Identity V?

Identity V / IDV thread.
Perfumer and Sculptor nerfs when?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    This game takes up so much space on my phone

    • 1 year ago

      That's why I play on PC. That and I suck at touchscreen controls

    • 1 year ago

      You could always uninstall. It's free, and the chinese government can't stop you.

  2. 1 year ago

    why was the original thread removed

    • 1 year ago

      The one from like a year ago? I'm pretty sure it just died

      • 1 year ago

        It died and no one made a new one.

    • 1 year ago

      OP got banned

  3. 1 year ago

    With my leftover echoes i can either get paper wings and one of the 3k rooms or just misty villa. Very hard decision which one should i pick

    • 1 year ago

      If you're actually going to use a room, Misty Villa. It's very nice whenever I join someone in there during team queues. Paper wings is probably toy merchants best skin yet.
      Nothing wrong with just leaving leftover echoes on your account till you decide to buy something else.

    • 1 year ago

      Paper Wings is fricking meh even as a Limited Collab skin.

      Like cmon atleast make the skins based on your own creation instead of piggybacking on Toy Merch & BQ.

      • 1 year ago

        If you're actually going to use a room, Misty Villa. It's very nice whenever I join someone in there during team queues. Paper wings is probably toy merchants best skin yet.
        Nothing wrong with just leaving leftover echoes on your account till you decide to buy something else.

        To late already bought her and probably never going to use her. Going to save the rest of my echoes up like the other guy said

  4. 1 year ago

    @ the anon last thread who gave me ranking tips. o7 you helped me lots! if ur still here that is…

    • 1 year ago

      glad to hear it dollfren

  5. 1 year ago

    You guys still play? I logged on in about a year and saw they finally added SS skins.

  6. 1 year ago

    Where are the balance patches? Isnt the season over today?

    • 1 year ago

      Reminder that if you don't want the bungo stray dogs crossover stuff from the essences just don't roll any dice till it ends. Any collab essence still on the path get changed into regular season essence once it's over, but any in your inventory get automatically opened.

      They're up now. Only appear once the update actually hits I think.

  7. 1 year ago

    Is it too late to start this game?

    • 1 year ago

      Nope, the only time-limited stuff is event skins.

    • 1 year ago

      Only difference between newbie's and old timers is the limited+collab skins.

      Anything else can be obtained later on since they rerun.

    • 1 year ago

      Never too late. Started almost a year ago and game mechanics r pretty easy. Camping is something to get used to though.

    • 1 year ago

      Like other anons have said, the only thing you're missing out on were limited skins/avatars, but if you're really dead-set on having any of them there are people constantly trading/selling accounts.
      General game mechanics are easy to pick up but if you want to master certain characters it will take some dedicated practice time. Probably the only really difficult part is simply remembering the all unique abilities of each character, since you will have to know how the other characters work in order to have a chance at winning - regardless of what side you play.

      • 1 year ago

        I used to have a brush just like that mine was red

    • 11 months ago

      I have several questions...
      1. If I've been a DBD player since 2018, would there be any reason to "switch"/play Identity V over DBD?
      3. How bad is the hacking problem?
      4. How is the grind?
      5. How do I get rid of any unwanted lag that I may experience, my Phone can run vidya well BYT I only have 6GB of RAM wch may or may not be a problem for Identity V from the rumors I've heard.

      • 11 months ago

        Check out these posts where other people got answers for your question when they asked earlier

        >1 game mode
        >survivors are skins of each other
        >perks are irrelevant when you can just bring in a flashlight
        >devs pander to twitch streamers
        >severe bugs left unfixed for years
        >one of the worst hacking problems in any multiplayer game (which devs "cannot" remedy)
        >lgbt poc pandering
        >lore doesn't exist because survivors have perma-amnesia
        >Matchmaking has been "fixed" multiple times, only for it to get worse each time and ultimately not even work most of the time
        >the grind
        >cosmetics are astonishingly ugly
        >gave their spaghetti code to the Chinese who untangled it and improved it tenfold
        >bhvr said "making a non-bipedal killer is too difficult, so we won't do it"

        I have nearly 5000 hours in DBD and never went back to it after installing IDV. IDV is just more fun in every way.

        Most players are mobile anyway so there are barely any IDV streamers to begin with. wtf are you talking about?

        Read this post to refresh yourself on things wrong with DBD [...]

        >Multiple unique game modes (2v8 alone is enough to win this argument)
        >All survivors are unique with varied abilities exclusive to them
        >devs do not pander to streamers
        >no lgbt poc pandering (but they are willing to make changes when they accidentally make something super racist)
        >weekly server maintenance to keep everything running smoothly
        >global chat if you're into that
        >fun, evolving interconnected character lore
        >no annoying Blendette-type cosmetics because the maps are never that visually dark
        >all hunters have the Whispers perk built into their base kits
        >on top of a customizable skills tree, hunters can select 1 additional game-altering trait (or 2 if you use the correct skill tree)
        >customizable lobby animations
        >characters have unique emotes exclusive to them
        >custom rooms to decorate and play in with friends while you wait in queue
        >hunter characters have varied body types, some with more/less than 2 legs
        >no grind for perks/no bloodweb bullshit
        >in-game currency is easy and fast to earn with many different uses for it
        >in-game user profiles to display if you care about showing off how good you are
        >the gacha isn't a true gacha in the sense that nothing except a few skins are behind that wall
        >lots of monthly events for various rewards
        >if you get disconnected from the match on one device, you can log in on another and quickly return to the match (Including pc mobile)
        >devs constantly pump out cute character artwork
        >yearly official broadcasted e-sport tournaments if you're into that
        >recently implemented public voice chat in game modes if you're into that (can be disabled if you want, but it seems like not many people care to use it anyway)
        >fanbase doesn't needlessly b***h or suck streamer wiener
        >popular in japan so lots of cute anime fanart gets made

        There are 26 different hunter (killer) characters at the moment and they all have very unique abilities, some better than others depending on various factors.
        Those factors being:
        - are you playing on mobile or PC?
        - are the survivors teamed up (swf) using comms?
        - the skill general skill level of the survivors you're facing
        - the individual unique abilities of each survivor

        Assuming you're coming here from DBD, you won't get stomped as a newbie. You already have a giant leg-up on the opposition from that experience. Unlike DBD, IDV has a separate ranking system you have to opt into in order to increase your tier level (and basically the difficulty of your opponents). There is no bloodweb system, so you'll never have to worry about having a particular add-on that would help you.

        IDV matches are designed to be short in comparison to DBD matches (average 6 min each with some exceptions depending on the hunter played). So you're given a lot of tools to utilize right off the bat, including a customizable perk web and literally game-changing traits.

        Something important to note is that chair (hook) camping in IDV is an intended core game mechanic, and some hunters are better at it than others. So you'll never see survivors complaining about camping or tunneling. Similarly, some survivors are specifically designed to excel at countering camping tactics.

