If you had to make Sengoku Rance 2, how would you improve the battle system?

If you had to make Sengoku Rance 2, how would you improve the battle system?

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  1. 6 months ago

    it's been made

    • 6 months ago

      Has this extra content been translated?

      • 5 months ago

        22 days and nobody bothered to answer this, truly the best board

        • 5 months ago

          My guess is nobody fricking knows(the c**ts persistent enough to search for mods for a JP eroge probably know Japanese already), but it may exist somewhere out there.

    • 5 months ago

      Tf? Wasn't aware of this neither, guess my next 2 months will be bussy

  2. 6 months ago

    >Add cannons
    >Make gunpowder stronger
    >Add customization option for the troops, not only the heroes
    >Remove every male unit from the game (rance too)
    >Just use the Vahren Engine

    • 6 months ago

      every male unit from the game (rance too)

      • 6 months ago

        Females are cuter

        • 6 months ago

          Death to yuriBlack folk

          • 6 months ago

            >wanting more sexy women in your porn game

            • 5 months ago

              More women isn't the same as only women + woman protagonist

            • 5 months ago

              >I want a porn game with only women, not even the protagonist can be male!
              >what, why do you think that porn with only women would be lesbian?
              Are you by any chance severely moronic?

    • 5 months ago

      I thought about making a Rance world mod for Lost Technology, doesn't even seem that hard due to how the file system works, and there's plenty of units that could be thrown in. Only thing that'd be missing are the little voice clips.

  3. 6 months ago

    Not sure honestly. Something to make certain units more viable I guess. Late game or challenge games in my experience just turned into foot soldiers protecting diviners or special mikos while they wiped out half or more of the enemy in one turn.

    Archers and warriors could definitely use a buff, but as it stands I think the game plays just fine. It's really disappointing that rance 8 and 9 didn't keep the gameplay from 7, I think 7 is the best in the series by far.

    • 6 months ago

      Not about battles, but make dungeons less of a slog

      >It's really disappointing that rance 8 and 9 didn't keep the gameplay from 7
      Eh, I think the fun of the series is the variety. If they just remade kichikuou 10 times it would get stale. 9 felt too much like a VN tho, Rance isnt interesting enough for that. 10 is apparently pretty good but I'm waiting for translation

      • 6 months ago

        Fair, but I didn't really like Kichikou so Sengoku is really my only experience with that type of gameplay and I would have liked to see it used at least one more time.

        • 6 months ago

          To be fair Kichikuou is ancient, Sengoku was a much needed update. Would love to see a Kichikuou remake

  4. 6 months ago

    I have never played this, and consider buying.
    Can someone explain how the battle system works, is it turn-based like Heroes of Might and Magic?

    • 6 months ago

      it's disciples combat
      You click on the enemy unit and your unit will deal damage
      Some units can click on friendly units to give them buff
      The flags are the actions, when all are red the unit cant act anymor, abilities consume more flags than basic attacks
      The central "pillar" is the turn limit, when it reaches 0 the defender win BUT annihilated units stay annihilated, it's actually very important

      >Add cannons
      >Make gunpowder stronger
      >Add customization option for the troops, not only the heroes
      >Remove every male unit from the game (rance too)
      >Just use the Vahren Engine

      >Vahren Engine

      • 6 months ago

        Battles have a set of actions as a timelimit. Each action takes time, and units have individual action bars that are used at different amounts depending on the action. Annihilating the enemy army is an auto win, otherwise the battle condition bar at the top determines the winner when the turn limit is hit.
        Units have troop count (hp + damage output manipulation) and commanders that determine what actions can be performed/unit stats.
        Units can be
        Melee, poor defense
        Melee, Can guard units in their row as an action
        Ranged, can typically provide buffs, manipulate battle tempo
        Ranged, can heal units
        Melee, can typically cancel guard
        Ranged, can charge huge attacks, provide one use shields to units
        Multirow Melee
        Ranged, can interrupt charging units
        Short-Ranged, low usage, high output
        Alt Footsoldiers
        Ranged, high output

        Units can have unique skills with different battle effects such as multi attacks, percentage based damage, etc.

        Sounds a lot of like heroes

        • 6 months ago

          Greatest game of all time.

      • 5 months ago

        what game is that?

        • 5 months ago

          Lost Technology is the name, its a bit old and janky, but still pretty good. Word of advice if you play it, GET RID OF THE LIZARDMEN EARLY, their units bvecome completely op around lvl 15 and its almost impossible to deal with them if you let them grow.

          • 5 months ago

            Hell yeah Musket!

          • 5 months ago

            it's disciples combat
            You click on the enemy unit and your unit will deal damage
            Some units can click on friendly units to give them buff
            The flags are the actions, when all are red the unit cant act anymor, abilities consume more flags than basic attacks
            The central "pillar" is the turn limit, when it reaches 0 the defender win BUT annihilated units stay annihilated, it's actually very important
            >Vahren Engine

            nta but thanks for pointing this out, I've been having a blast with it so far. Too bad Diethard's route as a vassal isn't fun and the Empire cucks you with a bad end if you play them.
            Also frick lizards holy shit

            • 5 months ago

              >Also frick lizards holy shit
              Lizzers are based though.

