I'm about to get into Pathfinder. Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?

I'm about to get into Pathfinder. Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?

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  1. 2 years ago

    For context, the only CRPGs I've played before is Dragon Age origins.
    What's a cool class to play? Any good romances in this game like in Dragon Age?

    • 2 years ago

      >What's a cool class to play?
      Uninstall wizard.
      So the only one you played is dao, you haven't played any of the genre masterpieces, yet you go for 7/10 game?
      What the frick is wrong with you?

    • 2 years ago

      Don't listen the the obvious same gay. It's a decently fun game, the secret romance is the best or go for the goat twins. As for classes there are a bunch to choose from, I'm always partial to clerics or paladins myself.

      • 2 years ago

        secret romance?

        • 2 years ago

          Yes. You can romance the villain

          • 2 years ago

            >Recommending a romance that basically spoils the ending of the game to a first timer

            Way to go dude

    • 2 years ago

      It's a fun game. You have many classes that work, and if you play on normal setting or easier anything will do fine.
      Solid choices for beginners include anything with a pet (they make for great tanks), and anything that can CC. Druids are solid all around with some excellent CC options, mage/rogue hybrids work great with ray spells, and Paladins are always decent.

  2. 2 years ago

    >I'm about to get into Pathfinder. Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?

    Yeah, don't start or play Pathfinder.
    Not only was it poorly designed and paced to the point of being newcomer friendly, it's even less friendly to people not familiar with the Pathfinder rules.

    You'd be better off playing either of these instead
    >baldur's gate 2
    >pillars of eternity deadfire
    >icewind dale 2 (on easy, the game was overtuned)

    • 2 years ago

      The amount of casuals in this thread is unironically baffling

      You guys think pathfinder is a hard game that requires minmaxing? I knew that almost all or you were bad at video games but holy frick

      Play anything that you want op. All cRPGs are piss easy on normal difficulties anyways. Unless you are as bad at video games as the rest of the people here (which is entirely possible)
      In that case something like Baldurs Gate 1 would be a good start

      Get a load of this moron also. Recommending BG2 over BG1
      The absolute state of vrpg, kek

      • 2 years ago

        If you do decide to play pathfinder, which again, is a completely viable game for anyone (you homosexuals sound like he asked to play wizardry 4 or something)

        This game will let you fail. It will let you frick up your run and miss out on things. There is tension, it will not hold your hand.

        Again, this isn't a problem. It spices things up and makes for a more reactive & immersive experience. People here telling you that you shouldn't try it are insulting your intelligence by assuming you won't read your ability descriptions, spell descriptions, game mechanics etc...

        I'm just assuming that you have a triple digit IQ here and are not diagnosed with ADHD

      • 2 years ago

        >frogshitter killed the pwrg so he spergs out here
        lol. lmao even

        • 2 years ago

          >He relates to the casual gamer who I've insulted in my post
          What can I say anon, at least you're not alone
          As you can see in this thread many people are just as moronic as you are

          You guys should try the latest assassin's creed game, I bet you'll have a blast (don't play it on hard mode tho, that's for pro gamers only)

          • 2 years ago

            have a nice day frogshitter

            • 2 years ago

              Get gud casul

      • 2 years ago

        >thread basically about someone new to crpgs and looking for recommendations on an entry point
        >OMG WTFD CASUALLS????!?!?!?!?!?

        your brain is rotted to the core
        just because something is possible doesn't make it a good entry point
        but trying to be rational with someone with a rotted brain is moot

        • 2 years ago

          He thinks that pathfinder is a hard entry point
          I'm not insulting op, I'm insulting you people who are insulting his intelligence by assuming that Pathfinder would be a hard game for him

          It's literally not any more difficult than shit like Baldurs Gate, it's just more complex in it's build mechanics
          But I suppose that that's too much for a modern normalgay cRPG fan, as I've told the previous dude, try something like cyberpunk or assassin's creed, maybe you'll like that more

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, Pathfinder Kingmaker infamously caused people to bounce off it hard because of system bloat, dependance on rules, terrible balance, difficulty spikes, etc.

            It's quite possibly one of the worst modern entrypoints into the CRPG genre for a newcomer.
            Just because it's not Temple of Elemental Evil or some shit doesn't make this any less true.

            • 2 years ago

              >filtered by spider swarms

              • 2 years ago

                Jesus Christ man, just try a better cRPG
                The only thing I get filtered by is the boredom
                I just dropped it for the 2nd time at chapter 2. I just don't want to sit down and play
                >accelerate time
                Pathfinder is objectively shit

              • 2 years ago

                Like I said. Filtered. Stop seething about it and just abandon these threads. Why waste your time kvetching in a thread about a game you don't like?

              • 2 years ago

                because reminding people that pkm/wotr are mediocre boring games with poor direction and game-design and having a bunch of
                posts by delusional spergs
                i mean come, on pathfinder's """normal""" enemies are even tuned down, crtis are disabled etc. you think PKM is a hard gaem?
                is never going to be not fun.
                since pathfinder fans are never going to be reasonable enough to just admit the flaws

                PS on a serious note
                >abandon these threads
                what threads? this is a thread were a newbie is about to start PKM as an introduction into crpgs. I'm giving my honest opinion on it. Anon deserves to be warned

              • 2 years ago

                >seething sperglet.
                Kek. Stay mad people like playing a game you dont like. Sperg.

              • 2 years ago

                The fact that you admit that there are "filters" is you proving me right.
                This is literally about someone that is not good or familiar with these games at all. Meaning if a game can "filter" them, then it's not a good universal entrypoint. End of story.

        • 2 years ago

          I want into Pathfinder with ZERO prior knowledge of it's systems or even modern D&D
          Simply read the spell & ability descriptions, read about what each and every game mechanic means and had fun

          >frogshitter killed the pwrg so he spergs out here
          lol. lmao even

          why do you guys assume that this is so hard and uncomprihensibe? It's like Baldurs Gate (baby's first RPG) with a few extra steps

          • 2 years ago

            The amount of casuals in this thread is unironically baffling

            You guys think pathfinder is a hard game that requires minmaxing? I knew that almost all or you were bad at video games but holy frick

            Play anything that you want op. All cRPGs are piss easy on normal difficulties anyways. Unless you are as bad at video games as the rest of the people here (which is entirely possible)
            In that case something like Baldurs Gate 1 would be a good start

            Get a load of this moron also. Recommending BG2 over BG1
            The absolute state of vrpg, kek

            It's not about being hard (I mean normal even turns off crits against the player, and has weaker mobs by default)
            It's just that it's not worth starting with a mediocre a literal-who-first-big-project-attempt of a game.
            There are much better ones.

    • 2 years ago

      The frick? I've never played it before and I'm not a tabletop or big stat nerd in the least either and I did just fine. You minmax homies is gay as frick.

      • 2 years ago

        That's what I'm trying to say all this time but these homosexuals won't believe me

        Lube up your butthole, because the insufferable oll hordes of girlboss women in this game series are going to core you out, and they won't be gentle about it either

        Shut the frick up you brain rotted poltard
        The wokeness of pathfinder isn't 1% as bad as you chuds make it out to be

        • 2 years ago

          >That's what I'm trying to say all this time but these homosexuals won't believe me
          I've played every other crpg series out there and I never look up shit beyond how to initially distribute attributes/skills/whatever on character creation. I don't look up optimal builds or any shit like that, on level up I just grab stuff that I think looks or sounds interesting or relevant to my character. And I've never struggled to the point where it became impossible, or had to lower difficulty beyond core rules. So yeah, I don't get the overblown claims of difficulty here or pretty much anywhere else.
          Except Underrail. Underrail will frick you up.

          • 2 years ago

            >Except Underrail. Underrail will frick you up.
            You should add that Underrail will only frick you up when you've already invested a few hours in the game and you're suddenly confronted with the reality that your build doesn't work.

            • 2 years ago

              Yep. That's entirely true.

      • 2 years ago

        for some reason some people just hate pathfinder and make shit up like that to shit on it

        • 2 years ago

          >for some reason some people just hate pathfinder and make shit up like that to shit on it
          You're unironically saying that someone fresh to CRPGs and don't even know what "Pathfinder" is in terms of rules and setting, would think that Pathfinder is smooth sailing, intuitive and wouldn't run into any "walls" during play?
          You're deluded if you think this.

          Unlike you I can emotionally detach myself from things I like and look at it objectively. I for example like Icewind Dale 2, but in no way would I recommend that to someone new to CRPGs.
          Not only are you asked to make a well rounded party where everyone is at least decently set up in terms of stats and shit, the difficulty is too high for a newcomer.

          • 2 years ago

            >I was a newcomer
            >literally broke the game on normal/hard costume difficulty
            kek, as I've already stated.. You normalgays should've never touched cRPGs

            Go back to cyberpunk

            • 2 years ago

              >i was a newcomer

              Irrelevant. I'm a gifted person that has had an easy time to pick up anything I do. Using myself as a measurement for how easy something is to pick up would be moronic.
              This is also factoring in human bias, such as curse of knowledge which makes you think in hindsight something is easier and more intuitive than it iactually is.

              In the end it doesn't matter, since you're objectively wrong about everything you've said. You're just shitposting and attentionwhoring and I don't give attentionprostitutes the attention they seek.

              • 2 years ago

                normalgays and casuals are the only ones that are going to have a hard time with games such as pathfinder
                Nothing wrong with being a normalgay or a casual, but let's not act like you need a gift to not get filtered by a game like PFK

              • 2 years ago

                It's like the very concept of "not a good entrypoint into CRPGs" doesn't even enter your brain.
                Example, for someone that has never played a CRPG before, which is more accessible, Dragon Age Origins or Pathfinder Kingmaker? Dragon Age Origins by a mile.

                This is also assuming you can stomach the lower quality of Owlcat products as well, which is another factor. Poor design, balance, writing, quest design, UX and so on. This is also why a more consistently good and solid game is a better entrypoint.
                The heavy-handed narrative design is enough to put off even hardcore CRPG players.

              • 2 years ago

                >I read tool tips and figured out a simple game system and broke it.
                >yes. I am highly intelligent.

          • 2 years ago

            Why can I find an Icewind Dale (Enhanced Edition) on Steam but not an Icewind Dale II?

            • 2 years ago

              because beamdog are the lowliest scum gaming development has ever seen
              rivaled by EA, maybe

              I unironically hate them, they are all that's wrong with everything

              • 2 years ago

                It makes no sense. Baldur's Gate I and II's Enhanced Editions are both there, but Icewind Dale I and II did not get the same treatment?

            • 2 years ago

              I don't think there is such a thing as IWD2 EE
              IWD2 complete edition is sold on GOG thou

            • 2 years ago

              "They lost the source code" to the original game is the excuse what I've heard. I have no clue how something as egregious as that happens in a professional setting, but it has apparently made updating the original a much more difficult and tedious proposition to the point that we don't have it yet. That being said, I have heard there is a group working on recreating it with another game or modding the original or something like that, I can't remember exactly, but it wouldn't be IWD2 1 for 1.

              • 2 years ago

                years pass and fewer and fewer people give a shit as employees change and never learn everything their predecessors knew

                all kinds of things get lost this way, even nuclear weapons lmao

          • 2 years ago

            don't assume everyone is as dumb as you are

            • 2 years ago

              newbie, we had countless thread on this very board around release about how, in your shitposting words would be "filtered".

              You're also not disproving a single thing anyone has said. This is objectively not one of the mostaccessible CRPGs, it's one of the worse ones.

              Then again, you're a blind fanboy so who cares what you think. People like you should always be ignored.

              • 2 years ago

                i'm not trying to disprove anything, i completely believe you when you say you're too disabled to play a crpg, i'm just telling you not to assume everyone else is as moronic as you are

              • 2 years ago

                >believe you when you say you're too disabled to play a crpg

                I not once spoke about myself, or even implied as such.
                But clearly reading and rational thinking isn't one of your strengths. Or maybe you're just too upset to calm down and read posts properly.
                Either way, the real moron here is you.

            • 2 years ago

              >is as dumb as you are
              No idea about Warth but Kingmaker was prime jank.
              There were skills that just didn't work.
              Skills that didn't work as described.
              Skills with shitty descriptions.
              The damage log doesn't show all the numbers and the number it does show can be an unexplained result of some other arithmetic operation. Speaking of that log, I remember one specific patch that broke the whole thing altogether.
              Then there are trap classes etc etc...

              • 2 years ago

                >skills that just didn't work
                maybe early on there were some serious bugs, but it got ironed out pretty fast
                everything else is you just whining, especially the trap classes given that we're talking about some dude playing on normal

              • 2 years ago

                >maybe early on there were some serious bugs, but it got ironed out pretty fast
                You clowns are delusional.
                It had tons of severe bugs and issues for several months. When the devs fixed one game breaking bug they introduced another. Fans managed to fix a few game breaking issues the devs failed to fix long after release. Even a year after release there were still significant and a large number of issues.
                Right now, the game is still more of a mess than other modern CRPGs.
                They then repeated this for Wrath.

                If you can't even be rational about facts, you cemented your delusional fanboyism in one post.

              • 2 years ago

                >believe you when you say you're too disabled to play a crpg

                I not once spoke about myself, or even implied as such.
                But clearly reading and rational thinking isn't one of your strengths. Or maybe you're just too upset to calm down and read posts properly.
                Either way, the real moron here is you.

                frick off morons, i started only a few months after release and played the game several times through, i never had any serious bug issues, and i never interacted with the pathfinder system before that

                stop being deliberately disabled

              • 2 years ago

                >frick off morons, i started only a few months after release and played the game several times through, i never had any serious bug issues
                The games are infamous for the very thing you claim isn't true. With user reviews, videos, threads on this very board and more being direct proof.

                But clearly it's the world that's wrong, not you. Because tou can't possibly be wrong about anything.That's what your mommy told you.

              • 2 years ago

                none of that infamy matters when i know from personal experience it's not true, like what kind of peak Ganker brain damage is this, it doesn't how many people who haven't played the game think it's garbage, because they haven't played the game

              • 2 years ago

                Good thing you're not in QA. Every other QA persons bug reports don't matter so long as you don't run into any bugs.

              • 2 years ago

                if i didn't run into any serious bugs on three full and different playthroughs (and many more partial ones), and at the same time i talked to many people online in that same timeframe who also never ran into anything but minor bugs, then yeah, i'm pretty fricking confident i'm right

                meanwhile all you have is "hurr look at reviews" like that's a valid argument, lmao

              • 2 years ago

                Why do you pretend your individual experience holds any relevancy here.
                You just cemented that you're a delusional idiot that no rational human being should interact with. Which I no longer will.

              • 2 years ago

                because the experiences of people who actually played the game are the only thing that's relevant here, it doesn't matter how many people bandwagon some "infamy" that hasn't had any root in reality since four years ago, why do you pretend those are relevant?

              • 2 years ago

                >no one but you played the game after release

              • 2 years ago

                it's obvious the person you're talking to didn't when they say surface level falsehoods

              • 2 years ago

                >every other user of the game that has played the game, didn't play the game or only played it after release, because i say so
                that straight jacket suits you

  3. 2 years ago

    Hedwirg is the canon protagonist and he has a cute flail and he says GAY RIGHTS!

