I'm going to play this without ever having played Armored Core before. I expect to enjoy it nevertheless.

I'm going to play this without ever having played Armored Core before. I expect to enjoy it nevertheless.

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    nice, have fun

  2. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >fromsoft bus
      >accident happens
      >it starts rolling through traffic

      • 10 months ago

        its an armored core bus so its going roughly 400 miles an hour

    • 10 months ago

      I'm not used to this. I still remember how the gaming press shat on AC4 and was accusing it of not being "next gen" enough.

      • 10 months ago

        They're doing that with ac6. Fextralife gay who gets views solely through embedding said the game is garbage because it doesn't have enough particle effects.

      • 10 months ago

        >4/4A got panned by IGN and the like at the time
        >V/VD had decently positive press for the multiplayer and graphics
        Such a strange contrast

      • 10 months ago

        This still happens. Most criticism of the game is that it "looks like a PS3 game".

    • 10 months ago

      >super niche game genre that 90% of the gaming community doesn’t even know or care about.
      Lol. Lmao even

      • 10 months ago

        >action games are super niche game genre

        • 10 months ago

          >transformers simulator
          >action game on the same level as CoD or AssCreed

          • 10 months ago

            They said the same thing about Sekiro

            • 10 months ago

              There are a LOT more people into sword based RPGs than
              >Autobots Roolllllllll Ouuuuttttt!
              Simulators. A LOT more people are into self inserting as a sword wielding Shinobi than who are into cosplaying as Optimus Prime.

              • 10 months ago

                >Simulators. A LOT more people are into self inserting as a sword wielding Shinobi than who are into cosplaying as Optimus Prime.
                citation needed

  3. 10 months ago

    If you enjoyed Ace Combat you'll probably like Armored Core.

    • 10 months ago

      They have absolutely zero in common you stupid homosexual. AC acronym doesn't mean shit.

      • 10 months ago

        Black personfrickingscuse me? ace combat is /m/ you fricking moronic fricking monkey. stay in your fricking lane.

        • 10 months ago

          That’s Ace of Base you dumbass Black persontroonyjew

  4. 10 months ago

    have fun anon, don't let it any elitist chud make you feel bad

  5. 10 months ago

    From what I gather it was developed with the intent of bringing new people in comfortably
    Which makes sense seeing how fricking old and niche this series is

  6. 10 months ago

    Having played every Armored Core game before, I'm not going to play this.

    • 10 months ago

      Why not

      • 10 months ago

        In short: because it's now a plain action game and designed for newcomers/soulsgays first and foremost.
        What's worse is that this is the only significant change you can notice. They didn't look at the rest of the series and consider what should be brought back or improved upon, didn't look at glaring balance issues of past games and try to address that in a creative way, they didn't look at mecha in general and consider what cool shit they could add that the series never had. No, they just played it "safe" and even ignored any old features they couldn't be arsed to implement (like weapon arms).

        I'm sure it might still be a fun game to those who don't know shit about that or don't care, but I refuse to ignore it.

        • 10 months ago

          bringing in souls-fans is a good thing
          there are many of them, an it means they have more budget for the next game

        • 10 months ago

          I pray every day that Yamamura-sama returns our weapon arms. Grenade launcher arms were the OG noob carry weapons. Every first-timer strapped those to their tank AC and damage raced every arena opponent no matter how many tries it took.

        • 10 months ago

          >didn't look at glaring balance issues
          This is how you know the entire post can be safely disregarded, when the game isn't out yet but you're already crying and pissing about pvp balance

          • 10 months ago

            Honestly PvP with Fromsoft games is fricking terrible. Armored Core itself is always a mess depending on what your friend / that online player brought to the table to frick with, though meta builds don't help, but that shit was mostly in good fun because you really had to try to set stuff up. Yet the Souls / ER invasion shit is just fricking busted, filled with cheaters, and championed by tryhards that think whoever they invade owes them a good fight or they're gonna make their game miserable out of spite.

            The people that want to make their groups and throw their ACs against eachother are just gonna keep trucking on as they always have, but assfrick dumbasses are gonna whine to every single corner they can about how PvP arena matches and part balance isn't catering to them.

        • 10 months ago

          >they didn't look at mecha in general and consider what cool shit they could add that the series never had. No, they just played it "safe" and even ignored any old features they couldn't be arsed to implement (like weapon arms).
          What are:
          >More exaggerated gameplay differences for legs
          >Making the full weapon carousel accessible without swapping
          >Return of secret parts
          >Return of ally ACs from 4th gen
          >Return of arm specific parts from older gens
          >Return and improvement of scan mode
          >Improved cosmetic customisation for mechs
          >Assault boosting literally using the weight of your mech to demolish MTs and throw ACs and larger enemies off balance
          And how do you know there's no weapon arms?

          • 10 months ago

            NTA Because they confirmed no weapon arms, just like no ultimate weapons. Also
            >more exaggerated gameplay differences for legs
            Why, because quads have a slow hover mode now that turns you into a big target for any dangerous enemy? Legs were already different with unique features in previous games.
            >return of ally ACs from 4th gen
            5th gen had ally ACs, VD was literally designed around you having a UNAC buddy throughout the campaign, and you could head into multiplayer with a team of UNACs.
            >return and “improvement” of scan mode
            At the cost of no radar AND no area mapping, again. How is scan mode improved? Because it has a cooldown now so you can’t use it as often? What was wrong with the radar system?
            >assault boosting
            It came at the cost of Exceed Orbit cores and Assault Armor.

            • 10 months ago

              >Why, because quads have a slow hover mode now that turns you into a big target for any dangerous enemy? Legs were already different with unique features in previous games.
              Besides jumping a little higher, the main differences in legs came down entirely to stats, e.g. weight, armour, turn speed, etc. Actually attaching unique movement and abilities to legs absolutely counts as "cool shit they could add that the series never had." There's literally a whole mission in the previews that perfectly demonstrates how useful quad legs can be since you need to actually be in the air to to destroy the arms fort.
              >At the cost of no radar AND no area mapping, again. How is scan mode improved? Because it has a cooldown now so you can’t use it as often? What was wrong with the radar system?
              It took you out of combat mode, which was fine for armored core 5. Now imagine that same system in AC4 and literally nobody would ever use it. AC6 brought back scan mode and made it suit the game it was in, meanwhile anon was complaining about a lack of innovation and honoring the older games. Also, AC6 has a lateral radar. Don't pretend like radar parts are useful.
              >It came at the cost of Exceed Orbit cores and Assault Armor.
              Assault armour is in the game though. It's an unlock.

              • 10 months ago

                >Actually attaching unique movement and abilities to legs absolutely counts as "cool shit they could add that the series never had."
                Serious question; have you played AC before? Tank legs had a unique ability to fire back mounted weapons in the air and while moving on the ground, and quads had the unique ability to fire back mounted weapons while moving on the ground since the very first game.
                >scan mode
                Sucks compared to radar. “Lateral radar” is worse than having an actual radar, and there is NO area mapping. In levels that are supposedly going to be bigger than ever, having no area mapping sucks. Radar parts were useful since they let you use heads without radar functionality and let you counter ECM depending on the game.
                >AA is in the game
                As a one-time per mission expansion slot.

              • 10 months ago

                >Actually attaching unique movement and abilities to legs absolutely counts as "cool shit they could add that the series never had."
                Serious question; have you played AC before? Tank legs had a unique ability to fire back mounted weapons in the air and while moving on the ground, and quads had the unique ability to fire back mounted weapons while moving on the ground since the very first game.
                >scan mode
                Sucks compared to radar. “Lateral radar” is worse than having an actual radar, and there is NO area mapping. In levels that are supposedly going to be bigger than ever, having no area mapping sucks. Radar parts were useful since they let you use heads without radar functionality and let you counter ECM depending on the game.
                >AA is in the game
                As a one-time per mission expansion slot.

                Assault armor is coming back as a once per map nuke?
                That's exciting to hear, even if I wish it instead shackled you with debuffs and damage each time you used it, to show your AC being torn apart by it/

          • 10 months ago

            the full weapon carousel accessible without swapping
            Arguably a bad idea, enabling dual wielding for any guns already made dual wielding the same one too good to not do.
            of secret parts
            5th gen had them.
            of ally ACs from 4th gen
            Huh? VD had the whole UNAC system you could make your own ally ACs in, and that was an improvement upon a similar system from SL. I don't think VI even has that.
            of arm specific parts from older gens
            Just sounds like they couldn't be bothered to make dual wield animations for melee nor try to balance it. Most (all?) guns can still be used in both hands so it's not like this is for balance reasons. And otherwise that would be a shit solution, because akimbo isn't inherently bad.
            and improvement of scan mode
            An improvement would be its complete removal, where's my fricking radar? No, the skyrim compass doesn't count.
            cosmetic customisation for mechs
            They added more paint/shader and decal stuff, sure, that's a no-brainer. But there isn't anything like being able to alter specific areas of parts (e.g. visor open/closed) or anything like that, so I can't say the improvement here is particularly significant.
            >Assault boosting literally using the weight of your mech to demolish...
            Glide boost kick was already a thing, this is a little different but not exactly innovative.

            >>More exaggerated gameplay differences for legs
            Yet they still couldn't bring back hovers. V exaggerated those differences far more, honestly, VI backpedals on that and adds a few gimmicks. Not that I mind, admittedly, it's a good change.

            I'll clarify and say they clearly did look at the last 2 gens and brought back a few things from them that previously sucked, making them suck less.
            The problem is that it's all slightly adjusted relatively recent stuff that obviously sucked. Did the game even really need 5th gen's back hangers? It's even more out of place now that you can fire 4 weapons at once.

            • 10 months ago

              (further clarification)
              What I really meant was that it'd be nice if they looked at older problems that were never resolved or solutions that didn't really work and tried to tackle them in new, possibly a little experimental ways.
              For example, early speculation involved the possibility of rifle-type weapons needing both arm slots to use, and the addition of that could help address the "why would I ever not dual wield" balance issue.

            • 10 months ago

              (further clarification)
              What I really meant was that it'd be nice if they looked at older problems that were never resolved or solutions that didn't really work and tried to tackle them in new, possibly a little experimental ways.
              For example, early speculation involved the possibility of rifle-type weapons needing both arm slots to use, and the addition of that could help address the "why would I ever not dual wield" balance issue.

