        There is urgency in the BotW quest but it is mainly derived from how barebones it is. It feels more urgent in part because it is so straightforward and immediately accessible. The villain has no agency because he is an angry blob and neither does anyone else but Link when you get down to it.

      • 11 months ago

        If you noticed, the only NPCs that recognize Link from BotW are ones that were involved in the main quest. The NPCs you interacted with for side-quests universally act like they've never met Link. which means none of the side-quests canonically happened.

        • 11 months ago

          now this is some speculation I can get behind. Really cool take. I was especially weirded out when Pikango acted like he didn't know Link. I was like, wtf man? He helped Link regain his memories. But I suppose strictly speaking Link doesn't need to interact with him much at all in order to do all the main quests.

    • 11 months ago

      >The open-endedness and extreme amount of content belies the urgency of the main quest

      You can say this about every Zelda game.

      >hey Link the world is ending why are you here fishing?
      >hey Link the princess needs saved. What do you mean you haven't found all 4 bottles?
      >hey Link Ganon must be stopped. Why the frick are you collecting bugs?

      • 11 months ago

        Yes they're all badly designed considering the narrative

      • 11 months ago

        This is why Majora's Mask is the best.
        >"Yeah I spent three days fricking around and now we're all gonna d-" *plays Song of Time in your path*

  8. 11 months ago

    For BOTW, the first 20 hours are fun, but after that, it gets boring. The game is a glorified JRPG and is mostly filler.

    For TOTK, it's more of a huge DLC that adds cool sandbox mechanics than a brand new game, so it should have been sold as such.

    • 11 months ago

      >muh mommy only buys me one game a month
      God the summer sucks on here

  9. 11 months ago

    Super limited in scope and content due to console limitations, could be amazing on better harware that would let them actually fill the word with quests, puzzles and dungeons ect that actually take full advanted of the wonderful features they have implemented.

    • 11 months ago

      Anon I really hate to tell you this, but lack of content is not a hardware limitation

    • 11 months ago

      >could be amazing on better harware that would let them actually fill the word with quests, puzzles and dungeons ect that actually take full advanted of the wonderful features they have implemented.
      The fact that most open world game still continue to have less content and gameplay variety than botw and TotK shows that it has nothing to do with hardware.

  10. 11 months ago

    The games have too many traversal options that invalidate each other
    Suffers from a five second inventory trip being the solution to all your woes
    I also hate wanting to explore on my own for exploration's sake only to find dumbass koroks and shrines wherever I go (simply having nothing would be better since the game wouldn't be reminding me of the concessions it makes to ubisoft tower games)
    Item durability

  11. 11 months ago

    I don't play Nintendo games.

    • 11 months ago

      unironically >muh graphics< this year i've played hogwarts (meh), R4R (meh-to-good), but just playing those, that kind of graphics in BoTW/ToTK is simply not for me.

    • 11 months ago


  12. 11 months ago

    Botw was breddy gud, 9/10. It felt so fresh, they give you a minimal explanation of controls, then throw you into the starting area, and it was that feeling of freedom. I just wanted to keep playing. World looked gorgeous.
    Meanwhile I just started on totk, and it's an absolute drag. 10 minutes of a woman talking hysterically in some damp cave, then some cutscenes about something I couldn't give less of a shit about because I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO PLAY THE GAME YET. Running through an empty "dungeon" isn't gameplay either.
    Only after all this does the gameplay even start. First view that greets you is ugly floating islands in the distance looking like an unfinished level from mario. Also link looks like an actual troony this time.
    My only explanation for this is they fired the guy who was in charge of botw design, and hired some moron from the US instead to appeal more to the western audience. Absolutely soulless, I'm so soured on it I'm not sure I will even continue playing.

    • 11 months ago

      I think thy were trying to evoke a feeling of being lost and far from home in the first part of the game (not the part with Zelda, the sky place).

      • 11 months ago

        The only feeling they evoked for me was disgust and being bored

    • 11 months ago

      It picks up - definitely not perfect but you'll enjoy it much more than you've described so far

    • 11 months ago

      >Also link looks like an actual troony this time
      I mean it's pretty much the same design as botw but yeah i dislike how androgynous he looks. I immediately went for the TP and SS outfits and he looks a million times better with those.

      • 11 months ago

        Almost half of the costumes look like literal dresses this time around it's getting creepy now

        • 11 months ago

          I wouldn't go that far. There's only one costume that trannies like to use without the pants because it looks like a dress, most costumes look normal, besides they got rid of the troony gerudo costume from botw so hopefully they just completely get rid of that shit in the next Zelda game.

          • 11 months ago

            The charged set is also very feminine, and cece's hat is literal drag queen attire that even puts lipstick on you

            • 11 months ago

              The ancient rituals sets are literally cosplaying the three dragons who are female.

              I do think this game was a huge letdown in terms of new armor.

              • 11 months ago

                And BotW's gerudo set is literally also cosplaying a gerudo woman, what's your point?

    • 11 months ago


  13. 11 months ago

    >TotK has shocked me with how good it is.

    Its fricking incredible. I'm about 100 hours in and only about halfway through. I just made it to the Akalla region and found myself suddenly attacked by a gigantic rock monster and a horde of goblins. In a desperate bid to escape, I threw myself into a nearby chasm and dived down to the dark, quiet underworld below. As I fell into the darkness, an enemy health bar suddenly filled the screen and I found myself descending into a boss battle with a gigantic monster I hadn't seen before. GotY for sure.

    • 11 months ago

      Sos on image?

      • 11 months ago

        God I need a source on that


    • 11 months ago

      God I need a source on that

    • 11 months ago

      Based video game enjoyer. Also, post moar belle.

      • 11 months ago

        >Based video game enjoyer. Also, post moar belle

        I would also add that I'm now doing the Zora quest. Those floating water bubbles are pure fricking genius. The game is just constantly throwing new ideas at me.

    • 11 months ago

      >Based video game enjoyer. Also, post moar belle

      I would also add that I'm now doing the Zora quest. Those floating water bubbles are pure fricking genius. The game is just constantly throwing new ideas at me.

      After arriving at the Zora Domain, one sidequest I found was to find the king. Some fishpeople NPCs gave me hints as to where he would be. Some after some exploring I found a cave by a waterfall. Figured this must be it. No, it was just a random discovery I had stumble across. And it was a vertical cave system too. Climbing was a challenge due to the icy interior and wet walls. But I managed to make it to the top where I found a chest containing climbing armour. Now I can climb quicker. Adventure and discovery has never been done better in a video game.

      Based Belle chad

  14. 11 months ago

    People who don't like BotW or TotK are low IQ shitters.

  15. 11 months ago

    Terrible visuals, 0/10 difficulty, constant menus, garbage combat, poor framerate, boring villain.

  16. 11 months ago

    I'm a 40+ boomer and I can't stand cheap Ai generated 30fps slops.

  17. 11 months ago

    >Riju is 12
    fricking based

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        fricking cringe

  18. 11 months ago

    The whole appeal was discovering the world for the first time. I'm completely burned out of totk because it's too similar. May never finish it

    • 11 months ago

      Just go the final boss and get it over with then.

  19. 11 months ago

    Most people who hate those games never played them

  20. 11 months ago

    I like how the world is filled with NPCs just running around, getting attacked by monsters, resting at stables etc.

  21. 11 months ago

    >I'm curious about your reasoning
    I have played open world games before

  22. 11 months ago

    >I'm curious about your reasoning
    Okay here goes.
    I don't like the combat. In a game where you swing swords and spears at enemies or throw magical bombs at them, doing those things should look/sound/feel satisfying. And if a game's going to make that combat a big part of its gameplay, then the combat should be better than it is in Zelda. This board often likes to piss over Witcher 3 for its combat, so I find it weird that Zelda gets a pass when it's no better.
    I don't like the story. The story is just a bit too prominent in these games for it to be ignored as an important part of it, and I think even the most diehard Nintendo fan knows this game's characters or plot are nothing to write home about.
    I don't like the visuals. This part often gets strawmanned with "you're a sony fanboy you just want 8k graphics and movie games" but I'm mainly referring to the desaturated color palette and the ugly volumetric fog used to hide the low LODs.
    And I'm not a big fan of open world. I don't HATE it, I think there's games like KGC that do it well. But when a game has to make it possible to approach any landmark or confrontation from any direction at any time with any tools, it usually murders any proper sense of pace or progression or focus.

    If a 3rd person action adventure game has subpar combat, subpar story, doesn't look impressive and functions more or less than a collectathon, then it's just not for me. I don't think these games are bad or anything but I struggle to see them being anything above a 7.5/10 in any category I care about, and games that are above 7.5/10 in those categories usually get a lot more criticism on this board.

    • 11 months ago

      >games like KGC
      meant KCD (Kingdom Come Deliverance)

    • 11 months ago

      Combat in BotW and TotK is awesome though. You don't need to like everything. Nintendo can't possibly please everyone. But trying to compare it to Witcher 3 is fricking delusional.

      • 11 months ago

        >Combat in BotW and TotK is awesome though.
        We'll agree to disagree.

      • 11 months ago

        They need to get rid of flurry rush and put healing on a cooldown, then combat will be good.

        • 11 months ago

          >They need to get rid of flurry rush and put healing on a cooldown, then combat will be good.

          Its already good. You died a hundred times in TotK. Don't pretend you didn't.

          • 11 months ago

            I don't see how you could die that much unless you're forcing yourself or you're really new to 3D games.

            • 11 months ago

              >I don't see how you could die that much unless you're forcing yourself or you're really new to 3D games

              Yeah sure thing. Whatever. You died a hundred times. Everyone did.

              • 11 months ago

                Reminder that Arthur isn't merely shilling here, he really is just this bad at the games and thinks everyone else must be, too

      • 11 months ago

        >It's cool because you can do unoptimal things that look cool
        This always comes up, but nobody ever has an argument for why it's good that it's so easy and never actually pushes you to use all those options
        At that point you're just mashing action figures together and making explosion noises with your mouth

        • 11 months ago

          What moronic shitter.

          >unoptimal things

          Frick sake that ranks up with "forced soul" and "mechanical progression" as some of the laughable ridiculous nonsense you tween homosexuals spout.

      • 11 months ago

        >Combat in BotW and TotK is awesome though.
        Fricking hell. TotK has worse combat than half the major games released this year. No one in a serious discussion would ever present Zelda as an example of good combat. This must be a bait thread, it probably is seeing as half of you seem to have come up with names for each individual schizo.

        • 11 months ago

          better than ffxvi

          • 11 months ago

            You could do shit like this in zelda without even needing to turn on a game journalist accessibility cheat

            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                not even remotely true

                I mash dodge and attack and the enemies die, don't know what to tell you if you can't even manage that

              • 11 months ago

                You're putting more effort into the combat than I did. Throw puff shroom on ground and kill enemies while their AI is turned off.

              • 11 months ago

                Well I didn't want to go out of my way to make the combat even easier. Call it a self-imposed challenge

              • 11 months ago

                That requires gathering puffshrooms, which requires more than just mashing a button. You need to know where to find them, and you need to go there and gather them, and then you need to make sure you have enough of them to last through encounters.

              • 11 months ago

                Puffshrooms literally walk into your inventory. If you don't have 100 of them after the first time you did the depths, you didn't explore anything.

              • 11 months ago

                wait you mean you need to explore? what happened to the whole "game playing itself" thing? exploring is playing the game.

              • 11 months ago

                Not the guy who said the game played itself, I just don't like TOTK and think the combat is ass.

              • 11 months ago

                Regardless, throwing puffshrooms still requires more than just mashing a button.

              • 11 months ago

                Its still easy as shit though. FF16 requires you to actually be active in your combat

              • 11 months ago

                >I mash dodge and attack
                that already requires pressing more than one button.

              • 11 months ago

                Look at the FF webm again moron. He saying he can play TotK with one hand, not one button.

            • 11 months ago

              not even remotely true

        • 11 months ago

          As soon as I got the item that disables combat in this game I basically stopped fighting everything. I used the fricking mastersword to mine materials and only travelled by flying.

          God I hope BOTW 3 frickin' flops cause openworlds are fricking boring.

        • 11 months ago

          >TotK has worse combat than half the major games released this year

          LMFAO like what? You can't post such a ridiculous claim without some examples. But you will post nothing.

          • 11 months ago

            Hi-Fi Rush, Jedi Survivor, RE4make, Street Fighter, Lies of P. Could be more but I haven't played others. Fighting enemies in these games is more satisfying than it is in TotK.

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah why would anyone play TotK when they can play Street Fighter?

              What a moronic homosexual. I only come to this board to laugh at you mentally ill schizos.

              • 11 months ago

                You got the examples you asked for, of games with better combat than TotK from this year. Moving goalposts into "no no you're supposed to only post games from the same genre and playstyle as TotK!" just means you're offering your concession, which I accept.

              • 11 months ago

                Like most moronic tweena you think "good combat" is WHOOSH! ZOOM! KAHZAM! dogshit. A game like TotK is on a different planet.

                >player walks down a path and discovers a gigantic orge sleeping on a bridge.
                >do they fight it?
                >do they go around?
                >do they risk sneaking past it and waking it?