    • 2 years ago

      Harrim also has a flail. You can't have two party members who use the same weapon type. You just can't.

      • 2 years ago

        Dragon Age Origins has both Wynne and Morrigan use staves.

    • 2 years ago

      Harrim also has a flail. You can't have two party members who use the same weapon type. You just can't.

      flails aren't real weapons. nobody used them irl because they never existed. they're literally made up for le games.

      • 2 years ago

        >flails aren't real weapons
        Anon I

        • 2 years ago

          What homosexualy mini-stars are those? A flail needs a big fricking ball on it, not some twink testicle sized mini-scrotum

      • 2 years ago

        The Hussites would like a word.

      • 2 years ago

        >flails aren't real weapons.
        No. They aren't GOOD weapons.

      • 2 years ago

        Hold my Zakarum faith.

        • 2 years ago

          Girl crusader is CUTE.

          • 2 years ago

            Women can't be knights, have a nice day creepy troon. The Crusader is male.

      • 2 years ago

        I bet a farmer beat his wife to death with a threshing flail once or twice

        • 2 years ago

          Nah, can't afford to kill wife, might do it to animals being a pest or even people trying to steal shit.


          I'm about to get into Pathfinder. Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?

          The game is nice, but there are some things you might need to mod for it to be less of a slog. Your characters are slow as frick outside and inside combat. They walk towards their enemies.

      • 2 years ago

        have a nice day ASAP, "muhrealism"cuck.

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          I'm pretty sure he meant "flails" in the way they are portraid in vidya
          then he is quite right

          • 2 years ago

            False. The ball on chain on stick version of the flail was used in germany and russia. Just like the heavy English longbow and the one handed warhammer (actually warpick), they didn't last that long because they were ultimately rather shit weapons.

      • 2 years ago

        Hedwirg is the canon protagonist and he has a cute flail and he says GAY RIGHTS!

        Regardless of whether they were actually used, that flail artwork is embarrassing. The chain is so long there's no way you could reasonably use it or have enough leverage to pull it back when you do. Rule of thumb is that the chain and the mace should come down to the 3/5 point of the handle. Any further and you're going to hurt yourself holding it, much less using it.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?
    Play anything but Pathfinder

    • 2 years ago

      i mean i got it for free from Epic so i don't really have a commitment to playing it.
      Any reason why i shouldn't be playing it? Any other CRPG i should get into first?

      • 2 years ago

        It's not very newcomer friendly. You're free to try it, but it might overwhelm you if you're not used to crpgs. If you're looking for entry level crpgs there's better alternatives like Shadowrun Dragonfall, Divinity Original Sin 2, Expeditions Rome, Pillars of Eternity, and Wasteland 3.

      • 2 years ago

        start with the greeks(baldurs gate 1-2) or if you get scared by infinity engine maybe neverwinter nights 1 expansion(main game is shit). kotor is fine too, maybe vtmb. pathfinder is the most min maxxy bullshit system there is and it has kingdom management on top, so not a great first/second crpg to play

  5. 2 years ago

    If you're a beginner I wouldn't start with Pathfinder.

    If you do want to get into this series. PLEASE learn how the mechanics work. That is the only way you'll get anything close to a pleasant experience. I would recommend looking up optimized builds and choosing one that looks cool to you. Also use the Bag of Tricks mod. Will save you a bunch of headaches in the long run.

    • 2 years ago

      While starting out I would recommend turn based- mode first. Will give you a better visualization of what is going on and better learn from your inevitable frickups.

  6. 2 years ago

    There are very good guides on gamefaqs, it's definitely the sort of game that is very frustrating if you go in blind without much esoteric knowledge of the system's quirks.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?
    I just hope you didn't pay for it. What a terrible start, your idea of the genre is about to be poisoned. The d20/Pathfinder is the epitome of the build autism that killed RPGs.

  8. 2 years ago

    All these fricking losers don't know what they're talking about. This was my intro to any true cRPG other than like fricking Shadowrun or Morrowind and I loved it. Just start with turn based mode and look up a video or two explaining the basic mechanics. There's literally a free respec option just make sure you turn it on in options. Also make sure you learn about the d20, d6, d8, etc. if you don't already know because that can be confusing for a cRPG newcomer.

    • 2 years ago

      >people say something is not an ideal starting point
      >one ignorant peson that's an exeption with his bias clear thinks this somehow changes anything

      Even has a kid I had better mental awareness than you.

    • 2 years ago

      The amount of casuals in this thread is unironically baffling

      You guys think pathfinder is a hard game that requires minmaxing? I knew that almost all or you were bad at video games but holy frick

      Play anything that you want op. All cRPGs are piss easy on normal difficulties anyways. Unless you are as bad at video games as the rest of the people here (which is entirely possible)
      In that case something like Baldurs Gate 1 would be a good start

      Get a load of this moron also. Recommending BG2 over BG1
      The absolute state of vrpg, kek

      If you do decide to play pathfinder, which again, is a completely viable game for anyone (you homosexuals sound like he asked to play wizardry 4 or something)

      This game will let you fail. It will let you frick up your run and miss out on things. There is tension, it will not hold your hand.

      Again, this isn't a problem. It spices things up and makes for a more reactive & immersive experience. People here telling you that you shouldn't try it are insulting your intelligence by assuming you won't read your ability descriptions, spell descriptions, game mechanics etc...

      I'm just assuming that you have a triple digit IQ here and are not diagnosed with ADHD

      He thinks that pathfinder is a hard entry point
      I'm not insulting op, I'm insulting you people who are insulting his intelligence by assuming that Pathfinder would be a hard game for him

      It's literally not any more difficult than shit like Baldurs Gate, it's just more complex in it's build mechanics
      But I suppose that that's too much for a modern normalgay cRPG fan, as I've told the previous dude, try something like cyberpunk or assassin's creed, maybe you'll like that more

      I want into Pathfinder with ZERO prior knowledge of it's systems or even modern D&D
      Simply read the spell & ability descriptions, read about what each and every game mechanic means and had fun

      why do you guys assume that this is so hard and uncomprihensibe? It's like Baldurs Gate (baby's first RPG) with a few extra steps

      I agree with you guys. I have never played a CRPG before. I was going to start with Baldur's Gate I + II and Icewind Dale I + II. From there I was going to go to the ones I am most interested in. Pillars Of Eternity I + II and Pathfinder Kingmaker + Wrath.
      You guys have convinced me to probably start with one of the later two series. I do want to play the former two series that I mentioned someday. However I won't be able to enjoy them like I should when I would have the later two on my mind the entire time. It would feel forced and become a struggle. I personally kind of find it as an insult to intelligence when someone insists I don't start with Pillars or Pathfinder as my first crpg. I would take the games seriously and slow. Like, am I not capable of reading everything on screen at least once, or researching a particular thing that I can't wrap my head around? Slow, serious, research and reading, and I should do just find even if those games would be my first crpgs. People who advise against them as firsts come across like game journalists. This is /vrpg/ a hardcore anonymous gaming forum that your everyday normie wouldn't flock to right? So why are people treating people like me like a casual moron who isn't capable? If I wasn't committed to trying my first CRPGs that look the greatest to me, then I would not be in this particular section of the internet to begin with.

      tl;dr: Stop steering people away and assume they have to go through leaps and hurdles to get to the games they are actually dying to play to begin with.

      • 2 years ago

        Hey op, cRPG newbie here and this is my suggestion. How about you try multiple games at once rather then focusing on one. I've been switching between PF:KM on turn based and DOS2 for a while, and that helped me dip enough to finally try and understand enough RTWP games and play DA:O.
        But sadly despite getting the gameplay of those two I'm basically filtered by the UI on BG and IWD, just too many tabs that are also unlabeled unless you wait three seconds for a mousing over each one.
        Newer ones are a lot more streamlined and more modern in UI practices and controls, old is old so the nostalgic love it and it probably has thing we don't have anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        RTwP is fricking rank, so try something TB at least if you start feeling like writing off the genre

      • 2 years ago

        It's not that pathfinder is hard, it's that the enjoyment of that games comes from understanding the rules and how to bend them so it's naturally more enjoyable once you have tried crpgs. Cause the story is pretty standart

  9. 2 years ago

    >someone new to CRPGs?
    >get into Pathfinder
    Big mistake.

    Start with something that wasnt made by numbercrunching min/maxing autists for numbercrunching min/maxing autists.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do non-autistic normalgays larp that they like cRPGs?
      It's very obvious that you don't, go back to /v and talk about cyberpunk or something

      >For numbercrunching minmaxing autists
      Yeah that's regular cRPG audience, before Witcher 3 fans started larping as cRPG fans

      • 2 years ago

        >Why do non-autistic normalgays larp that they like cRPGs?
        Why are you projecting so hard?

        >It's very obvious that you don't
        its very obvious that you are accustomed to pulling shit out of your ass.

        >Yeah that's regular cRPG audience
        No it isnt.
        Ive been playing D&D long before you were even a twinkle in your dad's eyes and there is a staggering difference between roleplaying and rollplaying.
        I like the former while Pathfinder is a system that was made with the later in mind.
        You can be as autistic as you want but its a legitimate fact that PF was made by the people who thought 3.X D&D wasnt broken enough.

        > before Witcher 3 fans started larping as cRPG fans
        You are as moronic as your average SJW in your assumptions.

      • 2 years ago

        What's the appeal of crpgs for people? I'm guessing it's the min/maxing stat optimization and such. I'm asking this because every one I've played had very simple gameplay mechanics.

        • 2 years ago

          Making a character and taking them on an adventure, not making the ultra super duper perfectly optimised machine.

        • 2 years ago

          Leveling up a character, or finding a sick piece of loot gives me an endorphin hit.

        • 2 years ago

          >What's the appeal of crpgs for people
          For me it's the amateurish but charming writing with many decisions that sometimes or even often have in-game consequences (as opposed to shitty epilogue slides)

    • 2 years ago

      You dont have to minmax below unfair difficulty

  10. 2 years ago

    Lube up your butthole, because the insufferable oll hordes of girlboss women in this game series are going to core you out, and they won't be gentle about it either

    • 2 years ago

      I swear, every fricking 'leader' is a woman. It was so glaringly noticeable and absurd, there's not even that moronic 50/50 split that leftists constantly prattle on about, just endless swaths of dry dusty vegana as far as the eye can see

      • 2 years ago

        That's the exact purpose and premise of the game. After the 1st crusade (success) they've had ONE HUNDRED YEARS of female leadership and progressive failure. The second a man comes along with some power the Queen shows up, thanks the Gods, and promotes him over all the women.

    • 2 years ago

      I swear, every fricking 'leader' is a woman. It was so glaringly noticeable and absurd, there's not even that moronic 50/50 split that leftists constantly prattle on about, just endless swaths of dry dusty vegana as far as the eye can see

      Yeah, there's lots of female leaders. Gender means frick all in DND and hasn't since 1E and even then it was just a strength decrease. And this isn't the real medieval world where 99% of women couldn't do shit, it's fantasy.
      Most importantly, they aren't all going around emasculating every male around them like you seem to think they are. I hate when lefty pol idiots do that shit in media, I really do. But it doesn't happen here.

  11. 2 years ago


    I'm pretty sure you'd want anon to have a good impression on the genre.

  12. 2 years ago


    Now try aiming a fireball and hitting something that isn't your own guys.

  13. 2 years ago

    I never played a crpg before outside of fallout and I'm having a blast with kingmaker. So much cool stuff and mechanics, lots of planning involved

    • 2 years ago

      I can't wait to try it soon. Looks amazing

      • 2 years ago


        Nah, can't afford to kill wife, might do it to animals being a pest or even people trying to steal shit.
        The game is nice, but there are some things you might need to mod for it to be less of a slog. Your characters are slow as frick outside and inside combat. They walk towards their enemies.

        says there are some very annoying things like the slow movement on the map and the endless loading screens, but the core gameplay is very good. Play on normal and set all modifiers to 1

        • 2 years ago

          put modifiers to 1
          normal has 0.8 enemy damage for whatever reason

          I'm just probably going to choose Normal and play.

  14. 2 years ago

    I also like that it's pretty light on plot stuff and it's mostly about backwater kingdoms politics concerning some shithole wasteland, I don't like the end of the world plots of most rpgs

  15. 2 years ago

    >Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?
    Play on easy, or else you'll be back here tomorrow whining about how unfair the game is.

    • 2 years ago

      don't do that

    • 2 years ago

      The difficulty settings any CRPG game defaults to are perfectly fine for newcomers. Provided you aren't mentally handicapped, it's almost impossible to frick up so bad that the game becomes unwinnable, unlike higher difficulties

      • 2 years ago

        I believe you

        • 2 years ago

          put modifiers to 1
          normal has 0.8 enemy damage for whatever reason

  16. 2 years ago

    Are the Pathfinder games good for villain protagonists? I'm tired of RPG's that only give you villain lite options. Can you do really abhorrent shit? Can you betray your "allies" and screw over the goodie characters? Can you effect the outcome of the plot by being evil?

    • 2 years ago

      every other dialogue option has the [attack] choice but it's pretty stupid

      • 2 years ago

        They just allow you to be a complete murderhobo. Doesn't mean you have to. There's always a neutral response.

        • 2 years ago

          there are few responses that fit my neutral evil autism

    • 2 years ago

      Kingmaker allows you to be a proper evil ruler, hire certain former rivals and bosses, and join either of the main antagonists for power and immortality, or kill one of them and tell the other (a deity) to frick off from your motherfricking kindgom.
      WotR allows you receive your plot power from one of the multiple evil origins, and it changes how the main plot unfolds. Either you turn your soldiers into an undead army as a lich, israelite everyone as an evil aeon->devil, join the rival demon faction to dab both on mortals and invading demons, or just kill everything as a swarm. Trickster and Legend allow you to be an evil character, but they are not exactly written for that purpose.

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds absolutely capital. Sold.

    • 2 years ago

      lich mythic in wotr is pure kino

    • 2 years ago

      Play on normal difficulty or lower, the game is very grindy and harder fights are gonna enhance that flaw.

      Most of the classes are pretty fun, magus imo stands out for a blind run having decent martial + magic casting.

      In low level fights, grease and web are you best friends, especially vs the stag-lord, easily the hardest fight in the entire game.

      KEEP THE EVERBURNING TORCHES THE GAME GIVES YOU + don't use or sell any alchemist fires/acid flasks you find early on. You'll need them for the quest for do for bokken early on. There are spider swarms there that can only be harmed by aoe/elemental damage.

      Also - play as good, or at least LN aligned, as the game really isn't really well fleshed out for playing evil well.
      To answer this anon the answer is 'not really, most evil options are very dumb'.

      Honestly it might be better to start with WotR I think it has a better broader appeal that kingmaker, where you kinda have to be into exploring/kingdom management to really get a lot out of it.

      I enjoyed it but I seem to be the minority here.