              Okay, so no weapon carousel is a bad thing because it enables dual wielding of any weapon, and no dual wielding is a bad thing because it shows that they're lazy? It sort of sounds like you wouldn't be happy either way. Also don't be moronic, that's not how animation works. Arms come in pairs, your mech design will always be symmetrical. They literally don't need to make new animations for the left arm because it would be the exact same animation data for the right arm but flipped.

              So besides rifles (which seems like a moot point since you can't dual wield any weapon with the left arm anyway), what would you want them to bring back? First person mode? Four directional turning with the face buttons? Like ultimately we can only see what experimental shit they haven't done because it's all the most obvious, we only have access to like not even the entirety of the game's first chapter. If you ask me, the targeting system is pretty experimental, where you have to strategically release the lock for accuracy. It's a little like free-aiming vs letting the reticle take care of it.

              • 10 months ago

                >Okay, so no weapon carousel is a bad thing because it enables dual wielding of any weapon
                It's a bad thing because the controls are now completely fricked up and designed for hard lock or a controller with back buttons, and they didn't even consider adding something like weapon groups from Chromehounds to compensate. Also additional balance issues. It really just wasn't necessary or should have at least had more thought put into it.
                >that's not how animation works. Arms come in pairs, your mech design will always be symmetrical. They literally don't need to make new animations for the left arm because it would be the exact same animation data for the right arm but flipped.
                Yeah and what happens when you try to attack with both at once? Especially now that there are more weapon types and more animations for each.
                >what would you want them to bring back?
                >First person mode?
                Yeah, why not? It was barely functional even in the game where it had a HUD and didn't need a cheat to enable it, they could add it just for fun. No fun allowed though.
                >If you ask me, the targeting system is pretty experimental, where you have to strategically release the lock for accuracy.
                You could maybe call it experimental, but it's only the way it is because they tried to find a compromise between 4th gen FCS (which already sucked) and generic action lock-on. It's not an original idea, just a common one that was shoehorned in.

          • 10 months ago

            >And how do you know there's no weapon arms?
            They confirmed this in an interview

            • 10 months ago

              Which interview?

        • 10 months ago

          Did you skip 5th gen or something?

        • 10 months ago

          Same OP, I am very excited. If I enjoy the game I'm gonna get a PS controller and emulate the rest of the games

          This reads like pseudointellectual pretentious bullshit ngl anon

        • 10 months ago

          >No, they just played it "safe"
          6 does not play it safe, if they wanted to play it safe they would have just made 4A 2.0 and called it a day 6 is just another Generation shift like other titles that comes with risk of shifting up the titles

          • 10 months ago

            >no if they made it like the worst selling gen that’d be playing it safe
            >it’s just a gen shift like other titles
            You have never played Armored Core, try to make it a little less obvious next time.

        • 10 months ago

          Imagine saying all of this and manage to not say anything at all at the same time.

        • 10 months ago

          All these points are literal non-Issues

        • 10 months ago

          >even ignored any old features they couldn't be arsed to implement (like weapon arms).
          You act like older titles has good features in the first place, weapons are whatever but other shit I couldn't care less about especially from 5th and 3rd gen

          • 10 months ago

            What specific features were introduced in 3rd gen that you “couldn’t care less about”?

        • 10 months ago

          Absolutely based. Zoomers and redditors are fricking seething at this post lmao

        • 10 months ago

          >In short
          >blah blah blah

        • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          >OLD GOOD NEW BAD
          you wouldve said the same thing when 4th gen and 5th gen were first released

        • 10 months ago

          >no weapon arms
          Has this been confirmed?

          • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Don't care still playing 6

        • 10 months ago

          People said the same shit about sekiro and tenchu, and look, sekiro is their best game to date by far.

          I will enjoy not reading you b***hing when the game comes out and I am busy enjoying it.

          • 10 months ago

            >sekiro and tenchu
            Games in entirely different genres that only had anything to do with each other at a very early stage of development? How is this even relevant? Even Tenchu itself isn't a fromsoft series and had multiple different devs as well as an extremely shitty Wii entry.
            >sekiro is their best game to date by far

        • 10 months ago

          You haven't even played the game moron, you have no idea what you're saying.

          • 10 months ago

            You're not even fricking saying anything, just admitting to being blind or clueless. What is this generic "you haven't played it yet!" garbage again? How many people actually played Forspoken to say it's shit?
            With the context of the entire series in mind, all the gameplay previews already show enough reasons to pass on it. Only someone who doesn't have that context still sees the game as a mystery yet to be unveiled.

            • 10 months ago

              You haven't played the game yet. (different anon here)

              • 10 months ago

                And I definitely will not. (same anon here)

              • 10 months ago

                Good then. Instead of complaining, you should exert more energy on the games you're playing/games you wanna play.

              • 10 months ago

                You fail to comprehend how people like this operate. They have ugly faces and ugly souls and they cannot experience joy or happiness in any capacity, all they can do is cry when they see other people experience those emotions.

              • 10 months ago

                You fail to comprehend how people like this operate. They have ugly faces and ugly souls and they cannot experience joy or happiness in any capacity, all they can do is cry when they see other people experience those emotions.

                Are you still here seething about this? I don't give a rat's ass about your dumbass take. Go frick off and do something else. AC6 looks as different from other AC games as AC4 was and as ACV was. Sorry that desperate soulsgays had to concede it's not a souls like so you have to make up non issues to get uppity about. Get over yourself or frick off

                Conversly, don't reply to such posters. They made up their mind, we disagree. That' that

              • 10 months ago

                I'm already playing vidya right now. Don't see why I should refrain from complaining about issues of a game I wanted to be good in a series that used to be (mostly) good.

                Are you still here seething about this? I don't give a rat's ass about your dumbass take. Go frick off and do something else. AC6 looks as different from other AC games as AC4 was and as ACV was. Sorry that desperate soulsgays had to concede it's not a souls like so you have to make up non issues to get uppity about. Get over yourself or frick off

                I don't give a frick about soulsgay mental gymnastics or what they actually think about the game. The game plays fundamentally different from every other game in the series to an extent even 5th gen didn't reach, and there are more, non-fundamental issues that add up on top of that.
                But you only choose to ignore and dismiss that because you don't care. And if you don't care, why don't you just shut the frick up and ideally have a nice day instead of writing worthless cope responses? At least

                Conversly, don't reply to such posters. They made up their mind, we disagree. That' that

                has the right idea.

            • 10 months ago

              Are you still here seething about this? I don't give a rat's ass about your dumbass take. Go frick off and do something else. AC6 looks as different from other AC games as AC4 was and as ACV was. Sorry that desperate soulsgays had to concede it's not a souls like so you have to make up non issues to get uppity about. Get over yourself or frick off

            • 10 months ago

              You're screaming about problems that you made up in your own mind. Get help.

              • 10 months ago

                That's what everyone does. You can not disprove a solipsistic cosmology. (I do not believe this, i am memeing) Every person you will ever meet will run on the hallucinations their senses provide them. The layers between sense data and intellectual conclusion are so numerous it is like a forest. This is the essence of trolling in the modern day. No matter who it is. You can infinitely gaslight people over the dumbest shit by disagreeing which them because the 18th pixel on their monitor is flickering. Nothing exists above the complexity of our senses but torture. Disagree with someone on the basis of a perceived tone (even on the internet) in their words and state you do not trust their temperament. They have no way to argue back with you if they believe you are arguing in good faith. The greatest societal antithesis has been born. Its design is so simple yet cruel. It's meaning is "I don't like the cut of your jib". No living man has ever come up with a coherent response. It is the undefeated.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                True. Our ghosts roam free for we do not have attenuation for one another through our worldly sight. I can not hold faith with you here brother. However I can leave a monument in the form of Drix from Osmosis Jones. May we find Osmotic enrichment such as Drix in our paths.

      • 10 months ago

        Instant turns and lock on

    • 10 months ago

      No one cares

      • 10 months ago

        I do.

  7. 10 months ago

    I just beat Master of Arena today. Why is Nine Ball Seraph SO COOL?

    • 10 months ago

      Because it had the best setup to the final boss in any of these games. The level design and the dialogue really help builds towards the threat you’re about to face and the slow elevator into the explosion as you stand in a darkened room with this thing standing in front of you as the music starts building up. You know shit is about to start and what pays off it how much of a rush is. You both have high damage output and chances are someone is dying in the next 10-15 seconds.

      Master of Arena isn’t my favorite game, but it does have my favorite last mission.

  8. 10 months ago

    ACbros, I'm playing For Answer on RPCS3 and every time it is compiling shaders, which happens often, a black popup box opens briefly then disappears. Is there a way to stop this or to pre-cache the shaders? I tried turning off the hints in the configuration for the emulator but it doesn't stop the popup box.

    • 10 months ago

      Not sure why that could be happening because disabling shader cache hints in the emu settings worked for me. I guess double check if it's unchecked in your custom configuration for the game and not just the global settings.

      • 10 months ago

        It seems restarting the game a couple of times may have fixed it. Thanks for the help.

        I just beat Master of Arena today. Why is Nine Ball Seraph SO COOL?

        I tried upscaling this but not sure how it turned out

  9. 10 months ago

    Yeah me too
    I hope it's like Dark Souls
    I love Dark Souls

  10. 10 months ago

    still not sure if I should get the PS5 or pc version

    • 10 months ago

      I got on os5 because comfy bed play is great

    • 10 months ago

      shader comp stutter
      traversal stutter
      frametime spikes
      cheaters in pvp
      who knows how many other PC specific issues PC games commonly have, needing to edit .dll files just to get the game to launch, controllers not working, etc.

      4K60 locked
      no cheaters
      a much larger community to pvp with since From sales massively more on PlayStation than any other platform

      seems like an easy choice here

      • 10 months ago

        Peasant hands typed this post.
        You thought you were getting exclusives like last gen, admit it.

        • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Pass that copium over here bro you're hogging it!

      • 10 months ago

        It’ll always amaze me when dumbasses think hackers can’t cheat on consoles

        • 10 months ago

          Even if they still can its like nothing compared to the amount of lowlife cheaters you find on PC multiplayer

      • 10 months ago

        Its not open world so there wont be loading stutters.

