If you believe game dev is easy, try making a game. I'll wait.

If you believe game dev is easy, try making a game. I'll wait.

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    Even if it's not easy, there's definitely no excuse for a lack of transparency/communication during said development

    • 2 months ago


      If you believe game dev is easy, try making a game. I'll wait.

      okay, to the thread topic, is here a true game dev present?

      • 2 months ago

        I made snake in python once so yeah I'm a game dev. That shit is ez senpai tbh ngl ong frfr

        • 2 months ago

          Most jobs aren't easy but game devs are the ones who whine the loudest and make excuses.

          The fact that your job isn't easy doesn't justify asking for money while delivering subpar products.

          or other
          How do you see the AI in game development.I wanted to ask you what your opinion is on AI game development, do you think it will change a lot and replace people?

          • 2 months ago

            ai is not smart enough to create games. stop asking people to engage

          • 2 months ago

            >replace people?
            it's going to replace us all frankly

          • 2 months ago

            to be honest, is there a single job that can't theoretically be done better by AI? I don't think, either because of laws or some other reason, AI is ever gonna program itself. Even if game developer becomes entirely done by AI, the actual talented coders can just move to coding AI instead. The one who will be truly fricked are asset makers, game translator, etc...

          • 2 months ago

            my old man who has been programming since punch cards is fricking obsessed with it. hes been right about literally every else up to this point, so when he goes full send on a.i, even if i disagree with it, im in.

            its going to be a thing. im sure of it.

            • 2 months ago

              >its going to be a thing. im sure of it.
              I think anyone who isn't moronic thinks it's going to be a thing. The real question is in what capacity and to what extent?

          • 2 months ago

            >do you think it will change a lot and replace people?
            I think it could and should. It doesn't have to actually make the game itself, but it could be extremely useful in, for example, a dynamic commentary team in a sports game, or random non-repetitive npc dialogue in an RPG, or storylines/promos in a wrestling game. It could also get rid of the need and cut costs for specific voice actors by having an in-house trained AI spit out dialogue and having a sound engineer adjust the voice to fit whatever characters they need, or use it to assist a concept artist. There's plenty of applications where using AI would beneficial to the industry as a tool, but whiny homos currently holding the industry hostage won't allow any of that to happen, though.

          • 2 months ago

            I think it's going to end like Disney star wars series. They'll use AI to churn out tons of uninspired slop. From time to time you'll have a gem from people trying hard.
            We're already at this stage and AI will make it even worse.

      • 2 months ago

        Yes. It's tough.

        I know gamedev is hard, no I don't have sympathy for a shit end result.
        It doesn't matter how hard you worked on it, a turd is still a turd.


      • 2 months ago

        Depend a lot of what you mean by "true".
        I made games.
        They didn't sell.
        10 years later I'm trying again with a much more autistic project.

        Games are like anything in IT, depending on what you want to do it can be something trivial that can be done by an intern in a day, or you change one slight requirement and suddenly you are smackdab in the middle of "no one ever managed to make it work and the only guy who tried and left a trace is a Nepalese math major who published an algorithm about it in 1987 but it was written in his own custom variant of LISP" land.

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >Me (right opinion): handsome, cool haricut
      >You (wrong opinion): bald, ugly

      • 2 months ago

        when you know left is some 5’4 soi

        • 2 months ago

          >meanwhile the guy on the right
          *sits at home looking for another group or minority to blame his latest failure on*

          An obnoxious person who gets shit done even badly is better than a do nothing shit miserable shit talker

      • 2 months ago

        You just explained all of Gankers argument

      • 2 months ago

        A tale as old as the printing press

      • 2 months ago

        You mean like when one of you cucks post the black and white half naked homosexual you wanna suck off?

        At the end of the day a game dev is a game dev and you’re taking out of your ass

    • 2 months ago

      Sure there is. You'll have the worst of your fanbase endlessly nick picking your entire process allowing for dumb community managers to eventually say something dumb and then that become the story of the game.
      What's the upside of transparency/communication with your fans beyond marketing shit?

      • 2 months ago

        Letting them know they haven't been scammed? There's no benefit for kickstarted games (I.E basically what OP pic is referring to) like Omori, Deltarune or FNF to go years without at least a fricking progress bar

        • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            Undertale was kickstarted, therefore the funding for that also funds deltarune. Also merch sales

      • 2 months ago

        >You'll have the worst of your fanbase endlessly nick picking your entire process
        as an adult you have to learn that you don't have to respond to everything shouted in your direction, but at the same time respect that your audience is where the money comes from. if you can't tell heclers from genuine fans, that's a personal problem you should work on

        • 2 months ago

          why don't you tell that to comcept and mighty number 9?

          • 2 months ago

            you'll have to clarify what your gripe is. I didn't really care for the game from its conception

        • 2 months ago

          Or you don't engage with random people online and just focus on producing your game, game devs not being the best social people on Earth seems like a point in my favor of why you shouldn't interact with your community.
          What is the benefit you see from having "the community" apart of your development process?

    • 2 months ago

      There's actually a very big reason, for indies at least.
      >Solo developers who aren't used to interacting with swathes of people eyeballing their shit often have trouble interacting with swathes of people eyeballing their shit, so they opt to just go radio silent because it's just easier and only pipe up when the whining is overbearing

      • 2 months ago

        These people probably shouldn’t be creatives then.
        >P-p-p-please no bully. I am small indie developer…
        >Oh, but buy my overpriced Earthbound clone about depression and feel free to suck my dick and fluff my ego

        • 2 months ago

          It's more like
          >Making games is more entertaining to me than most games
          >I've gotten good at this, maybe I should try to market this
          >Well that was a mistake

    • 2 months ago

      Frick off, I'm sick of devs interacting with customers at all, let alone acting as promoters in these homosexual ass game conventions, opening official trooncords, etc. I don't need every moronic normalBlack person out there giving their input, or dev drama and attentionwhoring. Go back to making games behind the curtain instead of trying to include players in the dev process like a fricking take your kids to work day. Frick off.

      • 2 months ago

        >I don't need every moronic normalBlack person out there giving their input, or dev drama and attentionwhoring.

      • 2 months ago

        Absolutely based. Everything started going to shit the moment developers opened public channels for people to flood with their shit opinions and suggestions.

    • 2 months ago

      >post your shit, share your secrets!!!
      Okay. Post the pic of your room as it is right now. We expect full transparency here.

      • 2 months ago

        The difference is I'm not trying to sell my wank rags, you moron.

    • 2 months ago

      Lol at all the seething replies he’s right devs should communicate but simply stuff like “we are 42% done” or something like that no one told them to do full captain log entries going full radio silence makes everyone believe no game is coming.

    • 2 months ago

      Unless you preordered, why would you be entitled to "communication during development"? Do yo "communicate" during developing your dumbshit loser posts?

      If anything devs should "communicate" maybe when starting a new project (maybe), then again when its coming out (so people actually know its coming out and can buy it if they want). This is what movies do, books do, any other form of anything.

  2. 2 months ago

    >modders ask for API documentation

  3. 2 months ago

    Give me $100 million and I'll make an excellent game.

    Hey isn't it a bad time to be b***hing about le gamers when you need them to buy your games again?

  4. 2 months ago

    Nobody has ever said that.

  5. 2 months ago

    I know gamedev is hard, no I don't have sympathy for a shit end result.
    It doesn't matter how hard you worked on it, a turd is still a turd.

    • 2 months ago

      based, I'm a dev and I agree with you.

      When did devs start to hold contempt for their audience? Frick just look how this guy depicts the gamer vs the dev, as some unwashed skinhead. Before devs were gamers, but this guy sees some distinction between himself and the gamer.

      a lot of people online are shit heads and impossible to interact with. Some of them make it their mission in life just to frick with you. I don't blame any creator online for sperging out over those types of people. Anyone who cries over simple insults or criticism is a b***h.

      >is being a gamedev easy
      no, assuming they're not like wollay who goes silent for half a decade at a time

      being gamedevS in a multibilliondollar AAA shit game is infinitely easier

      >has to be the idea guy, the coder, the modeler/artist, the musician, the writer and the designer
      >can't be fired

      >most jobs split in to a million subgroups
      >literally hiring "consultants" who just point at shit and say "make this black and talk in ebonics"
      >cozy office spaces, free lunch, gym and whatever the frick
      >only knows how to do one thing, and even that usually badly
      >the best talent in the crew is almost always either the coder or the 3d artist, and the latter often just gets "face scans" and other cheats to make their job infinitely easier
      >shrieking whenever they're fired or have to meet deadlines

      I wish I was wrong but they keep proving it

      yeah, being an indie game dev working on a serious project is extremely difficult. I write, code, art direction, asset management, and animations. Creating systems, organizing it all, and making sure it all plays well is a lot of work in many fields.

      Not gonna lie
      Honestly this guy’s art is so fricking bad and unappealing that I have to give Andrew Dobson a compliment because his art at least wasn’t THIS bad. You know you fricked up when someone is complimenting Andrew Dobson and claiming they’re a better artist.

      yeah I'm stunned when I see the potato head one

      • 2 months ago

        >I don't blame any creator online for sperging out over those types of people.
        I do. Anyone in the public eye should really just not interact with anybody at all on social media except for their close friends. These people never learned how to just shut the frick up and realize that nobody wants a political lecture from someone who does asset designs for a shitty game made in unity.

        • 2 months ago

          I agree but what I'm saying is different. I've posted just art and had someone try to cancel my life. There are crazy people out there who make it their goal in life to ruin others for no reason at all.

          My rules for how I interact online are to only be positive to others, and never post anything remotely political. And that helps a lot

    • 2 months ago

      seventh post best post

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      You just know this exact scenario is what has the comic creator in OP seething, then he gaslights himself into thinking people are questioning the process instead of the end result

    • 2 months ago

      They loved him because he told the truth.

    • 2 months ago

      I didn't count how many posts until this one but it is best post

    • 2 months ago

      ding ding ding, winrar

    • 2 months ago

      The entertainment industry is harsh, high-risk risk, and high-reward. Efforts don't convert into a good game automatically

  6. 2 months ago

    If its not easy how come theres so many fricking games out then, b***h?

  7. 2 months ago

    it's not easy to make a game but when you're playing a game it's easier for you to tell what's wrong with the gameplay than for the dev to

  8. 2 months ago

    just like
    make a space invaders clone man
    it ain't that difficult

  9. 2 months ago

    The fact that your job isn't easy doesn't justify asking for money while delivering subpar products.

  10. 2 months ago

    When did devs start to hold contempt for their audience? Frick just look how this guy depicts the gamer vs the dev, as some unwashed skinhead. Before devs were gamers, but this guy sees some distinction between himself and the gamer.