      • 2 years ago

        >don't use or sell any alchemist fires/acid flasks you find early on. You'll need them for the quest for do for bokken early on
        This is has not been true for ages. They changed the dungeon so you only need to kill swarms if you want additional loot

  17. 2 years ago

    The only advice you need is to play a pet class.
    Pets are OP in this game, and will save a noob a lot of pain.

  18. 2 years ago


    Yeah. Okay anon. Keep sperging about a game you don't like.

  19. 2 years ago

    Without Cleaner mod I get 20 fricking FPS with 3080 and i9 in Pitax ON LOW

    • 2 years ago

      >has 6 gigs of ram

      • 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    I missed the steam summer sale kill me. What good crpg were discounted?

    • 2 years ago


  21. 2 years ago

    Are CRPGs both new and old a demanding graphical showcase on computer hardware like in some other genres of video games, or were they usually manageable?

    • 2 years ago

      Most of them are fine. PoE games are well optimized while also looking the best.

      Pathfiner is the worst optimized and look the worst.

  22. 2 years ago


    because reminding people that pkm/wotr are mediocre boring games with poor direction and game-design and having a bunch of
    posts by delusional spergs
    i mean come, on pathfinder's """normal""" enemies are even tuned down, crtis are disabled etc. you think PKM is a hard gaem?
    is never going to be not fun.
    since pathfinder fans are never going to be reasonable enough to just admit the flaws

    PS on a serious note
    >abandon these threads
    what threads? this is a thread were a newbie is about to start PKM as an introduction into crpgs. I'm giving my honest opinion on it. Anon deserves to be warned

    Both of these anons right. Pathfinder is not a good entry point in the CRPG genre, and it's more likely to leave bad taste in OP's mouth.

  23. 2 years ago


    because reminding people that pkm/wotr are mediocre boring games with poor direction and game-design and having a bunch of
    posts by delusional spergs
    i mean come, on pathfinder's """normal""" enemies are even tuned down, crtis are disabled etc. you think PKM is a hard gaem?
    is never going to be not fun.
    since pathfinder fans are never going to be reasonable enough to just admit the flaws

    PS on a serious note
    >abandon these threads
    what threads? this is a thread were a newbie is about to start PKM as an introduction into crpgs. I'm giving my honest opinion on it. Anon deserves to be warned

    Both of these anons right. Pathfinder is not a good entry point in the CRPG genre, and it's more likely to leave bad taste in OP's mouth.

    These three anons are correct.

    Pathfinder is a mediocre game, specially story-wise

    • 2 years ago

      The Pathfinder games are honestly a colossal slog to get trough. I'm not exactly sure what I'm annoyed by the most, but the overall design of the games feels like its made to just waste your time and artificially extend their length.

  24. 2 years ago


    i played through three times and never found a single skill that didn't work, nor did i see anyone complaining about such a thing

    the game was bugged early on, but if you played a few months later it was fine

    • 2 years ago

      bro there are patches to this very literal day that fix abilities and items

  25. 2 years ago

    I’m sure plenty of bugs have been patched by now.

  26. 2 years ago

    Alpha strike, that's it. CC, tactics, positioning, tanking, control, healing, etc.... are all bullshit and completely irrelevant. Hit first, hit hard, hit fast. That's it. Pick the biggest hitting ability each time and you win.

  27. 2 years ago


    >The game is famous for being a buggy mess.
    among people who haven't played it after launch

    • 2 years ago

      >among people who haven't played it after launch
      The game factually had game breaking bugs half a year after release that fans had to try to mod away, since the devs didn't fix them.

      Now using your flawless logic, in a pool of over a million users that all point to a single statistic, your single individual sample doesn't line up.
      Now logically if say 99% ofd people experienced something, but 1% didn't, that means that it works flawlessly and has no issues.
      This is literally what you're saying. "Worked on my machine".

      • 2 years ago

        anon, i've never disagreed with you that it was broken at launch, but you keep bringing that up as if it proves that the game was never fixed

        pull your head out of your ass

        • 2 years ago

          >broken at launch
          We're talking over half a year after release and your individual experience is irrelevant when we factor in everyone else in the world.
          If you don't understand why your personal experience doesn't override the experiences of everyone else, you're too stupid to live and flunked out of grade school.

          • 2 years ago

            anon it's been years since the game was launched, nitpicking about how many months it took to fix is pointless right now, because the game has been free of serious bugs for the vast majority of its existence at this point

            • 2 years ago

              Maybe stop being such a fanboy.
              If someone says something that's factually incorrect and I tell them that they're wrong, that's not nitpicking.

              In any case, the initial point was that the Pathfinder games are not ideal entrypoints into CRPGs for a multitude of reasons. Which is true.

              • 2 years ago

                i never said anything factually incorrect, you're nitpicking about the difference between "after launch" and "six months after launch" as if you'll find some kind of argument in there

                >In any case, the initial point was that the Pathfinder games are not ideal entrypoints into CRPGs for a multitude of reasons. Which is true.
                it's not, they're perfectly fine, you have in this very thread two people who told you that they did well without knowing anything about pathfinder before they started, and all you can do is argue about the game being bugged long in the past as if that impacts anyone today

              • 2 years ago

                >i never said anything factually incorrect, you're nitpicking about the difference between "after launch" and "six months after launch"
                I'm saying that that game was broken well after launch, not just at launch. Which is factually true. Because we have a delusional moron here claiming it was ONLY broken at launch.

                If your fanboy ass wants to equate that to "nitpicking", then go ahead.

                >it's not
                You already cemented yourself as an irrational fanboy, why do you think your voice has any weight here. Irrational people like you should be ignored by all because you can't discuss things rationally with them, which I will do right now. Keep living in your bubble.

              • 2 years ago

                bruh it's completely fricking irrelevant how long the game was broken when all of that is years ago

                yes, you are nitpicking, because it has no impact on anything

                like the game could have been fixed yesterday and it would still be a game without bugs today

  28. 2 years ago


    i don't know man, if they're such bad games then why did i and many others enjoy them so much? like, i hate to do the same appeal to the masses as you did earlier, but please tell me why the frick pathfinder has had healthy generals on Ganker ever since the first game was released, and in fact since this board was made it consistently has more than one thread up, while other "popular" crpgs like poe just have theirs die?

    • 2 years ago

      >i don't know man, if they're such bad games then why did i and many others enjoy them so much?
      Most people didn't even get a third through the game.
      This is like when people say that the DOS games turn to shit not even halfway and pretend the games are perfect. That's the same shit Pathfinder fandrones do.

      • 2 years ago

        if you look up steam stats, most people playing any arbitrary game barely make it past the start

        i wasn't talking about gameplay stats like that, i was talking about the people who keep making generals for pathfinder here on Ganker

        >every other user of the game that has played the game, didn't play the game or only played it after release, because i say so
        that straight jacket suits you

        stop making shit up about games you've never played

        • 2 years ago

          >i was talking about the people who keep making generals for pathfinder here on Ganker
          You mean the same shitposters and fandrones? Like you? Yes, your shitposting is a known here.

          • 2 years ago

            but why don't the other games have these fandrones then? 🙂

            • 2 years ago

              Ah yes, we only have Pathfinder threads here. Silly me.

              • 2 years ago

                >2/3rds of them are jrpgs
                >of the rest, more than half of them are shit like elder scrolls and pretty much incomparable to the games we were talking about like pahtfinder, dos, and poe

                like literally i go ctrl-f the catalog for poe or dos and they're not there

              • 2 years ago

                What exact point are you trying to make here? Thread quantity equals what? So you think Trails is vastly superior to Pathfinder then, if that's the logic you want to die on.

              • 2 years ago

                if the game is so bad, then why is it the only one in its genre that has a significant following here?

                face it anon, the game isn't bad, the game just isn't to your taste because you like to turn your brain off when you play instead of think about builds and shit

              • 2 years ago

                >if the game is so bad, then why is it the only one in its genre that has a significant following here?
                So because we have thread quantity for certain games around their releases and potential DLC updates that = what people on this specific board loves?
                First of, how is that relevant here. Second, you're basically saying that Trails and such series are not only better, but more well liked than Pathfinder.

              • 2 years ago

                the threads have been consistent since kingmaker got patched up to a decent level, funny coincidence that

                >First of, how is that relevant here.
                it's actually not, as i said earlier i hate doing the same appeal to the masses as you did, however i may as well give a counterexample of the same sort of fallacy

                in the end the only really important thing is that the game is good to plenty of people and if you're upset they're enjoying themselves you'll just have to deal with it

              • 2 years ago

                >the threads have been consistent since kingmaker got patched up
                Except, then they arent, like now and a long time since. But you go ahead nd and keep making up special rules and exceptions. God forbid looking at things objectively and challenge your ideas.

                >it's actually not
                So why bring it up. I sure as hell didn't.

                >in the end the only really important thing is that the game is good
                No. You and some people think it's good. A bunch of people don't think it is and even more people think the game is a mixed bag with a lot of issues.
                There are very justifiable and real problems with the game. I could write and essay on all the design problems, imbalances, poor writing, poor narrative design, bad pacing, horrific systems like the kingdom one, technical issues, unoptimized engine, etc.
                But we both know you don't actually care about reality, because you're a fanboy and just want to circlejerk.

              • 2 years ago

                pic rel filename
                you see how hard it is for us non-morons to communicate with the likes of yours, since you fail even at the most simple observations and continue to fester in your delusions?

              • 2 years ago

                did you deliberately include kingmaker there? 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                well yes, so you can see this is a recent pic with this very thread and don't have to waste time to check for yourself

                another objective fact, poe games have higher scores compared to pathfinder games, both critics and users

              • 2 years ago

                this is objectively not true PoE threads are constantly up and usually hit bump limit
                see [...]
                ergo you are delusional

                well i guess i didn't account for the creation of /vrpg/, we used to make fun of dos and poe threads that would just die in kingmaker threads back when this was all just /vg/

              • 2 years ago

                I'm surprised the PoE games have such a high rating. I thought it the first one had a boring story and shit combat and didn't bother finishing it.

              • 2 years ago

                well turns out most players enjoy playing PoE games by renowned industry veterans more than playing Pathfinder games by a literal who studio
                who could have thought?

              • 2 years ago

                PoE games are overall better games. More polished an better designed. But Pathfinder can scratch a certain niche for some people.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't know how anyone can trawl their ship across that shitty deadfire overworld map clicking meaningless icons and resolving copy pasted storybook conflicts and going in tiny little caves with 1 or 2 trash encounters and pretend that they're actually having fun

              • 2 years ago

                Well if you like playing worse games then by all means, don't let me stop you from playing Owlcat's games.

                the stilted dialogue is not an objective flaw, some people are fine with it or don't give a shit, which proves it doesn't affect the core ability to enjoy the game, the way gamebreaking bugs do

                i don't even know what your problem with quest design is, are you okay

                >the stilted dialogue is not an objective flaw, some people are fine with it
                That's like saying
                >a shitty unresponsive camera is not an objective flaw, some people are fine with it

                As for quest design, it's arguably the worst out of any modern crpg, or even RPG for that matter.
                Witcher 3's quests make Pathfinder's quests look like a grade schooler made them.

                Yes the writing in Kingmaker is way stronger than most of its contemporaries on an emotional and macro big picture standpoint. Larian can write but focuses too much on tedious humour and their lawls kill whoever you want approach handicaps a lot of the stories they try to tell due to simple dev production feasibility plus in OS2 they flat out just stopped giving a shit by Arx. Bioware's a shambling corpse, Bethesda and Emil are still huffing those paint fumes, and the less said about nu-Obsidian the better

                >Yes the writing in Kingmaker is way stronger than most of its contemporaries on an emotional and macro big picture standpoint
                What? Larian and Owlcat both employ absolutely terrible writers. Some of the dialogue issues can be attributed to the bad narrative design to a certain extent, but it's still fricking bad.
                When Kingmaker starts you off realizing that everyone, including your PC, is moronic and you choices and actions during play don't matter at all, you know you're in for a rough time.
                We're talking games where if you say nice/bad things it alters your alignment. Like a bad person saying "I won't kill anyone" gives you good boy points right there. Like wtf is that shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >That's like saying
                not really, that analogy would be more fitting to a dialogue window which obstructs your view of the text and is difficult to work with, which is an objective flaw; writing that you don't like is more analogous to an area you think is ugly, a subjective flaw

                >As for quest design, it's arguably the worst out of any modern crpg, or even RPG for that matter.
                and it also arguably isn't, especially if you don't make an argument for why you think so

              • 2 years ago

                >not really
                Yes really, you just choose to ignore it because you like it and tell others they should ignore it as well. Both are problems. Bad writing it bad writing. Even if you like the writing in the Star Wars prequels that doesn't magically make the writing good.

                >and it also arguably isn't, especially if you don't make an argument for why you think so
                It uses archaic and bad structure from over 20 years ago. We're talking bad MMO type of quest design. We're talking simplistic fetch quests.
                Meanwhile in Witcher 3 almost all quests have an arc, choices and consequences, things to discover and change. Several also tie into other characters and quests later. These are just the side quests you can stumble upon when walking around on the map.
                If we're comparing it then to things like the Bloody Baron questline, then Pathfinder is comically bad.
                This isn't surprising, since Pathfinder's writers are literal who slavs that barely know how to write and are just larpers.

              • 2 years ago

                no, your analogy is bad, you are equating a shoddy interface with content you don't like

                >It uses archaic and bad structure from over 20 years ago. We're talking bad MMO type of quest design. We're talking simplistic fetch quests.
                name 3 fetch pure quests that have no other interaction in kingmaker

              • 2 years ago

                >no, your analogy is bad
                It doesn't matter if you think the analogy is bad. Analogies are used to help someone understand a problem better that has trouble undertanding it. The point I made is that you don't see a problem as a problem, in which case the analogy itself doesn't matter.
                Yet you chose to focus on it because I'm assuming you don't have a better defence of ignoring actual problems with games, so you choose to derail the topic.

                >name 3 fetch pure quests that have no other interaction in kingmaker
                How in the frick should I remember in detail the absolte ass fetch quests in Kingmaker, a game I played 4 years ago. I loosely remember some dryad taking someone hostage and she wanted a necklace or some shit.
                What an atrociously idiotic thing to demand as some sort of """proof""" that Kingmaker has good quest design. But your entire approach to discussion is to resort to logical fallacies. You should become more familiar with your shitty practice

              • 2 years ago

                bad analogies don't help someone understand a problem, they help them misunderstand it, whether it's deliberate or not

                a flaw with an interface, such as a bad camera that makes it hard to see and interact with the game, or a bad text presentation system that makes it difficult to read the text, are objective flaws, they are things that obstruct you from enjoying the content, no matter what the quality of the content is

                a game are or model that you think is ugly and poorly made, or text and dialogue that you think is poorly written, are subjective flaws, they are the actual content that you personally happen to not like

                understand the difference? is that really too complicated for you?

