If you were in charge, how would you save this brand?

If you were in charge, how would you save this brand?

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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    Private servers, I'd support the frick out of it. And when asked to censor I would give a bunch of corporate speak like Bob Iger and pretend to fix things while fixing nothing.

  2. 6 months ago

    world of Warcraft port

    • 6 months ago

      Unironically this. WoW appeals to casuals and sweats, boomers and zoomers.

  3. 6 months ago

    Make games filled with violence and large breasted women.

    • 6 months ago

      wont work because all the dudebros are married/otherwise cucked or dead.

      • 6 months ago

        >Only dudebros like to frick women and kill things
        You will never be a woman

  4. 6 months ago

    Make games

  5. 6 months ago

    Use OpenAI to create an AI powered game engine which makes creating games so easy that even gays who don't know how to code can do it. Have this engine work so that you can only publish your game on the gamepass and get some cut of revenue. Trigger a virtuous cycle that grows game pass and brings shitloads of games to xbox.

    Wouldnt be surprised if they are actually working on something like this.

  6. 6 months ago

    Fire Phil Spencer
    Execute everyone at 343
    Port Lost Odyssey to PC

    • 6 months ago

      Stop making consoles, go third party and put GP on every device. (Switch1/2, PS4,PS5, Steam). To do this, all 3rd party deals would have to stop, GP would just be Microsoft, Bethesda and Activision Blizzard games. Then start buying up the rest of the industry as a publisher and not a console manufacturer. Since the games are on every device, there shouldn't be an issue with it. Once most of the industry is bought up, no one can compete with GP.

      none of you gays buy from windows store

      • 6 months ago

        Does anyone?

      • 6 months ago

        and I never will.

  7. 6 months ago

    did you think this brand was worth saving?

    • 6 months ago

      Maybe not, but certainly moreso than israelitetendo and Snoy

  8. 6 months ago

    sell their business to Disney or ask Disney to supervise the gaming production.

    • 6 months ago

      Disney only wants mobile trash, because mobile players have no standards. Console and PC players have slightly higher standards than them.

  9. 6 months ago

    Stop making consoles, go third party and put GP on every device. (Switch1/2, PS4,PS5, Steam). To do this, all 3rd party deals would have to stop, GP would just be Microsoft, Bethesda and Activision Blizzard games. Then start buying up the rest of the industry as a publisher and not a console manufacturer. Since the games are on every device, there shouldn't be an issue with it. Once most of the industry is bought up, no one can compete with GP.

    • 6 months ago

      Nintendo would never allow gamepass on their systems and Sony would ask for a ridiculous cut of profits

      • 6 months ago

        Sony already allows EA Play and Ubisoft+. The standard 30% cut would be given. Nintendo gets 30% for doing nothing and I'd offer Azure servers for hosting GP on the device if needed. It'd be too good of a deal to turn down, then when they're hosting it that's when you start buying out the other publishers. Start it off as not being a major threat because it's only ActiBlizz,Bethesda, and Microsoft games and nothing from third parties then go and buy those third parties instead.

    • 6 months ago

      Snoy and tendie will just say no thanks. It would take a legal battle and maybe they could force them to put game pass on their devices in america but I doubt they could anywhere else.

    • 6 months ago

      Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft need to stop making consoles! Gen z does not know how to use computers or consoles. They don't even know what Sys means beyond their genitalia. Take their consoles away and give them terminals! Terminal based systems are cheaper, easier to distribute and if you are still concerned about enthusiasts then frick off, they will find ways to get hardware. Nothing to worry about!

    • 6 months ago

      You are really moronic and have absolutely no grasp of business if you think sony or nintendo want another store on their service.

      Sony already allows EA Play and Ubisoft+. The standard 30% cut would be given. Nintendo gets 30% for doing nothing and I'd offer Azure servers for hosting GP on the device if needed. It'd be too good of a deal to turn down, then when they're hosting it that's when you start buying out the other publishers. Start it off as not being a major threat because it's only ActiBlizz,Bethesda, and Microsoft games and nothing from third parties then go and buy those third parties instead.

      Both of those services only have games on them owned by the corporation that makes them. And sony wouldn't want to trade 30% of cod sales for 30% of a $17 sub.

      • 6 months ago

        >Both of those services only have games on them owned by the corporation that makes them
        Which is exactly what I proposed.

        > And sony wouldn't want to trade 30% of cod sales for 30% of a $17 sub.
        As opposed to 0% of CoD sales and more importantly, 0% of CoD MTX because it's no longer on their platform. Right.

    • 6 months ago

      >Xbox has no games
      >But Xbox should go third party and put them all on PS5
      I've never seen a fanbase beg so hard for games on another platform than Sony fans.

      • 6 months ago

        >Xbox has NO GAMES!
        >But I want them to go 3rd party and release their games on PS.

        Every PS gay wants to play Xbox games 100%

        What Xbox games?

      • 6 months ago

        >Xbox has NO GAMES!
        >But I want them to go 3rd party and release their games on PS.

        Every PS gay wants to play Xbox games 100%

        They already release their games on a competing platform. They pay Steam a 30% cut and Valve is pushing Linux. Stop being dumb console warriors.

