ill be honest, im excited. >but bioware doesnt exist anymore, all the important people left the studio. i know.

ill be honest, im excited.
>but bioware doesnt exist anymore, all the important people left the studio
i know. i just love the world and the characters and i want to hang out with them a bit longer

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  1. 3 months ago

    >bioware streamlined their titles further and further by going down the action route
    >yet rpgs have shifted towards turn-based and ruleset-heavy systems
    I'd hate to be the director of dreadwolf right now

    • 3 months ago

      Don't fool yourself, Anonette. A good DA game would outsell BG3 and Pathfinder games combined precisely because of action aspect. It's a far wider net to cast if you want to get the mainstream audience.

      • 3 months ago

        BG3 sold extremely well and was open to casuals, it wasn't a worldwide hit for no seeming reason.

        • 3 months ago

          >worldwide hit
          kek in non-white shitholes no one cared for it
          BG3 failed to have a global appeal and popularity like Skyrim dn Elden Ring have

          • 3 months ago

            I agree, BG3 is popular only among RPG enthusiasts, its nowhere near the popularity of Sony movie games or Nintendo games like Mario and Zelda.
            On youtube i always see casuals hating on it for the supposed turn based gameplay lol

            As you put it even Elden Ring and Skyrim are far more popular, its just that its a PC focused game with co-op so it had high numbers on steam because all DnD players loved it, its the embodiment of DnD in a videogame, its also not really a casual game, maybe compared to complex and hardcore DnD games yes but compared to your average rpg? hell no its not casual at all. I lost count to how many threads asking for help, plenty of people are putting time into videos and guides to learn it, and its paying them off, Larian didnt dumb down the game and i respect them for it, they wanted to make a DnD 5th game and one they made. they kept their identity and design philosophy into it.

            IMO its the perfect amount of challenge, not too hard, not too easy, just right.

            • 3 months ago

              It sold tens of millions.

      • 3 months ago

        BG3 sold extremely well and was open to casuals, it wasn't a worldwide hit for no seeming reason.

        biggest fear you should have is bioware looking at the wrong things in bg3 and trying to one up it. they had a bear scene that obviously we need to have something even MORE controversial. perhaps we get a dwarf orgy.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't have any expectations after being disappointed with II and Inquisition. If they game turns out solid, good, if not, I didn't expect it to be anyway. BioWare hasn't been good in years, and Dragon Age hasn't been worth playing since Origins.

      • 3 months ago

        I don't think the obese single moms DA is made for will attract more players by adding dark souls combat

      • 3 months ago

        >good DA game

      • 3 months ago

        Anon , DA:O sold less than 4 million.
        DA is not Baldur, TES, FF or DQ, people pretended that was like that because the PS3/Xbox era people shilling BioWare and Naughty Dog hard

        • 3 months ago

          Yes. DA:O. Which was a party-based RtwP RPG released 15 years ago. Whatever Dreadwolf ends up being I guarantee you it's going to be something on the action side.

          • 3 months ago

            FF13 and 15 sold more than DAinquisition and Anthem.
            Are you seriously believing that a DA vaporware with negative hype could beat Baldur Gates 3?

            • 3 months ago

              >Are you seriously believing that a DA vaporware with negative hype could beat Baldur Gates 3?
              if they get the action audience, yes. depends entirely on what kind of game it's going to end up being.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, people here have skewed perceptions because they devoted their whole life to their "taste" in RPGs, and jerk off some dungeon game from the 90s.

                Reminder that according to /vrpg/ the most successful RPGs are dogshit. Out of touch with reality.

              • 3 months ago

                Starfield sold less than BG3

              • 3 months ago

                We have no Starfield sales figures, only players which presumably GamePass users as well.

              • 3 months ago

                So it could be even worse than the data we have. Face it nobody wants ARPGs anymore.

              • 3 months ago

                Elden Ring was a huge success.

              • 3 months ago

                Elden Ring is not an RPG

              • 3 months ago

                According to whom? You can't just make things up to validate your incorrect view, you know.

              • 3 months ago

                According to me. Souls and all it's copy cats are just action adventure games they have as much role playing elements as the Nu-Tomb Raider games

              • 3 months ago

                Kek why should anyone care about your view, buddy?

              • 3 months ago

                Why should anyone care about yours?

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                So why don't you delete all your posts and this shit shill thread?

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Cause your dogshit thread is dependent on your self admittedly useless opinion

              • 3 months ago

                What opinion?

              • 3 months ago

                Frick off you stupid idiot

              • 3 months ago

                >they get the action audience, yes
                Do you know how many action Games are released every year? Do you think they can win in a market filled with DMC,DD, FF7Rebirth, KH4, MH,Souls, tales and Zelda?

              • 3 months ago

                >market with only jrpgs

      • 3 months ago

        >A good DA game
        Dragon Age Origins was ok but if you dig deeper there is a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense

        ill be honest, im excited.
        >but bioware doesnt exist anymore, all the important people left the studio
        i know. i just love the world and the characters and i want to hang out with them a bit longer

        >but bioware doesnt exist anymore, all the important people left the studio
        didn't we already have enough examples of what happens if people iterate upon someone elses work

        • 3 months ago

          The person critiquing that image knows nothing about art.
          'Attack' written in scratchy texture, lines radiating out defiantly, yellow laid on top of blue. Everything about screams an attack on the canvas, a call to action and explosive creativity.
          In contrast 'art' is yellow lines of juvenile calligraphy being swallowed up by many splotches of paint, a child's viewpoint sketched out on monochromatic palettes of red.
          The dichotomy is shy art with bold attack, drawn out in primary colors. It's a genius title for a kid's show.

      • 3 months ago

        >A good DA game

    • 3 months ago

      BG3 didn't sell because it was ruleset heavy(it's dumbed down 5e) or turn based.It sold because it catered to complete morons and coomers.If Bioware dropped the woke act ,made sure to make the game piss easy ,full of cringy humor and coomer shit it would sell just fine.

