I'm about to inherit $750,000, and will sell my folk's paid off place I'm currently living in for around $900,000 if not a solid mil, a...

I'm about to inherit $750,000, and will sell my folk's paid off place I'm currently living in for around $900,000 if not a solid mil, as it's just too big for me to live in alone, and it's quite frankly getting depressing. I'm going to buy a smaller place for about $300-400k, which means I'll have well over a million dollars lying around. Should I put together a team to make some vidya?

I want to make a game that's a mix between Freelancer and GTA. Kinda Starfield, but not terrible. It was have influences from Cowboy Bebop and Trigun.

What kinda game would you make if you had some money?

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 months ago

    You can't make a game like that with a small budget like that.

    • 4 months ago

      underspace is /agdg/ maybe it'll be your thing op

    • 4 months ago

      this homie has never heard of company loans

      • 4 months ago

        >"and as collateraly for this lone I have 1mil in cash"
        You really think that'd work?

    • 4 months ago

      What the FRICK are you talking about moron. There are hundreds of thousands of devs who would work for free just for a slim chance of royalty.

      • 4 months ago

        Also you can make an Indie game for 500k, it's risky though as it could end up in financial failure.

      • 4 months ago

        >There are hundreds of thousands of devs who would work for free just for a slim chance of royalty.
        lol, lmao even

        • 4 months ago

          How is he wrong? Do you not notice the literal thousands of layoffs happening as of late?

          • 4 months ago

            >Do you not notice the literal thousands of layoffs happening as of late?
            That doesn't mean they will work for free, moron.

            • 4 months ago

              The people getting fired arent actual devs.


              • 4 months ago

                Good luck with your game that is made by people who work for free, frick-o. I hope someone will at least make a logo.

            • 4 months ago

              The people getting fired arent actual devs.


          • 4 months ago

            The people getting fired arent actual devs.

          • 4 months ago

            >Snapchat button engineer (yes that's a real role, they had like 600 people on UX)
            >managing to make a 3D open sandbox of any kind

        • 4 months ago

          it's true though

      • 4 months ago

        Where are they? No one want's to work for a CHANCE of getting paid.

      • 4 months ago

        sure thing bro, let me just work for years on a game without seeing a cent

    • 4 months ago

      he could make the current year FlappyBird. That shit game was made by one person, for free and it made him a millionaire.

      • 4 months ago

        If he wants to make something that would bring profit, picking mobile market is good but risky, as 2024 mobile indie games just get drowned out by MILLIONS of copy pasted chink gacha, fake gameplay strategy games and pay2win builder simulators, among us was successful because of covid, before it was kinda niche and would've died if it didn't become a meme.
        OP, my advice is to try accumulate more wealth and maybe buy another estate, lease it, this will create passive income, and say, maybe, just maybe if you get bored being NEET, find some IT company who hires newbies, learn to code, after learning from company, leave it, find another one and pick the work from home position, aim to become system administrator or app developer manager.
        With that experience, active and passive income, your parents house, within about 2-4 years you should have enough experience and money to create your own indie game studio. You start with some knock off project, put some original ideas into it, then launch it and see how well your work spins with people. If it is success, you can then hire people to help develop vidya, the real vidya, although dream project should be considered secondary, because as the other anons noted, budget bloat can quickly kill your studio and also take most of your money.
        Don't hire any fricking consultant, especially regarding finances, they are leeches and will drain you faster than casino or divorce.

  2. 4 months ago

    >Cowboy Bebop

    sounds awesome actually
    congrats on all that cheese if your tale is true
    you should do it if you have nothing else to do with it all

  3. 4 months ago

    Invest it in stocks or real estate you fricktard.

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        Who mentioned shitcoins you dumb c**t.

        • 4 months ago

          man all I got was $200k so I'm jealous as frick

          sir please do not frick to me you bloody

    • 4 months ago

      Buying real estate right now.. No wonder you be poor forever.

      • 4 months ago

        This post is best when read in the Warcraft troll voice.

  4. 4 months ago

    sounds a bit too ambitious
    you'll could start a israelitestar because a cowboy bebop mesh with trigun game sounds cool as frick
    maybe just make a looter shooter trigun game that should sell well for a hopefully AA game

  5. 4 months ago

    Based on your post that inherited wealth is not long for this world so do as you please.

    • 4 months ago

      >Based on your post that inherited wealth is not long for this world

      yeah honestly op u might want to do

      Invest it in stocks or real estate you fricktard.

      before opening any sort of a business with high risk like a vidya company (even if it's just 5 guys)

      i would honestly not even bother and just invest the million and maybe make a solo project

      • 4 months ago

        It takes money to make money and stonks are either full moron gambling or risk management, I'd invest that level of wealth too if I had it.

      • 4 months ago

        Make a shitty first game and learn things
        Most of those big indie successes weren't their first real project, they usually at least did a romhack first

  6. 4 months ago

    Black person, buy real estate and earn your living vide rent. you can engage in solo devving if you want and then when you are confident, make a bigger game with your saving. you can't make a GTA game right off the bat.

  7. 4 months ago

    dont do that, buy a small flat(or not so small if you have a gf and are planning to have a family), yues, but dont waste your money on that, invest it somewhere and live with passive income

    • 4 months ago

      I wouldn't bother. Making indie slop has a slim change of success and you don't have enough to make a AA game. Especially not what you're comparing to the budget of Starfield.
      Just do
      you can live easily off interest alone with 1mil for decades depending which country you live in

  8. 4 months ago

    Don't get your hopes up anon, the worms are gonna *inherit* your body soon after your inevitable necking.