        • 6 months ago

          >Dumb frick Sony fanboy begging and pleading for Xbox games
          Never ever

      • 6 months ago

        Xbox are literally the biggest game publisher in the world by a large margin and no one comes even close but none of the games are exclusive, so it's pointless. It does not benefit Xbox. But is not like they could make all those games exclusive either because being that big also comes at the cost of a huge risk.

    • 6 months ago

      >Xbox has NO GAMES!
      >But I want them to go 3rd party and release their games on PS.

      Every PS gay wants to play Xbox games 100%

      • 6 months ago

        >Every PS gay wants to play Xbox games 100%
        False. You need games for that to begin with

        • 6 months ago

          Why have they convinced themselves they're winning just because some GAS garbage we didn't care about anyway got shit-canned?
          I'd never say never but there's hopium and then there's jumping the shark-gun entirely, counting your chickens before the pigs fly, the pot calling the kettle a Black person.

  10. 6 months ago

    make a true "DirectX Box" and just make it a locked down Windows machine with KB+M support

  11. 6 months ago

    Have my vast armada of developers make games that people actually want to buy while keeping corporate meddling at a minimum but still keeping watch to make sure they aren't total morons. Kill off or restructure 343 completely. Invest in new, interesting IPs instead of pumping out sequels to your damaged IPs like Halo and Gears that are completely irrelevant now due to a decade of middling garbage entries. Stop making all your games as ugly as humanly possible like the new Fable game and instead create new, good looking icons that people actually want to play as.

    Xbox as a console is totally fricked and there is no saving it. Gamepass has absolutely obliterated their retail sales and there is no going back. Even if Gamepass died tonight, consumers are used to it and your retail sales will never recover. 15 years of Kincet, Xbone, no games and being total morons killed any chance of recovering your hardware brand.

    They have to go full-on 3rd party and release days on PS and Nintendo platforms as well as PC. They have the developers, they can easily do it. But Xbox as a console is dead.

  12. 6 months ago

    they already went full moron by acquiring large fricking studios instead of actually spending those billions to make new vidya

    • 6 months ago

      They really did. 70 billion for activation blizzard is one of the most moronic acquisitions of all time, probably worse than Time Warner buying AOL.

      For 70 billion fricking dollars it would be trivially easy to make your own cawaduty and give it an outrageous marketing budget and get all the kids playing it. 70 fricking billion dollars man

      • 6 months ago

        whats worse is that they already have a “cod” style game, fricking gaylo and they fricking forgot lmao

    • 6 months ago

      You forget that ActBliz is actually ActBlizKing.
      They bought their way into the mobile market, about 8 years after they gave up.

    • 6 months ago

      looks like the moron is you.

    • 6 months ago

      Acquiring studios is fine but none of the studios delivered anything worth buying the system over and we are 3 years into the console lifespan
      Was the Wii U not a good enough warning that you can't promise a system seller game and then deliver it 5 years later?

    • 6 months ago

      >I know more than the billion dollar makers

      • 6 months ago

        Are you serious? Have you seen the state, say, of triple A movies as of late?

        The higher ups are massively out of touch.

  13. 6 months ago

    same as playstation, by releasing good games. hi-fi rush proved that they have talented studios in their possession.

  14. 6 months ago

    call the next one the xbox 7 and watch it murder the ps6 because the average consumer is moronic

  15. 6 months ago

    it's ogre there is no way to recover, they just bought cod and nobody gave a frick.

    • 6 months ago

      Because it's not exclusive
      Say what you will but unless you have exclusives or rabid fanboys your consoles don't sell
      So since nobody is a rabid fanboy of fricking Microsoft you have to build an exclusive catalog
      So yeah, buying Bethesda, buying ABK
      Look at how scared Sony was of losing CoD
      Next step is T2 and making GTA 6 an exclusive, the seethe would be apocalyptic
      They don't even do real exclusives anymore, but Xbox on day one, pc one year down the line ad and not on any other platform would be huge

  16. 6 months ago

    Keep throwing money at an industry until all your competitors die. Then flop so hard you kill the industry. Job done

  17. 6 months ago

    finally release xbox two

  18. 6 months ago

    I would stop making everything for PC like a moron. No point in owning an xbox if its going to be on PC too. Infinite would have been xbox only, and it would have spent years in the oven until it looked ready. Then, I would fricking have whatever is left of Rareware make something similar to Splatoon. Doesn't matter what it is as long as its cartoony like Banjo and the maturity of Conker. Xbox was originally about online multiplayer, it needs something like that leading the brand. Next, I would kill Gears. That shit is fricking stale, I'm sure the 30 cartel Mexicans that still play that would cry but they'll get over it. Blinx 2 would be a thing somehow. A Sonic Adventure 2 remake would be an exclusive. The "Battle" part would be enhanced and online multiplayer would be added. Finally, we'd get an in-house studio to make a new Burnout similar to Takedown.
    It's not much but it's a start and it would all be for series X only.

    • 6 months ago

      Turning the Xbox brand into Dreamcast 2 like the OG Xbox won't work.

  19. 6 months ago

    I wouldn’t DO anything. I would listen, and that’s what no one did.

