idk, but does anybody else find this game surprisingly boring?

idk, but does anybody else find this game surprisingly boring? I was enamored at first, but the game quickly starts to feel like: "1-3 small scaled stealth encounters into movie length cutscene". Also the game simultaneously feels incredibly forgiving, and very...annoying. Same with the NPCs, they simultaneously feel like they'll notice you through the smallest gap, but won't hear or notice their ally not return to routine.

could be my fault I guess, but idk where all the opening fun went

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  1. 4 months ago

    Try mgs2 then

    • 4 months ago

      2 was the only good mgs game.

      I played backwards from 3 to 2, and 2’s gameplay was infinitely more satisfying since there was actual infiltration being done. The Scientist bullshit in MGS 3 was moronic and borderline broken in a bad way. MGS 2 had better bosses, and the fact that there were less bosses is a plus.
      MGS 3 has better final boss, but so many little quirks in and about the gameplay bring it down

      problem is that I didn't like MGS2 for some reason. what I like about MGS3 (when it's good) is that stealth sometimes felt like a puzzle to figure out. From my memory of MGS2, it was way too simple for it to feel that way.

      But, you guys might be right. I recently saw some dude in a 3x3, who has a lot of games I agree with, I clude MGS2, so I'm thinking I just didn't give it enough of a chance or something. Maybe I'll give it a try again. Any perspective I should go into it with? Anybody got any more concrete arguments for why MGS2 is better gameplay wise?

      • 4 months ago

        >problem is that I didn't like MGS2 for some reason. what I like about MGS3 (when it's good) is that stealth sometimes felt like a puzzle to figure out. From my memory of MGS2, it was way too simple for it to feel that way.
        Were you playing on very easy or easy? Play on a harder difficulty, all it really is is a real time puzzle game, more than 3

        • 4 months ago

          >Were you playing on very easy or easy? Play on a harder difficulty, all it really is is a real time puzzle game

          Oh damn really? Frick. That's enticing. Yeah, If easy, or normal includes the mini map then, I did play on that mode. I can't remember having to pick a difficulty mode. But I'll try and replay the game this time on a harder difficulty. Maybe that's the change of perspective I need. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. I might make another thread later, to gather specifically what makes the game different to people and which one they think has the best gameplay, cuz people mostly just talk "story" and "vibes" also known as aesthetic + atmosphere

          • 4 months ago

            >Yeah, If easy, or normal includes the mini map then, I did play on that mode.
            they all include minimap unless you turn it off if I recall. I would not play without the minimap, unless it's your 5th playthrough or something, the game is just not designed to play mapless. Would also just try to play on hard-extreme, eu extreme on mgs2 is one of the hardest games I've ever played and I've beaten mgs2 like three times

          • 4 months ago

            >I can't remember having to pick a difficulty mode
            It asks you a question at the beginning with your experience, that is the difficulty setting on your first playthrough
            Answers being like "I like MGS2"

            MGS is made for the first playthrough experience and because of that MGS 3 is always shit.
            >back against a log, menu, change camo
            >crawl on ground menu, change camo
            >go in grass menu, change camo
            ad infinitum the entire game, well saying that, the actual stealth sections in MGS3 are small, there are like 10-15 or less cells where you actually do any real stealth, rest of the game is traversal, combat, on rails, escort mission and cutscenes.
            I played it day one and was completely disappointed in everything other than the quality of the animations in the custscenes, still one of the best cutscene animations in that regard to this day.

            >MGS is made for the first playthrough experience

            • 4 months ago

              >1-3 small scaled stealth encounters into movie length cutscene
              Weird way to spell MGS2. That game's biggest criticism were its cutscenes length which is why they made them shorter in 3 after the Virtuous Mission

              Those questions have absolutely nothing to do with difficulty


              • 4 months ago

                >Those questions have absolutely nothing to do with difficulty

                They do (did) but what you showed there is the subsistence game.
                I have only played it once, the HD version so forgot they added that and allowed you to unlock shit early.
                Notice how he did not have EE too.
                Original MGS3 had similar questions like MGS2 had, that changes the difficulty depending on your answer.

              • 4 months ago

                Again, no it didn't


              • 4 months ago

                >no it didn't
                >shows a game already completed where you then have difficulty select active and all other options available not available on first playthrough
                >doesn't even press I am playing MGS for the first time
                are you moronic?


                >I can't remember having to pick a difficulty mode
                It asks you a question at the beginning with your experience, that is the difficulty setting on your first playthrough
                Answers being like "I like MGS2"
                >MGS is made for the first playthrough experience

                >>MGS is made for the first playthrough experience

                Both MGS 2 and 3 had starting questions that choose the difficulty and I cannot remember but possibly MGS 4 had it too.

