I'm completely out of touch with the topic but I've been wondering: is there a MMORPG (with an actual huge open world with thousands of play...

I'm completely out of touch with the topic but I've been wondering: is there a MMORPG (with an actual huge open world with thousands of players being there at the same time) with a precise physics-based combat system with a manual execution of every strike or spellcast? Think Elden Ring vs WoW.
I suppose the simplified combat model in WoW was kinda unavoidable due to relatively poor internet capabilities back in the days, but the infrastructure has gotten way better since then, so I wonder if MMORPGs are already past this point.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Sadly no. MMOs are dead and not coming back. It was a phenomenon exclusive to the 2000s before social media took over. All you can find nowadays are either lobby-based games with no more than a couple of dozen of people per match or survival/crafting games such as Conan Exiles.

  2. 12 months ago

    do you realize how difficult it would be to create the networking code logic for such an MMO? everyone has better connections, true, but the latencies are still there and it's very difficult to accurately predict movements while supporting thousands of simultaneous players

    • 12 months ago

      This. You would basically need to have fighting game style rollback netcode, scaled to work for 40 or so actors. Which does sound pretty cool, but would need to be invented first. Just having faster internet won't magically solve the problem. And you still have to actually account for slower connections, because lag, lag spikes, and bad ISPs happen.

      • 12 months ago

        i want to attempt this now that it was brought up here. i've created multiple custom mmo rpg base game engines in C11, because the subject interests me in various ways. it's just that my mental health stops me from developing these further because when i start i cannot stop and then i spiral into this coding psychosis and it's really difficult to get back up from there........

        by attempting i mean that i don't assume i'll figure it out, but it's very satisfying to get some concept even partially working when it comes to networked games

        • 12 months ago

          Netcode is one of the most complex parts of game programming. Mad props to you if you're proficient enough to create networking solutions as a hobby, even if they don't evolve into a full game.

    • 12 months ago

      I don't, this is why I asked. I assume it's still impossible and with MMORPGs being a dying genre it's most likely never going to happen. That's a pity. Thank you all for your input, anons.

    • 12 months ago

      >muh latency
      It would be possible in korea.

      • 12 months ago

        You have no idea what you're talking about.

        • 12 months ago

          You have never been to korea.

          • 12 months ago

            And you've what, worked in network maintenance there? Do you even know the difference between speed and latency?

  3. 12 months ago

    sounds like you want mortal online 2 or gloria victis. im not fully sure what you mean but those games have combat closer to mount & blade, if you ever played it.

  4. 12 months ago

    Would autistically realistic physics actually add anything to gameplay?

    • 12 months ago

      not autistically, just on par with an average single player game where you execute basic attacks by pressing the button and your hit success is determined by you reaching the hitbox
      basically any single player game, dark souls, skyrim, gothic, really, it's quite standard, just not for mmorpgs

    • 12 months ago

      A skill based engaging combat with every enemy instead of just facerolling a few class skills and watching boring animations of the essentially static actors?

  5. 12 months ago

    I want an mmo where player characters can only run as fast as the player can in real life
    Chromosome verification would be cool too

    • 12 months ago

      that's an awesome idea, would incentivise gamers to work out IRL

  6. 12 months ago

    >lots of players
    > deep combat
    unironically Eve Online
    No other mmo comes remotely close to its size and scale, sadly
    7800 zones, 30,000 man guilds, regular thousand-man pvp battles, real market economy, and holds the record for most players in a single pvp battle at 13,800 players.
    Ignore the "second job" or "spreadsheets" memes, game is super streamlined and easy to get into these days
    Unlike other mmos it doesn't punish you for taking long breaks or for not logging in every day, I like it cuz it's something I always come back to between other games.
    The pvp is unmatched with a high skill ceiling and unlimited builds, rewarding player knowledge/tactics over equipment. Pvp in Eve makes you sweat and you'll have pvp shakes even after playing for years
    Lastly the player base is mostly chill alcoholic 30-50yo Dads, no gays, trannies or bluehairs.

    • 12 months ago

      Unfortunately EVE development has gone from the usual glacial pace into an almost abandoned state. This combined with professionally managed megablobs optimizing the fun out of the game has led to a situation where there really is little incentive for the thinking man to play. The 30k man guilds and thousand player battles sound cool in theory but the actual gaming experience is pretty bad and definitely the worst part of the game.

      • 12 months ago

        >abandoned state
        >when player counts are highest in years
        >with lots of updates the last 2 years
        You're that same homosexual doomposter from /eog/, frick off
        Want a dead mmo?
        Play galaxies, EQ or aion or something

    • 12 months ago

      >Eve Online
      >deep combat

      >le me just click on da icons nd shit Black person
      >muh game is da best


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