      • 10 months ago

        >no cheaters
        Elden Ring would like a word

    • 10 months ago

      homie I'm getting it on my ps4

      • 10 months ago

        I wonder if the PS4/5 versions are different or if I get a PS5 in the future it'll upscale

        • 10 months ago

          I imagine the PS5 has a few extra frames and maybe higher resolution?
          Can't imagine it will be too different

      • 10 months ago

        at least your ps4 fan will add to the immersion

    • 10 months ago

      get pc version then buy one of the AC6 model kits that kotobukiya will eventually make

  11. 10 months ago

    I hope nineball and stinger/phantasma make an appearance in some way or another. Maybe my boy Klein too for the sake AC2 being the only other game not on Earth.

  12. 10 months ago

    As someone whose first game was ACV, and enjoyed the tetrapod sniper style play, can I repeat that here without getting BTFO'd? I usually like heavy support kind of roles in games but if all the PvP is 1v1 then I'm not sure.

    tl;dr how make quad leg good

    • 10 months ago

      There's only 1v1 and 3v3 pvp. Not sure if proper snipers are making a return (I doubt it). Too bad since that way my favourite way to play 5th gen as well.
      As for yotsuashi, they are now the flying type that can stay in the air for way longer. Basically counters every ground-based boss.

      • 10 months ago

        There's an OS or whatever with free aim why would they take out snipers. Battles are all about positioning and maneuvering in pretty spacious environments. It's going to be so kino.

        >have to super fast unhittable fairy type mechs zipping around
        >third stealth sniper mech does all the damage

      • 10 months ago

        I hope there is a direct sequel or a big expansion that adds more multiplayer focus and weapon mechanics like proper right melee/weapon arms. I doubt hard mount weapons are coming back like sniper cannons in 5th gen style, because 5th gen had a lot of builds that only work great in a squad, because 1v1 only in those builds is almost certain death. And AC6 is stressing a lot about the single player experience than the multiplayer. Which is why you don’t even have some coop potential missions here and there. And surprisingly no invasions in any way when that’s the one idea I expected to have from soulsborne considering ambushes are the name of AC’s legacy. I think a potential route on a potential mission or two would have been cool. Like a cool optional gimmick you can choose because of course the formula doesn’t work at all if you could invade any mission.

  13. 10 months ago

    Am getting it on Series X, will it be dead online? Same question with Elden Ring, I have it on PS4 but would like greater graphical fidelity.

    • 10 months ago

      It's a fromsoft game...there'll be plenty of people online.
      Elden Ring is very much alive on Xbox

    • 10 months ago

      It'll probably be cross-play on PC to Xbox at the minimum so don't worry about playerbase I dont think.

      • 10 months ago

        86chad.....I kneel......
        I need to finish the novels I keep putting it off

        • 10 months ago

          Where can I read the novels? I've heard it's a Mecha story with a le ebin romance that is pretty vanilla. I'm a sucker for that kinda thing

  14. 10 months ago

    Why not? You might as well try at least one of them, they're not long games. The first game is only like 6 hours long

  15. 10 months ago

    >I'm going to play this without ever having played Armored Core before.
    t. 90% of the players

  16. 10 months ago

    The first game on PS1 is worth trying. I played it on duckstation last year and found it really fun.

    • 10 months ago

      For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpjO3c2XsPU

  17. 10 months ago

    Buy an ad, shill

  18. 10 months ago


  19. 10 months ago

    this and I'm not going to bother with emulators to prove my le hardcore gamer creed to some loser on Ganker

  20. 10 months ago

    The only good fromsoft games are the ones where you're a knight with a sword. Futureslop is cringe.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't worry Lords of the Fallen has got you covered until the Elden Ring DLC drops.

  21. 10 months ago

    I probably will too. I had planned to play one of the earlier ones first, but now the new one is so close I feel like I may as well just play that.

  22. 10 months ago

    I'm so curious to see how well this game is going to do.

    • 10 months ago

      Pre-orders are already satisfying the guys at Bamco so the only thing that's left to go wrong is if the response to the game is "meh" and it's forgotten in a week.

  23. 10 months ago

    Do AC games have a lot of cutscenes full of dialogue?

    • 10 months ago

      They're pretty low on cutscenes. Most voiced lines come from mission briefings which you can read for the details and skip. They're simple games that generally get right to the action. Not sure about 6 but what you saw in the previews and gameplay from israelitetubers is what you'll get.

      • 10 months ago

        Thank you. I will now purchase the game.

        • 10 months ago

          I'm mostly worried about overly cheesy in-game dialogue. Not really a problem in most games as they keep it light but AC5 was terrible for this, the story missions were insufferable. Verdict day did away with some of the chatter and what was left was fine. the final boss's monologues were a bit to chuuni for my liking though I think the reason From normally doesn't put too much dialogue in the games in general is because they're not good at it and any instance where it was good was a fluke. Handler Walter's "the bigger they are, the harder they fall had my eyes rolling 360 degrees and walking away.

      • 10 months ago

        Sounds shit. Why should I care about the gameplay without a strong narrative reason?

        • 10 months ago

          The narrative exists but it's kept pretty light. I think this will end up being a little like For Answer which had a pretty straight forward story with solid VA performance in English as well as in Japanese. The most extreme case in the franchise is Another Age which has no story at all; you're just a merc doing whatever missions happen to be available. There are also 100 missions in that game which made it even more bizarre. It had a very arcade like feel where you play the levels to beat the game. It's like playing all of Arkanoid (which has a "story" and a "final boss" believe it or not)

          • 10 months ago

            Well that sounds like nintendo shit then, pass.

  24. 10 months ago

    The only mech game I've played properly was gundam breaker 3. Did really enjoy it though.
    This looks like the same kinda game but with triple the budget, I hope it's fun. I'm not a fan of souls or fromsoft so seeing these weird debates about AC6 being a souls game is lost on me.

  25. 10 months ago

    Which AC games should I play/emulate first before AC6? I grew up watching Gundam and Armoured Trooper VOTOMS, if that helps at all.

    • 10 months ago




      • 10 months ago

        Eat my ass gay nerd homie

    • 10 months ago

      Play the first one. It has the most VOTOMS feel for sure. 2 and 3 are also good. FYI Kawamori did the designs for 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen AC games.

    • 10 months ago

      All of them. They get shorter as you go, so you can probably get them all down before 6 releases. I'm not sure if 5 is playable on emulator yet or not though. If you're really short in time, do the 3 series onwards.

      • 10 months ago

        AC6 comes out in less than 10 days. We’re passed the point of “play all of them” without getting very extreme burnout

        • 10 months ago

          Try out AC1, play AC2, play Silent Line. There’s your compact list.

        • 10 months ago

          It's not that hard to easily go through the games they're hilariously short

          • 10 months ago

            Not everyone is a neet that can just poopsock and piss bottle 15 games in their room. Unless anon is one, he's not playing them all in 10 days.

    • 10 months ago

      You don't have much time before release so play 3 and Silent Line. Play the whole series after you're done with VI

  26. 10 months ago

    New to series, played through ac3, SL, nexus, LR and ac4 so far and its been the same shit every time, usually boils down to me finding a single AC build that stomps the AI's dick and I slog my way through the rest of the S ranking the hidden parts to fil out my garage only for shit to reset after 2 games.
    Genuinely is it even worth going through ac4a which I imagine is more of the same song and dance or should I just wait til ac6?

    • 10 months ago

      If you don't like the gameplay in and of itself enough to keep going then just wait for 6 rather than burning out. AC6 is coming out a decade later after From has done nothing but soulsborn games so it's hard to say if this will be the same thing as the old games but I'm guessing it will be. At least this time you're here for multiplayer so you can try something other than shitting on the dumb AI that always tries to fly above you no matter what.

    • 10 months ago

      4A doesn't allow you to transfer any parts from 4, but it's arguably one of the best games and it plays a lot differently from all the others. It's not too long either so give it a shot before 6 comes out. Skip 5th gen though.

      • 10 months ago

        Suck my dick, verdict day was great

    • 10 months ago

      Why are you grinding out hidden parts? Why are you using a hidden parts guide? Just play the game, it doesn’t matter if you miss some parts. Also play 1st and 2nd gen.

  27. 10 months ago

    enjoy fromshill

  28. 10 months ago

    How does AC play compared to other mecha games? I never played AC because of other games taking up my time and being generally addicted to multiplayer. I played RAD for example but it's a very specific kind of game where you control all limbs of a mech.
    My general go-to game was Hawken until it fricking died. Then I spent idk how much looking for another game to play until I found out about Titanfall 2 and have been playing it religiously for past 3 years or so.
    Pic semi-related, my fav mobile suit.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s really something you have to play for yourself, there isn’t another mecha game that plays like it. The first three generations play pretty similarly, the fourth generation plays like a vastly sped up version of the first three, and the fifth generation is something else entirely.

      • 10 months ago

        So I should just emulate one of the previous games to get a gist of it? Just emulate the newest one cause its gonna be the most similar? I don't wanna spend money on a game I might not like, as I said before I never touched AC before.

        • 10 months ago

          Emulate the very first one, every other game in the series just recyles and remixes same core gameplay of the original PSX game.

        • 10 months ago

          I would say emulate AC3, For Answer or hell I heard Verdict Day is mostly playable on emu now. AC6 is a mixture of lot of the previous gens. You can see a lot of 5th gen roots in AC6, but very much more true to the experience of gen1-3 with some 4th gen flair thrown in here and there.

          Whatever you end up playing just look up a basic beginner guide. There’s a lot of traps that could make the experience worse if you ain’t for it. Like AC3 doesn’t have right analog mapping so it’s still uses the old ps1 control scheme which doesn’t use analog at all so you can look at something that’ll tell you to map the camera controls to the face buttons and with emulation you can take that a step further and have the right analog stick input those faces buttons on top. But if that latter doesn’t work, I find the prior already helps a ton without needing to mess with the emulator tricks. For Answer is also the easiest to recommend, just remember Controller Type B is leagues better for your layout. Verdict Day shortcomings just come emulator problems, I played it on native hardware so I can’t tell the specifics at the moment for it cause I heard it improved, but it is still prone to crashes.