  9. 4 months ago

    Avoid open world sandboxes as your first project. You thinking of GTA and Starfield when in reality you be fricking lucky to even get a game half as good as Starbound. You can make the game SEEM open world (Zelda OoT/MM or such) but the more focus you have it the less ass it will be. Give player choices by all means but railroad your game in a way that it will cause the less amount of bugs and issues. It better to give a player 30 hours of content than 10 hours of content and 20 hours of walking looking at a shitty world with nothing in it or anything to fricking do. It good to be ambitious but far more important to be realistic. Set a small goal and make that then if you want add to it later. Better to add to a completed project than to never finish (start) it.

  10. 4 months ago

    mil is jack shit for vydia development. Big name vydia have larger budgets then blockbuster movies. If you sounded reasonable I would suggest you look at keywords like dividend aristocrats and bonds. But by the sound of it you are just another lottery winner and will put the play either in quick rich schemes like cryptobros or the new hot takes, like """AI""" (its advanced algorithms with larger data inputs). Or just party it away

    Real estate is overvalued as frick, similar to the lead up of 2007. Seeking rent payers is not wise right now

    • 4 months ago


      opinion discarded

    • 4 months ago

      Ganker scammer detected

    • 4 months ago

      t. cryptocuck looking to sell his bags

  11. 4 months ago

    >I want to make a game that's a mix between Freelancer and GTA. Kinda Starfield,
    That's fricking stupid.

    >influences from Cowboy Bebop and Trigun
    That's fricking cool, stick with that and make an indie or AA game.

  12. 4 months ago

    The big problem will be keeping talent together. Try and do it early id software style and poach talent from a real software company/companies. Buy some good computers and make a dedicated office space in your new house pay a little extra to make sure you get a good location /room for this. If you can't literally work with these people irl it's over. Otherwise it's giving money to ransoms online and hoping they don't flake on you and run off to Thailand or something shit. Also don't put anything online till you have some gameplay you don't want normies to know it took you two years to get through early production it doesn't build confidence.

  13. 4 months ago

    I made money off of stock prices through the war in Ukraine and the situation in Israel/Gaza right now. If you want to give me a shot and pay me a tip next time opportunity arises shoot me a reply and I'll make a burner email. I'll explain my methodology and then you can do what you will with it. It's not really to advise but to show the though process I go through to make what I call educated gambles.

    • 4 months ago


  14. 4 months ago

    I’m already trying to make a game, but I’m struggling to get it off the ground due to a lack of money, it’s a sidescroller, and I’m planning on making at least 3 other 2D games after it if all goes well, then I’ll move on to 3D games, which will definitely include a classic zelda-like or two, but maybe by that time we’ll have already gotten another 3D zelda in the old style

  15. 4 months ago

    You should get some stable investments and live comfortable work-free for the rest of your life

  16. 4 months ago

    keep the money and work a piss easy part time job 3 days a week you fool
    you have enough to live easy for the rest of your life so don't blow it on some pjpedream
    working that slacker job and earning interest will keep your head above inflation for the foreseeable future. maybe don't move out and sell your folks' home until it's worth at least a mil
    look into stock market but don't rush it and play it safe and get a reliable accountant and broker

  17. 4 months ago

    >people think 1mil is a lot of money

    thats nothing cuz my favourite influencer just threw 2mil away for a guest spot

    • 4 months ago

      As another anon said it depends where you live. Go to India and you can get a fricking 5 hour massage for less than a Starbucks coffee and they be going all out too. On the other end of the scale go to Australia where cost of living is so fricking high that you will burn through all of that money buying fricking shelf milk. You can easily make the money last if you are smart with it.

      • 4 months ago

        >Go to India
        Nobody is that moronic to go there willingly.

        • 4 months ago

          True, they still don't fricking use toilets over there. They shit and piss on the streets and their "holy river" (a literal sewer) while using the public toilets like shrines. You gotta balance cheap cost of living with the ability to not be living with barbarians.

      • 4 months ago

        Why would anyone willingly set foot in India of all places?

      • 4 months ago

        the whole "move to third-world" country rhetoric is fricking moronic

        • 4 months ago

          why? im way less wealthy than OP and its been working well for me
          t. Ganker

    • 4 months ago

      >my favourite influencer

    • 4 months ago


  18. 4 months ago

    If invest in Sony since Microsoft are bailing from the industry.

    • 4 months ago

      >If invest in Sony

      If you decide to, then invest in Sony*

      I don't know what the frick happened there but half my sentence disappeared.

    • 4 months ago

      If that was happening, the stock would be priced in months in advance

  19. 4 months ago

    >moron inherits money he doesnt deserve and waastes everything with garbage decisions
    story of humanity

    • 4 months ago

      making video games is a noble cause the the dream is a bit too big so just has to dial it back
      at least it's not being wasting it on fricking cars or women

  20. 4 months ago

    richgay anon please make my game:
    >3D fighter inspired by soulcalibur 2
    >same block/parry/throw system, 8 way run, etc
    >same classic gen6 graphical style
    >it has a tag mechanic that works like in MvC Infinite, and you get to pick two guys like in that game
    >the combo system is also borrowed from tag fighters-- magic series into juggle into OTG into magic series into tag...
    >your characters dont have built-in supers
    >instead you choose five supers after character select (there are like ten total)
    >the order you choose them is the order they come out, so you have to plan your combos ahead of time around that
    >you can pick the same one five times or mix different ones in there
    >you also get one install super (think MvC3 X-factor) that acts as a one-time roman cancel (there are ten of these total as well with slightly differing effects)

    i think this game would be a hit especially with a really big roster of low-ish poly count chars. fighting games are REALLY missing two titles right now, and this game could be both:
    >a spiritual successor to MvC3
    >an alternative 3D fighter to tekken

  21. 4 months ago

    Look at the game Pulsar Lost Colony and Void Crew. Consider those as how you do those sort of games, though devise something like competitive multiplayer if you do actually put that money to some use.
    Personally, I would devise an 8 player co op game where they were split into two teams of four with one team being the marine unit doing ground combat missions and the other team being naval offering air support and so forth. Pulsar did a good job with hand made levels, but perhaps a studio can do generated terrain with prebuilt structures on one of the major engines today similar to deep rock galactic

  22. 4 months ago

    >morons saying to find a part-time job

    frick that
    if you live alone then find a cizy studio apartment and start streaming
    because you have a fricking mil you can start paying bigger streamers to feature for a couple of thousand (which you should be making weekly with interest)
    then morons will just be giving you money on top of your crazy interest and you're set but you should still be responsible be be somewhat frugal (smart) like asmongoloid who will applaud for not flaunting his wealth and keeping it real and not letting the money change him

    • 4 months ago

      Frick off you degenerate homosexual.