        So, tldr, you won't get stomped. Low tier IDV survs are sometimes literal children and bot games are designed to ease you into the flow of gameplay. There are also single-player training modes to help you get accustomed to playing characters.

        But I'll give you quick answers to your questions anyway,
        1) This only depends on what you want in an asym video game
        2) No
        3) Basically non-existent. Hackers are EXTREMELY rare and it's very easy to report them and get them banned same-day.
        4) All available "perks" are unlocked for you to use when you install the game. The grind only exists to earn cosmetics.
        5) There is an official PC client you can download instead if you prefer. I don't play on mobile at all so I can't really answer this one sorry.

        • 11 months ago

          To elaborate on the hacker thing, any hacking is only done on the PC client anyway. You'll never encounter hackers on mobile.
          Every single match you play is recorded to the server and you can rewatch the entire thing from the perspective of each individual player to confirm suspicious actions/provide video proof during your report.
          You will never encounter dbd level of hacking in idv.

      • 11 months ago

        >1. If I've been a DBD player since 2018, would there be any reason to "switch"/play Identity V over DBD?
        quite literally every reason you could think of.
        better looping, more unique survivors and killers.
        non RNG maps with static pallet placements
        unique game modes
        a GOOD ranked ladder
        you get clues really fast to earn characters at like, 10x the speed of DBD.
        training mode that lets you play any survivor/killer for free to see if you even like them.
        they usually just straight up give away skin unlock cards so you can get a good skin for your main for free.
        never too late, the only thing you "missed" is anime skin collab that can always come back. everything else is permanent.
        3. I have literally never run into a cheater once, more than I can say for my 800 hours of DBD.
        4. you don't even notice the grind, you literally just play for fun unlike bloodweb cancer in DBD.
        5. frick with the settings maybe? idk, I usually use the PC client and only use the app to buy shit.

  8. 1 year ago

    Did Photo ever get buffed?

    • 1 year ago

      No the photo twink is still just a twink.

      • 1 year ago

        So they finally abandoned all the old hunters huh?

        • 1 year ago

          Well they do fix any new bugs with him so not abandoned, I think they consider him "working as intended". At least they aren't nerfing him.

  9. 1 year ago

    YOU will play the superior game and YOU will like it.

    • 1 year ago

      >no crossplay
      >no crossprogression
      >half the content locked behind paywalls

    • 1 year ago

      I wonder now that NetEase has taken over this game (instead of just being the publisher as they were), is the troony shit still in?

    • 1 year ago

      so what exactly is the point of playing this game when actual dbd exist on multiple platforms does this game even have a player base or is it just bots

    • 1 year ago

      the game one with more troon infested groomers? No thanks

      • 1 year ago

        It's quite jarring that this is a valid reason to avoid dbd.

        Also with how coddled the survivors are there.

    • 1 year ago

      >1 game mode
      >survivors are skins of each other
      >perks are irrelevant when you can just bring in a flashlight
      >devs pander to twitch streamers
      >severe bugs left unfixed for years
      >one of the worst hacking problems in any multiplayer game (which devs "cannot" remedy)
      >lgbt poc pandering
      >lore doesn't exist because survivors have perma-amnesia
      >Matchmaking has been "fixed" multiple times, only for it to get worse each time and ultimately not even work most of the time
      >the grind
      >cosmetics are astonishingly ugly
      >gave their spaghetti code to the Chinese who untangled it and improved it tenfold
      >bhvr said "making a non-bipedal killer is too difficult, so we won't do it"

      I have nearly 5000 hours in DBD and never went back to it after installing IDV. IDV is just more fun in every way.

  10. 1 year ago

    When is the best rank session? (day/time)

    • 1 year ago

      Been a while but I think the early (on EST) is ezmode for hunter cus mostly shitters play during that time. But it has been a while so I might be getting it flipped. The middle session is meh.

    • 1 year ago

      Depends on your definition of best.
      4-6 SERVER TIME always has the least number of players online, so queues will be longer.
      12-14 always has the most, so you'll get quick queues.
      19-21 is when the chinese are most prevalent, queues are reasonable but you'll just see a lot more chinese players.
      Depending on your tier you'll be affected also. low tiers queuing for 4-6 are more likely to get matches than high tiers. But low tiers queuing for 7-9 are less likely to match with chinese players than high tiers at that session.
      In general, Mondays lack high tier players and weekends lack chinese players.
      Wednesday 12-14 is always the busiest session.

    • 1 year ago

      In my current survivor tier (That I have only gotten above twice since Season 20 please help.
      ) I find the evening to have a lot less losses. For hunter, I do better in the early mornings.

  11. 1 year ago

    new hunter is cute but some people were saying hes designed as a crossover character like bonbon in which case thats pretty lame

    • 1 year ago

      pls be wrong I want a spooky gril hunter.

      • 1 year ago

        nope its a guy

        i do kinda want a spooky girl hunter though the devs always seems to go with the pretty girl designs instead of something spooky in all the concept art for the female hunters

        • 1 year ago

          >another twink hunter

    • 12 months ago

      replying to this super late but nah, Nightwatch wasn't made for the intentions of being for a crossover, buncha people ended up b***hing about him not getting Isaac's skin in the Angels of Death crossover though

  12. 1 year ago

    New hunter looks kind of B tier ToT no cipher pressure at all but he looks pretty fun to play with

  13. 1 year ago

    B4U hate!

  14. 1 year ago

    >equip S tier skin
    >get random friend requests almost every play session
    why is it like this?

    • 1 year ago

      people like skins and want to leech off others via the skinshare feature

      • 1 year ago

        >via the skinshare feature
        doesn't that require you to spend like 1k or something moronic?

        • 1 year ago

          You need to recharge 200000 echoes for it so however much that is. Honestly thinking about it ive seen way to many people that have spent that much

          • 1 year ago

            So if you spend a moronic amount you can use skins as long as your friends have them? Or if your friend spent a moronic amount you're allowed to use their skins?

            This is the first I've ever heard of this feature.

            • 1 year ago

              If a person spends the required amount, you can use their skins when you are in their party and they are team captain. The feature was introduced late last year.

              • 1 year ago

                You also need to be friends with them for it to work and newly befriended only have 3/5 shares.

  15. 1 year ago

    >use cheshire cat
    >"Naib I want u"
    >"omg catboy"
    >other random shit
    I genuinely hate this.
    I just wanna use my skin in peace, goddamn it...

    • 1 year ago

      >homosexual plays homosexual skin
      >gets butthurt when other gays comment gay things about it
      come on dude.

    • 1 year ago

      i used to get the same reactions back in coa v when using jose or lucas skin i would just switch to thief or lawyer

    • 1 year ago

      Just wear something with the fat head like Clarity

  16. 1 year ago

    how the frick does Hermit work?
    my team just takes damage whenever the main person gets attacked, is it because I am touching a cypher when said person gets attacked?