                >How in the frick should I remember in detail the absolte ass fetch quests in Kingmaker, a game I played 4 years ago. I loosely remember some dryad taking someone hostage and she wanted a necklace or some shit.
                What an atrociously idiotic thing to demand as some sort of """proof""" that Kingmaker has good quest design. But your entire approach to discussion is to resort to logical fallacies. You should become more familiar with your shitty practice
                ah yes, pardon me for demanding proof of your claims when you're obviously full of shit, since i know that kingmaker didn't actually have pure fetch quests like you're pretending right now

                stop making shit up moron

              • 2 years ago

                >I loosely remember some dryad taking someone hostage and she wanted a necklace or some shit
                Oh yes, that cute minor side quest with about 5 different solutions, which can be solved purely by talking. Totally an MMO fetch quest.

              • 2 years ago

                oh shit, that dryad that was trying to drown some loggers is what he was talking about?

                holy frick, that's probably the most flexibly solvable side quest in the entire game, you can solve it in so many different ways, from talking, to fighting, to countering the dryad if you have the right spell prepared, to just going and helping her with her problem, or helping the loggers instead?

                and THAT is his example? i didn't even realize that's what he was talking about since it's such a ridiculous example

              • 2 years ago

                oh shit, that dryad that was trying to drown some loggers is what he was talking about?

                holy frick, that's probably the most flexibly solvable side quest in the entire game, you can solve it in so many different ways, from talking, to fighting, to countering the dryad if you have the right spell prepared, to just going and helping her with her problem, or helping the loggers instead?

                and THAT is his example? i didn't even realize that's what he was talking about since it's such a ridiculous example

                Because the deranged monkey specifically asked for fetch quests from a game that came out 4 years ago.

                The mere idea that someone would remember atrociously shitty and barebones fetch quests, as something that stick out in your memory, 4 years later is so absolutely insanely moronic that only a subhuman ape could've thought it was a good "challenge" to pose as a way to prove that Pathfinder has good quest design.

                Then again, we're speaking of Owlcat fans here, they ae all smoothbrained irrational monkeys.

              • 2 years ago

                you claimed the quests were bad because they were mmo fetch quests, moron

                all you're doing is repeatedly insisting that the quests are bad, but you either refuse to elaborate, and when you did elaborate your only example was an actually really well-done side quest with many different ways to solve it that most games can't compete with

              • 2 years ago

                >you claimed the quests were bad because they were mmo fetch quests, moron
                Because they are. Good of you to pay attention this time.

                >refuse to elaborate
                Uh huh, sure. Meanwhile you handwave everything anyone says away and shitposts instead. You don't actually want to discuss this, just fanboy out and tell people they are wrong about something you love. Because that's what biased irrational fanboys do.
                Try pulling that Owlcat wiener out of your mouth for one second, your brain needs some air.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's the edgy-deathlike-godlike-portrait-anon
                well I'm just glad you are now playing the better game
                by the time you are done with the DLCs you will change your mind 180

              • 2 years ago

                Reputation is the main thing that matters, and game journos are bound to give their scores according to audience expectations.

                Vanilla PoE without the excellent DLCs is utterly mediocre, but Obsidian had an incredible reputation at the time. That's why PoE1 was so successful, while Deadfire completely flopped on release - people ended up not being interested in another game like this.

                Meanwhile Kingmaker had a terrible initial reputation due to disaster release, while Owlcat were a literally who studio. Most casual players were disaffected, but the actual core players loved it, and the game became one of the all-time favorites on rpgcodex, somewhere in top 20 I believe.
                Eventually it got a very positive word of mouth, and that's why WotR became a huge success sales wise. But it stayed casual-unfriendly, and the game's reputation was massively fricked by incredibly woke source material compared to Kingmaker, which was adapted into the game.

                Ultimately, WotR retroactively soured Kingmaker's reputation and turned Owlcat into a "woke dev" in the eyes of players. Rogue Trader is going to show if it's true, if Owlcat are able to make a good original rpg, and if they managed to maintain a loyal playerbase to keep selling their games.
                Personally, I think their new game has a very good chance to flop - but I recommend ignoring opinions of /vrpg/ schizos and autists with their predictions until Rogue Trader actually comes out (including me, or the people who are going to get upset because of this post and reply).

                Actually, I'd call Larian the only rpg developer with a perfect reputations at this point, they're too big to fail. You might say their writing is bad, but "bad writing" turns into "serviceable" or even "good" if a person in question likes the game in question, or into "terrible" or "abysmal" if he hates the game in question. And they have an absolutely massive audience that likes their games.

              • 2 years ago

                >the game's reputation was massively fricked by incredibly woke source material compared to Kingmaker, which was adapted into the game.
                This is the only place I've heard people complain about that, we're a small subset of rpg fans.
                I think WOTR is pretty highly regarded for the most part, with only the most autistic of autists sperging about Irabeth and her lover whose name I don't even remember.

              • 2 years ago

                You obviously didn't read Steam comments on release, and didn't see how its Steam score dropped over a few days. Rpgcodex is also very lukewarm towards WotR, though it's mostly noticeable because of one obsessed Larian autist who made a thread to cherrypick cringe lines.
                Though Owlcat certainly needs to hire MUCH better translators.

              • 2 years ago

                pretty sure a lot of the text was never touched by a translator

              • 2 years ago

                Outside of the bitter crazies I would say the current word-of-mouth reception for Owlcat is really good now that the worst bugs for the Pathfinder games are fixed. Similar to how New Vegas is still discussed and very popular now with people even though at release it was criticized heavily for endless bugs.

                Outside of the dumb woke shit (which most people can handle even if they dislike it) I think they show competency in good RPG design and writing so I'm thinking Rogue Trader will be good.

                Your point about Larian is good too, they tend to get a pass for shit writing since they put a lot of effort into their game and the combat is solid and engaging. I think if Baldur's Gate 3 holds up in the writing department through all the acts they will explode in popularity as right now they're leaning more heavily on tabletop RPG and turn based combat fans but they don't have the "I'm in it for the story" or Waifu-ism romance fantasy people on board yet since their writing is barebones and silly. Being grounded in a more established setting will probably help them a lot with that, as the Divinity setting is very barebones and I'm not sure if they're ever going to flesh it out comprehensively like Pathfinder or Dungeons and Dragons are.

              • 2 years ago

                >since you fail even at the most simple observations
                He is absolutely in the right. If you search the catalog for any of the relevant keywords, you won't find a thread about either of the two games you're salivating about.
                It's only your fault for not making properly named threads.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh wait, I'm not 100% correct. You can actually find the first PoE thread by searching "Deadfire".
                Guess neither of us cares about Deadfire enough to keep this game's name in mind.

              • 2 years ago

                while i did search for several different terms like that, i'll be honest that i completely forgot about deadfire

    • 2 years ago

      this is objectively not true PoE threads are constantly up and usually hit bump limit

      pic rel filename
      you see how hard it is for us non-morons to communicate with the likes of yours, since you fail even at the most simple observations and continue to fester in your delusions?

      ergo you are delusional

      • 2 years ago

        Half of that PoE thread is seething schizos telling normal people how much they hate pathfinder.

        • 2 years ago

          they have to bond over something

        • 2 years ago

          >half of pathfinder thread is normal people telling seething schizos how much they hate pathfinder
          on a serious note that's not what is actually happening
          there is an obsessed shizo or two with passionate hatred for PoE/Josh who can't skip a PoE thread if their life depended on it
          so any long-living PoE thread is intruded with a nonsense blabbering shizo sooner or later, and his/their idiotic claims successfully bait people. It appears that said shizo/shizos are fans of pathfinder, so these conversations tend to gravitate to comparison of PoE and pathfinder

          People who disliked pathfinder on the other hand, tend to not join in pathfinder threads (because we are not shizos) and such clashes outside PoE threads are mostly contained to recommendation threads, like this one. Yes, in case you forgot, this is a recommendation thread, not a pathfinder general. People are just vocalizing their opinions

          • 2 years ago

            you might not think yourself a schizo, and you might ignore schizo rage against pathfinder, but it gets plenty of it anyway, just look at this thread

            • 2 years ago

              >just look at this thread
              man do I get a feeling of speaking to a brick wall
              >I'm about to get into Pathfinder. Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?
              people are warning a newcomer against going with pathfinder

              • 2 years ago

                >the spastic rage is not spastic because we're not in a general

              • 2 years ago

                Only spastic rage here is from the Pathfinder fans. Follow the trail of replies and you'll see Pathfinder fans flipping out and calling people moronic for finding Pathfinder hard or some shit.
                No really, take a look early on at the frogposter

                The amount of casuals in this thread is unironically baffling

                You guys think pathfinder is a hard game that requires minmaxing? I knew that almost all or you were bad at video games but holy frick

                Play anything that you want op. All cRPGs are piss easy on normal difficulties anyways. Unless you are as bad at video games as the rest of the people here (which is entirely possible)
                In that case something like Baldurs Gate 1 would be a good start

                Get a load of this moron also. Recommending BG2 over BG1
                The absolute state of vrpg, kek


                All these fricking losers don't know what they're talking about. This was my intro to any true cRPG other than like fricking Shadowrun or Morrowind and I loved it. Just start with turn based mode and look up a video or two explaining the basic mechanics. There's literally a free respec option just make sure you turn it on in options. Also make sure you learn about the d20, d6, d8, etc. if you don't already know because that can be confusing for a cRPG newcomer.

                and then the posts recommending against Pathfinder

                If you're a beginner I wouldn't start with Pathfinder.

                If you do want to get into this series. PLEASE learn how the mechanics work. That is the only way you'll get anything close to a pleasant experience. I would recommend looking up optimized builds and choosing one that looks cool to you. Also use the Bag of Tricks mod. Will save you a bunch of headaches in the long run.


                >I'm about to get into Pathfinder. Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?

                Yeah, don't start or play Pathfinder.
                Not only was it poorly designed and paced to the point of being newcomer friendly, it's even less friendly to people not familiar with the Pathfinder rules.

                You'd be better off playing either of these instead
                >baldur's gate 2
                >pillars of eternity deadfire
                >icewind dale 2 (on easy, the game was overtuned)

              • 2 years ago

                those people are advocating from the assumption that any player is like them, completely casual and helpless, it's no surprise some dude got mad at them

              • 2 years ago

                >those people are advocating from the assumption that any player is like them, completely casual and helpless
                No. You're the one making assumptions. Right now you assumed they were talking about themselves.
                Analyzing the game and comparing it to contemporaries is what you should do. You know, something a rational level headed (not you) person can do.

                But I'll stop wasting my time here, since you're clearly a huge fan of making baseless assumptions and sperging out.

              • 2 years ago

                >Right now you assumed they were talking about themselves.
                no i didn't, it seems you just made an assumption about me anon 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                >no i didn't
                I quote you here

                those people are advocating from the assumption that any player is like them, completely casual and helpless, it's no surprise some dude got mad at them

                >"those people are advocating from the assumption that any player is like them, completely casual and helpless"
                If that isn't you making assumptions about them with that very concrete statement you would need to have factual evidence that it was indeed what they did. Which you do not have.

                So unless you present evidence, it was in fact an assumption made on your part, that was presented as fact.

                But we both know you will reply with another shitpost. Pathfinder fans can't actually discuss things after all.

              • 2 years ago

                it says nowhere in that quote that they're talking about themselves 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                As i said, a shitpost, as befitting Pathfinder fandrones.

                >"those people are advocating from the assumption"
                The only "people" mentioned were in

                Only spastic rage here is from the Pathfinder fans. Follow the trail of replies and you'll see Pathfinder fans flipping out and calling people moronic for finding Pathfinder hard or some shit.
                No really, take a look early on at the frogposter [...] or [...]
                and then the posts recommending against Pathfinder [...] or [...]

                . 4 posts were linked. Since you said people, that means more than 1.
                Your statement and context
                >advocating from the assumption that any player is like them, completely casual and helpless, it's no surprise some dude got mad at them
                Makes it clear this is not about the latter posters. Meaning it's the first 2 linked posts (i.e. "people") were the ones you said advocated for what you claimed.

                Ergo, you were factually the only one that made assumptions. Now that I factually proved your moronation you can keep shitposting till your hearts content, as all Pathfinder fanboys do.

              • 2 years ago

                it still doesn't say anywhere in that text that they're talking about themselves 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                >advocating from the assumption that any player is like them, completely casual and helpless
                "advocating from the assumption that any player is LIKE THEM, completely casual and helpless"
                Keep embarrassing yourself with your delusion an illiteracy, you're good at it.

              • 2 years ago

                that's still not them talking about themselves 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                it says nowhere in that quote that they're talking about themselves 🙂

                it still doesn't say anywhere in that text that they're talking about themselves 🙂

                Anon, stop, you're mindbreaking him.

              • 2 years ago

                It's literally the Pathfinder fanboys, like you, that sperged out over the tiniest things in this very thread. You did it right now again.

                Someone effectively said
                >X isn't a good entrypoint into CRPGs
                You can your fanboy buddies flipped out because you interpreted it as someone """hating""" on sometihng you like. Since you emotionally attach yourself to a product you take it as a personal attack and get upset. This is behavior that would be acceptable for a 6 year old, which you're clearly not.
                Now you'll reply with another overemotional and upset reply.

                >no i didn't
                I quote you here [...]
                >"those people are advocating from the assumption that any player is like them, completely casual and helpless"
                If that isn't you making assumptions about them with that very concrete statement you would need to have factual evidence that it was indeed what they did. Which you do not have.

                So unless you present evidence, it was in fact an assumption made on your part, that was presented as fact.

                But we both know you will reply with another shitpost. Pathfinder fans can't actually discuss things after all.

                [Autism beam noises]

              • 2 years ago

                >any player is like them, completely casual and helpless
                here we go again..
                >the games has these objective flaws that make it bad for newcomers to the genre and overall not as great as other better games in the genre
                >YOU ARE A CASUALL!111
                no bro, it's just that what pathfinder games have to offer doesn't overweight their flaws for me
                I've quite playing pathfinder because I found myself being bored with it, not because I couldn't progress

              • 2 years ago

                >objective flaws
                there are none, after the game stopped being bugged there are only subjective flaws left, i think you not understanding the difference between those two is the reason you get into stupid arguments like this

                I'm not reading this thread, how do you win an argument by cutting off your dick?

                i don't know, you tell me, troony, lmao

              • 2 years ago

                >there are none
                I guess the shitty writing magically got patched out and replaced with something better. Same with the quest design. So where can I play that patched version of the game?

              • 2 years ago

                the stilted dialogue is not an objective flaw, some people are fine with it or don't give a shit, which proves it doesn't affect the core ability to enjoy the game, the way gamebreaking bugs do

                i don't even know what your problem with quest design is, are you okay

              • 2 years ago

                >shit writing is not an objective flaw
                >in a story driven game
                >a game where you have to roleplay
                >In a genre where the story takes precedent
                Okay I'm out

              • 2 years ago

                it's not shit writing, it's inexperienced ESL writing; they have a good point to make, you just have to stop being autistic about expecting a mainstream novel's editing quality to appreciate it

              • 2 years ago

                >just lower you expectations bro
                How about no

              • 2 years ago

                if you want a novel, then go read a novel, but don't pretend everyone else should be equally autistic about some idiom used wrong in a video game as you are

              • 2 years ago

                I just wanted decent writing. Not a fricking Shakespearian play. Is that too much ask? Do you excuse shit writing in every RPG you play?