      • 4 months ago

        NO U Black person
        if you're just gonna sit around and play vidya all day you might as well make some money doing it

        • 4 months ago

          Why would he go on camera and sperg out like a jester for other's enjoyment when he can just buy property, rent it out and live on passive income while playing with stocks?
          Do you have no self respect?

          • 4 months ago

            anyone with self-respect would not be a landlord in current year
            not all streamers are fricking jester spergs
            there are plenty of chill smaller streamers you aren't even on cams

            • 4 months ago

              zoom zoom

              • 4 months ago

                nice argument you moronic frick
                you have nothing because you know I'm right
                there are plenty of decent streamers out there who are just chill dudes you'd hang out and have a drink with

              • 4 months ago

                >you have nothing because you know I'm right
                You're the cuck giving streamers money because you are under the delusion they're your friend, not me.

            • 4 months ago

              >wagecuck white knighting streamers
              keep paying that rent, goy

              • 4 months ago

                >you have nothing because you know I'm right
                You're the cuck giving streamers money because you are under the delusion they're your friend, not me.

                I have never once donated to a streamer. I'm just stating facts. Not all streamers are obnoxious. You are just constantly deflecting because you can't dispute that. You're probably jealous because you can't make a living doing it and have to go back to a job you hate for 50 more years before you die of scrotum cancer.

              • 4 months ago

                I dont stream because I dont want to.
                Why do you act like its some highly skilled and respected profession when any tard can do it?
                Why aren't you making millions off streaming?

              • 4 months ago

                >Why do you act like its some highly skilled and respected profession

                where in the flying frick did I say that

              • 4 months ago

                whether they are obnoxious or not, theyre making money of pathetic c**ts like you, who think you are buddies that will "grab a drink sometimes".

                Or worse, titty streamers

              • 4 months ago

                pretty sure he said he's never donated to a streamer though
                i actually met a local streamer who was a cool dude and hung out with him
                i've never subbed or gifted anything or used bits on him but he's just a chill dude and now we're friends and he doesn't even stream anymore

            • 4 months ago

              >anyone with self-respect would not be a landlord in current year
              pay the rent Black person

              • 4 months ago

                what does that even mean you fricking moronic frogposting c**t
                the current market for renting out is motherfricking abysmal and being a landlord is a fricking pain in the ass

                iv'e been a landlord and have flipped a few properties

              • 4 months ago

                >iv'e been a landlord and have flipped a few properties
                sucks to be you, then

              • 4 months ago

                >sucks that you made money

                just go be moronic somewhere else frogtard

              • 4 months ago

                If you made money, where's the problem?

                >making dosh=bad
                frick off commie

                what moron

                >sucks to be you, then

                Why? I made fricking bank and dropped it around the time covid hit. Telling anyone to buy property to rent out right now is fricking stupid.

                properties will always have value though, or do you see anybody dropping a bomb on them?

              • 4 months ago

                >making dosh=bad
                frick off commie

              • 4 months ago

                >sucks to be you, then

                Why? I made fricking bank and dropped it around the time covid hit. Telling anyone to buy property to rent out right now is fricking stupid.

              • 4 months ago

                You won't be telling that in 10 years when any good property with geo position or nice view gets bought by corporations and will be put on sale for 10 times the original price, the bad times are coming, but it will be much worse, so better buy now or become poor commie

              • 4 months ago

                what are you on about
                post frog pics again tard

              • 4 months ago

                you don't know what you're talking about

              • 4 months ago

                kys moron

            • 4 months ago

              It's fricking easy, most people just are too afraid or too lazy to become one.

            • 4 months ago

              dont give life advice to anyone until youre out of college pls

              • 4 months ago

                I don't know about the streamer bs but he's right about nothing being a landlord right now

    • 4 months ago

      >my favourite influencer

      As another anon said it depends where you live. Go to India and you can get a fricking 5 hour massage for less than a Starbucks coffee and they be going all out too. On the other end of the scale go to Australia where cost of living is so fricking high that you will burn through all of that money buying fricking shelf milk. You can easily make the money last if you are smart with it.

      moving abroad with a credit card and a million bucks in dividend stocks is a very good idea. OP will never work again if he moves to some third world country, marries the prettiest girl they have, and gets a visa through that

    • 4 months ago

      You're moronic

  23. 4 months ago

    You should donate all of that money to your nearest synagoge.

  24. 4 months ago

    Buddy don't blow your whole stack on some meme project. Costs will get out of control easily. Just do the boring thing and live off of the interest. Do it for me, anon. Some of us won't be able to retire like you.

  25. 4 months ago


    i, too, think you should light your inheritance on fire.

  26. 4 months ago

    If you already have that money, that means you have time.
    Just live frugally and start making the game, but don't pay anyone to help you on it until it gets to the point where you know it can succeed.

  27. 4 months ago

    Put it in investments. Also if the house is where you grew up don't sell it. It's impossible to find lots of space for a good price.

    Literally do not waste your money on making a game if you've never managed one before.