                >another player walks down the same road and finds the same orge sleeping on the same bridge.
                >except this time its raining.
                >lighting strikes
                >player needs to remove metallic armour and weapons or they'll get struck too.
                >can't climb around it because the cliffs are wet.
                >but rain can cover the sound of footsteps
                >maybe place a metal sword next to the orge and let the lightening kill it?
                >maybe sneak under the bridge?

                Even on its most basic fundamental level TotK is utterly shitting all over every other video game in terms of dynamic encounters, organic gameplay and player agency. Every other video game looks positively anaemic next to it.

              • 11 months ago

                >Good combat is when you have a bunch of meaningless options that are all more annoying than fun because of the lack of difficulty or reason to use them

              • 11 months ago

                >meaningless options

                Kek. Freedom, player agency, an interactive world, endless engagement options. These are all bad because not a single other video game can get on Nintendo's level.

              • 11 months ago

                They're all bad because the game does no work to support them
                Options are only good when they're encouraged and rewarded and not invalidated by other mechanics, and none of your copes can change that, Arthur

              • 11 months ago

                >They're all bad because the game does no work to support them

                What a spastic comment to make. Frick sake lol the chuckles keep coming

              • 11 months ago

                Prove me wrong Arthur(you can't)
                Your literal only argument is that unlimited freedom means unlimited good because you only value the ability to frick around and nothing else

              • 11 months ago

                >Prove me wrong

                You don't even have an argument. Both BotW and TotK are BUILT around the concept of freedom and player choice.

                >no the game doesn't support that.


                WHAT THE FRICK? lma0o your brain has rotted with the endless years of seething.

              • 11 months ago

                >Both BotW and TotK are BUILT around the concept of freedom and player choice.
                Without any thought put into how to make that engaging, yes
                Being able to pile up mounds of sand for fun is not an infinitely exciting adventure just because the sandbox allows you to play with it that way

              • 11 months ago

                Its true. You can move the player to infinite locations in any 3D space but that doesnt mean it adds anything to the gameplay.

                Nunzelda mechanics nuke eachother constantly. Why don you move walking at all times? Same for all the literal useless mechanics this game has

              • 11 months ago

                >You can move the player to infinite locations in any 3D space but that doesnt mean it adds anything to the gameplay.

                It rains.
                Enemy scounts visibility reduced because they can't see me in the rain.
                Rain covers the sound of footsteps so I can sneak in to the enemy camp.
                Murder the enemies in their sleep with a sneak strike.

                On horseback, being pursed by mounted warriors.
                Attach a fire fruit to an arrow to make a flame arrow.
                Shoot it at the grass
                Grass catches fire, creating an updraft
                Launch myself from my horse, using my paraglider to catch the updraft
                Sail high in to the air to snipe enemies off their horses.

                None of this a triggered set piece or QTE. Its all open organic gameplay.

                >doesn't add anything to the gameplay

                Frick sake lol TotK rapes every other game.

              • 11 months ago

                >Game is good because it has unnecessary and less rewarding stealth gameplay that is done leagues better in actual stealth games

              • 11 months ago

                >I take out all the bokoblins like a Sheikah Ninja to add a shiny Opal I have 999 of to my collection of useless shit I will never need.

              • 11 months ago

                Or I could just shoot a bomb arrow with a savage lynel bow and be done with it.

              • 11 months ago

                Puffshroom arrow is even better. You still get to pretend stealth matters in a game where you can turn off enemy AI at will lol.

              • 11 months ago

                or you could walk right in and just mash attack because it's a game for toddlers with harmless enemies and impotent bosses

              • 11 months ago

                None of that is more optimal than just walk in and kill everyone with a sword/weapon. You may enjoy that shit the first, maybe second time, you are going to do it hundreds.

                Wtf does organic even mean? Have you seen QTEs in from games or past zeldas? Stop using marketing terms please

              • 11 months ago

                It is, because it uses fewer weapon hits.

              • 11 months ago

                >'Optimal' means number of hits, not the time and effort required from the player

              • 11 months ago

                Why should I care about hits when I got a new fresh weapon per enemy killed?

              • 11 months ago

                Because the weapons dropped by enemies in TotK aren't replacements for what you're using. You need to fuse something to them for them to be useful. The fused material is the resource that you're preserving, not the weapon.

              • 11 months ago

                they drop the material and the weapon dude, what are you talking about?

              • 11 months ago

                bokoblins drop lynel horns? I somehow never noticed this in my entire playthrough but ok.

              • 11 months ago

                >lynel horns
                No, they drop horns that you fuse with their weapons. The shit you are talking about is one of the absurd consecuences of the durability system.
                Are you seriously telling me that you need lynel horns to kill goblins? You need whatever the enemy drops to kill it

              • 11 months ago

                >You need whatever the enemy drops to kill it
                You don't even need that.

              • 11 months ago



              • 11 months ago

                nobody is on horseback in totk except to do the golden horse quest. you don’t even need horses to do the great fairy quests

                as a matter of fact, if you are on a horse or any vehicle with a steering stick, you don’t even need an updraft to go into bullet time you lying Black person. both horses and steering sticks by themselves allow you exit into bullet time

              • 11 months ago

                >endless engagement options
                So if I tried causing a rockslide by blowing a hole in the side of a mountain it would work?

              • 11 months ago

                >if i describe even the most basic shit the combat will seem interesting.
                Based disingenuous homosexual.

              • 11 months ago

                >combat is good because... walking on the ground is slippery when it rains!
                i don't know why i come into these threads, it's like trying to convince molloch cultists that molloch isn't in every nook and cranny

              • 11 months ago

                You come to this board to laugh in a mirror, Arthur?

  23. 11 months ago

    its all marketing and brand loyalty

  24. 11 months ago

    Doesn't feel at all like Zelda anymore. I played botw and it was just kinda ok. Exploring is neat, but to justify a map that huge you have to actually have stuff in it worth exploring for. It's too empty, save for Koroks. The earlier 3D Zeldas have much better dungeons and better worlds in general. And also more interesting story/lore, cooler characters, better OVERALL visual design (ESPECIALLY in terms of UI), better items/weapons, better combat, better soundtracks.... Nintendo lost the fricking plot with this series.

    • 11 months ago

      >Doesn't feel at all like Zelda anymore

      TotK is the ultimate Zelda game.

      • 11 months ago

        >the ultimate Zelda game
        You're supposed to be 18+ to use this website, you know.

        • 11 months ago

          He posts that in literally every Zelda thread and samegays until people take the bait, there's no point anon.
          Also that comparison is lame as hell, N&B has actually good vehicle mechanics and challenges that make way more use of them

          • 11 months ago

            Kinda had that feeling but wasn't sure, thanks for explaining. Sometimes hard for me to tell genuine morons from shitty trolls these days, as I'm out of practice from not browsing this site as frequently anymore, and also this particular board gets exponentially more moronic every year. Also, lol.

        • 11 months ago

          If youre 18+ you never would have played that zoomie bullshit on the right, little homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        >They need to get rid of flurry rush and put healing on a cooldown, then combat will be good.

        Its already good. You died a hundred times in TotK. Don't pretend you didn't.

        What moronic shitter.

        >unoptimal things

        Frick sake that ranks up with "forced soul" and "mechanical progression" as some of the laughable ridiculous nonsense you tween homosexuals spout.

        Oh boy, Arthur's here, pack it up everybody.

        • 11 months ago

          Only possible to have good threads on boards he doesn't patrol 24/7

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago



        And so it begins

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Dark souls is the ultimate zelda game

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago







  25. 11 months ago

    Main reason because shrine-coroc bullshit is anti-adventure, and the game is 96% shrines and corocs. Abysmal lore explanation to shrines doesn't help as well.

    What is adventure? It's something unexpected, dangerous, but rewarding. So, what do we get instead?

    It's nothing unexpected, after some time you get the pattern that ANY lead will end up as corok or shrine. Any shrine is layed out in absolutely same way: room with puzzle, reward. Every shrine looks the same (and neon ramen walls is not a good look, to be honest), functions in same way, have ABSOLUTELY same explanation. That's the world with 10000 years of history, but I don't see anything new, I don't learn anything new, I don't get anything new. No architecture, no fluff, it's fricking worst dungeon implementation, like, ever.

    What about "dangerous" part? You don't get that, thanks to moronic lore. It's not actual place, no, it's some kind of gym built by ancients, specifically for you, and that kind of shit ruins any resemblance of adventure. What adventure, it's more like test. You are SUPPOSED to be here, participate, and finish it without any trouble. There's no actual threats, they are designed pseudo-threats. Adventure can't be staged. "I went to the gym today and did some excercises" is not an adventure. "I did some paintball at weekend" is absolutely not the same as "I barely got alive from actual shootout". It's test after test after test, and there's almost no places you can get actual adventures. Well, you can get some, if you go around on surface and actively avoid any lead.

    And there's no proper rewards. Again, you don't get anything beautiful, interesting, or valuable, you get fricking sphere, another step of dullest upgrade system imaginable, but drones won't let me complain, since BotW is not an RPG. So what? System is here.

    If you had at least some experience with games I'm also 30, btw BotW can amaze you only by how bad it is in some crucial areas.

    • 11 months ago

      P.S. I also kinda hate that vaseline smeared look, anime style (some designs are inspired, though, I admit), and controls are console crap, but you are all probably thraumatized by this crap from childhood and refuse to see a flaw in them, cause you are so used to them. But that's another can of worms, and those kind of complaints are kinda subjective, so whatever.

  26. 11 months ago

    >TotK. I'm a 30+ boomer and TotK has shocked me with how good it is.
    Same here. I fricking love it. Its actually really fun. Ganker is all about hating and critizing everything and hoping the negativity can have an impact in the real world like offending the game makers or players/fan of a game/thing. Its just how Ganker is.

  27. 11 months ago

    I've died like ten times so far in 30 hours, mostly from fall damage or blowing myself up.

  28. 11 months ago

    I don't play Nintendo games. I don't plan to either because they look just a tad too infantile and the fighting in them doesn't look exciting, and their fans act so zealous it gets off-putting.

  29. 11 months ago

    >another snoytroon seethe thread
    FF16 flopped, deal with it

  30. 11 months ago

    I love OOT and MM but find BOTW and TOTK boring. They aren't dreadful or anything but if OOT and MM are 10/10 games for me then BOTW and TOTK are like 6/10. WW and TP would be 7/10. LTTP, LA, Ages, Seasons and LBW would be 9/10. This should explain what I like probably.

    • 11 months ago


  31. 11 months ago

    I'll assume this isn't a bait thread and answer honestly. For reference I have played about 40 hours of BOTW when it released but not TOTK.

    >Weapon durability is annoying and I personally don't get anything out of scavenging for pitchforks, sticks, clubs and rakes to use because it doesn't feel very fun or inventive. What is the challenge and fun other than just picking up random bullshit? That sort of thing was genius in Dead Rising because it was funny and exciting to see Frank use an absurd range of everyday items to use in combat. BOTW is dull by comparison.
    >Bokoblins Bokoblins Bokoblins and more Bokoblins. You have this huge open world but basically one enemy type for the entire game. Why? BOTW has by far the lowest enemy variation in the entire series when, as an open world game, it really needed to have the highest. There is no excuse for this to have carried over to TOTK too.
    >The repetitive, boring design of the shrines makes it difficult for me to enjoy the puzzles when there are like 100 of them.
    >Swordplay just isn't very interesting and feels like a complete regression from Twilight Princess. I didn't play Skyward Sword.
    >The world is just too empty and lacking in interesting little nooks and crannies. I MUCH prefer a smaller scale "open world" where everything is just jam packed with amazing details and NPCs. Something like Shenmue or Majora's Mask for example.

    And I'll be 100% honest here:
    >The EXTREME hype and obsession from tendies is quite grating and offputting. I've had every Nintendo console since the SNES and I just don't know how these kids and round adults love Nintendo SO much. The only thing I can chalk all of this up to is that these are really the only games they've ever played. Meanwhile the rest of us got burnt on open world games somewhere else along the way, whether it was Skyrim, Red Dead, The Witcher 3, whatever.

    For reference, my favourite Zelda's are Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening and I'm 31.

    • 11 months ago

      I think botw did well for an open world game. Yes there's a lot of emptiness, but exploration still felt good. Relative to most open world games, it's at the higher end. Can't say anything about totk, because I'm

      Botw was breddy gud, 9/10. It felt so fresh, they give you a minimal explanation of controls, then throw you into the starting area, and it was that feeling of freedom. I just wanted to keep playing. World looked gorgeous.
      Meanwhile I just started on totk, and it's an absolute drag. 10 minutes of a woman talking hysterically in some damp cave, then some cutscenes about something I couldn't give less of a shit about because I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO PLAY THE GAME YET. Running through an empty "dungeon" isn't gameplay either.
      Only after all this does the gameplay even start. First view that greets you is ugly floating islands in the distance looking like an unfinished level from mario. Also link looks like an actual troony this time.
      My only explanation for this is they fired the guy who was in charge of botw design, and hired some moron from the US instead to appeal more to the western audience. Absolutely soulless, I'm so soured on it I'm not sure I will even continue playing.

  32. 11 months ago

    I don't even understand how this could be a controversial statement.