    • 10 months ago

      Think of it as mech action wth some sim elements. Even though you’re often gun blazing with multiple weapons, it’s more about your movement and ability to keep your line of fire accurate in its tracking or sometimes actually proper aiming with certain weapons. Real appeal is that AC is among the if not the best at actual meaningful customization compared to any other series. Even the worst at it like 4th gen which probably as the most needless stat bloat, still have tons of aspects that are important and it’s really rewarding to optimize not only yourself for the coming mission, but to optimize yourself to best fit your playstyle for the mission at hand. It’s a really rewarding experience that sucks you in when it finally clicks with you.

      You sound like you might actually really like Verdict Day, because 5th gen had a lot of focus on the multiplayer and despite that gen’s shortcomings the multiplayer was prettty great. Verdict Day is also a much better single player experience too than ACV and even then the servers are still up for Verdict Day if you pull out your ps3/360. Helps a lot that it is in fact beyond the PSP titles the only one you can buy and download on the stores as well. Lot of different functional weapons too, love the sniper cannon to lock down and triple shot with massive stun to slaughter a lot of AC’s. Fun part of Verdict Day is also the UNAC system which is your own custom AI partner you can level up their chips, adjust their behaviors and tons insane detail to fine tune how it functions where it can actually give real players genuine trouble if you make it correct. As a single player experience it’s cool to watch something you make and improve on with each mission just like how you handle the garage.

      • 10 months ago

        I have modded PS3 but I'm not sure how will it react to PSN connection. Also I haven't used it in ages, I basically bought it just to play Ar Nosurge. I'm gonna first check singleplayer and then see if I will have to use the original console and original game to play it in multi.

        • 10 months ago

          Hopefully it goes well for you. Wish the game just had a proper damn rerelease on PC or something just to play it on better hardware. Emulator is still funky for 5th gen. Hope you enjoy it though, most people bash on 5th gen for making some dumb changes and ACV kinda sucking cheeks beyond multiplayer, but there is legit merits and enjoyment to be had from it. Otherwise you can emulate some of the other generations because 4th gen and 1-3rd gen do have their own style of take on its overall gameplay.

      • 10 months ago

        I have modded PS3 but I'm not sure how will it react to PSN connection. Also I haven't used it in ages, I basically bought it just to play Ar Nosurge. I'm gonna first check singleplayer and then see if I will have to use the original console and original game to play it in multi.

        *original game and original console compared to the emulator

      • 10 months ago

        Fellow build autism chad, I hope the buildtism is in it.

    • 10 months ago

      Ac games are radically different from each other after 3rd gen.
      Playing the ps1 and 2 games is quite a bit different from the ps3 games. I'd say the only similarity is the mech assembly.

      6 looks more like the ps3 games (which I didn't play besides 4)

    • 10 months ago

      Somewhere between Heavy Gear and Zone of the Enders

  29. 10 months ago

    I'm more or less in the same boat but have played around ten missions from the first game. It really looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I like other mech games like Gungriffon and Zone of the Enders a lot.

  30. 10 months ago

    I've never played Armored Core before. Will it be worth getting this on current generation consoles so I can funpost about it with everyone when it comes out, or should I wait till I get a new gen console in a few years?

    • 10 months ago

      >Will it be worth getting this on current generation consoles so I can funpost about it with everyone
      Yes, after a week or so you will not be able to post about the game at all because of shitposters

      • 10 months ago

        Pretty much a routine with discussions on FromSoft's games here I suppose.

        • 10 months ago

          That’s pretty much for all games, in a few rare cases. Can’t even talk about FFXVI without someone bringing up sales numbers or some other dumb shit. I do not care I just want to talk about the game.

    • 10 months ago

      It'll probably run at like 30 FPS 1080p on PS4, given that it has pretty low hardware requirements on PC. If that's fine, then just buy it.

    • 10 months ago

      It's coming to PC if you have a decent one, otherwise, the rest of the series runs at 30fps so you wont feel like you're missing much lol

  31. 10 months ago

    What is the best control scheme, I've been using custom B for a while but even after several hours of practice my fingers get confused cause I've never played a game that has both my middle and index using all 4 trigger buttons at once.

    • 10 months ago

      The best one is play on Keyboard or get something with back buttons so you don't frick up your joints doing clawgrip.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Typically I'd agree with you, but considering this one is heavily targeting based and has four attack buttons on top of needing to move + camera control + all the other shit, I'm going KB+M.

        • 10 months ago

          I thought this for a while but tried Dark Souls with a keyboard and mouse recently and actually love it.

  32. 10 months ago

    Ela just started For Answer. https://www.twitch.tv/elajjaz

    • 10 months ago

      literally who

  33. 10 months ago


  34. 10 months ago

    i havent even played AC6 and im already bored of it
    where are all the generic mecha games that just let you shoot shit down in a big robot ?

    • 10 months ago

      I have had the same question since 2008.

    • 10 months ago

      >mfw the shitposting for this game consists of a bunch of discord Black folk spamming 2 webms of a cancelled cinematic mech game and one moron who keeps saying it's not a realistic eurotruck-esque mech simulator and will probably continue to do this for four years straight like he did with ace combat

      • 10 months ago

        >nu-armored core will have you grinding 100 hours for the best builds and parts after a snore-inducing 5 hour extended tutorial simply due it being a from game instead of just dropping you off a plane into an open warzone and letting you figure out how to kill things on your own

        • 10 months ago

          What do you mean nu-armored core? Literally every armored core has had you have to unlock parts over the course of the game, and some of them were locked behind shit like clearing the arena out or S-ranking a bunch of missions.

          • 10 months ago

            I don't even know where this guy's getting this stuff from at this point. Is he pasting it from the DCS threads or something?

            if I was to buy a tank / helicopter / or warship in real life i would expect it to be functional right away without having to tinker, fix, and upgrade its parts

            i can already see the mediocre "challenge" of having to upgrade to 3 boosts instead of 2 due to a boss having one shot aoe explosion that kills you instantly unless you do 3 boosts instead of 2 and back to grinding up your parts for the next 5 hours to change your build

            • 10 months ago

              Hahahaha wow, you’ve NEVER played any Armored Core before. Absolutely clueless ROFL

        • 10 months ago

          I don't even know where this guy's getting this stuff from at this point. Is he pasting it from the DCS threads or something?

        • 10 months ago

          >I just wish that armored core could finally be like fortnite right guys

        • 10 months ago

          >just dropping you off a plane into an open warzone and letting you figure out how to kill things on your own

      • 10 months ago

        No idea why he hitched his load with a fricking garbage korean game that got cancelled whose video is basically cinematic

        • 10 months ago

          Plus it was an NCsoft game. At best it would have been good for a year, an update would have ruined it, and it would be dead another year after that.
          That all said, I did really want to play Project HON. I have no idea why it's showing up in AC6 threads

          • 10 months ago

            It was posted by mechgays before who liked all the games but at a certain point it was used by shitposting by shazamtrannies who thought that one guy's mechwarrior autism must've had a point and ran with the gimmick after the soulslike shitposting died out with the recent gameplay footage

            • 10 months ago

              Those last three are positive, which is even more confusing

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah it's not the same person, it was just adopted in the later half for shitposting

          • 10 months ago

            remember when ncsoft had exteel and that was a secret pay to win mech game because of the op weapons, premium armor and command grab skills. good times

    • 10 months ago

      I hope you like table top anon!

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          I liked Dragonkid and lancer until they were like "don't make warcrime jokes" after multiple years of warcrime jokes

      • 10 months ago

        hoping for a Lancer webcomic when Abbadon is done with K6BD

  35. 10 months ago

    I'm a transwoman, and I hate Armored Core!

    • 10 months ago

      Obviously since trains see other mecha as a potential competition

  36. 10 months ago

    Is there a multiplayer aspect?
    I'm thinking of getting the PS5 version and not the pc version
    But I will probably get the pc version

  37. 10 months ago

    game release date

    • 10 months ago

      whatever search engine you use knows the answer

      • 10 months ago

        I dont use search engines, I'm anti-bots

  38. 10 months ago


  39. 10 months ago

    >Mission based structure
    How do you justify spending $60/70 for <20 hours of content? Especially since the recent popular games like TotK or BG3 (or even ER) all have 100hr+ of content easily?

    • 10 months ago

      They confirmed it’s 50 hours of unique missions per route, with 7 routes. Do the math.

      • 10 months ago

        >with 7 routes
        lol, how moronic do you have to be. THere NEVER EVER was a mission based game that allowed this much variety. Use your brain, morono.

        • 10 months ago

          BG3 just did you fricking incel, this is the future of gaming.

        • 10 months ago

          Quality content, not "kill slightly different enemies on a timer on the same map" content. There's no way they can do more than 20 truly unique missions, otherwise the scope would be beyond anything anyone has ever done.

          >uhhh that’s impossible!!! This variety has never been done before in a mission based game!!!
          >you have to make your game open world and a collectathon it’s gone only way to have that content!!!!
          Yeah, it’s never been done UNTIL NOW. Sit down, shut up, and learn from Fromsoft.

      • 10 months ago

        Quality content, not "kill slightly different enemies on a timer on the same map" content. There's no way they can do more than 20 truly unique missions, otherwise the scope would be beyond anything anyone has ever done.

        • 10 months ago

          >source: my gaping GRIDS infested butthole

        • 10 months ago

          >Quality content, not "kill slightly different enemies on a timer on the same map" content.
          Skyrim is one of the most popular games ever, you lost the culture war.

    • 10 months ago

      replay missions for a better score (kill non combatants)

    • 10 months ago

      Cool bait homosexual

    • 10 months ago

      Armored Core has been a pvp game since 4th gen, I don't give a frick about the SP content. I'll rush through it as fast as possible and spend the rest of the time playing arena. If the 3v3 mode doesn't suck I can easily get a 100 hours out of it.

      • 10 months ago

        the focus is definitely on SP this time though. i cant fricking wait for the MP regardless, this'll be my first time actually being able to participate in an alive pvp AC scene

        • 10 months ago

          Don’t get too hyped for multiplayer, especially in the current era of “NEW META BROKEN!?!” youtube shit. The last game that had a focus on multiplayer turned into fighting cookie cutter mechs within a month and that was without the current online culture. I hope it’s fun but if it’s a bit shit then that’s a shame but not the end of the world.

