"If only everyone had a PS5"

SE continuing to be lame out here
Now they're advocating for a monopoly
Something their dear Sony fought against and lost just a month ago

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Port it to PC already you fricks

    • 10 months ago

      So develop all your games for PC only. Outsource the ports if you want more money. Problem solved.

      never ever PirateBlack folk

    • 10 months ago

      March 2024 unironically

      • 10 months ago

        >7 more months

    • 10 months ago

      You PCgays don't even play Final Fantasy.
      FF7 Remake only ever sold 500k copies across both Steam and EGS.

      • 10 months ago

        FF7R is part 1 of a trilogy thats a sequel
        It well sell at long term. Also steamgays punish games that accept Epic bribe.

        • 10 months ago

          >FF7R is part 1 of a trilogy thats a sequel
          This some absolutely moronic reaching, the original FF7 has been on Steam for ages and nobody waits for all parts of trilogy to release first.
          >It well sell at long term
          It literally hasn't budged at all in over a year
          >steamgays punish games that accept Epic bribe.
          They also punish anything with DRM (they were always going to pirate)
          They also punish anything more than $20
          They also punish anything that doesn't get instantly put on sale
          They also punish anything that doesn't release at the same time on PC
          Then you throw the worlds must autistic tantrum when they don't bother making a PC port in the future.

          • 10 months ago

            >They also punish anything with DRM (they were always going to pirate)
            >They also punish anything more than $20
            >They also punish anything that doesn't get instantly put on sale


            • 10 months ago

              I'm sure you're proud that you decided to splurge and spent your gaming allowance for the next 3 years buying a full price game.

              • 10 months ago

                Not as proud as you are for simping for Sony and Timmy.

          • 10 months ago

            I think back when FF7R was first announced to be a 3 parter rather than 1 complete game, most people assumed that Square could finish the trilogy in a timely manner. But as time went on and it became clear that each new part will take about 6 years or longer to release, nobody really cares about this game anymore.

      • 10 months ago

        i do

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe don't release it 2 years later

      • 10 months ago

        >make it egs exclusive for a year
        >then try and price it at like £70+ when its on steam
        1. you deleted your goodwill and any sales with your exclusive
        2. who the frick is buying a 2+ year old game at that point for that price? no one, correctly so
        people running these companies are moronic, don't try and blame anyone else for exceptionally obvious conclusions we could all see coming miles away anon

      • 10 months ago

        then make a good Final Fantasy game. Mainline FF has been garbage since 12 and FF7R was an attrocity. You see what PC can do for your sales when you actually release a good game like Elden Ring or BG3.

      • 10 months ago

        >Game sold only 500k on PC
        >Game's only marketing was done for the PS4 release
        >Game comes out on PC a year and a half after being exclusive to Playstation
        >It gets stuck on Timmy's freebie launcher for 6 months
        >It finally comes to Steam, when everyone's already pirated it/played it on Playstation
        Gee. I wonder. What could have. Caused that.

      • 10 months ago

        >People don't buy into hype based shit games after they've already been revealed to be shit when you delay the release a year+

      • 10 months ago

        >FF7 Remake only ever sold 500k copies across both Steam and EGS.
        Holy shit PC bros we're so based. When they port slop to PC we barely buy it. I bet that most of those sales are mentally ill snoys buying it a second time.

      • 10 months ago

        If you're releasing the fricking game exclusively on EGS than I'm not buying it. Simple as.
        I'd rather get it 6 years from now for an 80% discount on steam.

      • 10 months ago

        >FF7 Remake only ever sold 500k copies across both Steam and EGS.
        source ?
        inb4 steamdb : inaccurate

  2. 10 months ago

    So develop all your games for PC only. Outsource the ports if you want more money. Problem solved.

    • 10 months ago

      But PC's have huge variations in hardware. It's a nightmare to develop AAA PC games.

      • 10 months ago

        >It's a nightmare to develop AAA PC games.
        It's not. Modern devs are just bad.
        I can play frick old video games like from 20 years ago (Half-Life 2, Doom 3, etc.) on a modern PC. And if the devs are good even big modern games are working smooth.

        Go play a old game or Jedi Survivor on a PS5. You wont havefun.

        • 10 months ago

          Modern devs are bad at making AAA games because making games is a nightmare today.

