If most Fantasy roleplaying settings have modern day sexual mores (or even more liberal), equal opportunities for women and magical divine healing ser...

If most Fantasy roleplaying settings have modern day sexual mores (or even more liberal), equal opportunities for women and magical divine healing services…..why would a woman be an adventurer when she can be a prostitute instead? Lower risk of death and more reliable income stream.

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  1. 7 months ago

    There are lots of women who already do this in most fantasy settings

  2. 7 months ago

    Why do women and gay men do anything when they could be prostitutes instead?

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        God Damn! You didn't gave to kill them like that LOL

    • 7 months ago

      >gay men
      Hot guys wont need to pay for sex so all your customers are ugly overweight boomers who want to do leather shit. If i need to wear BDSM gear and get beat up in a dungeon for money id rather the risk of death and to at least get a sword out of it

      • 7 months ago

        As someone who worked security at a brothel, this isn't true. The old gay dudes go do face down anon shit, gloryholes, cruising. It's usually normal looking gay dudes, people on tour, etc that just want to go frick someone they know is clean and not (obviously) insane.

      • 7 months ago

        the point isn't for you to get off, both women and gays have the option to decline a client. If the point was to get off and get paid on the side I know plenty of guys that are into fat ogres as well. as for me I am more into the ripped silver fox paladin that you are more likely to find in a dungeon delving party.

    • 7 months ago

      The only gay guys who need to resort to prostitutes are extremely unattractive, unbelievably depraved even by gay standards, closeted older guys, or all of the above. Gays need to be far gone to go into prostitution

    • 7 months ago

      Given the number of women and gays with onlyfans, very large numbers of them do.

  3. 7 months ago


  4. 7 months ago

    Murder rates of prostitutes can be fairly high, and some forms of them do adventure alongside their regular job, perhaps using it to find higher paying clients.

    • 7 months ago

      >murder rates of prostitutes is high
      >so I guess I'll go seek out violent combat

      • 7 months ago

        Camp following was very common IRL.

      • 7 months ago

        Usually, an adventurer is equipped to deal with many forms of violent combat. Camp Follwers are normally not as well equipped or trained. So, I suppose it's the difference between dying with a sword in your hand vs. getting smothered with a pillow.

        I know which one I would pick.

      • 7 months ago

        Well to be fair, civilian mortality has been higher in some conflicts, and delivery drivers have higher mortality rates than cops. Probably higher mortality in prostitution than just about any job, including the military and crab fishing.

  5. 7 months ago

    >modern day sexual mores
    "Depends on the setting" applies to the real world too. There are places outside of Southern California.

  6. 7 months ago

    Successful adventurer makes more than successful prostitute.
    Unsuccessful adventurer may indeed have to resort to prostitution...

    • 7 months ago

      Source for picrel?

      • 7 months ago

        >Deadman's House

    • 7 months ago

      This implies the reverse is equally as common.

      • 7 months ago

        The reverse meaning unsuccessful adventurer making less than unsuccessful prostitute?

        • 7 months ago

          Isn't an unsuccessful adventurer just dead or broke? Say what you will about prostitution, at least it's a job.

          • 7 months ago

            Threat of death while adventuring is decidedly more direct and imminent, but I'd say the threat of destitution would be about the same for both. Going broke isn't just about income (or lack thereof), it's about income vs expenses.

            • 7 months ago

              So an adventurer has a pretty extensive expense list though. Weapons and armor (expensive), backpack, torches, rations, rope, parchment, marbles, and thieves tools or a holy symbol.
              Prostitute's have pretty dress (x2), rent, sulphur pills (for VD), make-up, and perfume to cover the stink.
              I think it's a gig vs wage job comparison. There are inherent dangers to both and as dangerous as prostitution can be I think adventuring probably has a higher death to success ratio.

              • 7 months ago

                >I think it's a gig vs wage job comparison.
                It can be freelancing / doing gigs in two separate "fields of expertise" depending on availability of work. When there isn't any monsters to be killed it's time to get on your back and still make some money.

              • 7 months ago

                Where is this from?

              • 7 months ago

                sauce, for the love of all possible gods

                Spunky Knight by Kozo Yohei

              • 7 months ago

                sauce, for the love of all possible gods

    • 7 months ago

      >Excellent condition
      >Gangbanged by gobbos
      Succubi expect me to fall for this shit?

      • 7 months ago

        She's dead. It's a necro doujin.

        • 7 months ago
  7. 7 months ago

    What do you think tavern wenches do?

    • 7 months ago

      Tavern wenches ROCK. Of those that DON'T prostitute themselves (either freelance or work with the tavern owner, or his wife, herself a former wench), they serve food & beverages, entertain with song and/or dance, tell some of the bawdiest jokes in town ("There once was a mimic from Faerun..."), provide a 'wubbie' if you ask nice enough (if you don't know what that is, you lead a sad, unfulfilled life), and can barfight better than most scoundrels with nothing more than a serving tray and what she's got concealed in that boddice (don't ask)!
      So be sure you tip well you tavern wench, for they have a LONG memory, even if you don't.

      Here endeth the lesson.

  8. 7 months ago

    Only because the GM thinks it's gay playing out a hooker for a table full of guys.
    Which results in very few books relating to the topic being written.

  9. 7 months ago

    Hookers don't even have to be that attractive to make money even.

    • 7 months ago

      The highest-paid ones often have only slightly-above-average looks but are great conversationalists who don't even necessarily have sex with their clients. When you're the richest of the rich, you can have unlimited sex with the most beautiful women just by paying for it, so that ironically becomes relatively cheap, and people are always trying to wheedle their way into your good graces to obtain your patronage. Your most valuable assets become sincerity and (having a good) time, and an intelligent, bold woman who doesn't bullshit you can provide both.