            • 5 months ago

              I thought about making a Rance world mod for Lost Technology, doesn't even seem that hard due to how the file system works, and there's plenty of units that could be thrown in. Only thing that'd be missing are the little voice clips.

              frick the site with the english version of Kinoko Takenoko War IF is down and waybackmachine didnt save the download link
              I think it was the only other vahren engine game traslated in english

              • 5 months ago

                Thanks god I knew I was dealing with something somewhat rare so I never delete the rar
                If someone want to try it:

              • 5 months ago

                Thanks, I'll give it a go

              • 5 months ago

                I'll be picking this up, Lost Technology was really fun.

    • 6 months ago

      Battles have a set of actions as a timelimit. Each action takes time, and units have individual action bars that are used at different amounts depending on the action. Annihilating the enemy army is an auto win, otherwise the battle condition bar at the top determines the winner when the turn limit is hit.
      Units have troop count (hp + damage output manipulation) and commanders that determine what actions can be performed/unit stats.
      Units can be
      Melee, poor defense
      Melee, Can guard units in their row as an action
      Ranged, can typically provide buffs, manipulate battle tempo
      Ranged, can heal units
      Melee, can typically cancel guard
      Ranged, can charge huge attacks, provide one use shields to units
      Multirow Melee
      Ranged, can interrupt charging units
      Short-Ranged, low usage, high output
      Alt Footsoldiers
      Ranged, high output

      Units can have unique skills with different battle effects such as multi attacks, percentage based damage, etc.

  5. 6 months ago

    IMO the 6v6 combat part is perfect the way it is. I'd change the levels above it, for example instead of using a single 6-character stack, allow multiple armies to attacks akin to how it's done in Venus Blood. Make armies stay on the map for defense instead of hopping in and out of abstract roster on demand.

  6. 5 months ago

    You guys need to play the SofthouseChara games if you like Rance, its the only other jap eroge with the same levels of content/gameplay, bunny black 1,2,3 are amazing, as are the later strategy titles (altho they onl have the interface translated, not the story). Madou Koukaku is also ridiculously good as a strategy game, can easily sink 100's of hours into it, like sengoku rance, its a grand strategy conquest game, but with actual diplomacy, alliances, trade, etc. Only problem is, again, the lack of a translation. There is a version with MTL applied but its horrible and borderline incoherent as MTL tends to be. It bothers me that japs are so moronic with business practices, Venusblood and Evenicle showed eroge with great gameplay will sell very well.

    Imagine Bunny Black 3, Sono Taiju wa Makai o Kurau! or Madou Koukaku fully translated on steam. They could remove all the hentai and it would still sell great, maybe even better than as an eroge.

    • 5 months ago

      I only played BB1 and it felt unfinished or rushed. IMO Wizard's Climber is a lot better.

  7. 5 months ago

    I think the combat itself is good. MAybe you could add some more options or troop types or whatever but it's not really relevant. It's very simple to understand and play but still offers a little bit of depth. Maybe a balancing pass would be good to adjust some of the more over- or under-powered units but other than that I wouldn't change much about it.

    What I would change is not the battles themselves but rather the way you move units around. Instead of an oversimplified Risk-like map where you just move from province to province I'd make it something more like Ogre Battle (or if you want to keep it turn-based, something like Symphony of War) where units move around freely on the map and can engage or intercept eachother to fight. Not only would this create a more involved style of gameplay but it would also enable more complex strategies.

    • 5 months ago

      Ogre Battle with more rance styled combat and parties sounds amazing, are there any games that do something similar?

  8. 5 months ago

    How's Rance IX as a strategy game? The only other Rance game I played was Sengoku years back and thought it was just okay.

    • 5 months ago

      It's rather meh
      Maps are small and half of them(or more) have you play tower defense
      Units join along with story and there is not much fun in leveling them up
      I finished story and didn't bother with if routes(which all start at the end of the game)

    • 5 months ago

      It's Utawarerumono but with good plot and characters.

  9. 5 months ago

    Ditch the RPG system, I can never win the game because the Demon Lord is just too powerful in a 1v1 fight and the ONLY one who can damage him is Rance

    • 5 months ago

      Just put efforts into buffing Rance. Even my moronic friends managed to beat the game.

    • 5 months ago

      Do dungeons, each completed dungeon gives each commander currently in roster extra level.
      Recruit high-level commander, Nozomi is notoriously garbage in strategic level but strong in individual combat.
      Get reinforcements commanders.
      Release prisoners in groups of 5 at once, that gives +level consumable items.
      And most importantly, don't forget you can switch out commanders in dungeon or boss fights. As long as you have other commanders available, they will switch in. Ninjas can swap people practically as a free action.

      • 5 months ago

        This but also only ever level up rance since he maxes out at like level 99 or something.

  10. 5 months ago

    I like the battle system just the way it is. I wouldn't change anything maybe just add more troop types or finetune balance.

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