  28. 4 months ago

    Get an accountant. 1 million isn't a lot for soemone who has no idea what he is doing. Lotto winners piss away millions in a short time.

  29. 4 months ago

    >thanks mom and dad you were great money pinatas in the end
    And this is why I will not accept an inheritance. My parents were talking about how much they were looking forward to inheriting my grandparents' house before they were even fricking dead. The absolute state.

    • 4 months ago

      >I will totally say no to free money in the higher six figure range because some autistic self-righteous bullshit I'm on

      • 4 months ago

        Correct, and when I die, my own wealth and home will be given away to Shekelstein's animal shelter.

        • 4 months ago

          Sometimes people call me an animal, could you give me some of what money?

      • 4 months ago

        >eyes bulging with imagined riches

        • 4 months ago

          It isn't imagined in this scenario.

          • 4 months ago

            Everything you read on Ganker is imagined.

          • 4 months ago

            he posted a stephen merchant pic so that was a reference to this

          • 4 months ago

            Everything you read on Ganker is imagined.

            fricking zoomers

            • 4 months ago

              Illogical response. Are you okay?

              • 4 months ago

                >faking empathy to act domineering

                Go back. you know exactly where.

    • 4 months ago

      >reject generational wealth
      >embrace exclusively downward social mobility
      Youre a gay for thinking squandering what your family leaves you is a virtue. What, just because vultures come out when someone dies? Then don't be a vulture. Problem solved.

      • 4 months ago

        >embrace generational wealth
        >be a total failure otherwise
        >be a fricking vulture
        >long for the day your family members die so you can stop being a failure
        The American Dream.

      • 4 months ago

        bro would rather let the government have the money
        what an absolute waste of oxygen - I feel for his parents

        • 4 months ago


  30. 4 months ago

    Put it all away in investments for passive income, use that to work on the game solo unpaid if youre at all creatively driven. Dont blow it all in a year trying to pay a team and make an unfinished game. Start small, work up.

  31. 4 months ago

    you could just live easy
    making vidya sucks
    how old are you

    • 4 months ago

      I'm 40 and I think I'll bench the vidya idea for now and get my priorities and expectations straight. I like the idea of working a dead-end job for 3 days a week. Imagine working a dead-end job knowing you have more than everyone there. Sounds fricking funny to me actually. I should be getting a couple of grand a week from interest anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        I love rich people who Karp as poorgays. My old boss was like that. He had about a mil and still dressed out of kmart and drove a shitty hyundai because he does t care about muh image or fancy brands. I aspire to be like him.

      • 4 months ago

        > from interest anyway.
        the interest rate is ALWAYS less than inflation, so even if you roll the interest into the principle, you still lose wealth through inflation. If you actually spend the interest, you are losing wealth even faster. 7% inflation will halve your wealth in 10 years (weird but true fact). You have to "put it to work" or you will lose it. Problem is risk. If you buy into the stock market, do it over time. Maybe "spend your interest" as a stock buying budget? Do that one where you hold forever not selling or timing, and you discount in over time at a constant rate. You can't predict accurately so don't try to predict at all, and never take out a loan to buy "while its good". As for your game idea, you will go from idea to idea. To deliver anything, you have to commit to it until you can fully deliver, which is a HUGE amount of work. You WILL NOT be able to deliver if you are working for yourself, you need the drive of someone forcing you to get you to work when you don't feel it and to knock down milestones even if not perfect. My experience is other people are even less motivated or reliable than you are, you have to be able to deliver some form of your project all on your own, where third party help is just a bonus on top.

      • 4 months ago

        >Imagine working a dead-end job knowing you have more than everyone there
        i do this and its a really comfy life. you will go crazy if you just sit around staring at the screen. become a teacher or something else where you get to help people, then go home and enjoy your karmic rewards. i hated my job until i got rich and then found myself coming back part time. it feels good to have frick you money and somehow people around you can tell

        • 4 months ago

          I still work an IT help-line. Mostly work from home. Used to work 5 days a week, and now I'm on 3-4. Nobody knows my power-level in terms of finance or even vidya. It does feel good knowing I can mean it if I ever say I don't need this job if anything goes south.

  32. 4 months ago

    Sounds like a space western bounty hunter game maybe like what Prey 2 could have been

  33. 4 months ago

    dude start a gaytreon israelitestarter or gofrickme because that game sounds awesome

  34. 4 months ago

    >tfw the only thing i can inherit are debts

    • 4 months ago

      Go into CNC machining and start earning big bux.

  35. 4 months ago

    build a good house with all the shit you need

  36. 4 months ago

    Go to SEA and live like a king for two generations.
    If you want to go to AI, better look at animations, because every other field is occupied by big corpos.

    • 4 months ago

      Where in SEA? Malaysia? Singapore?
      It's impossible to become a resident of Thailand.

      • 4 months ago

        Malaysia? You can say they're one of the most developed in SEA, second only to Singapore. They're very religious, however.
        Singapore is only for business, I unironically never hear anyone who want to 'live' there. Only visit, not even tourism.
        Thailand? Cool place, the people is mystery however because of buddhism.
        Indonesia? They're muslim-majority, and I hear there were groups who exclusively targeted foreigners.
        Vietnam? Too close to China and basically China's Mexico.

        • 4 months ago

          I'd live in Singapore honestly.
          It's decent if you have money.

          • 4 months ago

            Anywhere in SEA is decent if you have money (except Myanmar).
            There's Philippines, too, but they're the weirdos.

      • 4 months ago

        Easily Vietnam. I've been here for a decade even after trying other SEA countries. Vietnam has:
        >the cheapest goods
        >the most pleasant people
        >the prettiest girls
        >the greatest unrealized economic potential
        >one of the easier languages
        its just not as scenic as thailand is all, and the expats are awful too.