      • 3 months ago

        >If Bioware dropped the woke act
        I mean they should, but BG3 didn't and still sold. Unfortunately.

        • 3 months ago

          BG3 does have wokeshit but if it was fully woke it would have gay skittles elves and other unfrickables that have lots of "I KICK MEN IN THE BALLS" comments. Even Lae'zel isn't like this.
          It would have lots of lectures about the invisible walls of privilege, and how the poor tribal colony got along fine with their prize sharing before the le ebil colonialist invaders came.
          It has some woke moments like the underdark gnome throwing some shade at you, and tieflings are an obnoxious staple favored by the tumblerite inclinations of the left, but Belgians are not fully into US politics.

          EA doesn't have high hopes for DA series in general(if dreadwolf flops they will can the series but not the studio), but they will end Bioware as a thing if ME4 fails, you'll have to wait for that for at least 2 more years for that though.

          I kind of wonder how will these games look like simply because I want to see if EA suits are learning animals. Obviously there's no time for them to figure out that maybe more tactical combat system is the way to go and the audience doesn't mind it(let's be honest, DAI audience and BG3 audience overlap), so they'll stay with some kind of bad action combat, but one of the things that was clear for at the very least 4 but realistically 10 years is that Bioware's dialogue-cutscene side of things needs improvement and that is something a person on the business side of gamedev should realise(and allocate resources to fix it), but since the communication from Bioware is extremely sparse we don't know if they worked on it or not until the marketing push comes I suspect this summer.

          DA will now be released against the glory of DD2 which has barely any wokeshit. It won't just be BG3 it competes against. People will go into DA:Deadname having DD2 as their last big title.
          Wokeshit will never go away fast nor completely since it is a proven method: grift makework positions, reduce pay, viral outrage marketing, as well as picking up the government and blackrock esg points support (yes it is real) but better gameplay and immersive experiences are still going to sell and sex will always sell.It is just a question of how much political baggage are they going to attempt to sell you along with it.

          • 3 months ago

            You don't need to justify you liking a woke game. BG3 has wokeness coming out it's pores, you can still enjoy it despite that.

          • 3 months ago

            >It has some woke moments like the underdark gnome throwing some shade at you, and tieflings are an obnoxious staple favored by the tumblerite inclinations of the left, but Belgians are not fully into US politics.
            I was honestly shocked by how different bg3 was compared to, say, dos2. Like it had completely different writers. I wouldn’t have been surprised at all to hear they took some ESG dollars and Hasbro replaced their Belgian writers with American millennials or whatever.

            • 3 months ago

              Do people actually like the story and dialogue in DOS2? Because I thought it was complete trash.

              • 3 months ago

                I wouldn’t particularly praise either the story or the dialogue in dos2. The story is okay the first time, has a couple twists and turns (one in particular at the end didn’t make much sense to me as I didn’t have Fane in my party, felt like that was expected), dialogue is overall pretty mediocre with a couple decent moments here and there. But, I expect video games to have mediocre stories and writing, so that’s nothing out of the ordinary imo. Contrast this with bg3 which was atrociously bad, so bad that it was constantly breaking my immersion and my suspension of disbelief. I also can’t think of too much ~~*ESG content*~~ in dos2 while bg3 is chock full of it. This is why they felt jarringly dissimilar to me.

              • 3 months ago

                You've successfully convinced that your opinion is worthless

              • 3 months ago

                Good talk, anon.

              • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        funny you say that because DA:O was the BG3 of its time. But you're either too young to remember that or you just werent into RPGs back then

  2. 3 months ago

    Change the MMO gameplay, please, and go back to your RPG roots or forsake them and make a good action game for a change.

    • 3 months ago

      It's more like Mass Effect now, no directly controlling companions. I'm sure melee will be particularly shit. And also that DA:Deadname will deliver many memes and much entertainment to Ganker.

      • 3 months ago

        If they refined II's gameplay instead of the faux-MMO style they opted for in Inquisition, I would be alright if they also dropped the pretense we're talking about an actual RPG, too. And I fear this game will be nothing but a failed attempt and will fuel spiteful threads on Ganker, but I want to believe, Scully!

        • 3 months ago

          At this point it's hopeless. Even if they go with a refined DA2 combat system the story will be even worse than DA:I, and it will no doubt retcon anything deemed not PC, like they did with the Qunari.

      • 3 months ago

        >And also that DA:Deadname will deliver many memes and much entertainment to Ganker.
        Nah we're not going to do that. It's not funny to me, I just want to play good games and this isn't going to be one.

      • 3 months ago

        Hating things on Ganker sucks now. Too many schizos, discord trannies, and slavs. I can already picture how they'll run with the cheapest cherry picked screenshot memes instead of finding some kind of real criticism

    • 3 months ago

      Why do you speak as if they were the same people? It's a new company with different people. A new generation who grew up worshipping Dragon Age 2, BG3 and other trash.

  3. 3 months ago

    That's pretty weird but good luck to you I guess

    • 3 months ago

      >that fricking moeblob again

  4. 3 months ago

    I'm interested to see what comes out of it. There's potential in the game, we'll just have to see what approach the devs took and how they managed to deliver.

    • 3 months ago

      >There's potential in the game
      You don't actually believe this

      • 3 months ago

        NTA, but not all the people on this site are jaded cynics.

        • 3 months ago

          It has nothing to do with cynicism, I love crpgs and I post about lots of new games here, which is exactly why I dislike DA in its entirety.

          • 3 months ago

            >I dislike DA in its entirety.
            Even DAO?

            • 3 months ago

              DAO is the only good game from that franchise.

      • 3 months ago

        I do

  5. 3 months ago

    I'll wait for the Day1 DLC announcement with critical gameplay features before I shit on this game.

