If it wasn't for the butts i would probably not play this game at all.

If it wasn't for the butts i would probably not play this game at all.

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Emperor Xi will soon make sure of that for you.

    • 2 years ago

      There are zero personal information about me on the PC i play video games with,

  2. 2 years ago

    butt the game is fun

  3. 2 years ago

    you would play this game because you're a fricking obsessed little weeaboo moron who loves trading time and money for anime jpgs of little girls. literally anybody who is normal played maybe 30 minutes of genshit and has moved on since then. its been years. move on man.

    the regret is going to hit you HARD in a couple years when you realize what you've spent so much time on

    • 2 years ago

      >If you are having fun, you are wasting your time

      • 2 years ago

        except you could be having more fun playing actual games and not anime coomer gachashit. tell me how you feel about that when you're in your 30s and realize you wasted your youth playing fricking dumb ass genshit impact bro

        • 2 years ago

          >stop having fake fun bro

      • 2 years ago

        >Implying that anyone that's played Genshin for more than 10 hours is still having fun in this gacha skinnerbox piece of shit.

        The endgame isn't even designed to be fun. It's just designed to be addictive enough so that people won't leave. Seriously, I challenge you to find me one person that doesn't think that Genshin gets shittier and shittier the more that you play until it eventually hits rockbottom around AR45 when the """""""""gameplay""""""""" just consists of doing the agonizingly boring daily quests and the soul-crushingly boring domains. Everyone knows that late-game players only still play this trash cause of sunk costs.

        I can't believe I'm saying this, but even trash like Xenoblade would be a massive step up from this.

        t. AR 55 player that's gonna drop this shit for good unless 3.0 comes with some major fixes

        • 2 years ago

          genshin is suppose to be a casual game that you play 10 minutes a day, and sometimes 20 when there are events, and a few hours every now and then when a new zone comes out.
          if you don't like that type of game then thats fine and im not going to argue if its good or not but is at least a decent time waster if you set your expectative accordingly.
          it has been almost 2 years and there hasn't been any improvement to the end game and at this point its set in stone how mihoyo wants to keep running the game. if (You) think the game is bad, simply quit and you'll be way happier.

          • 2 years ago

            >genshin is suppose to be a casual game that you play 10 minutes a day
            Artefact grinding alone bumps that up to half an hour a day minimum

            • 2 years ago

              depends, if you are new maybe, but it doesn't take too long to reach 2min domains or even less, specially for new players because strong box exists and waaay better guides.
              Or you could just not farm any artifacts if you dont need it, i personally don't use resin if im too lazy and just do commissions because they dont take too long, after one point your account stops improving and if you don't have the motivation or want to do it, there's no point in wasting extra time.

              • 2 years ago

                Daily commission grind = gacha currency
                Daily artefact grind = getting stronger characters = clearing event quests easier / with better results = gacha currency
                Plus there's all the weekly bosses thrown in too for the same end goal, and ingredient farming.
                Genshin wants to eat up your time as you scrounge together miniscule resources each day for a better chance at getting characters in the future. It is not a game you only put a few minutes into each day by design, unless you're a whale, and a whale wouldn't be a whale in a game they barely play to begin with.

              • 2 years ago

                >Daily artefact grind = getting stronger characters = clearing event quests easier / with better results = gacha currency
                In no way does min/maxing artifacts get you more currency after the point of being able to 36* abyss, which many people have been doing for a year and half without changing their teams.
                >Plus there's all the weekly bosses thrown in too for the same end goal, and ingredient farming.
                Most people only do the 3 bosses a week that are resin discounted because the rewards are shit and they don't need talent materials. I do all bosses on Monday because I enjoy it, I have surplus of all boss talent mats and could stop bosses all together for ages if I wanted.

              • 2 years ago

                They're gonna add more abyss floors sooner or later

              • 2 years ago

                again, game takes you time only if you are new, if you know what you are doing the game barely expect attention for you, you cannot play if there's no more resin, so is not like you can play hours and hours unless you have content to do, which are events and abbys, which gives you plenty of time do it, so there's almost no pressure, specially if you know the drill of doing the bare minimum for rewards.
                you also have to consider that all these activities should be fun for you, otherwise, there's no point in playing.
                if genshin had farming like an MMO or someshit like that i wouldn't play it but i could understand why people would like it that way, or how could it be even more popular.