        • 4 months ago

          you're right about the girls
          i've never been there though
          only singapore malaysia and thailand

          • 4 months ago

            idk if youre the OP but vietnam is a great place to live. my life didnt really start until i came here. just treat the locals with respect and take your life there seriously, and you will be rewarded. best choice i ever made, never going back, never going to another SEA country

            • 4 months ago

              I am OP. I'm Aus/Singaporean, so I'm a mutt. I'm considered good looking with Asians though, so Vietnam sounds good. Do you work there?

              • 4 months ago

                dude you will get mad pussy over there if this is true

              • 4 months ago

                come on over my friend. you have four choices:
                >ho chi minh
                easiest place to find work teaching english, which is what i do part time. overall the most international city, lots of good food and other foreigners but the foreigners are a mixed bag. easiest dialect of the language and lots of english speakers but i prefer vietnamese. the cops here can be paid off for anything, very libertarian city
                >da nang
                vietnam's fanciest city and probably its most beautiful. best local cuisine but the local dialect is hard to understand. i like the local people in this region most of the three (central, south, north)
                >ha noi
                never been there, heard lots of horror stories. northerners dont like foreigners and probably wont like you. most expensive city but classiest expats. their dialect is the official one so while its not the easiest to speak its the easiest to translate and learn
                >various provincial cities like can tho
                this is the indiana jones option. developing provincial cities are really hard to find a good time in cause theyre like 15 years behind economically. but you will be a local celebrity, like weatherman level famous. could have a real interesting adventure.

                the right way to move:
                >put your money in a brokerage account and buy dividend stocks or REITs or something safe
                >get a credit card or something to tap the revenue stream from your savings
                >join the local expats facebook group and find some shitty teaching job
                >tell them you dont really care about salary but you want a residence card in exchange for part time work. if theyre smart theyll play ball
                >get a girlfriend and have her help you find a cheap place. move up from there as you find areas you like or whatever. but start small. rent is practically free in this country

                i hope to see you around. word to the wise-- dont trust anyone just cause they act friendly. everyone is friendly in vietnam, ESPECIALLY the bad guys. also dont do too many balloons, very popular with expats but bad for you

        • 4 months ago

          Not the OP, just curious, how much can I avoid having to talk with chinks? The mainland kind, I mean.

          • 4 months ago

            its vietnam not china. dont really understand your question. youll meet vietnamese here not chinese.

  37. 4 months ago

    You don't, you hold on to that shit. Both the house and the money. Bad times are here, worse times are probably coming. The peace of mind that comes from having that kind of buffer is worth more than any half-baked idea you have for a game. The money will be gone way before the game is finished, and it sounds like you don't even really know what you want much less have anything to bring to the table aside from a concept. Then you'll end up selling the smaller house too, once you realize you're up against it, and will end up renting some crackerjack box apartment. If you're getting depressed now, how long do you think it'll be before you see what a shotgun tastes like after you've squandered everything? DO NOT FRICKING DO IT.

    Learn how to code and art yourself, aiming to make the game solo as a hobby. It'd have the added bonus of keeping your mind off shit when you're not at work.

  38. 4 months ago

    hold on to that money for dear life and be frugal as frick but comfortable and lrn2stonks carefully

  39. 4 months ago

    just port fable 2 to pc asap
    you'll make a fricking mint

  40. 4 months ago

    Nice anon, I wish my dad/mom didn't spend all their wealth for 0 reason other than "shit I'm dying I need to feel like I mattered and show my 7 siblings I can still acquire CAPITAL as they do the same with me!". Boomers gonna boom.

  41. 4 months ago

    why are frogposters ALWAYS mentally handicapped

    • 4 months ago

      I'm pretty sure it's a requirement.

  42. 4 months ago

    >get a call from grandfather saying he's putting his boat in the water so we can go fishing this year
    >literally two days later, says nope I'm selling it lol
    fricking boomers. seriously losing all respect unless a cent of that is left for me. probably not.

  43. 4 months ago

    even if it hurts don't sell ur parents house in the current market and live there since it's paid off
    now is not a good time to frick around with money as someone previously mentioned

  44. 4 months ago

    First game? It's not gonna be successful. Unless it's not, and you already have a team and a prototype that you're gonna post after a few month. You just made this thread as a "I'm one of you guys, support my game." approach.

    Your next line is: "Meds."

  45. 4 months ago

    >I want to make a game

    You will lose your money. You do NOT have enough for anything. Just stop there.

    Sell everything, then stockpile 1.5 million, move to ASEAN and live for cheap. Invest the money and get a 5% return and never work again. Create a harem and father 50 children. Your army of mongrels can then go back to USA and have their uni educations paid for.

  46. 4 months ago

    I have 54 grand sitting in a savings account and I get like 100 dollars of interest from it a year
    I'm too scared to do anything with it because I've always been poor and never had an income and financial shit is too boring for my ADHD and depressed brain to actually figure out or read anything about
    I've let it sit in that account for like 10 years and have spent like 10k of it in that time on vidya and other shit still living with my parents
    what the frick do I do with it

    • 4 months ago

      invest it in sony baby
      microsoft is finished

    • 4 months ago

      Don't play stocks, you WILL lose your money.

      invest it in sony baby
      microsoft is finished


      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >I have 54 grand sitting in a savings account and I get like 100 dollars of interest from it a year

      You're getting screwed over by lowest interest rates possible. Invest that money, and you can get 5% returns a year. Don't go get rich quick schemes, but boring safe investments in bonds, and you get 5% returns forever.

      That is 2700, or 225 per month. It compounds too.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't know how to do that and I'm too scared and depressed and ADHD to make myself figure out how

        • 4 months ago

          >I don't know how to do that and I'm too scared and depressed and ADHD to make myself figure out how

          It's not hard and even you can talk to investors. There's boring bland mutual funds that package a bunch of shit together and you invest in them.