  10. 7 months ago

    If most Fantasy roleplaying settings have modern day judicial mores (or even more bureucratic), equal opportunities for all and magical book keeping services…..why would a man be an adventurer when he can be a lawyer instead? Lower risk of death and more reliable income stream.

    • 7 months ago

      Being a lawyer is super long hard and arduous work.

      • 7 months ago

        You've got dorks and nerds that can live for hundreds of years to study them up.
        You can argue that doesn't help because those in power are somehow one of the shorter-lived races and that the law changes too often but I wouldn't buy it.

        • 7 months ago

          In many cases, I think that treaties and trade agreements with elves and dwarves and other long-lived races would make it harder for humans to tweak their legal system. A rebel leader might depose the old king and become the new king, and he might even give the nation a new name, but he's still bound to the same legal framework that the old king's great-great-grandfather agreed to, and he can't do anything about it without jeopardizing the prosperity and security of his peoiple.

        • 7 months ago

          >You've got dorks and nerds that can live for hundreds of years to study them up.
          how is a short lived midwit human supposed to compete?

        • 7 months ago

          The law also gets added to more often than it changes outright. The three major law codes are English Common Law (Henry II) Civil Law (Romans, via Napoleon) and Islamic Law (mostly shaken out by 700 or so)
          There were a lot of additions in the last 2 centuries to account for technological innovations that didn't exist before them but they all rely on Jurisprudence that is centuries old as a basis.
          And the stereotypical Dorfs seem to be especially into legalism culturally.

    • 7 months ago

      Becoming a lawyer / physician back in the day involved apprenticeship (ie you had to be connected).

      • 7 months ago

        That's still true for Lawyers (see: law clerks)

    • 7 months ago

      Because not everyone is boring and your setting is boring.

      • 7 months ago

        Bro he's making fun of OP's logic, how did you not catch that

    • 7 months ago

      Historically a lawyer has in the past been

      An unpaid position, only fairly recently in civilized human history could you earn a full time income from working with law.
      Often more of a governmental position where you act as something between an prosecutor, judge and general administrator
      Otherwise often lawyering was just being good at rhetorics (a slight exagguration that's not far off for large swathes of ancient greece and rome)

      t. irl (european) lawyer. Roman history was the worst course, and I say that as someone who likes history.

      • 7 months ago

        Were Chinese litigation hooligans real?

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine having to sift through literally a thousand years of judicial precedent in a venerable fantasy empire with civil law. At least the "library magic" will be well-developed.

  11. 7 months ago

    Actually, most opressive times for women was the post-black plague renaissance, which also coincides with the true raise of witch hunting, inquisitions, and religious scism. Sometimes, medieval noblewomen arranged their own kidnapping, or kidnapped young lads. I remember the tale of old noblewoman who defended the castle in full armour while her husband was far away.

    • 7 months ago

      The renaissance was a time when enlightened ideas sprouted and society advanced in leagues

      • 7 months ago

        Actually, most opressive times for women was the post-black plague renaissance, which also coincides with the true raise of witch hunting, inquisitions, and religious scism. Sometimes, medieval noblewomen arranged their own kidnapping, or kidnapped young lads. I remember the tale of old noblewoman who defended the castle in full armour while her husband was far away.

        other such enlightenment periods include classical Athens, the Islamic golden age in Baghdad, and Victorian London. All of these places had in common, beyond the flowering of the arts and sciences, a tightening of oppression of women to particularly high levels.

      • 7 months ago

        Actually, most opressive times for women was the post-black plague renaissance, which also coincides with the true raise of witch hunting, inquisitions, and religious scism. Sometimes, medieval noblewomen arranged their own kidnapping, or kidnapped young lads. I remember the tale of old noblewoman who defended the castle in full armour while her husband was far away.

        is right though. The renaissance is when all of the witch hunts and inquisition stuff happened. Technologically European civilizations made massive advancements but socially and culturally the renaissance was arguably just as backwards as the medieval time period, if not even more so.

        • 7 months ago

          The Renaissance was basically the medieval period on crack. Also "post black plague" wasn't a thing until 1593, and it only ended because immune systems in most of europe evolved to be much more powerful than they were in 1340. (The trade off being more autoimmune diseases.)
          As for Witch hunts, that was a result of the reformation because people started reading the bible and getting much more insistent about its contents. Before that, the official Church position was, "Witches and witchcraft aren't real, you're just crazy," but also they had more tolerance for extrachristian beliefs in things like elves and fairies and goblins.

    • 7 months ago

      Matilda of Tuscany

  12. 7 months ago

    Do you realise that women died due childbirth just as much as men died in war? There are tons of old traditions preparing women for the chance of death by childbirth.

    • 7 months ago

      It's not like they didn't have abortions, OP said prostitution. They probably had better lives than birthing machines.

    • 7 months ago

      Just pay a cleric to cast healing spells or raise dead. Problem solved.

    • 7 months ago

      I had a guinea pig that died the night after giving birth to 7, only 1 survived and we found it nursing after she had passed. It hurt to watch.

  13. 7 months ago

    Because they just love to travel and see the world and experience the amazing culture!

  14. 7 months ago

    Because they're secretly hoping to get captured and be used and abused by monster wiener.

  15. 7 months ago

    Women generally go into prostitution out of desperation. It's not an enjoyable lifestyle for all but the top 10% of escorts. Having magical healing for your STDs and the occasional beating doesn't make the work any less degrading and life-altering. Adventuring might be difficult and dangerous, but it lets you make all the decisions and live as you please; rather than living by night on your back.