  20. 6 months ago

    >Peggle 3
    >Viva Pinata 3
    >Fund a ton of small-team projects as opposed to massive tentpole releases, that way you can flood your press events with WORLD PREMIERES. One of them is bound to spawn a franchise and earn future tentpole status.
    >Full-fledged NJ/NY Fallout, not some MMO DLC bullshittery.
    >Create a single F2P CoD game with plans to turn it into a games platform a la Fortnite that you can slot Spec Ops, Zombies, Campaigns, and silly multiplayer mods into at a moment's notice
    >Revisit the Tony Hawk series
    >Do the thing I just said to do with CoD but with Guitar Hero
    >Get Baldur's Gate 3 on Game Pass no matter what it takes
    >Actually showcase what the Xbox Game Pass app would look like on a Nintendo Switch. Potentially show off its potential on the Meta Quest.
    >F2P version of Xbox Game Pass with like a Fallout, a Call of Duty, the MCC, Rare Replay, and like 5 other games
    >Remake Morrowind
    >Make people love Xbox so much they can't help but spend money. Become as consumer-friendly as possible for about 10 years or so until people call every video game machine "An Xbox". Once they're eating out of the palms of your hands, you can monetize almost anything and the shmucks will lap it up because of how much they love daddy Xbox.

    • 6 months ago

      100% agree
      The problem is that shareholders don't like having to wait more than one quarter to see stocks rise
      So long term projects don't work
      But yeah, imagine if Xbox had a bunch of games like Hi-Fi Rush releasing more frequently
      Remember how it outperformed AAA Sony exclusive Forspoken
      Imagine of Microsoft cared and had more of that

  21. 6 months ago

    >buy many studios
    >don't make half those studios make the games that made them beloved in the first place
    I still don't know why they bought Rare, and then never made them make Platformers and Collect-a-thons.
    They bought inXile and Obsidian, and then didn't get them working on a cRPG trilogy that's playable with a controller.
    They bought Double fine, and then didn't get them to make quirky adventure games.
    They knew what to do with Mojang, Playground Games, and 343 Ind.
    I'm not even a big ActBliz fan, but how badly will they mismanage all those IPs?

  22. 6 months ago

    Any answer will still involve having to make good games so they might just be fricked

  23. 6 months ago

    continue doing whatever it is they're doing, making sonions and tendo tots seethe on Ganker daily by simply existing

    • 6 months ago

      While funny, that's going to be a tough sell to shareholders. You're the brand new CEO, and your plan is to do the same thing as the last guy?
      That's not very good for your brand image.

      • 6 months ago

        yeah I'm sure MS shareholders are real disappointed

        • 6 months ago

          They just bought Activision Blizzard King, they'll be pissed if your plan is to 50:50 chance to mismanage a $70 billion investment.

          • 6 months ago

            already made back lmao

            • 6 months ago

              You're not very smart, they don't expect you to just break even on investments. They expect large investments to give large returns. $70 billion needs to return way more than "break even".

        • 6 months ago

          while xbox has negative EBITA

  24. 6 months ago

    Why would I save it?

    • 6 months ago

      Because if you destroy it, they stop paying you.

  25. 6 months ago

    Time travel back to 2011 and remove the kinetic and drm from the xbo. Make the price tag 400 at launch.

  26. 6 months ago

    Go all in on appealing to the western coomer market, nobody is really capitalizing on that

  27. 6 months ago

    You'd need a Time Machine to save the brand. You need to go back and make sure the Xbox One was just as powerful as the PS4, wasn't $100 more expensive, and none of the always online/no used games things ever happened.

    Then, you'd need to go back in time to stop them from implementing Game Pass. They essentially trained their users never to buy games, and destroyed the physical market of games on their console.

    They would also need to find a way to make the brand appealing to people outside of the US, and more specifically outside the "multiplayer dude bro" crowd which has always been the console's base.

    • 6 months ago

      Actually, the gamepass is a great idea
      Imagine launching in 2013, same price as the ps4, same power, no always online bullshit, but with gamepass
      It's a new thing, it gives people a reason to care and buy it

  28. 6 months ago

    >keep the thumb on the pulse of the studios they bought, they are too free of consequences
    >stop with releases on PC day 1
    >release in PC 18-24 months later
    That's it.
    People will buy your console if they are interested in your games and the games are just on your console.

  29. 6 months ago

    Games would be a nice start.

  30. 6 months ago

    Sell it.

  31. 6 months ago

    I think EpicGames has something good going on with Fortnite and the weird little metaverse they're building with all the brand partnerships they have. So I'd do something similar with Gamepass and all of our IPs.
    >Release "GamePass Universe", games released under the Universe umbrella all share purchased digital assets like skins and music packs when applicable.
    >GamePass Universe comes with a creativity mode which opens up as many game assets and development tools as reasonably possible to the players and let them play together with their creations
    >Along with GamePass Creative, comes the GamePass Marketplace. Players can release mods, maps, and even their own custom built games on the market for free, for purchase, or as a multi-player server similar to roblox
    It'd be absolute cancer full of microtransactions but zoomers like that anyways.