          No they will give actual good advice and knock some sense into clueless people like OP

          They actually profit MORE if you profit more so they have every incentive to make you rich.

          • 4 months ago

            >It's not hard and even you can talk to investors. There's boring bland mutual funds that package a bunch of shit together and you invest in them.
            my parents took me to see one literally a decade ago and I never even bothered to follow up with anything he told me

    • 4 months ago

      Put some of your money in an S&P 500 index fund and don’t think about it. it tracks the general economy and makes good money in the long run.

  47. 4 months ago

    Would you be willing to invest in a game that needs funding? My team has been looking for a publisher but we aren't pozzed and aren't chasing a demographic that doesn't actually like videogames.

    Game is a top 1000 upcoming steam wishlist title. Based on current market data, we have enough wishlists to result in a day 1 return of over $100,000 once it releases, and that is on the low end. After that, sales would be expected to continue especially once games media picks it up. Development period is two years, we need more than $200,000 but less than $400,000 to be able to pivot into full time development, keep our families fed, and expense necessary contractors for the additional assets that we can do, but someone else can do more efficiently or even better if necessary.

    Rather than starting from zero with no experience, your money could go straight into a small team that has a strong title with a playable demo and the guts to make this thing happen.

  48. 4 months ago

    I knew a fricking janitor who had half a million dollars and he was the funniest dude.

    • 4 months ago

      sounds like a fricking sitcom

    • 4 months ago

      I guess it's easy to crack jokes on work if your lifehood doesn't depend on making enough as a janitor. I know a street cleaner who owns latest Iphone has his own car, guess some people find their places in life.

  49. 4 months ago

    If I could make any game I'd probably make a turn-based JRPG

    • 4 months ago

      How original, what would you do to make your Jrpg to stand out from the rest? Unique story? New or hybrid gameplay mechanics? Good artstyle? Nice girls? Controversial setting? Schizo shenanigans? Reimagined stories from niche literature? Just say you want to make another quirky mother 2 inspired rpg and be done with it.

      • 4 months ago

        no just a regular turn-based JRPG. 3 or 4 guys in a row and give them skills trees. Have mobs that have a 1/50 or 1/100 chance to drop their ultimate weapon or something like that

        • 4 months ago

          have a 1/50 or 1/100 chance to drop their ultimate weapon
          Don't do this shit, at least make them drop materials, so you can then craft one out of 4-8 weapons/accessories with buff of choice for your 4 homies in a row. That way it won't be infuriating to grind 1000 of diamond chickens for ultimate weapon, only for it to turn out to be shit when compared to endgame gear, since dropped loot can'be more powerful then your current story progression gear, if you make dropped weapon too OP, it will break the game if players acquire it too early.

  50. 4 months ago

    you now know how insanely luck you are
    do not fricking squander you gifts

    • 4 months ago

      god damn SK is a fricking hellhole

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      this makes me glad I work in an office actually
      god damn
      those poor fricks

  51. 4 months ago

    if you're 40 you can retire if you live on a maximum of 20K a year without even having to work or play stonks and be fine until you're 90 without having to move to seanjgger land

  52. 4 months ago

    you'd have to be a fricking real idiot to sell aby property you own right now - hold on to that shit

  53. 4 months ago

    Invest in Sony before the business update next week

  54. 4 months ago

    don't sell your folks place yet
    let the market settle in the next 2-3 years first and talk to a realtor

  55. 4 months ago

    Don't get into game dev you fricking moron
    And especially don't get into self financed game dev
    t. game dev

  56. 4 months ago

    >all grandparents were dead before i was born
    >dad made a stupid decision and lost everything
    >only inheritance will be from my mum and ill probably die before her anyway
    only solace is she will never kick me out but still kinda jealous when people get these massive inheritances

  57. 4 months ago

    I dunno what your skills are like OP, but I will assume you are the ideas guy. You will face the following problems:
    You will have to spend a significant amount of time and money to acquire the people you need. Unless you have some programming expertise, it will also be very difficult to judge whether guys are actually competent or not. It is highly unlikely that you will be able to get everyone you need at the same time, so it will take some time before you can ship the game.
    You will probably need a senior programmer (100K min) and 2 juniors (70K min), an artist and a sound designer. They also need to have sub-domain expertise, e.g. 3d modeller also needs to be able to rig animations, which also brings the price up.
    >Project management
    Unless you want to follow Star Citizens footsteps, you will need to somehow keep the project on track. This means you will need to be in constant comms with your team and rein them in to keep them focused on what you want. You will need to learn the difference between what your team thinks is important and what is actually important, which generally only comes with experience. Likewise, what you want is highly unlikely to what you will get
    If you are the luckiest Black person in the world, this will probably cost you a minimum 400K a year and it will take around 5 years to complete. This is of course assuming something coherent falls out the other end and you don't just end up with shovelware

  58. 4 months ago

    bro just move to vietnam and live the neet life

  59. 4 months ago

    >Should I put together a team to make some vidya?
    You should start on your own and then find out what you're missing and need help with.

  60. 4 months ago

    >sell my folk's paid off place
    Everyone's fricking struggling to acquire shit and you want to sell yours. That's dumb as frick.

    • 4 months ago

      So he can make a hecking video game

    • 4 months ago


      he says it hurts to live there so it's probably loneliness as they've both passed away so i can't blame him in this instance and at least he's not buying some big fancy shit house

      • 4 months ago

        Then rent the place or something.
        Unless it's an absolute shithole that costs more to maintain, there's absolutely no reason for anyone to sell a FULLY PAID place.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah there is. You can sell a big mansion and buy multiple cheap apartments or units that are all paid off and then rent each of them out to make more money. Also you can borrow off the equity of the house/s to buy more properties and use all the profit you make to pay the new mortgage off. And repeat the process.