    • 2 months ago

      they’ve been indoctrinated with judaism

    • 2 months ago

      >When did devs start to hold contempt for their audience?
      Almost every failing business comes to hate its customers, blaming them for their frickups instead of looking inward at their incompetence.
      It's just before, they had banks and investor money to fall back on to stay alive while laughing at the plebs whose worse offense is they wouldn't play their shit games. Now that's gone and this is their final 'frick you' before exiting the industry.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm so glad they're losing their careers

    • 2 months ago

      >When did devs start to hold contempt for their audience?
      look at yourself, you'll find the answer

      • 2 months ago

        But I'm a gamedev and I look like the guy on the right

    • 2 months ago

      Look at homosexuals like

      >When did devs start to hold contempt for their audience?
      look at yourself, you'll find the answer

      and you'll find the answer.

      • 2 months ago

        Mad because it’s true polisraelite?
        gamedev: wow this guy is a prick, I’m gonna spite him lol
        is there anybody the white cuck HASNT blamed yet for some random issue or problem they have?

        Gamedev is funny because nothing prevents devs from owning the means of production (Their own computers)
        With a commom investment they could go indie and start their socialist company themselves

        Like the creators of Disco El? And gays like you will still go a poltroon rant and do everything to sabotage their success (which is nothing at all lmao)

    • 2 months ago

      With the push for diversity

    • 2 months ago

      Would you like it if you spent years on a project only to get hate online because its not living up to the expectations of jaded and hard to please consumers? I mean think about it. Gamers are way harder to please than any other type of media consumer.

      • 2 months ago

        >omg gamers are so jaded their expectations are so hard to please it's so impossible to deal with them!!!!!!!

        LITERALLY just make good, well crafted games that are not full of bugs, broken mechanics and fricked up optimisation. I'm impressed that something actual game devs were fully capable of in the past is now some "impossible standard".

        • 2 months ago

          >just cater to me and only me and your game will sell dude trust me


          every time

          • 2 months ago

            Indirectly, yes. When people are asking for good, polished games don't interpret it as "they want a DOA live service game".

            I don't disagree, but I feel like people are just more jaded in general these days. The toxicity meter is breaking new highs. Devs don't deserve pity for bad games, but I can see where some of them are coming from. They typically are just cogs in a bigger machine too.

            People are not "jaded", they're just tired of the absolute state of gaming and developers being clueless hacks.

          • 2 months ago

            >Only one anon wants a well polished game
            Autism alert

          • 2 months ago

            >>just cater to me and only me and your game will sell dude trust me
            So I take this to mean you DO want bad, poorly crafted games that have countless bugs, broken mechanics and fricked up optimization?

          • 2 months ago

            >LITERALLY just make good, well crafted games that are not full of bugs, broken mechanics and fricked up optimisation
            >just cater to me and only me and your game will sell dude trust me

            • 2 months ago

              >what do people want?
              >we want blue, here are times we played blue
              >red is underrepresented, so we'll do that instead
              >wtf why didn't it sell? Here, you can have blue dlc (actually green)

              • 2 months ago

                No frick off. I don’t le Senran Kagura x White people ass kissing like most of you mentally Ill porn addicts do. I just want good games and neither side can dictate that, only a person who makes their true dream can appeal to someone’s heart

                Likewise, don’t buy shit you don’t like. Complaining like a Black person and spouting racial slurs and buzzwords does nothing but generate spite and contempt

        • 2 months ago

          I don't disagree, but I feel like people are just more jaded in general these days. The toxicity meter is breaking new highs. Devs don't deserve pity for bad games, but I can see where some of them are coming from. They typically are just cogs in a bigger machine too.

          • 2 months ago

            Im not jaded, i genuinely think the big titles are shit. Older games are better, indies are better.

          • 2 months ago

            >They typically are just cogs in a bigger machine too.
            A bigger machine that produces pure shit. It's the job of these guys to produce shit. There's no point in trying to sugarcoat it with "they're just doing their jobs".

        • 2 months ago

          Pretty much. Plenty of companies understand how not to have these problems

        • 2 months ago

          We were pretty tolerant of bugs and performance issues back in the day but the caveat is that the game had to be good

          • 2 months ago

            there weren't even a fraction of the bugs in releases pre-2000 because when your customers encountered a gamebreaking bug you literally had to send them replacement discs to fix it.
            Nowadays you can just patch it lmao doesn't matter that it doesn't work on release.

            • 2 months ago

              games before that were also a LOT simpler. when it takes you 6 years to make a game these days, there's a lot that can go wrong. when it takes you 6 months, it's incredibly easy to playtest literally everything.

              • 2 months ago

                >games before that were also a LOT simpler
                yeah and oftentimes a lot better too

        • 2 months ago

          >I'm impressed that something actual game devs were fully capable of in the past is now some "impossible standard".
          It's not game devs, it's publishers and managers.
          Zoomers don't remember Vampire: Bloodlines. *ugh* what could of been

        • 2 months ago

          game dev back then:
          >smaller budgets
          >smaller studios
          >less publisher nonsense and no shitty trend that dominates the landscape
          >game sells a million copies means it doing good
          >variety was the spice of life
          game dev now:
          >everyone wants a live service cash cow
          >buying studios/franchises left and right and doing nothing with them
          >bloated budgets that reach the hundreds of millions
          >bloated studios
          >game only sold 40 million copies instead of a billion?!
          >games need to be movies now

          • 2 months ago

            >We don't like this on your game
            >Game devs fix it on the next iteration or patch
            >We don't like this on your game
            >REEEE DONT BUY IT

            • 2 months ago

              >We don't like this on your game
              >REEEE DONT BUY IT
              no no no
              it's "don't over deliver"

          • 2 months ago

            how dare companies wanting to profit from their work.

            shame on them.


            • 2 months ago

              How does it feel being a genetic dead end?

          • 2 months ago

            >Helldivers 2
            >Lethal Company
            All huge successes, meanwhile
            >Skull & Bones
            >Suicide Squad
            all flops

            Gaming is healing. Corpos have unironically gotten too greedy. Just look at WoW's new BR mode. Literally who asked for that garbage?

      • 2 months ago

        the easiest thing they can do for good graces is to stop making every game full of homosexuals and trannies who have no character outside of being homosexuals or trannies. you can write a good character and make them gay. you don't start with a gay character and then try to develop them. they also intentionally mock their customers in the games that they want their customers to buy. it's baffling that they intentionally try to piss gamers off and then complain that nobody's buying their shitty products.

        • 2 months ago

          The Saint's Row remake has gotta be the best example of this. Imagine getting rid of shit tons of things everyone liked, mocking your customers on social media and then changing the aesthetic of the game completely to be some nonsense that everyone at this point thinks is super gay cancellation bait (see: Hyenas)
          How the frick could even half of what I just said flow through the gamedev's heads without them stopping and thinking about how bad of an idea it is?

          • 2 months ago

            because they get paid regardless of how the game sells. they push their homosexual politics in them because it literally doesn't matter whether or not they do.

            • 2 months ago

              Then they have no right to complain about peopel shitting on them, simple as.

              • 2 months ago

                I agree with that, but they don't. They feel entitled to praise and adoration, but they've done nothing to deserve it other than the bare minimum.

      • 2 months ago

        >Would you like it if you spent years on a project only to get hate online because its not living up to the expectations of jaded and hard to please consumers?
        I would ask why it's getting hate online and maybe realize it's because there's something about it that's simply not living up to expectations

      • 2 months ago

        >We outsourced most of this game to Indians, our writers can only write Marvel quips and gay fanfiction, our in-house artists, programmers and such were hired to meet state and federal DEI quotas. It's a buggy, barely working mess, with shitty writing, a generic UE5 stock assets/shaders look, and we filled it with unsubtle leftist propaganda and subversion! Why doesn't anyone like it? It must be because they are gamergate nazis!

      • 2 months ago

        >I spent time and effort on something so it needs to be appreciated!
        shut up

      • 2 months ago

        >Gamers are way harder to please than any other type of media consumer.
        Theres 0 evidence to back this up. Keep in mind that people have killed each other over music, fictional book/movie characters, and sports games. People in general are hard to please , game devs complaining about their audience instead of adjusting to their audience is a sign that they are terrible game devs. Every other form of media gets the same amount of audience scrutiny if not worse amounts.

        • 2 months ago

          >game devs complaining about their audience instead of adjusting to their audience is a sign that they are terrible game devs
          it really is amazing to see. the sorts of people that they're trying to pander to are the sorts of people who don't play games. no matter how many trannies or Black folk you put in your game, you're never going to get people to play it if they don't even play video games in the first place. I dont get it.

        • 2 months ago

          >Theres 0 evidence to back this up
          I know its anecdotal, but I feel like there is less low effort slop in video games compared to movies or tv where netflix and marvel are cranking out new bullshit constantly. The act of playing a game is so much more involved that gamers tend to notice a lot more and have stronger opinions on their media.

          • 2 months ago

            >but I feel like there is less low effort slop in video games

            Have you never played any video games that came out before 1995 or after the birth of Steam? The video game market is completely oversaturated with low effort slop , Steam let's just about anything get published on it and historically most video games going all the way back to the retro days of Atari and NES were pretty shit. AAA gaming to this day has a lot of garbage. Like any other form of media, most of that media is garbage. Most music is garbage, most TV shows are garbage, most books are garbage. Its always only a small % of high quality media that makes an impact

            • 2 months ago

              I agree with what you're saying, but I guess I'm more pointing at the stuff that is successful and wildly popular. The top rated video games are much higher effort and quality than a lot of top rated movies or shows. At least it seems that way to me. Some of the shit I see my normies watching seems like you would be required to turn your brain off to enjoy. Games are harder to do that with so the bar feels higher.

        • 2 months ago

          Movies have entire organizations dedicated to judging the state of the movie and its merit and worth. Now dont get me wrong, those organizations tend to get bought out, but vidya simply does not have a comparable level of scrutiny.

      • 2 months ago

        Go scream at a public park or something my god! You devs b***h a lot.

      • 2 months ago

        >nba 2k
        >yearly rehashes
        >all continue to be in top 10 of console sales year after year
        >top 10 even when 90% of the fanbase hating the game crying nonstop

      • 2 months ago

        bro, gaymers buy fifa every day and play on consoles, to say they are hard to please is idiotic, they are cattle

      • 2 months ago

        Why did you spend all that time making something bad when you could've just made it good?
        Sounds like a skill issue to me.