    • 1 year ago

      >can apply a positive or negative electrical charge to survivors manually with some skills
      >survivors decoding a connected cipher machine acquire a positive charge
      >survivors can swap their charge between positive/negative while interacting with ciphers/gate
      >his attacks do 1.2 damage
      >damage is split evenly among all survivors with the same charge as the survivor he hits, the charge is removed from all survivors effected by this
      You have to manage it by swapping your charge to the opposite of whoever he's chasing if you don't want to be damaged. Or be ballsy and everyone swaps to the same polarity so everyone takes 0.3 damage and his hits become wet noodles.

      • 1 year ago

        >Or be ballsy and everyone swaps to the same polarity so everyone takes 0.3 damage and his hits become wet noodles.
        ah, so that's why it took him a millennia to down that prisoner while we all just cranked out Cyhpers while occasionally eating chip damage.
        is Hermit even good?

        • 1 year ago

          You cant cipher rush him so hes automatically somewhat good and his chase is pretty good you just need to use the right charges when chasing a survivor so your not chasing someone the entire match. I will say though if the survivors your playing against are good and know when to swap charges he can be a pain to play

    • 1 year ago

      >Or be ballsy and everyone swaps to the same polarity so everyone takes 0.3 damage and his hits become wet noodles.
      ah, so that's why it took him a millennia to down that prisoner while we all just cranked out Cyhpers while occasionally eating chip damage.
      is Hermit even good?

      Hermit is simultaneously one of the weakest and strongest hunters in the game. He will decimate an uncoordinated team of solo players, but a 4man on vc will absolutely body him.

      The anon earlier explained his basics so I will tell you some other things.

      >entering a locker will remove the polarity on you
      >keep in mind which ciphers are connected. similar to Prisoner, some of the decoding progress is transferred to the ciphers in the connection. Don't bother starting a new cipher from 0% when you can just go to one of the connected ciphers that already has 30% despite no one having touched it yet
      >if you are kiting and do not have a polarity, try to kite towards a connected cipher and tap it to give yourself a positive polarity. Many Hermits will hit once or twice then down you without a polarity/use negative polarity. This is because at that point your teammates will not be able to swap their polarities for 70 sec. If you can give yourself positive polarity again it will extent your kite and your teammates should be able to heal up
      >swap your polarity if you are at risk if going down too if your kiting teammate gets hit. No point in you both going down unless you are near someone who can heal you up immediately
      >always be trying to heal up in general
      >rescue from chair sooner than later because he will stun lock you while camping to prevent you from rescuing before half line

  17. 1 year ago

    >playing tarot with two friends
    >I'm king
    >get a moron Seer with the S tier skin who whiffs two owls and spends the entire game on the floor
    >lose game
    >get him AGAIN
    >he's doctor now for some fricking reason
    who the frick locks in doctor squire?
    >check his profile


    echos spent
    >he's fricking hound
    radical. how do you spend 2000+ dollars on this game and still be this utterly incompetent?

    • 1 year ago

      Better one is
      >Check out their archive
      >level 4
      >has the S tier pet
      >has 40+ S skins & 1 SS

      Level 4 is just 300 matches or less and those can take less than 5 minutes

      • 1 year ago

        Please tell me you've never actually seen this.

        • 1 year ago

          Hidden Collection but uses the Warden pfp + portrait effect.

          Level 3.

          • 1 year ago

            God, I wish I had enough money to just blow thousands of dollars in a game I barely even play.

    • 1 year ago

      Better one is
      >Check out their archive
      >level 4
      >has the S tier pet
      >has 40+ S skins & 1 SS

      Level 4 is just 300 matches or less and those can take less than 5 minutes

      I would imagine these are bought accounts right

      • 1 year ago

        I can't imagine it was because he had that new Seer skin from the bungou orb. he had to have whaled for that himself.

  18. 1 year ago

    >Lizardman confirmed getting a buff soon
    I hope they continue to buff non-meta. god knows these characters need it more than ever these days.

  19. 1 year ago

    >Playing against a 4man squad as Jack
    >first person I find is merc
    >he drops a pallet near me, I break it and just walk past him and ignore him because who the frick is gonna chase a merc
    >he spends the next 2 minutes chasing me and breakdancing around while I kill his teammates
    >eats a fogblade then gets terror shocked going for the rescue
    >they surrender in the end
    why are merc players like this

    • 1 year ago

      >why are merc players like this

      jack and merc are shipped together they were probably rping

      • 1 year ago

        I know the jack/naib ship, I have whole albums of that shit saved.
        but i'm pretty sure he just wanted me to chase him over his buddies.
        after like 700 of playing that dogshit game DBD I know for goddamn sure you should NEVER chase the people asking to be chased like that merc.

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            Extremely! but I love the artwork and characters.

            • 1 year ago

              im the same way i dont know what it is about this game but i enjoy all the stupid fanart even stuff that i would normally find cringe

        • 1 year ago

          Extremely! but I love the artwork and characters.

          dump your idv folder pls

          • 1 year ago

            far too much to share, but here is one of my favorites.

  20. 1 year ago

    and a little archaic acrobat image
    oh, how time flies...

    • 1 year ago

      I miss old Acrobat when his bomb effects actually did something.

  21. 1 year ago

    >unless I shell out 250 dollars I am not getting that Nightwatch skin
    haha, this sucks, man.

  22. 1 year ago

    >antiquarian takes away your ability to M1 for 5 seconds on top of the stun
    this is real homosexual shit

  23. 1 year ago

    Did they fix the random crashes on PC yet?

    • 1 year ago

      i dont think i ever randomly crashed while on pc is this a new problem

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think I've ever crashed on PC, but mine is an absolute unit.

  24. 1 year ago

    >new hunter is pure chase
    >easy to play
    >good range
    >not heavily map dependent
    Thought he would be bad because of his zero map pressure but hes stupid fun. You can straight up end a chase in a few seconds if you catch survivors on certain parts of maps

    • 1 year ago

      That was kinda her fault for thinking she could just sit there and heal when the new hunter can vault pallets.

      • 1 year ago

        yes i just wanted to show the foolishness of doctor players

  25. 1 year ago

    There's finally a Yidhra S tier skin and i'm afraid it's gonna suck.

    Is anyone else seeing a masculine jaw on the essence poster?

  26. 1 year ago

    >nothing good in the shop again
    >doctor winning the same one of two fricking skins for the 4th year in a row.

    • 1 year ago

      >caring about cosmetics

  27. 1 year ago

    I swear to GOD there was a map with like a corner of the map that had a 2 story building that you could branch off to and frick around it.
    it looked sorta like eversleeping town.