    • 7 months ago

      You wouldn't have female adventurers in any medieval level society, they would instantly get kidnapped into someones fricktoy/wife/sold into slavery.

      • 7 months ago

        And yet fantasy literature isn't short of them. It's fantasy, not a hardcore stimulation of the medieval European lifestyle.

      • 7 months ago

        Nobody asked you for your stupid fricking opinion so nobody fricking cares what you think, shit for brains

    • 7 months ago

      >Women generally go into prostitution out of desperation
      Guarantee you have never spoken to a real life prostitute. Even in the 90's and early 2000's when getting a job was easy as shit there was always a surplus of prozzies; most of them would just rather get fricked in their holes than work as a cleaner or something.
      The minority that truly couldn't hold down a normie job are fricking crazy - some combination of severe mental illness, drug addiction, extreme low IQ, and a disordered personality. 'desperation' is a euphemism for 'absolute dregs of society'.
      This isn't an anti-prostitute post by the way, I live in a country where it's legal and I think that's the correct position. The way people advocate for sex workers as though they're all julia roberts in pretty woman is fricking tiresome though

      • 7 months ago

        >Guarantee you have never spoken to a real life prostitute.
        >I live in a country where it's legal
        Legal prostitution is a really sweet gig. This isn't normal. Most prostitutes are/were slaves, they get paid in drugs and/or "protection".

    • 7 months ago

      >Women generally go into prostitution out of desperation
      Not really. If you offer a prostitute her going hourly rate to clean your house instead 9 times out of 10 she'll ask if she can just suck your dick instead.

      • 7 months ago

        If you offer a civil engineer his going hourly rate to clean your house instead 9 times out of 10 he'll ask to design a bridge, too. What a stupid fricking comment. It's almost like people have schedules to keep and skillsets they've developed and don't want to be cajoled into doing random chores.

        • 7 months ago

          Thank you for admitted prostitution is not a "desperation trade", moron.

  16. 7 months ago

    Women enlist in the military for pay in countries where social mores allow being a prostitute. Have you considered the option that not everyone is a porn-addicted coomer like you, so they might prefer doing other things than being fricked for money by random guys?

    • 7 months ago

      Name one such example where soldiers see duty in actual firefights.

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          A terrorist organization that incenticizes religious zealots ti go on suicide missions through money is not active military, and they have practically no women. Those are left behind to cry over their dead shahid husbands.

    • 7 months ago

      Women that enlist in western militaries are worse than prostitutes, they are legit wiener-mongers and welfare queens, especially the navy ones.

  17. 7 months ago

    Why don't Dwarf and Elf women marry rich human dudes they will outlive and inherit all their money once they die?

    • 7 months ago

      They have standards.

    • 7 months ago

      Because rich and powerful Dorfs exist. And have better higiene than average medieval men

    • 7 months ago

      Part of the standard adulthood ceremony in all human cultures is signing a contract to irrevocably disinherit any nonhuman spouses and offspring that you may acquire in the future.

  18. 7 months ago

    Because even in a world with modern day sexual mores, people will have shame and will not want to degrade themselves in that manner. The modern day e-prostitutes and e-boys are a product of an entire generation of young men and women aggressively having all shame burnt out of them by society. Unless you're either in a porn world or there's an institution that benefits by indoctrinating the young into being coomers and prostitutes, the same logic applies in the fantasy world as the real one- people look down on prostitutes, even in a setting where it is open and legal.

    • 7 months ago

      What if it's religious prostitution like in the Old Testament?

  19. 7 months ago

    Well it's just plain economics, innit? There's so so so so many prostitutes that the market is completely saturated, even to the niche prostitutes. While adventuring is dangerous, it is a much easier field to break in to. Women don't tend towards high risk/high reward opportunities, but those of them who do become adventurers 9 times out of 10.

  20. 7 months ago

    Why would someone with a sense of adventure and wanderlust stay in the same hovel, laying around getting pegged all day?
    Why would someone with a drive to make the world a better place regardless of personal risk do that?
    If you understand what fantasy is and what it means to make an exceptional character, you wouldn't have even needed to ask this moronic question. Oh wait...
    Right, you're that moron. Expand your knowledge before making another thread, and make it about games next time.
    >inb4 "hurr durr use ur mod powers" or other homosexual deflections

  21. 7 months ago

    You can really tell that Fable was an English game series

    • 7 months ago

      >You can really tell that Fable was an English game series
      How can you tell?

      • 7 months ago

        OP pic is what English women are like

        • 7 months ago

          That’s kinda hot…

        • 7 months ago

          Despite Germany and Israel the biggest consumers and producers of scat porn. UK still beat both nation in making the first fart porn.

  22. 7 months ago

    Same reason most women don't choose to be strippers or prostitutes despite it being safely practicable with good profit margins now.

    • 7 months ago

      It is neither of those things. You should try talking about traditional games instead of the real world, which you have demonstrated you know nothing about.

      • 7 months ago

        Hang out with a lot of strippers and prostitutes do you?

      • 7 months ago

        Clearly you're just too stupid to do it correctly.

  23. 7 months ago

    This reminds me.
    My next setting for a campaign is Fable's Albion. Currently in the process of making spells and some other sub-system stuff. I'm also getting art of important NPCS because most have frick all art and it definitely isn't consistent in style.
    Commissioned this piece of Scythe, but I have a bunch of characters in progress right now to have bust-pictures done for tokens.