      • 2 months ago

        Devs don't play games, they write code and design assets.
        GAYMERS play games

      • 2 months ago

        Don't care. If it's a game I wanted to make, and I know it's compentent and exactly how I wanted it to be, then that's all that matters to me
        I have zero expectations pandering to seething homosexuals that only want coomslop or anything that panders to titillation for the sake of it instead of what purpose my game serves. If I have some tit bouncing in my game, don't just undermined the rest of my product for not being just that nor overinflate my product's value without even interacting with the rest of the game.

      • 2 months ago

        >Gamers are way harder to please than any other type of media consumer.
        Patently wrong. Games are the lowest form of "art" in terms of quality by far, adding aspects from all other but way worse.

      • 2 months ago

        Lmao there is no other entertainment industry that gets away with even a fraction of the bullshit practices that have become standard in the gaming industry. And it continues to rake in profit.

        • 2 months ago

          They get away with it because the biggest consumers are children and teenagers

      • 2 months ago

        No one gives a frick how hard you tried to make soemthing if it's shit.

      • 2 months ago

        >work on game for more than a year
        >comes out bad

        solodev gets a pass, but those who are trailed by sizable teams do not.

      • 2 months ago

        My friend is a game developer, I won't say what game but they're doing alright for a small studio

        they don't care as much as you might think

      • 2 months ago

        My standards are low as frick. I like Nuts and Milk on the fricking Famicom. If your game gives me less entertainment than THAT, that I'd rather play a dinky 40 year old cartridge than I would your narrative crafting adventure, you should just have a nice day.

      • 2 months ago

        >Gamers are way harder to please than any other type of media consumer.
        It's the opposite. They're insanely easy to please. The problem is modern games release in a state that makes Sonic 06 look like a masterpiece.
        You DON'T need 4k graphics, you DON'T need Raytracing, you DON'T need super high res cinematics with motion capture. You DO need tight controls, you DO need fun gameplay, you DO need a solid frame rate, you DO need to have a well made game that isn't full of bugs, glitches and other issues.
        Look at the games gamers praise. Are they the latest AAA slop or something some dude made?
        If the industry wants to fix itself then it needs to take a few steps back and relearn how to make arcade games.

        • 2 months ago

          I Would rather deal with angry gamers online than angry customers in retail kek.

    • 2 months ago

      when the devs became more and more overwhelmingly militant leftist and gamers as a collective started ~~*noticing*~~ the left's subversion of gaming

      • 2 months ago

        It's this. These people aren't gamers, they're leftist infiltrators upset that their subversion is being rejected.

        • 2 months ago

          I never understood why people who hate video games and comic books took over video games and comic books. I don't get the logic.

          • 2 months ago

            they go after money. it's financial decision for them.

          • 2 months ago

            Infantile need to be part of creative entertainment instead of blue collar work that'a beneath them, along with an intense and malicious desire to control.
            Think of people who claim to be the biggest fans of lotr and yet hate everything about it.

          • 2 months ago

            I don't think this is necessarily what happened, but it does feel like it was some kind of psychotic attempt to take entertainment media away from straight white guys. I wasn't really paying a lot of attention to this stuff in the mid 2000s, but it seems like this happened pretty much concurrently with the rise of social justice and woke politics on social media in the early 2010s.

            • 2 months ago

              >it does feel like it was some kind of psychotic attempt to take entertainment media away from straight white guys
              But why? What's the point? The majority of women and black people who liked vidya and comics were fine with the industry as it was anyway, I don't get why a screeching minority of narcissists get the final say on media they despise making.

              • 2 months ago

                do you know what it means to be progressive? it means trying to change anything and everything at all costs, even if it's working perfectly fine. these people are never happy, and they look for things to be unhappy about. none of the "sjw feminists" who complained about a lack of female characters in video games wound up buying these games when they finally added some more representation. anita sarkeesian set up a kickstarter in order to buy a whole bunch of games for her "women in gaming" video series she was trying to make.

                I think she wound up making two videos for that series and then stopped. She never actually cared, she just wanted to ruin a hobby for straight white men.

              • 2 months ago

                It frustrates me a little that the lesson everyone takes from this is "women suck" even though any woman with a hint of intelligence finds that b***h and her ilk just as insufferably moronic as guys do.

              • 2 months ago

                anita sarkeesian is not a normal woman. she was basically near the very center of gamergate which was a war between people who play video games vs. people who don't play video games. it was never about making a positive change, it was always about ruining a hobby.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm mixed race and my dad is a black comic book fan and he fricking hates forced diversity and wokeshit in general lol

              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago

                They're trying to seek meaning in their lives like all humans and decided to dedicate it to a moral crusade. Except crusading against corruption and sin is hard, so they just decide to go after innocent bystanders minding their own business

            • 2 months ago

              >it seems like this happened pretty much concurrently with the rise of social justice and woke politics on social media in the early 2010s.
              pic related
              the attacks on gaming kicked off with Anita and that's around the time you saw leftists getting into gamedev and localization to attack the medium from within, on top of the ones already in that mask off'd and contributed to huge purges of non-allied devs in their studios/companies

              • 2 months ago

                to the one moron who keeps posting this bait i'll finally bite. people didn't stop talking about those issues in 2012, likewise people didnt start talking about race/ gender equality in 2012.

                ps. you are a moron.

          • 2 months ago

            It's about controlling everything that influences you.
            Money is bullshit.
            There's a reason why most games are chock full of evil exploitative things. Because the people in charge are fricking evil.

    • 2 months ago

      Most jobs aren't easy but game devs are the ones who whine the loudest and make excuses.

      you guys dont understand. this guy's tweet doesn't reflect his real opinion. he just tweeted it so he can get more twitter followers so he has a bigger platform to shill his game.

      • 2 months ago

        It's true, we're mutuals and even I know he and a couple other devs post to get traction

    • 2 months ago

      it’s a good question I think the change happened with that SocJus stuff back in 2011 this just the aftermath

    • 2 months ago

      Look in a mirror. I'd hate you too.

    • 2 months ago

      Did you miss that video of that big tit new hire at Blizzard that survived the layoffs? Those are your "game devs"

      • 2 months ago

        you mean the one who was bragging about getting a job at blizzard despite not knowing anything about games at all?

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah, and where she basically admitted OW2 is the only game she has ever played.

    • 2 months ago

      israeli influence

    • 2 months ago

      interact with gamers a few times and anyone would come to hate them

    • 2 months ago

      when people with no talent or passion for games started going to college for game design and now they think they're gaming's god given saviors because they got a piece of paper that says they know video games

    • 2 months ago

      God complex. They dont see themselves as consumers, they think of themselves in a higher class within the Industry.

      • 2 months ago

        >They dont see themselves as consumers, they think of themselves in a higher class within the Industry.
        that's how it generally works: persons with the suaveness to create are above those who consume it.

        • 2 months ago

          that's a morale error, if you aren't consuming what you create then you're going to be disillusioned.

          • 2 months ago

            the irony here is you see no issue telling others how they're supposed to feel

            • 2 months ago

              >Colonel Harland Sanders made it clear that he wasn't happy with how the chain had changed up its recipes for gravy and fried chicken.
              >According to The New York Times, he allegedly referred to the gravy as "sludge." He even went on record in an interview with The Courier-Journal newspaper (via The Day) describing the chain's chicken breading as "a damn fried dough ball stuck on some chicken" among other insults. He further criticized how KFC made its gravy,
              >referring to it as wallpaper paste.

              Are you new?

              • 2 months ago

                He was right. Changing recipes to cut pennies off cost and making the flavors as bland tasting for the widest possible mass appeal killed it's popularity. It's why Popeye's overtook it and also why Popeye's itself is dipping now after being bought out like a decade ago, they're doing the same shit to their recipes.

    • 2 months ago

      >If you believe game dev is easy, try making a game. I'll wait.

      i used the basic b***h scripting engine of the starcraft map editor to make unique maps and gamemodes when i was 10 years old. zoomers are just morons from their steady diet of slop, porn, and demoralizing propaganda. Being intellegent, imaginative and successful is a symptom of white supremacy and thats a bad thing >:(

      its simple really: games (anything) is where midwits get dumped. It's the trashcan for over priced college degrees and other nepotismed morons. In the old days, you would put your lunatic uncle or cat lady auntie in an asylum so they wouldnt bother anyone. now, you dump them into gamedev/gamejournalism/gamecommunitymanagement/gamepr/ect

      they get to pretend to be apart of the higher level of society while working on children's toys. But the problem is, even if they are moronic, they arent so moronic that they dont realize they are working on children's toys. So they try to elevate themselves by implying implications about their industry.

      >oh gamedev is so hard
      >oh gamesjournalism is serious business
      >oh we need more inclusivity and diversity and we need a political statement so when my friends and family ask me what I do for a living, I can say something other than 'making toys for babies'.

      • 2 months ago

        If you hate video games so bad why are you on Ganker?

        Also, kids toys/media includes tons of diversity, because kids aren't as easily triggered as braindead rightoid boomers.

        • 2 months ago

          Hating modern dogshit games doesn't mean you hate video games in total. You shit eaters are so disingenuous.

      • 2 months ago

        >t. Coping about getting fleeced by autists making gacha games
        Cry more, normie.

  11. 2 months ago

    Strawman. Give me 5 examples of non-devs unironically stating that game development is “easy”

    • 2 months ago

      Lol Ive never ever seen any non dev say "being a dev is easy"

  12. 2 months ago

    Most jobs aren't easy but game devs are the ones who whine the loudest and make excuses.

  13. 2 months ago

    >Left is programmer who's forced into 12 months of crunch
    >Right is "Senior" programmer who does frick all and pretends to know what programmers are doing

    • 2 months ago

      This, if you have any game dev friends they'll tell you it's exactly like this.

  14. 2 months ago

    why would anybody even want to work in an industry where 90% of their customers hate them? and why would this person regularly go out of their way to mock their customers? is there any other industry like this? this is literally moronic.

    • 2 months ago

      Because they bought the "follow your dreams and work hard and you'll make it" meme that capitalism intentionally instills.

      • 2 months ago

        but these are the same people who complain about capitalism on twitter

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah, because they learned the hard way.

          • 2 months ago

            they wouldnt even have these jobs without capitalism. they're ungrateful homosexuals who feel entitled to everything they haven't really even earned.

            • 2 months ago

              Are you baiting?

    • 2 months ago

      Cops collections and taxmen

  15. 2 months ago

    Like I give a shit if it's easy or hard. Make fricking games, get paid shit, work in suicide inducing crunch, be harrassed online, get fired. I'll still pirate your game and play for free. Thanks for the entertainment maggot.