          • 10 months ago

            Baldurs Gate 3 runs smooth on 99% of all PCs. But the game is from europe and runs on a own engine.
            Must dumb AAA devs are using shit like Unreal Engine who has horrible caching and lots of LOD loading issues.

            • 10 months ago

              >Baldurs Gate 3 runs smooth on 99% of all PCs
              Until you get to Baldur's Gate itself.

              • 10 months ago

                The city itself had issues on RTX gpus thx to the fricked up nvidia drivers. On AMD gpus or older GTX10XX it runs much better.
                Elden Ring had the same problems with RTX gpus at release.

              • 10 months ago

                completely made up bullshit, shut the frick up

              • 10 months ago

                My gf gets 60fps with vsync in baldurs gate with everything on max besides shadows on medium. All on a GTX1080Ti.

                I have 35-80fps (everything on max) in the city with a RTX4070

              • 10 months ago

                go to forums like guru3d. BG3 has issues with RTX gpus.

              • 10 months ago


                >Graphics cards were killing themselves on New World and Diablo 4 as well, having 1 set of exact specs to program for is much easier.
                This had nothing to do with the programming being difficult, it is once again sheer incompetence. They designed areas/scenes in their game that entirely ignored vsync and every other option to set in the game so they pushed your card as hard as it could possibly go. That is not a problem with hardware, that is a problem with your developers being terrible at their jobs.
                >In a perfect world we'd ditch the support for any card more than 3 years old
                No we wouldn't, becasue looking at the gpu market right now shows why that is unfeasible and impossible.
                I'm running bg3 on a 980 and it works just fine, the issue is not with the hardware being old

                >I'm running bg3 on a 980 and it works just fine, the issue is not with the hardware being old

          • 10 months ago

            no modern devs are bad because modern devs are incompetent anon. this is why they have 150gb games and insanely easily tested bugs and crashes still in their games, it is another avenue of their incompetence. they simply do not know how to do what their predecessors did, it is unironically a bunch of lost skills because their expensive game design course doesn't actually teach them anything that matters, which is why the people making games 30+ years ago managed to not suck dick at it, because they didn't go to some course they had to make it up and learn as they went, and then teach each other and their successors how to do shit.
            your company wasn't getting money just because you tried your best and stuck 64 nogs and flaming gays in your game, you could not shit talk your consumer base whilst selling them garbage, and you could not create 50 revenue streams by shitting out dlc and paid content month after month for them.
            you had to actually make something good, first try, in one go, and not frick up.

            • 10 months ago

              Main reason is because old devs were using own engines or engine from good devs (unreal1/2, quake, etc.)

      • 10 months ago

        Then how do you explain all the AAA games on PC? Sounds like some drivel you're parroting from reddit.

        • 10 months ago

          You mean all the ones that have been running like shit? Thanks UE5.

      • 10 months ago

        >But PC's have huge variations in hardware. It's a nightmare to develop AAA PC games.
        There are literally TWO gpu manufacturers.

        • 10 months ago

          CPU threads, VRAM, and RAM(both the amount and speed of it) along with storage speeds all matter when it comes to designing a game. In a perfect world we'd ditch the support for any card more than 3 years old like we did in the 00's and let games push the limit of what's possible but having to make sure your game runs on a 1060 all the way up to a 4090 actually does cause a lot of issues because there's no way to test every configuration available. BG3 even has an issue right now where the game force closes constantly for people. Graphics cards were killing themselves on New World and Diablo 4 as well, having 1 set of exact specs to program for is much easier.

          Here's the steam link to the BG3 issue, with 14 pages and apparently the new patch they did brought the issue back.

          • 10 months ago

            >Graphics cards were killing themselves on New World and Diablo 4 as well, having 1 set of exact specs to program for is much easier.
            This had nothing to do with the programming being difficult, it is once again sheer incompetence. They designed areas/scenes in their game that entirely ignored vsync and every other option to set in the game so they pushed your card as hard as it could possibly go. That is not a problem with hardware, that is a problem with your developers being terrible at their jobs.
            >In a perfect world we'd ditch the support for any card more than 3 years old
            No we wouldn't, becasue looking at the gpu market right now shows why that is unfeasible and impossible.
            I'm running bg3 on a 980 and it works just fine, the issue is not with the hardware being old

            • 10 months ago

              More hardware covered means more possibilities for certain combinations to cause problems. This is a tale as old as time and why one of the reasons why AMD used to get shit on constantly because devs focused on Nvidia cards first and foremost.