    I grew up with Zelda games, so sure I can understand some people have some emotional attachment to the series but Nintendo kept dumbing them down and watering down, because their main audience is literal children. It's not a bad thing, but it is what it is.

    Souls is the version of Zelda that grew into an adult instead of remaining in perpetual childhood. It captures the feeling I felt as a kid but evolved alongside my own adulthood. Zelda 1 or 3 when you were a kid playing on the NES or SNES, at the time, felt like this mysterious and dangerous fantasy world. Souls replicates that.

    But gaming has evolved a lot in 30 years. It went from a children electronic toy to a mature adult hobby. Players have higher standards and expectations.

    From has successfully raised the bar for extremely challenging gameplay, complex level design, immersive atmosphere and masterful art direction. They are very sophisticated experiences with subtle nuances and profound meaning. Gaming has become true Art thanks to studios like From Software and geniuses like Hidetaka Miyazaki.

    Newer Zelda games by comparison are just toy-like, cartoonish, simplistic. They're kids games.

    Again, not a bad thing, that's Nintendo's brand. Miyamoto is a very talented children's toy creator. As a father, my kid is gonna be old enough to play these games soon and I'll be happy to play BOTW or a TOTK with him. It's like watching a Pixar or Ghibli movie, it's quality family entertainment, it's for children with underdeveloped tastes and minds. But when I'm on my own, I'm not watching a cartoon or playing Nintendo games. I'm watching the filmography of Andrei Tarkovsky or playing Elden Ring. Because I'm an adult with a developed sense of taste and intellect.

    What's bizarre of how aggressive Nintendo fans get when you simply point out this reality that they have the underdeveloped minds and sensibilities of literal child.

    • 11 months ago

      Is reddit still having their hissy fit?

      • 11 months ago

        zelda IS the reddit game by definition

        • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Weird that you have images of the mentally ill on hand, strange that someone would willingly save that kind of thing.

        • 11 months ago

          >A bunch of disgusting troons like it therefore you are not allowed to like it
          Frick off

        • 11 months ago

          the top left and the one just under that are legit very good looking, or at least good photos of them that make them look attractive.

          my problem with troonys is that you can never rest easy knowing they use to be a fricking disgusting dude like you. if they were born that way it would be much better. or if they were actual women of course. i don't frick dudes, period. if top left was born exactly like that but with a peepee, sorry that aint a dude at that point. women don't have hairy asses naturally. wiener is gay, but not as gay as hairy, musky ass cracks.

      • 11 months ago

        Nah that ended like a week ago
        Turns out threatening to replace the hot pockets makes them shut up real quick

  33. 11 months ago

    It's 90% filler content, BOTW is less offensive since it was the first game and I actually had fun with it but TOTK just feels like a retread with developer tools. The Shrines are worse, a good chunk of them being Rauru blessings where the overworld puzzle is "Get Crystal from point A to B" Which boils down to making a hover craft and flying over anything you might see as an obstacle. The dungeons are still nowhere near even the middling of the 3D and top down versions of the game. The Wind Temple in TOTK would be an okay dungeon at best in any other Zelda, but the Goron, Spirit, and Zora temples I honestly consider some of the worst in the series.

    The Shrines with actual puzzles this time around have less substance than the originals in BOTW. With your tools being so over powered that the correct way to solve a puzzle is 80% of the time the slowest and most cumbersome way to do so. Recall and Ultrahand breaks so much shit it honestly feels like a bethesda game at times. That's not even getting into applying rockets to your shield, bombing pressure plates or the myraids of other cheese that are just too easy to not pull off.

    Main Quest is also very middling. The story being told in the form of memories doesn't work this time at all, one of the First memories I fricking saw was Sonia getting merc'd by Ganondorf, before I even knew who the b***h was. The end dungeon cutscenes were laughably bad and the fact you had to watch the same thing four times just felt lazy. They already didn't care how you saw the story within the memories I dunno why they needed to reiterate the same fricking thing four times in the dungeons. The Sages are also less interesting than the Champions from BOTW in everyway. Personality wise and power wise.

    The entire companion system is just utter fricking shit. Using their abilities is cumbersome and again it doesn't feel like it was polished.

    Most sidequests are also mmotier collect 10 thing and give them to person who asked.

  34. 11 months ago

    Had fun with ToTK, my biggest gripe is that the depths feel like a lot of wasted potential. A proper Yiga dungeon, maybe throw guardians in there. It's a fun change of pace but turns into a sort of chore towards the end once you know how it works. Yiga schematics are great. Next one should be smaller overall, smaller size with fewer, more fleshed out shrines.

  35. 11 months ago

    I liked BotW, and a large part of its appeal was uncovering this whole new world and interacting with it. It was a breath of fresh air, no pun intended. The sequel just feels so similar that it's impossible to retain that sense of wonder. It's a bit too much like Fallout 1 --> Fallout 2.

  36. 11 months ago

    I have never enjoyed exploration. For me, it is at most something to look back on and think about, it can't be the basis of a game I'd enjoy if it comes at the detriment of combat or depth of movement or anything to optimize. I play a lot of arcade games, fighting games, shmups, that kind of stuff.
    It simply isn't for me, but as you can wager from that description, that obviously isn't restricted to Zelda.

  37. 11 months ago

    >I mean [cope]
    sure buddy

    • 11 months ago

      Take your pills son, you're hallucinating

      • 11 months ago

        meant for

        I mash dodge and attack and the enemies die, don't know what to tell you if you can't even manage that

        • 11 months ago

          Take your pills son, you're hallucinating

  38. 11 months ago

    Anyone who hates TotK is a contrarian trying to act like a special snowflake or a troll. TotK is quite literally 2023 GOTY and that's a fact Jack.

  39. 11 months ago

    It feels like they baked a very nice cake just to crack a rotten egg on top of it.

    And I'm talking about cucking player by limiting EVERYTHING.

    Weapons are breaking in a few hits
    Fused things are breaking as well
    Stamina ends in no time
    Batteries discharge fast
    Zonai contraptions break

    Worst part is that there is NO reason to have any of these, they're here just to keep you busy

  40. 11 months ago

    >mfw after the opening cutscene of totk

  41. 11 months ago

    I do love the moronic comparison between 16 and TOTK of all things. FF fans get a game that basically sucks the series off and they complain "ITS NOT FF" Zelda fans gets a gay version of Gary's mod and Minecraft and have to accept "This is Zelda now." You Black folk don't know what true pain is.

    • 11 months ago

      The thing is, FF16 still holds onto its identity while totk pretty much nukes any sort of zelda identity the game has.
      FF16 did a major shake-up with its gameplay, but everyone is saying it still feels like a FF. FF has never been defined by its gameplay, its just a turn-based game. ATB has always just been faster turnbased dragon quest. DQ, FF, SMT , and a slew of other rpgs all play pretty much the same. What really defines FF is its rich world building, art style, and story telling. Something that 16 really, REALLY holds onto, keeping the spirit of FF weaved through a new style of gameplay.
      Zelda Totk & botw, on the other hand, seem driven to expunge any sort of identity that the legendary games before them have established. If you ask anyone who adores the old games, what their defining features are, most people would probably say the gameplay (well maybe the music too). Zelda is wholly defined by its gameplay. No other games play like it, with the gameplay loop of overworld, dungeon, item, boss repeat. I’d say the gameplay of Zelda is hugely more important to the series than FF’s ever was. This is why its so fricking strange to me that Aounuma is so fricking set on destroying what came before with Zelda, instead of honoring it. We don’t even get a triforce or a green tunic through the story anymore, so also zelda’s narritive is being ripped apart for an ultimately shittier way of story telling (memories).
      TLDR; FF16 good, Zelda bad

      • 11 months ago

        I've always Been a Zelda gay before an FF gay so that's why the complaining about 16 and the love of TOTK irked me so much.

        Two of the mainline FFs are fricking MMOs for christ sake. Not my FF people need to play more of the fricking series they say they love so much.

      • 11 months ago

        Aonuma just cares about the bucks he collects from open world sandboxtards who always hated Zelda games now. Same for Nintendo. Zelda as a franchise and a type of game is dead. Indie devs aren't able to replicate the format, indies are almost always flawed. Our Zelda itch will never be satiated.

  42. 11 months ago

    Why is Link not wearing any pants in the earlier games? Is he bottomless or wearing shorts?

  43. 11 months ago

    was too boring
    maybe if the puzzles weren't baby mode and the combat wasn't so shit the game could have been decent

  44. 11 months ago

    Well, keeping in mind I've only played BOTW and at a much later time, it did feel repetitive and the ending underwhelming. There are a lot of minor QOL things that I wish could be changed like controls or menu interactions. Story in some areas are a bit iffy. Creature variety is a bit lacking. Once you figure out the systems and dungeons, it feels like there isn't much to it. Despite that, realizing the hardware limitations, it did pretty well, some characters are alright, the settings are nice anyway with an impressive scale. I gave it like an 8/10 for what it is being critical while considering when it released, the systems, and other games like it and what it influenced. Personally, it's like a 6/10 and while I could go back to replay more to clear more areas, explore, or do side quests, if feels like a chore that I don't have the motivation to do so but the game was alright.

  45. 11 months ago

    It just looks like baby shit to me, with terrible animations and graphics and lame looking combat.

    • 11 months ago

      You understand games are better played then watched. Anyone can glance and make a judgement but it doesn't mean anything to a thread full of people that actually play games.
      That aside what bad animations? Of anything to complain about for TotK, the animations are in no need of improvement.

  46. 11 months ago

    I played botw for like an hour or two then dropped it. Felt aimless and bored & the only thing around I would find running around aimlessly are those boring temples.

  47. 11 months ago

    Do you get a stable 60fps with TOTK?
    Was thinking about just playing BOTW because it’s 60 fps on wiiu

  48. 11 months ago

    It's not that they aren't likeable as much as they're pretty well done sandbox type games that are too long and expansive without having the depth of much more developed RPGs

    Like, for me they're fun for a while, like most sandbox games, but I eventually get tired of them not even midway through, like most sandbox games

    • 11 months ago

      If we're rating botw as a sandbox game then its genuinely mid and doesn't hold a candle to sandbox games like old minecraft and terraria.

  49. 11 months ago

    >150 shrines with garbage filler content
    >80 instances of the sign guy
    >50 wells to find with a chest/plants inside
    >100 caves with a frog inside every time
    >same camps with enemies dotted everywhere
    >1000 korok seeds
    >Depths are just reskinned enemies and zonaite
    >Sky Islands all have the same green crystal puzzle
    >MMO style farming for costume upgrade mats so you won't get oneshot

    TOTK is the literal textbook definition of 6/10 Ubislop were the same 5-6 things are stamped around a map 100+ times with no progression in difficulty.
    And the kicker is, they had 6 years to rethink the formula or at least tweak it and it's 90% the same core structure with a new gimmick meant for the roblox audience.
    How did this get perfect 10/10s? I don't know, how did SS get perfect 10/10s?

    • 11 months ago

      >>100 caves with a frog inside every time
      That statement is doing a LOT of work to hide what caves actually are. No mention at all about how all of them have extremely different layouts and different ways of finding them.

      • 11 months ago

        Of course. These mentally ill shitters will also say "shrines' as its one singular thing rather than 1/150 completely unique gigantic multi-floored multiroomed mini dungeons.

        They're completely seething over how great TotK is, but we all knew this was coming.

        • 11 months ago

          >completely unique
          >gigantic multi-floored multiroomed mini dungeons

        • 11 months ago

          lol "unique" They couldn't even bother to give the rooms multiple skins. 40 of them are over world puzzles where you hover bike a crystal to the correct location. Shrines are fricking worse than they were in BOTW.

          At least Kass's riddles and song had some classic Zelda charm to them.

          • 11 months ago

            >Shrines are fricking worse than they were in BOTW.

            This is such a laughably desperate shitpost LMAO

            • 11 months ago

              This Black person felt like genius when he glued 2 sticks together to hit a pressure point.

    • 11 months ago

      SS is the kind of game if clicked for you can be extremely enjoyable. It has a lot of flaws though. But the parts it shines it does greatly imo. And it doesn't abandon the Zelda gameplay. I'd still rate it 7/10 though. BotW and TotK are 6/10

    • 11 months ago

      Ubisoft games offer no reason to explore because whatever you find is just a tally marker. Anything you might be inclined to check is already given away by their towers making the exact location of treasure on the map.
      The things you b***h about in Zelda either offers something useful or leads to a permanent item/upgrade.

      • 11 months ago

        >>The things you b***h about in Zelda either offers something useful or leads to a permanent item/upgrade.

        Holy cope. You have to work harder on your bait jimmy

        • 11 months ago

          >The things you b***h about in Zelda either offers something useful or leads to a permanent item/upgrade.

          So much revisionist bullshit.

          >shrines upgrade health/stamina
          >koroks upgrade inventory
          >caves have frogs give armour sets and monster parts
          >caves also can contain armour
          >wells are good for materials
          >sky islands have sages wills
          >sign is just easy money and food when on the way somewhere
          >depths have more armour, zonai/yiga schematics

          I don't need to bait when I can just say truthfully, wherever you go is something rewarding.

          • 11 months ago

            It's not that rewarding if it's that predictable

            • 11 months ago

              >I want to upgrade X
              >I should find some Y
              As a player you're not stuck looking for the last few things because of this consistency.