    • 1 year ago

      You're probably thinking of the bigger version of eversleeping, there was a 2 story school building in one of the corners. I think it was used in a crossover a few months ago

      • 1 year ago

        I think I remember it during the Death note collab...
        I think there was a Ryuk chasing us while a friend and I fricked around in there.
        is it still accessible in game?

        • 1 year ago

          It's only available in custom duos as far as I know

  28. 1 year ago

    >Play Hunter
    >Always finds survivors impossible to chase with no presence like Merc and Priestess

    What's the strat for this, do I have to go to the safe areas first since the weak survivors are there?

    • 1 year ago

      if you find merc first literally just ignore him, walk past him and go find someone else. he can't decode for shit.
      lmao ban her.

    • 1 year ago

      Until you get into peak tier, it's all just luck and you've been unlucky. The game does not spawn certain survivor types in certain locations, it's 100% random who gets which spawn.
      Depending on your tier or which hunter you're playing, you might be able to chase Merc early (also Priestess isn't bad to chase early and it's actually better if you can get rid of her sooner than later).
      But if you really feel you can't chase Merc, like the other anon said just go looking for someone else. Until you get to peak tier, spawn points are fixed. Once you have spawns memorized (or have them open on a side screen like a cheat sheet) you will be able to quickly decide which direction to go in for any reason, whether it be looking for a new survivor to chase or wanting to avoid a strong kiting area while you have no presence.

  29. 1 year ago

    Gosh golly I SURE do love Naiad!
    I love being forced to either take an m1 after leaving the tile she brainlessly made unsafe or just stay at the tile and eat a full damage moisture hit!
    Moisture should chip, I don't care. gut this braindead autopilot b***h already.

    • 1 year ago

      people will act like she's a tie hunter because of flywheel instead of realizing that they had to fix a broken problem with a broken solution

  30. 1 year ago

    Thoughts on the new survivor?

    Also, is she the little girl? Did Orpheus hallucinate her being a child?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. Orpheus knew Alice when they were both children and for whatever reason does not know her as an adult/does not remember her as an adult. During the events of the Time of Reunion event he was hallucinating her as a child because that is only memory he currently has of her.

      Her powers are kind of busted imo. She will body non-meta hunters and anyone with weak camping since she can basically double rescue alone, which is insanely strong. She's like a different sort of Mechanic in a way since she spawns a 5th survivor that does stuff (but obviously does not decode). The fact that the hunter hitting kid Orpheus' image does not give the hunter presence is also pretty disgusting. I feel as though that will be changed at some point.

      Also her visual design is beautiful.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. Orpheus knew Alice when they were both children and for whatever reason does not know her as an adult/does not remember her as an adult. During the events of the Time of Reunion event he was hallucinating her as a child because that is only memory he currently has of her.

      Her powers are kind of busted imo. She will body non-meta hunters and anyone with weak camping since she can basically double rescue alone, which is insanely strong. She's like a different sort of Mechanic in a way since she spawns a 5th survivor that does stuff (but obviously does not decode). The fact that the hunter hitting kid Orpheus' image does not give the hunter presence is also pretty disgusting. I feel as though that will be changed at some point.

      Also her visual design is beautiful.

      >first we got characters that were hunter AND survivor
      >now we're getting characters that are MULTIPLE survivors
      Wonder how long till we can have a match of 4 different versions of 1 character vs the hunter version of that character.

      • 1 year ago

        I kind of doubt that would ever happen. There's really no reason for it.
        The identity switch feature won't happen to everyone and you can only swap between one or the other.
        Besides, there's a possibility that Little Girl and Journalist won't be able to play in the same legendary rank match together since they are the first survivor identity switch.

        • 1 year ago

          >Little Girl and Journalist won't be able to play in the same legendary rank match together since they are the first survivor identity switch
          Unless there going to be autistic about it like the underage drinking thing with barmaid thats kind of dumb i doubt thats how it will work they'll probably just be there own characters

          • 1 year ago

            >the underage drinking thing with barmaid
            >little girl can't drink because she's underage
            >little girl was a hallucination by Orpheus and was actually Journalist
            >little girl = journalist
            >little girl and journalist are the same age
            >either they can both drink or neither can
            checkmate alchohols.

          • 1 year ago

            What the frick are you trying to say, moron? Are you ESL?

  31. 1 year ago

    I was wondering why Mechanic is top tier with her passives but now I understand that she's a guaranteed +1 Cipher if you managed to hide the robot and max her chair time persona, even if you got chaired first.

  32. 1 year ago

    how do you kite foggy blades that go through walls?

    • 1 year ago

      Foggies can only go through thin walls and Ripper has to be close enough to the wall to even shoot through them, so your best bet is to look behind and keep your eye on what Ripper is doing. If he looks like he's about to face a wall instead of following into a clear spot he's likely going to try to foggy you.
      So don't tight-kite him when he has a foggy available.
      Bait him into throwing a foggy by heading towards a choke point then turning away last moment.
      Looking behind is important because the foggy comes at you kinda slowly so you can easily dodge if you can literally see it coming.
      If you play a survivor like Perfumer or Seer you can use your ability just in case you can't dodge in time. Antiquarian's stick can destroy foggies. Flywheel will also work.

  33. 1 year ago

    Name something about IdV which is better than DbD.

    >no promotions of those freak streamers, you know exactly what type of freaks i mean.

    • 1 year ago

      Most players are mobile anyway so there are barely any IDV streamers to begin with. wtf are you talking about?

      Read this post to refresh yourself on things wrong with DBD

      >1 game mode
      >survivors are skins of each other
      >perks are irrelevant when you can just bring in a flashlight
      >devs pander to twitch streamers
      >severe bugs left unfixed for years
      >one of the worst hacking problems in any multiplayer game (which devs "cannot" remedy)
      >lgbt poc pandering
      >lore doesn't exist because survivors have perma-amnesia
      >Matchmaking has been "fixed" multiple times, only for it to get worse each time and ultimately not even work most of the time
      >the grind
      >cosmetics are astonishingly ugly
      >gave their spaghetti code to the Chinese who untangled it and improved it tenfold
      >bhvr said "making a non-bipedal killer is too difficult, so we won't do it"

      I have nearly 5000 hours in DBD and never went back to it after installing IDV. IDV is just more fun in every way.