  6. 3 months ago

    What's there to be excited about? They removed all the grimdark elements that made it interesting in the first place; Lore suffers from the "too many cooks in one kitchen" scenario; Rpg elements no longer exist because ARPG is cheaper to produce and they're too midwit to correctly identify that MMO-fad is dead; ESGBlack person investors inserting more Black folk and minorities rather than trying to explore a setting where two neighbouring, different cultures are existing side by side.

    And with the success of BG3 they have nothing to offer. It's Witcher 3 scenario all over again. Once it released only Biodrones were the only ones defending that failed MMO shaite. It's unironically over. Dead on arrival unless a miracle happens, and miracles do not happen with EA.

    • 3 months ago

      It would be comical if Dreadwolf took after Souls games.

    • 3 months ago

      It would be comical if Dreadwolf took after Souls games.

      Funny because I'd consider the recent Jedi games to be a small miracle.
      >EA releases single player game that's properly funded and doesn't have reams of shitty five dollar on-disc DLC
      >Star Wars game releases well after the Disney acquisition, that doesn't hate its source material or core fans, has decent combat and exploration, and has a story that is neither a nonsensical sequel mess nor a needlessly edgy tear-down of the OT.

  7. 3 months ago

    Fun fact:The world of Dragon Age is named Thedas
    The (D)ragon (A)ge (S)etting
    The DAS

  8. 3 months ago

    Its going to burn down BioWare. There's no way that a gane that has been in such a development hell as DA4 can turn out well, not when the company is this large and especially if its going to be pushed out earlier than 2025

    • 3 months ago

      It would be interesting to know what's the reason for the dev hell. It's possible they scrapoed a shitty game and started anew, or it could be just mismanagement. I believe Demon Souls rose from a failed development. A more recent example is Dead Island 2, which was worked on for multiple years and devs and apparently turned out OK.

      • 3 months ago

        I will never forget when EA said “if you don’t like it, don’t buy the game” about battlefield 5. It was their “do you guys not have phones or something” moment

        • 3 months ago

          >It was their “do you guys not have phones or something” moment
          Redditors had a hissy fit but the game made billions anyways?

      • 3 months ago

        I think the info is public, but I don't remember most of it. Iirc the main reason was live serice slop being all the rage. Initial design was aiming to be highly focused on the narative and branching paths. But the executives threw a hissy fit about wanting a live service, so the first scrapping of the dev hell haplened. Then the early version was turbo shit and also other live services weren't as well received, so scrapping number 2 happened and allegedly it now tries to be more like the initial vision. However, its also clear that the development it self is fricked, seeing how slow its going and was going for the previous scrapped versions. Also I think I heard there were various smaller or bigger lay offs throughout.

        • 3 months ago

          Well scrapping live service is a good sign at least.

      • 3 months ago

        They probably pulled an Elder Scrolls 6 and simply lied about working on it for years.

    • 3 months ago

      Agreed, for this game to be good it needs at least several more years. Only more development can fix development hell.

  9. 3 months ago

    >i just love the world and the characters
    The people responsible for these things have either left or been laid off.

    • 3 months ago

      Sure, but the "world" exists independently of its creators once released into the wild.
      A better argument would be that new creative minds adding onto the world "officially" will change the world, but that's honestly not that different from IRL so eh.

  10. 3 months ago

    nice, can't wait to see how they wrap things up!

    • 3 months ago

      How progressive and forward thinking! We definitely need more manlove and manass in our RPGs in the year 2024!

    • 3 months ago

      I'm insulted by this. Sten and the Qunari seemed cool and foreign, trully unique feature in DA:O. 2 and 3 made them more edgy, but this... this is just a tiefling.

      • 3 months ago

        they were already edgy in DAO
        >I killed Le entire family in Le cold blood because something something 2Deep4U

        • 3 months ago

          .. you moron, he killed them because he panicked. You couldn't understand stuff that was very clearly explained, yet here you are "criticizing" it

          • 3 months ago

            >i was Le Panicked!
            that's the point moron, the reason was stupid but the game dialogue made it look like some kind of pseud 2Deep4U mumbo jumbo
            you could say it insisted upon itself

            • 3 months ago

              >made it look like some kind of pseud 2Deep4U mumbo jumbo
              How so, exactly? You're making shit up.

        • 3 months ago

          .. you moron, he killed them because he panicked. You couldn't understand stuff that was very clearly explained, yet here you are "criticizing" it

          >i was Le Panicked!
          that's the point moron, the reason was stupid but the game dialogue made it look like some kind of pseud 2Deep4U mumbo jumbo
          you could say it insisted upon itself

          >made it look like some kind of pseud 2Deep4U mumbo jumbo
          How so, exactly? You're making shit up.

          >something something 2Deep4U
          The point was that without the qun and as soon as the qun fails the qunari are rabid Black folk.
          This is why they constantly need to conquer.
          This is why the qun needs a forever war.
          Because Qunari are inherently bloodthirsty and hyper-aggressive as proven by nearly every Tal-Vashoth being a brigand or a merc.

          If this is 2deep4u because it didnt spell it out for you 4 times and beat you over the head with it repeatedly then its on you.

          And I dont even fricking like Dragon Age but midwits trying to rationalize away their mid-wittery like women is repulsive to me a physical level.

          • 3 months ago

            >reaction image
            didnt read

            • 3 months ago

              >cant read


    • 3 months ago

      Like looking at a bucket of maggots.

    • 3 months ago

      >qunari can't believe the homosexualry she is seeing

      • 3 months ago

        Qunari are massive homosexuals though.

  11. 3 months ago

    Based on what i´ve seen of the game it looked terrible, way worse than even Inquisition (which was already hardly an RPG anymore) so i´m not hyped at all even though i´m curious about Solas´s cliffhanger. That said while i fear not supporting the game would inevitably result in the franchise going full MMORPG i do wonder if it´s worth saving at this point. Maybe we should all come to terms and accept Bioware is done and both DA and ME are just dead.