              • 2 years ago

                the content of the writing is decent, the manner of the writing is ESL, those are two different things

              • 2 years ago

                The content of writing is about on par with Owlcat's ESL translation.

              • 2 years ago

                i strongly disagree, but that perception is more understandable if you only played the beginning of kingmaker

                i was very impressed with kingmaker's writing, but the payoff happens really late, when you realize how many plots by supernatural buttholes you were seeing the signs of all along

              • 2 years ago

                >i was very impressed with kingmaker's writing,
                Ah, so you have low standards.

              • 2 years ago

                you know, even a snipe like that is actually your admission that writing quality is, in fact, a subjective flaw 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                So we're back at square one now.

              • 2 years ago

                i'm glad you agree 🙂

                Yes the writing in Kingmaker is way stronger than most of its contemporaries on an emotional and macro big picture standpoint. Larian can write but focuses too much on tedious humour and their lawls kill whoever you want approach handicaps a lot of the stories they try to tell due to simple dev production feasibility plus in OS2 they flat out just stopped giving a shit by Arx. Bioware's a shambling corpse, Bethesda and Emil are still huffing those paint fumes, and the less said about nu-Obsidian the better

                yeah, it's just sad that people give up before then payoff even happens and then whine online how cliche the kingmaker story is, when it's actually anything but

              • 2 years ago

                Yes the writing in Kingmaker is way stronger than most of its contemporaries on an emotional and macro big picture standpoint. Larian can write but focuses too much on tedious humour and their lawls kill whoever you want approach handicaps a lot of the stories they try to tell due to simple dev production feasibility plus in OS2 they flat out just stopped giving a shit by Arx. Bioware's a shambling corpse, Bethesda and Emil are still huffing those paint fumes, and the less said about nu-Obsidian the better

              • 2 years ago

                Unfortunately, Owlcat writes their characters in a very infantile way to the point where it's hilarious and hard to actually take seriously. It's one of the many reasons why I find it hard to actually get invested in anything. Doesn't help that the world just feels slapped together with no rhyme or reason.

              • 2 years ago

                that character was actually written by paizo as a stronk woman and owlcat decided to infantilize her, i would think people here could appreciate that

              • 2 years ago

                I would appreciate a character that doesn't seem like they were dropped on their head as a baby.

              • 2 years ago

                I would appreciate a character that doesn't seem like they were dropped on their head as a baby.

                Did you make the same crying wojak face while playing BG1 or Drakensangs?

              • 2 years ago

                I never played Drakensangs. Who are you even talking about?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm talking about companions in those games in general, but the very first companion in The Dark Eye is a very similar comical grug amazon with a boner for honor, who shits on your thief for being a comical sissy womanizer.
                And both Drakensangs are great, though The River of Time is a huge improvement over the first game.

              • 2 years ago

                i love amiri, I'm so pissed you can't romance her

              • 2 years ago

                >stopped being bugged
                in chapter 1 if you fail to catch up on tartulito the evil gnome in the ruins and fail to follow his trail the only way to progress the main quest is to go to Old Sycamore, meet the messenger, than leave Old Sycamore and without any context a pine patch location will be now visible on the world map, which you have to go to, then return to Old Sycamore and now the dungeon, the entrance to which was totally visible before but wasn't accessible for no apparent reason, is going to become accessible .. for no apparent reason

                the messenger doesn't reveal the location of tartletinio, the encounter with the gnome-kobold crossdresser doesn't reveal why the dungeon should be accessible now, there is just no explanation at all. if this isn't an 'objective' flaw by your standards, I'd like to know what is

                >there are only subjective flaws left
                I got to admit from a philosophical point of view, you got me there
                on the other hand in the real world this makes any discussion or comparison meaningless
                >is a dish from a Michelin-star restaurant better than a hot-dog from a stand?
                >no it's all subjective

              • 2 years ago

                the first time i got to the old sycamore on my very first run, i just did it by pure exploration without knowing i should be there yet, and i distinctly remember realizing that there must be a lot more to the map for whatever reason

                the bug you reference isn't something i've come across myself, however i wouldn't call it gamebreaking to miss out on some instructions on where to go look for the gnome, since it's not like you have many options anyway at that stage in the game

                >>is a dish from a Michelin-star restaurant better than a hot-dog from a stand?
                >>no it's all subjective
                see, i still find this sad because every time someone says something about the story being bad and cliche i know they never made it far into the game, kingmaker has one of the best stories in crpgs, it just doesn't become obvious until later on

              • 2 years ago

                >kingmaker has one of the best stories in crpgs, it just doesn't become obvious until later on
                Not just that, Inconsequential Debates is legitimately one of the best side quests in the genre. It has so many possible ways to go, and all of them are equally fun.

              • 2 years ago

                >i know they never made it far into the game, kingmaker has one of the best stories in crpgs
                well maybe more people would make it far into the game if it was overall better designed and people wouldn't bore out of it by chapter 2

                the undead are from a graveyard that the cleric was using for troops, isn't it?

                and the animals were there because the other bandits were disposing of corpses on the other side of the fort, thus attracting scavengers

                anyway, what about the ability to talk your way into the fort in kingmaker? what about the ability to make a giant monster inside your ally? what about the ability to sabotage the wine shipments to the fort, making the fight easier? what about the option to stealthily take out most of the opposition before starting the fight?

                i think you're ignoring a lot here

                >the undead are from a graveyard that the cleric was using for troops, isn't it?
                I just recently retried playing PKM and I don't think there is a narrative explanation for undead
                even if there is one as you say, it kinda seems lazy, just loitering in front of the fortress? in PoE the necromancer hides them in the sewers dungeon, much more appropriate if you ask me
                >talk your way in
                as I said both have several entry points, some with combat, some with skill checks
                >giant ally
                as I said, both have allies. but Ok, I don't think you can get a fighting help in PoE, we can give a point to pkm sure, that makes it 4 to 1
                >stealthily take out
                again stealth fights are possible in PoE as well, I don't see how that is unique to Staglord's fort
                >i think you're ignoring a lot here
                you are free to help me out

              • 2 years ago

                >as I said, both have allies. but Ok, I don't think you can get a fighting help in PoE, we can give a point to pkm sure, that makes it 4 to 1
                not the same thing, you start with allies from earlier outside, but inside the fort you can make friends with the owlbear

                >you claimed the quests were bad because they were mmo fetch quests, moron
                Because they are. Good of you to pay attention this time.

                >refuse to elaborate
                Uh huh, sure. Meanwhile you handwave everything anyone says away and shitposts instead. You don't actually want to discuss this, just fanboy out and tell people they are wrong about something you love. Because that's what biased irrational fanboys do.
                Try pulling that Owlcat wiener out of your mouth for one second, your brain needs some air.

                >Because they are. Good of you to pay attention this time.
                and you can give no examples, you're just shitposting

              • 2 years ago

                >give no examples of specific quests and doing a detailed breakdown of each quest
                >which would require not only having played the game very recently but having actually choosing to play all the most awful quests, especially fetch quest ones, instead of outright not doing them because they suck
                >this means the pathfinder quest design is amazing 🙂

                I stand corrected, you also need to become familiar with your insane cognitive bias problem.

              • 2 years ago

                >he's telling other people they have cognitive biases when it was hours ago now that it was demonstrated all his assertions are baseless

              • 2 years ago

                >another logical fallacy over rational or logical discussion
                I'm sure you think what you said is somehow not utterly useless and irrelevant.

              • 2 years ago

                just to be clear I wasn't trying to apply the hot-dog stand metaphor directly to poe vs pkm
                I think the difference in quality is much less but poe is the clear winner for most players

                I'm just trying to make a point that saying everything is subjective is moronic take in practice while being technically true

              • 2 years ago

                consider the following, both games have a fortress quests in chapter 1 with many similarities
                the Staglord's fortress and Raedric's Hold
                both have several entrances, both [can] have undercover allies that aid you, both have undead, both have several entry points etc.

                Now let's see the differences
                1) the undead in Raedric's hold sewers are there because he has a necromancer working for him to create an undead army, you can have an encounter with the necromancer and ether confront her all avoid the fight depending on the skill check
                but why the frick are there undead loitering in front of staglord's fort?
                point goes for poe
                2) both undead and animal mobs in front of staglord's fort are literally the same type of trash mob, with no variety or any necessity to do any kind of threat-control during the battle with them since they are all the same
                point goes for poe
                3) PoE has a stealth option with dressing as acolytes of Berath
                point goes to PoE for variety
                4) PoE levels actually have different rooms and corridors, multiple ways to transfer from one map to another, Pathfinder's level is just a flat map with a wall and a 3 room fort

                PoE leads by 4 points in level design

              • 2 years ago

                the undead are from a graveyard that the cleric was using for troops, isn't it?

                and the animals were there because the other bandits were disposing of corpses on the other side of the fort, thus attracting scavengers

                anyway, what about the ability to talk your way into the fort in kingmaker? what about the ability to make a giant monster inside your ally? what about the ability to sabotage the wine shipments to the fort, making the fight easier? what about the option to stealthily take out most of the opposition before starting the fight?

                i think you're ignoring a lot here

              • 2 years ago

                I also want to mention that hanging people and murdering his own wife in desperate attempt to deal with the hollowborn curse creates more incentive for the player to deal with Raedric and is a better backstory of an evil lord overall compared to comical backstory of staglord
                >killed a guy at a river crossing
                >was abused by his father boo-who
                >collects taxes from a trading post but we want to be the ones collecting taxes
                >some green b***h said 'please'
                and even then there is an option to join Raedric's side nevertheless
                another 2 points for narrative design (although I do admit the last one is sketchy since staglord is a part of a main quest which is understandably more railroaded)

              • 2 years ago

                >I also want to mention that hanging people and murdering his own wife in desperate attempt to deal with the hollowborn curse creates more incentive for the player to deal with Raedric
                Very moronic take. A normal traveler in search for a place to settle has no reason to storm a heavily armed castle to save some shithole full of dumbfricks, unless you're roleplaying Shizu. -20 points for narrative design.
                On the other hand, a mercenary who was hired to kill a bandit lord in exchange for his riches and a chance to become nobility has a very good reason to go after said bandit lord, while deliberately weakening his presence in the region before the final confrontation. +10 points for narrative design.

              • 2 years ago

                >Very moronic take. A normal traveler in search for a place to settle has no reason to storm a heavily armed castle to save some shithole full of dumbfricks, unless you're roleplaying Shizu. -20 points for narrative design.

                The most effective ways to get a player to care about something is either to cater to their selfishness (that it relatse to is directly beneficial to them) or to present a clear problem that they should solve. A bad ruler that drives people to get hanged en masse from a tree falls pretty well into the latter.
                Also don't bring up narrative design when you don't know what that is.

                The latter part about the bandit is extrinsic motivation, which can be effective to a certain extent, but intrinsically motivated content is by far more effective and engaging.

              • 2 years ago

                I see pathfinder shills are reaaaal quite after this post

              • 2 years ago

                That conversation is long over becasue PoE shill got assfricked incredibly hard.

              • 2 years ago

                But the conversation continued?

              • 2 years ago

                >but why the frick are there undead loitering in front of staglord's fort?
                Apparently you missed the part where an undead gives you a quest to avenge him by killing the staglord.

              • 2 years ago

                Always assumed the undead are infront of the staglords fort because they are people he's executed/killed like the guy at the river crossing and the animals are clearly there to eat corpses in the ditch.
                >stealth option
                You can go in the side, recruit his right hand man, release an owlbear/lock it up/enrage it, you can sneak over and kill his lieutenants, recruit a group of malcontents to your side and poison his wine. Or you can just go full tard at the main gate.
                Yes and no. Some maps are super straight forward (most actually) but there are a few decent ones.

                I actually mention the undead at river crossing later on. I don't see how he explains undead loitering about the fort. Could you elaborate? Do you people killed by the staglard get turned into zombies?

              • 2 years ago

                I like PoE, but freeing the owl ear in stag lords fort alone is more impacted than any of the things you can do in raedrics. You're also dishonestly leaving out how you can sneak I to the stag lords fort, approach openly, or recruit a group of his defectors to help you assault his fort. There's also the stag lords right hand man you can convince over to your side, and the poisoned wine option, etc.

              • 2 years ago

                Always assumed the undead are infront of the staglords fort because they are people he's executed/killed like the guy at the river crossing and the animals are clearly there to eat corpses in the ditch.
                >stealth option
                You can go in the side, recruit his right hand man, release an owlbear/lock it up/enrage it, you can sneak over and kill his lieutenants, recruit a group of malcontents to your side and poison his wine. Or you can just go full tard at the main gate.
                Yes and no. Some maps are super straight forward (most actually) but there are a few decent ones.

                Things you comment on have already been discussed, i do not find it convincing. Except for the owlbear, since you really can't get any battle aiding allies on the boss battle in redrics hold. Once again this was already noted

                You are intentionally trying to over-list things too cheat pkm into getting more points.

                Do you really need to point out things like approaching groups of enemies in stealth is possible ? Do you really think this is unique to pkm?

              • 2 years ago

                Do you really think the crap you listed for PoE is unique to PoE? It clearly wasn't since pkm has just as much. You are either a shitposting homosexual who hasn't played pkm or just a tard.

              • 2 years ago

                You better go read those points of my again. I'm giving a fair comparison of two quests, you are the moron that thinks having an option to dispose of enemies group by group should be noted seperatly

              • 2 years ago

                You clearly are not giving a fair comparison, given how you omit several things from pkm as pointed out by several people. Not going to discuss this any further with you because you are obviously just a shitposting tard attempting to antagonize people over stupid shit. I wouldn't be surprised if you enter into poe threads and begin sputtering shit about pkm being a perfect game.

              • 2 years ago

                Lol u mad
                No i really am fair
                The points you are trying to make were already discussed, see

                >i know they never made it far into the game, kingmaker has one of the best stories in crpgs
                well maybe more people would make it far into the game if it was overall better designed and people wouldn't bore out of it by chapter 2
                >the undead are from a graveyard that the cleric was using for troops, isn't it?
                I just recently retried playing PKM and I don't think there is a narrative explanation for undead
                even if there is one as you say, it kinda seems lazy, just loitering in front of the fortress? in PoE the necromancer hides them in the sewers dungeon, much more appropriate if you ask me
                >talk your way in
                as I said both have several entry points, some with combat, some with skill checks
                >giant ally
                as I said, both have allies. but Ok, I don't think you can get a fighting help in PoE, we can give a point to pkm sure, that makes it 4 to 1
                >stealthily take out
                again stealth fights are possible in PoE as well, I don't see how that is unique to Staglord's fort
                >i think you're ignoring a lot here
                you are free to help me out

                The owlbear is the only thing pkm has to offer above poe. Every other aspect is inferior. Now we even have moronic take that this alone somehow makes the entire quest line better see

                I like PoE, but freeing the owl ear in stag lords fort alone is more impacted than any of the things you can do in raedrics. You're also dishonestly leaving out how you can sneak I to the stag lords fort, approach openly, or recruit a group of his defectors to help you assault his fort. There's also the stag lords right hand man you can convince over to your side, and the poisoned wine option, etc.