    • 7 months ago

      try bing ai, unironically. It can help quite a lot

  24. 7 months ago

    Depends on how gritty your setting is. Heroic fantasy? The woman feels the call to be a hero. Grimdark? She's as maladjusted to normal life as every other mercenary, but in a way incompatible with a career in prostitution.

    Or maybe she was dating an adventurer and started doing it as a way to spend time with her boyfriend, only to find out she was really good at it. This led their relationship to fail due to his insecurities. Now she's willing to fight liches and dragons all week long, but terrified of even the fake intimacy of a fleeting sexual encounter. She travels the world looking for renown, treasure, and the man who will understand and accept her for who she is. Hopefully it's not the villain.

    • 7 months ago

      Or, you know, more realistically (as seen in a number of real life instances), she and her husband/fiance are an adventuring team and cover for each other on their adventures and bond over their shared passion of killing goblins and unearthing ancient treasures!

  25. 7 months ago

    Why do women in the real world choose to work normal jobs instead of being prostitutes?
    Because most people don't want to be prostitutes

  26. 7 months ago

    Maybe the money isn't as important as travelling to new places. I mean modern girls go to exotic countries and collect sperm from all the natives there before coming back, I figure girls in fantasy would do the same.

  27. 7 months ago
  28. 7 months ago
  29. 7 months ago
  30. 7 months ago


    >better question will be will rape still exist in D&D lore post 5E?
    Maybe the video games? 5e Ravenloft removed vampires having mortal sex slaves from the lore.

  31. 7 months ago


    FR 3E campaign setting had birth control herbs.

    • 7 months ago

      Magic of Faerun (3e) also had fertility and infertility potions
      Powers & Pantheons (2e) says followers of Shiallia can ensure the next copulation leads to pregnancy and guarantees a safe/healthy birth. Which someone in the Lewd general pointed out that due to them not being allowed to describe sex back then, actually leaves the text vague enough to imply same sex pregnancies are possible

  32. 7 months ago

    Great thread, thanks OP.

  33. 7 months ago

    the default setting of the World's Most Successfully Marketed Roleplaying Game™ has legal sex work. There's definitely more prostitutes than female adventurers.

    • 7 months ago

      Historically accurate

  34. 7 months ago

    Rookie may think that whoring yourself makes more money than raiding goblin camps for loot.
    Veteran knows that real money is in raiding goblin camps for massive stacks of mystery meat. Whoring is more of a hobby, a way to unwind after long day of butchering humanoids.

    • 7 months ago

      Were goblin girls popular before goblin slayer?

      • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        You must be 18 to post here.

      • 7 months ago

        Why the frick would goblin slayer make goblin GIRLS popular?

        • 7 months ago

          Goblin slayers did popularized goblin rape.

      • 7 months ago

        >did this show with no goblin girls make goblin girls popular?

    • 7 months ago

      Sex worker IRL, can confirm.
      Whoring doesnt make much more money than most other basic jobs, your income will range from 20k to 100k for most prostitutes which is middle class, at best.
      Make absolutely nothing compared to Mercenary contractors, much less actually successful people.

      • 7 months ago

        Rookie may think that whoring yourself makes more money than raiding goblin camps for loot.
        Veteran knows that real money is in raiding goblin camps for massive stacks of mystery meat. Whoring is more of a hobby, a way to unwind after long day of butchering humanoids.

        Everyone is also forgetting there tends to be a age ceiling on good wages, with, unlike most careers, you tend the make less as you age for more work

        • 7 months ago

          I'd assume high class courtesans would be tad more mature than average street walkers. I can't imagine spending on some emotionally and intellectually immature 20 year old as a filthy rich dude looking for companionship instead of piece of meat to coom into.

      • 7 months ago

        That would imply most of them only do 4-5 hours of work a week.

        Rape fantasies are common. The lesson isn't that rape is ok. Its not. The lesson you should learn is to be much more sexually agressive with women than you would expect, while still taking care to stop if they're not giving you a good reaction and to always take no for an answer

        Funny, I got my second ever girlfriend bv walking up behind a girl in school and grabbing her ass.

        • 7 months ago

          It's embedded in instinct for one partner to be more aggressive than the other, a lot of western culture tries to mask or hide this so it can confuse a lot of people.
          And no, not advocating anything illegal, I agree with

          Rape fantasies are common. The lesson isn't that rape is ok. Its not. The lesson you should learn is to be much more sexually agressive with women than you would expect, while still taking care to stop if they're not giving you a good reaction and to always take no for an answer

          . The better you get at body language, it's easier to pick up signs of interest prior to it.

  35. 7 months ago

    Cuz we're playing a game and that's the story I want to tell.

  36. 7 months ago

    Why the frick would anyone be an adventurer, genius? This is why adventurers always have tragic backstories and a thirst for revenge.

  37. 7 months ago

    I played a malcanthet(succubus queen) worshipper in a dnd module a while back, her brothel was secretly a temple. She was an adventurer because shocker I know but most prostitutes are gangsters who participate in organized crime and violence.

  38. 7 months ago


  39. 7 months ago

    Different people find different things fulfilling. There is an appeal to a lifestyle of traveling, exploring, and doing important, even heroic deeds. You might as well as why men would adventure over farming.

  40. 7 months ago

    You're correct in that a majority of women would not be adventurers even in a hyper egalitarian society.

  41. 7 months ago


    are you seriously so moronic that you think these random drawings of fantasy wenches are indicative of how people actually dressed in real life or are you trying to derail into moralhomosexualry

    • 7 months ago

      He's not completely wrong, we have photographic evidence of some wild west prostitutes and they indeed do appear to dress more modestly than current day women.