              • 11 months ago

                That was never a problem before, because the games were intentionally designed to be consistently rewarding even if you didn't know exactly what you were going to get in advance in every case
                Good design does not require games to be developed as if by an algorithm, despite what your meme college classes might have told you

              • 11 months ago

                >I want another heart piece/rupees
                >lets find a cave
                Gee, that's the reward from every game before summed up. Such unpredictability was exhilarating.

              • 11 months ago

                Even if that lie was true, that's still more variation than your favorite games.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Yes, cope.

              • 11 months ago

                >unable to backup his claim
                You're welcome to concede on this.

              • 11 months ago

                >unable to backup his claim
                I accept your concession, there's no need for you to make it even more clear you've never played other Zelda games

              • 11 months ago

                You could easily shut me down if you actually played the older titles though, instead you go for buzzwords and claim victory.
                Regardless the games are full of permanent progression wherever you go and nothing will change that.

              • 11 months ago

                Permanent progression is something I really miss and the only recent game that has scratched that itch was the fricking Metroid prime remakes.

                I don't want to find some shitty sword I have to glue a Lynel dick onto to make it useable. I want to find a quest that will lead me to a big fricking sword that will frick bokoblins up permanently without ever breaking.

                Also The Master Sword being turned into a brittle piece of shit will always be gay.

              • 11 months ago

                Remake* I'm hoping the others get remade. Since apparently the only good games the industry has are ones that game out a decade ago.

              • 11 months ago

                All you did was cherrypick a random heart piece from an older game and assert that they were all like that and thus exactly the same as the only Zelda game you've ever played without evidence
                There's no way to shut that down because anything I say you'd just double down in response to, your position is not based on logic, it's based on tribalism

              • 11 months ago

                Or he could use an example from the very same game. You find one of the cane items in a random cave on death mountain. Or how you could find sword technique trainers in Minish Cap within a cave.
                The wasn't initially about that, but to claim that the heart piece or rupees was somehow more rewarding than everything else present in the game whether its armour, weapons, materials or something else.

          • 11 months ago

            Literally health and stamina are the only usefull things in that list. And yes, I know exactly what the reward will be with the shrines, it is just mindless farming

      • 11 months ago

        >The things you b***h about in Zelda either offers something useful or leads to a permanent item/upgrade.

        So much revisionist bullshit.

        • 11 months ago

          Leads to a piece of heart and 100 rupees

        • 11 months ago

          Fricking this. TotK constantly has a wealth of unique rewards almost everywhere you go.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah bro TotK's entire core gameplay loop and all of its content is totally directly comparable to WW's less important enemy drops
          This is totally a comparison that justifies TotK's design and definitely doesn't make you and the game look worse

      • 11 months ago

        >Anything you might be inclined to check is already given away by their towers making the exact location of treasure on the map.
        We all know that anyone aiming to 100% botk/totk don't bother exploring themselves and use a pre-made guide map that shows them where everything is.
        The only difference is having it on your phone or on the map ingame.

  50. 11 months ago

    World too big. Too much time is spent walking from one place to another with nothing interesting around.

  51. 11 months ago

    does anyone find games where the optimal gameplay is to run past everything kind of boring?

    i remember when i was having fun trying out my different weapons and ashes of war in elden ring. then when i played coop with my buddy, he showed me how to just run past everything, collect the useful goods, and beeline to the boss. after that i just, i dunno, the game kind of lost its charm for me

    it’s the same thing with totk. you can go straight to the floating coliseum early into the game, get the mask and then… just not engage with the combat outside of revisiting the coliseum every blood moon to collect some lynel parts and doing the mandatory temple bosses

    • 11 months ago

      Fighting enemies in ER gets you runes and rare drops that contain additional lore.

      Fighting enemies in TotK gets you monster horns to make your weapons stronger, and rare drops that can be used to upgrade your armor or sell for a lot of rupees.

    • 11 months ago

      I think the only reason I played for as long as I did was because I got MM and didn't have to engage in the pointless fights anymore. I found it pretty late so I had pretty much every material I could ever need. The last bit of the game was an absolute fricking slog though even with the mask. Most of the shrines I had left were all Blessings so the gameplay was mostly; fly crystal to shrine, over and over again.

  52. 11 months ago

    everything takes forever to do
    the weapons breaking pisses me off
    also I’m a moron who got stuck in the TotK tutorial

  53. 11 months ago

    What reasoning? Can't I just not like something? Why do I need to justify my tastes to anyone?

  54. 11 months ago

    The thing that totally kills open world games for me is how they punish completionism. I don’t always 100% my games but if I know going in that only an insane autist even could do it I don’t even feel like starting.

    • 11 months ago

      >not being an insane autist
      You're not making any sense. These 2 things are incompatible with each other.

      • 11 months ago

        I don’t think you have to be a poopsocking nolifer to get all the items/hearts in ALttP.

        • 11 months ago

          No but if you're doing that with every game you play, then there's no difference. You could be autistically 100% completing TotK or autistically 100% completing 10 other games. At the end of the day you're still spending the same amount of time engaging in the autistic practice of doing everything there is to do in a game.

  55. 11 months ago

    What fps does the game run via emudeck?

  56. 11 months ago

    You must be 70 or lower IQ

  57. 11 months ago

    >I you
    A legit schizo thread

  58. 11 months ago

    >hate open world "sandbox" games in general
    >hate the combat
    >hate the dungeons
    >hate building shit
    I had fun with both, the exploration in BotW was god tier, but they are bad in so many parts that matter to me

  59. 11 months ago

    I don't care for these games the same way i don't care for minecraft or terraria, there is no point to them and they don't have the things i look for in a video game

    • 11 months ago

      These games have nothing in common with minecraft or terraria. They're entirely different.

      • 11 months ago

        True, in minecraft and terraria you actually have fun

        • 11 months ago

          The shit you build in those games actually has a purpose too other than 30 second tik tok videos.

          I love me the videos where they spend hundreds of parts and thousands of zonaite to kill the Bokoblin line down near Lurelin. So cool and EFFECTIVE!

        • 11 months ago

          This is a direct contradiction to your earlier statement in

          I don't care for these games the same way i don't care for minecraft or terraria, there is no point to them and they don't have the things i look for in a video game

          lol are you even trying?

  60. 11 months ago

    Have you tried stepping outside of your tendie bubble and playing non kiddy games?

  61. 11 months ago

    I really wish Mario got the BOTW and TOTK treatment.I at least know I can still expect real Mario games to come out. We're never getting a game in the vein of MM or WW ever again.

  62. 11 months ago

    things that should be nerfed in totk:
    -bullet time
    -zonai fans and shrine propellers
    -rockets and bomb shields
    -lynel mounting

    anything else i’m missing?

    • 11 months ago

      Flurry rush
      Either make it specific to melee parries, or remove it entirely, it's a fricking wacky mechanic that trivializes all combat and invalidates every other mechanic, and I have no idea how it was kept in the game unchanged

      • 11 months ago

        Is there even a reason to parry with a shield now that Guardians no longer exist?

        • 11 months ago

          Style, I guess

    • 11 months ago

      TotK is tough enough. Now I have built my character up, got some decent armour and weapons, I can say I now die less often.

      • 11 months ago

        Can't tell if sarcasm or genuine shilling

      • 11 months ago

        yeah, the damage system is all over the place, like in BOTW

    • 11 months ago

      Bullet time was already nerfed compared to BotW, each arrow fired consumes stamina instead of being able to shoot as much as you want until your stamina drains. Also unless I’m mistaken gravity has a greater effect while in bullet time compared to BotW, if you jump off of a hill and bullet time you will slowly speed towards the ground, I don’t think Link’s fall speed ever changed while in bullet time in BotW.
      Lynette mounting was also nerfed

      • 11 months ago

        that’s barely a nerf at all especially once you upgrade your wheel. here is how i would rebalance totk to make it more fair:

        -puffshrooms only work on 1 enemy before immediately dissipating. sneakstrike bonus is reduced to 2x
        -freeze only works on 1 enemy. freezing another enemy instantly thaws all other frozen enemies. damage bonus on frozen enemies is removed. enemies gain resistance to freeze after being frozen once
        -bullet time has a cooldown of 1 minute upon being triggered regardless of if you actually shot anything
        -zonai rockets cannot be attached to shields
        -bomb flowers and time bombs cannot be attached to shields
        -zonai fans have the same lifespan as zonai wings
        -recall only works on shrine-specific objects for recall-related puzzles and enemy projectiles. recall now ignores all movement done via ultrahand
        -lynel mounting is removed

        • 11 months ago

          >just remove everything
          >place arbitrary restrictions on fusing items
          No, none of that sounds fun.

        • 11 months ago

          As someone who hates the combat in botw, this is moronic and does nothing to help the combat not suck ass while hurting the games strong points.

  63. 11 months ago

    totk is the ultimate nuzelda game

    • 11 months ago

      >your eightfold blade broke
      Holy shit I didn't know Nintendo would dab on weebs so hard.

      • 11 months ago

        they're not
        Katanas are soft, they would merely bend, not break, breaking katanas is weebshit ironically

    • 11 months ago
  64. 11 months ago

    You're probably talking with Arthur, the guy who shits on literally every single Zelda game, just so he can shill BotW and TikTok as being the "true Zelda games"

    • 11 months ago

      Not everyone arguing in the game's defense is him. His posting style is distinct and his moronation is a world apart so it's easy to spot.

    • 11 months ago

      Arthur's not the only one who uses these games to shitpost and when he does post he wants you to know it's him. He's usually piss easy to spot somewhere as a result. Just a quick glance through the top of the thread, this is arthur >643049240 though I suspect he is also the OP.
      The biggest problem with him isn't his shitty bait, it's how much of a samegay he is. You can ignore him, it won't matter, because he'll respond to himself over and over anyway until other people inevitably start posting.
      But you're right, these threads are shit and should almost always be ignored unless the OP at least tries to sound genuine and wants some actual discussion.

  65. 11 months ago

    Honestly hated botw it's barely a zelda game
    >empty and boring open world
    >dungeons replaced with a bunch of tiny mobile game tier puzzles
    >weapon durability slowing combat to a turned based game
    >no meaningful sense of progression outside of getting more health/stamina
    but it truly is pointless to even try to discuss the game they're nintendo games which already gives them an easy boost in most people's books and they're universally beloved both on Ganker and off so any negative comments around them are just going to be met with "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW DARE YOU NOT LIKE POPULAR THING" so it's impossible to have any discussion on them (it's already impossible to have discussions on Ganker but in this case that extends to everywhere you mention them)

  66. 11 months ago

    I don't like running around grinding copy paste filler with terrible plots, barely any music and gameplay that's mostly walking between points of interest with frankly none of it being very fun. Zelda used to have structure and good incentives to play through them, they were designed to be beaten, the narrative and content pushing you forward, while these new games are designed to make you run around willynilly doing optional, repetitive, largely pointless fluff and be played until you're bored enough to drop them as there's next to zero sense of progression, pacing or urgency.
    These games threw what I liked about Zelda out the window to chase after the worst aspects of skyrim and minecraft. If nintendo wanted a game where you can make and fly around on a janky hovercraft that can trivialize everything, it should've been a new IP. It's not like nintendo cares about any consistency, characters, lore, worldbuilding or formula in these games anyway so it really just comes off as abusing the brand recognition purely for easy marketing.

    • 11 months ago

      You could just stick to doing the main quests and you'll still have a superb 50-60 hour game of hand crafted content.

  67. 11 months ago

    both games were super mid
    was flabbergasted that totk had 0 usability updates, or improved controls
    beat them both and moved on but it could have been so much more. story was bland and repeated to death, characters are super rushed. waaay too much padding
    totk 6.5/10

  68. 11 months ago

    I enjoyed my time with BotW, but have no real interest in playing TotK. It looks like it has no focus. I don't want to play Nintendo's Gary's Mod. Old Zelda games weren't perfect, but there was a formula they tended to follow that was quite immersive and rewarding to play through. That same formula would work today, but I guess they're just not doing that anymore? It's over. These new games are Zelda games, but more like an offshoot series than the mainline. I'd hate to be a hardcore Zelda fan that loved all the old games knowing that there is never going to be a new one.

  69. 11 months ago

    I understand these games not being for everyone but to call them bad with the amount of high quality content and polish they have?
    Nah dog

    • 11 months ago

      >amount of high quality content and polish
      never go full moron.

    • 11 months ago

      >High Quality Content

      Every shrine being a tutorial for the Ultra hand and never getting interesting or incrementally harder because they never know which Shrine will be your first is not fricking High quality.

      • 11 months ago

        No but you don't understand, you have freedom and that must automatically make it good

      • 11 months ago

        shrines aren't the focal point this time. they're the tutorial for the dungeon, sky islands, and caves in that region which all make use of the things you learned in those shrines.

        • 11 months ago

          >they're the tutorial for the dungeon, sky islands, and caves
          Which all use the mechanics to the exact same level of complexity, and themselves have to include their own tutorials in case you haven't done those specific shrines lmao

          • 11 months ago

            absolutely false. shrines are the only places that tutorialize you. everything else just leaves you on your own to figure things out.