          • 10 months ago

            >ecelebs make a meta build
            >AC community makes a variety of builds to counter meta builds specifically
            >meta build now effectively garbo because a specialized build of one player proved to be much better than some generalist noobstomper

        • 10 months ago

          >the focus is definitely on SP this time though

          So was 4th gen. All you need for decent AC multiplayer is barebones arena with 3v3/4v4s. Obviously VD was a lot better considering how fleshed out it was but I'll take what I can get here.

          No it hasn’t kek, V and VD were chromehounds style multiplayer game and pretty poorly received. 4/4A style multiplayer is what i’m hoping for, where we can just take whatever we’ve built in single player/coop and battle them against other people in death matches with a nice selection of maps.

          >poorly received.

          By who? Journalists? I don't fricking care what they think, 5/VD had so many options with multiplayer that people are still playing on the JP servers now. But if you're hoping for 4/FA style multiplayer, that looks like what we're getting. They just have to copy and paste that system into AC6 and it will be a good game. If they frick it up I'm never trusting that Sekiro hack again.

          • 10 months ago

            >by who
            The fan base at the time, I was there. It took only a part of what made chromehounds work so well and it was compounded with the wildly unpopular scan mode and gaining hight by building hopping. I liked it well enough but it’s not hard to see why it was never highly regarded. The constant double gats and vert spam straight into super heavy laser spam tanks was also very tiring for me personally because I like to play light mechs and man they were a struggle to play, I did pretty well with a light RJ sniper but if my team ate shit it was depressing knowing I just didn’t have the ammo to take out more than two beefy boys.

      • 10 months ago

        No it hasn’t kek, V and VD were chromehounds style multiplayer game and pretty poorly received. 4/4A style multiplayer is what i’m hoping for, where we can just take whatever we’ve built in single player/coop and battle them against other people in death matches with a nice selection of maps.

    • 10 months ago

      There's going to be ~50 missions, and some will be very long

      • 10 months ago

        We also know that some of them are really short though, like the typical "Destroy target X" that is over in 2 minutes.

    • 10 months ago

      100 shrines that play like dogshit are not worth the price

    • 10 months ago

      Elden Ring doesn't have a Hard Mode.

      • 10 months ago

        NG+ is basically a hard mode. Although all it does is boost numbers.

        • 10 months ago

          The frick? No it doesn't. Closest thing Souls games do is add black phantoms, and the last time I saw shit like that in a Souls game was Dark Souls 2.

    • 10 months ago

      Ace Combat 7 was less than 2 dozen missions and I still managed to squeeze 90 hours out of the game just because replaying them was fun. There's unironically more replayability to that than something aimless like TotK where all you do is scour the map collecting korok seeds.

    • 10 months ago

      Boy you must really hate boomer shooters

    • 10 months ago

      Don't worry they'll make a mod where you have to overboost through miles of desert from AC4/4A to get to the parts where they feature in mission content to appease your openworldBlack personmind

  40. 10 months ago

    They really should have dropped the 6 and the subtitle.
    That puts off any newcomers.

    • 10 months ago

      Nobody I've spoken to who are excited for AC6 have played any other game in the series, including me

    • 10 months ago

      Most popular From software trailer of all times.
      Highest amount of pre-orders of any previous from soft game.

      You're coping.

  41. 10 months ago

    Post ACs you lazy shits.

    • 10 months ago

      I would, but my last one was literally just the white glint parts with a copper gold black color scheme and emerald eyes.

    • 10 months ago

      All I have are Arsenals.

  42. 10 months ago

    Yknow what. I'm gonna say it. We need more israelites in gaming. Maybe if we had more israelites in gaming people could have semi coherent conversations because it's expected you could become a banker.

  43. 10 months ago


  44. 10 months ago

    im torn between PS5 or SeX version bros

    • 10 months ago

      If I were in your position that would depend on if/how ac6 uses PS5's adaptive triggers. Also why the frick do you have both?

      • 10 months ago

        >Also why the frick do you have both?
        i dont like PC gaming, so the SeX is like a nice alternative for me.

    • 10 months ago

      holy shit its 2023

  45. 10 months ago

    >all historical data points to mission based games suffer from lack of content
    kek fromedrones are delusional, can't wait until game releases so I can laugh at you all.

    • 10 months ago

      Why not just join their chorus then? If you hyped it to No Man's Sky levels then it would bomb and they would be even more miserable. You need to optimize your build for greater psychic damage.

    • 10 months ago

      >too scared to reply directly
      Thought so; you lack conviction in your own beliefs. ACVI will deliver a 350 hour minimum experience all without having to devolve into an open world slogfest hunting down korok seeds.

    • 10 months ago

      Cool story tortanicgay, enjoy laughing at my genuine enjoyment of pure mecha kino

    • 10 months ago

      If it's longer than the typical AC 10 hour campaign, 15 hour 100%, I'll be happy.

      • 10 months ago

        $60 for 15 hours is really bad even if the 15 hours is really good. You shouldn't charge more than a $ per hour.

        • 10 months ago

          >You shouldn't charge more than a $ per hour.
          Based on what metric? Because 1=1 makes your brain feel good?

        • 10 months ago

          This is the reason every game now has to be a boring fricking open world full of repetitive MMO tier busy work and garbage collection activities. 15-20 hours for a non-RPG single player campaign was always the gold standard.

        • 10 months ago

          Most Resident Evil games are shorter than that, same for Ace Combat games. To be honest Elden Ring felt a little too long, getting rid of Mountain top of the Giants and other endgame zones would have been fine with me.

  46. 10 months ago

    >tfw PS4

  47. 10 months ago

    Having played every Armored Core game before except Ninebreaker and VD, I'm making a new PC build to better play this.

    • 10 months ago

      Just buy a laptop.

    • 10 months ago

      moronic. The game is made to run on toasters. It's on the Playstation 4.

      • 10 months ago

        No you don't get it I must play it at 4K120fps in HDR with gaytracing and I say this unironically.
        I always have most of the parts.

  48. 10 months ago

    I’m getting too, i’ve played a lot of AC games but I hope you enjoy it! Now post mechs

  49. 10 months ago

    all my homies have playstations. I have a PS4. Should I play this on PS4 to mog them with my shitty robot or should i just play on my Steam Deck and forget about them?

    • 10 months ago

      No cross play?

  50. 10 months ago

    But that’s not what AC is? You okay through it, get the basic parts collected and make a better mech, go again for S ranks for more parts, and again on hard and so on. Then you can replay missions with new mech builds and have this thing called fun. That’s what the games have always been about, and we have some multiplayer on the side for additional fun.

    • 10 months ago

      It's just the new shitposting target, ignore it.

  51. 10 months ago

    Is this a continuous series or pretty much every title stands on its own?

    • 10 months ago

      stand alone

      • 10 months ago

        The 'continuity' resets with each numbered title and has a sequel, so 6 will follow suit until they decide to make a For Rubicon Day or whatever.

        Any particular title to start with?

        • 10 months ago

          Armored Core 6

        • 10 months ago

          1, 2, 3, 4 are all decent starting points. I don't recommend 5 since it mixes up the formula a lot.

          Just remember, if you try out 2 and love it, 1 will feel clunky.

        • 10 months ago

          Armored Core (1997).

        • 10 months ago

          I would always suggest the very first one because the PS1 titles are fun, but the firs three generations have very "classic" controls, so no real analog stick use until you get to Nexus/Last Raven. If you can get used to them I really enjoyed what I played.

          If you can't I'd start with Nexus and go from there, but I would genuinely recommend any of them except maybe V. I don't hate V but it's very different.

        • 10 months ago

          Anyone not recommending VI is trying to bait with bad advice. It is objecvitely well known VI is gonna be extremely friendly to newcomers.

        • 10 months ago

          Just start with the first, don't be homosexual.
          All other games just borrow from it without any shame.

          1, 2, 3, 4 are all decent starting points. I don't recommend 5 since it mixes up the formula a lot.

          Just remember, if you try out 2 and love it, 1 will feel clunky.

          Every game with a numbered title is heavly flawed and generally not recommanded,
          If you finished first AC and want to try other gens then it is better to follow this route:
          >skip AC2; play Another Age
          >skip AC3; play Silent Line
          >skip 9B ; play Last Raven
          >skip AC4; play For Answer
          >skip AC5; play Verdict Day

          • 10 months ago

            AC2 is actually the only exception here. I like Another Age more due to a few missions, harder difficulty and honestly the turn boosters, but AC2 is certainly a more preferable package to recommend

          • 10 months ago

            The only ones I really agree with are skipping 4 and 5. 4 feels like an unfinished tech demo for 4th gen and 5 is 80% multiplayer shit you can't play anymore. But all the other games are good and worth playing, not sure where you get "heavily flawed" from.

    • 10 months ago

      Its a fricking nameless gray robot you fricking idiot.
      From the same developers that made the Souls series, a game series that revolves about some nameless gray knight.

      What the frick do you think the answer is, you absolute moron?

      • 10 months ago

        >Armored Core VI
        you are genuinely moronic lil guy

        • 10 months ago

          >Dark Souls 3

          • 10 months ago

            Dark Souls 3 is related to the previous entries you silly goose
            AC1-2 are related, and so is AC4-5 (kind of)
            It's an appropriate question

            • 10 months ago

              Not the point of discussion. Also go back to tranime posting so I can make fun of you. It's not the same if you post normal images.

              • 10 months ago

                >Not the point of discussion
                >"Is this a continuous series or pretty much every title stands on its own?"
                least moronic tranime seether, you got me good

              • 10 months ago

                >tranime posting
                >atrocious argument
                I love how your previous post was more intelligent than this one. Yes anon, continuous series =/= related.

                House of the Dragon is not a continuous series to Game of Thrones, but they are related. Same thing with every dark souls game ever made in the history of the united states of america.

              • 10 months ago

                I can't believe the idea of shitposting has just become trying to gesture away from any reasonable cosmology your conversational partner could have had. People are making each other angry because they want to argue there is no way you can connect an Eggo by any category to waffles. Just arguing about the reasonability of a question.