  16. 2 months ago

    If you came to me at my job that people have expectations from, would I say it's easy and that I could do more?

  17. 2 months ago

    Buy a fricking ad already

  18. 2 months ago

    Its not easy and this image also is pretty telling why modern games are slop, the devs themselves are not gamers and hate games

    • 2 months ago

      >you're a trashman you must love trash

      • 2 months ago

        garbage men do not make garbage at work. game developers DO make garbage at work.

      • 2 months ago

        Yup, otherwise you just get gacha or incredibly formulatic games. Games started as passion projects by small teams, nowadays its multibillion business by big corpos, and all the soul is squeezed out by just rehashing the same formula, no innovation, no passion.

      • 2 months ago

        >joining the vidya industry to make money
        you fricking fool

    • 2 months ago

      >the devs themselves are not gamers and hate games
      It's not their fault, america has some of the shittiest possible laws when it comes to devs. Gamedevs get raped in the ass by psycho managers, get burnt out, then tossed away.

      Gamedevs need to unionize, only then they'll be able to make good games again

      • 2 months ago

        Gamedev is funny because nothing prevents devs from owning the means of production (Their own computers)
        With a commom investment they could go indie and start their socialist company themselves

        • 2 months ago

          Video games = entertainment.
          Programmers don't necessarily know how to create entertainment. They know how to create programs (most of them probably don't even know that, though).

      • 2 months ago

        >Gamedevs need to unionize, only then they'll be able to make good games again
        Literally the #1 fricking thing that's making games shit these days is every game company being tumorously connected to eachother.
        We need AA scale studios, not a fricking industry wide union

        • 2 months ago

          >every game company being tumorously connected to eachother
          It's actually an anti-union thing. Devs aren't connected, managers are.

          One of the shitty things that shit companies do is blacklisting anyone who complains about management failures like crunch.
          >boss turns the game to shit with crunch, abuse, moronic deadlines
          >can't speak up or lose career
          >nobody learns anything

          Gamedevs need to unionize to work at reasonable speed instead of being code and asset monkeys for psychopaths who don't play games.

          • 2 months ago

            >crunch, abuse, moronic deadlines
            i'm in tech but far from games
            two days ago i had to overtime till 5 am, started at 10:30 am

            • 2 months ago

              Maybe you can say a little bit about that

              or other
              How do you see the AI in game development.I wanted to ask you what your opinion is on AI game development, do you think it will change a lot and replace people?

              / your opinion?

            • 2 months ago

              Burger or less abusive country?

              I'm a Java dev (Sir) and not paid too well but
              >fully remote
              >nobody checks when I log in
              >play vidya most of my work day
              >as long as things are updated and don't break too often, nobody complains
              >1-2 meetings daily, all below 30mins

              I'm almost a NEET, except I get paid and have to write some code sometime.

              • 2 months ago

                >Burger or less abusive country?
                not murica but more abusive actually, at least in terms of compensation
                and i'm in industrial automation/electrical engineering

            • 2 months ago

              what the frick, could that leave with only 5 hours and a half of sleep? Like, having to sleep in office shit? how the frick is this legal?

  19. 2 months ago

    Hey, nobody forced you to "follow your dreams"

    put the hard work.

  20. 2 months ago

    where's the joke Buckley?

  21. 2 months ago

    no one cares how easy it is. the only thing that matters is if the gamedev's work is worth buying. the only games I've bought in the last two years is DD2 and Palworld

  22. 2 months ago

    I respect creators who make good games. It takes heart and soul to produce something that's fun to play.

  23. 2 months ago

    It IS hard but you still don't deserve my money if the end result sucks.

  24. 2 months ago


  25. 2 months ago

    How about you get a real job that requires manual labor and benefits society?

    • 2 months ago

      What are some real jobs?

      • 2 months ago

        Electrician, plumbing, construction, carpentry

    • 2 months ago

      to be fair, if they manage to make a fun game, it tends to help the mental health of the population

  26. 2 months ago

    >is being a gamedev easy
    no, assuming they're not like wollay who goes silent for half a decade at a time

    being gamedevS in a multibilliondollar AAA shit game is infinitely easier

    >has to be the idea guy, the coder, the modeler/artist, the musician, the writer and the designer
    >can't be fired

    >most jobs split in to a million subgroups
    >literally hiring "consultants" who just point at shit and say "make this black and talk in ebonics"
    >cozy office spaces, free lunch, gym and whatever the frick
    >only knows how to do one thing, and even that usually badly
    >the best talent in the crew is almost always either the coder or the 3d artist, and the latter often just gets "face scans" and other cheats to make their job infinitely easier
    >shrieking whenever they're fired or have to meet deadlines

    I wish I was wrong but they keep proving it

  27. 2 months ago

    More like "Who cares"
    Doesnt this homosexual just work social media

  28. 2 months ago

    >being a gamedev is so HARD
    Nah, 13 years old me could do it just fine.

  29. 2 months ago

    Why are they so mad? Is it because AAA is getting throatfricked by indie devs on the reg nowadays?

  30. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      ignoring he himself is a pedo groomer, these are all excuses yuroids use for why their shitskins commit crimes.

      • 2 months ago

        isn't that guy a groomer?

        >Self righteous, self hating white liberal
        >Is a groomer

        In b4 "look it up" AKA "it came to me in a dream"

      • 2 months ago

        isn't that guy a groomer?

        I believe you guys since he looks like one, but is there any screencaps or anything?

      • 2 months ago

        isn't that guy a groomer?

        >Self righteous, self hating white liberal
        >Is a groomer

        Oh yeah, that guy lmao

        that """""kid""""""" was obviously a gay anyway so what exactly did he do wrong?

        • 2 months ago

          homosexuals reproduce by grooming and molesting young boys you Black person
          stopping those degenerates means less gays later

        • 2 months ago

          He made him a gay. gays preys on fatherless boys to make them gays in turn.

        • 2 months ago

          >ugh the little tramp was asking for it
          >in the same thread about white men being sexist rapists

          lol lmao... kys.

    • 2 months ago

      ignoring he himself is a pedo groomer, these are all excuses yuroids use for why their shitskins commit crimes.

      >these are all excuses yuroids use for why their shitskins commit crimes
      Don't burgers have the exact same playbook?
      >black youth does crime
      >"Tyrone din du nuthing! he waz gon get hiz life on track! dey po-liz racis!"

    • 2 months ago

      isn't that guy a groomer?

      • 2 months ago

        Ironically, yes

    • 2 months ago

      Why do white people hate themselves?

    • 2 months ago

      >Self righteous, self hating white liberal
      >Is a groomer

    • 2 months ago

      Oh yeah, that guy lmao

    • 2 months ago

      I shouldn't have to say this, but a conviction for rape should never be worse than killing someone because you're forcing rapists to kill their victims to avoid a hell of a lot of time in jail.
      And, obviously, we shouldn't put a """""""rapist"""""" in prison for life knowing how most of these """"""victims"""""" have this miserable tendency of inventing the crimes to put someone in prison out of spite or just because they didn't want to admit to cheating or because they regretted it the next day.

      • 2 months ago

        >you're forcing rapists to kill their victims
        I hope you realize how moronic you sound

        • 2 months ago

          That is literally how the law is in my country, if you rape a woman you go for like 15 years in prison, meanwhile if you kill someone you go for 10, it's obvious it's better to kill your victim than leave her alive.
          Maybe you really should stop being a moronic homosexual and see how the law is applied in real life and not in your lollipop country in your imagination.

    • 2 months ago

      didnt this guy get arrested for being a pedo.

      • 2 months ago

        Nah, he just minute one of the evidence and accusations coming out deleted every social media he had, quit his job, supposedly moved, and vanished. Like immediately, didn't even bother trying to defend himself or give a 'shit I got caught' fake apology kek

  31. 2 months ago

    >try making a game
    why would i waste my time doing that

  32. 2 months ago

    Nobody said it's easy, that doesn't excuse the fact that game devs produce so much garbage

  33. 2 months ago

    Gamer making my own game here
    Making a game is easy now that there's a bazillion engines to pick from

  34. 2 months ago

    gamedev is the easiest job imaginable in terms of devs, you can literally ship a broken product and people will still buy it. Imagine a plane or hospital equipment software being shipped broken, people would instantly lose their jobs or never be hired again, game companies on the other hand will continue to operate and people will still buy broken shit

    • 2 months ago

      you are right, videogames are the only software people will defend it even if it doesn't work, not even apple can get away with stuff not working

    • 2 months ago

      >Imagine a plane being shipped broken
      we don't have to imagine

  35. 2 months ago

    Of course it's hard. Every creative endeavor is. Only game devs have such thin skin though, frick, actors and writers put up with so much shit and don't b***h

  36. 2 months ago

    I have. It's not as easy as consumers think, but not nearly as hard as certain devs b***h it is either. If your budget is in the millions of dollars and yet you can't include basic features, you're a frick up, pure and simple (looking at 343 and DICE).

    • 2 months ago

      What do you mean by "I have", are you a developer yourself?

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          Take please a look above, what you think about it

          or other
          How do you see the AI in game development.I wanted to ask you what your opinion is on AI game development, do you think it will change a lot and replace people?


          • 2 months ago

            I think very little of it

  37. 2 months ago

    I don't care how easy it is, if i think your game is shit then i won't but it.

  38. 2 months ago

    this is like an artist getting mad people don't like their art because they put a lot of effort into it.
    Shit is still shit even if it took a lot of work to make that shit.

  39. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      I laffed

  40. 2 months ago

    Its a complex task, not necessarily a hard one.

    The biggest problem now a days is that teams are bloated, and ton's of stuff is outsourced, further ballooning team size.

    Communication and keeping track of things becomes exponentially harder as team size increases. So, things fall through the cracks.

    That's one of the reasons modern games are all so shitty. Bloat.

    • 2 months ago

      Would a lack of guidance also be a problem?

      • 2 months ago

        A lack of vision, more so.
        Bad guidance is worse than no guidance, and most big game companies are just trend chasing.

  41. 2 months ago

    How about not asking 70 to a 100 dollars for a product that doesn't work properly, lacks features and is rife with overpriced mictotransactions

  42. 2 months ago

    Been devving for 8 years or so now. Hardest part isn't necessarily making the game, but rather, coming up with good material in order to make that game, good. You can cheat on graphics by making things styalized, or cheat in coding by having everything be spaghetti(as long as it works), but you can't cheat your way into making a good game. Which I guess is why a lot of small developers simply mimic already established games. I wish good idea's and stories came to me easily, it would make gamedev much easier.

    • 2 months ago

      >gondola angel
      Hold on, are you the guy who made that gondola island game and posted it on /s4s/?