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty much my thoughts on the matter.

  12. 3 months ago

    Horrible ui

  13. 3 months ago

    Can someone explain what makes Inquisition an "MMO"? I've played this game, and I've played some MMOs but I don't see the similarities.

    • 3 months ago

      All the trash sidequests, especially in the hinterlands.

  14. 3 months ago

    Shit. The new game is going to be on Tevinter, right? Then are we going to be forced to play as a gay mage? I kinda want to keep playing as a white male warrior.

    • 3 months ago

      Black person tier class
      rogue is the white man way

  15. 3 months ago

    I'm looking forward to the inevitable crash and burn, not to mention the glorious round of layoffs that will follow. This will be the final nail in the coffin.

  16. 3 months ago

    its been in development hell for years, so expect another Dragon age 2 rushjob.
    having troony devs to add their agenda to it means it could actually be WORSE than dragon age 2

    • 3 months ago

      I feel like most people here think Inquisition was worse than DA2.

      • 3 months ago

        Design wise, it is.
        I do respect the amount of work they put into the maps and it has the most gorgeous environments in the series, but then they waste it all with MMO tier quests which make every map feel like an empty missed opportunity where you roam around looking for minerals for your crafting and not much else.

  17. 3 months ago

    I find it humorous that Bioware RPG's were once known for being the horny casual boil on the RPG's flabby asscheeks, and now BG3 has taken that title from them. Even pretending that Bioware isn't a miniscule gnat of its former self, what do they even have to offer anymore? We all know the game will be a disaster as the scale of what it is supposed to be simply doesn't match the "talent" they have left.

    • 3 months ago

      >Take beautiful actress and through the magic of diversity and face capture polygons uglify the shit out of everything. Mix in rotten anti-white, anti-men feminist personalities to fujo taste. Negative hype achieved.
      >take monster girl concept polygons and apply the magic of beautiful white actresses voice and face capture. Mix in tsundere personalities that could have been lifted straight out of anime to taste. R34 sites still burn with the force of a thousand cooms.

      It is pretty fricking funny. I still maintain bg3 isn't really that woke and we're actually seeing idpol get defeated by coomers in real time.

      • 3 months ago

        >isn't really that woke
        Yeah, the woke shit got so bad even the slightest hint of it gets a strong reaction. To the point where even the old "untarnished" classics would elicit complaints.

        So yeah, people are mindbroken by woke, and it will take some time to heal.

      • 3 months ago

        The fact that you think the ugly women in BG3 are good looking means idpol won. Get that dick out your mouth

      • 3 months ago

        BG3 has more queer characters than any big RPG before it.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't actually associate playersexual npcs with "queer "all that much.
          Queer is an obnoxious quasi communist leftist political movement that is also racist and misandrist against white men. It comes with tons of angry baggage.
          A lot of the NPCs just seem to frick people of their own sex, and or frog and demon girls without exhibiting all that baggage.

          • 3 months ago

            playersexual aint a thing, you're either straight or you're gay and it drops all respect of Gale knowing he'd frick a dude. Can't trust people like that to get your back in a fight.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm not just talking about companion romances.

      • 3 months ago

        I love bg3 but it's woke as shit

        • 3 months ago

          Why?It‘s terrible.

      • 3 months ago

        >idpol get defeated by coomers
        the jokes on you. coomer content and normalization of many strains of idpol go hand in hand. why yes, there are a number of 15 and 16 year olds who played BG3 and discovered the concept of a chick with a dick in character creation, and developed a lifelong lust+normalization.

        pretending that being a coomer is anything else is silly

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, they're against anything that exclusively panders to straight men but go all out on queer pandering. Even the heterosexual pairings in BG3 are queer.

          • 3 months ago

            But every single female party member in BG3 is hot. Especially Jaheira.

            >char gen gave teenagers a shemale fetish
            Come on grampa. Everyone knows what a troony is. BG3 char gen only showed boys what actual chicks with dicks look like compared to the real life troony abominations.

            • 3 months ago

              >But every single female party member in BG3 is hot
              If you haven't had sex for 10 years and are starved for it, maybe.

            • 3 months ago

              The three romance options are a half-elf with a boyish face who's into group sex, a promiscuous frog, and a muscular tiefling who pegs you. It's all queer.

    • 3 months ago

      Actual sex scenes with good animation is what Bioware has to offer

      • 3 months ago

        Based on what? Sex scenes animated from literally a decade ago?

        I doubt the current team consisting of Padeesh from Mumbai, the intern animator, will be able to make good animations or character models. He'll give his rival Sanjaay over at Bethesda a run for his money.

  18. 3 months ago

    This game having a three year alpha period by release is kind of insane.

  19. 3 months ago

    Rumors indicate you don't have full control of your party, don't know why they would go that route since no one had an issue with that in Inquisition, their best selling Dragon Age game.

    • 3 months ago

      They had telemetry in DA:I and it was revealed to them that the vast majority of the people who played the game would most of the time only use their main character. I think they want to turn the party gameplay to how it works in Mass Effect.

      • 3 months ago

        >make the interface/camera shit
        >controller friendly amount of abilities, the AI can easily use them even without micromanagement
        >most encounter braindead easy that can be solo by the MC
        >"why nobody is doing tactical combat? they must hate it! better remove everything"
        Many such cases

      • 3 months ago

        post source for this.

        • 3 months ago

          nah, i won't. i heard about it a long time ago on some podcast or a youtube video with (by now ex?) bioware employees. it could be on one of the Mark Darrah videos on his youtube channel.

        • 3 months ago

          Found it:
          this is timestamped.

      • 3 months ago

        hilarious now that everyone wants control over their party members thanks to the success of remake and now rebirth.