  32. 6 months ago

    >implying Microsoft is something you'd give more reach
    Sure I'll bait

    >free online
    >foster exclusives and keep them as such
    >make your system's architecture different instead of just another device with pc type architecture
    >competitive price
    >enforce performance standars capped at 30-60 fps
    >cap internal storage limit at 2gb max for updates and extra data/installed data
    >regular sales for add-ons
    It's not that hard tbqh, just make your system different from others with different type of games that look different due use of different engines

    But MS is hellbent on GaaS so Gamepass is their copeout from consoles since they're a glorified thrid party only to become the shittiest one since they have no games to interest people with

  33. 6 months ago

    Give up and make mobile games

  34. 6 months ago

    The Xbox was a great console, and the Xbox 360 was the SNES of its day. The absolute blunder of the Xbox One is unimaginable, unironically bigger than going from Genesis to Saturn.

    • 6 months ago

      It started with the Xbox one that botched launch and horrible exclusives killed xbox also didn't help Xbox user base had moved on the PC at this point since they were no longer in High School or elementary

  35. 6 months ago

    Stop buying devs and instead put that money into making games.

    For frick's sake, they've bought up half the industry within the past 10 years and have done basically nothing with it. Stop going for giant acquisitions and start funding more projects, hire more devs, actually use the IPs you have. Force Bethesda to take on more devs instead of letting them flounder about like they've been doing. Stop letting Arkane run amok with stupid, half-baked ideas and put them on another Dishonored or Prey. Tell Rare to get off their asses and do something other than fricking Sea of Thieves.

    Literally do something with everything you've bought up.

  36. 6 months ago

    Why would I want to do that?

  37. 6 months ago

    Get rid of the games with gold garbage and make online completely free. Bury game pass and instead pump money into first party studios. Make them hire the best writers and devs on this planet and demand them to make makes without political agenda. only finest games with sex, gore and racism.
    As a cherry on top, buy the MAG ip and make a mind blowing MAG 2

    • 6 months ago

      Oh yeah, and fire all ugly women. The hot ones can stay if the only thing they’ll do is making sure every man in heat gets drained of semen

  38. 6 months ago

    I'd spin game pass off as its own thing and kill Xbox as a brand.

  39. 6 months ago

    Frick that, drop everything and repurpose EVERYTHING for PC because we are Microsoft, which means we are also Windows.

    • 6 months ago

      >lock MC games off Linux

    • 6 months ago

      Xbox turning into a line of decently priced gaming PCs running Windows doesn't sound too bad, although I figure they'd pull a Windows 8 and have the desktop as an option on the usual Xbox menu

  40. 6 months ago

    They haven't tried making good games since 2009. Gee, I wonder what they've been doing differently since then? They should probably throw out all those new, cancerous ideas.

  41. 6 months ago

    >flagship brand (halo) is dead
    >releasing consecutive flops after making consecutive promises
    >”making good games won’t bring people to the platform”
    >no exclusives
    >gamepass stealing raw sales
    Phil objectively needs to be fired

    My personal approach? Get companies under control, force high quality games. Make actual Xbox exclusive titles (no pc). Don’t put AAA titles on game pass for 2 years, gotta juice the raw sales. Don’t make ES6 an Xbox exclusive but make exclusive content/dlc, too much money to be made on other platforms. Do all of this with the release of the Xbox 720.

    No if I was Sony? Buy EA and revive Battlefield as the platform’s primary shooter. Bundle Crunchyroll with PS Plus. Force that dog Bungie to work on Destiny 3 and make it good, pure mmo.

    • 6 months ago

      If I took over today, I'd tell Nadella that we were shifting to a first-party software business model like Nintendo. Instead of trying to get people to buy and build their 3rd party libraries on Xbox, adjust the way the studios at Xbox make games so that instead of aiming for 4 AAA titles a year, we were now aiming for 8 A-AA budget titles with 2 AAA titles a year.
      Team up closely with Sega as one of the primary Game Pass third party publishers and pay good money to revive older series like Virtua Fighter and the like as Xbox exclusives

      Phil has mostly been trying (and failing) to clean up the mess Mattrick left. The issue is that while Phil stalled the decline that Mattrick started, the damage was done and mostly permanent.
      The reason Halo is dead is because Mattrick scared Bungie away and, in fear of losing more devs, Phil basically gave a bunch of fricktards and charlatans free reign of the IP for 10 years.

      • 6 months ago

        Lmao Mattrick left long long ago. It may be a hard pill to swallow but this generation is entirely Phil’s fault.

        • 6 months ago

          Mattrick left 10 years ago but the damage he did is hard to under-state. Phil has failed to revive Xbox to its former glory, I won't deny that. But when I look at what he inherited, I can't say he's made things worse either. He's at least created some new niche/appeal for Xbox whereas devs were actively avoidant of working with them when Mattrick left. Game Pass has been a useful tool for both attracting some gamers who see the appeal of that kind of service and, more importantly, rebuilding 3rd party developer and publisher relations.

  42. 6 months ago

    sell it

  43. 6 months ago

    Promote an MBA beancounter (which they did) and make a series of moves that will not only repel new customers but piss off the current customers (which they’re doing).

  44. 6 months ago

    Cancel the Xbox and become a 3rd party publisher. There is no other way.

  45. 6 months ago

    Allow Steam on Xbox and go full GP on very platform and system

    • 6 months ago

      Valve would not allow that.

      • 6 months ago

        Why I'm allowing the cattle to use Xbox store or steam they get money and my players get more games and cheaper as well who wouldn't buy a Xbox over a Playstation

  46. 6 months ago

    make good games

  47. 6 months ago

    How about some good exclusive games?