              But with less possible combinations because it can only run on newer hardware, you could expect more combinations to be checked to see if everything runs smoothly for even more consumers. Which is what YoshiP was more or less saying, there's less ways to frick up when they can catch all the frick ups internally and only having 1 exact specification to test on makes the life of game devs easier.

              The consolegay argument is always that their shit "just works", that's because there's specific hardware to design for.

              • 10 months ago

                >certain combinations to cause problems
                Anon, there are some general issues but they can be grouped together.
                You do not need to check every 40XX series or 30XX series card when optimizing your game for PC. Yes, you have to check some but I assure you, big AAA dev studio has the resources to do so and it's not the kind of work YoshiP would be responsible for overseeing anyways.

              • 10 months ago

                It's not just the cards though because some games are CPU intensive instead and devs just want as much RAM and VRAM as possible now to brute force everything so they don't have to try as hard to optimize. But that has to do with just how many platforms they have to target while under a crunch and being forced to shit out a mediocre game as fast as possible to appease shareholders.

          • 10 months ago

            >let games push the limit of what's possible but having to make sure your game runs on a 1060 all the way up to a 4090 actually does cause a lot of issues because there's no way to test every configuration available
            I mean god forbid a game's shaders be lean and able to be distributed to be run in parallel, or devs do proper culling of unused assets when the player leaves a given scene.
            Anon, you are highly underestimating just how stupid software engineers, even at AAA game companies, can be.
            I have seen some absolute dogshit memory management, some atrocious mono-shaders at some of the most 'prestigious' game studios in the world. And it's because they thought they could get away with it if their game was exclusive or if they could show off top-of-the-line GPU PC gameplay in trailers.
            I cannot overstate that a competent engineer, who has touched AMD and Nvidia GPUs before and optimized for their respective APIs and layout, can make games scale pretty easily. Because they do that work up-front and they stay cognizant of tech-debt and bad assumptions throughout the project.

            • 10 months ago

              The competent engineers are all leaving for FAANG companies though that pay better so we're left with the leftovers and UE5 being such a mess is leading to a lot of issues as well. But when you think about how many platforms devs have to target now because everything must be a multiplat to earn as much money as possible, it is a bit ridiculous. PC is just one facet but then you have the PS4/Pro, the PS5, the Xbox One/S/X, The Series S/X and the Switch. That's a lot of optimization that needs to be done and most devs don't even try to get a Switch version up and running for their AAA games now. Incompetence is part of it for sure but there's also infinitely more work than there used to be when they'd release a PC, Playstation, Xbox, or Nintendo exclusive and call it a day.

              Limiting it to newer hardware only solves that slightly and we do see devs going that route now with some next gen only games finally emerging and the PC requirements for some of those being 2060s at the bare minimum.

              • 10 months ago

                Silicon Valley is not hiring Americans but Indians on visas

              • 10 months ago

                Because they can pay them much less, yeah. Cheap unskilled labor is desired instead of skilled labor they have to pay more for. This issue kinda permeates throughout the entirety of the gaming industry, the devs are shit because the corporations that bought them out are cutting costs to maximize profits.

      • 10 months ago

        There's this small obscure library called "DirectX" which was created to deal with this exact problem, it's only 28 years old at this point so you might not have heard about it

    • 10 months ago

      monopoly good when pc
      I expected nothing less for pcentral

      • 10 months ago

        Unironically yes.
        >will be able to play it in 20 years even after a console generation passes assuming you don't put denuvo in the game
        >can be modded
        >can be played on portable PCs
        >more powerful hardware will release and the game will still be playable

      • 10 months ago

        >monopoly good when pc
        The best Silent Hill 2 version is on PC.

        • 10 months ago

          Lol no?

          • 10 months ago

            Lol yes?!

            • 10 months ago

              >fan made patches, mods and fixes just to make the game look like the PS2 version
              Like i said, lol no.

      • 10 months ago

        >nooo you should have to rebuy your games for 60 dollars every time we release a new underpowered overpriced brick but you don't have a choice because we turn off the online support and everything for the old brick because we have full control of the market and you can't do shit 🙂
        no thank you, i will play the games i bought 30 years ago on the same platform even with new hardware, because that's actually not the most hideous anti consumer shit possible.