            >Caves are just uglier shrines
            Not even remotely true. Caves are the Zelda 1 style minidungeons of the game with a focus on combat, exploration, and secret entrance hunting, while the shrines are the newer style puzzle box minidungeons. They serve entirely different gameplay purposes.

            • 11 months ago

              >He thinks people were just referring to literal tutorial text popups
              LMAO your idiocy knows no bounds, Arthur

              • 11 months ago

                No the shrines without tutorial text popups tutorialize you too, by placing the exact tools that you need in the spots where you need them so that the intended solution is staring you in the face.
                Outside of shrines the intended solution is never that obvious, and even if a sky island or dungeon gives you some tools, there are often many different ways people will approach the problem depending on how they go about thinking about it.

              • 11 months ago

                >Outside of shrines the intended solution is never that obvious
                >there are often many different ways people will approach the problem depending on how they go about thinking about it.
                Just like the shrines, yes

              • 11 months ago

                I wish I played the TOTK you did cause the Caves I found (80 of them) were not fun. You clear out enemies if you don't have MM and then you walk around a bit till you find the hole where they hid the frog and then you use ascend to escape like you have console commands and don't want to find the exit.

              • 11 months ago

                >the Caves I found (80 of them) were not fun.

                Sounds like a (you) problem.

              • 11 months ago

                It's just not a good game. A 5/10 at best. 3 if the Zelda name wasn't attached to it.

              • 11 months ago

                After arriving at the Zora Domain, one sidequest I found was to find the king. Some fishpeople NPCs gave me hints as to where he would be. Some after some exploring I found a cave by a waterfall. Figured this must be it. No, it was just a random discovery I had stumble across. And it was a vertical cave system too. Climbing was a challenge due to the icy interior and wet walls. But I managed to make it to the top where I found a chest containing climbing armour. Now I can climb quicker. Adventure and discovery has never been done better in a video game.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, I never needed the climbing armor cause I could fricking fly.

              • 11 months ago

                ok chud

              • 11 months ago

                I treated the caves more like minidungeons. I have the Purah Pad sensor set to treasure chests so that it goes off whenever I'm near one, and I thoroughly explore each cave and dungeon until there are no more treasure chest signals going off. It made them feel way more like proper minidungeons to me.

              • 11 months ago

                I stopped caring about treasure chests in BOTW, The only thing that was valuable to me in the caves were the frogs or a shrine if it had one.

                I didn't even end up finishing the bubbul frog quest cause I just don't care about Lilton or whatever the frick his name is. Didn't help that they already gave you the gear before you even get close to finishing it so there was no point in continuing.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't care about the contents of the treasure, I just enjoy seeking out secrets, and the challenge of finding them all which takes you through all the portions of level design that you would otherwise overlook.
                Caves are extremely complex with all the different ways they hide treasure chests. You essentially have to learn to treat all ceilings as doors in addition to keeping a lookout for doorways on walls and floors. It feels the most like a classic Zelda experience translated to 3D than anything else I've played in a 3D Zelda game.

        • 11 months ago

          There are only 2 "good" dungeons. Gorondia, Water Temple and the Spirit temple you break by playing the game as intended and pretty much never have to interact with the mechanics.

          I don't even know where any of those minecarts go in Gorondia cause I never had to use them.

          Caves are just uglier shrines that you have to feed Satori and apple to find every couple of minutes cause the game's map and layout was never designed for them in the first place and are basically impossible to find in a timely manner. Not to mention the goal for doing all the gaves sucks, I do not care about the monster troony wanting to become a furry.

        • 11 months ago

          the water temple had the exact same puzzles from other water related shrines.

    • 11 months ago

      >not bad
      >quality content

  70. 11 months ago

    I enjoyed totk more than botw, but maybe that's me justifying it because I actually bought it instead of emulating it like I did with botw.

    That being said, my problem with totk is that I wish/hoped that they'd fix the complains that people had with botw, and they did not. In fact they introduced a whole new gamma of problems. Here's a few a have a problem with:

    >Fusing is cool, but you end up using mostly elemental items
    >Constant menu pausing and scrolling if you want to use an specific item.
    >Weapon durability is somewhat fixed, but you need to once again open up the item menu, then go to the ability wheel and select fuse and then press a button to fuse it to whatever shield/sword you have on.
    >Sage abilities are all tied to the same button you use to interact with things
    >Can't stack up fused arrows. Have to fuse them one by one.

    The crafting stuff is good for viral videos, but they serve no real purpose since you can pretty much go through the entire game by just building fairly simple shit. I'd give it a 7 or 8/10, but upon reflection this is a constant game of pausing and selecting shit and they went all out of their way to make it as tedious as possible.

  71. 11 months ago

    Still in the beginning of the game but it's been put down a few times more then botw has in the past.

  72. 11 months ago

    >running around an empty field with the stamina bar of a chain smoker
    >weapons constantly break
    I just don't enjoy it.

    • 11 months ago

      What other games are you playing at the moment?

      • 11 months ago

        Outer Wilds, RE2

        • 11 months ago

          >30 year old games


    • 11 months ago

      Weapons don't "constantly" break in TotK, the routinely last through dozens of smaller enemy camps or 2 or 3 miniboss tier encounters.
      Running around is also a thing of the past in TotK. You're meant to utilize vehicles to cover ground more quickly.

      • 11 months ago

        Yes instead of running around the empty landscapes you're supposed to fly over it like you're playing outdated content in World of Warcraft.

  73. 11 months ago

    They're large, empty, and don't respect the player's time. They're forty hour games that could be condensed down to ten. Yes, you COULD build a cool Besiege device to travel across that empty field, or you could just run across it and it'd be faster. The rare time you do see something, like an enemy camp or cave, you're better off just skipping it, because the only reward will be pointless crafting materials or a glass sword. The dungeons are fun, but they're short and there's not that many of them compared to actual Zelda games.

    • 11 months ago

      >Yes, you COULD build a cool Besiege device
      Bro Inwish the building in totk was actually that good.

    • 11 months ago

      >Yes, you COULD build a cool Besiege device to travel across that empty field, or you could just run across it and it'd be faster.
      Or you could explore the depths and find the Autobuild schematics to gain those abilities without building anything.
      Running across stuff is how you traverse when you're still just at the beginning of the game and don't have any traversal tools. As you progress you gain mastery of the ground and skies.

      • 11 months ago

        I already have mastery of the ground. I can run in the direction I want. "Do the thing you can already do, but slightly faster, at the cost of a bunch of time investment to get there" isn't a good enough incentive to get me to seek that power out.

        • 11 months ago

          It's way more than "slightly faster". You can traverse the entire continent from one end to the other in mere minutes with zonai devices.

  74. 11 months ago

    >Tears of the Kingdom Update 1.2.0
    >By starting the game from within certain articles released on a specific Switch News channel (accessed via the HOME Menu) players can receive a number of in-game items.
    >Fixed an issue where players could not progress beyond a certain point in the main quests “A Mystery in the Depths” and “Secret of the Ring Ruins”, the side adventures “Hateno Village Research Lab” and “Lurelin Village Restoration Project”, the shrine quest “Dyeing to Find It”, and the side quests “Village Attacked by Pirates”, “The Incomplete Stable”, and “Seeking the Pirate Hideout”. Downloading the update will allow players to proceed past that point.
    >Fixed an issue preventing fairies from appearing under certain conditions when they originally should have appeared.
    >Fixed an issue preventing the meals provided by Kiana of Lurelin Village from changing under certain conditions.
    >Several issues have been addressed to improve the gameplay experience.
    I was wondering why I hadn't seen any fricking fairies for the last hundred hours.

  75. 11 months ago

    Botw is fun. Totk is just boring

    • 11 months ago

      This is basically the same feeling I have towards the two of them. BOTW was great as a one time thing. They didn't need to do it again, and especially not on the same fricking map.

      • 11 months ago

        I wouldn't mind the reused map if it was actually different. I think Link and Zelda should have swapped roles, and Link explores the past hyrule and experiences the story with ganondorf. It would have gave them a lot more freedom to transform the map have since none of the structures or landmarks would be a thing yet, because it was 10'000 years ago. And instead of looking for memories you can look visions of the future to help prevent it from happening, idk.

  76. 11 months ago

    I played BotW years ago and haven't played TotK. It's ok but I didn't care for it much. I only care about art/media with Tulin.

    • 11 months ago

      proof only gay pedo trannies hate this game

      • 11 months ago

        zelda IS the reddit game by definition

      • 11 months ago

        >not caring for a game = hating the game
        Based moron

  77. 11 months ago

    It's mad to me when people describe the game as empty. Like obviously there are fields with nothing in them, but that's just a fundamental function of the size of a place, I've been playing for 200 hours and I'm still finding new things. Do they just mean they'd prefer the exact same world but with everything shrunk down to like 1/5 the distance?

    • 11 months ago

      >It's mad to me when people describe the game as empty.

      Its just shitposting because they don't have any real arguments.

    • 11 months ago

      'Empty' is generally in reference to the content itself, being that it lacks unique aspects across the game as a whole

      >It's mad to me when people describe the game as empty.

      Its just shitposting because they don't have any real arguments.

      Stop projecting, Arthur

      • 11 months ago

        >Empty' is generally in reference to the content itself, being that it lacks unique aspects across the game as a whole

        This is no way reflective of TotK, which is full of unique and engaging content in every corner of its 3 maps.

        You need to think up a new shitpost which is so laughabley ridiculous.

        • 11 months ago

          >which is full of unique and engaging content in every corner of its 3 maps.
          You posting a page from a guide showing that the game has the exact type of content I'm saying it does accomplishes nothing but proving that you're a shill

          • 11 months ago

            You're not saying anything. "It's not unique because I say it's not" isn't an argument.

            • 11 months ago

              "It's unique because my standards are the ones that are the most favorable to the game" is not an argument
              I know you think every well interior in the game is a unique and special snowflake, but that doesn't mean anything to a person's experience of them, Arthur

              • 11 months ago

                >no argument

                Not surprising. You've been seething about BotW for 7 years with no arguments so I expect the same for TotK.

              • 11 months ago

                Arthur once again responding to a direct criticism of his position by deflecting to insults with no argument while accusing the other person of not having an argument, a classic.

              • 11 months ago

                Why don't you explain how:
                >Find the missing band member and then escort the band to the Great Fairy to unlock armor upgrades
                >Taking back a village invaded by pirates and then rebuilding the village piece by piece until it goes back to normal
                >Exploring the depths and following the statues to the Great Abandoned Mine where you find the Yiga leader and learn about his plans
                are all the same type of content? because that's the claim you're making. you're essentially saying there is no difference between each of these 3 tasks.

              • 11 months ago

                >Find the missing band member and then escort the band to the Great Fairy to unlock armor upgrades
                Repeated several times, and several of the tasks are just lazy fetch quests
                >Taking back a village invaded by pirates and then rebuilding the village piece by piece until it goes back to normal
                Two thirds of that endeavor is fighting bokoblins and a fetch quest to go grab logs
                >Exploring the depths and following the statues to the Great Abandoned Mine where you find the Yiga leader and learn about his plans
                Repeated several times

                And this is all from some of the most unique content in the game, which is not what 90% of the game is

              • 11 months ago

                >several of the tasks are just lazy fetch quests

                The kid making the fairy tree light up for the little girl was utterly beautiful and heartwarming. Would be a Top 10 moment if it was OoT. But in TotK its "repetitive and meaningless".

                It comes down to this; you already hated this game before it released. You already committed yourself to years of seething about. No matter how good would be, you cannot cope. You still have no arguments.

              • 11 months ago

                Oot also came out a couple of decades ago so collect 10 fire flies wouldn't be as played out as it is for a game in 2023

              • 11 months ago

                It probably would just take longer since you can only carry so many insects in bottles. Big Poes are the exact same “go collect 10 things for a reward” it’s just that they’re all in one field.

              • 11 months ago

                >Big Poes are the exact same “go collect 10 things for a reward”
                Big Poes require more than walking over and collecting an arbitrary number of a generic crafting item from the environment.

              • 11 months ago

                There are quests in TotK that aren't about "go gather X items". Why do you lie and act like those are the only ones there are?

              • 11 months ago

                >Why do you lie and act like those are the only ones there are?

                Because he's a schizo and thats all he can do.

              • 11 months ago

                I never once said that, and he literally brought up Big Poes as an example in response to a specific fetch quest being criticized. Nice try though, you disingenuous Black person

              • 11 months ago

                My point is that it would be the same, OoT already had a “collect 10 x” quest. If the firefly quest was in OoT you would just have to collect 10 insects which you can find all over the place.

              • 11 months ago

                >OoT already had a “collect 10 x” quest.
                I already proved how they're different and I'm not going to repeat myself.
                >If the firefly quest was in OoT you would just have to collect 10 insects
                And there would be actual unique challenges involved in doing so, not just literally picking up 10 regular ass bugs from generic spawns in the environment

              • 11 months ago

                >actual unique challenges
                Name a unique challenge in another game and how it's different/better than what challenges TotK has.

              • 11 months ago

                The Kafei dungeon at the end of his questline where you work together with him to solve puzzles before his mask falls into a fire clears every BOTW and TOTK sidequest.