        • 3 months ago

          I think plenty of players prefer the MC only, so it would be wise to still have competent companion AI for normal difficulty

          • 3 months ago

            You can have both.
            Also hilarious is that Greedfall 2 (early access this year) is also focusing on combat where you control all members of your party.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, I believe it's easily possible to have DA:O level complexity in a action game. The isometric view, which would complicate development, isn't necessary.

              It would be a win-win to then have higher difficulties where the option to pause and give orders and control companions is more relevant.

        • 3 months ago

          >Trials of Mana and maybe Vision of Mana
          >Neo TWEWY
          >Ys X
          >Persona 5 Strikers
          We are having more and more rpg were we can use the Party so I don't get why BioWare would go FF16 route

      • 3 months ago

        Even if you're pulling this from your ass it makes sense, dai had brainless mmo cooldown cycling combat with no natural reason to switch off the main

        • 3 months ago

          Do you want your companions to handle themselves or not?

  20. 3 months ago

    I'm not excited at all, nothing we have seen so far indicates a good game, nothing sparks trust in Bioware, they have failed and failed again, from DAI which was a success but ultimately aged poorly to MEA and Anthem, Bioware reputation is in the shitter, this is probably their last chance, and i dont see any signs of a good game.
    The trailers look cheap, the leak looks really bad, so even if the game turned out to be decent i doubt it will reach the quality of 2000-2010 Bioware that started with BG2 and ended with ME2, which was their peak imo.

    Im still extremely disappointed by them going to the action rpg route, why not turn based, hell even rtwp would be better, its not that i hate action gameplay, on the contrary i love it but these western devs have proven over and over that they are not capable of making satisfying swordplay in their action games, the only one that came close were arkane but thats not even rpg dev.

    I want Bioware to be back because i used to like their games but it seems this is no concern to them.

    • 3 months ago

      >I want Bioware to be back because i used to like their games but it seems this is no concern to them.
      "Bioware" has not existed for over a decade now at least, if not more. The brand/name is not what made it Bioware, it was the people. And the people had long since left the industry, or left the company to splinter into their own individual indie projects or tiny studios. It is not studios/brands you should follow, but the actual people's names, that propped them up, instead. This is unfortunately not a fool-proof strategy either, but it's at least better than simping for the brand, in my experience.

      • 3 months ago

        > It is not studios/brands you should follow, but the actual people's name
        Imagine typing this with a straight face on /vrpg/ of all places.

      • 3 months ago

        The actual people have gone in to make jack shit lmao

  21. 3 months ago

    >played DA:Origins
    >loved it
    >played DA2
    >didn't like it as much but still love Dragon Age
    >don't play any DA2 DLCs
    >sort of forget the story of DA2
    >Inquisition comes out
    >Play through a lot of it
    >not actually that much of it
    >never finish it
    >confused by all the references to DA2 in it

    I fricking love Dragon Age but it feels like there's an insurmountable amount of content and lore and characters to catch up on now. I managed to have fun with Inquisition but burned out before I got even half way through. I fear any new DA game is just gonna feel like I'm playing catchup again.

    • 3 months ago

      It's been a decade, and they have to make the story accessible to newcomers anyways

      • 3 months ago

        I guess, I just remember Inquisition feeling like I was starting watching a show in the 4rth season. Constant callbacks and character reveals that I felt like I wasn't "in" on.

        I think the sheer vastness of the game was also probably intimidating; all these new parts of the world thrown at you but they're a mile wide and an inch deep, so it's overwhelming.

        But I hope you're right.

        • 3 months ago

          >all these new parts of the world thrown at you but they're a mile wide and an inch deep
          Half the time the only thing I enjoyed about a new area was chatting with Harding at the start of it.

    • 3 months ago

      I guess, I just remember Inquisition feeling like I was starting watching a show in the 4rth season. Constant callbacks and character reveals that I felt like I wasn't "in" on.

      I think the sheer vastness of the game was also probably intimidating; all these new parts of the world thrown at you but they're a mile wide and an inch deep, so it's overwhelming.

      But I hope you're right.

      Why would you ever give frick one about DA lore anymore? They've proven they'll just retcon the shit out of it anyway with the Qunari which was their best idea out of the whole setting that wasn't underbaked like the Golden City.

      It'd be like investing in a covid emptied building that is currently burning right in front of you at its peak full of office workers price.

      • 3 months ago

        >It'd be like investing
        Because it isn't like investing at all. There's nothing to lose by considering there's potential. If it turns out to be bad, it doesn't affect your life at all.

        If you consider it investing, it's a sign you're too invested in things that don't matter.

    • 3 months ago

      I couldn't get out of the hinterlands because DA:I was even worse than DA2 gameplay wise, which is hilarious because DA2 was just button mashing - DA:I does that even worse.

      However, I did watch youtube videos so allow me to catch you up on the lore rape:

      1) Golden city is real, is probably Arlathan, and is likely where Fen'harel locked the Elven gods away
      2) The elven gods were just obscenely powerful mages
      3) Flemeth is Mythal
      4) Fen'harel was the good guy all along, but his repeated attempts to help people basically destroyed the entire eleven civilization and
      5) He just woke up in DA:I and regains his power through bad writing (he eats mythal)
      6) Is presumably now going to 'help' the elves by destroying literally everything, including them. No, he will not elaborate.
      7) The veil is the prison locking away the elven gods, the fade and the real world used to be the same thing. Fenharel bringing this down is apparently what will motherfrick everything. He "has plans" to deal with the elven gods but given how his plans go, lol - lmao even.
      8) The qunari are totally down with trannies now despite previously being rigid on social roles and gender roles, further rewriting them into mega homosexuals.
      9) Dwarves used to have a super civilization like the elves, their gods are living mountains and are the sources of lyrium. Apparently they used to be able to use magic too.

      That should be all of it.