        • 10 months ago

          Good goy, spend thousands on hardware every two years to avoid underpowered bricks and have Valve be the sole determiner of if you can play a game at all that worked out well for people wanting to play Dt2.

          • 10 months ago

            Dt2 is only popular because muh controversy marketing

            • 10 months ago

              It could have 10 people total that wanted to play it without controversy and they'd still be fricked over by Valve so what is your point? That it's not anti consumer as long as you aren't personally affected by it?

              • 10 months ago

                Nobody cares about your weebgame. The only reason you care about it its because of muh controversy
                Remember Chaos Head controversy, and once the controversy was over, the game barely sold at all?

              • 10 months ago

                Autists don't give a shit about controversy, anon. They buy their favorite series unironically and enthusiastically.

          • 10 months ago

            >Good goy, spend thousands on hardware every two years
            Anon, you can go 5 years without upgrading without issue, you can go 10. It is not that hard.
            >muh valve
            Yeah, because we all know steam makes games work right? Definitely can't run without it, can't get games on gog, can't pirate them.
            Oh wait, I played dt2 that's right huh imagine that

      • 10 months ago

        There's no such thing as a 'PC' monopoly
        You can say there's a Steam monopoly or a GOG monopoly or an EGS monopoly.
        But PC is the name of a piece of hardware, not a brand or company

  3. 10 months ago

    It was a joke but westoid journos need clicks

    • 10 months ago

      Yoshi-P was drunk when he said it but being drunk usually reveals your true feelings

      • 10 months ago

        even so he said it would be easier for devs, not better. And i doubt he was "drunk" after a couple of drinks. He's always joking about stuff and being cheeky, even in FF14 live letters

        • 10 months ago

          Maybe he drank before the stream started

    • 10 months ago

      and SE needs sales

  4. 10 months ago

    That's just sad

  5. 10 months ago

    >It's the people fault that my game flopped
    >If we only had more Wunderwaffe PS5s we would have won the war
    Yoshi-P is total moron. XVI is a bad game and he got pampered by the XIV community.

  6. 10 months ago

    There basically is in Japan

  7. 10 months ago

    I didn't buy this gay game. I have a PS5 exclusively for spider man 2 later this year and then I can sell it

    • 10 months ago

      >I love goyslop om nom nom nom!

      Very cool anon, but this is an 18+ board.

    • 10 months ago

      >I have a PS5
      >didn't buy it because they turned FF into western trash
      >Also for $70
      then why did you buy the PS5, to have it as an ornament?

  8. 10 months ago

    If there's only gonna be one, it should be PC. Poorgays can still buy console equivalent hardware and be fine, while non-subhumans can buy the hardware that they prefer.

  9. 10 months ago

    I have a PS5 and I didn't buy it because they turned FF into western trash. Also for $70 yoshipiss can go suck a dick

  10. 10 months ago

    yes, yoshi-p is a moron, we already knew this, the man is an unironic clown with the worst takes imaginable. it is unsurprising that his dream industry is everyone on a single shitty console so he can try to appeal to even more of the market with the most dumbed down normie slop imaginable devoid of any real mechanics or tactics or any rpg elements whatsoever that might require reading, thinking or parsing a stat.
    i am sure he genuinely believes that if we were all forced to own ps5s that ff16 would have sold 5x as many copies, but it wouldn't have
    you cannot create a game that appeals to players who want depth whilst also appealing to normies who want mindless shit that they can just watch the epic cutscenes of with minimal thinking or anything in between. its one or the other, even if they all owned the same platform

    • 10 months ago

      >FF having any mechanical depth ever
      go back

      • 10 months ago

        I'm sorry if you cannot comprehend it anon, but the fact that stats exist is inherently a level of depth by default. The fact that elemental types, weaknesses, resistances exist is inherently depth. They automatically make a lot of other things considerations that otherwise are not considerations, that is absolutely what depth is.
        You homosexual morons don't actually know what a bunch of old ffs were capable of because you never "had" to do it, doesn't mean it wasn't there dumbfrick. ff5s job combining system and equipment system has 100x the depth that 16 has, the fact that in ff7 you can create a setup - even if you ignore stats which you don't - that can counterattack 5 times then counter with deathblow on all enemies, is more depth than anything 16 allows you to do.