      • 2 months ago

        Spurdo angel, and nope. Gondola is in my game, but it's a Spurdo game that's been out for about a year now (on steam)

  43. 2 months ago

    On the contrary I think game dev is so stressful that the people who stick around are functionally moronic.

  44. 2 months ago

    Cry me a river homosexual.

  45. 2 months ago

    Draw a grid, number each square, fill in the prime numbered squares

    Boom. Game dev'd. You can play it right now.

  46. 2 months ago

    >hey y'all my job is soooooooooooooooo hard
    >like I'm so tired all the time
    >oh my god and it's not even paid well,
    >it takes such a toll on me
    >i'm depressed and tired all the time
    why are millenials like this

  47. 2 months ago

    I don't think I've ever heard anyone say development is easy. Everyone calls out devs who are shitty at their jobs tho.

  48. 2 months ago

    Anons will you guys play my snake clone but it's a dungeon crawler

  49. 2 months ago

    Not gonna lie
    Honestly this guy’s art is so fricking bad and unappealing that I have to give Andrew Dobson a compliment because his art at least wasn’t THIS bad. You know you fricked up when someone is complimenting Andrew Dobson and claiming they’re a better artist.

    • 2 months ago

      Dobby's art was never truly all that bad. His main problem was his terrible personality, terrible opinions, and the way he acted on social media. I actually liked some of the designs in that pirate comic he made. Shame he couldn't have just been a more likable person.

  50. 2 months ago

    Yes and no. Modders prove that games can often be made way better with minimal work and effort required. After your game is complete you should always ask yourself if it's truly complete yet or if it can be modified further to be the best product possible.

    • 2 months ago

      >After your game is complete you should always ask yourself if it's truly complete yet or if it can be modified further to be the best product possible.
      Horrible advice. It's best to move on. If you made a shitty game and people hated it, well at least you learned a lesson. If you made a great game and people loved it, then you did a good job. Now onto the next thing.
      Modders isn't a fair argument because there's only so much time one can spend on something. If you spend 10 years of your life putting everything that *could* be in a game that takes one year to make, that's ten years gone. Spent on one idea. I don't think that's healthy.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm going to have to agree with

      >After your game is complete you should always ask yourself if it's truly complete yet or if it can be modified further to be the best product possible.
      Horrible advice. It's best to move on. If you made a shitty game and people hated it, well at least you learned a lesson. If you made a great game and people loved it, then you did a good job. Now onto the next thing.
      Modders isn't a fair argument because there's only so much time one can spend on something. If you spend 10 years of your life putting everything that *could* be in a game that takes one year to make, that's ten years gone. Spent on one idea. I don't think that's healthy.

      No one likes it when they play a game with obviously cut content or missed opportunities to have added something, but one of the biggest issues independent developers with no oversight have is just getting a fricking product out.
      Nothing in this world is perfect, not even a game you make yourself to your liking, and taking that approach just ensures that it will never come to completion, either because of burn out or because of endless feature/content creep, and people can wait for only so long before they lose interest and move on to something else.

      All the good ideas in the world don't amount to shit if it never gets released.

  51. 2 months ago

    What does this comic meant to say?
    Bald men are liars?

  52. 2 months ago

    why are they like this

  53. 2 months ago

    >klik n play
    >click & create
    >macromedia fusion
    Ez pezy

  54. 2 months ago

    It's not easy but it is fun.
    If you're the type prone to feeling restless and bored, having something fun to work on hits human sense of fulfillment

  55. 2 months ago

    Ah yes let's make fun of our potential customers I am sure it will work well

  56. 2 months ago

    we're not saying it is easy.

    we're saying you're incompetent

  57. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      I swear Carmack is a spectre for these people

    • 2 months ago

      >romero, stop playing our game and get back to work
      >lmao no our game is too fun

    • 2 months ago
  58. 2 months ago

    my prof yaws to say
    >if it were hard I wouldn't be doing it
    and from there it stuck to me, now when I see someone saying their job is hard I question their abilities

  59. 2 months ago

    No, thanks. I have a real job.

  60. 2 months ago

    If you became a game dev to be praised, you should not be a game dev.

  61. 2 months ago

    >my job is hard so I deserve money from people I hate and they should shut up and enjoy my game lecturing them
    Lmao the fricking nerve, plenty of people have hard jobs idiot. My grandad was a firefighter who fricking died because of his job, and every man in my family including me served in the infantry. I have friends in ukraine right now going for days on end without sleep in muddy, shitty, cold ditches getting explosives rained on them everyday and I shit you not they complain less than modern game devs

  62. 2 months ago

    love that being a gamedev is hard and Ganker just wants to make it worse

    • 2 months ago

      the hardest thing these devs do day to day is go on twitter and have to see a bunch of negative comments about them or their games on their twitter feed. from the people they specifically go out of their way to piss off.

      • 2 months ago

        >the hardest thing these devs do day to day is go on twitter

        open with lies and i will not read the rest.

        simple as.

  63. 2 months ago

    Left guy is those people who go woe is me capitalism has failed when asked to do the job he's getting paid for

  64. 2 months ago

    even hollywood sorta learned what they have to do to make money now, why is gaming still so moronic

  65. 2 months ago

    2023 saw the most 10/10 releases within a year than every before and you dumb fricks still complain

  66. 2 months ago

    No you make a game, if is good i'll buy it if is bad i'll shit on it. That's what a job is sweetie, you are gonna work hard to get my money.

  67. 2 months ago

    I made a game in LBP in an afternoon. Shit was easy

  68. 2 months ago

    Farming isn't easy either, but I still hate bad produce and won't buy it.

  69. 2 months ago

    >game development 30 to 40 years ago
    >typing everything manually in 6502 if you didn't already have a previous project to copy paste from
    >modern game development
    >drag and drop premade assets into an engine built by others

    yes it's easier and has been for 2 decades now.
    both examples will make a terrible game

  70. 2 months ago

    >it's not easy
    >52 year old truck driver, LEARN TO CODE!!!

  71. 2 months ago

    Making a shitty game easy
    making a good game hard
    simple as

  72. 2 months ago

    no, but that doesn't mean it's not fun or enjoyable
    if devs hate their job then maybe they're the jaded ones

  73. 2 months ago

    This is a strawman. The actual moron complaint that exists in the real world is that "devs are lazy" when a game is shit when it's 99% of the time just lack of skill or time constraints.

  74. 2 months ago

    reminds me of giantbomb pretending they need a full production crew on staff to put out videos when 12 year old puts out more content and better content on YouTube with nothing but a laptop

  75. 2 months ago

    >be general in war
    >job is stressful and hard
    >have all the resources to win though, enemy telegraphs exactly what he intends to do
    >completely frick the dog and get shit tons of men killed needlessly
    >could use the corpses of his men to reform strategy
    >instead gets on twitter and posts memes
    >lose war, country occupied
    >general: woooooow, the citizens of this country are so entitled

  76. 2 months ago

    I dont care how hard Gamedev is, i am paying for your product to enjoy for the forseeable future, i understand microtransactions and whatnot is a suits decision, but you damn well better make it worth my time. I understand how the sausage is made, but all care goes out the window once you start feeding excuses upon excuses on "BUT ITS REALLLY HAAAAAAARD"

  77. 2 months ago

    Its funny how the only time I see this "Game development is hard" bullshit for recent modern games where the majority of them is fricking garbage.

    >Gamedev is hard!!! Take it easy on my shitty game that is awful compared to generation 6 console games

    How about no and you stop wasting dev time fricking around on social media and "fun" co-worker LGBTQFP+ group activities.

    • 2 months ago

      If it’s easy then do it and make le epic Hitler x Jesus white cope the game. All wait all right tards are miserable sky daddy worshipping bots lmao

      • 2 months ago

        NTA but I did see an Alex Jones metroidvania on Steam the other day, I don't even 100% agree with the guy and I thought it looked pretty rad

  78. 2 months ago

    funny Ganker claims to hold the golden info on what makes a great game yet can't make one themselves.

    curious no?

    • 2 months ago

      only thing Ganker is good at is making bowel movements

    • 2 months ago

      how do you quantify that? plenty of people in this thread have said that they make their own games. Ganker is not a company, and thus the devs in this thread are not publishing games under the name Ganker Inc or Ganker LLC. Ganker does not have a dedicated game development team, and even if they did, they probably wouldn't associate it with Ganker. So how exactly do you back up your claim that Ganker has never made a game before? Notch used to post here all the time back when he first started working on minecraft. Does minecraft not then count as a Ganker game? Why or why not?

      • 2 months ago

        what are you talking about, theres multiple indie hits that originated from here

        Ganker does know what it spends money on so yeah I would say they do. I don't know anything about program techniques or casino-tier psychological manipulation, but I can say what I like and didn't like about something. Thousands of people doing this is how you know what to do.

        Conversely, you could make a game that you personally like playing and trust that others will have the same taste like so many indie devs do.


        put up

        or shut up

        simple as

        • 2 months ago

          Open up! Here comes the plane!
          And dont goalpost move saying its /vg/ so it dosent count

        • 2 months ago

          I like how you didn't respond to what I said. Ganker doesn't make video games because Ganker isn't a company and Ganker isn't one person. This is like asking "why doesn't Ganker make their own movie if they know so much about good movies".

          • 2 months ago

            >I like how you didn't respond to what I said.

            i did respond to what you said.

            you simply didn't like it.

            • 2 months ago

              your response basically amounted to "LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU SO IM STILL RIGHT LA LA LA". You don't actually want to have a conversation, you just want to be a pedantic homosexual who thinks you're better than everyone else in this thread even though you're comparing yourself to literal anonymous people who you know nothing about.

              • 2 months ago

                that's a "you" problem.

                you didn't like my response and are now lashing out.

              • 2 months ago

                No, you think you're better than everyone else in this thread only because you're a homosexual who didn't offer any opinions of your own. You've probably unironically said before "if you don't like twitter, then just go make your own twitter". have a nice day.

              • 2 months ago


                Yes that is what happened and you're literally proving my point to the T

              • 2 months ago

                >two line breaks
                >pedantic pseudointellectualism

              • 2 months ago

                >if it's something i cannot comprehend it is pseudointellectualism

                lmao every time

              • 2 months ago

                you keep falling for it, (You) think you are smarter, and because you are smarter you are better that the rest of us, but thats not how it works here, there are not internet points to win here, redditor, you win nothing by being better, you win by helping other to be better, like a real intellectual could, not by flexing your 0.0001% stronger braincells for your ego.

              • 2 months ago

                can't imagine how angry you must be to have "you think you're smarter" and "because you are smarter" in the same sentence.

        • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      what are you talking about, theres multiple indie hits that originated from here

    • 2 months ago

      Ganker does know what it spends money on so yeah I would say they do. I don't know anything about program techniques or casino-tier psychological manipulation, but I can say what I like and didn't like about something. Thousands of people doing this is how you know what to do.

      Conversely, you could make a game that you personally like playing and trust that others will have the same taste like so many indie devs do.


    • 2 months ago

      Give me 100 million dollars I'll make the next AAA game that sells for $70 and is popular for a month before falling out of existence like 90% of games these days. The market is saturated with literal shit. Investors and boomer directors no longer dictate what is or isn't popular no matter how much money they throw at marketing.

      • 2 months ago

        >give me a vast amount of money that i have no idea what to do with or how to use and it will end good for you trust me


        every time

        • 2 months ago

          and supposedly AAA studios do despite them constantly putting out flops?



    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Give us more Palworld and Helldivers 2

    • 2 months ago

      >I am very intelligent!

  79. 2 months ago

    I have.
    It's not hard. It's not easy. It's really about discipline and work ethic.
    Most problems can be solve with either google or creative thinking using what you already know.

  80. 2 months ago

    it's easy. it's just you don't have time to do it because you have to work to make an actual living while you're deving.

  81. 2 months ago

    Game dev is in fact easy. It's just that it's a lot of work but there's nothing really complicated or hard about game dev nowadays. This isn't the 90's anymore, you don't need to program a physics engine for your game, you have top of the line game engines and all of the tools easily available for everyone and essentially free until you make it big, then you pay for the license of course.

  82. 2 months ago

    >sucks off game devs no matter what
    >"oh but its le GAYMURS faults of high expectations!"
    >gets clobbered when he tries to do this with Mojang

    Stick this insufferable dickrider feet first in a woodchipper

  83. 2 months ago

    Nothing is easy, doesn't excuse shitty products and never will.

  84. 2 months ago

    Imagine if a building crashed down on its launch and the engineer excused it by saying that making a building isn't easy.

    • 2 months ago

      This kek, calling your job hard because you failed somehow is a great way to actually say you're trash at it and won't improve at all.

  85. 2 months ago

    Game dev isn't easy as webdev isn't easy if you're a moron.
    Plus, 90% of game "devs" don't type a single line of code.

  86. 2 months ago

    This guy is a fricking concept artist who still has free time to make Tim Frickley tier comics about how hard his life is, frick this guy.

  87. 2 months ago

    The funny thing is this guy is a concept artist and not an actual developer, game dev isn't easy but his "work" is about as easy as any twitter artist you see. They just hate the ideal people encroaching in on their fat unnecessary cogs because their job is piss easy and they don't need to put in the hours as others do. They can pretend the work is hard and get paid well instead

  88. 2 months ago

    I don't see why customers should care. Like i'm from a Pharma industry background and I wouldn't expect customers to care about my job being hard.

  89. 2 months ago

    game dev isn't easy but a bad product that was hard to make is still a bad product. people who say game dev is hard to excuse the quality of the game is a cope, but on the flipside any gamer who says any fix is easy is also a tard.

  90. 2 months ago

    >half the thread
    "gamedev is easy you fricking losers stop whining"
    Let's see your fricking games then

    • 2 months ago

      Anyone can learn gamedev from home, let's see you learn how to drive a truck at home though.

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        How does that even compare?

        Let me see your struggles if it's so hard.

        The frick kind of tu quoque is this? Who says I'm struggling? I'm at least learning when I have the spare time - time is the hardest thing to come by however. But that's not a struggle, that's just fricking life.

        • 2 months ago

          >How does that even compare
          So you get my point.

        • 2 months ago

          >Who says I'm struggling?
          Then show that you're not struggling. If you're asking for evidence why am I not allowed to do the same, moron? That's why this kind of argument is fricking worthless.

    • 2 months ago

      Let me see your struggles if it's so hard.

    • 2 months ago

      >download unity
      >buy a couple of assets from the store
      >watch a few tutorials on youtube
      >make a game
      >release it on steam
      If you ever try to gamedev for real you'll see how ridiculously easy it is. And no, I'm not gonna doxx myself.

  91. 2 months ago
  92. 2 months ago

    Yeah, I think gamedev is hard. I've never been a gamedev and I have no intention of becoming a gamedev, but if it were easy the morons that do it now wouldn't frick it up so often.

  93. 2 months ago

    If you gave me complete control over Blizzard I could fix every game they are currently working on
    Retail WoW would be fun
    D4 would be good
    Overwatch 2 would have PvE
    I have 100% confidence I could save Blizzard, the most moronic company around right now

    • 2 months ago

      I think anyone could. Even someone who doesn't like mmos or shooters could recognize the issues, the biggest being lack of leadership and a plan.

  94. 2 months ago

    I wrote a game in Python from start to finish in 3 days
    it's not hard

  95. 2 months ago

    Why do people in tech jobs complain so much about how hard their jobs are compared to other professions? They complain way more than doctors and nurses and engineers and scientists and tradespeople. Only teachers probably complain more than tech people.

    • 2 months ago

      Tech here, my job is piss easy and Im a little mad I studied so hard for it.

  96. 2 months ago

    that codered dude is a gay, he used to follow me on X and he is a grifter

  97. 2 months ago

    The hardest part of game dev isn't making the game, it's liking them.
    Any dev that loves videogames, knows what makes a good one.

  98. 2 months ago

    Regardless what it is, theorizing on the internet is the easiest bottom of the barrel activity and the worst thing, many people actually get satisfaction from it and feel smart. Especially when they receive likes or some other equivalent.

    Avoiding all the other clutter in life, sitting down and actually getting active is not that easy in these times. Especially if you have to do it every day for multiple years to achieve anything of value.

  99. 2 months ago

    man this board really hates people who chose to make careers out of their hobbies

    >hates video game streamers

    >hates video game devs

    >hates video game content creators

    >hates video game journalists

    • 2 months ago

      I don't hate James Rolfe, I hate his fat friends and a lot of his skits.

    • 2 months ago

      >video game devs
      Just the American ones.

    • 2 months ago

      no, I just hate braindead consumerism simps

    • 2 months ago

      >gamers are over
      >gamers are sexist
      >gamers are racist
      >gamers aren't the audience
      >yeah i race swapped characters and made them gay trans lesibans, you mad chuddie?
      >so what if the game is unfinished, unoptimized and full of bugs? game dev is hard!
      who hates who, again? for maximum lels please answer in the same dishonest form as your projected question

    • 2 months ago

      video game streamers
      They're grifters, attention prostitutes, unfunny and wienersuckers, and also for some reason they think their opinions matter enough to spread it with their "Oh I'm so morally superior than you" attitude everytime something happens.
      video game devs
      Pedantic, petulant, whiny, pathetic, smug, egocentric, lame, jackasses with a "holier than thou" attitude who suck at their job and hate their audience. Also spends most of their time arguing on xitter.
      video game content creators
      see the streamers part, same thing
      video game journalists
      >defending journalists
      ur bot is broke m8

      • 2 months ago

        Ganker hates fun.

        and will shit on those who partake or create fun.

        simple as.

        the duality of Ganker

  100. 2 months ago

    what is it about gamers that make them so spiteful of the people who make the content they play? Eg. you wouldn't find a book club hating authors as a profession and wishing them out of a job. it's seems pretty secific to gaming

    • 2 months ago

      >game devs and journalists actively disdain the people they're creating content for
      >wtf why are gamers so spiteful towards us???

      • 2 months ago

        Devs have done that by antagonizing gamers for multiple years now, but you wouldn't fine people here doing the same with devs that actually make good games for their fans.

        that's where you're wrong though, sure there are some outspoken devs who shout up a storm but the vast majority and regular people just grinding away. you literally couldn't find a profession on this planet without some outspoken butthole types in it.

        • 2 months ago

          Most of the devs people hate are the ones that destroyed beloved franchises and spoke badly about its fans, there are many out there like it.
          They're rotten apples, if you don't like them stinking on your whole profession route them out.

          • 2 months ago

            >They're rotten apples, if you don't like them stinking on your whole profession route them out.
            This, if you're displeased with buttholes making your profession hated, then do something about them. The western industry is falling because it nurtured these people and will keep doing so.

    • 2 months ago

      No. I love Jap game devs as they make good games. I only hate california game devs.

    • 2 months ago

      They make garbage now, same can be said of movie and TV/streaming too.

    • 2 months ago

      Devs have done that by antagonizing gamers for multiple years now, but you wouldn't fine people here doing the same with devs that actually make good games for their fans.

    • 2 months ago

      No one reads books for starters.

    • 2 months ago

      >what is it about gamers that make them so spiteful of the people who make the content they play? Eg. you wouldn't find a book club hating authors as a profession and wishing them out of a job. it's seems pretty secific to gaming

      to be fair the same thing kinda happened with the harry potter books because people thought she wasn't a monster.

    • 2 months ago

      >Multiple instances of games being subpar or shadows of themselves
      >Dev says "don't buy it, it's not for you"
      >Uh don't hate us please.
      It's not every dev, mostly American corporate homosexuals making games for imaginary people.

    • 2 months ago

      My GF is a bookworm and she despises de book industry much like how we despise the gaming industry for being extremely safe and doing the same mistakes over and over.

    • 2 months ago

      Its the increasing of becoming spiteful cause its constant excuses excuses excuses. Its people paying X amount and then realizing the thing they got dosent work. Its the fact that millions of dollars and 10 years aka Skull and Bones proves that even under the best conditions and the most lenient of time managment it will never be "ideal" enough. Its the constant ask of pampering and "oh let me off easy".Devs want to be coddled and not have any repercussions more than ever and im tired of pretending its all ok

    • 2 months ago

      Forget reading books, I'm not sure you've ever even heard of one if you think readers don't ever wish hate on writers. The difference isn't in the population, it's in the creatives. Game devs are the only people who get so sensitive over this shit. The Game of Thrones team right now is having their latest work review bombed over how bad Game of Thrones is.

    • 2 months ago

      They aren't so spiteful they create new genres and movements out of sheer hatred like other forms of media have

    • 2 months ago

      Pic related is the truth, but for Ganker

      • 2 months ago

        accurate. plus throw in a few dunning krugers who watched a couple of game dev videos and consider themselves experts now

    • 2 months ago

      My favorite book series didn't have its author fired and replaced with homosexualy child groomers.