      • 3 months ago

        >7) The veil is the prison locking away the elven gods, the fade and the real world used to be the same thing. Fenharel bringing this down is apparently what will motherfrick everything. He "has plans" to deal with the elven gods but given how his plans go, lol - lmao even.
        Honestly I have no problem with this. He broke it, he can un-break it. Thedas sucks as a setting and I hate everyone there but Cassandra and Varrick, so let it burn. Wish the actual games let you express that viewpoint, but the Inquisitor is too much of a fricking goody goody homosexual to think about the ramifications of the larger metaphysics.

        • 3 months ago

          gay elf hands wrote this post

          • 3 months ago

            C'mon bro are you really saying that a setting where your final choice is what sort of fricking She-pope you get is worth saving?

            • 3 months ago

              stopped reading there. go pretend to be normie on Ganker

  22. 3 months ago

    Man, have to hope that the play testers that leaked shit just didn't have a build where you had full control of your party.

  23. 3 months ago

    Have you made your peace anons with Andraste being the Old God baby?
    It's obviously going to happen

  24. 3 months ago

    >Meredith alive
    >Corypheus probably alive

    Duncanbros...we're fricking coming back

    • 3 months ago

      >have unblockable immortality gimmick
      >put half of yourself into a corpse dragon that enables you to be killed if someone kills it
      >in a setting where dragons are extinct because people killed them for sport
      what did corypheus mean by this

  25. 3 months ago

    You really want to hang out with the cast of inquisition? Dragon age is long gone

    • 3 months ago

      Off the top of my head I enjoyed chilling with

      Solas and Varrik could be cool on occasion too and it's always nice to see Morrigan.

  26. 3 months ago

    I'm just excited to see if Bioware finally gets axed, it's long overdue

  27. 3 months ago

    I'm not excited, but I thought Inquisition was okay, and it would be nice if the game were amazing and Bioware rose from the ashes. I wonder how many people are going to be stupid enough to preorder this

  28. 3 months ago

    Did people really prefer DAO's party to DA2?
    DA2s party had no real weak points, DAO had:


    • 3 months ago

      But I like Wynne.

      I'll give you the other ones tho.

    • 3 months ago

      If you prefer Origins party it's mostly for gameplay reasons since you can make them into whatever class you want. Morrigan and Alistair carry the game party wise outside of that.

      I think I also like 2's party more, but gameplay-wise they're all hard locked into their specific classes and even then the talent trees are awful and there's not much variety. Isabella sucks and so does Anders. I hated how every dialogue option for him was "please frick me" and if you choose no the game gives you rivalry points. Varric and Merrill carry the game.

    • 3 months ago

      All of those are fine. Even Zevran is nowhere near as annoying and homosexual as Anders is in DA2.

    • 3 months ago

      Troonigan is the worst companion in DAO
      only virgin losers simp for her

      • 3 months ago

        t. Leliana

      • 3 months ago

        Morrigan's spells saved my party plenty of times.

        • 3 months ago

          Troonigan is the worst party member in the game with her useless shapelifting specializaion
          Wynn is the superior mage with healing skills mogging Troonigan

          • 3 months ago

            Wynne is pretty cool yeah. Would be cooler with debuff spells though. Just saying.

    • 3 months ago

      Wynne was your basic old lady with healing powers. She was basically a 1:1 of one of my university professors.
      Oghren was actually a fantastic character.
      I don't remember Shale and had to look him up, so that answers that.
      Zevran is le wisecracking bi guy, stereotypical to a fault and a walking cliche.
      Doge is just generic animal companion, neither good nor bad.

    • 3 months ago

      Anders was an annoying whiny homosexual, Isabella Zevran with a vegana, and Fenris some edgy anime antihero.

  29. 3 months ago

    dilate age deadname will flop, all of Bioware's talent is long gone

  30. 3 months ago


    Hoping the anon who replied to me in a previous thread was still here.
    >Maybe if it's your first rpg. Most of it feels like a very boring rehash of something else.
    What I meant was that it was interesting enough to make something out of it if they're going for something generic to appeal to mainstream audiences.
    >they ended up linking everything to the darkspawn
    Not really. There were some parts where it seemed rushed like The Joining and whenever characters talk about the ability to sense darkspawn despite not being factor or of any relevance at all to the plot. Sure, your character has dreams of them but they have no bearing on the story. The reason I bring this up was because some of the best parts of the game like the questline for the Sacred Ashes and Mage's Tower were completely disconnected from anything darkspawn.
    >considering the name they chose it was probably some lame "dragons are returning it's like le ebin GRRM books!"
    I was thinking the same thing for the "dragons are returning" part and that the Grey Wardens were originally supposed to be dragon hunters rather than darkspawn hunters.
    >So the same but instead of dragons being the main antagonists is the white walkers (but they're underground!).
    I wonder if it was just generic undead corpses in the Deep Roads that were replaced by darkspawn before one of the devs told the writer it was too boring.

    • 3 months ago

      NTA, here to crush your hopes.
      >mage vs. templar politics
      This was interesting, but they fricked it by making it an allegory for gay rights with anders, then making the mages as unsympathetic as possible by being gay bpd psycho terrorists, much like IRL. Merrill was supposed to counterbalance Anders for mage sympathy but they wrote her so badly everyone interpreted the bad writing gaps as just another psycho demon summoner and hated her. Templars clearly had the only sympathetic position when mages would clearly go psycho over nothing for no reason at all at any time, but were also poorly written as le fascists religion. This is how gays actually think about things though so I don't know why I ever expected better, younger and more naive I suppose.

      They've been bashed about the head and face enough for this in great detail, so I will do it again: Retcons suck.

      >Darkspawn vs lyrium
      Lots of potential there with the dwarf tie in, they will frick it up I'm sure.

      >Golden city
      One of those elements that works better for mystical portent and real fantasy works, so it will be explained away in throwaway exposition like midichlorians were when no one is really asking for it except for idiots.

      >Grey warders themselves
      It was dumb to get away from their most compelling idea combined with a play mechanic in 2. DA:I was so wokeshitted up I have no idea if they took this seriously again since I returned the combination of propaganda and poor game mechanics pretty early.