      • 7 months ago

        >He's not completely wrong, we have photographic evidence of some wild west prostitutes and they indeed do appear to dress more modestly than current day women
        Why the frick where the other posts talking fashion of prostitute fashion throughout history deleted? We have RPGs set in the Wild West and other historical setting?

  42. 7 months ago

    Why would anyone become an adventurer instead of a laborer? People don't adventure for the money, they adventure for the adventure.

    • 7 months ago

      being an adventurer is both more lucrative and more horizon spanning than being a day-laborer, yes. Also, some people love structure and routine too much to want to wander slaying monsters and bandits for a living.

      • 7 months ago

        Your answer was meant for OP

      • 7 months ago

        Hunters and guards slay monsters and bandits. Adventurers are literal hobos. Do you think ronin were rich? They wandered around looking for a job or a court to commit suicide in because being an adventurer sucks so bad.

  43. 7 months ago


    Marie Curie

    Name another scientist other than Einstein, Oppenheimer, or Bohr.
    Protip: Neill DeGrasse Tyson ain't no scientist

    • 7 months ago

      The Angel of Death??

    • 7 months ago

      The Angel of Death??

      Isaac Newton
      Charles Darwin
      Nikola Tesla
      John Napier

      • 7 months ago

        homosexuals, every one

    • 7 months ago

      >Marie Curie
      You mean the lesser half of the Curie science couple?
      That Curie.

  44. 7 months ago


    After watching Oppenheimer I agree with this anon here.

    • 7 months ago

      >historical knowledge from hollywood films

  45. 7 months ago

    In my setting women are more magically inclined than men and elves are more magically inclined than other races. So elf women rule the empire. But amazons are less magically inclined and are always threatened by centaur raiders, so they are almost always armed and armored and seek work as monster slayers and treasure hunters. None of these women would ever be prostitutes because they consider that below them. The priestesses of the great fertility temples in the lizardmen kingdom might be seen as prostitutes by people with irl modern day sexual mores, but they aren’t seen that way within the setting.

    • 7 months ago

      >fertility temples
      >lizardmen kingdom

      • 7 months ago

        The great temple cities are in the southern lizardmen kingdom. The fertility temples are some of the largest and most important ones. They are run by lamia priestesses who used to be persecuted by the church. They’re no longer persecuted, but they still can’t be on the council of priestesses.

        >In my setting
        >woman gays
        >cloaca gays
        How many dice do you have to shoot out of your prolapse to get a critical?

        At least I have my own setting I made and have actual games set in it.

    • 7 months ago

      >In my setting
      >woman gays
      >cloaca gays
      How many dice do you have to shoot out of your prolapse to get a critical?

  46. 7 months ago

    Interspecies reviewers already touched on this topic.

  47. 7 months ago

    Oh dear. And how long will it take for others start spouting the stupid nonsense that is:

    >"Rape fantasies and fetishes is popular and like by women! Check le heckin' studies!!!"

    • 7 months ago

      These people can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

      • 7 months ago

        Even worse. People are falling for the "plenty of authors, artists and writers who've done rape hentai and perverted ecchi media are majority women" meme. Really homie, you telling me women realistically enjoy making art of pretty feminine women being brutalized and sodomized by cartoonishly hideous ogres and literal monsterous beasts?

        • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Rape fantasies are common. The lesson isn't that rape is ok. Its not. The lesson you should learn is to be much more sexually agressive with women than you would expect, while still taking care to stop if they're not giving you a good reaction and to always take no for an answer

    • 7 months ago

      Anyone who has ever talked to women know that most want to be raped. Just not by >>(you)

      • 7 months ago

        But it is. Just because they want to be "ravished" by Fabio doesn't mean they don't have a dubcon fetish.

        This. The average female rape fantasy involves a handsome CEO with a cute butt who smells like coco butter and snatches them up on his private helicopter and is really good at cunillingus and knows how to make her cum without asking. The operative word in rape fantasy is fantasy, not rape.

    • 7 months ago

      But it is. Just because they want to be "ravished" by Fabio doesn't mean they don't have a dubcon fetish.

  48. 7 months ago


    >That's not the same thing. That's just jap incel fantasies that popularised the "genre".

    Someone said something different in regard to this topic that isn't just "axhsuallly, female artists and mangaka do enjoy drawing guro ryona rape", even if the difference is slight. I just refuse to believe there are any women who genuinely partake in "rape fantasies" and unironically make doujins and hentai with he tags of "NTR" "Rape" and "Cheating", only incel dudes write that shit up. And because that is the most common genres you see, it's just unbelievable to think women enjoy that.

    But I guess in order to be an artist or writer in the anime and manga scene you have to have some minimum amounts of misogyny and hatred towards the female gender in order to make anything "worth reading" to the audience. How pathetic these clearly male artists make porn not for eroticism but just to be edgy in their weird-ass way and to out-edge and one-up each other in who's is edgier, grotesque and more depraved.

    • 7 months ago

      The same authors that make most fricked up shit often also make sweetest lovey-dovey romance.

    • 7 months ago

      >I just refuse to believe there are any women who genuinely partake in "rape fantasies"
      We're reaching levels of involuntary celibacy that shouldn't even be possible.

    • 7 months ago

      I've got some horrible news for you, its surprisingly more common than you'd expect, I've met some few who were into it as a roleplay thing, only one who was actually into it

  49. 7 months ago


    The same authors that make most fricked up shit often also make sweetest lovey-dovey romance.