  61. 4 months ago

    No. You need to invest that money in something worthwhile that will give you returns. Become a landlord with multiple properties in good areas. After that, then you can throw any money earnt into a drain like video game development. It doesn't matter because then you're set for life and can do what you want.

    • 4 months ago

      >Become a landlord in 202x

      • 4 months ago

        House prices are just going to get more expensive as time goes on

        • 4 months ago

          yes, that's why he's mad at landlords and thus hates them and doesn't want more people to become them
          Which leads to wonderful policies and regulations meant to stifle landlords
          which leads to less landlords
          less housing
          higher costs
          and then more people begging for the government to help out some more
          maybe price controls next!

          • 4 months ago

            lefties think the government could build all the houses and let people live there for free but that's not how the world works.

      • 4 months ago

        sucks to not be central european chad.

      • 4 months ago

        seethe. now pay up or im throwing your ass on the pavement, rentoid.

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago


      I'm about to inherit $750,000, and will sell my folk's paid off place I'm currently living in for around $900,000 if not a solid mil, as it's just too big for me to live in alone, and it's quite frankly getting depressing. I'm going to buy a smaller place for about $300-400k, which means I'll have well over a million dollars lying around. Should I put together a team to make some vidya?

      I want to make a game that's a mix between Freelancer and GTA. Kinda Starfield, but not terrible. It was have influences from Cowboy Bebop and Trigun.

      What kinda game would you make if you had some money?

      Also, go to an actual professional financial planner and he will give you multiple options that will 100% work for you. Tell him your plan of video game development and he could tell you how to make it work (in the future).

      >Become a landlord in 202x

      Why not? People are always gonna want to rent from you assuming you don't buy in some Black person infested town

      • 4 months ago

        >financial planner

        won't they try to frick you out of your money if they know you're clueless like op

        • 4 months ago

          No they will give actual good advice and knock some sense into clueless people like OP

          • 4 months ago

            ok what if I don't want to do the video game thing anymore - what would a financial advisor recommend then - how would a financial advisor assist a neet living in a comfy shoebos studio with 1mil dolleroos

            • 4 months ago

              they'll look at you in disgust but still set you up a portfolio - as someone said if you get richer they get richer and they'll definitely be happy you're not a big spender

            • 4 months ago

              He could probably find a way to make you 5-10% profit per year for the rest of your life. So with a million dollars you are looking at 50k-100k a year compounding interest

              • 4 months ago

                holy shit u wouldn't even have to live that frugal a lifestyle with that to last you 30+ years

              • 4 months ago

                how about if you only have 500k like a pleb (not me haha)

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                then probably 20-40k a year which you can still live comfortably with if you're somewhat frugal

              • 4 months ago

                Same thing, he'd invest it. If you're young that's a crazy good position to be in.

              • 4 months ago

                is 45 young haha

              • 4 months ago

                please god I hope not, I'd like this to wrap up soon.

              • 4 months ago
  62. 4 months ago

    you're even worse than the average ideas guy, that money is gonna melt away with that kinda planning
    at least get lke a proper concept of what you want to make first first

  63. 4 months ago

    OP you should just persue it as a hobby (then you'll see why it's a bad investment, lol)
    You don't need to start with an expensive dream game, and you should not
    If you can not make a smaller, cheap, fun, successful game, you will not achieve the massive scope game.

    But there's nothing stopping you from downloading Unreal for 5 and fricking around. Hell, you can even get assets super cheap. Buy some Synty assets for like 100 bucks and make something. See how it goes.

  64. 4 months ago

    fricking hell that sounds shit, enjoy losing all your money

  65. 4 months ago

    buy a brothel

    • 4 months ago

      with that money you could be the brothel

  66. 4 months ago

    whats the best nationality to look for in a financial planner or accountant (will I even need an accountant)

    • 4 months ago

      they're basically the same thing and go for asians

    • 4 months ago


  67. 4 months ago

    >cowboy bebop and trigun game

    sounds cool honestly

  68. 4 months ago

    Start small then go up as you figure out the types of people you need, since with companies you should on;y hire to fill a role you cannot do yourself, and game dev jobs are expensive. But I wish you luck since that sounds awesome.

  69. 4 months ago

    what would you do if you had a million dollars Ganker

    • 4 months ago

      i'd bet it all on black and an hero i lose

    • 4 months ago

      Don't you get a monthly percentage of that if you just invest it in a bank?

      • 4 months ago

        you open 4 high interest accounts with about 220k each and keep moving the money around to get thousands of dollars of interest a week but it won't be enough to outrun inflation

      • 4 months ago

        You're better off going for investments in safe stocks
        Only issue is the market is highly overvalued and uncertain at the moment the current economy is dogshit but propped up by high corporate profits that won't last because people are bleeding out, maybe if a recession hits you pull the trigger and once it ends you'll be like 30% up

  70. 4 months ago

    >im about to inherit 1.75 million currencies and honestly its getting depressing
    frick off

    t. 300 to scrape by a month

    • 4 months ago

      nice reading comprehension sport
      obviously it's depressing living in a home alone where you used to live with your now deceased parents.
      no wonder you're so stupid and poor

      • 4 months ago

        >muh reading comprehension
        you said 700k AND one mil.
        since you insulted me have a nice day and thread closed.

        • 4 months ago

          im not op you fricking moron
          i'm just addressing why op would want to get out of his diseased parent's house
          rich people can still suffer from mental problems like depression you absolute frickwit

          • 4 months ago

            Robin Williams here

            nuh uh

        • 4 months ago

          have a nice day you broke-ass moron

  71. 4 months ago

    how many salaries do you expect to pay with a million bucks, exactly?