      >A fricking dragon that matters to the plot.
      Yeah might be nice, lol. Too bad Grigori is about to Retvrn and against the backdrop of infinitely superior game, few are going to pay attention to what will undoubtedly be another set of underbaked mechanics and writing with priority put only on politics of Année en cours.

      • 3 months ago

        >but they fricked it by making it an allegory for gay rights with anders
        I've never actually touched the sequels, just DAO, Awakening and Darkspawn Chronicles. But I wouldn't be surprised if they actually did that since they kept trying to the player to sympathize with him and that the Chantry are literally "le ebil" rather than a necessary evil in Awakening. I went in knowing that the franchise was made by gays and written during the early Obongo era when gays were celebrating the legalization of their mental illness so my expectations were especially low.
        Dunno about them nor do I have interest in learning about their "culcha". I left the Black person homosexual to rot in Lothering. The only members in my party were Alistair, Morrigan and Dog. Didn't even bother recruiting the others because of how insufferable the writing was.
        The only interesting parts to me were the Golden City and Andraste stuff.

        • 3 months ago

          >the Golden City
          then you need to play the DLC of DA2

  31. 3 months ago

    Sera is return, please.

  32. 3 months ago

    >ill be honest, im excited.

  33. 3 months ago

    It will be woke trash and you know it. I hope it will suck so much it will destroy what remains of bioware.

  34. 3 months ago

    Damn, codex gays found the thread

  35. 3 months ago

    Bros... Do you feel that? That shaking... It's as if the entire, the universe...nay, SPACE-TIME ITSELF is trembling... Existence is being torn asunder, tossed about like a child's toy by some titanic force... Infinity and eternity are rupturing, caught in a veritable maelstrom of peerless might... The fabric of reality is breaking down, quaking like a leaf caught in the inexorable wake of a tumultuous storm from which there can be no possible escape... Even time is quivering, struggling futilely to break this monstrous grip...

    Bros...who...WHAT the frick could be doing this? This transcends all known laws of physics... How could a single entity be so powerful? Who the FRICK could be fricking strong enough
    Oh, shit
    Oh, SHIT
    IT'S HIM
    The Annihilator of Archdemons. The Burier of Blights. The Conqueror of c**ts. The Destroyer of Darkspawn. The Emperor of Entertainment. The Favourite of Fans. The Genocider of Genlocks. The Hunter of Hurlocks. The Imprisoner of Indies. The Jeopardizer of Jorys. The Killer of Krems. The Lyncher of Lowborns. The Murderer of Magisters. The Nightmare of Nugs. The Obliterator of Ogres. The Punisher of Pissants. The Queller of Qunaris. The Ravager of Revenants. The Smiter of Spirits. The Tormentor of Teryns. The Undertaker of Urthemiels. The Vanquisher of Vanilla midgets. The Woe of Witches. The X-Pac of Xenophobia. The Yakuza of Yumminess. The Zapper of Zealots

    >the guy
    >a big deal
    >main eventer
    >A+ player
    >chicks want him
    >guys too
    >works hard
    >works marks
    >works smarks
    >works anti-smarks
    >works through horrible injuries
    >Narrated the best Dragon Age game
    >Gaider's favorite Warden
    >Killed an Ogre













    • 3 months ago

      >dies like a b***h

      Oh nevermind then.

      • 3 months ago

        He was the last man standing after soloing an ogre, all while being old enough to retire to the deep roads

  36. 3 months ago

    I'm curious how they're going to modify the game to try and ape the success of BG3.

    The easiest way would be to add a lot of coomer content like BG3 did+full nudity+genital customization, but do you think they'd go that far? Bioware honestly has regressed in their attitudes towards sex in their past few games, they seem bizarrely prudish about the act and kink while the industry is just getting more degen.

    • 3 months ago

      I would prefer a fade to black, and it would be cheaper since they don't have to create sex scenes.

    • 3 months ago

      >Bioware honestly has regressed in their attitudes towards sex in their past few games
      I'm not sure I agree. BG3 has the same kinds of "grinding and making out with visible nipples" sex scenes both Inquisition and Andromeda have, and Inquisition characters go on and on about kinky sex shit ad nauseam. BG3 and Cyberpunk do technically have full nudity and genital customization, but it's very tacked on and only really visible in menus.

  37. 3 months ago

    >the absolute state of WRPG-troons

  38. 3 months ago

    I just started finally playing Inquisition and the fricking trailer for Dreadwolf spoils who Solas is.
    Why would you put big spoilers in a trailer?

    • 3 months ago

      Inquisition is fricking old and Dreadwolf is about Solas. It would never be a big secret.

    • 3 months ago

      >I just started finally playing Inquisition
      Why would you play any dragon age in the current year? Are you moronic?

      • 3 months ago

        >why you play game

  39. 3 months ago

    The real question isn't whether Dragon Age 4 will compete with Baldur's Gate 3 because for all the shit you can write about the latter it's a solid game. The real question is - which of the big late 2024 RPGs will be worse - Dreadwolf or Avowed.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm betting Dreadwolf to be more successful. Dragon Age has a foundation. Avowed will most likely be seen like Outer Worlds.

    • 3 months ago

      There's no chance for DA to be remotely good. The project has been rebooted to many times for me to believe that and the last two big games out of Bioware were complete trash.
      I'd say Avowed still has a chance to be at least mediocre looking at the footage that it was released.

      I'm betting Dreadwolf to be more successful. Dragon Age has a foundation. Avowed will most likely be seen like Outer Worlds.

      Probably about right. Biodrones are really something else.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm betting Dreadwolf to be more successful. Dragon Age has a foundation. Avowed will most likely be seen like Outer Worlds.

      There's no chance for DA to be remotely good. The project has been rebooted to many times for me to believe that and the last two big games out of Bioware were complete trash.
      I'd say Avowed still has a chance to be at least mediocre looking at the footage that it was released.
      Probably about right. Biodrones are really something else.