              • 11 months ago

                The emotional payoff for Kafei and Anju clears any emotional damage TOTK and BOTW tries to inflict as well. The music that plays during the last hours before the moon falls alone has more emotional and atmospheric value than anything TOTK or BOTW even tries to attempt.

              • 11 months ago

                If TotK had a track like this, it would be missing a lot of the layers and effects that sell the emotion, and half the notes would be a leitmotif of the OoT Ganondorf theme or something

              • 11 months ago

                The Anju and Kafei quest in totk was that one shitty quest where you go up in the air balloon with the builder and his famiy as they sent their daughter off.

              • 11 months ago

                That's a good comparison. They do try to have genuine moments In TOTK, and hell I even liked Hudson, but it's no where near as memorable or good as any of Majora's side quests.

                Like frick another quest the blows every single sidequest in the BOTW series, is the Lon Lon ranch stuff. Saving Romani from the alien invasion, protecting Cremia's Milk cart from being stolen from the Rancher brothers.

                Link getting a face full of Cremia's milkers after heroically protecting her and her sister just shits all over things Like Mipha's gay lil healing spell cutscene or any of the genuine moments they try in the BOTW series.

              • 11 months ago

                I think the final cutscene in Champion's Ballad was pretty great, though that's probably closer to a main quest thing so I don't know if I'd count it

              • 11 months ago

                It is a cute scene, I don't even hate BOTW or TOTK to be honest, I just don't think they're as good as the Zelda games I like.

                I think a lot of the content is low effort in these games, but there are glimpses into what Zelda used to be, small amounts of charm from the series sneaks through every once in awhile, like the Champions ballad. But it's buried beneath mountains of plainly bad side content.

              • 11 months ago

                >OOT wouldn't do a quest this basic that was meant to be 'emotional' moron
                I for one don't see how picking up 10 fireflies in TotK is any different from collecting all the Zora eggs in MM. These are exactly equivalent quests. I am very smart and definitely not a shill who has never played the older games.

              • 11 months ago

                The poes are not easy to kill when you start playing and the reward is good. Also it's not meant to be an emotional quest you're literally selling him poes.

                He does have more character and personality than your botw npcs

              • 11 months ago

                So for example, the quest in TotK where you have to find some Gleeok Guts to save a character from an illness would be a more appropriate comparison? Why is the fireflies quest your goto for comparing to other games?

              • 11 months ago

                The reward for the firefly quest is also good, it lets you unlock another great fairy,

              • 11 months ago

                >Would be a Top 10 moment if it was OoT. But in TotK its "repetitive and meaningless".
                Because it would not have been a lazy fetch quest if it was OoT
                Hide your coping and seething better, Arthur
                >It comes down to this; you already hated this game before it released. You already committed yourself to years of seething about. No matter how good would be, you cannot cope. You still have no arguments.
                Projection, I just think the game is mid, and I was one of the people trying to hype it up before it came out. You still have no arguments

              • 11 months ago

                >Projection, I just think the game is mid, and I was one of the people trying to hype it up before it came out.
                >Source: my ass

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, it's literally my opinion
                Projecting a made up history and opinion onto me is actual schizo shit

                >its a lazy fetch quest because I say so

                What a schizo lmao.

                have a nice day Arthur, there is nothing unique or high effort about "go gather X items". You still have no arguments

              • 11 months ago

                You've made exactly 0 arguments. All you've done is reductively exaggerate/lie about the repetitiveness of TotK's quests and call people "Arthur" for disagreeing.

                I wonder why you have no response for this post?

                You're just lying. Even the things you say are "repeated several times" actually have a decent amount of variety to each instance of them.

                One of the Great Fairy quests involves you building a craft to rescue a band member who is stuck in a hole. One of them involves figuring out how to get the carriage across a broken bridge. One of them involves figuring out how to get a carriage up a rocky mountain without it tipping over.

                The Kohga quest involves a very different boss battle each time, and the 2nd last one requires entering a part of the depths that only has a couple entrances into it and is hard to find without having the place lit up with lightroots, and the last one requires finding a specific hidden chasm to get into an isolated part of the depths that there's no other way to get into.

                is it because there's no believable lie you can spout to counter it?

              • 11 months ago

                There is nothing unique or high effort about "go gather X items"
                Nothing you try to deflect to because you have no argument against it will ever change that

              • 11 months ago

                >There is nothing unique or high effort about "go gather X items"
                Good thing not all quests in totk are about gathering x items
                You would know if you played the game

              • 11 months ago

                >its a lazy fetch quest because I say so

                What a schizo lmao.

              • 11 months ago

                >The kid making the fairy tree light up for the little girl was utterly beautiful and heartwarming. Would be a Top 10 moment if it was OoT. But in TotK its "repetitive and meaningless".

                This. They'd be talking about how much SOVL it had. TotK is packed with SOVL.

              • 11 months ago

                At least mix up your writing style before you samegay, Arthur.

              • 11 months ago

                The sound track being completely devoid of soul counteracts the very few good cutscenes this game has.

                I'll say it again, Colgera has the only good song in this game and it's because it takes the Leifmotif from a better game.

              • 11 months ago

                >The sound track being completely devoid of soul

              • 11 months ago

                This song desperately wants to be this, like somebody trying to skirt copyright.

              • 11 months ago

                >he kid making the fairy tree light up for the little girl was utterly beautiful and heartwarming.
                This is the problem with this game, this would be nice if you had some sort of relationship with the characters if the quest was more than a fetch quest. it's a fetch quest of 2 people you meet for 5 seconds and the overall theme of it isn't emotional enough for it to impact anyone.
                >Would be a Top 10 moment if it was OoT. But in TotK its "repetitive and meaningless".
                OOT wouldn't do a quest this basic that was meant to be 'emotional' moron

              • 11 months ago

                >OOT wouldn't do a quest this basic that was meant to be 'emotional' moron
                I for one don't see how picking up 10 fireflies in TotK is any different from collecting all the Zora eggs in MM. These are exactly equivalent quests. I am very smart and definitely not a shill who has never played the older games.

              • 11 months ago

                A better equivalent to the Zora eggs in MM would be the bubbul frogs quest in TotK. Both have you go explore specific areas to find specific items that aren't just randomly littered throughout the world.

              • 11 months ago

                Sure, I'd accept that comparison on a broad level
                But the argument was about whether or not those old games would have such lazy quest design for something meant to be impactful

              • 11 months ago

                bubblul gems are like skull tokens.

                eggs in MM
                >witness death of a zora
                >drag him on shore
                >dies from pirates trying to get eggs back and last wish to get them back
                >you put his soul in a mask and take his body
                >you live out his final wishes and also try to get eggs back
                >eggs are scattered in pirate base and you do an entire mini dungeon
                >eggs also lost with sea horse lovers
                >needed to get into dungeon

                bubbul frogs
                >troony wants to be a satori or something
                >get gems in caves through overworld

              • 11 months ago

                You're just lying. Even the things you say are "repeated several times" actually have a decent amount of variety to each instance of them.

                One of the Great Fairy quests involves you building a craft to rescue a band member who is stuck in a hole. One of them involves figuring out how to get the carriage across a broken bridge. One of them involves figuring out how to get a carriage up a rocky mountain without it tipping over.

                The Kohga quest involves a very different boss battle each time, and the 2nd last one requires entering a part of the depths that only has a couple entrances into it and is hard to find without having the place lit up with lightroots, and the last one requires finding a specific hidden chasm to get into an isolated part of the depths that there's no other way to get into.

              • 11 months ago

                The Great Fairy quests I actually liked so I'm not gonna shit on them

                But fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck the rebuilding Lurelin village quest. You first gotta bring 15 logs to the village to even start the damn thing which chugs the fricking game like it is on life support. Then what do you do to rebuild the houses? You stick tree into a hole 3 times.

                Also, I hate Kohga. Dude was annoying in the first game and ruined the Yiga clan for me, and his plans mean literally nothing because If wanted to I could fall down the hole with a couple of fricking sticks and beat Ganondorf to death.

              • 11 months ago

                >Find the missing band member and then escort the band to the Great Fairy to unlock armor upgrades
                This is fine my only grip was you had to do it in order, so I only level up my equipment late game because of it. Also GF locations were better in previous game because they weren't next to stables
                >Taking back a village invaded by pirates and then rebuilding the village piece by piece until it goes back to normal
                Game got me excited by claiming pirates took over early game, thought it would be new enemies and human types. They were fricking moblins in a ship, biggest dissepiment ever. Also all you do is bring 15 tress come back and put palm trees in a hole.
                >Exploring the depths and following the statues to the Great Abandoned Mine where you find the Yiga leader and learn about his plans
                This was fine

                You named 3 lol.

              • 11 months ago

                I shouldn't need to list every quest in the game to make a point. I could've listed any 3 quests to point out the differences between them. The point is it's easier to find quests that are different than it is to find quests that are the same.

              • 11 months ago

                there aren't any good quests that's why. the best 3 are still ass

              • 11 months ago

                What's an example of a "good quest" in your opinion, and how does it differ from TotK's quests?

    • 11 months ago

      Shrinking or making it bigger isn't going to stop me from being bored of looking for frogs, or yiga schematics or Korok seeds. None of these are fun to find.

      There is 1 secret thing I will give TOTK credit for because it actually had me excited to get it before I used it and found out it was completely dog shit, and it's the Yiga ability

      It's the first time in either of these games I felt like Link was getting a cool new tool to use that won't break. But it went the opposite direction of being disappointing by being completely fricking useless.

      • 11 months ago

        I appreciate the yiga thing for at least being unique, basically the only unique thing in the entire game
        The lamest part is that the actual challenge you have to do to get it is pretty lame

        • 11 months ago

          I actually liked the quest too, Maybe it was coloured brightly for me because of the excitement I had. God they should've just made the ability actually good though.

      • 11 months ago

        Fair enough. It would be nice if there were more permanent unique things, but I guess it's meant as a fleeting experience. I always end a play session with a dozen screenshots of neat things that happened. I agree about the yiga "settlements" and the koroks, but I've really been enjoying the caves, and there are still a few I can't figure out.

  78. 11 months ago

    Its funny watching schizo shits still losing their minds. Considering that BotW and TotK are two of my favourite video games ever, this is beautiful to see.

    • 11 months ago

      Your favorite game is a game and it's dlc version?
      Don't see schizo people are giving objective faults in this game

  79. 11 months ago

    The enemies in this game are all stupid and unthreatening. Hitting the weak spot of major enemies is far too easy. Any challenge is removed by the ability to pause and eat 500kg of food, or overloading your attacks with equipment during menu freezing. Weapons breaking is moronic because in an action fantasy game I want my magical swords to feel unique, not like they're disposable and made of glass. Even the Master Sword feels weak. The things you find are boring, I don't give a shit about moblin clubs and korrok seeds and 5x arrows in ancient chests. The combat is shallow and a joke most of the time due to flurry rush still being bugged and overly forgiving, and most enemies are still the same moblins and bokoblins that are tedious to fight. The bosses are lame. After a while you just start avoiding combat unless it's necessary. The sky islands and the depths are a joke, the depths feel like an unfinished area in a low budget Dreamcast title. The story and everything about it is fricking moronic and anyone who says otherwise is either shitposting or has never played a non-Nintendo game. The quests are forgettable and mostly about finding Buubuu the birdie and moving a rock out of the way so you can reach a googoo and bring it back to Buubuu. The music once again feels like someone recording a cat that occasionally steps over a piano. Crafting isn't well integrated into the core gameplay, because the developers don't understand that it is human nature to optimize and be efficient over long activities. Nobody with a brain will play a game for 80h and go out of their way to do this sub-optimally, and once you start playing this game optimally you realize how shallow and stupid optimal gameplay is. And best of all it runs at upscaled toaster resolution and drops to 20 fps if you're doing anything, while looking like a mobile game from the early 2010s.

    Anyone who calls this GotY isn't sentient to me. Not even top 5 game among what released so far this.

    • 11 months ago

      >words words words
      I had lots of fun with it so it's my goty

  80. 11 months ago
  81. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >combat combat combat

      Combat is all Elden Ring has.

      TotK has more gameplay variety in its tutorial section than Elden Ring has in its entirety.

      • 11 months ago

        Elden Ring and TOTK both are perfect examples of series that didn't need to be massive open worlds. Elden Ring's world just feels like a massive hub to get your next boss and Zelda's world feels like a minecraft server paying lip service to better games.

      • 11 months ago

        quality vs quantity.

  82. 11 months ago

    I don't like weapon degrade
    I liked the old Zelda style

  83. 11 months ago
  84. 11 months ago

    Loved BOTW but hated TOTK

    TOTK feels like they just threw a bunch of shit at the wall hoping some of it sticks and didn't have a real focus. The depths is repetitive and there's nothing particularly interesting down there. Building is a cool concept in theory but the game world wasn't designed with vehicles in mind so actually traversing around with them is janky and unsatisfying. That just leaves the sky islands and while they're a cool addition it's not enough to make the game feel worthy as a sequel.

    The main story is a lot longer but nobody cares about the main story, it's an exploration/adventure game.

    Overall it just felt like BOTW with a couple expansion packs. I wish they abandoned the depths and focused on the sky islands which are the only interesting new addition.