    • 2 months ago

      >you wouldn't find a book club hating authors as a profession and wishing them out of a job
      we're not a club, gay. there are critics of everything in the world. cars painting books fishing travelling; all of them have critics on how others do things on every level

    • 2 months ago

      what is it about game devs that make them so spiteful of the people who play the content they make? Eg. you wouldn't find book authors hating book club members and wishing their hobby would die. it seems pretty specific to gaming

      • 2 months ago

        Because the people that became modern game devs are failed authors, failed actors, failed move script writers, failed directors, failed artists in general but they want to force people to accept their "genius" works, so in a massive blunder of chasing trends, witless executives hired these losers and expected ga.es to be like movies because they don't understand the medium. After being failures most of their lives and then being shunned and disrespected by gamers (people they always saw as mindless button pushers instead of actual art consumers like with classic masterpiece games) for their shit work, it festered into true hatred. TL;DR, they're just arrogant wienersuckers who think you should just be grateful for the privilege of licking the shit off their shoes.

        • 2 months ago

          thats quite an elaborate internal narrative you've thought up. stop finding reasons to hate other professions

          • 2 months ago

            If you think modern devs are on the same level as devs during the time the best games in history were made, you're just a moron. It's really pathetic there is just this appeal to authority attitude of 'trust the experts' but with devs, as if they don't need to prove their skills like older devs did and simply being a dev gives them unassailable privilege to speak of any aspect of game development like it's gospel when you can't just look at the state of especially AAA games, but also 99% of indie games and they really don't have a clue what they're doing.

          • 2 months ago

            It's a hyperbole, but there is a hint of truth. If you're engine programmer and a proficient one, you'll make roughly double (or triple if you're good enough and land a legacy embedded/automation/fintech job) in boring, non-sexy fields as a programmer. If you're tools guy, IT or operations, you'll make ~1,5x if you DON'T work for game company. Almost any job you can do in games industry there is equivalent position in other industries that immediately raises your salary MINIMUM of 15%. There is, and has been, a massive brain flight from vidya industry to standard industry solely because of salary and work conditions for the last 15 years.

      • 2 months ago

        Because games attract a type of audience that the establishment hates. I don't know what it's like in the US, but I bet Nascar or Hockey fans must be seen as backward troglodytes by the intelligentsia.
        The establishment is liberal and feminist, and they don't look kindly on audiences made up of a bunch of men who do dudes' things.

    • 2 months ago

      >pay for something expecting to have a good time
      >is a miserable experience

    • 2 months ago

      Yes you fricking can. You've never been in a book club in your life.

      • 2 months ago

        Have you? Not asking out of game dev spite but always wondered what one was like

    • 2 months ago

      its because gaming is a unique artform in that other types like paintings and book require a fairly high iq to derive any kind of meaning whereas gamers just click buttons. you can also see it here by the fact that Ganker is the bottom of the barrel in terms of iq of all boards.

  101. 2 months ago

    Making anything is hard, if you're making something that is hard but also shitty, the fault isn't with the difficulty of it...

  102. 2 months ago

    I don't think antagonizing your main audience is good marketing strategy.

  103. 2 months ago

    I never said game dev was easy

  104. 2 months ago

    I don't really care if it's easy or hard, just make a good game.

  105. 2 months ago

    >let's antagonize our customers, it'll surely help us sell the game

  106. 2 months ago

    No one in the porn game industry has actual passion, at least that's what it feels like. Everyone is just trying to farm coomers.

  107. 2 months ago

    >Make shitty product
    >"The product is not shitty, you're shitty"
    >"I wonder why I'm not liked or taken seriously anymore"

  108. 2 months ago

    >printf("welcome to anons super coin flipper. if you flip heads (1) you win!");
    >int a = rand();
    >a = a%2)
    >printf("you got %d. Congratulations, you won. Or sorry that it happened", a);
    i am gamedev now
    it is easy

    • 2 months ago

      > a = a%2)
      Oof, yikes, a syntax error.
      Looks like your game doesn’t work anon.
      Not so easy, huh?

      • 2 months ago

        >a = a%2;
        easy fix, like game dev
        took you 2 hours to notice though

        • 2 months ago

          I just started reading the thread.
          Also, you can’t take a joke lol. If you get defensive instead of laughing at the irony… sad!

          • 2 months ago

            >pretend to be someone else
            Incredibly common cope. Too predictable. Get new material.

            • 2 months ago

              Who the frick would I be pretending to be schizo? You didn’t even reply to anyone initially. lmao

  109. 2 months ago

    Tools for game dev have made it easier than the past. There is no reason for the reduction of quality in games.

    • 2 months ago

      Isn't that kinda contradictory? Game dev is easier so the barrier for entry is lower, that's gonna cause an influx of low quality shit.

      • 2 months ago

        Sure we get 30 games a day on steam but who cares about those losers. We are talking about real games. AAA slop is proof that the quality of games have dropped even tho game dev is much easier than it use to be.

  110. 2 months ago

    let it all out, big guy

  111. 2 months ago

    >Complaining like a Black person and spouting racial slurs and buzzwords does nothing but generate spite and contempt

  112. 2 months ago

    Why are pixelslop devs and diversity hires obsessed with berating their customers?

    • 2 months ago

      i don't buy their shit games, i wouldn't know

      • 2 months ago

        >their shit games
        ick sweety, they're ALL their shit games.

    • 2 months ago

      they dont particularly care about videogames and only want the money and success, simple as.

  113. 2 months ago

    Kill everyone who creates strawmen to argue whatever fricking point they're trying to "argue". All it does is turn me against them.

    • 2 months ago

      >loses track in his argument because someone used a fallacy
      your argument held no weight anon

      • 2 months ago

        What argument was that you straw-manning gay?

        • 2 months ago

          What fricking argument you cum-gargling moron? The frick are you even talking about?

          >lose an argument because you withdrew from it
          >get angry at people calling you out for doing so
          funny how two people now had this argument.
          almost like this scenario is fabricated by a homosexual loser.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah, you

            • 2 months ago

              you withdrew from an argument
              then blamed others

              and i lost?

              • 2 months ago

                I never made an argument, you can not prove that i made an argument. You are creating strawmen.
                Not very subtle sharty sissy

              • 2 months ago

                >I never made an argument
                you're just sticking your nose into a convo while not being a part of it originally.

                got it.

              • 2 months ago

                Art thou mad?

              • 2 months ago

                Laughing at "i lost an argument" to "i was never in the argument to begin with"

                all because you got mad someone used a fallacy.

              • 2 months ago

                yeah you're mad

              • 2 months ago

                you're new so let me give you a big point of advice: the majority of this board acts extremely childish i will look for any reason to walk away from an argument when given a chance.

              • 2 months ago

                not that new honestly. just wild watching people shit on the people who make anon's hobby a reality.

              • 2 months ago

                Ganker hates fun.

                and will shit on those who partake or create fun.

                simple as.

              • 2 months ago

                It's a forum you fricking tourist

      • 2 months ago

        What fricking argument you cum-gargling moron? The frick are you even talking about?

  114. 2 months ago

    >Game development is hard!

  115. 2 months ago

    people who make shit like this always make moronic VNs

  116. 2 months ago

    It's so fricking hard even dumbass fat roasties & H1B poos can do it amirite?

  117. 2 months ago

    I'm a dev

    • 2 months ago

      your game sucks

  118. 2 months ago

    Honestly, the basics of gamedev have a barrier to entry, but they're not THAT hard. It really isn't that bad to pick an engine and learn what you need to to do get a workable prototype of what you want for your game.

    The hard part is scope and scaling. When you finally get what you want to play with and start looking at making it a real, full fledged game. That shit is hard. There's just SO MUCH that piles up at that point and you have to work thorugh it with this constant thought of "is this worth it? will this be fun still?"
    And the more things you create and put together, the more likely things break and you have to go back in and figure things out deep down, realizing more and more what spaghetti your code base was and how you really should have done tons of things different from the start.

    • 2 months ago

      >it's not hard but it's actually extremely hard

      • 2 months ago

        Read, homie, read.

        The point is that getting into the basics to put together something small as a showcase isn't hard. But doing things beyond that to make a full fledged game is hard.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah no shit creating a proof of concept is infinitely easier than creating a fully featured product. This goes for everything, not just video games. So basically you said nothing.

  119. 2 months ago

    What the image isn't saying:

    Gamedev: we have to work with crunch time for months on end delivering shit WE want games to be

    Gamer: we know exactly what we want games to be but devs refuse to give it to us

  120. 2 months ago

    Doing my job well requires a fair number of certifications, good quality experience, and a very specific mindset and it is easy as piss. The only truly hard jobs are the ones that are incredibly dangerous, backbreaking manual labor, or highly technical and precise jobs with no room for error. Anyone who say their job is hard and doesn't have of the above are whiny b***hes.

    • 2 months ago

      Years, I remember reading an article from a woman who considered herself and most white-collar/highly educated workers the parasite class. I was pretty offended and thought she was full of shit.

      Now that I've been a full time dev for a while (not gaming thank god), she was/is absolutely fricking right.

  121. 2 months ago

    >modder comes out with a fix in a day that dev takes 14 months to address
    Frick you Cities Skylines and Colossal Order

  122. 2 months ago

    If you are making the hottest new meme RPGmaker game/VN/Indie yeah it's piss easy and those are the only lucrative games to make as a single dev anyway, at that point you just need to be a competent writer.

  123. 2 months ago

    >If you believe game dev is easy
    No one says that. The closest thing to that complaint is that studios are insanely overstaffed with people who don't do anything or even worse actively damage projects. Which is a reasonable complain, even other devs complain about this.

    • 2 months ago

      100 people to make the game, 1900 to get in the way.

  124. 2 months ago

    seething even

  125. 2 months ago

    Which way are you headed first?

    • 2 months ago

      Up and right
      I'm boring

      • 2 months ago

        The Patrician choice

    • 2 months ago

      F7 to check out the arrow

    • 2 months ago


  126. 2 months ago

    This argument holds with small studios or even 1MA devs, but when you introduce into the mix hundreds of employees ready to follow your orders and make everything you want a reality, questions start to pile up

  127. 2 months ago

    >G...Gamedev is haAaAaAaAaArd.
    Who the frick cares? It's your job, now do it well or you don't get my money you lazy fricks.

  128. 2 months ago

    It's easy? No.
    It's filled with incompetents? Yes.

  129. 2 months ago

    Making a game by myself would take a very long time. Why would I do that just to troll you?

    But I don't think anyone thinks it's "easy," but rather the problems apparent in most games should actually be pretty easy to fix and yet gamedevs act like they aren't, and this frustrates people. It seems like the devs have goals the players don't which complicates what looks like an easy fix to the players; or, alternatively, whoever pays them won't let them fix the problems because they prioritize other things.