      >Multiple unique game modes (2v8 alone is enough to win this argument)
      >All survivors are unique with varied abilities exclusive to them
      >devs do not pander to streamers
      >no lgbt poc pandering (but they are willing to make changes when they accidentally make something super racist)
      >weekly server maintenance to keep everything running smoothly
      >global chat if you're into that
      >fun, evolving interconnected character lore
      >no annoying Blendette-type cosmetics because the maps are never that visually dark
      >all hunters have the Whispers perk built into their base kits
      >on top of a customizable skills tree, hunters can select 1 additional game-altering trait (or 2 if you use the correct skill tree)
      >customizable lobby animations
      >characters have unique emotes exclusive to them
      >custom rooms to decorate and play in with friends while you wait in queue
      >hunter characters have varied body types, some with more/less than 2 legs
      >no grind for perks/no bloodweb bullshit
      >in-game currency is easy and fast to earn with many different uses for it
      >in-game user profiles to display if you care about showing off how good you are
      >the gacha isn't a true gacha in the sense that nothing except a few skins are behind that wall
      >lots of monthly events for various rewards
      >if you get disconnected from the match on one device, you can log in on another and quickly return to the match (Including pc mobile)
      >devs constantly pump out cute character artwork
      >yearly official broadcasted e-sport tournaments if you're into that
      >recently implemented public voice chat in game modes if you're into that (can be disabled if you want, but it seems like not many people care to use it anyway)
      >fanbase doesn't needlessly b***h or suck streamer wiener
      >popular in japan so lots of cute anime fanart gets made

      • 1 year ago

        I think nightwatch might be my favorite hunter in a long time both design and gameplay wise cute lil homie

        A real shame idv has done so much stuff better than dbd but its basically unknown amongst the dbd player base

        • 1 year ago

          That might've been the deal they made with BHVR.

          Most players are mobile anyway so there are barely any IDV streamers to begin with. wtf are you talking about?

          Read this post to refresh yourself on things wrong with DBD [...]

          >Multiple unique game modes (2v8 alone is enough to win this argument)
          >All survivors are unique with varied abilities exclusive to them
          >devs do not pander to streamers
          >no lgbt poc pandering (but they are willing to make changes when they accidentally make something super racist)
          >weekly server maintenance to keep everything running smoothly
          >global chat if you're into that
          >fun, evolving interconnected character lore
          >no annoying Blendette-type cosmetics because the maps are never that visually dark
          >all hunters have the Whispers perk built into their base kits
          >on top of a customizable skills tree, hunters can select 1 additional game-altering trait (or 2 if you use the correct skill tree)
          >customizable lobby animations
          >characters have unique emotes exclusive to them
          >custom rooms to decorate and play in with friends while you wait in queue
          >hunter characters have varied body types, some with more/less than 2 legs
          >no grind for perks/no bloodweb bullshit
          >in-game currency is easy and fast to earn with many different uses for it
          >in-game user profiles to display if you care about showing off how good you are
          >the gacha isn't a true gacha in the sense that nothing except a few skins are behind that wall
          >lots of monthly events for various rewards
          >if you get disconnected from the match on one device, you can log in on another and quickly return to the match (Including pc mobile)
          >devs constantly pump out cute character artwork
          >yearly official broadcasted e-sport tournaments if you're into that
          >recently implemented public voice chat in game modes if you're into that (can be disabled if you want, but it seems like not many people care to use it anyway)
          >fanbase doesn't needlessly b***h or suck streamer wiener
          >popular in japan so lots of cute anime fanart gets made

          You forgot "survivors don't complain about camping & tunneling because that's how a match is won"

          • 1 year ago

            Sorry I thought that might have been covered in "fanbase doesn't needlessly b***h" but I see how it can be extrapolated on. So far the only people I see complaining about IDV are DBD players who think IDV is "too hard".

            I think nightwatch might be my favorite hunter in a long time both design and gameplay wise cute lil homie

            A real shame idv has done so much stuff better than dbd but its basically unknown amongst the dbd player base

            >unknown amongst dbd player base
            BHVR actually did plug IDV years ago when it was first announced, but they never commented on it again afterwards. So the only people who know are those oldgay players. Even a few popular DBD streamers tried IDV out back then, but obviously they went back to DBD because "new cartoon game bad"

            I do kind of think it's the best, though. I wouldn't want the American DBD playerbase shitting up my IDV matches anyway. I'm glad I stopped playing DBD and interacting with those people.

            If I had anything bad to say about IDV it would be that the game isn't overtly scary due to Chinese censorship laws, which kinda sucks. The beta had nooses instead of rocket chairs, Clown had a chainsaw like Hillbilly, the thorn ropes were removed after a while and replaced with cushion restraints, etc. All the horror in IDV is in the written lore at least. A lot of characters have great lore and it's nice that most of the survivors in this game aren't perfect and nice Mary Sue types like they are in DBD.

            • 1 year ago

              Personally speaking I think the only thing the cenorship screwed was leos wepon and rocket chairs they just look so out of place. The whole barbed wired thing is weird because ive heard it wasnt for cenorship but to help hunters know how far a survivor is on a rescue or something. I feel like old idv was way to similar to dbd back then and im glad they went down there own route and that cenorship really only affects the china servers now

            • 1 year ago

              Which character in DbD screams mary sue?

              After the Plague DLC every character looks more and more like a parody.

              • 1 year ago

                Almost every original survivor released after Jane, including Jane herself. DBD survivors are boring because so many of them are "good people" who can do no wrong because they're either uwu girlbosses or simply "too cool" and morally virtuous.12 of the 36 survivors are tie-ins and of the original 24 only Felix and Elodie have pre-Entity connections. Thalita and Renato don't count since they are siblings and someone like Jeff having a connection to The Legion also barely counts - and that's because DBD lore is meaningless since everyone has perma-amnesia in the Entity's realm anyway.
                No characters will ever have growth after being sucked into the realm. There's no mystery to unfold. There's nothing to look forward to in the story because no story exists in the first place. BHVR wrote themselves into a corner on day 1 and to compensate for this they bloat all new characters' backstories and pander to lgbtpoc by making them overtly "badass".

              • 1 year ago

                Wasnt the whole amnesia thing added later in the lore it really is a bizzare thing to give survivors considering how the game works

              • 1 year ago

                There originally was no lore at all. They added amnesia after a while as an attempt of making/excusing lore.
                The closest they've come to adding actual lore as been with Felix/Elodie/Blight and as you can see, none of it matters.
                Obviously I'm an autist who likes having lore in a video game so for all these reasons I think IDV is superior to DBD in the lore department. If DBD had a relations web there would be nothing to note. I've had a lot of fun with IDV characters having interconnected backstories (which are unique and fun since the majority of characters have major flaws), and an expansive mystery. I'm excited for the lore update coming out on the 20th.

  34. 1 year ago

    Is ranked 24/7 yet?

    • 1 year ago

      No, and it never will be. Low tiers are lucky they get 4 hours for the evening rank session.

  35. 1 year ago

    What do you guys think of the new updates?

    • 1 year ago

      I enjoyed the story mode voice acting seemed surprisingly good but it did feel like i was playing a PS2 game. Not to big of a fan of the new ui changes though the old one looked much better

      • 1 year ago

        After the lore event is all over I think you can change it back to the old UI if you want.

      • 1 year ago

        yeah it felt like a telltale game

        • 1 year ago

          I wonder if they got telltale to help them out they did with BHVR.

  36. 1 year ago

    did the devs do something racist again why is everyone sperging out at the new essence on twitter

    • 1 year ago

      the argument is "only arab characters should be wearing those clothes". Typical virtue signaling.