        • 10 months ago

          >level up
          >numbers go up
          there's your depth for any FF.
          And don't give me that FF7 bullshit when you can press attack, heal, and go through 99.9% of encounters
          FF7 is the most brain dead of all

          • 10 months ago

            You are just proving you are a moron anon.
            >every piece of equipment and materia gives different stats, so you can actually think about what you're putting on each character to alter their stats, and you can create a variety of materia combinations on top of that to enable unique interactions and effects
            Hello, depth.
            >wow i can level like 30 different jobs, that all have different abilities, and i can then combine the sub ability of any job i've levelled with any other job resulting in dozens and dozens of unique iterations that do different things
            Hello, that is also depth
            >And don't give me that FF7 bullshit when you can press attack, heal, and go through 99.9% of encounters
            Again, you're moronic, try reading.
            >ou homosexual morons don't actually know what a bunch of old ffs were capable of because you never "had" to do it, doesn't mean it wasn't there dumbfrick.
            I already pre-emptively answered this brain damaged argument you clowns always use. You didn't have to use it because the game was made easy enough so dense homosexuals like you could beat it, because that's how you sell more copies to people who otherwise wouldn't play. That doesn't change the fact the depth of systems is there in the design. 16 has no depth in its systems or design, it is simply not there even if you go looking for it and wanted to make use of it

            • 10 months ago

              Depth would imply incentivizing the player to interact with the systems, none of the FF games do that except 12 with the gambits, 13 with paradigms if I'm being generous. Auto attack and heals are viable for 99.9% of encounters. They're casual as frick and they have been from the start, no matter how hard you cope

              • 10 months ago

                >Depth would imply
                Nope, again you're just dumb. The depth can exist whether you need to use it or not, your opinion wont change that from being reality.
                It is preferable if you are forced to have to make use of it, but it is not mandatory for it to exist. And developers will never make games en masse that do this because they need to sell to morons and not filter them to make their large profit margins they crave

              • 10 months ago

                >Nope, again you're just dumb. The depth can exist whether you need to use it or not
                So FF16 has depth by optimizing accessories and your eikons and abilities to adjust depending on the encounter, gotcha

  11. 10 months ago

    Well too bad Naoki Dipshita, moronic old japanese boomer frick. God damn old japanese men are the most moronic being on this earth.
    >maaaan everything would be so much better if everyone had like one box to play on and there weren't any more boxes
    fricking moron c**t

  12. 10 months ago

    The core of his statement is 100%, unequivocally correct. However, I'm confident it wouldn't have helped FFXVI's sales much.

    • 10 months ago

      Good thing he didn't say it in that context, then. He's probably talking about bringing XIV to Xbox.

  13. 10 months ago

    You mean a computer?

  14. 10 months ago

    He will go full Harada in a week.

  15. 10 months ago


    >thread is slow because barry is busy shitposting danganronpa
    Keep this tendie with you please

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like Pikmkingays kek

      This. Release it on steam. You fricked up if you chose epic

      I pray it's not Epic but those declarations don't help. PS5 and Xbone are so redundant

  16. 10 months ago

    sony didn't sell enough PS5s AND FFXVI is not a killer app AND 50% of PS5 owners only play FIFA lmoa

  17. 10 months ago

    there already is a single game platform that everyone owns and loves

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, Steam. Plus Steam Deck.

      • 10 months ago

        This. Release it on steam. You fricked up if you chose epic

      • 10 months ago



        LMAO, 1.6 million hard plateau says otherwise.

    • 10 months ago

      Unfortunately that one can't handle any modern game release with a higher graphical fidelity than a Dreamcast title.

      • 10 months ago

        a shame that Dreamcast titles look and play better than most switch games.