              • 4 months ago

                Are YOU moronic, you fricking inbred? Because you still haven't posted any fricking proof of the original MGS3 lacking the difficulty option choice

              • 4 months ago

                Are YOU moronic, you fricking inbred? Because you still haven't posted any fricking proof of the original MGS3 lacking the difficulty option choice

                In fact here, fricker: a freshly downloaded PCSX2 emulator and original non-Subsistence MGS3 ISO from 2004 with no previous savefile completion. Oh what's that? Both the question about previous games and the difficulty choice are there? Suck my hairy balls.

          • 4 months ago

            While easy is easy sure changing difficulty only just makes combat harder, bosses harder and like damage sponges and adds a few extra guards here and there for more stealth challenge.
            If you are shit at stealth you will probably just die and if you and restart the section anyway negating the combat difficulty increase.
            If you are good at stealth you wont notice a difference except the bosses being damage sponges.

      • 4 months ago

        >I recently saw some dude in a 3x3,
        Is this gay talk code for a gay orgy?
        >blowing a guy while getting fricked in the ass while they talk about the vidya they played

      • 4 months ago

        Mgs2 is the worst of the classic MGS games. Only the Tanker chapter is serviceable.

        • 4 months ago

          >Mgs2 is the worst of the classic MGS games.
          what? really? why specifically? there's no way anybody is seriously trying to tell me the genuine garbage that is MGS1s gameplay with like what? 9 enemies in the game total? is actually better? Even I can't say that, and I probably hate MGS2 the most due to the pseuds

  2. 4 months ago

    2 was the only good mgs game.

    • 4 months ago

      idk, but does anybody else find this game surprisingly boring? I was enamored at first, but the game quickly starts to feel like: "1-3 small scaled stealth encounters into movie length cutscene". Also the game simultaneously feels incredibly forgiving, and very...annoying. Same with the NPCs, they simultaneously feel like they'll notice you through the smallest gap, but won't hear or notice their ally not return to routine.

      could be my fault I guess, but idk where all the opening fun went

      I played backwards from 3 to 2, and 2’s gameplay was infinitely more satisfying since there was actual infiltration being done. The Scientist bullshit in MGS 3 was moronic and borderline broken in a bad way. MGS 2 had better bosses, and the fact that there were less bosses is a plus.
      MGS 3 has better final boss, but so many little quirks in and about the gameplay bring it down

      • 4 months ago

        >The Scientist bullshit in MGS 3 was moronic and borderline broken in a bad way
        what's bad about it?

        • 4 months ago

          Firstly I dunno if I’m moronic but they tell you over codec to ask other scientists for information. Problem is, scientists will Alert if they see and interact with you, yes I didn’t have face paint/tried the Raider mask, so that’s just bad advice and a noob trap.
          The section is just poorly fleshed out.

          • 4 months ago

            it sounds like you misremembered the codec call, there's never a point where you need to talk to a scientist. unless there is? I haven't played the game for a while

            • 4 months ago

              It’s a comment either from EVA or the black dude SIGIT. If I remember right, I replayed in the recent collection, it’s the first infiltration going to the Weapons Lab to meet with the scientist

              • 4 months ago

                Haven't played it since Subsistence came out, but I seem to remember a comment on avoding getting too close to other lab workers.

            • 4 months ago

              Firstly I dunno if I’m moronic but they tell you over codec to ask other scientists for information. Problem is, scientists will Alert if they see and interact with you, yes I didn’t have face paint/tried the Raider mask, so that’s just bad advice and a noob trap.
              The section is just poorly fleshed out.

              The game at no point tells you to interact with the scientists. Perhaps you misunderstood instructions to find Granin.

          • 4 months ago

            You're moronic. You're meant to avoid scientists, since they can tell you don't belong there.

            MGS is made for the first playthrough experience and because of that MGS 3 is always shit.
            >back against a log, menu, change camo
            >crawl on ground menu, change camo
            >go in grass menu, change camo
            ad infinitum the entire game, well saying that, the actual stealth sections in MGS3 are small, there are like 10-15 or less cells where you actually do any real stealth, rest of the game is traversal, combat, on rails, escort mission and cutscenes.
            I played it day one and was completely disappointed in everything other than the quality of the animations in the custscenes, still one of the best cutscene animations in that regard to this day.

            Shit taste.
            I played all MGS when they came out, and dozens of times since. 3 has nearly infinite amount of replay value.

            • 4 months ago

              >3 has nearly infinite amount of replay value.
              Frick off, there are like 10 stealth sections and of them only half of them are good.

              • 4 months ago

                All of them are great and etter than the 2's endless Tranq sniping and running.