      The real question at the end of the day is which one will be remembered for the worse writing.

      Bg3 is really frustrating in that it has a solid foundation but every piece of writing on this game from characters to quests to the plot is just garbage.

  40. 3 months ago

    The only reason I might care about a Bioware game titled "dreadwolf" would be if there are in depth mechanics for taking care of a big wolf companion

    I like dog companions

  41. 3 months ago

    I, too, can hardly wait for this game to be a complete trainwreck and finally destroy the wretched and shambling corpse known as Bioware once and for all. We can only pray that it's a disaster of such proportions EA shutter the Mass Effect franchise for good as well.

    • 3 months ago

      They survived Anthem, they can survive anything

      • 3 months ago

        No, they can't. EA is clearly going to disband the studio if they fail yet again, the only reason they're still around is the potential marketability of DA and ME, if they fail to deliver on that potential there is no further reason for EA to keep funding them.

        • 3 months ago

          Wrong moron. Swtor is very successful mmo. Bioware also works on that. They aren't going anywhere

          • 3 months ago

            they shifted SWTOR off to broadsword kek
            and while the mmo was definitely more successful than the tortanic days suggest it is definitely in maintenance mode the past couple years

            >As a Solaswife
            Kek is this a thing?

            not only a thing but now a significant enough minority of fans that I can already see bioware cucking us out of shitting on solas

            What about Solas attracts wives?

            women fricking LOVE fictional toxic relationships, think of 50 shades, twilight etc.

            • 3 months ago

              Everyone loves fictional toxic relationships (and real life ones too, until they crash).

              • 3 months ago

                Big breasts for male audience, abuse for female audience, minmaxing for autism audience: that's how you make a good RPG

      • 3 months ago

        Visceral survived Dead space 2 and 3 failure but the third one(Battlefield hardline) was enough for EA

      • 3 months ago

        EA doesn't have high hopes for DA series in general(if dreadwolf flops they will can the series but not the studio), but they will end Bioware as a thing if ME4 fails, you'll have to wait for that for at least 2 more years for that though.

        I kind of wonder how will these games look like simply because I want to see if EA suits are learning animals. Obviously there's no time for them to figure out that maybe more tactical combat system is the way to go and the audience doesn't mind it(let's be honest, DAI audience and BG3 audience overlap), so they'll stay with some kind of bad action combat, but one of the things that was clear for at the very least 4 but realistically 10 years is that Bioware's dialogue-cutscene side of things needs improvement and that is something a person on the business side of gamedev should realise(and allocate resources to fix it), but since the communication from Bioware is extremely sparse we don't know if they worked on it or not until the marketing push comes I suspect this summer.

        • 3 months ago

          >EA suits are learning animals.
          Individuals in EA might understand the problem but no one exists in a vacuum in a corporation like that. Some programmer might be 1000% against wokeshit and other game destroying initiatives but will be drowned out by the Monty McBurns on the board who only knows that the young mixed race HR rep (who has since been promoted to CEO of Diversity, yes positions like that are real in fortune 100s now) says it'd be racist if they didn't put X in and the other boomer board members will vote his way. Or the middle management trio of Millennial Dad python and unity scripter tier IT abilities that keep their heads down, knees on the mat, and keep the pronouns in their bio so their kids can keep eating since their mom's boyfriend is a deadbeat. A pattern that has repeated since Donglegate.

  42. 3 months ago

    both of the Dragon Age sequels disappointed me for different reasons. I do not expect different from Dreadwolf. I don't know if modern Bioware knows how to make a good game, especially after Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda. I suppose if they just iterated on Inquisition, and upscaled textures to 4K, that wouldn't be so bad.

    Have a feeling they have made decisions that will lead to disaster.

  43. 3 months ago

    Dragon Age has the same problem as Star Wars. 90% of it's' franchise is shit but the last 10% is cool enough to get people to join a cult over it.

  44. 3 months ago

    As a Solaswife, I have been waiting for YEARS for them to bring us back into the game. I WILL SAVE SOLAS. I LOVE YOU SOLAS PLEASE COME BACK, WE CAN TAKE ON THE VEIL TOGETHER.

    • 3 months ago

      >As a Solaswife
      Kek is this a thing?

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, the official name is Solaswife and we lie in wait.

        • 3 months ago

          What about Solas attracts wives?

          • 3 months ago

            no one knows but they ran /dag/ with a fair but iron fist

  45. 3 months ago

    Unless this is some specific strategy, I'd be shocked if they released the game this year when we literally haven't seen ANYTHING about it other than a teaser trailer or two. Haven't even seen any CG to set up the graphical vibe or anything. We've gotten more on that front from ME4.

    Unless it's really a budget project (kinda like the original DA4 pitch was), I don't buy it.

  46. 3 months ago

    What is there left to love really? Every new development has made the setting worse with every game and spinoff after Origins. Based on what little they've shown for Dreadwolf it looks like they've even lost their aesthetic soul. I mean just look at the fricking concept art they released for it, I would never have guess this shit was Dragon Age without being told, there is nothing distinguishable about it anymore and it has turned into generic fantasy slop.

    • 3 months ago

      forgot pic related, look at this fricking shit

      • 3 months ago

        Was their intention to make Tevinter into Bloodborne?

        • 3 months ago

          You get Bloodborne vibes from that??

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah. Clothes, architecture, night and rain

            • 3 months ago

              I think you might need to get your eyes checked bro

              • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              the only thing "bloodborne" about the clothes is the style of hat. everything else looks nothing like it

  47. 3 months ago

    Your daily reminder that Andraste was the Original Old God Baby and was the carrier to Dumat's Old God Soul, while her Father is the First Warden at Weisshaupt

  48. 3 months ago

    Rumour is The Augur of Mystery Magister sidereal was an Avvar

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