    • 10 months ago

      >This game is shit but please come to switch so we shill it
      The absolute state. Reminder capcom and

      • 10 months ago

        From proved they don't need nintendo

      • 10 months ago

        what the frick are you talking about c**t

  18. 10 months ago
  19. 10 months ago

    Then let them keep it, if they would rather have Sony's money than have the game on other platforms
    At least I could understand them if they said it for the evident development to a single platform saves them more work, but it is clear that the paid exclusivity moves them more, and saving the development to more platforms is just a plus

  20. 10 months ago

    >put game on one platform that for years the masses could not obtain thanks to scalperBlack folk
    >Surprised your sales numbers didn't reach your expectations
    >PC and XBOX bros sitting there like "ayo, toss some of that to us!"
    >Snoy"No EXCRUSIVE!"
    >No sales

    • 10 months ago

      More like ps4, games barely sell on xbox. They also won't release Lost Odyssey for pc

      • 10 months ago

        >games barely sell on xbox
        But that doesn't happen with all games, don't think that Sillent Hill 2 or the FFVII Remakes wouldn't sell enough
        Clearly the games don't appear there because Sony blocks them to their consoles, that's why they are not yet on PC

        • 10 months ago

          Well, you should be happy since xboxgays always said ff7r is cancer and sh2r look bad
          Also when are you saying lost odyssey will come to pc and KI to ps?

          • 10 months ago

            >Well, you should be happy since xboxgays always said ff7r is cancer and sh2r look bad
            Everyone always throws shit when a game is exclusive, just look at what happened with PS4 games before coming to PC, or PS5 games, it's always been like that
            >Also when are you saying lost odyssey will come to pc and KI to ps?
            Sure, it would be great to happen, just like HL Alyx on PSVR2, Starfield on PS5, or any of Nintendo's exclusive games on other platforms
            For me it would be the best if exclusives died, and I hope Microsoft's acquisition is the last acquisition of the big three, I really wouldn't want anyone else to acquire things that could end up in exclusives, even if Microsoft's acquisition affects PC less

            >tfw switchgays and xboxgays were just tsunderes about FF16

            But I play only on PC

        • 10 months ago

          there already is a single game platform that everyone owns and loves

          >tfw switchgays and xboxgays were just tsunderes about FF16

          • 10 months ago

            >thinking Switchgays care when they have Xenoblade

            • 10 months ago

              Sure, that's why you are always here and the games fell fast from the Amazon jp list

              • 10 months ago

                I'm here because I like JRPGs in general and FF16, while strong in terms of visual presentation, falls short in most other categories compared to even other RPGs from Square from the past few years
                >the games fell fast from the amazon jp list
                My god, how could the illustrious and household name of Xenoblade fall from the amazon lists faster than the small, relatively new IP of Final Fantasy?
                Listen, wake me up when FF16 sells better than the game that immediately preceded it numerically. IT can't even hit FF15's launch sales numbers in Japan, its own home territory. How is the premiere Japanese RPG series selling worse and worse in Japan?

              • 10 months ago

                Still cant outsell an action game trapped in a ps5 anon

              • 10 months ago

                We weren't talking about sales, you are.
                we're talking about quality

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, how convenient. And people were still disappointed at xb3, someday you need to accept xb3 had criticism

              • 10 months ago

                This, unironically. Xenoblade 3 tries too hard to be Marvel, nips didn't like the triangle because it cucks their favorite girl, and the game is too easy. It's unironically a movie game

                People do occasionally care about Xenoblade but it's only when it has to do with either autists seething for weeks on end or when something OUTRAGEOUS happens like the Photo or FR Rex shows up

                Nobody seethes about it, which is whu xenobladegays need to go to other jrpg threads to shill their game

              • 10 months ago

                Black person, I had XB3 criticism
                But my criticism is how close it was to being the best and dropped the ball in certain areas.
                My criticism of FF16 is that it spend clearly a lot of money and man-hours of truly talented people and managed to be a low 8/10 on its best day.
                My issues with XB3 are tweaks and adjustments to keep its final act tighter, maybe add some more NG+ stuff and adjust some of the balance around the classes + Ouroboros form. But it's a 9/10 on its worst day with me.
                FF16 has entire systems that are redundant (stats, gear, experience, crafting, party members), a combat system that makes Clive broken from literally the first combat scenario (his dodge functionally trumps nearly all forms of danger) and what progression is there for Eikon abilities basically boils down to the most brain-dead form of combat (spamming ultimates on stagger) or a mastery of the system that revolves around the excessively powerful dodge ability.
                That's to say nothing of how the story manages to drop the ball harder than FF15, how it manages to take its one interesting angle (Eikons as WMDs, Crystals as oil) and throw it out for almost a parody or spoof of a Final Fantasy ending.

            • 10 months ago

              Japan called xb3 bad and disappointing. They would even buy devil may clive 16 over it

              • 10 months ago

                Try harder Eric.