  85. 11 months ago

    i thought the first game was alright, shrines got samey by the halfway point but otherwise i enjoyed myself.
    on the other hand i dropped TOTK like 2 hours in, it felt like i was just replaying botw, and i dont really give a shit about garrys mod so the hot new gimmick is pointless to me.
    t. not a zeldagay

  86. 11 months ago

    I don't hate them, I just think that the experience is too shallow for me to really get super into. couple this with just generally really clunky UI/UX stuff and with how much menuing one must do in the game and it eventually starts to annoy me. They're only really fun as something to play if you just wanna smoke a bunch of weed, turn your brain off and wander around a big map.

  87. 11 months ago

    Had my fun with them but i already got bored of totk and I'm basically forcing myself to finish it now

  88. 11 months ago

    I like them but there's a lot to hate
    >a lot of the world is ugly and barren, even compared to Genshin which is a mobile game so don't give me that muh Switch excuse
    >shit combat
    >story is a joke, in ToTK the same exact story is repeated like 5 times over and over again in different quests. Oh sages have secret stones, you don't say, I'm glad this side quest revealed this information to me via an ancient manuscript
    >shit quests, most are just collectathons
    Still, I do like the games but only because despite everything they're very well done, you have to admire good craftsmanship

  89. 11 months ago

    >I'm a 30+ boomer
    absolute moron

  90. 11 months ago

    >wear this outfit
    >dyes your hair

    • 11 months ago

      If only the Cece hat could be dyed

  91. 11 months ago

    botw is minecraft without mining or multiplayer or building, with some rudimentary gmod physics

    totk is minecraft without mining or multiplayer or building, with slightly more features from gmod, plus banjo kazooie nuts and bolts.

    whether or not such a bizarre niche needs to exist it also irrelevant to the fact that neither of the described games align with any format that "The Legend of Zelda" had been known for. It's like if McDonalds started only serving sub sandwiches, and specifically only the same sub sandwiches you can already get at Subway. It'd be weird.

    It is weird.

    • 11 months ago

      This is an absolutely insane comparison. These games are NOTHING like minecraft or gmod. You have to jump through ridiculous hoops to make that logic. They are Zelda games. They have more in common with other Zelda games than they do with the shit you listed.

      • 11 months ago

        Zelda games have special items and well designed dungeons and magic and whimsical fantastical magical instruments, and you're not expected to open the menu very often. Your items don't degrade and break, and any rare occurrence of an item degrading or breaking is ultimately restoreable, rather than explicitly replaced by something else entirely. Animals such as chickens, dogs, cats, birds, squirrels, monkeys, horses, etc. are never seen as enemies or killable. You play as yourself, self-inserted into the whimsical fantasy adventure, or any other named entity you would wish to play as.

        This description does not apply to BOTW/TOTK.

        You are actually mentally moronic and have zero temporal depth perception. You see that your character is named "Link" and that the word "Zelda" is on the box, and that this "Link" in this "Zelda" (runs around with a sword and shield) and through that room temperature IQ assessment, make the assumption it is a zelda game.

        you are shallow and vapid.

        • 11 months ago

          >and you're not expected to open the menu very often.
          Get your iron boots.

          • 11 months ago

            The average gleeok fight involves more total menu uses than the entire original release water temple

          • 11 months ago

            Yes and people mention that, still it's all in one dungeon and a bit in the shadow temple

        • 11 months ago

          >Actually they're not Zelda games because of this arbitrary nonsense description of what a Zelda game is that I pulled out of my ass
          Zelda games are about Link going on an adventure to save Hyrule from an ancient evil. Anything more than that is just you making shit up that the developers themselves don't agree with.

          • 11 months ago

            Enjoy zelda games in 2035 where it's just Fortnite.
            A bit of gatekeeping is good

          • 11 months ago

            >that the developers themselves don't agree with.
            then why the frick did they make zelda games for 30 years by the exact described philosophy?

            oh right, that is a question you cannot comprehend because you have zero temporal awareness. The passage of time or the measure of history is inconceivable to you.

            enjoy nobody agreeing with you ever.

        • 11 months ago

          >You are actually mentally moronic and have zero temporal depth perception. You see that your character is named "Link" and that the word "Zelda" is on the box, and that this "Link" in this "Zelda" (runs around with a sword and shield) and through that room temperature IQ assessment, make the assumption it is a zelda game.
          It's hilarious how many people in these threads clearly haven't actually played many games in the series or haven't played them at all

          The Adventure of Link has almost nothing in common with OOT or any of the more popular Zelda games but nobody is saying it's "not Zelda".

          • 11 months ago

            >comparing the second game of the series to the most recent game in the series that came out when the Zelda formula has been very clearly established
            Holy frick.

          • 11 months ago

            Adventure of Link had dungeons
            Adventure of Link had a musical instrument
            Adventure of Link had magical abilities
            Adventure of Link items and weapons did not degrage or break
            Adventure of Link didn't require opening a menu every 4 seconds of combat

            Are you capable of comparison?
            basic logic?
            is equal, greater than, less than...
            is element in a set...

            learn math Black person.

            • 11 months ago

              >Adventure of Link had dungeons
              so does botw and totk
              >Adventure of Link had a musical instrument
              who gives a frick
              >Adventure of Link had magical abilities
              so does botw and totk
              >Adventure of Link items and weapons did not degrage or break
              wow a very minor mechanic that's new to the series. I guess Wind Waker isn't a zelda game either because it had sailing.
              >Adventure of Link didn't require opening a menu every 4 seconds of combat
              Skill issue

              • 11 months ago

                >so does botw and totk
                touch 4 switches in a place that takes 10 minutes isnt a dungeon
                >who gives a frick
                People who like soul
                >so does botw and totk
                zonai tech isn't magic
                >wow a very minor mechanic that's new to the series. I guess Wind Waker isn't a zelda game either because it had sailing.
                it's not minor lol
                >Skill issue
                menuing in combat is objectively bad

              • 11 months ago

                >zonai tech isn't magic
                It is literally explained as magic. way to not pay attention to the story.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes cause missiles are magic

              • 11 months ago

                >weapon durability is a minor mechanic
                Black person what?

              • 11 months ago

                >so does botw and totk
                touch 4 switches in a place that takes 10 minutes isnt a dungeon
                >who gives a frick
                People who like soul
                >so does botw and totk
                zonai tech isn't magic
                >wow a very minor mechanic that's new to the series. I guess Wind Waker isn't a zelda game either because it had sailing.
                it's not minor lol
                >Skill issue
                menuing in combat is objectively bad

                >it's not minor lol
                Whether or not you think it's minor doesn't matter

                Is Windwaker not a Zelda game because it has sailing

                I'm not even addressing the hyper-autistic nitpicking like "zonai technology isn't magic" go play assassins creed or cod if you want to play the same game over and over.

              • 11 months ago

                added feature not something taken away, botw/totk took away combat

            • 11 months ago

              >Adventure of Link had dungeons
              BotW and TotK have dungeons too
              >Adventure of Link had a musical instrument
              BotW has Kass, and TotK has the Stable Trotters
              >Adventure of Link had magical abilities
              TotK has the magic zonai arm which can let you ascend through ceilings, put things together, rewind an object, and use special zonai devices with a green magic meter that you upgrade throughout the game.
              >Adventure of Link items and weapons did not degrage or break
              TotK has zonai devices that you can get via device dispensers or autobuild that do not degrade or break (except for some of the flight ones). It also has sage abilities you can unlock and use any time with infinite usage.

              • 11 months ago

                >BotW and TotK have dungeons too
                lol, lmao even

              • 11 months ago

                It's so insulting when nuzelda gays call those shits dungeons. They have no standards for games

              • 11 months ago

                There are dungeons in older Zelda games that take less time to complete than some of the dungeons in BotW/TotK. That's a fact. Dungeons are still dungeons regardless of the time it takes to get through them.

              • 11 months ago

                if you're talking about the stupid fricking fortress mechs in botw, that is entirely untrue. Even the hyrule castle doesn't follow that logic. Most of that shit can be skipped with physics glitches or physics-enabled features by the game's granted rune designs, or by climbing/sailing.

                By basic design, that isn't how the other zelda games work. It takes weird ass speedrunners years to figure out bizarre unintended glitches and tricks to skip large sections of any dungeon.
                Speedrunning BOTW was already established with routes within it's first month. Timestop a rock, whack it with a stick, jump on rock, sail across half the map, enter hyrule dungeon.

                turbotarded game design by default.

              • 11 months ago

                >speedrunning as a metric of quality
                First of all switch out your dilator fatso.
                Second of all you are comparing finding exploits in tightly controlled and walled off isolated levels with a massive map designed to never prevent you from hitting an invisible wall, so your IQ has got to be under 100.

              • 11 months ago

                yeah maybe on par with loz 1 only, but those dungeons required actual mapping layouts, items and there were 9 of them

              • 11 months ago

                >but those dungeons required actual mapping layouts, items and there were 9 of them
                and TotK has 100 caves that feature this exact same type of gameplay.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm gonna look at a video of totk and find that you're fricking lying, so just stop lying.

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm gonna look at a video of totk and find that you're fricking lying

                Hasn't even played the game. Frick sake. Most of you moronic tween shitters just watch Lets Play on YouTube

              • 11 months ago

                The amount of TotK caves with navigation challenge even coming close to Zelda 1 can be counted on one hand, and that's not even including keys and locks

              • 11 months ago

                Think again. I've done over 75% of the caves so far and at least half of them have been substantial minidungeon-like areas consisting of multiple rooms/hallways and branching paths that takes 15-30 minutes to fully explore.

                And keys/locks aren't as exciting a mechanic as you are implying. It's an extremely played out trope that got old by the time TP and SS came out and nobody cared for that idea anymore. It was just going through the motions. If you see a locked door you know there's a key in the other direction that you're able to go to. There's nothing to it.

              • 11 months ago

                Okay this is bait,

                I almost got all of them, but all of them can be done in under 3 minutes and none of them were even close to being a mini dungeon except the one under the fort. You're lying lol

              • 11 months ago

                Look up a video of Gerudo Sanctuary. That one is absolutely a minidungeon. I can bring up other examples if you want.

              • 11 months ago

                Another example is the cave under Mount Floria, where there's brambles all over the floors and it's a whole big driving course where you need to use a zonai vehicle to traverse.

              • 11 months ago

                saves were fine, but that was it, you go there get the frog but none of it was a challenge, finding the cave was

              • 11 months ago

                >noooooo activating 4-5 mcguffins that aren't connected to each other is the same as having to learn the layout of a dungeon where your actions in one room can impact another room or even the entire dungeon!

              • 11 months ago

                Did you even play TotK? The dungeons are fricking superb and shit all over previous Zeldas. The entire game shits all over previous Zeldas in every single way. Sorry, you need to stay mad.

              • 11 months ago

                Terrible bait anon

              • 11 months ago

                2 of the dungeons have mechanics you don't have to engage with because you can fricking FLY, One dungeon is so easy I did Shrines in BOTW that had more complexity.

                The Gerudo dungeon is slightly okay because you have to actually engage with the mirrors, Atleast I think you do. I didn't want to ruin another dungeon by using the tools given to me because The Goron one had already disappointed me.

                The Rito dungeon is only good because of the build up. The actual hit 5 switches to open the boss sucks. Colgera is a neat first boss but god I feel bad for anyone who does him last.

        • 11 months ago

          >and you're not expected to open the menu very often
          not quite true, for example in LttP which kickstarted the original formula, menuing was constant because of the singular item slot. even with 3 slots in the 64 games you still had to swap out because of how often bombs, arrows, the ocarina and hookshot were for regular use, or MM with all the masks. WW always made you swap to the sail when getting onto the boat, and requires the use of the song stick to navigate. TP I haven't beaten so I won't speak on it, SS reverted back to the single item slot with a fast swap menu.

          yes it's less menuing than the new games but having to go and swap items/equipment around has always been a thing

          • 11 months ago

            >pause game to switch bows
            >pause game to switch arrows
            >pause game to switch swords
            >pause game to switch shields
            >pause game to manage equipment
            >pause game to combine food items
            >pause game to check map
            >pause game to switch gmod rune
            >do one of these actions at least once every 20 seconds

            every other zelda game
            >pause game to switch item
            >do this once every ~5+ minutes

            • 11 months ago

              Playing TotK
              >"I wonder whats over there?"
              >find a cave with branching paths, leading to treasure, unique items, boss battles and shrines containing gigantic multi-floored, multiroomed mini dungeon, offering unique puzzles/challenges/assault courses.

              Playing other Zelda games
              >"I wonder whats over there?"
              >"oh I can't go over there"

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                >inventing make-believe things that never happened

              • 11 months ago

                >unique items
                what unique item did you find lmao? Don't tell me another piece of cloth.
                >boss battles
                Are Hinoxes that hard for you?

              • 11 months ago

                >those unique items, rewards, boss battles and mini dungeons don't count!

                Every time. Pic-related would be a bombable wall with a chest with 20 rupees in other Zelda games.

              • 11 months ago

                no it wouldn't

              • 11 months ago

                You need to and actually play an older Zelda game again and learn what they actually are instead of relying on your rose-tinted nostalgic memories. 99% of rewards for finding secrets in the older Zelda games were absolutely shit you didn't need.