                Also in my recent playthrough defectors and right hand man are a single package, but somehow listed separatly, lol who is dishonest here?

              • 2 years ago

                >single package.
                Liar. You get them separately. You can even kill the defectors when you go to get Svetlanas ring and lose access to them. If you fail the lore religion check you fail to get the right hand man but if you didn't kill the defectors you can still have them side with you. Also if you go with kessles plan to go full tard at the front gate you never get the chance to recruit the right hand man nor do any of the other stuff.
                Again, who is being disingenuous?

              • 2 years ago

                Ok, I checked the wiki on that and it turns out this is actually true to get more guys in the fight you need to spare the chick with Svetlana's ring
                Honest mistake there on my part
                but guess? The wiki states I should have met the defector's if I spared the ring girl (which I did), however in my playthrough she was nowhere to be found on the map. So the game failed to provide context why the right hand turned up with other dudes. it's actually the game's fault lol

              • 2 years ago

                also this wiki run reminded me of another both stupid as well as immersion breaking level-design decisions (just as that bunch of loitering zombies) by the owlcats

                Roedric's fortress has trapped chests, but corridors are only trapped in the sewers, where normal inhabitants do not venture.
                now tell me WTF are those traps? They are right in the middle of the room where staglord partied. Who would set up traps next to his drinking place? there is little game-sense in this as well. Everyone is dead. Such traps are only an annoyance not a challenge. They are only there to cross out "traps" on the to-do list
                that's just a level designer not putting a slightest fricking thought to his work.

                PoE's chapter 1 fortress still leads by 4 points

              • 2 years ago

                >why would a clearly insane and paranoid guy put traps all over his room. It just dosen't make sense!!!!!
                Why would anyone trap their sewer? Seems like a moronic idea, given that nobody should have accesses to it. It's almost like they knew players would go into the sewers.....
                >5 points to gyrfindor!
                Your a homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                anon, you are not intellectually honest with yourself
                why would you want to trick yourself out of all the people?

                no matter how paranoid you are you don't put traps around the same area you hang out about as well your minions
                you got to admit this is beyond moronic
                >Why would anyone trap their sewer?
                because it leads to an opening in the wall, since it has to
                and so it can be used by the enemy/infiltrators etc.
                this is actually logical
                >Your a homosexual.
                stay mad
                I'm just having fun dissecting pkm objective flaws
                which blind fanboys insist "aren't there" lol

              • 2 years ago

                >not having a dinner table with swords, rocks, logs, etc. suspended above each seat, just waiting for a guest/trusted advisor to say something critical about your policies
                You would make a terrible paranoid king.

              • 2 years ago

                >Also in my recent playthrough defectors and right hand man are a single package, but somehow listed separatly, lol who is dishonest here?
                We already know you're lying, and your "recent" playthrough was four years ago. You completely forgot about pretty most of the game, as proven by you calling the very varied and well designed side quest an "mmo fetch quest".

                Ok, I checked the wiki on that and it turns out this is actually true to get more guys in the fight you need to spare the chick with Svetlana's ring
                Honest mistake there on my part
                but guess? The wiki states I should have met the defector's if I spared the ring girl (which I did), however in my playthrough she was nowhere to be found on the map. So the game failed to provide context why the right hand turned up with other dudes. it's actually the game's fault lol

                >The wiki states I should have met the defector's if I spared the ring girl (which I did), however in my playthrough she was nowhere to be found on the map
                >it's actually the game's fault lol
                We already know you're lied ("forgot") on multiple occasions , so I believe you don't have any proofs of that "game's fault"?

                also this wiki run reminded me of another both stupid as well as immersion breaking level-design decisions (just as that bunch of loitering zombies) by the owlcats

                Roedric's fortress has trapped chests, but corridors are only trapped in the sewers, where normal inhabitants do not venture.
                now tell me WTF are those traps? They are right in the middle of the room where staglord partied. Who would set up traps next to his drinking place? there is little game-sense in this as well. Everyone is dead. Such traps are only an annoyance not a challenge. They are only there to cross out "traps" on the to-do list
                that's just a level designer not putting a slightest fricking thought to his work.

                PoE's chapter 1 fortress still leads by 4 points

                >just as that bunch of loitering zombies
                You're literally asked by the other zombie to kill the Staglord. His victims, obviously - probably resurrected by the fey.
                >WTF are those traps?
                To keep bandits from entering, and Staglord's father from escaping and attacking him.
                >PoE's chapter 1 fortress still leads by 4 points
                You lost 20 points for a disaster narrative design, so PoE's fortress is losing by a landslide.

              • 2 years ago

                Frick, too many typos. That's what I get for sleepyposting.

              • 2 years ago

                Too many typos, too much seething
                ... so little sense
                Nice undead fanfiction i have to admit
                It would actually be nice if you could overhear bandits commenting on why the frick do the killed get raised as zombies, maybe some note or something
                Alas the devs just didn't care
                -500 narrative design points for pkm :^)

                Also I'm not the mmo fetch quest anon

              • 2 years ago

                >Also I'm not the mmo fetch quest anon
                Good for you, +40 Ganker points for not being an obsessed autist.
                -5 narrative points to Kingmaker, since those zombies are indeed not explained properly.

                >Also in my recent playthrough defectors and right hand man are a single package, but somehow listed separatly, lol who is dishonest here?
                We already know you're lying, and your "recent" playthrough was four years ago. You completely forgot about pretty most of the game, as proven by you calling the very varied and well designed side quest an "mmo fetch quest".
                >The wiki states I should have met the defector's if I spared the ring girl (which I did), however in my playthrough she was nowhere to be found on the map
                >it's actually the game's fault lol
                We already know you're lied ("forgot") on multiple occasions , so I believe you don't have any proofs of that "game's fault"?
                >just as that bunch of loitering zombies
                You're literally asked by the other zombie to kill the Staglord. His victims, obviously - probably resurrected by the fey.
                >WTF are those traps?
                To keep bandits from entering, and Staglord's father from escaping and attacking him.
                >PoE's chapter 1 fortress still leads by 4 points
                You lost 20 points for a disaster narrative design, so PoE's fortress is losing by a landslide.

                +100 Ganker points for being correct, -20 points for typos though.

                anon, you are not intellectually honest with yourself
                why would you want to trick yourself out of all the people?

                no matter how paranoid you are you don't put traps around the same area you hang out about as well your minions
                you got to admit this is beyond moronic
                >Why would anyone trap their sewer?
                because it leads to an opening in the wall, since it has to
                and so it can be used by the enemy/infiltrators etc.
                this is actually logical
                >Your a homosexual.
                stay mad
                I'm just having fun dissecting pkm objective flaws
                which blind fanboys insist "aren't there" lol

                -500 Ganker points for being an obsessed autist.

              • 2 years ago

                Always assumed the undead are infront of the staglords fort because they are people he's executed/killed like the guy at the river crossing and the animals are clearly there to eat corpses in the ditch.
                >stealth option
                You can go in the side, recruit his right hand man, release an owlbear/lock it up/enrage it, you can sneak over and kill his lieutenants, recruit a group of malcontents to your side and poison his wine. Or you can just go full tard at the main gate.
                Yes and no. Some maps are super straight forward (most actually) but there are a few decent ones.

              • 2 years ago

                Please, stop sperging out, it's embarassing. Those are normal Ganker posts, you don't have to get upset because a few of them are rude.
                Everyone already understands how much you dislike pathfinder, you can return to your safe space.

              • 2 years ago

                It's literally the Pathfinder fanboys, like you, that sperged out over the tiniest things in this very thread. You did it right now again.

                Someone effectively said
                >X isn't a good entrypoint into CRPGs
                You can your fanboy buddies flipped out because you interpreted it as someone """hating""" on sometihng you like. Since you emotionally attach yourself to a product you take it as a personal attack and get upset. This is behavior that would be acceptable for a 6 year old, which you're clearly not.
                Now you'll reply with another overemotional and upset reply.

            • 2 years ago

              The catalog has two shitposting bait threads about Pathfinder right now. And the anon in question is a good example of a seething schizo who just can't let go.
              I didn't really enjoy PoE, didn't play Deadfire at all, and dropped DOS2 somewhere in the beginning of act 1, but I never find myself coming in their threads to complain about those games for hours. I just didn't like them, though many people did.

              • 2 years ago

                pretty much the same for me yeah, but the other guy is right that this isn't exactly a general for any game, even if it's distinctly more about pathfinder than anything else

          • 2 years ago

            >People who disliked pathfinder on the other hand, tend to not join in pathfinder threads
            That would be me. I don't like either of the Pathfinder games, but I also don't see the point in going into threads and making it known to everyone how much I don't like them or something. Seems like a waste of energy and I'm not the type of person who likes shitting up threads. If people enjoy them, good on them. They just aren't for me. Can't really say the same for people who seem to hate PoE, as they want everyone to know how much disdain they hold for the series.

  29. 2 years ago


    They are good entry points because they are good games.
    And the cycle of shitposting begins anew.

  30. 2 years ago

    if the game is so buggy still it shouldn't be that hard to name a couple of easily reproducible bugs to prove your point, shouldn't it

  31. 2 years ago

    did they ever explain why they think it's fine for crane wing to not work like the description says
    I heard they said it was "their implementation" of pathfinder rules but if that was true and not a bug they refuse to fix surely they would have at least updated the description in wrath, but they didn't

    • 2 years ago

      they have a few places where they deliberately go full moron like that, another is refusing to implement really basic and easy to code metamagic feats

      if you hate it then mod it

  32. 2 years ago

    Does anyone know how to manually trigger throne room events?

  33. 2 years ago

    For Ekun, deadly aim, hammer the gap or improved critical?

    • 2 years ago

      I would start with improved critical, if there's nothing else left. Deadly aim is good, considering his high attack against most common enemy types, but I never really had damage issues with buffed Ekun (except Spawn of Rovagug, which resists almost every damage type).
      Did you get Shatter Defenses already? I would take Deadly Aim after it.

      • 2 years ago

        so weapon focus longbow -> dazzling -> shatter?

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, just make sure you have a resident disploomer to make enemies shaken. Shatter is incredibly good for landing subsequent attacks.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh yes, I expect you got rapid aim and multishot already. Shatter is mostly good when you have a lot of attacks, and rapid aim requires a good chance to hit, which is easy to achieve with Shatter.
          Improved Invisibility is also a fantastic buff to further increase your chance to hit against high AC enemies, don't ignore it. And enlarging spells increase Ekun's bow damage dice.

          • 2 years ago

            you mean greater invisibility? I can get that from Octavia

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, that one. Make sure your party has at least one caster with this spell, and keep it for the tough fights.
              If you're using anyone with a touch attack (like an alchemist, energy type kineticist or a lategame magus), they can hit pretty much anything under Greater Invisibility. For Ekun it's a very good extra chance to hit, for Nok-Nok it's a mincemeat machine mode.

  34. 2 years ago

    >another pathfinder thread.
    >another thread full of babbling morons pretending their hatred for the games is completely normal and not driven by autism.
    I honestly don't understand why anyone would join a thread about a game they don't like just to cry about how much the game sucks for days on end.

    • 2 years ago

      This happens for every rpg series. Pillars, Pathfinder, Divinity, Elder Scrolls, even Baldur's Gate. For some reason the genre seems to attract the most unhinged schizos and autists who want to make sure that everybody knows how much they hate x game or series.

    • 2 years ago

      becauuuuse uhhhh... this isn't a thread about pathfinder! this is uhhh... it's a suggestion thread! the OP was clearly looking for suggestions to NOT do what he intends to do! it's so obvious anon, how can't you see something so obvious, you are so stupid haha~

    • 2 years ago

      Welcome to /vrpg/

      • 2 years ago

        This happens for every rpg series. Pillars, Pathfinder, Divinity, Elder Scrolls, even Baldur's Gate. For some reason the genre seems to attract the most unhinged schizos and autists who want to make sure that everybody knows how much they hate x game or series.

        more like anything on Ganker and its many equally moronic descendants

    • 2 years ago

      >pretending their hatred for the games is completely normal and not driven by autism.
      Rather paranoid Pathfinder fanboys think everyone baselessly hates a game they like.
      Pathfinder fans are clearly rational and capable of logical discussion as well, as this thread clearly showcases.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. It show cases your autism.

  35. 2 years ago


    >loses all arguments
    >starts whining about trannies
    like pottery

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not reading this thread, how do you win an argument by cutting off your dick?

  36. 2 years ago

    Play Planescape instead.
    even Tyranny

  37. 2 years ago

    I'm on BG1 as my frist CRPG and I'm going to be honest about PKM vs. POE.
    POE looks more interesting in terms of worldbuilding and lore and probably overall story and settings, beauty and grandeur.
    But PKM just look soooooo appealing with creating characters, forming your party, creating their stats, roleplaying your entire party, using your imagination, thinking about builds and synergies, and using combat with all of them. The menus to me look the best of any CRPG I have seen. There's just so much to dive into and think about and consider. Then put it all into action through adventure and combat. The story, lore and worldbuilding don't look great like POE, but you can roleplay your own adventure to a high degree. Wraith Of The Righteous looks just as great in a more mainstream way.

    I'm excited to try both PKM and POE (and PWOTW, POE2) after I finish BG1 and BG2 (these feel like long games help me,) and for the most polished CRPG and mainstream CRPG experience, there will be Baldur's Gate 3 that could be out of Early Access when I'm finished with all of these games. My PC might struggle with BG3 though.

    • 2 years ago

      >But PKM just look soooooo appealing with creating characters, forming your party, creating their stats, roleplaying your entire party, using your imagination, thinking about builds and synergies

      You can do this in PoE as well, not sure I follow.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm sincerely glad you are optimistic and can enjoy different games this genre for those specific games have to offer.
      God speed anon

    • 2 years ago

      Based rpg enjoyer unphased by the clinically insane tards trying to derail any discussion about rpgs on /vrpg/. You sir are a shining example of what this board needs more of.

    • 2 years ago

      This has to be one of the most positive posts I've ever seen on this board. I hope you enjoy your time with all those games anon.

    • 2 years ago

      Nice answers like these aren't welcome here.

    • 2 years ago

      the setting is what choked out all my enjoyment of poe when i tried playing it, it was just so bland and grey on grey, there was nothing to like

  38. 2 years ago

    One of the biggest flaws in this game series is that characters tend to talk for paragraph upon paragraph without saying anything remotely interesting. Less is more sometimes.

    • 2 years ago

      In my experience that only happens when you go talk to them in the home base. When conversations happen in story-relevant moments it's fine.

  39. 2 years ago

    >I"m so pretty but I want to be a man instead!
    >the tribe wanted me to be a woman but I fight like a man instead!
    there are no women in this poz

  40. 2 years ago

    I've started playing this last Friday and I'm having the time of my life. Even the "tedious" kingdom management shit is a lot of fun to me. Not sure if I maybe regret my class choice tho. Wanted to make a heavy hitter monk but he's not dealing as much damage as I'd like to. Gonna keep going and see if that changes anytime soon. Also, is being a Lich in WotR as cool as it sounds?