      • 1 year ago

        Its kind of funny that they just seem to be over people sperging out whenever something stupid happens. There probably fully aware that everyone will drop being mad after a week like every other time its happened

  37. 1 year ago

    They don't know about the team named Holokaust..

  38. 1 year ago

    >come back
    >the detective transitioned what the HECK

    • 1 year ago

      I find it funny how the new detective has a much better detailed model than all the other survivors and hunters.

  39. 1 year ago

    I can't believe little girl is a hag now.

  40. 1 year ago

    came back to the game thanks to the new story update PLUS Danganronpa V3 crossover, shit's great.

    • 1 year ago

      wonder if were ever going to get another p5 crossover

      • 1 year ago

        ATLUS has been collabing P5 with pretty much any gacha game there is.

        CN knows that v3 and kfc is just testing the bottom line of returning collabs.

  41. 1 year ago

    bros i miss the detective

    • 1 year ago

      but why, he was pretty much a non-entity for a long time.

  42. 1 year ago

    Hi newbie here how much will I enjoy this game as a killer player? Am I gonna get fricking stomped?

    • 1 year ago

      There are 26 different hunter (killer) characters at the moment and they all have very unique abilities, some better than others depending on various factors.
      Those factors being:
      - are you playing on mobile or PC?
      - are the survivors teamed up (swf) using comms?
      - the skill general skill level of the survivors you're facing
      - the individual unique abilities of each survivor

      Assuming you're coming here from DBD, you won't get stomped as a newbie. You already have a giant leg-up on the opposition from that experience. Unlike DBD, IDV has a separate ranking system you have to opt into in order to increase your tier level (and basically the difficulty of your opponents). There is no bloodweb system, so you'll never have to worry about having a particular add-on that would help you.

      IDV matches are designed to be short in comparison to DBD matches (average 6 min each with some exceptions depending on the hunter played). So you're given a lot of tools to utilize right off the bat, including a customizable perk web and literally game-changing traits.

      Something important to note is that chair (hook) camping in IDV is an intended core game mechanic, and some hunters are better at it than others. So you'll never see survivors complaining about camping or tunneling. Similarly, some survivors are specifically designed to excel at countering camping tactics.

      So, tldr, you won't get stomped. Low tier IDV survs are sometimes literal children and bot games are designed to ease you into the flow of gameplay. There are also single-player training modes to help you get accustomed to playing characters.

  43. 1 year ago

    Saw this shit on NetEase Connect.

    Didn't tell me shit, so I did my own research and it looks like Dead by Daylight Mobile but without a bunch of ugly mutts.

    Where is it at on the based/cringe poz/neg scale? Worth getting into this late?

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty based, you don't have to worry about pozzed shit (or people using skins for camouflage).
      There's no penalty to getting into it late other than missed event-limited cosmetics, mainly collab stuff like an Edward Scissorhands skin for Ripper (

      Nope, the only time-limited stuff is event skins.

      ) or a bunch of Persona or Danganronpa skins for various characters, that sort of thing. So ya it's worth getting into it now if you like this kind of game.

      >Dead by Daylight Mobile but without a bunch of ugly mutts.
      It's also got a PC client with crossplay/progression. You can even start a match on one system, DC for whatever reason, then rejoin the match on the other (you don't instantly die on DC like in DBD).
      If you're okay with the difference in aesthetic and graphics (clearly a mobile game), then it's definitely better than DBD. See

      Most players are mobile anyway so there are barely any IDV streamers to begin with. wtf are you talking about?

      Read this post to refresh yourself on things wrong with DBD [...]

      >Multiple unique game modes (2v8 alone is enough to win this argument)
      >All survivors are unique with varied abilities exclusive to them
      >devs do not pander to streamers
      >no lgbt poc pandering (but they are willing to make changes when they accidentally make something super racist)
      >weekly server maintenance to keep everything running smoothly
      >global chat if you're into that
      >fun, evolving interconnected character lore
      >no annoying Blendette-type cosmetics because the maps are never that visually dark
      >all hunters have the Whispers perk built into their base kits
      >on top of a customizable skills tree, hunters can select 1 additional game-altering trait (or 2 if you use the correct skill tree)
      >customizable lobby animations
      >characters have unique emotes exclusive to them
      >custom rooms to decorate and play in with friends while you wait in queue
      >hunter characters have varied body types, some with more/less than 2 legs
      >no grind for perks/no bloodweb bullshit
      >in-game currency is easy and fast to earn with many different uses for it
      >in-game user profiles to display if you care about showing off how good you are
      >the gacha isn't a true gacha in the sense that nothing except a few skins are behind that wall
      >lots of monthly events for various rewards
      >if you get disconnected from the match on one device, you can log in on another and quickly return to the match (Including pc mobile)
      >devs constantly pump out cute character artwork
      >yearly official broadcasted e-sport tournaments if you're into that
      >recently implemented public voice chat in game modes if you're into that (can be disabled if you want, but it seems like not many people care to use it anyway)
      >fanbase doesn't needlessly b***h or suck streamer wiener
      >popular in japan so lots of cute anime fanart gets made

      and the post right above yours

      There are 26 different hunter (killer) characters at the moment and they all have very unique abilities, some better than others depending on various factors.
      Those factors being:
      - are you playing on mobile or PC?
      - are the survivors teamed up (swf) using comms?
      - the skill general skill level of the survivors you're facing
      - the individual unique abilities of each survivor

      Assuming you're coming here from DBD, you won't get stomped as a newbie. You already have a giant leg-up on the opposition from that experience. Unlike DBD, IDV has a separate ranking system you have to opt into in order to increase your tier level (and basically the difficulty of your opponents). There is no bloodweb system, so you'll never have to worry about having a particular add-on that would help you.

      IDV matches are designed to be short in comparison to DBD matches (average 6 min each with some exceptions depending on the hunter played). So you're given a lot of tools to utilize right off the bat, including a customizable perk web and literally game-changing traits.

      Something important to note is that chair (hook) camping in IDV is an intended core game mechanic, and some hunters are better at it than others. So you'll never see survivors complaining about camping or tunneling. Similarly, some survivors are specifically designed to excel at countering camping tactics.

      So, tldr, you won't get stomped. Low tier IDV survs are sometimes literal children and bot games are designed to ease you into the flow of gameplay. There are also single-player training modes to help you get accustomed to playing characters.

      • 1 year ago

        You can only disconnect on pc then rejoin on a mobile device. The game recognizes what kind of devices you are trying to sign in with and it is specifically designed to prevent people from disconnecting on mobile then rejoining on pc (which would make winning against mobile players extremely easy).

      • 1 year ago

        Damn I missed all that cool shit? Can I get non-collab stuff? How has this game had a PERSONA collab I've never heard of this damn game?

