I'd like to play this game, but I've never played an RTS. Is it good for beginners?

I'd like to play this game, but I've never played an RTS. Is it good for beginners?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Yeah. You only have to control very few units at a time for most of the campaign. The micro in general is easier than some other RTS

  2. 7 months ago

    What a weird thread. It's like a skinwalker pretending to be a human.

    • 7 months ago

      That's just the average zoomie behavior

    • 7 months ago

      That's just the average zoomie behavior

      zoomies makes ChatGPT write everything for them. they are not actually capable of writing.

  3. 7 months ago

    RTSes aren't hard to pick up. It's what most players start with before they move on to other genres.

    • 7 months ago

      >It's what most players start with before they move on to other genres
      Is there anyone who actually believes this

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah? It's enticing, because you get to order units around in real time and watch them build and wreck stuff. It's like a gateway drug. But RTS is a jack-of-all-trades that lacks depth. Some players are fine with that but most seek out strategy games with bigger focus on certain gameplay elements, such as more complex building aspect or more realistic combat so they hop onto other genres.

        • 7 months ago

          RTS is a niche genre nowadays, it's not the 90s. Someone getting into games for the first time will most certainly start with a mobile puzzle game, and then maybe play an FPS or action game on a console or PC. There isn't an RTS in Steam's top players until #50 (unless you count MOBAs). Hell I'd say it's much more likely someone would play a turn-based game or paradox GSG than an RTS. Very niche.

          • 7 months ago

            i kind of assumed over the last decade more kids started on LoL and DotA and then branched out to RTS afterwards, in a great reversal of how things obviously were in the beginning

  4. 7 months ago

    It plays a bit differently than most RTS which I guess is a good thing if you have no RTS experience. Give it a try.

  5. 7 months ago

    Yeah it's great. You'll manage maybe 20 units at most, cycling through a few active abilities. Campaign is well put together.

  6. 7 months ago

    it has cheats so you can frick around and figure stuff out as much as you want. It's a great game.

  7. 7 months ago

    The tutorial / campaigns in it are probably among the best introduction to RTS genre you can find. it's a bit different from most traditional RTS games, but that's part of the appeal. It's a great game. If you genuinely hadn't played it, you should.

  8. 7 months ago

    I'm so glad that Blizzard not only delisted this but flat out removed it from everyone's battlenet accounts so now the only way to play it is piracy.

    • 7 months ago

      What's with the dissonance betwen your text and image? Which one truly represents your opinion?

      • 6 months ago

        Are you autistic?

    • 7 months ago

      What are you talking about? I'm still playing custom games online. Seethe, moronic sperg. Why are you the only fricking losers on the planet that can't let go of a remaster? There have been plenty of worse ones since and you don't hear anyone still b***hing about those.

      • 7 months ago

        you are a big homosexual shiteater

      • 7 months ago

        Kys pathetic shill

      • 7 months ago

        The sincerity and honesty of your post is unmistakable, you do not come off as a obvious troll/shill. Also "your playing custom games" in a 20+ year old RTS game? You got fricking mazed into your autist childhood or something?

        • 7 months ago

          Kys pathetic shill

          you are a big homosexual shiteater

          >not one argument
          Literally never heard one, let alone one that could excuse this fricking pathetic perpetual seethe. The game still plays exactly the same and custom games are still playable. Insane that anyone could complain about being able to play a 20 year old game as if it was made yesterday and for fricking free too. I bought Warcraft 3 in 2006 and I can still download it whenever I want even though I lost my disc a decade ago. Cope and seethe, you fricking morons.

      • 7 months ago

        >not one argument
        Literally never heard one, let alone one that could excuse this fricking pathetic perpetual seethe. The game still plays exactly the same and custom games are still playable. Insane that anyone could complain about being able to play a 20 year old game as if it was made yesterday and for fricking free too. I bought Warcraft 3 in 2006 and I can still download it whenever I want even though I lost my disc a decade ago. Cope and seethe, you fricking morons.

        • 7 months ago

          Why is Ganker obsessed with scat?

      • 7 months ago

        Fan bots allowed cross region play with no delay (among other features like reconnect and ladders). And Blizz scrapped old bnet to make something worse.

        • 7 months ago

          i miss making a million different alts to troll one lobby

  9. 7 months ago

    Absolutely. It's one of the best beginner-friendly RTS there is because enemies and allies take a while to die thanks to their hp vs their dmg and the relatively low unit cap

  10. 7 months ago

    >posts on /vst/ but claims not to have played RTS
    >asks for permission to play one of the giants of the genre
    Bruh if you want a thread, just say something about how Arthas was totally justified.