  48. 6 months ago

    Honestly the only way to give Xbox CPR is to give Xbox Live a free tier that includes online multiplayer. Game Pass keeps its incentives.

  49. 6 months ago

    Make Call of Duty exclusive. Frick em.

  50. 6 months ago

    Sell to Nintendo.

    • 6 months ago

      >Nintendo buys xbox
      >ends up in the chest of properties along mach rider to not be used at all for eternity

    • 6 months ago

      >CoD becomes switch exclusive

  51. 6 months ago

    Just make Xbox consoles run Windows

  52. 6 months ago

    I'd try to steer it in the direction of it becoming Xbox 360 2.0, 720 if you will. Like i'd straight up ditch the current ugly ass ui dashboard and make one modeled after blades.

  53. 6 months ago

    make games that are good

  54. 6 months ago

    >Buy a bunch of cheap AA devs to serve as gamepass and "hardcore" gamergay fodder (e.g. Saving Timesplitters after Embracer shit itself)
    >Enable BC via permitted emulation, let the dorks handle it in exchange for a modicum of funding and prestige
    >Yell at Todd and 343 until they fix Halo/Starfield
    >Just keep putting out cheap-ish games at enough of a frequency that some end up being good, like Spaghetti getting thrown at the wall. Focus on the $40 space not the $70 space
    >Work with Nexusmods to bring everything to Xbawx, enabling mods without a PC
    >Combination of constant content churn + cheaper games + gaypass = profit
    >Make the Xbox controller joysticks DURABLE unlike the Dualwiener 5
    As a bonus I'd double-down on "buy once, play anywhere" to ensure that purchases on the Xbawx store are also valid on the W10/W11 store, which is the only way people might give a shit about it.

  55. 6 months ago

    Make good Halo, Forza and Gears of War games

  56. 6 months ago

    re-open the backwards compatible program and bring in as many titles as possible. offer free online multiplayer with Xbl Silver, Gold/Core gets entire OG Xbox and 360 library included. make rewards great again.

  57. 6 months ago

    Force a max resolution of 240p.
    Force 60fps minimum and maximum fps.
    Force the use of a wiimote&nunchuck style pointer controller, usable as a rail attatchment inplace of a lazer for replica guns that offer realistic recoil and reloading simulation.

    Reassemble lionhead and get them working on another Fable.

    Get 343 to work on a Halo about MC repairing Cortana, largely ignore everything but the designs of 4, esp Cortana. Fight off aliens in an idealised future military shielding a civilisation to good to know about, too disarming for a soldier.

    Turn Call of Duty into a jailbreak, cop killing, politician assasinating, shrink murdering hardcore and hopeless random gen set of unwinnavle battles for the greater good. Face hundreds of swat scum wearing heavy armour coordinating their cowardice. Millions of opportunistic invaders and traitors destroying cities as they're praised by the media. Just shooting to get to the next resupply cache and kill as many as you can allong the way, have one life and progress with it, no repetitions but lose advancement when dying. Ending of deserving to live happily ever after carving out a place to raise children they won't be raped and ruined. Somewhere for what is liberated to live.

    Get all devs to contribute to one game at once, to get out some expansive games in shorter times.

    Whoever has an idea gets assigned people to make it happen.

    Most of games turned from satiating and facilitating addiction to making people more independent, competent, self sufficiant and skilled in things that need to exist or should.

    Do 2D to 3D conversion on console. For any media.

    Offer windows or a simpler but fully compatible OS.

    Allow OpenGL. Don't allow Vulkan. Develop OpenGL to be better.

    Use phones as HMDs, use existing HMDs. Allow the console to act as remote processing to give them greater ability for AR. Particularly maps, and 3D ghosts for things being used or done, so the user can fill them and do them themselves, no or little query.

    • 6 months ago

      Offer free multiplayer. No servers involved, so games will still be playable asnling as 2 players or more want to play them.

      Allow all of the hardware to be used by a game.

      Assemble and offer a free game engine. But require exclucivity for releases. And for them to be sold require approval, as to maintain some level of quality.

      Ditch all token staff and degeneracy advocates.
      Nobody that has attended university. Nobody who approves of cops, sexual mutilation, drugs, religion esp psychology etc.
      Only talented people.

      Be an alternative to nintendo's and sony's pedophilia. Make things nurturing or adult. Mainly serious arcade action. Do things fast, do them well. Some support for disabled people to have their missing ability supplemented. Some stuff even just requiring thought. Some just to see.

      Try for more than gunplay. But where gunplay is present make it the same as shooting guns outside of games.

      Even as an option use a camera, phone or otherwise, to identify a gun being held, where it's pointed and if the trigger is pulled. Apply the relevant fire in game. Reloads too, though more action needed than actual ammo. Demand accurate action.

      For camera/AR using games make the player interact with a lot or things that require performing the same as shown. Reward doing things without seeing them done.

      Lower res the faster scenes are as to make controls more precise maintain graphics ajd simulate speed. Raise framerate as res lowers. Standard res again no higher than 240p. 480i for menus or if needed, eg wienerpit instrumentation.

      Force an absence of video and cinematics. From the moment a game loads in control of a character. Focus more on systems than scripted events.