        Regarding the graphics, I think it looks better than DBD mobile, but this could be PC footage. AND PC CROSS PROGRESSION wtf... How do I cope with wasting so much time in DBD mobile...

      • 12 months ago

        >It's also got a PC client with crossplay/progression
        Wow, so it's crossplay now?
        I played the game in 2021 last time. If memory serves me right PC and emulators had their own servers, separe from mobile before, right?

        • 12 months ago

          It's had crossplay/progression since 2019.
          Playing on PC automatically puts you into the PC server queue for matchmaking, but mobile users have the option to opt into PC server if they want to.
          PC players cannot access the mobile server at all.

          • 12 months ago

            Oh I see, thanks.

    • 1 year ago

      The game still has some black/brown/asian characters in it so if that triggers your racism I guess it's not worth playing for you.

    • 1 year ago

      The "colored" survivors have arguably better backgrounds & characteristics than the ugly shit dbd has. None of that jass queen shit in their skin descriptions

      I didn't get triggered by any of the african survivors like Ento or Enchantress.

      • 1 year ago

        Entomologist is white.

        • 1 year ago

          She's south African't.

          • 1 year ago

            Her skin is white. Her voice is white. White south africans are not black. You wouldn't call those two morons in Die Antwoord black, would you? I guess Eminem is black now too.
            Anyway you probably shouldn't play this game because you're really sensitive.

            Damn I missed all that cool shit? Can I get non-collab stuff? How has this game had a PERSONA collab I've never heard of this damn game?

            Regarding the graphics, I think it looks better than DBD mobile, but this could be PC footage. AND PC CROSS PROGRESSION wtf... How do I cope with wasting so much time in DBD mobile...

            Most non-collab stuff can still be bought in the shops with real money/earned in-game currencies, but some items are time limited. Sometimes they return on anniversaries the following years, or for other reasons. There are some non-collab character skins that can no longer be obtained through any other means than by buying someone else's account that has them.

            PC and Mobile have the exact same graphics options, as they are integrated with each other. It's not only cross progression, it's cross play. but this The PC client has next to no changes from the Mobile version beyond the ability to use a keyboard and mouse and a separate matchmaking queue. (Though regarding the queue - PC and mobile users can team up and play together but this forces the mobile users into the PC queue. PC users can never enter the mobile queue.)

            • 1 year ago

              >Her skin is white. Her voice is white. White south africans are not black

              Never said she's a nog, moron

              Is your brain that damaged that you can't understand sarcasm without there being /s or /j at the end?

              • 1 year ago

                You're so cute when you're angry and triggered ヾ(*´ ∇ `)ノ━゚.*・。゚
                Get well soon Sensitive-kun!

  44. 1 year ago

    What the frick would be the point of v3 collab if objectively the creepiest character in the franchise won't make it in?

    • 1 year ago

      There's a 1.5% chance that the masked, groomed into his profession, autist won't make it because he's obviously built for hot wax on sister action

      You're so cute when you're angry and triggered ヾ(*´ ∇ `)ノ━゚.*・。゚
      Get well soon Sensitive-kun!

      Thx, man.

  45. 12 months ago

    >Half of characters now look like this in every menu
    I already tried repairing the client and setting graphics to compatible/smooth. The latter replaces weird textures with the game crashing.
    Everything looks fine during the match, but man why do I always get these weird glitches only in IDV.

    • 12 months ago

      oh yeah this is another thing, after the huge update the game has been literal shit, lots of bugs and glitches, for a while I couldn't even open the game on PC without it being stuck on the loading screen

      • 12 months ago

        works perfectly fine on my machine.

        • 12 months ago

          well it works now yeah but multiple users were having the same issue of the game being stuck on the start up or force closing (for PC players) anyways all I'm saying is that with every update they manage to frick up something, not surprising for a mobile game I guess lol

          • 12 months ago

            to be fair, NetEase aren't even the devs for this game. The devs are actually Joker Studio, which is basically just an indie team with NetEase's money backing them up. They'll still be a little incompetent sometimes.

  46. 12 months ago

    Nerf Naiad

  47. 11 months ago

    West Lake Collab is gonna include frags.

    Either tourist skins or Legend of White Snake skins (West Lake is where the legend happened)

    Try to keep 12888+ frags, there might be a Yidhra, Grace, Hermit skin or Painter, Novelist and *sigh* Merc skin.

    • 11 months ago

      >West Lake Collab

  48. 11 months ago

    Did my boy Photo ever get his buff?

    • 11 months ago

      his attack swings faster now and his card trick animation is shorter too. so, yes, technically.

      • 11 months ago

        >they didn't rework him or give him something new
        let me guess, he still sucks?

        • 11 months ago

          Ofc he sucks.
          His buffs & Ripper's buff are the most meaningless things.

  49. 11 months ago

    >thread is half a year old
    this board doesn't move much huh?

    • 10 months ago

      that's the life of dollgame

    • 10 months ago

      devs don´t do moronic moves so yeah this thread is calmer than the assg.

  50. 10 months ago

    >Danganronpa Part 3
    I was not expecting that.

    • 10 months ago

      >Cn posts about optimizing Kaede, adding a second form, Usami acc optimization post

      Just as i expected.

  51. 10 months ago

    stopped playing when I got my new job since the schedule made ranking near impossible for me. praying they one day remove the moronic rank schedules

    • 9 months ago

      it helps funnel people into ranked since it's only open for a limited time. if it was constantly open it'd have long queue times.

    • 7 months ago

      same, except only on weekends now

  52. 9 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I made this.

      • 8 months ago

        prove it

        • 8 months ago

          Why don't you trust me?
          I did it for the /assg/ summer collab thing. It was my first time making an actual drawing in krita.

          Okay anons I want to play IDV, but I've read that ping in EU is pretty high to the point of reaching 100 ping, is it true or has it changed? And any newbie guide?

          Also I wish skins are easy to get here, because I never paid for one in DBD and getting a character + an skin for him just by grinding and not paying was the worst feeling ever.

          >EU ping
          No idea.

          >newbie guide?
          uhhh which part? Sounds like you're coming from DBD so you know the gist of how it works in-match. Maps aren't RNG generated like in DBD but locations of things like ciphers, etc are randomized. Hatch can't be opened manually (except in some modes) or closed. Hunters can't open gates. Hatch moves every few minutes once it opens. There's no collapse once gates are open.
          Progression is play matches for logic points there's a weekly cap to stop bugpeople from dying of dehydration in gaming cafes, earn logic points to get dice, roll dice on the logic path for currency, cosmetics, and pulls on the (cosmetics only) gacha. Certain gamemodes are only available at certain hours (3 sessions per day). You can try any character in bot games if you select "training" as the mode. Every day some number of characters are free to use in any mode. Camping is considered normal and characters kits built around the assumption of it happening. To unlock persona web levels you need to do actions related to each of the 4 categories (per role) (max persona level is 120, can totally be acquired in 1 afternoon), those are for your perk loadouts; once you're max you can play however you want. Every hunter gets to bring 1 extra ability called a trait from a universal list. Hunters get stronger the more they injure people (think Nemesis in DBD).