    • 7 months ago

      Are you moronic? Of course one would go to RTS board to ask about RTS. It's not some secret place that only becomes visible after you clocked in 100+ hours in ten different strategy games.

      • 7 months ago

        Warcraft 3 shillhomosexuals think that the game is known throughout the universe and Arthas is Jesus Christ, forgetting that even C&C was way more popular back in the day and that WoW is actually the more successful game of the series


        I'd like to play this game, but I've never played an RTS. Is it good for beginners?

        play it, it's fun, easy to pick up, has some of the better campaigns out there in terms of introducing you to units and plays, challenging enough if you haven't played RTS before

      • 7 months ago

        >secret place that only becomes visible after you clocked in 100+ hours in ten different strategy games.
        God i wish
        captcha should be replaced with naming units from obscure strategy games too

        • 7 months ago

          >fail to spell chu ko nu
          >don't remember the name of the spiky frytan tribe from 7 kingdoms
          >accidentally give the wrong name for a swarm attack unit because I haven't played it in years
          >blocked from posting on /vst/ for 24 hours

          • 7 months ago

            it's spelt shoe canoe you idiot

  11. 7 months ago

    It's only good for beginners if you can spend the extra time to get pre-reforged version. Reforged is neither good for beginners nor lifetime experts.

    • 7 months ago

      >if you can spend the extra time to get pre-reforged version. Reforged is neither good for beginners nor lifetime experts.
      How do you go about playing the old version? I still have my discs with the s/n on them.

      • 7 months ago

        here's a clean download for the last version before Reforged

        • 7 months ago

          different anon but heres CD keys too

          • 7 months ago

            here's a clean download for the last version before Reforged

            maximum based

            Am I moronic or out of practice with RTS? Even playing on Normal, the AI will always snipe my heroes (especially the melee ones), in effect never letting me level them up and enjoy them. Also, I get the feeling that everything rushes towards putting flying units on the map, making them quite a pain to defeat them in groups when half your army is not ranged.

            I've played casually AoE or AoM and all that in the past, but there is something different in W3 about combat.

            Firstly, WC3 doesn't have as much straightforward dedicated AA as other RTSs do, so you need to take seriously things like crypt fiend web, raider net, or nets from mercs to punish air when you're not ready/wanting to make air yourself. If you're struggling early game as human or nelf, then that's a sign your rifleman|archer ratio should be higher (which does pressure you to micro better since more of your army is squishies). If they really are flooding you (idk if cuckforged made the AI gay) then there's not much getting around the fact that you need to do some air yourself - gargs, hippos, gyros, bats

            And sniping heroes is generally what you're supposed to do if you can finish them off. Don't feel bad if you have to flee a lot with your melee hero, getting the enemy to mindlessly hound him for too long or overextend is actually great value

            Go poop on those computers, you're going to make it

            • 7 months ago

              Thank you anon! I will try your advice.

        • 7 months ago

          different anon but heres CD keys too

          okay now post for frozen throne

          • 7 months ago

            frozen throne is included in both links rtard

    • 6 months ago

      Beyond visuals and Bnet infrastructure stuff, what's the actual difference between original and reforged?

      • 6 months ago

        Some missions were drastically changed. One of them is great, the rest are far worse.
        The story is only slightly changed, but every change was worse.
        Dialogue was poorly altered for petty reasons.
        New bugs were introduced, some of which are game breaking in single player and caused widespread incompatibility for custom games.

  12. 7 months ago

    I miss the old days. Sometimes I come back and play it some more, but I had to buy the shitty fricking reforged version to do it and everyone still making stuff for the game turns off the graphics anyway.

  13. 7 months ago

    Am I moronic or out of practice with RTS? Even playing on Normal, the AI will always snipe my heroes (especially the melee ones), in effect never letting me level them up and enjoy them. Also, I get the feeling that everything rushes towards putting flying units on the map, making them quite a pain to defeat them in groups when half your army is not ranged.

    I've played casually AoE or AoM and all that in the past, but there is something different in W3 about combat.

    • 7 months ago

      Try playing trough the campaign on hard if you are struggling with melee AI. It gives you great practice while also offering a pretty linear scaling in difficulty compared to melee AI having huge jumps between easy, normal and hard.
      Also the melee AI LOVES focusing heroes even when there are more dangerous targets so consider getting an early shop for health potions. AI also doesent start spamming fliers unless they get far ahead in economy so you probably need to be a bit more agressive and harass them more and try to prevent them from building extra bases on cleared goldmines.