    Battle Brothers, do not tell Anon that any doujins, manga, ecchi and other media featuring cute and sexy girls with large breasts are actually made and written by cute and sexy Japanese ladies with big busts themselves. Also I guess some Anons and Normies who unironically believe meme of anime manga industry being filled with these evil sexists and pedos have not heard of the Josei genre or "Femporn".

    Hey sorry if I might be posting "off-topic" since I did not expect this shit to crop up in this /tg/ thread ñ.

  50. 7 months ago

    How did a thread with this premise manage to get this many replies, whilst threads with actual substance 404 all the time with no interaction?

    • 7 months ago

      Low premise has low entry rank.

    • 7 months ago

      >with actual substance
      We don't care about your furry magical realm discussion. People who actually play table top games don't come here anymore. Place is just shit now.

    • 7 months ago

      >threads with actual substance
      name three

  51. 7 months ago

    My setting is historical.
    1) Historically gays were ignored. No one gave a shit if you fricked dudes as long as you did it behind locked doors, with other willing gays (of an adult age, but that between 12 and 15 depending on the era), didn't talk about it, and did your duty for the community. Sometimes some gay got uppity and did something and got rightfully burnt. Women were incapable of gay since sex requires a dick.
    3) Lords, Kings, and peasants alike fricked animals. Again. As long as you did your duty to the community no one gave a frick. Life was hard enough without worry who or what Bob the builder was putting his dick in.
    4) Many cultures across much time didn't think breasts were sexual. Not everyone, not everywhere, not all the time. History is obviously much more complicated than that. But from Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Celtc, to Medieval France and Italy, to the to the Renaissance, we have more than enough evidence of breasts being out. Again, not always, not everywhere, but enough to not be taboo. But not stomachs, shoulders, or God forbid, ankles. In more tribal parts of the world parts of this are still true.
    5) People talked a lot more about sex than we do today. In poorer families, with everyone sleeping in two rooms you knew when your mom and dad frickedx and you saw your brother fricking the neighbour farmer's daughter in the haystacks.
    No, I'm not saying that gays and animal frickers were accepted. They were tolerated, as long as, for the third time so you can sing it with me, they didn't do it publicly, they didn't talk about it, and they did their part for the community. I'm not saying that they were more sexually liberated than we are today, frick no. But their idea of what sex is and isn't, and what is and isn't sexual, is vastly different from what we think. Someone from as little as 300 years ago would get his mind blown by ANYONE wearing flip flops, the horror and shamelessness, but wouldn't look twice at a woman with her breasts out.

    • 7 months ago

      why did you skip #2?

      • 7 months ago

        Look at his brainrot, homie isn't thinking clearly.

        • 7 months ago

          boardgames with brainrot anon sound fun

          • 7 months ago

            I dunno man, I had my fill of dudes shoehorning in their weird fetishes like casual animal fricking and calling it historical accuracy in college.

            • 7 months ago

              Anon thinks that people had a second yurt to frick in private.
              that serfs had spare bedrooms, that when Grug fricked Grugina they would, in the dark, to a second cave and left their children alone. This is a strange delusion to have.

              • 7 months ago

                The frick are you on about

    • 7 months ago

      Wow 4 mislabeled claims and not a single one has any historical basis at all. Amazing streak of shit, anon. What does this have to do with traditional games again?

  52. 7 months ago


    Stephanie Kwolec
    You've heard of her, but you might not know that you've heard of her.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Her name would literally be a household name if it wasn't Czech, because Czech people don't use enough vowels and the ones they do use are all the wrong ones and in the wrong places.

        • 7 months ago


          That’s a polish name most likely. Only medieval czech uses the letter w, modern does not.

        • 7 months ago

          Czech names don't countain "w", she's probably Polish.
          Czech names do contain accents like žščřďťň

  53. 7 months ago
  54. 7 months ago

    >It's another "Why doesn't literally every single person do X career" thread
    I don't OP, why doesn't every single person in the real world not get a degree in finances and become business consultants.
    It's probably because humans aren't a hivemind and people sometimes do things either for personal preferences, enjoyment, or because of the conditions they were born into.
    If you want your magical realm to be mostly populated by hookers then go for it, but if I were you I'd just go with some reason why everyone would want to be a prostitute like "Magic is powered by sex"
    I would avoid "Everyone is a bawd because it's safer" because it's nonsensical.

  55. 7 months ago

    i wouldn't prostitute myself if i had the choice to stab some moronic goblins half my height, weight and reach.

  56. 7 months ago
  57. 7 months ago
  58. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >only two vaganias

  59. 7 months ago
  60. 7 months ago

    >still no post with 5 or more replies
    Damn, so many posts but nothing noteworthy has been said

    • 7 months ago

      It's a shit post thread topic, what is there to say? 99% of jobs are less dangerous and more stable than adventuring.

    • 7 months ago

      >rating the value of the post by the number of replies

      99% of posts with more than 4 replies are epic gets or bait.

  61. 7 months ago

    Why not both?

  62. 7 months ago

    First of all, "adventurer" shouldn't even be a profession. What does "adventurer" even mean? If you're killing monsters, you're a soldier, or a monster hunter, or a mercenary or something. If you're exploring ancient ruins for pay then you're a cartographer or an archeologist or a specialist trapsmith brought to deal with traps and locks etc.
    No character should have "adventurer" listed as their job, and thus any character should have work that they do on their down time. In between played adventures and soldier might get work as a town guard, a archeologist should be writing about their findings, a monster hunter should be studying monster anatomy or getting low grade local work.
    All characters in any proper campaign should and do have passive income from the regular jobs they work when not following the plotline of the campaign.
    So there's no reason a character couldn't be a prostitute, but there's also no real reason that a prostitute would be out on a quest to save the world or whatever. Why would a prostitute be brought into an ancient ruin? I suppose it could be to service the other characters during downtime, but that feels like a flimsy excuse to bring fetishes into the campaign.
    Instead of asking "why wouldn't an adventurer just be a prostitute", ask "why would a prostitute be on an adventure?".
    If a character does not have a reason to be in the story, then you the player have fricked up their backstory.