              • 10 months ago

                It's simple.
                >game has a number in it
                >implies its a sequel to previous games
                >sequels are often (but not always) continuous
                >anon asks whether or not its continuous
                You cannot argue with this.

              • 10 months ago

                homie you're in a world where Monster Hunter uses numbers to denote generations and not continuity, and where Final Fantasy has nothing to do with each other.

              • 10 months ago

                >homie you're in a world where Monster Hunter uses numbers to denote generations and not continuity
                are you illiterate?

              • 10 months ago

                Street fighter, literally one (1) post above you, proves you wrong. Not only was it a completely invalid question, but the history and background of the developers makes it a stupid question.
                From Software has never, ever, made a continuation of a game.

              • 10 months ago

                See? It's just now about the relativity of continuation. Like bro, dark souls into 2 and 3 was just made for youtube videos. They wanted people to hitch games together in their mind for the creative writing they promoted. To most people the story of the world or metaphysics becomes the continuation. The characters are ephemeral in their premise. To someone who played through souls games that's probably how they would ask the question on if the games held meaning to one another.

    • 10 months ago

      The 'continuity' resets with each numbered title and has a sequel, so 6 will follow suit until they decide to make a For Rubicon Day or whatever.

    • 10 months ago

      >First timeline:
      AC1 > Project Phantasma > Master of Arena > AC2 > Another Age
      >Second timeline:
      AC3 > Silent Line > Nexus > Last Raven
      >Third timeline:
      AC4 > For Answer
      >Fourth timeline:
      ACV > Victory Day
      >Fifth timeline:
      Formula Front

      • 10 months ago

        ninebreaker is set between nexus and last raven (just like it was released between both games) but yeah its pretty much a spinoff

      • 10 months ago

        VD is a hard sequel to 4A, the actual timeline(s) goes
        4 - 4A - V - VD - 1 - PP - MoA - 2 - AA
        4 - 4A - V - VD - 3 - SL - NX - LR

        • 10 months ago

          Wut, explain. Why does tech go hard backwards? In AC4, they reference having both ACs and NEXT, and then in V or VD, you fight a NEXT as an AC. Why then would they ditch NEXT and move into H+ when NEXT is the superior platform?

          • 10 months ago

            Kojima Particles fricking everything up?

            • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Nexts run on kojima particles which are very bad. Human plus seems to have the same effects without emitting fricked up radiation all the time

              • 10 months ago

                I mean, where in AC1 does it say it was Kojima Particles?

              • 10 months ago

                Now I don't understand what you're talking about.
                In 4 people talk about how awful they are and it causes the degradation in V.
                Games in the future are not mention in 1. I am not sure why I have to mention that.
                Human plus was discovered in a derelict section so it might not have the complete data on Nexts and only the bit about Lynx. That said the great destruction was more likely caused by orbital weapons like the one you got to stop.

                I don't personally subscribe to 4/V being sequels to 1 but Armored Core usually is post catastrophe, this technological degradation

                I can't stress enough most of the initial post and even my post now is Dark Souls level of lore implications and blank filling. Nothing is directly stated to either effect

              • 10 months ago

                ac 1 - 2aa
                ac 3 - aclr
                ac 4 - vd
                these are the timelines

              • 10 months ago

                I said sequels but meant prequels. Then again I'm not sure if they're sequels to 2 either.
                I basically assume each number is its own thing, besides most solid links, like 1 to 2 are throw away lines like "ah he defeated Nineball, making him YOU FROM MOA WOAAAAAAAH" Or V being completely unrelated to 4 until VD had a ruined cradle and Black Glint.

              • 10 months ago

                V and VD had a lot of callbacks to 4 and FA and not just those things but motherwill as well. from 3 to LR is the longest going timeline for like 5 games

              • 10 months ago

                I mean even SL to Nexus only had the corporation names to link things and pilot roster is what I'm saying. There is continuity that's much stronger between certain games, of course, but none of it has been so important that you couldn't start any game and be lost plot wise.
                Then you got the people taking it a bit too far, in my opinion, and try to link all of them.
                Like the fire that destroys Rubicon are called the fires of IBIS, the controller of silent line. I'm sure you can then tie the two together but more likely it's just a nod and nothing more

              • 10 months ago

                nexus straight up states its been 55 years since the events of silent line though

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not implying otherwise. I'm just saying the overarching continuities aren't that important. Hell the ruin at the end of Nexus isn't really brought up too much in Last Raven, for instance. It's referenced and implied to be the first step to waking up the pulverizes but it's not like if you didn't play Nexus you would be foolish to play Last Raven.

                Same with 1 to 2. Leo's Kline is unambiguously you from MOA, but does that fact really matter all that much in the plot of 2? Nah.

              • 10 months ago

                What a dumb homosexual that guy is

              • 10 months ago

                He's for the 30+ man-children

          • 10 months ago

            because old king ending is canon for 5/VD, the towers were the remains of attempts at space flight that went nowhere. NEXT's were phased out and normals became the new AC's

            • 10 months ago

              That's not how it goes dumbfrick. (You) destroy everything in Destruction path. For there to be the towers aka the space ships, the companies had to be forced to make them which is the ORCA path you brought. Otherwise why would there be an incentive if the Assault Cells were still in place?

        • 10 months ago

          Why is 2 and 3 considered chronologically incompatible?

          • 10 months ago

            2 is the only game in space
            3 we're back underground just like in 1. 3 is usually considered a soft reboot
            I don't buy the 4/V are prequels thing though.

            • 10 months ago

              AC SL has one mission in space but 2 is the only game on another planet

              • 10 months ago

                2 is the only game in space
                3 we're back underground just like in 1. 3 is usually considered a soft reboot
                I don't buy the 4/V are prequels thing though.

                AC1 also had space missions if you sided with Chrome.

              • 10 months ago

                AC1 also had space missions if you sided with Chrome.

                Honestly that shit was always weird to me. Like we can't get to the surface and it's a big deal when we end the lockdown but hey check out this space station and satellite.
                Then again it still weirds me out they're on earth too. Like I always auto completed in my own head a strange real kinda situation but then you get to AC V and the map is just straight up earth.
                It should be fine but it bothers me

                Anyway, yeah 2 is on Mars. 6 is the only other game not on earth is what I meant

              • 10 months ago

                >6 is the only other game not on earth is what I meant
                inb4 it is

              • 10 months ago

                >6 is the only other game not on earth is what I meant
                inb4 it is

                post yfw he won

  52. 10 months ago


  53. 10 months ago

    I just hope it gets cracked quickly

  54. 10 months ago

    >semester starts next week
    >need to start my thesis/dissertation bullshit
    >armored core coming out
    Meh. At least I only have one class to take.

  55. 10 months ago

    >Armored Core
    shit franchise

  56. 10 months ago

    will there be crossplay between pc and ps5?
    can i dual wield pilebunkers?
    can i use 4 gatling guns?
    can i use all missiles?

  57. 10 months ago

    Post kino to your ears

    • 10 months ago
  58. 10 months ago

    >know of AC before From even blew up, mostly from a friend who was an AC addict
    >never looked interesting
    >even see webms and still doesn't look interesting
    >just strafe and shoot while ducking in and out a little
    >see AC6
    >gameplay actually looks fun and interesting
    >don't want to play because I'll never have any interest in 1-5
    I hope it ends up really bad

    • 10 months ago

      >shoot while ducking in and out
      Who ducks in and out of cover in these games?

    • 10 months ago

      Do you have OCD or something? What's this obsession with needing to play the previous games before playing the new one? This will be the first AC game in a decade with actual playable framerate. No point in going backwards.

      • 10 months ago

        Because if he talks to someone about what he enjoyed in AC6, his lack of experience in the other games will reduce the repute of his comments down to that of a house Black person. He can't bear being looked at as subhuman scum by the 5 people who will be so vitriolic that they define the game.

    • 10 months ago

      >just strafe and shoot while ducking in and out a little
      What shit gameplay were you watching? Even in 1st gen you wanted to be constantly moving and firing.

  59. 10 months ago

    Same, but i'll play the superior version instead.

    • 10 months ago

      >willingly choosing the shittiest version

      • 10 months ago

        Watch it be the only one with working VRR because the PS5 is shit at it.

  60. 10 months ago

    don't listen to mecha gays
    don't listen to souls gays
    frick em all

    • 10 months ago
  61. 10 months ago

    It's hard to not enjoy big robots with big weapons.

  62. 10 months ago

    If you start comparing it to Souls, I'll find you, and give you double pink eye, as well as raging hemorrhoids. Then frick your mother's corpse.

  63. 10 months ago

    pfft, fukken normalhomosexual you suck mega dicks and are gay, and basically, get out of here right now loser.

  64. 10 months ago

    Armored Core sucks and i can't wait for all the new fans to waste 60 on a PS2 mission based game.

    • 10 months ago

      I like the mission based format tbh. Not for everything but you can only play so many open world adventures.

  65. 10 months ago

    I was raped by a mecha, i will never forgive Armored Core.

  66. 10 months ago

    Armored Core is awesome and i can't wait for all the new fans to spend 60 on a ps2 mission based game and have lots of fun.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Uh see I guess. Idk man I’m just not feeling it anymore

  67. 10 months ago

    I just hope that ranking fights against other pilots don't count as mission.

  68. 10 months ago

    Cool, I've played since the first game and welcome new players! Hopefully you join the multiplayer scene, too!

  69. 10 months ago

    I like that soulsgay youtubers had to basically come out and say "it's not actually like dark souls" after they played the demo, because they've only ever played that one game and have literally nothing else to compare it to in their head.

    • 10 months ago

      Well yeah. Most souls lore channels are the equivalent of Ganker greentext channels. They just lift content written up on other websites and use that.

  70. 10 months ago

    what is the advantage of heavy legs over light legs? the ability to carry heavier guns? won't that be negated by the sheer speed and agility of light legs bipedal or rj which is equivalent to the light roll from soulsring games?
    is it just to look cool and be dummy thicc?

    • 10 months ago

      Aesthetics, if it's like earlier gens you'll have a leg weight limit and chicken legs won't support your 2 plasma cannons + big dick laser sword + gatling gun, defensive attributes + AP total.