              • 11 months ago

                play the games zoomers

              • 11 months ago

                In older games, a whole puzzle would be behind the bombable wall.
                Also, in previous games, all the shrine puzzles would be compiled into large dungeons. If you take like 20 shrines and mush them together, then you have a full dungeon. And those dungeons would have unique visual themes.

              • 11 months ago

                >leading to treasure, unique items
                yeah armor besides that not unique
                >boss battles
                hinox, talus.
                >containing gigantic multi-floored, multiroomed mini dungeon,
                > offering unique puzzles/challenges/assault courses.

                >"oh I can't go over there"
                climbing a wall doesn't make something good, sandbox gays

              • 11 months ago

                Playing TotK
                >"I wonder whats over there?"
                >find a cave with branching paths, leading to korok seeds, generic items that are everywhere, HP sponge mobs and shrines containing a single battle room

                Playing other Zelda games
                >"I wonder whats over there?"
                >Find a cave with a puzzle to give you a piece of heart or an item you can only get at this point of the game that lets you do other puzzles or finish side quests

                fixed that for you

              • 11 months ago

                >Find a cave with a puzzle to give you a piece of heart or an item you can only get at this point of the game that lets you do other puzzles or finish side quests
                Pieces of heart are the same thing as the shrine rewards. And the rest of this statement is absolutely untrue. The majority of rewards you find in the overworld in older Zelda games was very minor stuff like rupees or ammo.

              • 11 months ago

                Zelda never even had a "you can't go there" problem until BotW's constant disappointments with no caves, Akkala Citadel being literally nothing, etc.

                TotK fixed BotW's most critical flaw in that the world was shallow as a puddle, but the shrines are worse than ever.

              • 11 months ago

                You're trying too hard to make totk sound interesting. I'd rather have dungeons with good level design and good soundtrack than muh open world with le quiet atmospheric music.

              • 11 months ago

                Reminder that this is one of Arthur's copy/paste bait posts

      • 11 months ago

        I like botw but it has more in common with skyrim and minecraft. botw attempts to be a survival game like minecraft and an open world game like skyrim

        • 11 months ago

          No, it just attempts to be a really big Zelda game. Open world is a natural evolution for this type of game when scaling up in size. The in-between dungeon portions of older Zelda games are open world content, just at a much smaller scale.

  92. 11 months ago

    I played it but just found it a bit boring. Like sure its a comfy game to play and nice to look at, and everything flows nicely, but I just couldn't really get into it, I beat the 3 guardians and that's about when I stopped playing.

  93. 11 months ago

    Some people aren’t very fond of patting and wide open worlds with little level design.
    In these games especially, what you do for the first 2 hours in the game are basically everything for the rest of the game. Less so with totk but it feels like youre just doing the same chore over snd over with little surprises or significant challenge.
    I also think people who prefer gameplay over the feeling of travelling around get very frustrated too.

  94. 11 months ago

    I'm having a good time with TotK but frick if I don't miss the old style of dungeons.

  95. 11 months ago

    While you guys were arguing I noticed a hole under Hyrule castle, found the old docks, cheesed a gloom hand, lit a beacon, got the Hyrulean shield, snuck in through the back of the lockup via a couple puzzles saw another gloom hand behind a locked door, figured out how to get in, went to a nearby stable to heal, took Beedle's money for some garbage, teleported back, killed it and phantom ganon and got Hyrulean fabric. None of that is on a quest list but it was a pretty interesting hour.

  96. 11 months ago

    They are open world slop. Hyper-repetitive and bloated. Numerous broken/imbalanced systems. Unsatisfying progression. Poor dungeon content. Shit storytelling and worldbuilding. etc
    TotK recycled most of BotW's content, making it feel even more repetitive. It cemented in my mind that there is nothing to gain from this "formula" and the next Zelda needs to be a radical departure.

  97. 11 months ago

    the weapon durability alone is just too stupid.
    wont play another game with this shit

  98. 11 months ago

    i emulated it when it got leaked and i don't get the hype
    the game is mellow and there's a lot of activities but nearly all of them are unexciting sandbox activities and nothing you do has any challenge or depth
    maybe i just expected too much

    • 11 months ago

      >maybe i just expected too much
      No, nu-Zelda fans just have extremely low standards.

  99. 11 months ago

    So what games that have come out recently or are coming out soon are more like actual Zelda than FoTM?

    • 11 months ago

      Ys VIII in 2017
      >But there's no dungeons or puzzles
      Beggars can't be choosers.
      >or are coming out soon
      Ys X

      • 11 months ago

        Huh, thanks. I'd never even heard of it, presumably because of the very memorable and easy to market name.

        • 11 months ago

          If you like Link's Awakening then all the better. I've only talked to one other anon who played both LA and Ys and we were both amused by some similarities.

    • 11 months ago

      Tunic is pretty neat, if you like indie meta puzzle shit

      • 11 months ago

        Oh yeah, that's the fox link one right? I kept meaning to get that because I do like the indie meta puzzle shit.

        • 11 months ago

          You can just pirate it, if you want

    • 11 months ago

      Elden RIng

    • 11 months ago

      Just play Alundra.

  100. 11 months ago

    Bad dungeons.

  101. 11 months ago

    >Open world but no hookshot
    >Sprint is tied to a button instead of pushing down on the left stick
    >Jump is the button directly across from sprint
    >Weapon durability
    >50% of NPC dialogues taking longer than a classic Russian novel

    • 11 months ago

      This homie actually wants to push down on the left stick to run

      • 11 months ago

        >Zelda fans can read
        Biggest surprise this entire thread

        • 11 months ago

          No that's on you morono, you were implying incorrectly. Reimply properly

    • 11 months ago

      >50% of NPC dialogues taking longer than a classic Russian novel
      It's genuinely insane
      They rarely ever say anything worthwhile, either. And then it's extended even further by half of your dialogue choices where you just repeat a word someone said with a question mark at the end like a fricking metal gear meme- and most of that shit is stuff you should already know about

  102. 11 months ago

    Only an autismo would deny that ToTK is bloatware.
    >leave horses in the game
    >can't use them anywhere except for the central area of the surface map, making them literally unusable in 80% of the game
    Either adopt BotW mechanics for your new world or ditch them. Should've adopted horses for abyss at least, add some abyss stables for the skeleton horseys or something.

    • 11 months ago

      >can't use them anywhere except for the central area of the surface map, making them literally unusable in 80% of the game
      Literally what are you on about? The only places you can't take your horse are the Gerudo desert and Death Mountain

      • 11 months ago

        >The only places you can't take your horse are the Gerudo desert and Death Mountain
        Yeah and the entire sky and abyss maps. So only a fraction of the area of one of the 3 maps in the game. And the Rito area is very limited in terms of horse availability, have you tried riding a horse into their city? Maybe it can be done but not via a flipping road because that's still not fixed for some reason, nuttersville down there in Hyrule

        • 11 months ago

          Is this really the cope you're going with? The only place in the Rita area not connected by land is the village itself, and even then you can repair the bridge.

          • 11 months ago

            Nah I meant the water dudes whatever they're called, not rito I guess. Tried riding there just yesterday, can't pass. So that's 3 major areas on the surface alone. And you're still ignoring my main point, that horses can't be summoned in abyss for no reason at all. Skeleton horses exist there but there's no way to summon or store them in the abyss. Why? They just didn't bother that's why

            • 11 months ago

              Because the abyss traversal is trying to encourage vehicle use.

            • 11 months ago

              Go down north from Akkala if you want to bring your horse into Lanaryu.
              Horses can't fly or jump down a chasm and survive in case you were wondering. But I don't see the point in bringing your horse to those places anyway, given that sky islands are tiny and are mainly traversed through flight, and the depths are pitch black.

  103. 11 months ago

    Don’t bother trying to understand these jaded cretins.

  104. 11 months ago

    I tried BotW on release, finished it (only did about half the shrines) and found it horrendous because I expected a zelda game and got open world slop instead.
    Years later I thought I'd give TotK a try and see if I'd change my mind, luckily I didn't spend money on it.
    TotK I played for about 40 hours. It was more fun in a lot of ways because of the creativity with the vehicles and zonai shit. Unfortunately the game itself was still pretty unfun, the depths are bad and the world is clearly designed for botw and not totk. So it ended up being more fun than botw but also clearly poorly designed.
    it might be harsh but I'd give botw a 3/10 and TotK a 5/10 or 6/10.
    I just want actual fun Zelda games back. Skyward Sword was ass, BotW is the worst one I've played (havent touched cdi garbage) and TotK was just ok but didnt feel like Zelda to me.

    • 11 months ago

      >I expected a zelda game
      can you describe in your own words why it's "not a Zelda game" without whining about it being open world

      • 11 months ago

        NTA but all the dungeons are complete trash now. That's the biggest reason i miss classic Zelda more, oh and also the soundtrack is complete forgettable shit now.

    • 11 months ago

      >Skyward Sword was ass

      I've been playing the Switch version with button controls and it feels like a breath of fresh air after TotK. Actual puzzles, actual dungeons, actual MUSIC, actual memorable characters.

      Of course, all I need to do is play motion controls for ten minutes to understand why people hated it (holy frick the flying is the least fun thing possible, you ascend by shaking the thing you're supposed to tilt to steer?), and I'm only up to the Water Dragon segment, but so far I'd say I'm enjoying this even more than Twilight Princess. It helps that I love Ape Escape. Transforming the controls into Ape Escape to get away from the motion controls was a great decision.

      • 11 months ago

        They also cut out a lot of Fi interruptions, she was insanely grating in the original

  105. 11 months ago

    not being able to comprehend differing opinions is a sign of autism

  106. 11 months ago

    I didn't like Legos as a kid. These Zelda games feel like they were made for kids who like Legos.

  107. 11 months ago
  108. 11 months ago

    The graphics are kind of bad.
    The gameplay loop is more repetitive than a 4 homies in a row game.
    The story telling is awfully paced and front/back loaded.
    The open world has nothing to find but "muh view" which is just samey generic fantasy grassland/mountain/lakes
    The progression is nonexistant, giving no reason to keep coming back to the game.
    It's fun for a couple of hours but only autistic people can enjoy it beyond maybe 5 hours of gameplay. It's why 95% of people who play the game just rush to the dungeons then the final boss without exploring much because it gets boring.

    I want to know what you fine awe-inspiring? You're old enough to have played all the old games these two take inspiration from, none of it should be novel for you.

  109. 11 months ago

    if you came here seeking opinions about a game on Ganker be prepared to have all of your joy evaporate, there is no value to be had on this board

  110. 11 months ago

    I like the games. But they could be a lot better. Nintendo still plays things too safe. Babying the player. And the story is still unsatisfying because it's still just "we gotta stop the evil guy" again.

  111. 11 months ago

    The lack of good level design kills any game for me, these two have 0 level design. There's no care about what is where or how it works in the world, and there's nothing to compliment it's open world. If this is your first open world game, that's fine but there's not much to it besides some interesting dialogue and creative use of it's physics. The rest of the games are like a college student's mid term game jam for class.

    • 11 months ago

      >0 level design
      absolutely false. There are shrines, caves, dungeons, and intended paths to towers/shrines/caves/sky islands/etc that have level design baked into them.

      • 11 months ago

        And they're all fricking boring and look the same

        • 11 months ago

          That's a subjective opinion, and not the same thing as saying it has "0 level design".

          • 11 months ago

            No, they all objectively look the same and get boring fast.

      • 11 months ago

        Yes, they exist. But they have the level design quality of a portal 2 custom map. They are also visually just clones of each other like this was the Metal Gear VR missions. It's ok to like them, but they are not good level design.

  112. 11 months ago

    With the focus on nonlinearity, nearly every challenge has to be some bite sized thing. This is so the designers don't risk breaking their backs making something intricate only for 5% of players to potentially engage with that content. The overall experience of BOTW was substantial and the Divine Beasts were okay, but there wasn't a quest or setpiece in TOTK that stayed in my mind because they were all so short.

  113. 11 months ago

    Since the next Zelda game is going to be open world, I do hope they add in underwater exploration. Skyward Sword did swimming pretty well, but it was restricted to one area.

  114. 11 months ago

    >good steak
    >have to always cut with knife
    >have to put into mouth with fork
    >have to chew it
    >Thats so repetitive, you always have to do these same things to enjoy delicious steak
    You ever hear anybody say this? Playing video games is fricking repetitive. They are distractions from reality, not replacements.
    If the repetitive actions feel look and sound fantastic every time you do them, you don’t care if its repetitive.
    Dolling a mediocre game up with a million superfluous choices and options that amount to nothing more than a number change on an obscured stat, thats whats truly repetitive.
    Botw and Totk has a substance to the overall experience that very few games approach

    • 11 months ago

      Steak at least has flavor.
      Those two games are bland.

      • 11 months ago

        Except they are not. Every little action from dropping an apple to setting off an explosion is immensely satisfying with a level of detail that is not found in nearly any other contemporary AAA releases.
        The ability to manipulate objects in the environment indirectly using tools that take advantage of the games consistent physical laws to defeat enemies without engaging in direct combat is but one example of the emergent gameplay which sets it apart.
        And don’t worry, I won’t be waiting for you to formulate an argument or response worth reading, as I can already tell you are incapable.

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