            • 10 months ago

              Try harder Eric.

              Why are tendies so obsessed with ff

              • 10 months ago

                At least try not to instantly expose yourself Eric.
                >Sony and Timmy.
                You're getting confused with Eric, and frick you and KYS for that.

              • 10 months ago

                You were saying, tendie/xenogay?

              • 10 months ago

                Deck is the answer
                With Deck2 you wouldn't need consoles anymore

            • 10 months ago

              Nobody cares about xenoblade, just pokemon, persona and ff drama

              • 10 months ago

                People do occasionally care about Xenoblade but it's only when it has to do with either autists seething for weeks on end or when something OUTRAGEOUS happens like the Photo or FR Rex shows up

              • 10 months ago

                Does it? I don't see people caring much about Xenoblade tbh. I only see them when I go to ff16, tales of or atelier and they are always saying their game is best instead of just respecting people's space kek

              • 10 months ago

                Exactly. Muh Rex harem is them pretending people give a shit and a desperate marketing meme. Bear sex meme now that one mindbroke people

                But it's funny how the only thing people will remember from xc3 comes from xc2 kek

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not saying Xenoblade is the best, I'm just saying I don't really think Nintendogays are worried because they have their own JRPG series at this point.
                I was, in no way, trying to claim that Xenoblade is better. Only that the JRPG fans on Switch are pretty well fed.
                Xbox is a different story, but we'll see if Starfield manages to handle whatever longing for general RPG appetite there is

              • 10 months ago

                They know people prefer portbeg ff16 over buying xenoblade 3

      • 10 months ago

        >games barely sell on xbox
        The attach rate is actually about the same as Playstation in the US.
        Last gen, it was pretty rough because basically the attach rate on Xbox One fell off within a year or two but this gen, Microsoft has been holding on and keeping the attach rate comparable to Playstation

  21. 10 months ago

    If only there were a platform that nearly 8 billion people all had access to.... sadly I know of no such thing.
    Not talking about mobile either.

  22. 10 months ago

    >it would be better for developers and players alike if there was a single game platform
    You mean PC? Where most of yoshidas audience is in the first place.

  23. 10 months ago

    If it was on PC, I would agree with him 1000000%, but he's clearly talking about and shilling PoS5. Jim Ryan and Yosuke Matsuda completely gaslit him.

  24. 10 months ago

    Frick these snoy homosexuals. It's time to end them for good. I've had enough of this gay shit. If you are a snoy and you are reading this, frick you. Die.

  25. 10 months ago

    >single game platform
    Sure, PC, and you can have as many forms of that platform as you like. Consoles are fricking cancer.

    • 10 months ago

      You PCgays don't even play Final Fantasy.
      FF7 Remake only ever sold 500k copies across both Steam and EGS.

  26. 10 months ago

    I felt the same way about Sega Saturn.

  27. 10 months ago

    Go touch some grass [Square Enix] - Hiroshi Yamauchi (former Nintendo president from 1949 to 24 May 2002)

  28. 10 months ago

    there is a single game platform, it's called steam

  29. 10 months ago

    >Xbox trannies still coping over being told to frick off

  30. 10 months ago

    >If only everyone had a PS5
    Well, fat chance. I won't pay $700 bucks for 1 game. Better those gays at SE release it on PC fast before I lose my interest.

  31. 10 months ago

    Why is he such a fricking pussy b***h?

  32. 10 months ago

    Sure, as long as it's PC. I'm not a child so I don't buy consoles.

  33. 10 months ago

    He's right. Even with the poor reception, I would still buy it right now if it was on PC.

  34. 10 months ago

    Not even gonna bother to pirate this shit when it comes to PC.

  35. 10 months ago

    Still wouldn't buy FF though.

  36. 10 months ago


  37. 10 months ago

    Why isn't SE satisfied with the Sony exclusivity bribe money?

    • 10 months ago

      Because in a year nobody will give a shit about xvi. Watch SE make it an Epic store exclusive next, lmao.

