If it's not a 100% no glitches speed run its not a speedrun

If you can do unintended shit it's no different than applying a mod that immediately rolls credits when you hit start.

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  1. 9 months ago

    I disagree.

    • 9 months ago

      Of course you do, you're a zoomer.

  2. 9 months ago

    now I can get no glitches but there’s really no reason to limit it to 100%. That’s like saying a plantation owner didn’t deserve his riches because he only worked 50% of his workers to death. Yep.

  3. 9 months ago

    if it's in the game it's fair game.
    of course that brings into question shit like the zelda OOT speedrun that makes use of some stop n swop bullshit with paper mario 64 or whatever, or those dragon quest speedruns where they use a hotplate to heat up their NES to glitch the game to the credits, but i don't have a good answer for those so shhhhh

  4. 9 months ago

    >applying a mod that immediately rolls credits when you hit start.
    now i want this lol, what games that have this kind of mod?

    • 9 months ago

      I bet he's talking about speedruns like this. homosexuals see 1 speedrun that breaks the game and think all of them are shunned as a result.

      • 9 months ago

        Speedrun=for trannies. Glitches or not.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, there's lame shit like that and then shit like THIS that's at least creative and cool

  5. 9 months ago

    Its a lot different because you're staying within the rules of the game (even if they arent the rules the developer intended) and glitches in speedruns require game knowledge and sometimes the skill to execute them, and they can be amongst the hardest things to do in the run, so its a lot different from just cheating where you find a code online and that makes the entire game easier.

    • 9 months ago

      Not intended=doesn't matter how fast you did you didn't beat the game. You can run to home plate in baseball faster if you start at third base. Doesn't count though, because it's fricking cheating. If you can get out of a check in chess by moving a knight like a pawn it doesn't matter that you can physically do it, it's fricking cheating and doesn't count.

      • 9 months ago

        Those things are cheating because they break the rules of the game, but glitches don't break the rules because theres no ref to stop you. Some of the greatest and most iconic game mechanics of all time were glitches and you'd be a fool to get rid of them. Combos in Street Fighter, rocket jumping in Quake, even dribbling in Basketball was effectively a glitch; an unintended loophole in the rules of Basketball that ended up making the game much better and gave it a much higher skill floor. Glitches in speedrunning are similar; they make the speedrun more authentic by not arbitrarily limiting what you are and are not allowed to do and they increase the skill requirement because most glitches require extensive game knowledge and skill to pull off (like every smb1 glitch, which by the way is a great speedrun and my favorite to do casually). There are probably a lot of games which speedruns arent fun to watch but thats because a lot of games just arent very fun if your goal is to speed through it as fast as possible.

        • 9 months ago

          There doesn't need to be a ref for running the bases starting at third for it to be considered cheating. If they were just honest and called it filthy cheaters category it would be fine. But they're cheaters.

          • 9 months ago

            >There doesn't need to be a ref for running the bases starting at third for it to be considered cheating.
            >Its illegal to murder
            >Murders someone
            >No one arrests me, or takes anything away from me, or removes me from my status
            >Murders someone again
            Rules work the same way, if you don't enforce it then its not a rule, its a suggestion.

            • 9 months ago

              Getting caught for murder is not what defines you as being a murderer.

              • 9 months ago

                Sure, but getting arrested is what marks you as a criminal. If nobody got punished for cheating, they wouldn't really be cheaters, they would just be players who play the game in a way no one likes.

              • 9 months ago

                Punishment is not what makes a cheater. Going against the spirit of the competition does. Skipping intended parts of a game, by definition, means you didn't play the whole game.

              • 9 months ago

                A "no glitches" rule goes against the spirit of competition because your restricting players from using a technique that requires player knowledge and skill to pull off because your human mind drew a line between "intentional mechanic" and "glitch". Choosing not to beat the game as fast as possible because you think operating within the mechanics of a game to produce an unintended result is cheating is stupid if your goal is to beat the game as fast as possible. You're effectively saying "anything the devs didnt intend is cheating" which applies to a lot more than just glitches and is totally arbitrary.

              • 9 months ago

                But you didn't beat it. Beating something means playing according to the rules, otherwise it's cheating. Moving every chess piece like it's a queen doesn't mean you're a chess master, yet you can physically do so. Videogames aren't different just because they're video.

              • 9 months ago

                >Beating something means playing according to the rules
                not for video games it doesn't

              • 9 months ago

                For all games.