      Make acheivements more of a ln indicator of morality and performance than trying everything.

      >Posting this much schizocore
      meds are needed

      • 6 months ago

        Destroying a mind isn't medicine. You don't have anything otherwise to offer. Advancement doesn't need you and goes further without you. Adopting your perspective passes over what actually matters.

  58. 6 months ago

    Kill it, use the resources to lower pc prices
    Small monthly increase includes office

  59. 6 months ago

    You can tell Ganker has no clue about game development when they say shit like "they should have used the money buying studios to make games instead". Hello? How are they gonna make games without developers? that's why they are buying them.

  60. 6 months ago

    actually good exclusive games with real gameplay without all that sony movie slop, but its impossible for microsoft

    • 6 months ago

      >actually good exclusive games with real gameplay without all that sony movie slop, but its impossible for microsoft
      You must have missed Hi-Fi Rush then

      • 6 months ago

        My suffix Rush animu game was noticeably better.

    • 6 months ago

      It wouldn't help even if they did.
      Let's say that every game Xbox has released this gen as an 8, 9, or 10 out of 10. And let's say Game PAss didn't exist.
      If they ended up selling 100 million Xboxes and people ONLY bought the exclusives and DIDN'T buy their 3rd party games on the platform, that would be a financial flop. Because the entire point of selling consoles isn't to sell their own software. The point of the 1st party software is to sell hardware, and the point of the hardware is to sell 3rd party software on it (which, between game sales and microtransactions, accounts for the vast majority of profit-generation revenue in the gaming industry)

  61. 6 months ago

    I would attempt to save Xbox by actually having the first-party studios make games at a decent rate. But really at this point, I'm not even sure if games will save Xbox. Xbox has become irrelevant everywhere expect the US and even in the US, Xbox is in third place. Becoming a third-party publisher would really be their best option.

  62. 6 months ago

    Offer free multiplayer. No servers involved, so games will still be playable asnling as 2 players or more want to play them.

    Allow all of the hardware to be used by a game.

    Assemble and offer a free game engine. But require exclucivity for releases. And for them to be sold require approval, as to maintain some level of quality.

    Ditch all token staff and degeneracy advocates.
    Nobody that has attended university. Nobody who approves of cops, sexual mutilation, drugs, religion esp psychology etc.
    Only talented people.

    Be an alternative to nintendo's and sony's pedophilia. Make things nurturing or adult. Mainly serious arcade action. Do things fast, do them well. Some support for disabled people to have their missing ability supplemented. Some stuff even just requiring thought. Some just to see.

    Try for more than gunplay. But where gunplay is present make it the same as shooting guns outside of games.

    Even as an option use a camera, phone or otherwise, to identify a gun being held, where it's pointed and if the trigger is pulled. Apply the relevant fire in game. Reloads too, though more action needed than actual ammo. Demand accurate action.

    For camera/AR using games make the player interact with a lot or things that require performing the same as shown. Reward doing things without seeing them done.

    Lower res the faster scenes are as to make controls more precise maintain graphics ajd simulate speed. Raise framerate as res lowers. Standard res again no higher than 240p. 480i for menus or if needed, eg wienerpit instrumentation.

    Force an absence of video and cinematics. From the moment a game loads in control of a character. Focus more on systems than scripted events.

    Make acheivements more of a ln indicator of morality and performance than trying everything.

  63. 6 months ago

    >Kill the online paywall for consoles
    >Hire more japanese marketers and fire every single californian working at the japanese branch
    >Stop using Bing translator and hire people to translate their UI properly (the German UI is a fricking mess filled with typos)
    >Stop wasting money with ESG QA reviewers
    >Fund more smaller projects like HiFi Rush
    >Push for more variety because more than half of the announced shit is some kind of shooter for frick sake
    >Actually try to moneyhat exclusives
    >Fire Phil Spencer and Sarah Bond, goody two shoes people with zero vision will to compete are useless in a long run
    That's it imo

  64. 6 months ago

    To play games in multiplayer it's now free.

  65. 6 months ago

    Make some mech games. Sell a pair of joysticks full of buttons and with a different sensing arrangement at the bottom of them. Nothing like what is present in current thumbsticks.

    Include force feedback.

    Put an essential action under each button. Part of the fun in games or mechs being finding out what each does.

    Plenty of complexity, half the battle being to put some of it to use.

    Run it with a phone HMR, using the camera to record and integrate your hands as you look around the wienerpit and press additional buttons.

    Use existing machinery, try out prototypes with accurate physics. Establish the controls as standard or an option for machinery moving forward. Familiarity in common assignments and through simulation.

  66. 6 months ago

    It needs a hack and slash game like god of war it was sorely lacking that kind of gameplay even in the 360 days hopefully Hellblade 2 will bring that sort of gameplay to their exclusive lineup

  67. 6 months ago

    I had Xbox since the beginning I remember anticipating it’s release I honestly have strong nostalgia for Xbox it sucks that they let it fall this far but I honestly think it’s going to have a steady stream of exclusives (meaning not on playstation) soon I know people have been saying that for years but they delivered a somewhat decent non halo gears or forza this year with star field and that’s a start next year they’ll have hellblade 2 and that looks really good so they’re starting to average at least one decent triple A game per year and with all the studios they have it’ll be a lot more than that in the near future

    • 6 months ago

      >exclusives is a good thing
      kys Black person subhuman

  68. 6 months ago

    Put a chick in it and maker her gay and lame

  69. 6 months ago

    >save this brand
    Unironically doing better than Sony ATM

  70. 6 months ago

    Cheap Xboxes like they have been doing this month is a great start. Get them into homes and then go from there.