  130. 2 months ago

    Why do these comic artists always strawman
    No one said it’s easy, we said we don’t care, everyone has their lot in life, stop telling us yours

  131. 2 months ago

    making a game, making a successful game and making a good game are all 3 different things

  132. 2 months ago

    Why are you pursuing a field you do not like

  133. 2 months ago

    Sure, it isn't easy. But it's not unreasonable to expect someone to be competent at their profession. My job isn't easy, but there's a massive difference between my skill with it, and some random dude.

  134. 2 months ago

    I'm not saying game development is easy, I'm just pointing out that devs 15+ years ago were able to make games of equal quality to those now with a fraction of the development time and budget.

  135. 2 months ago

    Everyone on Ganker is making their own game

  136. 2 months ago

    >making assets for a 240p game is the same as making assets for a 2160p game

    • 2 months ago

      the assets are being outsourced or bought from an asset pack.

  137. 2 months ago

    it's a lot easier than it used to be, isn't it?

  138. 2 months ago

    why is it so hard for gamedevs to make a good game

  139. 2 months ago

    making a game is easy, making a good game is hard

  140. 2 months ago

    Just because game dev is hard doesn't give you an excuse to put out an unfinished game with a bunch of broken promises for a price that doesn't correlate with quality of a product.

  141. 2 months ago

    >make shit game
    >b-but it's HARD so give me money anyways
    No, not buying your shit game regardless. I'll buy games from the devs that made good ones and weren't just entitled whiny c**ts.

  142. 2 months ago

    >"If you believe game dev is easy, try making a game. I'll wait"
    >make game
    >becomes successful
    >devs seethe and try to cancel you if you don't give them a share of the money you earned

  143. 2 months ago

    Drawing is hard. If you don't like this you're a nazi.
    That'll be $60 plus tip.

    • 2 months ago

      I charge several thousand per commission even though my art is 10 times worse than great artists who charge 500-600 per, not because I think I'm that good, but because if I charged any less I would make more working my actual job for how long I spend on each picture. Also it filters out the morons asking me to draw their self-insert having missionary sex with the latest fotm anime waifu constantly. Making an artistic hobby your primary source of income sounds pretty fricking grim tbh.

      • 2 months ago

        post art

      • 2 months ago

        can you draw a hot rouge the bat please

      • 2 months ago

        >charge a lot of money so you can make more money with art than with your day job
        >but making your art hobby your primary source of income seems grim
        am i missing something? do you not consider your art a hobby as it is your main source of income?

  144. 2 months ago

    Maybe the normiest of normie gamers would respond to the right...

  145. 2 months ago

    game developers from 20 years ago were passionate, gaming was their hobby and they put together something they enjoyed to play and people who had similar tastes gravitated towards that.

    Nowadays Game Devs are so isolated in their safe space work culture and there's so much corporate backwash that they're incapable of making a good game because they're worried about appealing to the lowest common denominator and with that the quality goes straight down.
    To them its a job, its not a passion. That's why they're not humble, not passionate and they're very snobby, they want people to respect them for simply having a title or degree.

    If you dont like what you do then leave the gaming industry.

  146. 2 months ago


  147. 2 months ago

    You know the problem is? Devs announce their shit way too early with a flashy trailer or a demo and then go radio silent despite making a show.
    Movies and books have advertising relatively close to release

  148. 2 months ago

    nobody cares about the struggle to make a game if you produce a shit game, just like how nobody cares the shitty conditions road workers have to work in during summer time if they run over a pothole, make fun games, people will enjoy them, simple as

  149. 2 months ago


  150. 2 months ago

    Gamedev is as easy as you want it to be. You can make a game with a super simple scope and have something playable and fun.
    One thing you can't escape, however, is that gamedev takes forever. Anything you're going to do is going to consume a huge amount of hours, even if it's simple stuff. I do visual novels, which is basically writing a text and putting in pictures that correspond to who is speaking, and a simple scene that a player reads in a few minutes takes days to complete.

  151. 2 months ago

    My biggest issue is how games are in development for 5+ years.
    Even massive architectural projects like bridges get built in less time.

    What could you possibly be doing for 8 years in some cases

    • 2 months ago

      Sex orgies

    • 2 months ago

      Unironically lack of soul
      Most people don't care to put passion in their work because
      A-they're a wagie
      B-management is ~~*controlled*~~

    • 2 months ago

      They sometimes scrap everything and start from scratch due to a change of direction.

  152. 2 months ago

    Laying turds can be difficult as well. but it shouldn't surprise you that not many people will pay you $70 for one.

  153. 2 months ago


  154. 2 months ago

    >You need to be a (x) to (y) why (z) is bad

    Bullshit tale as old as time itself

  155. 2 months ago

    Making a game is super easy bro.
    Just buy some assets from the asset store and put them in a scene.

    • 2 months ago

      this has been shown on the thread time and time again. you can make a game in 5 minutes.
      homosexual is whining that making an elaborate game people would actually pay for is hard. No shit. That takes work and requires having a modicum of taste.
      But since that wasn't in the nonpoint in the OP he's moving goalposts, doing mental gymnastics and whatever it takes to try and not look like the fricking moron he is.

      Who the frick would I be pretending to be schizo? You didn’t even reply to anyone initially. lmao

      See, he's fricking fuming right now.

  156. 2 months ago

    game development is itself easy and the challenges mostly stem from unique design decisions and trying to find things that are the most fun
    the difficulties are in 2 camps: technical and political (not that kind, you moron).
    Technical difficulties are things that software developers are literally hired for; they handle complex things like network infrastructure, graphical rendering, optimization, and all sorts of complex systems that aren't exclusive to the creation of games. Then there's the office politics: having to satisfy other departments, having to deal with a shitty boss or a shitty project manager, having to onboard some clueless new hires that management is throwing into your team, having to somehow route communications so the moron in charge doesn't steer the project directly off a cliff, and ultimately still being at the whims of the executives.
    Creation of games isn't hard. I've made several myself. And while there may be some technical challenges that are always demanding of using your CS degree for once, what makes things difficult is all of the bullshit that ISN'T VIDEOGAMES.
    >boo hoo my job is hard
    then change careers and find out what's really hard.

    • 2 months ago

      >Find out what’s really hard
      Oh yes like truck driving.
      That super hard job where you just drive a lot.
      Those work jobs aren’t hard to learn, they’re just physically instead of mentally tedious from my experience. Just don’t do anything customer facing and you’ll be fine.

      • 2 months ago

        >Oh yes like truck driving.
        Geology was difficult for me, especially fieldwork in the middle of forests full of malaria. I became a gamedev and I honestly think that everyone who thinks gamedev is "hard" falls into one of these two definitions:
        1. never worked with anything really difficult
        2. is trying to create games that are beyond their capacity, and so they are lost in a complete mess involving complex concepts that they don't understand and probably have neither the time nor the capacity to master, but need to make work anyway, turning their work into an almost exoteric madness full of improvised solutions that are impossible to understand and maintain.

        • 2 months ago

          >Geology was difficult for me because there bugs and I have to camp 🙁
          Luuul get a real job you baby.

          • 2 months ago

            A cook in one of the camps was eaten by a fricking jaguar, anon.Tell me about a gamedev who died in a similar condition.

            Note: I don't work with that anymore, I'm a creator of erotic games, one of the pioneers on Patreon

  157. 2 months ago

    I love how gamedevs have a contempt for the people that buy their shit

  158. 2 months ago

    Game Dev is easy, but it is just long tedious bullshit.

  159. 2 months ago

    No one said game dev is easy, they said your game is dogshit.

  160. 2 months ago

    being a community manager is being a gamedev (this moron's words, not mine)
    hence being a backseat community manager by shitposting on the game's xitter is also being a gamedev
    shitposting on xitter is arguably extremely easy
    hence gamedev is easy.

  161. 2 months ago

    1. Developing a game takes a shitload of effort in many areas. Production, design, coding, art, sound, music, testing. It's overwhelming and I hold single devs who manage to release a serious, fully-fledged game in admiration.
    2. Devs (especially producers and designers), love hearing constructive negative feedback, because it helps them improve.
    3. It's okay to say a game is shit, it's even okay to make fun of it, even if it's a bit mean.
    4. It's not okay to harass or talk shit about developers, even if they didn't do a great job and the game is shit. I don't think I need to explain why, it's not even about sympathizing with the effort put into the game, it's just being a decent person.

    t. game dev

    • 2 months ago

      >4. It's not okay to harass or talk shit about developers, even if they didn't do a great job and the game is shit. I don't think I need to explain why, it's not even about sympathizing with the effort put into the game, it's just being a decent person.
      This is so fricking reddit it stinks.

  162. 2 months ago

    no but it doesn't mean that your game is good just because you put some effort into it

  163. 2 months ago

    this is the equivalent of /ic/ b***hing about drawing

  164. 2 months ago

    Truth is, I don't give a shit if it's easy or hard. Not my problem.
    Just make the damn game. Simple as
    That, or find something else to do.

  165. 2 months ago

    If you aren’t working in sanitation or retail you don’t have a real job btw.

  166. 2 months ago

    Everything other than engine dev is not respected among real engineers

  167. 2 months ago

    >imma need 300millions
    >i'll crunch some nerds
    >deliver some ps1 mechanics and
    >some ps3 graphics
    >it'll be a full price +$10
    >also a game as service experience
    > and you can call it AAA+A!!!
    its the "company" working like they are some regular ass product company instead of a "game" company, not "the devs" basically normies took over

  168. 2 months ago

    I guess Op isn’t old enough to remember that the majority of games used to be made in like 6 months by a handful of dudes fresh outta highschool. Modern game devs go to 4 years of college for “game development” and yet probably couldn’t make a fricking half decent Doom Wad

    • 2 months ago

      >Could make a half decent doom wad
      Drawing polygons, setting up switches and triggers is too hard?!

  169. 2 months ago

    I use to think that consumers were right, but then I realised how moronic the average community is
    e.g. I just finished The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa, really good considering it was made by one guy. Some bugs, but nothing too bad and many more positives than negatives.

    Online, people are absolutely seething about it because they didn't agree with the ending and thought it should have finished differently. Not that it was bugged or didn't fit, just 'iy should have finished like THIS' and making their reviews 1/10 just because of it. Get absolutely fricked.

    I want all gamedevs to personally abuse dickheads in their forums, because it is 100% justified

  170. 2 months ago

    I will just not buy it (your game), that's all

  171. 2 months ago

    This did not need a comic. What a waste of their life. I am mad that you made me look at this.

  172. 2 months ago

    Anyone that makes strawman arguments like this is a massive homosexual

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