      • 7 months ago

        It's just very aggressive man, even on Normal. In the sense that I get a decent chance on getting ganged up by 2 AIs when playing team matches. that's probably on me though, just learning the ropes.

        Still, seems like WC3's Normal = Hard on other RTS games.

  14. 7 months ago

    Yes, every level is easy except for maybe the final level of the undead campaign in Frozen Throne.

    • 7 months ago

      >ranks one of the easier missions where you can just mass wyrms as hardest
      You didnt play the game

  15. 7 months ago

    Is that Warcraft 2 mod for Refricked still happening?

  16. 7 months ago

    Excellent game, highly recommend you try it.

  17. 7 months ago

    It's argueably less of an rts than other rts games, so it might be easier to get into from that angle, easier to manage your stuff.
    Campaign treats you nicely.
    Use oldschool settings, none of that reforged crap.

    I think as RTS games Broodwar and AoE2 are superior, but they're not easy to control for beginners.
    If you specifically wanna coop with friends, like 3vs3, 4vs4, even against computers, then AoE2 might still be a decent one for beginners though.

    I don't like sc2, but it is also a bit easier to control. Wc3 is mainly easier to control because there's less stuff to control.

  18. 7 months ago

    morons arguing that you only manage like 20 units but forgetting that you try to save everyone while its common in other rts to send a whole group a click to just die because you can spam build again.

    • 7 months ago

      name 5 rts it's common to throw just away everything because you can mass build it all again

      • 7 months ago

        every c&c, kknd, warcraft 2

        • 7 months ago

          > hinky jinky twinkies
          Dinky winky

      • 7 months ago

        Starcraft. lol
        There's a reason why macro is so important in SC, and there are so few methods and mechanics for mitigation, escape, and healing compared to WC3. That's because in SC you need to have constant army reinforcement and in WC3 you need to deflect killing blows and regen HP.

        In SC lategame it's common to have 9+ of the same building, like tank factories or warp gates, which you need to be pre-queueing your units in before and during fights. Watch tournament play and you'll see that even in the heat of the most important fight of the match, players are looking away and dropping their micro for painfully long periods of time to keep reinforcements going. They pan back to the fight and they've lost tons of units in their absence, but that's what they needed to do to capitalize on a potential win or not get crushed after a potential loss. You need to a-move and throw units away. often Do it right and that's how you win. SC is a series of suicide missions that you're trying to squeeze the most value out of and recover the fastest from. It's very common that people lose their entire offensive force, but they were already rebuilding it so the enemy can't actually finish the job. That's why eco and APM is such a big deal. The high populations and low TTK combined with only being able to select 1 building or 12 units at a time define SC's unique difficulty and most successful strats

        Watch WC3 play and you'll see players glued to the fight for the whole thing, it looks insane in comparison. They also do this because they need to. It may hurt to hear but WC3 has a richer and more demanding micro. More unit types, WAY more spells, more armor & damage types, significant collision to be constantly blocking and boxing with (not just at a ramp or behind the mineral line), more investment per unit, and less ability to mass reproduce the army.

        • 6 months ago

          >Starcraft. lol
          yeah ok not gonna bother reading the rest of your headcanon shit mr. Z- ranker

  19. 6 months ago

    Sure whatever bro

  20. 6 months ago

    >I'd like to play this game, but I've never played an RTS.
    These two statements don't relate to each other.

  21. 6 months ago

    Do people actually play reforged? Like, can you find custom games going on or is that shit just dead completely?

  22. 6 months ago

    that is not an RTS btw, and no its not good it killed the franchise

  23. 6 months ago

    Yes, from a design perspective it has many features that streamline and add variety to typical RTS gameplay. Autocast, altars, items, creeping, level specific pathing-scripts.
    Difficulty is well paced in the base game, mechanics are taught to you not only by the faction you play but the ones you fight. This is tied into the narrative cleverly, so gameplay and story complement each other.
    It has a few mechanics which don't fit into single player perfectly, upkeep and armor/weapon types. They aren't poorly designed, just poorly communicated, unlike practically the entire rest of the game.
    Play a pre-reforged version of the original game and expansion, reforged introduced several bugs into the classic game that have yet to be fixed. And these aren't nitpicks, at least two of them will soft-lock a mission and happen roughly 30% of the time.

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