    • 10 months ago

      Heavy RJs exist.

    • 10 months ago

      Big legs mean big generator which means thirsty and powerful boosters go longer. Net speed ends up being surprisingly close depending on how light your other parts are.
      Depending on the game some heavy legs have stupid high turn speeds making them more useful than some mediums

    • 10 months ago

      In each game there is a small selection of legs that have good stats, and you just pick the correct one based on how much load bearing ability you need to equip the weapons you want. And maybe you will consider special features like being able to fire shoulder weapons while moving.

      • 10 months ago

        Every game had a bit of a class like system to the legs. RJs always had a better jump, quads were always like tanks but different, tanks always worked well with big guns.
        4 then made them all basically a stat stick and V went a bit harder on the legs by giving bipeds a shield so kneeling wasn't a game ender, RJs jumping having more impact due to the limited height ceiling, and quads buffing sniper weapons. Tanks continued to be tanks but more deployable weapons helped them stand out a bit more too
        None of this mattered all that much because AP, DEF, equip load, weight, and turning speed were just so God damned important. Plus they tend to be one of two parts that determines stability
        6 might shake that up, but it really depends on how those stats shake out now. Especially if they're one of the bigger sources of ACS. Might be just a bit of a gimmick still. Unique abilities are fun and all but when each part has multiple important stars sometimes quirks really don't win out to raw numbers

    • 10 months ago

      fat boy legs
      >have higher load bearing
      >have more AP and defense
      >have higher stability (resistance to hit stun)
      The load weight increase in particular is great, you can get heavier body parts for higher AP and defense, heavier generators for more power, heavier weapons for more firepower, and more weapons so you're less screwed when you run out of ammo

    • 10 months ago

      >what is the advantage of heavy legs over light legs?

      • 10 months ago

        I was told energy shields were a meme. What gives

  71. 10 months ago

    I can't believe nobody tried to cancel Armored Core over the mechs using Semites as fuel.

    • 10 months ago

      White Glint, you are my greatest ally

  72. 10 months ago

    You'll probably have a blast. From knows how to cater to both the veterans and newbs at the same time.

  73. 10 months ago

    Thats the plan. You think From is really going for
    >no, this game will only be enjoyed by people who played AC before
    To a game series that never sold more than 1milion units? LOOOOOOOL!

    They WANT the newbies, they want everyone to give it a try, this is From's chance to have a series they love to make be able to actually SELL, so they have an excuse to give the higher ups in Kadokawa when they try to keep making them

    • 10 months ago

      Thus. FROM are planting Easter Eggs all throughout the game to make oldgays depressed and suicidal to cut the fat on their target market. You might as well call this game Armored Core 1. It's the dawn of a new age. Once every veteran player sees the Easter Eggs and realizes how much time has passed, they will kill themselves on the spot to meet death quicker rather than be left playing footsies with their dread as proxy.

      Be proud zoomers. For you march streets paved with blood.

      • 10 months ago

        That's an insane statement, but the end is true for a different reason
        It's been 10 years
        People have died waiting for another game
        Never forget the Ravens we've lost along the way

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Calm down there ACfan, while it might make you sad to know that you are most likely not their primary target audience, doesnt mean you arent a close second.

        Unlike what a bunch of "any attention is good attention" moron marketers like to believe, upsetting your core fanbase is a bad idea, since if you are happy, you are what they call "free advertising". Your excitement alone is enough to get other people curious about the new game, not to mention your ability to be relatable as "just another person" and not "giant corpo selling you shit", telling people the series is good and they should try it, helping them be introduced the best way possible.

        They love you, which is why the market team keeps repeating every 10 seconds
        They want you too.

        • 10 months ago

          >They want you too.
          Sure, that's why they scrapped every SIM aspect of the game and replaced it with a brand new flashy generic action vidya.

          This is essecially just Human Revolution 2.0

          They should just drop the act and call it something new like Sekiro did ( Tenchu "remake" btw )

          • 10 months ago

            The word in emphasis here is "too", From looked at AC and asked themselves.
            >what aspects are essential to AC to still be AC for us and the majority of the fanbase and what can be changed to increase broader appeal
            And they did that, knowing that they were able to keep the majority of the fanbase happy and accepting that they would lose some purists. It was never going to be just another AC game, if what you wanted was a game just like the previous titles then what you actually wanted is "they want ONLY you" and this goes back to OP and my original reply
            >trying to sell a game to a sub million fanbase

  74. 10 months ago

    You literally do not need to play the entire series. You don't need to play a single game. Every numbered entry (AC1 is redundant with MoA though) is intended as an entry point. There is not some epic storyline you're following in fact half the games keep redoing the AC1 plot.

  75. 10 months ago

    My last mech games were MechAssault on Xbox and Zone of the Enders. I preordered this having not given a frick about mech games in decades. It reminded me of Nier Automata.

  76. 10 months ago

    >nine days

    • 10 months ago

      It unlocks on Japan time too. I'm going to be able to play it the 24th

      • 10 months ago

        you best believe im taking time off work for this release

    • 10 months ago

      Frick I just signed up for uber eats I hope I get enough orders to buy it. If I deliver every day for a few hours starting at 11 for the lunch rush I should make it right?

    • 10 months ago

      >starting new job on the 21st
      >bizarre shift shift structure
      >12 hour shifts
      >weekend shifts
      >not sure if I will be off for the AC weekend because I'm in training

  77. 10 months ago

    the webm that killed shitposters forever

    • 10 months ago

      man I'm so excited

    • 10 months ago

      >iframe boosting through missiles
      this isn't an AC game

      I dont give a shit, go cry in your diary about it

      i don't keep a diary

      • 10 months ago

        boosting through missiles
        you are moronic

      • 10 months ago

        i've been playing AC since 1 when I was ~7 years old and I lost all interest in this the moment the first gameplay clip released.
        frick sekiro and frick this trash.

        wow in one post you completely exposed yourself.

        holy frick what is with these discordtroons larping as AC vets? they literally have no clue what the series is about

      • 10 months ago

        Blind shitposters
        It's all so tiresome

    • 10 months ago

      Its seriously amazing how good this webm looks. Just one glance and I can instantly tell its an Armored Core game. I can't believe its coming out in a couple days... I'm so excited.

    • 10 months ago

      based jap youtuber nuking his career by breaking the rule on showing this content to shut soulsgays up forever

    • 10 months ago

      Is there no stability? He gets hit by rockets and just keeps moving on. Kind of gay.

      • 10 months ago

        There's stability watch the boomstick early peak vid.

        If I want to become a strong pilot I should pick a small fast mech and learn how to dodge laser beams right? Then the only thing I'll really have to avoid is like noskill full map lock on missiles and shit?

    • 10 months ago

      Holy shit what a stupid game

  78. 10 months ago

    i've been playing AC since 1 when I was ~7 years old and I lost all interest in this the moment the first gameplay clip released.
    frick sekiro and frick this trash.

    • 10 months ago

      I dont give a shit, go cry in your diary about it

  79. 10 months ago


  80. 10 months ago


    The word in emphasis here is "too", From looked at AC and asked themselves.
    >what aspects are essential to AC to still be AC for us and the majority of the fanbase and what can be changed to increase broader appeal
    And they did that, knowing that they were able to keep the majority of the fanbase happy and accepting that they would lose some purists. It was never going to be just another AC game, if what you wanted was a game just like the previous titles then what you actually wanted is "they want ONLY you" and this goes back to OP and my original reply
    >trying to sell a game to a sub million fanbase

    • 10 months ago

      I think this is silly to say considering the big series changes from 1 to 2, 3 to 4, and 4 to V. All of them are distinct and also distinctly Armored Core. 6 isn't going to be an exception.

      >They want you too.
      Sure, that's why they scrapped every SIM aspect of the game and replaced it with a brand new flashy generic action vidya.

      This is essecially just Human Revolution 2.0

      They should just drop the act and call it something new like Sekiro did ( Tenchu "remake" btw )

      I don't see how you can believe there's no sim aspects, or that human revolution wasn't a good deus Ex game when Invisible War and Snowblind exist

    • 10 months ago

      I don't buy it. Ever since Miyazaki has been added to the end credits, he has morphed this franchise into generic action game series he always wanted to make.
      It is very obvious he is has copletely different vision for the game from the original devs.
      Missing wienerpit HUD is the best example of this.

  81. 10 months ago


    there is no i-frames

    • 10 months ago

      >is no
      Are no

  82. 10 months ago


    >at 10-12 seconds he just coasts by and they fail to connect for no reason whatsoever.
    That's called "missing," moron-kun.

  83. 10 months ago

    I only hope game is super hard and you can't fight bosses with other people so baby souls gays will get rekt.

  84. 10 months ago

    which is the first ac where you can make a not alteisen

    • 10 months ago

      4th gen ideally. It has stabilizers that can double as decos like horns.

      • 10 months ago

        >4th gen
        is that the 4th game and its spinoffs
        >decos like horns
        so no horn weapons?

        • 10 months ago

          AC 4 and ACFA. No horn weapons sadly but it'll have the pilebunkers that Alteisen has.

          • 10 months ago

            >but it'll have the pilebunkers that Alteisen has.
            it takes until the 4th game for pilebunkers to appear?

            • 10 months ago

              No early AC game have had pilebunkers. There's been runs where pilebunkers just bosses in 2-3 hits, sometimes even 1 hit depending on the series.

            • 10 months ago

              Pile bunkers existed as parry blades in 3.
              They are hard as frick to use
              Piles were broken as hell in V and VD. Able to one tap even a heavy AC build

              • 10 months ago

                >parry blades
                can you not stab bang with them then

              • 10 months ago

                NTA but you can. They just have a delay because they "parry" the laser blades as a counter. This only counts for old gen though.

              • 10 months ago

                It's just what they're called. I think the idea was to pair them with a shield and counter attack a blade slash due to the weird wind up frames part blades had and being on the right arm, kinda linking up with a left handed swords recovery frames in a whiff.

                There's no actual parry mechanic with them. They're just called parry blades. Functionally they are near to true OHKO pile bunkers that have just the most annoying attack animation in the world to make landing hits nearly impossible
                This is only in 3 mind you.