    • 2 years ago

      Lich is fun. I'm doing my first run as a heavy armor melee lich and it's neat. Vampiric blade, bone shield and tons of necromantic spells make it fun.

      • 2 years ago

        Can anyone playing lich tell me what happens if you don't complete the ritual at the end to go full lich? Is that even an option?

  41. 2 years ago


    poe is too balanced for buildcraft to matter or fun to be possible

  42. 2 years ago

    Why don't they put in a feature to let you skip the boring pre-game stuff (everything before the kingdom/campaign) once you've played through it once?

  43. 2 years ago

    How much time do i have to reach Drezen? Heard that there some quests that are time sensitive.

    • 2 years ago

      There are no time limits in act 2 besides the crusade morale

  44. 2 years ago

    Once again i suffer with the inability of waifuing black qweens. Frick you Owlcat.

  45. 2 years ago

    Kingmaker is my first CRPG, just kinda assumed my knowledge of TRPGs transferred over, and it mostly did.

    Main beef is it's glitchy as frick and I keep hearing the same voice clips over and over

    I guess it's easy to frick up a build and there are some things where you really gotta pay attention to enemies and statuses or whatever

    The difficulty is pretty rough though. The Troll shit and the bloom fights are annoying as frick. Armag was also an butthole. A few characters feel like duds unless you really go for a specific build.

    I hope WotR is better cause I don't feel like waiting for BG3

    • 2 years ago

      >Main beef is it's glitchy as frick
      Mostly if not completely fixed in KM by now. The release and its first year was honestly fricking unbearable and sometimes actually unbearable, though. Just the memories of having to run through my capital every single fricking time I went in there still shakes my sanity.
      >I guess it's easy to frick up a build and there are some things where you really gotta pay attention to enemies and statuses or whatever
      Depends on the difficulty you're playing. If you're doing Core then you're expected to actually pay attention to the combat and know counter strategies to status ailments and whatnot. You'd be surprised how much leeway you get with suboptimal builds provided you're not picking Unarmed Strike focus for Wizards or some asinine shit. Going pure in one class is pretty much moron proof and works. Dipping is for when you know the system and intend to "abuse" it.
      >I hope WotR is better
      It is in some regards. It's infinitely more polished than KM at launch, however low that bar is. I feel like it's more "organic" than KM because you can "frick up" more storywise. There are companions that can just frick off for half the game, get imprisoned by you, be justly executed on the spot and so on.
      Still somewhat buggy though, like how my character was stuck in a "sitting down and drinking" animation throughout his entire coronation. Pic related
      I ain't touching that until they add Paladin. It's a fricking sin that they added fricking gn*mes before it.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know, this definitely isn't "completely fixed". I've had spells not activate and turns get thrown into the abyss for no reason, I've have weird glitches leveling up, and dialog will regularly pop up before it's supposed to (usually, I'll talk to someone, advance the text, then the text cuts away for a camera move, then the text pops back up). There's other shit that I've seen, like villagers glitching out in the capital, that just feel like the game isn't exactly finished, but it's the combat frickups and occasional level up frickery that bums me out the most

        • 2 years ago

          turnbased is a later addon and they didn't bother to fix it up as well as the launchstate game

        • 2 years ago

          Turn based glitches aside, since KM does not do well with it, I don't know what to tell you regarding your other problems except you got unlucky. I did a second run like a year or so ago and I don't think I encountered a single bug except for characters walking through each other in "cutscenes" because there's a wandering NPC or something in their path.
          >I'll talk to someone, advance the text, then the text cuts away for a camera move, then the text pops back up)
          I don't think that's a bug, I'm pretty sure their intention was to have you look away from the dialog box to see the 3d models move or something like that.

          • 2 years ago

            No, I mean

            >character says line A
            >advance dialog
            >character says line B for a few frames, then dialog disappears
            >camera moves
            >line B reappears

            It happens every time.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about. No example comes to my head rn, but it's like
              >My baron this dude is here to see you
              >Ok send him in
              >dialogue box disappears
              >camera pans out to someone walking in
              >they reach their spot
              >camera in between you and them
              >dialogue box comes back up

  46. 2 years ago

    Did anyone else not realize this guy was supposed to be Nyrissa's heavy hitter at first? I legitimately thought he was just another goatman with an upscaled model.

    • 2 years ago

      Did you play Varnhold's Lot? He is portrayed as a legitimate threat you don't have even a slightest chance to defeat.

      • 2 years ago

        Not until after I finished the game and he was revealed to be a big flaming shitposter, at which point I realized he was supposed to be important this whole time

  47. 2 years ago

    Can't stop wondering what would Ember do if some crusader walked right into her and asked politely if he can have sex with her. My guess is that she would say yes. After all she let people stone her on a daily basis in Kenabres.

    • 2 years ago

      >no bug eyes

    • 2 years ago

      dubs dont lie so probably, yeah. although most crusaders seem to think shes either gross/crazy or a new saint. Plus she works directly under the commander so it'd take a very special type or crazy to try and ask her

  48. 2 years ago

    >Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?
    All of the things that you think might matter, like the duration of light sources, do not. It is a children's game, do not play it as a mans game.

  49. 2 years ago

    Anyone knows if weapon focus and weapon training stack?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, obviously.

  50. 2 years ago

    What the frick is form of the dragon, dude

    Do they mean dragonkind?

    • 2 years ago


  51. 2 years ago

    Read a guide at every second, I missed 90% of my mandatory class equipment just because I am taking the wrong decisions every time and I'm at the endgame with a +1 weapon

    • 2 years ago

      just clear the game and prove you don't need shitty toys to be great

    • 2 years ago

      >In the end game with +1 weapon
      The absolute state of a modern gamer

      • 2 years ago

        the only good greatsword that isn't artisan gacha is locked behind killing Dugath who is a friendly npc

    • 2 years ago

      the vendors sell up to +4 weapons at the very least, did you just not talk to them?!

      • 2 years ago

        normal enhanced weapons are garbage and worse than elemental +1 weapons

    • 2 years ago

      Did you not loot anything? There's tons of mobs that drop magic weapons.

  52. 2 years ago

    The absence of a question is also an answer. *disappears*

    • 2 years ago

      but is it a question

    • 2 years ago

      >it's a nenio sidequest

      • 2 years ago

        >nenio dialogue

        >letting reddit: the character into your party instead of just telling her to frick off

        • 2 years ago

          >knowing beforehand that an unmarked quest is related to the furgay character who is not in the party

          • 2 years ago

            Didn't know or care.
            >omg do you have time for le science 😀

        • 2 years ago

          >one of the best and most powerful character is a fricking reddit furry
          Frick you, Owlcat.

    • 2 years ago

      >nenio dialogue

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      what was their fricking problem?

      >letting reddit: the character into your party instead of just telling her to frick off

      Problem is when you basically need her to be your DD slave in Alushinyrra.

  53. 2 years ago

    I thought enhancement bonus cannot go over +5?

    • 2 years ago

      You will not find a weapon that has +7 default bonus., I guess

  54. 2 years ago

    Builds for this feel?

    • 2 years ago

      eldritch knight with cloudkill specialization

      • 2 years ago

        Is that class even worth taking. Why not go magus

        • 2 years ago

          They don't quite fill the same niche afaik. Eldritch Knight is a nice complement for casters that want to have some Martial's BAB and survivability. If i'm not mistaken they gel well with Bards and other arcane buffers, but in Magus' case it's more about being a nuker.

          • 2 years ago

            My magus was very melee effective

          • 2 years ago

            >Magus' case it's more about being a nuker
            lol wut

          • 2 years ago

            Everything in this post is wrong.

            • 2 years ago

              >Magus' case it's more about being a nuker
              lol wut

              I have to admit I've barely used a Magus, but from the little I did it was all about charging your blade with bullshit then deleting someone in melee with it. I didn't mean nuke as in CC but more so insta gibbing someone. I need to pick them back up in WotR because using one in KM was just pure pain with the amount of micro they require

              • 2 years ago

                Ak ok, typically in relation to RPG characters nuker means an offensive caster. A magically enhanced melee fighter like a sword saint would be called a "gish" character.

  55. 2 years ago

    how can i get the most out of the Cruormancer skeletons from Animate Dead for a merc character in Wrath?
    i want to make a merc for my next lich run that just shits out skeletons constantly and yes, i know they arent very good, its just because its fun

  56. 2 years ago

    How do you guys plan out your builds?

    • 2 years ago

      i commission them

    • 2 years ago

      i load up a max level character save and mess around or i just have a vague idea what i want and rely on respecs

  57. 2 years ago

    Are there really no teamwork feats for ranged characters?

    • 2 years ago

      Seize the moment works if you take the snap shot feats.

      • 2 years ago

        >snap shot
        How does that work with ranged anyway? Do I have to be in melee range or just attacking the same target as 1 melee? Does it work if 2 ranged are attacking the same target?
        This shit is confusing.

        • 2 years ago

          You have melee threat range (but it increases with each feat in the chain).
          I think if you are enlarged, your threat range is greater too even for snap shot?
          I just had Lann on a dog in melee range while shooting his bow and he got them often.

          • 2 years ago

            >I just had Lann on a dog in melee range while shooting his bow and he got them often.
            He doesn't get hit with AOOs doing this?

            • 2 years ago

              Point-black master feat, iirc zen archer doesn't need that many levels to get it.

            • 2 years ago

              Point blank master feat.
              Zen archer gets it at lv 3, when you also get wis to to hit

              • 2 years ago

                Point-black master feat, iirc zen archer doesn't need that many levels to get it.

                I've been taking levels in hunter ever since getting him, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take 17 hunter, 3 monk if only for point-blank master.

          • 2 years ago

            And what's the size of the threat range? How do I know I'm in the right position with my archer?

    • 2 years ago

      i believe Outflank works on them too, at least in my Azata run when i could spread teamfeats to everyone the ranged characters shot into the melee when it triggered on one of the melee characters
      that was at release tho

  58. 2 years ago

    This was more painful than kidney stones and took just as long to get over.

  59. 2 years ago

    How are you supposed to get logistics exp up when you've fully built up every settlement? This campaign mechanic is cancer.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Tear down buildings and rebuild them
      Or you can follow the advice of the moron here


      but it will be rather time consuming

  60. 2 years ago

    Do you ever make suboptimal choices for the sake of fluff? Like giving Lann a raptor named after him, or taking points in Knowledge: Nature with Camilla because she's an organ harvesting necrophiliac.

    • 2 years ago

      Kept Woljif Eldritch scoundrel on hard and used him.

      • 2 years ago

        I said suboptimal, not suicidal

        • 2 years ago

          legit what the frick do I do with Woljiff

          • 2 years ago

            Treat him the same way you treat Ember, like an actual child. Shelve him and protect him from the big red men who want to eat him.

            • 2 years ago

              I meant build-wise anon. Turning him into a wizard seems to not be worth it and apparently eldritch scoundrel is even worse?

              • 2 years ago

                Scoundrel is okay up to daring.
                In core, he will kinda fizzle out in the end (harder to hit, surviving with archamage armor only).

                The easiest paths consider his has finesse from rogue:
                Full Dex sword saint build
                Full vivi or Vivi after getting uncanny dodge.

                A bt more gimmicky but maybe worth it if you want to make him an archer perhaps and out of the frontlines is Eldritch Knight. You build up the bab, and keep the support spellbook. Or go full weirdo and make him a ray caster

              • 2 years ago

                I've been wondering about that myself. Is it worth reclassing him into Sword Santa considering he has 3 whole ass levels into rogue?

              • 2 years ago

                Sure, 3 levels for finesse and dex to damage is not uncommon for such builds(save the feats for other shit).
                A different rogue archetype would give him uncanny dodge at 4 too, which is great, but what can you do.

              • 2 years ago

                >Sword Santa
                More of a krampus

              • 2 years ago

                The problem I face is that I don't really have much of an Arcane caster for my party. Camellia has been keeping up with it somewhat but now that I'm at Alushnyrra the lack of Haste and only one Displacement is fricking killing me. She is still my Dispel cannon but even so I don't think it's enough.
                No, I will not put Nenio in.

                I've been wondering about that myself. Is it worth reclassing him into Sword Santa considering he has 3 whole ass levels into rogue?

                >sword santa
                fricking lmao how is this the first time I've seen this

              • 2 years ago

                >The problem I face is that I don't really have much of an Arcane caster for my party.
                Use scrolls. I pretty much run a melee/divine party myself and have zero problems.

              • 2 years ago

                I thought as much. I'm too much of a israelite to keep using up scrolls and potions but I'll see what I can manage.

                Well, even with 3 wasted levels and magus progression, with just 1 abundant casting, woljif will cover your haste needs and other low level buff by chapter 3.
                For chapter 2, you better slap in Nenio or use scrolls

                >you better slap in Nenio
                I will sooner play the entire game with zero arcane spellcasting before having "in" between slap and Nenio

              • 2 years ago

                >I thought as much. I'm too much of a israelite to keep using up scrolls and potions but I'll see what I can manage.
                Really no point to that in this game, you get a ton of scrolls for free, scrolls are cheap and plentiful from vendors AND you can get Nenio to scribe scrolls when resting at Drezen or the nexus. This is especially useful for spells that use rare components such as legendary proportions.

              • 2 years ago

                Alright time to sent nenio back to the scroll scribing popcorn mines

              • 2 years ago

                Well, even with 3 wasted levels and magus progression, with just 1 abundant casting, woljif will cover your haste needs and other low level buff by chapter 3.
                For chapter 2, you better slap in Nenio or use scrolls

              • 2 years ago

                Either sword saint with reach weapon or vivisectionist, eldritch knight etc.

          • 2 years ago

            I made mine a vivesectionist and that class seems broken

            • 2 years ago

              I believe you but frick that class. So tired of it tbh

          • 2 years ago

            Easy answer is Viv 16, Scoundrel 4 (for mirror image. Not sure when you should be talking the 4th scoundrel level though.

            • 2 years ago

              >Viv 16

              • 2 years ago


                Why do people always blame the players when it's the devs who are at fault?

              • 2 years ago

                the devs gave you freedom to do anything, which is fine

                you chose to do something disgusting when given that freedom, this is exclusively your own fault

              • 2 years ago

                I am not sure how 'rogue for finesse and maybe uncanny. rest of the levels in one class' is disgusting, but sure

              • 2 years ago

                you can't tell it because you're too used to it

              • 2 years ago

                I didn't blame shit, I'm just not gonna make a fricking vivisec

            • 2 years ago

              I'd take the fourth level as your 20th level, getting grand mutagen is more important.

            • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Multiclassed him to the arcane slayer or whatever it was called.

    • 2 years ago

      I play with the pregenrated builds. So no. Also, i'm a pure melee fighter and i don't understand what half of the buttons are for.

  61. 2 years ago

    Why is it evil to decide to kill Hulrun while you're talking to Ramien but neutral to kill him because you're mad about him barbequing Ember and her dad? Is it just a matter of heat-of-the-moment versus cold calculation? AKA manslaughter vs murder 1?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why is it bad to punish a man for investigating suspected saboteurs, but not to punish him for lighting children on fire?
      Gee I dunno.