    • 6 months ago

      Oh and a personal thing of getting rights back for the MSX and have that in Game Pass as a legacy console.

  71. 6 months ago

    Make good games
    Stop porting everything to PC

  72. 6 months ago

    Tell all the studios I own to make games. Send Microsoft/Xbox engineers to help both first-party studios as well as third-party developers with Xbox APIs, general Xbox-specific programming practices, and optimization at every stage of development. Similar to how Sony sent its people to help third-parties develop games for the original PlayStation, which is part of the reason for PSX's huge success. Once Xbox devs are helping, instutite a soft 1080p/60fps requirement on Series S games made by owned studios. Eventually expand to a hard requirement for all games, even third-party. Xbox devs will continue to help them ensure their games running efficiently. All games will run on both consoles and with the 1080/60 requirement they will look good on Series S so owners don't feel jilted. However, since Xbox devs are directly embedded into the process, games will look even better on Series X to tempt S owners to upgrade. There won't be any X-exclusive games since that screws over S-owners too much. It's on us to ensure studios aren't "held back" by S and are properly optimizing their games. It's more than capable of 1080/60. Over time Xbox devs' expertise should be required less and less as third-parties learn how to program efficiently for Xbox, but they will always be available to help especially for major releases.
    Hire top talent from Japan to fill out the Japanese branch at all levels. No Americans should be in charge of Xbox Japan, except that their head reports directly to me. Give them a general mandate to develop and publish Japanese games with authority to decide how to execute on that mandate. Xbox Japan devs would similarly go out to Japanese studios to help them optimize the Xbox version of the game, especially for big exclusives. For the western release, only hire professional translators with degrees and pay them a proper salary like you would pay someone translating a legal contract. No troonylations or censorship when bringing those games to the west.

  73. 6 months ago

    Port every ABK game to Game Pass already.

  74. 6 months ago

    >rebrand to XBOT
    >create hot sexbots

  75. 6 months ago

    Immediately sell it to Japan by marketing it as the bad boy console and try to get as many exclusives as I can in every category they like from JRPG to life sim essentially the Xbox 360 2.0 launch

    Completely fire all of 343i management, rebrand the studio and decanonize all of their work and just have them make a Halo battlefield clone and see where they go from there

    Release a new Perfect Dark with the protag being hot as frick like the cover of Zero

    Revive Viva Pinata

    Revive Banjo Kazooie

    Make the console THE place to buy Sega games

    Shelve Gears of War

    Kingdom Under Fire: Age of Empires

    I would want an Xbox solution to all major franchises that Nintendo and Sony have so I would buy the studio made by the original FF guy, make something to compete with Mario, Zelda and other franchises

  76. 6 months ago

    Make an XBOX mini with
    >Halo CE classic
    >Halo 2 classic
    >Republic Commando
    >KOTOR 2
    >COD Finest Hour
    >COD 2 Big Red One
    >DOA 3
    >Jade Empire
    >Project Gotham Racing
    >Forza Motorsport
    >Battlefront 2
    >Ninja Gaiden
    >Ninja Gaiden Black
    >Panzer Dragoon
    >Phantom Dust
    >LotR TWO Towers
    >LotR Return of the King
    >Area 51
    >King Kong
    >MoH Frontline

  77. 6 months ago

    Make people care about your IP and not just the brand.

  78. 6 months ago

    Just put the Activision/blizzard library on gamepass and integrate it into battle.net somehow.

  79. 6 months ago

    Make good games. Be extremely consumer friendly. Allow for private servers if you pay for game pass to turn your xbox into a server. No more buying studios, force them all to make games. Make a new Banjo game.

  80. 6 months ago

    Honestly I don't care about any other IP other than halo, so I would fire the entire 343i staff without notice and dismantle that shitty studio once and for all. If possible I would sue Frank O'Connor and the other 2 prostitutes for money laundering or something like that.

  81. 6 months ago

    I’d dissolve 343 and fire anyone at Xbox who ever worked there.
    Kill support for Halo Infinite and let the series rest for awhile.
    Ensure all future main consoles will have a physical game format.
    Release a handheld Xbox console akin to the Steam Deck and Switch.
    Eventually make some release of Halo 3 (that is 100% faithful to the original game with no godawful skins or shit) to see about continuing Halo

    • 6 months ago

      >I’d dissolve 343 and fire anyone at Xbox who ever worked there.
      >Kill support for Halo Infinite and let the series rest for awhile.
      Honestly probably the most sensible idea. If anything, try to start a new first person shooter series with smaller budgets and smaller expectations, and maybe give that studio Halo after a few years of success
      >Release a handheld Xbox console akin to the Steam Deck and Switch.
      I don't think a 3rd SKU to support is going to endear 3rd party devs

  82. 6 months ago

    Bridge the gap between console and pc.