          • 2 years ago

            You're right about Genshin being a game that you play for 10-20 minutes a day once the content is drained. My problem is that Mihoyo doesn't give a shit about how much fun you're having during those 10-20 minutes, causing the game to feel like an absolute chore.

            There is absolutely no reason why the daily commissions and the artifact domains have to be so boring. Tell me with a straight face that you're having fun killing 10 hillichurls and cycling through the same word salad text quest each day for a measly 60 primogems. The moment to moment gameplay that you're expected to play everyday for these is dogshit. Simple changes like the ability to choose your favourite battle theme for the domains or the randomization of enemies in these domains would make them less boring, but Mihoyo won't fix it since they don't care how much fun you're having once the honeymoon period is over.

            >He played to AR 55 and still doesn't understand the gameplay loop and content cycle
            Actually embarrassing, anon. It's fun to dislike it, but to not understand it is next level moronic.

            How the frick did you get to AR 55 before you realized you didn't like the game? Did you think there was some super secret end game raid or did you not realize new content is drip fed on a 6 week cycle?

            >The endgame isn't even designed to be fun
            There isn't any endgame, dumbass. Its a slice-of-life anime episode simulator with browser tier minigames inbetween main story and region updates, in which its an exploration aRPG for a couple hours.

            I had a ton of fun with the game up until I entered my first artifact domain at AR45, and I don't regret playing it in the slightest since the early game was so enjoyable.
            As for the endgame, you're just arguing semantics there. I call the endgame dogshit and you call the endgame nonexistent. We have the exact same opinion but used different terms to describe the problem. I really have no clue why you're attacking me on this front.

            • 2 years ago

              No attacking, just teasing anon. It's an old and tired complaint. The lack of an endgame activity between new content is a super valid criticism, but the number of players who are oblivious to it to this day is unbelievable.

              What isn't a valid criticism is
              >You're forced to play! You'll fall behind if you don't play! You'll regret this!
              At AR55 you could drop the game until fricking Fontaine comes out
              >your team would still be viable since the game is piss easy and day 1 units make up some of the most meta teams.
              >You wouldn't be content locked out of any content because the main story is so far behind in AR requirements (early 30's.)
              >You'd have hours and hours of new permanent content ontop of the 30+ hours you've already experienced

              It's very clear to everyone playing that the content cycle is pretty set on stone and the pattern of new regions is here to stay. No one is holding a gun to anyones head to farm artifacts and min/max characters. In fact you're hardly rewarded for doing so at all.

            • 2 years ago

              eh i could tell you many reasons why they made it that way but you are right, mihoyo doesn't care if you have don't have fun between filler time.
              is just a question if you tolerate that filler time or not, i personally think is still fun to do commission or what not, daily commisions are common in "game as a service", i certainly prefer it over having to having a second job to farm stuff.
              thats perhaps because i played gbf, where you can always farm stuff, stamina (resin) was meaningless, there's dailies everywhere, good rewards and all that stuff but there was this pvp event that you had to perform to get good rewards and that was hell on earth 8/hr a day stuff which was tiring even if you could auto battle, the updates were also very scarse.
              genshin scratches that itch but doesnt take as much time which lets me focus on other things or even let me play other games.

        • 2 years ago

          I remember quitting when new content finally came out (bit after itto) and realised I was still just wanting to do dailies for roles. By the time new content does come out you just roll it with no effort.

        • 2 years ago

          >He played to AR 55 and still doesn't understand the gameplay loop and content cycle
          Actually embarrassing, anon. It's fun to dislike it, but to not understand it is next level moronic.

          How the frick did you get to AR 55 before you realized you didn't like the game? Did you think there was some super secret end game raid or did you not realize new content is drip fed on a 6 week cycle?

          >The endgame isn't even designed to be fun
          There isn't any endgame, dumbass. Its a slice-of-life anime episode simulator with browser tier minigames inbetween main story and region updates, in which its an exploration aRPG for a couple hours.

  4. 2 years ago

    That's a good butt.

  5. 2 years ago

    I got bored of this game within two weeks but the girls are cute

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    >no you dont get it bro, the game is SUPPOSED to lack content

  8. 2 years ago

    I saw this autistic looking family out the other day. The two kids were wearing some cheap elastic Chinese knockoff shiny pink jerseys with the game logo and some weeb girl on it.
    I should have taken a pic it was unreal. I can’t imagine a father letting their kids wear that shit.

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