              • 9 months ago

                video games (usually) have a specified end state of some kind, or at least some kind of end goal, and the only thing moderating whether the game has been beaten is the game itself, and if you're willing to do so, you can simply trick the game into thinking that end state has been reached.
                you can say "you didn't beat it" all you want, and while that may work for berating your fellow gamer for being a baby and picking easy mode, the only thing that matters for a speedrunner is what the game says.

              • 9 months ago

                All games have a specified end state. They also all have an understood intended way to play.

              • 9 months ago

                >They also all have an understood intended way to play.
                and the only person enforcing that "intended way to play" is (You).
                if the game allows for it, even if the developers didn't intend for it themselves, it's allowed, so long as you yourself allow it.

              • 9 months ago

                You can move a knight like a queen. Doesn't mean it's allowed. It's cheating. Skipping intended gameplay means you didn't play the whole game. They could fix it by just calling it what it is: cheating to credits. Beating a game, in any form, means playing the entire game.

              • 9 months ago

                Video games don't have a judge because they don't need one, they enforce their own rules. If a chess video game allowed you to move a knight like a queen, that would be legal in the chess video game. If you're going to enforce arbitrary real world rules to video games because of your own autism you'd have to say it's impossible to legally clear GTA since you'll inevitably have to "cheat" by violating a traffic law at some point in the game.

              • 9 months ago

                so is using warp zones in SMB1 cheating then? because that's still intended. they put it into the game in a way that doesn't require any exploits or glitches, and it lets you skip parts of the intended gameplay.

              • 9 months ago

                How do you frame a piece of 'gameplay' within a 'game' as a whole? If the tools provided by the game give you the freedom to skip elements to beat the game faster then the devs should have thought about that. An enemy in a game is meant to be surpassed; while the intended method is typically to beat it, that doesn't mean you can't surpass it through other means. Skipping a boss still requires the player to perform some action. They're still finding a way to overcome the obstacle. And that's what a game is. An obstacle, or series of obstacles, for the player to overcome. In any way they can within the game's scope of possibilities. Using glitches is not cheating since it's in the game.

              • 9 months ago

                >Doesn't mean it's allowed
                It is allowed if both players agree it's allowed.

              • 9 months ago

                Sure but when you move every chess piece like a queen you break the rules and either someone stops you or the guy your playing with gives up because your ruining the sanctity of the game. The issue with a chess metaphor is that its a multiplayer game so you can actively ruin the game for everyone else, compared to speedrunning where you ruin the game for nobody but maybe yourself. The other issue with the metaphor is that its based in physical reality where the rules of the game are easy to break. In a singleplayer video game with an ending the only rules in a speedrun are "Reach the end in one continous play session". Morphing through blocks and wrong-warping in Super Mario Bros isn't cheating because the ref doesn't penalize you or suspend you for three weeks and because every single person who wants to compete in Super Mario Bros speedrunning can learn to do those techniques which requires a great deal of player knowledge and skill to perform and only make it a better competitive game, not worse. Glitches aren't cheating in speedrunning, if they were considered cheating then speedrunning would be considered a farce because they don't beat the game in the actual fastest way.

              • 9 months ago

                Not reading all that. Speed run your thoughts a bit.

              • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              there truly are only 2 kinds of people huh

  6. 9 months ago

    I think it depends on what the glitch is. Hitting a wall and getting through something at just the right angle at least takes some skill, but like glitches caused by fricking with the pause menu or quitting and reloading feel kind of scummy to me.

  7. 9 months ago

    >it's yet another "autists on Ganker getting mad at speedrunnergays because they beat the game too fast" episode
    this rerun's getting old.

  8. 9 months ago

    frick you, I like Morrowind speedruns

  9. 9 months ago

    >half life 25 minutes glitch run

  10. 9 months ago

    What if you can't 100% a game? What does 100%ing a game even mean?

  11. 9 months ago

    Glitchless, yes. 100% is turbo autism for a lot of games though. Nobody ACTUALLY wants to see a baten kaitos 100% run.

  12. 9 months ago

    using cheat DLCs also

    • 9 months ago

      >NG+ with DLC any%
      >NG without DLC any%
      I like when at least some skill is involved.

  13. 9 months ago

    this lol
    if meme tricks are allowed then I turn off the console boom 00:00:00 speedrun of every game ever I'M THE SUPREME CHAMPION GET FRICKED

  14. 9 months ago

    that's why categories exist. But often times, especially for smaller games, glitchless runs are less fun so no one runs them.
    And if you think they should all be glitchless anyways, what about games where you can run into a glitch on accident? How do you determine the difference between poor gameplay balance and a glitched skill?

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