      • 4 months ago

        >but so many little quirks

        elaborate If you don't mind. Im tryna understand why I'm suddenly not jiving with MGS3 gameplay

        • 4 months ago

          Prone crawling is a nightmare in MGS 3 because Snake will often get caught on geometry and crouch stand without your input, allowing for Alerts.
          This is in part a skill issue admittedly since you can eventually tell when Snake gets caught on collisions and can prevent him from standing, but MGS 2 has intricately designed prone paths in the Big Shell so it feels more natural to maneuver there.

          • 4 months ago

            >Prone crawling is a nightmare in MGS 3 because Snake will often get caught on geometry and crouch stand without your input, allowing for Alerts.

            Ah yeah, you're right. It's little things like that, but also, the controls allow for more options but also feel stiff. It's weird, the game. I mean. I sincerely believe it's not hard. It's simply way too forgiving, the game allows you to be very sloppy, really. I tested it myself. But whenever I want to do a very specific thing. It starts to feel annoying, because the controls aren' do I say this "comfortable?" they're not egregious or anything, just inconvenient. And it creates this disconnect where, what you actually have to do, is fairly simple and easy, but you'll make little mistakes that kill your mood. There were many times where I got "alerted" and could have just retreated and carried on but because I was annoyed I just let the guards shoot me till I could reset.


            • 4 months ago

              The controls aren’t bad, just set in stone and rigid to the point where you have to actively queue the moves and inputs in your head for a seamless experience, if you’re going to do something complicated or specific like you mentioned. It feels engaging for all the wrong reasons when a mis-input put you into Alert or Caution
              I’d say it’s being used to modern controls, but MGS has always, to an extent, felt awkward to play.

  3. 4 months ago

    How far did you make it? After operation snake eater starts and you get past the initial EVA encounter, I feel like the game opens up pretty well and the interruptions become less frequent.

  4. 4 months ago

    MGS is made for the first playthrough experience and because of that MGS 3 is always shit.
    >back against a log, menu, change camo
    >crawl on ground menu, change camo
    >go in grass menu, change camo
    ad infinitum the entire game, well saying that, the actual stealth sections in MGS3 are small, there are like 10-15 or less cells where you actually do any real stealth, rest of the game is traversal, combat, on rails, escort mission and cutscenes.
    I played it day one and was completely disappointed in everything other than the quality of the animations in the custscenes, still one of the best cutscene animations in that regard to this day.

  5. 4 months ago

    The Boss is the biggest fricking mary sue ever. No amount of "technique" is going to magically make women stronger and faster than men, especially when they're well trained. Every single scene she appeared in was cringier than the last. Manhandles Snake every encounter and makes Volgin back away with his hands raised up in front of him. Unbelievable this was written by a Jap in the early 2000s. None of his other women were girlbosses before or since.
    >woman teaches you how to shoot
    >woman leads the allied forces to victory in WW2 singlehandedly at a time when both men and women still knew their place

    • 4 months ago

      It's a video game. Nobody complains when twig like Lara Croft somehow able to do a handstand without looking like a buffed gorilla.

    • 4 months ago

      Only zoomers such as yourself hate The Boss for being strong woman. Tough shit being born in your shit generation poisoned with woke shit so you cant see anything without anti woke lens.

  6. 4 months ago

    Guys like you can't enjoy anything because you chop everything up with a molecular scalpel and then examine every piece with an electron microscope.

    Literally shut off the excess intelligence emulator you keep running 24/7. It's not actually doing anything for you and makes you insufferable to interact with.

    • 4 months ago

      >you cant enjoy this game unless you are a child or a manchild

    • 4 months ago

      >Literally shut off the excess intelligence emulator you keep running 24/7. It's not actually doing anything for you and makes you insufferable to interact with.

      I don't understand? Am I not allowed to look internally and maybe examine why I may not be enjoying something? What is this weird culture lately on this board of a resistance to ever actually questioning or inquiring about anything? There's this weird dichotomy of endless hate and criticism against everything videogame in the modern day and resistance to actually trying to ask questions and ever understand anything beyond a surface level...oh wait. I get it. It's not actually a dichotomy. They share a key similarity: Shallowness. Whether it's reactive hate, or reactive..."defense"? Both are just surface level reactions to likes and dislikes.

      Alright. Carry on. Whatever.

      • 4 months ago

        nta but you type like a tumblr/Twitter moron which makes your opinion automatically irrelevant. No one normal starts a post with a rhetoric wondering like this? Then goes on to use ellipsis to fake a gotcha... Then types. Like this.

        You're all so fricking predictable

  7. 4 months ago

    how are the Switch versions?
    I tried to play MGS2 in Xbox 360 but the controls sucked.

  8. 4 months ago

    Nope. It's the best Metal Gear .

  9. 4 months ago

    I hate nothing more than a Zoomer.

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