    • 7 months ago

      Why would you need a regular job if your adventuring pays the bills? If invading trap filled, monster infested ruins doesn't give you enough money, why the frick would anyone even do it? Adventurers are notorious for blowing all their money on booze and prostitutes and then going out to make more.

      • 7 months ago

        Several reasons.
        First of all, like I already said, "adventurer" is not and should not be a real job. Adventuring should be something that people in various different jobs do. Not every exploration of an ancient ruin would be interesting enough to base a story around and RP, but that doesn't mean that the archeologist PC only ever delves into ruins during the played sessions.
        Which brings me to my second point, most of the time adventuring would likely be boring and unprofitable. Not every ancient tomb will have mounds of gold and monsters, but someone will still be paid to explore them. In fact, I'd expect most "dungeons" to be nothing more than empty crypts without any gold, there being enough gold randomly lying around in basements to make people go out to get it makes zero sense. Assuming your standard party is delving into dungeons purely for gold, they'd likely be paid to do so.
        Third, no even remotely realistic or sane setting is going to have enough dungeons to give someone permanent employ. You'll eventually run out of dungeons, and there will likely be gaps of time between dungeons where you still need to pay the bills. Even treasure hunters who aren't employed by anyone should have to do a lot of research about where the next treasure might be, and that takes time. In that time, they need a way to pay bills.

        And honestly? This whole adventuring purely for money thing is stupid. Characters should have a reason to adventure that isn't just pure greed. If the ONLY reason your character is in a dungeon is to earn some gold, the DM failed to set up any stakes at all.

        • 7 months ago

          Most settings with adventurers and dungeons are post-apocalyptic. Raiding a dragon's horde shouldn't have to be a side gig when the economy is mostly based around goats and cheese. When you find ancient treasure, your main economic activity outside of spending it should be finding enough people capable of buying it, not going back to your job at the turnip farm. Adventurers immediately become a middle class of sorts, because nothing they do can meaningfully interact with the peasant barter economy.

          • 7 months ago

            And I know what you're about to say, you're gonna say there should never be enough of them to be an economic class, but there isn't actually a minimum size for things like that. Weirdos trying to fence gold coins are an economic class even if there's only one or two in an economy. Frankly at least one adventurer's downtime profession should be some sort of specialty merchant outside of the normal channels, marketing monster parts and expensive curios to nobles and other, rich merchants.

          • 7 months ago

            How are settings like Faerun, Eberron, Toril, or whatever the hell the Warhammer Fantasy world is called post-apocalyptic?
            Also, you wouldn't be sending a farmer to raid a dragon's horde any more than you'd send a prostitute to do it. You'd send mercenaries and professional monster hunters.

            And I know what you're about to say, you're gonna say there should never be enough of them to be an economic class, but there isn't actually a minimum size for things like that. Weirdos trying to fence gold coins are an economic class even if there's only one or two in an economy. Frankly at least one adventurer's downtime profession should be some sort of specialty merchant outside of the normal channels, marketing monster parts and expensive curios to nobles and other, rich merchants.

            You wouldn't be fencing gold coins to random peasants, you'd be selling them to nobility.
            But yeah, if the adventurers are self employed (which imo would be stupid, it would be way more likely that they'd have a sponsor) then at least one of them should be a merchant or noble or high mucky-muck wizard or something that knows people who would buy treasure and monster parts.
            But frankly, I'd just have the sponsor or contact or whoever take care of that. If you're going for an adventuring-as-a-job campaign, the party should effectively be a specialized mercenary band.

            • 7 months ago

              >How are settings like Faerun, Eberron, Toril, or whatever the hell the Warhammer Fantasy world is called post-apocalyptic?
              Most of them have severely contracted civilization, with empires that fell to anarchy with no replacements because there's just too much danger out there. Try to go start a farmstead? Orcs, dead. Gonna go deeper in the woods to find better lumber? Dragon, dead. Gonna try and retake that crumbling old castle at the edge of the duchy that used to be an imperial fort? Undead, dead.
              These are the kinds of places where someone with enough power can just go out to the edge of civilization and clear out their own chunk of the map, because anyone who could dispute their claims died decades or centuries ago and the next civilized land over isn't powerful to have done it themselves or they'd have already done it. The baron is the baron because he can hold the barony. Maybe it's because he's personally a powerful man. Maybe it's because he has an army. Maybe the barony is just lucky and nothing dangerous comes out this far. But he can't hold his barony and also go out in the middle of nowhere to clear out the old ruins full of danger. That's why adventurers even have places to go adventuring to.
              Also it sounds like you're more upset about the name than anything. People going out to plunder ancient temples and "savages" called themselves adventurers all the time until they started getting a bad reputation due to all the plundering and enslavement.