  62. 2 years ago

    I might be stupid but how the frick do I get down to where the descend icon is? Seems like I need to descend before I can descend but I can't find a way down and when I click the icon my party just stands in place while vibrating vigorously since they can't reach it.

    • 2 years ago

      thats one of the ways UP from the "secret" area i think, theres another one down a windy path from the castle

      • 2 years ago

        I got there by taking the windy path down from the castle graveyard in the first place, but it looks like a dead end. I guess I'll explore further to see if there's another path.

    • 2 years ago

      the map is large, you have a lot more exploring to do, the fights around the hill are extra hard but have some important gear

  63. 2 years ago

    >Play Azata
    >Kinda regretting it because it's moronic
    >Random ass angels appear and bail my character out in the ivory sanctum

    • 2 years ago

      That happens regardless of mythic path, unfortunately.

      • 2 years ago

        If I respec to Angel mythic do I sitll get all their content? I'm hating this Azata shit

        • 2 years ago

          you cant respec to another mythic path without using mods and if you do you 100% break the game
          Azata can transition in to the Demon mythic path in the final act, should probably looks up a guide if you want to do that
          other than that you have to restart

        • 2 years ago

          You can't change mythic path on respec. You're only able to change to the late-game mythic paths, most of which unfortunately lack content.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Azata is extremely gay. Even the npcs take the pic's out of you for choosing this

  64. 2 years ago

    Let me give you a few examples to illustrate how your adventure is going to go.

    >One of the first quests tells you to go to a cave.
    >Suddenly, swarms of spiders attack you.
    >If you don't have splash damage weapons, you die.
    >You literally cannot fight back.

    >My party goes to fight some wolves that are terrorizing the region.
    >Everyone but the barbarian is downed in the fight.
    >The Barbarian's AC is so high, the wolf can only hit on a critical.
    >The Wolf's AC is so high, the barbarian can only hit on a critical
    >For over 5 minutes, both sides are just rolling dice trying to hit.

    >Random event with a single mountain lion
    >Entire party is wiped out immediately
    >Stack all my buffs
    >Party wiped out immediately
    >Use all my potions and one-time-use abilities
    >Party barely holds on for about 2 minutes
    >Mountain Lion attacks 3 times per turn for 20-30 damage each attack.

    • 2 years ago

      Cougars are real sumbitches

    • 2 years ago

      For example it's more like this.
      >One of the first quests tells you to go to a cave.
      >They tell you that you to be careful of the swarms.
      >They give you a few pots of splash damage to give you a hint.
      >They let you buy stuff to help you on that quest.
      >The give you a level to get aoe damage spells.
      >Suddenly, swarms of spiders attack you.
      >If you don't have splash damage weapons, you die.
      >You literally cannot fight back.

      • 2 years ago

        how tf are you supposed to know that swarms are immune to normal damage. Its just spiders you should be able to smash them with a sword
        Game is savescum world so it's not a problem anyway

        • 2 years ago

          every game is savescum world if you're the sort of filthy casual that takes everything by trial and error

          • 2 years ago

            thank you for your input guide reader

        • 2 years ago

          You could always read the battle log and realize you won't be doing much. Then go through your backpack and spellbook and see what would work.
          Or you could just try and unga through the entire game and get sent to the load screen every 10 min ye

          • 2 years ago

            Both tactics result in you having to save scum. The game is notorious for its opacity for newbies. You wouldn't know that those swarms needed splash unless you were familiar with pathfinder or you found out the hard way. Most people don't like getting rug pulled every fight my dude.

          • 2 years ago

            >Then go through your backpack and spellbook and see what would work.
            and load a previous save and get what you need

      • 2 years ago

        To be fair, those pots of splash damage are really, really shit. The swarm will often succeed its reflex throw, or your own morons will "miss", and you'll wind up doing 1 damage.

      • 2 years ago

        >>The give you a level to get aoe damage spells.
        you are being disingenuous, how is a single spell will make a difference?
        moreover if your MC is a sorc/wiz/magus you don't the game to give you AoE spells since you already have acid splash with infinite uses
        not one of the above? have a bad time
        you are making it look if the game gives you all the tools you need, but it doesn't
        the number of bombs is not enough, not that a first time player is going to know that lol

        to be fair in the current state of the game it was patched that swarms guard additional loot and are not required to be killed
        but it took owlcat like 3 iterations to actually get it right
        sometimes I wish a more competent developer had license to Pathfinder

  65. 2 years ago

    Imagine picking something besides Lich, baka tbqhwy

    >mfw 9th level Cleric spells and 9th level Mage spells with a CL25 for permanent Haste

    • 2 years ago

      Angel could also have level 9 arcane and divine spells, and they could do it while keeping their genitals intact.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, but they can't hit CL25 on arcane and all the good 1 round/level spells are arcane.

    • 2 years ago

      be careful less you summon the dick posters. Also why spell master?

      • 2 years ago

        Because you don't get Mythic Path 10 until like right before the final fight, which means you only get that CL25 Haste shit for essentially 5 minutes. But a Spell Master can up his CL by 4. Note that that works with his Cleric spells too. Also, Arcane Bond and Divine Bond can be used interchangeably on both spell lists.

  66. 2 years ago

    Owlcat is a shitheel frick of a company. Avoid them like the plague.

  67. 2 years ago

    How do I Martial Arcane? Every time I try Magussy the commander (male) falls over the moment someone looks at him funny and the sword saint is a weeb meme
    Is there no way to be a cool sword guy who shoots blue touch AC scorching rays at motherfrickers sometimes

    • 2 years ago

      Kineticist? You can use kinetic blade for melee and switch to a regular kinetic blast if you want to pew pew.

      That said, if your Magus is getting killed too fast either your build sucks or you're not using the right buffs.

      • 2 years ago

        I think my problem is the early game, where mage armor + shield pretty much just puts you on par with an actual martial class in AC, but you have slightly less HP. That one Brimorak in a house nearly wiped me.

        • 2 years ago

          Woljif with fire resistance tanks the early potshots.

    • 2 years ago

      Kineticist? You can use kinetic blade for melee and switch to a regular kinetic blast if you want to pew pew.

      That said, if your Magus is getting killed too fast either your build sucks or you're not using the right buffs.

      Kinetic knight with two weapon fighting (light blade or shield). A physical weapon lets you make those AoOs too

  68. 2 years ago

    can i get a redpill on scroll savant? people say nenio is so good, but im not good enough at the game to get why
    in general i just sell scrolls and potions cause i hate inventory management, and i have never used the crafting options either

    • 2 years ago

      Scroll Savant is amazing because it's basically just a regular Wizard except you learn to cast scrolls at your own caster level instead of the scroll's level (which is usually the minimum level for whatever's on the scroll). This means that casting from a scroll is just as good as casting from your own spellbook, which means that you're no longer constrained by how many spell slots you have. This allows the Scroll Savant to cast way more spells between rests than a regular Wizard as long as you have scrolls, and also gives you more flexibility since you can cast shit without having to memorize it first. It's objectively superior.

      The problem is that in a game where you can rest almost anywhere, and where you can get mythic feats to give you a huge amount of spell slots, the value of these extra casts becomes a lot less impressive in the long run. It's still really good, just not as amazing as it is on tabletop since the issue of not having enough spell slots is less pressing.

      In Kingmaker Scroll Savant was a bit of a trap option, since you couldn't scribe your own scrolls and stocking up on scrolls was hard to impossible, but that's not a problem in Wrath.

    • 2 years ago

      I just crank her Intelligence and Illusion DC up as high as it'll go and fill all her slots with Phantasmal Killer. Inflated saves or not, the enemy'll roll a 1 sooner or later.

  69. 2 years ago

    That's it frick this Azata shit I'm going legend

  70. 2 years ago

    Give me some cleric/theurge aasimar portraits por favor

    • 2 years ago

      I think I have some more

      • 2 years ago
  71. 2 years ago

    oh wow my Aasimar folder is lacking

  72. 2 years ago
  73. 2 years ago

    Winter Witch any good? i like the thought of freezing demons
    is Elemental Witch a good way to start out when going for it?

    • 2 years ago

      No. Elemental casters are shit and take forever to actually be able to do anything in combat.

      • 2 years ago

        is it because they need the elemental mythic feats before they can start hitting targets reliably?

        • 2 years ago

          Not hit, but actually do damage even.

        • 2 years ago

          The early is gonna be painful yeah also witch don't get mass icy prison (shaman do) and ice damage don't get a lot of support in game compared to fire

  74. 2 years ago

    Are the dlc worth buying for Kingmaker?

    • 2 years ago

      No, pirate them just like kingmaker.

  75. 2 years ago

    what's wrong with blood kineticist?

    • 2 years ago

      1. Locked to water. It's not earth or fire powerwise. I'd argue it's worse than air because at least air has magnetism.

      2. Worthless trade-off - locked to physical starter (no on touch AC) of the bad element it neturn for half the damage and some other useless shit.

      • 2 years ago

        God fricking dammit. Know what's worse? There's not even a blood animation for when you blood bend. You just do the same motion but there's no VFX or even SFX to go with it. I was legit expecting to see the enemy erupt blood or at least anything. Jesus frick. It's also pretty gay that the kineticist tattoos are so low res that they're jagged. I swear they looked better in KM

  76. 2 years ago

    fricking "respec and the game breaks" bug is back in again according to the beta patch notes, god damn they are fricking moronic

  77. 2 years ago

    >Any tips for someone new to CRPGs?
    Turn back while you still can

  78. 2 years ago

    Who the frick plays this? Who asked for this?

    • 2 years ago

      I have balls of stone, b***h

    • 2 years ago

      Oreads and Dhampires were the two races that lost the Kingmaker poll (they lost to Aasimar), so Aasimar got added to Kingmaker and the other two didn't get in until Wrath. They're unpopular but they probably got added because people were already familiar with them through the old poll.

      Kitsune won the Wrath poll (over Catfolk and Ratfolk) by a wide margin so they're definitely popular, despite the fact that the Ratgays were still crying about it half a year later. If they follow the same patterns, Cats and Rats might be added in the next Pathfinder game, assuming they're ever making another.

  79. 2 years ago

    Finally going to commit to a full, complete playthrough of Pathfinder as an unhinged, merciless, unforgiving, genocidal paladin. Good deeds for nice people, extreme violence for beastly races and law-breakers. Punish Linzi for theft, let the wizard experiment on the troll, etc.
    Just have to decide on party composition and whether or not he should be seduced into casually fricking Octavia.

    Which party members are most spokenly horrified by brutality?

    • 2 years ago

      Linzi, Octavia, kallike not really, more like Kanerah likes violent/evil options

      • 2 years ago

        >Punish Linzi for theft
        Someone is in for a rude awakening. But based intentions nonetheless.
        Companions more likely to be bothered by you are
        >Octavia (sometimes)
        >Kalikke (sometimes)
        It's kind of hypocritical for Tristian because Sarenrae's faith is all about mercy for the deserving and the scimitar for those beyond saving, but he has his reason for it, kind of.

        I'll try them. I want them to be both by appalled at how he decimates some lizardman village but also praising him for good deeds. I want them to be conflicted. "I can't believe you burned their homes and murdered them all! But I guess you saved all the children from being eaten, and no more will ever be kidnapped again".

        • 2 years ago

          OH and Valerie too

          • 2 years ago

            Valerie likes harsh methods and even random chaotic evil acts can get approved

            • 2 years ago

              Valerie really is an awful person.

            • 2 years ago

              top kek, valerie is such a dumb narcissistic b***h it's unreal

            • 2 years ago

              >always assumed Valerie was lawful good
              >one day I notice that she's lawful neutral
              >everything suddenly makes sense

              • 2 years ago

                I love how she enables my genocide crusade

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Punish Linzi for theft
      Someone is in for a rude awakening. But based intentions nonetheless.
      Companions more likely to be bothered by you are
      >Octavia (sometimes)
      >Kalikke (sometimes)
      It's kind of hypocritical for Tristian because Sarenrae's faith is all about mercy for the deserving and the scimitar for those beyond saving, but he has his reason for it, kind of.

  80. 2 years ago

    Ignore most guides and builds people post. They're usually sub-par but they'll spend all day arguing about it because they refuse to update their understanding of the mechanics. You are usually just as well off making your own build around a concept and that is part of the fun. To check whether you are playing the game correctly at a casual pace you should be spending roughly 950 hours theorycrafting and 50 hours to complete the game. The endgame is the endless funposting that follows.

  81. 2 years ago

    >Want to make an elf fighter like my last PF campaign
    >Every elf body type has skipped shoulder day
    I can't fricking do this

    • 2 years ago

      twink race is a twink race

    • 2 years ago

      Elves and gnomes look absolutely fricking revolting in this game. And they don't match their portraits in the slightest.

  82. 2 years ago

    What do you do with Sosiel in combat considering most of his use comes from prebuffing?

    • 2 years ago

      Touch of good, scrolls, melee against flanked weaklings

    • 2 years ago

      I've got him riding on his wolf and otherwise using round-duration buffs.

  83. 2 years ago

    Is my character supposed to be moving like he's wading through molasses?

    • 2 years ago

      How else do you expect the halflings to catch up?

  84. 2 years ago

    Do Eldritch Scion, Scaled Fist and Dragon Disciple go as well together in practice as they would from an RP perspective?

    • 2 years ago

      It's pretty good, as long as you don't spread yourself too thin. One level of Scaled Fist and 4 levels of Dragon Disciple are typically all you need or want.

      The thing is that you're locked into a Draconic bloodline if you want Dragon Dsiciple, but Abyssal bloodline is arguably better since it gives a bigger STR bonus without needing to give up Scion levels. So going Abyssal Eldritch Scion with just one level of Scaled Fist is going to end up being better. I'm not sure how this interacts with the mythic ability Second Bloodline though. It might be possible to stack the benefits of both.

      Arcane bloodline is good too but I probably wouldn't pick it over Abyssal or Draconic on a Scion. It's better on a Sorcerer or Bloodrager.

      • 2 years ago

        Actually now that I think about it, Dragon Disciple wouldn't progress the Abyssal bloodline, so you wouldn't get the full benefit of both if you go that route. So I'd stick with one of the two and then maybe grab Arcane as your second Bloodline when the option comes up.

        Both builds tend to peak pretty late in the game, but unless I'm mistaken the Dragon build peaks slightly earlier and gets better AC, while the Abyssal build gets slightly better AB, damage, and caster progression.

      • 2 years ago

        Actually now that I think about it, Dragon Disciple wouldn't progress the Abyssal bloodline, so you wouldn't get the full benefit of both if you go that route. So I'd stick with one of the two and then maybe grab Arcane as your second Bloodline when the option comes up.

        Both builds tend to peak pretty late in the game, but unless I'm mistaken the Dragon build peaks slightly earlier and gets better AC, while the Abyssal build gets slightly better AB, damage, and caster progression.

        I was thinking of lore-friendly multiclassing. I'm sure you're right that abyssal would be better, but would that go with a prestige class?

        • 2 years ago

          Nah, half the point of going for Abyssal is that you don't have to take as many non-Scion levels. If you want to use a prestige class, Draconic is definitely the way to go.

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