  72. 4 months ago

    heroin would be a better investment than a game company

  73. 4 months ago

    I get 100 dollars of interest every year from 50 grand sitting in a savings account
    I have never had an income

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      That's one way to phrase "My money is decreasing in value every year"

      • 4 months ago

        that literally doesn't mean anything
        I don't believe you
        inflation is just made up bullshit
        I literally have the same amount of money
        I'm poor I can't spend it

        • 4 months ago

          before joe biden, 20$ could buy you six or seven big macs
          after joe biden, 20$ can buy you two two or three big macs
          now abstract and apply to your 50,000

          I'm not trying to take your money from you anon, I'm telling you that that is what is already happening. You should find something better to do with it than a savings account """""earning"""""" you 100$ a year

          • 4 months ago

            I don't buy anything except games, porn, and anime figures which are in yen which has plummeted so your gay like bullshit is not real to me

        • 4 months ago

          you'll be homeless before 2030


          why was this so fricking eerie

          • 4 months ago

            Reminds me of school when the short fat rich kid tried to pay people to go to his birthday or hang out with him but ended up getting the money taken then his face shoved in dirt

  74. 4 months ago

    why would you waste your cash on game development, there are too many games to play already just enjoy the ride

  75. 4 months ago

    I was recently informed I will be inheriting $400k when my aunt passes. What should I do with it? I'm 35 and live in a one bedroom that has about 200k left on it (bought it for 400k about a decade ago) and I work in retail 4 days a week.

    • 4 months ago

      Buy another property but just rent it out. And throw the remainder into your mortgage. Keep working.

      • 4 months ago

        >Keep working

        can I switch to part time (4 days a week)

        • 4 months ago

          If you're young and able there's no reason to do that. The harder you work now, the earlier you can retire.

          • 4 months ago

            35 and tired

            • 4 months ago

              maybe if you were 45 then yeah but you're still young ya pussy

          • 4 months ago

            >the earlier you can retire in your grave or be on pills 24/7 from the stress and fricked up health
            Hard work should only benefit yourself, most and foremost, best option is to open your business and work like no tomorrow, at least you will know exactly what to do with your time, unlike wagies wasting half their life redoing plans, budget, entire fiscal quarter worth of files from employer, just because he has to please the boss and investor, just to show them good numbers.

          • 4 months ago

            >has basically half a mil
            >wage slave harder kek

            frick are you on
            he invest in more property and stocks

    • 4 months ago

      put 100k down on the load and use the equity to buy another place to lease out then pay your place off and get a financial planner you help you out and slowly get into very basic stocks/shares

    • 4 months ago

      step one. don't bloody listen Ganker
      step two. find a financial advisor
      step three. try to live frugal anyway

  76. 4 months ago

    >wasting money on a dying media where success is a coinflip because market is oversaturated to the point of crashing on itself.

    Just take money and live like a neet, maybe make your own game on your own time. Wasting whole mil to pay other people is not worth it at all.

  77. 4 months ago

    >Should I put together a team to make some vidya?
    No. If you had enough experience to know how to make games and how much you can get for that amount of money then you would not be asking us. If you really want to make a game, then start by making something extremely tightly scoped (at most around the scope of the original SMB) by yourself.

  78. 4 months ago

    >Born poor
    >Work to do better
    >Save up $30k for house downpayment
    >Interest rates through the fricking roof
    >Know that the moment I buy a house the market will collapse
    >Get $17k bonus
    >$7k taxes taken straight off the top
    I wish I lived on ez mode.

    • 4 months ago

      Social mobility is a lie.

    • 4 months ago

      get taxed nerd

  79. 4 months ago

    I inherited about $350k from my grandparents. They replaced my mother in their will with me because she became a drug addict and is moronic with money. But she's changed since then and I gave her and each of my siblings $25k. My brothers were speechless as it was life changing for them. Two were living paycheck to paycheck and had no cushion whatsoever(they were fresh outta highschool) and the other was living extremely frugally to save a down payment for a home so that fast forwarded his timeline by two years. I have the rest in high interest CDs so I make about $12-15k in interest per year plus my usual income.


    • 4 months ago

      ur a good bro

  80. 4 months ago

    I want a good trigun tps

    • 4 months ago

      Not with current pozzed stampede, you won't receive anything worthwhile.

  81. 4 months ago

    Buy pDAI on PulseChain.

    You won't. But you will one day look back at this post and wish that you did.

  82. 4 months ago

    >I'll have well over a million dollars lying around. Should I put together a team to make some vidya?
    Do you have any skills at making games whatsoever? If no, then a million won't even be close to enough to hire a team.

  83. 4 months ago

    >brother commits suicide
    >I am now the sole inheritor of 600k+ trust fund
    I will probably just use it to pay off the 100k mortgage and then go back to school. then just sit on the rest.

    • 4 months ago

      This is the best use of it if you have a plan and you're not getting a meme degree.

      Being able to quit your job and educate yourself for a much higher paying job is the best investment you can make.

      • 4 months ago

        well I hope mathematics - concentration statistics isn't a meme degree. I want to be a statistician or an actuary. they are usually in demand, despite modern computer algorithms being so advanced

  84. 4 months ago

    You are moronic.
    Invest the money into something that'll make you more money.

    • 4 months ago

      This is much easier said than done, anon. With that said some of the best indicators are) Nancy Pelosi (just copy trade her) and Jim Cramer (the inverse oracle God). Other than that, now isn't bad time to get into crypto but you have to be careful which one(s) you get into.

  85. 4 months ago

    No. Invest your money and live off of a set amount. Keep working. Enjoy buying anything you basically want.

    Maybe if you hire a ton of people on Fiverr lol

  86. 4 months ago

    >paying all those taxes just because "this house is too big for me alone"

  87. 4 months ago

    Invest in AI shit moron, gaming is dead

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