  38. 10 months ago

    He is unequivocally correct with that statement. It's obviously never going to happen because not everyone can afford the latest hardware, but it would be nice if every game could be made to work perfectly with "the hardware that everyone has"
    Moving forward we can't have universal upgrades in computers and we'll start seeing GPU's and CPU's that are tailored for a specific strength, like simulation, AI or graphical fidelity

    • 10 months ago

      Game devs target 720p and 20 to 30 fps on "the hardware that everyone has" everything could run every game, but nothing could run any of them well. Then you have the issue of one company getting to set the standards on what can and can't be released and then another issue of them favouring what they want to promote giving an unfair advantage to whoever bribes them or is close friends to their higher ups. One platform would be the death of any semblance of quality from every angle.

      • 10 months ago

        Have you noticed how games tend to look better once the console's generation goes on? It's because the devs get accustomed to the hardware and can push it to its limits. That's possible because they know exactly what they're working with.
        This isn't possible with PC's because the end-user can have basically anything. It's inefficient to optimize with specific hardware in mind, because then you have to make a bunch of options for different hardware and you're just wasting time. This is the point YoshiP is making. It'd be nice if you could develop for specific hardware.
        I don't know what you're talking about with 720p30fps, but I can assure you, there's no game dev in the world who prefers 720p to 4k

        • 10 months ago

          Anon, the games are looking worse and worse as the generation goes on
          Fricking Lords of the Fallen is targeting 2K 60 when we were getting comparable detailed looking games running at 4K 60 at the start of the generation
          We’ve got Shit like Jedi Survivor that looks and runs worse than the next gen patch for Fallen Order

  39. 10 months ago

    ff16 was shit
    why would the dude who shat it out's moronic opinion matter

  40. 10 months ago

    I like FF16. It's not perfect, but it was fun enough. Hope the Leviathan dlc and the new continent happens at some point. They can add some gambit party close to FF7R system.
    I enjoyed editing Clive's skills too

    • 10 months ago

      Wade was so good, loved his whole schtick, even his little ATL backstory

      They know people prefer portbeg ff16 over buying xenoblade 3

      Again, I don't think switch users are begging for FF16
      It was mostly xbox users and mostly them shitting on it while sony was blocking the abk deal

  41. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Funny to see this schizo defending ff7r after shitting on it for years kek
      And he will go back shitting on FF7R with Rebirth

    • 10 months ago

      This might be the most delusional FF7R shill

      • 10 months ago

        facts are facts, how you cope is up to you

      • 10 months ago

        He is that schizo who is gonna seethe at ff7rebirth next

        • 10 months ago

          >He is that schizo who is gonna seethe at ff7rebirth next
          Apparently FF7 RE has sold less than Detroit Become human on PS4 holy KEK

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >FF7R : 3.5 million launch week, 100+m ps4s
      >FF16 : 3 million launch week, 40m ps4s
      it's not the win you think it is

      • 10 months ago

        >40m ps4s

  42. 10 months ago

    Gaben saved videogames. He is the one yoshida is looking for

  43. 10 months ago

    When do you think the pc announcement will happen

    • 10 months ago

      I wouldn't expect anything before they reveal the dlc, which started development after the game launched. A year or so if we're lucky I'd say

  44. 10 months ago

    wow its almost like console gamers are the speed bump keeping us from colonies are mars. who would had thought tying financial incentives to 10 year hardware life cycles might slow down our development of hardware. absolutely crazy!!!!

  45. 10 months ago

    There's a solution to this
    It's called multiplats
    Just put the game on all 4 major platforms
    Playstation, Xbox, PC and Switch

  46. 10 months ago

    And that platform should be PC if it were ever a reality.

  47. 10 months ago

    bros our streamer asmon is beating the final boss now get in here

  48. 10 months ago

    >make game exclusive to a $5000 scalper box you know that no one has
    >sales not so good
    > :c it would be better if everyone had a playstation so we didn't lose so much money

    Then you dumb c**ts should have made a backport for PS4. People would probably literally buy a retail PS4 to play Final homosexualry because the brand is just so strong people would drop $300 on a game sight unseen. No one is gonna buy a PS5 for scalper prices, not even for their dying child. Go send the Yakuza after Sony for their shitawful production chain hurting your sales instead of trying to make me go back to being a consoleBlack person.

    • 10 months ago

      Ps5s are easily attainable and it’s already at 40 million units the game just underperformed for totally normal bog standard reasons, it’s a boring uninspired snooze fest that isn’t even Final Fantasy.

  49. 10 months ago

    It's called a PC, Yoshida

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