              • 7 months ago

                You don't just hop from crypt to crypt earning wagons full of gold. Even when people went out to "plunder ancient temples" like you said, they almost always did so on commission from someone else. Pizzaro served the Spanish Crown, Francis Drake served Queen Elizabeth, Leif Erikson served King Olaf I Tryggvason. These people all adventured, but they were not only adventurers. Drake for example was a seaman much more than he was an explorer, he sailed on merchant ships and he sailed in the English navy, he didn't just explore all his life. Fantasy "adventurers" too would almost for certain serve someone, and they wouldn't be employed just as "adventurers". They would have jobs or duties outside of adventuring, and it is these jobs or duties that would define what people refer to them as when speaking in a professional context. These jobs and duties would also be what the "adventurers" are doing most of the time, because constantly adventuring 100% of the time isn't possible in any sort of even remotely sensible setting.
                OP asked a logic question, so I have to assume logic applies to this theoretical setting, and if it does indeed apply then you can't just have someone be an adventurer no matter how shitty the world might be outside the settled areas.

              • 7 months ago

                But those guys weren't living in a post-apocalypse where the plunder is out there just waiting for someone insane enough to go get it. They also were incapable of being personally powerful in the way adventurers can be. Those guys had to have armies and navies. In a fantasy setting, 3-6 guys with a couple of pack donkeys can have enough power to dismantle fortresses and fight dragons. They don't need to hire a large number of skilled professionals just to reach their destination.

              • 7 months ago

                You need skilled professionals to even find the destination in the first place.

              • 7 months ago

                I find it unbelievable that only rich employers are capable of sourcing destinations. Many destinations have known public histories or known menaces that have been doing their own plunder. You don't need an employer to know that the dragon which has been stealing every shiny thing that isn't nailed down has all the shiny things. You don't need someone to tell you that the castle which was never evacuated because its entire population was killed and raised by a lich still has valuable stuff in it. And frankly a lot of the things that could have employers could also just as easily have bounties. Maybe you go out there because someone has put an open bounty on lost ancestral treasures last seen thataway. They don't need to know exactly who will go get it, because finding anyone at all willing to do so is a challenge unless the PCs themselves are the ones to step in.

              • 7 months ago

                Knowing a dragon is in an area is not the same as knowing where its lair is, what defenses the lair has, and how to get there and back. You need a professional for that. Maybe that professional is a member of the party, like a (if this is DnD) Ranger or Rogue or Wizard with a scrying spell. But in that case, the PC is still a specialized professional with skills that would earn them money outside of pure dungeon delving. A Ranger is a tracker, a Rogue is a locksmith or thief, a Wizard is, well, a Wizard. Even if you didn't have an employer giving you a location, you still need specialists to find said location. "Last seen thataway" is the beginning of a search, not the end of one.

                That's what a lot of the real world adventurers were doing. They found the place, then they looted the frick out of it.

                Finding the place takes professionals, those professionals had work outside of exploring and looting. When your average Spanish conquistador was at home in Spain, he was a soldier or a sailor. When a viking was not pillaging, he was trading over seas. Everyone has a role they play during the adventure, and they have a role they play in society when not adventuring. The idea that "adventurers" could just sit in a tavern and drink 24/7 when they aren't dungeon delving is moronic. Someone has to find the next dungeon, someone has to arrange transport and provisions and find somewhere to sell the spoils after. All of these things take professional skills, and if you have those professional skills you'd be referred to as that profession. And when you're not adventuring, you likely be working that profession, because that's what you're good at and expenses don't just freeze between adventures.

              • 7 months ago

                >"Last seen thataway" is the beginning of a search, not the end of one
                Good thing you're a small, agile party that isn't paying hundreds of men to go out with you then.

              • 7 months ago

                Okay, I really don't get what part of this you're not understanding.
                You need someone to find the dungeon to pillage, whether that's a team of people or one of the party doesn't matter.
                Whoever is doing that finding is a professional, their job title wouldn't be adventurer, and their skills would have applications outside of adventuring.
                The same is true for everyone doing the actual looting and monster slaying.

              • 7 months ago

                >Whoever is doing that finding is a professional, their job title wouldn't be adventurer, and their skills would have applications outside of adventuring.
                >The same is true for everyone doing the actual looting and monster slaying.
                So I was right, you're just hung up on the name. When they're out there fighting and looting and scouting, they're adventurers. Just like everyone working the floor in a shipyard is a shipbuilder even if they're a welder or a fitter or a machinist or an electrician. They're all shipbuilders. Even the officer workers in planning and engineering and HR can be called shipbuilders.
                The guy scouting and the guy who keeps casting the spell that makes the magical loot cart work and the guys up front fighting skeletons are all adventurers. They aren't not adventurers just because their skills are transferrable. The boring things they do in between important jobs are the side gig. And if they make enough money, they don't have to do any of that while they wait for the next big job to roll in. There are people in real life who only work a few months out of the year and then coast on what they earn until the next job comes in. This is a normal economic reality. There is no mandate that they must be employed in between.

              • 7 months ago

                It's not just the name, it's the idea that they do nothing except adventure. OP asked why people would adventure when they could just prostitute themselves out instead, and my point is that nobody would ever only adventure. Realistically, adventuring, like any sort of exploring or treasure hunting, would be VERY sporadic and thus could not be someone's only job. Even if they made a lot of gold, they wouldn't know when the next adventure comes so they'd have to have some other way to make money until then.
                The people IRL who only work a few months of the year still have some reliability in their work, "adventurers" wouldn't. Even if an adventurer was short sighted enough to just drink 24/7 outside of adventuring, they'd at some point in their career likely be forced to do some other work when their cash dries up.

              • 7 months ago

                That's what a lot of the real world adventurers were doing. They found the place, then they looted the frick out of it.

  63. 7 months ago

    >Thread about sex in D&D and other fantasy settings
    >Mods delete post talking about sex related shit in D&D
    Does /tg/ share the same homosexual mods recruited from tumblr/twitter as Ganker?

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