          >Also I wish skins are easy to get here, because I never paid for one in DBD and getting a character + an skin for him just by grinding and not paying was the worst feeling ever.
          They routinely hand out cards you can redeem for a skin of your choice (that's below S tier and not limited/collab). Skins are easy to get.

          • 8 months ago

            EU ping can be over 100 if you are playing with NA players in the match. If your match is 4 EU survivors (or ideally the hunter is EU too) you'll be placed in the recently installed EU server and your ping should be below 100 then.
            But I'd say over half of NAEU are EU players anyway (specifically Russians) and they don't have any trouble because 100 ping is fine as long as it's stable - which according to them normally is. The game is free anyway, you may as well just give it a try and see how your ping fairs.

            Other people in this thread have already asked for newbie guides/tips, you can find some in this post.
            There are some youtubers who have posted newbie guides too though, I'm sure you can find them easily. But if you have any very specific questions I can try to answer myself.
            t. someone who has been playing idv since 2018 and dbd since 2016

            the grind in idv isn't nearly as gruesome as it is in dbd for shards, you can earn a lot just after a handful of games. Around 3 hours of play every day = enough currency to buy a new character each week. They constantly give out free currency in events (which are also constant) as well as free gacha rolls.

            Sorry for the late reply anons, just got hit by Covid and my health mental is fricked up and can't really do a lot of things right now. And yes I played DbD for a long time so I know that every hunter has an specific way of using them (hit more, tp's, etc) and that you can grow them stronger the more you use them with the bloodweb (same goes for survivors), I was curious if it was any different for IdV. Designs are really interesting too, more than DbD (that arent collab in that game because Nemesis and Oni are great) honestly, and always loved this kind of aesthethic.

            I have an old acc but I don't remember trying the game so... Should I just start in a new one or I wont get any new account benefit? Sorry for asking a lot of questions anons, these days have been a shit between covid and my mental and I know I can be a pain in the ass (I was already one, so now even more of it). Thank you all in advance anons.

            • 8 months ago

              >that you can grow them stronger the more you use them with the bloodweb (same goes for survivors)
              No, there's no bloodweb grind in IDV, there aren't any consumables you need to grind for either. Once you unlock something you have it forever.
              When I said grow stronger I meant throughought the course of the match, like get 4 hits and your kit gets stronger for the rest of the match, like how Nemesis gains "Mutation Rate" by hitting survivors and zombies, causing his tentacle swipe get stronger.
              Evil Reptilian for example, has a doublejump that lets him leap over terrain, but after getting two hits on survivors he can bodyslam while in middair to land faster and do damage around where he lands.
              Once he gets 5 hits he gets a triple jump and his bodyslam is faster.

              Every hunter has that kind of mid-match kit growth based damage dealt to survivors.

              I don't know about new account benefits but my account is several years old at this point and I don't do alts, I'd probably just stick with the old one if you have it.
              There's a returning player thing which you'll get access to. Should give you a free character once you finish it.

            • 8 months ago

              Other anon who replied first has made good points, I'll just build upon some of them.

              No bloodweb, instead there is a customizable skill web called the "persona" which basically just contains perks you can select before starting a match. You have a limited number of points to use to build your web. Many of the perks are similar to four you may select for dbd killers (ANC = Street Sweeper / Bamboozle = Confined Space, etc) DBD's Whispers perk (Tinnitus) is base kit for all idv hunters, so you have it for free.

              All hunters start the match with an empty "Presence" bar and you gain more presence as you hit survivors, or through a special perk you select from the persona web. As your presence grows, your hunter's base abilities will grow stronger by either improving cooldowns or unlocking new powers.

              Along with the persona web, hunters can choose 1 of 7 Traits that can be game-changing. If you select the Trump Card perk from the persona web, you can swap to a 2nd trait halfway through a match, but you forfeit use of the 1st trait. This can also be seriously game-changing and turn what could have been a loss for you into a win.

              Atm there are no real new account benefits. All players have access to the "new account benefits" that were introduced last year regardless of how old their accounts are, the only catch is that many of the benefits can only be obtained through mobile claiming. The PC client is still not fully supported in some regards like that. You can log in with your existing account just fine, which would probably be smarter since returning players do get some small time-limited bonuses.

              I hope you feel better soon.

  53. 8 months ago

    Oletus mansion has fallen
    Millions must be chaired

    Other jaks sugs?

  54. 8 months ago

    Okay anons I want to play IDV, but I've read that ping in EU is pretty high to the point of reaching 100 ping, is it true or has it changed? And any newbie guide?

    Also I wish skins are easy to get here, because I never paid for one in DBD and getting a character + an skin for him just by grinding and not paying was the worst feeling ever.

    • 8 months ago

      EU ping can be over 100 if you are playing with NA players in the match. If your match is 4 EU survivors (or ideally the hunter is EU too) you'll be placed in the recently installed EU server and your ping should be below 100 then.
      But I'd say over half of NAEU are EU players anyway (specifically Russians) and they don't have any trouble because 100 ping is fine as long as it's stable - which according to them normally is. The game is free anyway, you may as well just give it a try and see how your ping fairs.

      Other people in this thread have already asked for newbie guides/tips, you can find some in this post.

      Check out these posts where other people got answers for your question when they asked earlier

      But I'll give you quick answers to your questions anyway,
      1) This only depends on what you want in an asym video game
      2) No
      3) Basically non-existent. Hackers are EXTREMELY rare and it's very easy to report them and get them banned same-day.
      4) All available "perks" are unlocked for you to use when you install the game. The grind only exists to earn cosmetics.
      5) There is an official PC client you can download instead if you prefer. I don't play on mobile at all so I can't really answer this one sorry.

      There are some youtubers who have posted newbie guides too though, I'm sure you can find them easily. But if you have any very specific questions I can try to answer myself.
      t. someone who has been playing idv since 2018 and dbd since 2016

      the grind in idv isn't nearly as gruesome as it is in dbd for shards, you can earn a lot just after a handful of games. Around 3 hours of play every day = enough currency to buy a new character each week. They constantly give out free currency in events (which are also constant) as well as free gacha rolls.

  55. 8 months ago

    I wonder what happened to this thread this year. This definitely used to be a lot more active

    • 8 months ago

      Nothing has really been happening in the game since ashes of memory. Aeroplanist is probably one of the most boring and uninteresting characters to come out cheerleader is cheerleader and its kind of hard to have discussion when it takes three days for someone to respond. But im sure the thread will slightly pick up again on ashes of memory part 2

  56. 7 months ago

    I'm still not used to the new menu area we have in the reporters room.

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