  83. 6 months ago

    Nothing. They will win in the long term. Playstation will continue to beat them on hardware but that will start to matter less and less. The first party thing is no longer an issue, they just had to wait until Sony's gay movie games and live service obsession to play out

  84. 6 months ago

    All Microsoft game studios titles get official mod support on consoles. Bring back Xbox live arcade/indie games . Start bringing back the green-Xbox aesthetic for peripherals reminiscent of the og Xbox and 360 to capitalize on nostalgia.
    Heavily market the emulation capabilities of the console and have it emulation ready right out of the gate

  85. 6 months ago

    I've seen Xbox Series consoles this month discounted at prices Dreamcast was going before it died lol. Below 200 dollars for Shitbox S and in Brazil is the same price as a PS5 digital, lmfao. 3rd worldies seething their barebones console is being given away in USA and it still isn't selling because Xbox brand is THAT DEAD because of Phil Spencer pivoted to subscription merchant SlopPass.

    • 6 months ago

      Sony will be dead in 10 years

  86. 6 months ago

    Create an infinite black hole of money that will bankrupt and collapse Microsoft. All TKD, all the time.

  87. 6 months ago

    Skibidi Halo.

  88. 6 months ago

    Core issue is that, with perpetual digital libraries + perpetual backwards compatibility on all future consoles, Playstation has basically locked down 120 million of the current Console player base as being Playstation forever. If you can't get people to give up their Playstation 4 library to move to Xbox, how are you going to do it when they build out their PS5 library too?
    The basic issue is this: If people are basically entrenched in the Playstation ecosystem, how do you sell them a console and software?
    There are basically two approaches:
    >Nintendo/First Party
    This model has you making the primary software for your own hardware with the intent of making most of your revenue from this 1st party software. The benefit is that you don't have to compete with the competition on hardware specs and your ecosystem can exist in parallel with others because the libraries will be different enough to warrant. It's also beneficial because you don't have to convince gamers to buy 3rd party software on your platform; you only care if they buy lots of your 1st party software
    The issue here is risk. You, as the primary publisher for your own platform, are now responsible for the actual success and reception of your games with audiences. In other words, your software revenue is now entirely in your own hands and you can't really rely on 3rd parties to do all the heavy lifting in terms of development investment, marketing and risk-taking. This is a HUGE reason why Sony and Microsoft don't ever go this route

    • 6 months ago

      >Blue Oceans
      In this model, you're still a 3rd-party centric business but you're trying to expand your reach beyond just console hardware. This is what Xbox is doing currently with PC Game Pass and xCloud Game Pass. They're trying to find new audiences that aren't entrenched in the Playstation ecosystem.
      And there is some rationale here. Something like xCloud would be an easy way to get people in countries like Japan or China or Korea to game pass because the threshold on trying it is so low and the internet could support it. And it also gives them an 'in' with the next generation of gamers by putting Xbox onto phones (the primary computer and gaming device of zoomers). Like, ask yourself why Xbox was so quick to put Fortnite onto xCloud WITH touch controls for mobile after they got kicked off the Apple store

  89. 6 months ago

    The entire point of the brand is to be king of shit mountain and prevent the emergence of better mountains. The entire goal is to become an essential middleman before you run out of trust, market saturation and brand power, and Microsoft has none of those so it is unsalvageable on a conceptual level.
    The only option open is to keep importing normalgays with no standards and start building up privately owned companies with competent management that are nonetheless stuck doing business with you.

  90. 6 months ago
    Fuck art, Pay Prompters

    All they gotta do is add vr support to their cloud gaming (or a exploit that let's people sideload uevr)

  91. 6 months ago

    I hole heartily believe that Xbox cannot be saved.

  92. 6 months ago

    xbox literally exists to make sony seethe, they said as much in their documentary

  93. 6 months ago

    Lobby the government to put game pass on PS5 and Switch

  94. 6 months ago

    They already missed their opportunity with the X360. Sony will never frick up as badly as they did with the PS3. There is no way to turn things around. People who have been buying Playstation consoles since the PS1 will never switch and PCtards don't care. Xbox is a dead brand.

    • 6 months ago

      They're probably going to sell 60 to 70 million by the end of the gen, especially with the price cuts which is impressive when it's literally just a game pass box now that's been somewhat countered by PS+ premium

  95. 6 months ago

    Throw my infinite glowie money at everyone, capcom, square, bamco, etc.
    What the frick are they doing? Absolute morons.

    • 6 months ago

      That isn't their audience, Europe and Japan are never going to support them. They paid for the marketing rights to Persona but what good is that when your customers in the US only care about COD and Madden

  96. 6 months ago

    More Hi Fi Rush, less crazy woman/trans screaming.

  97. 6 months ago

    Why do people keep wanting Xbox to make their games exclusive?
    Nobody wants that.

    • 6 months ago

      Because Xbox is a gaming console and every gaming console manufacturer needs some exclusive software in order to justify their console over the concurrency. It was always like that it's normal and obvious.

  98. 6 months ago

    in order
    dissolve 343, publicly execute the team
    fire all the 'jeets at microsoft
    make all activision and bethesda games exclusively only to game pass
    increase subscription prices by 50%
    start actually making some real first party games to sell hardware
    xbox is now thriving even if everyone hates me

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