              • 10 months ago

                >Functionally they are near to true OHKO pile bunkers that have just the most annoying attack animation in the world to make landing hits nearly impossible
                sounds fitting for the alt

              • 10 months ago

                In V they just straight up frick shit up though. No annoying wind up. You got to be precise but if you hit they're dead as frick
                4 also has a kojima weapon that has more of a punch animation and killer damage but I don't think it really counts. It also has a pile weapon I just remembered about now but I'm pretty sure the damage sucked on it. This I forgot about it

  85. 10 months ago

    I hope VI has some new waifu pilots

    • 10 months ago

      >we will see a surge of waifu art now that the series is more popular

      • 10 months ago

        she's coming home

        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago


  86. 10 months ago


    You shouldn’t be racist. There is enough to go around for everyone! So, stop being a racist wienermole.

  87. 10 months ago


    Lancer is pretty good and has multiple warcrime factions. I'm sure the writing has only gotten gayer but the core book and few splats are pretty good

  88. 10 months ago


    Lancer is table top game made after 2015 so naturally its full of browns

  89. 10 months ago


    missiles were missing him already before he quick boosted to the side, dumbass
    this missiles are not very precise judging by this webm lol probably because it's one of the earliest arena fights with low difficulty.
    at 10-12 he actually took damage
    either way there are no i-frames and you are moronic

    • 10 months ago

      In entire clip he never once takes damage during dodge, rocket and bullet hits him when he is starfing.

      • 10 months ago

        in what instance he actually gets hit during quick boost?
        also stop calling it "dodge" you dumbass

  90. 10 months ago

    Can somebody explain stabilizers to me?
    The games themselves have nothing to say about it as far as I can tell.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      im pretty sure stabalizers in 4/FA determined weight distribution, so if you're more back heavy you go backwards with quickboost easier, that kind of thing

    • 10 months ago

      Balance in almost every situation.
      If you want to go in one direction slightly faster at the cost of acceleration in the other being slightly slower, bias the weight to one side

  91. 10 months ago

    I loved Phantom Crash, Zone of the Enders and Mechassault 1/2. Will I love AC6?

    • 10 months ago

      Go play the games that already exist. You have more than a week.

    • 10 months ago

      probably catman. it will be like a fast paced action game

    • 10 months ago

      most likely
      after all AC is better than all of this games

  92. 10 months ago

    does the story even matter in these games? They seem self contained despite a few references.

    • 10 months ago

      Story hasn't really been AC's strong suit. The gist of pretty much all of them is:
      >you are a mercenary with an AC
      >bigass corporations basically use mercs to sabotage their competition or straight up wage war against them
      >you take jobs from them for money
      >eventually you unravel some sinister plot going on behind the scenes

  93. 10 months ago


    You shouldn’t be racist. There is enough to go around for everyone! So, stop being a racist wienermole.

    Lancer is pretty good and has multiple warcrime factions. I'm sure the writing has only gotten gayer but the core book and few splats are pretty good

    Lancer is table top game made after 2015 so naturally its full of browns

    >first page of Lancer is about how fascists are bad and shouldn't be welcome at sessions
    yep its made after 2016 alright

    • 10 months ago

      I think the worst version of that I ever saw was the opening to the new Paranoia book which was like "don't be mean to your fellow players"
      You know, in the game where backstabbing and multiple lives are a core concept

  94. 10 months ago

    Cool, have fun bro.

  95. 10 months ago

    >all those normies reacting to this on youtube

    it's shit

  96. 10 months ago

    I'm gonna pirate it on my steam deck

  97. 10 months ago

    >loved AC since the PS1 days
    >knew only 1 other person who played them
    >saw them get shit on by review mags all the time
    >AC6's announcement had dorito pope almost in tears despite the fact he was one of the ones that shit on the series before
    >literally every newbie comparing it to souls
    >finally see AC videos all over the youtube recommended, and they're all soulstubers with thumbnails like "MECHA SOULS?!?!?!?"
    I always thought people that cared about stuff like this were gays, but I understand now. This is annoying on a very primal level.

    • 10 months ago

      I hope miyzaki will make an actual mecha souls next

      • 10 months ago

        100%, Escaflowne style Souls game would be incredible.

        • 10 months ago

          And yet, it was one of the worse games From ever made. Bless them for giving the Dreamcast a game though

        • 10 months ago

          Hope he's actually going through with what he said on making one.

    • 10 months ago

      >armored core literally slept on for decades by 90% of gaming public
      >verdict day flopped so hard it killed the franchise for 10 years
      >new game announced after fromsoftware just coming off ER
      >droves of soulsbabs who never heard of AC before trying to get their piece in about how its the next best thing
      you can take solace in the fact the first mission alone will filter 60% of them or so, and after they realize it isnt souls with mechs they'll have conniptions and die

      • 10 months ago

        that's not how online discourse works. everyone just smells their own farts these days and never take responsibility for anything.
        it won't be "this is an actually different game from what I'm used to, and I don't like it", it'll be "this is dated and needs to be changed", "this is bad game design, it's not like the lightning in a bottle that was elden ring" (this one already happened in the game informer preview), and so on.
        nothing makes a normalgay seethe more than something not being for them, hence all of the endless "Souls games need to respect their players and add an easy mode" discussions thorughout the years. They can't accept not liking something and moving on.

        • 10 months ago

          They can accept not liking something fine
          They can't accept a POPULAR thing they can't get into. Because talking about popular things is the closest thing they have to a personality

        • 10 months ago

          Here's the thing. Soulsgays are moronic hypocrites, they'll say parts of AC are bad and should be changed because they're not used to it but turn around on normalgays who demand easy mode for "their" games.

      • 10 months ago

        Verdict day sold more than every other AC game

        • 10 months ago

          Actually I think that goes to V. VD sold worse but still did better than 4 and maybe 4A. I don't remember the exact numbers.

        • 10 months ago

          ac2 literally sold a million copies

        • 10 months ago

          Actually I think that goes to V. VD sold worse but still did better than 4 and maybe 4A. I don't remember the exact numbers.

          AC2 is the best selling game IIRC. Best sellers are 2, 3 and V. The drop between V and VD is quite precipitous so I think saying VD killed the franchise is not the case.

          • 10 months ago

            It's clearly not the case because 6 exists. They just focused on Souls. With some spinning off to do Daemon X and 6 getting made eventually it's very clear AC has been alive and well in the From software office year after year

      • 10 months ago

        >you can take solace in the fact the first mission alone will filter 60% of them or so, and after they realize it isnt souls with mechs they'll have conniptions and die
        nobody actually really thinks it's souls with mechs at this point
        you people are just seething literally over NOTHING

    • 10 months ago

      Well you can rest happy that it seems literally every normalgay and gaming reviewer have completely dropped the "It's a soulslike" narrative at this point.
      You will be annoyed however during the inevitable POISON SWAMPERINO???? PATCHERINO????? MOONLIGHT GREATSWORD????? FIRST TIME IN ARMORED CORE videos

      • 10 months ago

        I can't believe that FromSoft went back in time and patched AC1 with a poison swamp level after Demon's Souls came out bros

        • 10 months ago

          AC has more flavors of poison swamp than the Souls series.
          >Actual poison gas
          >Electrified water
          >Kojima Radiation
          I'm probably forgetting one

          • 10 months ago

            that one kojima level killed my ac almost instantly at the lower level, had to get tanky for it

  98. 10 months ago

    Hopefully we get less derangedgays and doom posters when it releases. Not GOTY but definitely something to look forward to.

  99. 10 months ago

    What are the 'class' systems like in ac? Do you specialize in a weapon type and build your mech around that?

    I really dakka and I want lots of machine guns and autocannons. Is that a thing??

  100. 10 months ago

    We're so close, bros, can't wait. Hope there are some cooler ACV type boss fights too, and not just Sekiro bosses and Arms Forts.

    • 10 months ago

      frick you mean homie the best fights in v were not!arms forts

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not complaining about them, I think every boss they showed so far looked great, I just want a few "setpiece" / level bosses too, not just arena fights and arms forts. The Strider arms fort fight in particular looked amazing, the scale is unbelievable.

    • 10 months ago

      Variety is the important part. That’s the real annoying part of later souls games is not only focusing more on its action, but more bosses really did go into variations of the same “press button to I frame through the attack and punish, rinse repeat”. That’s a strength of AC over Souls games is that other AC’s were actually engaging enough to be boss fights on their own or for a big boss just give it a bullshit buff to an aspect like Zinaida.

      Thankfully AC6 already showed good variety already for only chapter 1. Helps since you can change your entire build anytime through a playthrough unlike a souls game outside of using consumables. So I think even passively they’re more willing to do more unqiue answers for bosses because of said radical customization.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, that's a good point. Yamamura already made that clear too, that while it is technically possible to just grind retries and muscle memory to beat anything with the starting AC, that's not the experience they're making the game around at all. They want you to win battles in the garage, as is custom. That was really reassuring to hear.
        You're right that this alone already gives more variety even to the same style of late-souls-arena-boss-fights.
        The late-souls-games bosses themselves would already probably feel less samey and closer to Demon's if instead of the answer being "roll better", some times it was actually "you should powerstance greatshields here", kek.

  101. 10 months ago

    >Miyazaki burring yet another PS1 classic
    Who can stop this homosexual?

  102. 10 months ago

    Emblem bros, we're going to unleash this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHVv1D4QaUs on the millions of souls players.

    • 10 months ago

      oh god i want to make anime girl emblems so bad but im not an artist

      • 10 months ago

        I'm confident someone will make a tool for it, especially now that it's natively on PC.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm confident someone will make a tool for it, especially now that it's natively on PC.

        Some guy would probably just make a tool like how PSO2 did it where you can basically just port an actual image

  103. 10 months ago

    when is it out?

    • 10 months ago

      8 days 1 hour 34 mins

      • 10 months ago
  104. 10 months ago

    >no coop
    >no messages on the ground
    This is going to end up being boring like Sekiro. Its the only modern From game I didn't finish.

    • 10 months ago

      not my heckin mechbutwhole reddit posts!

    • 10 months ago

      Dark Souls is better offline.

    • 10 months ago
  105. 10 months ago

    >empty brown and grey world
    >fight occasionally with souls rolls
    grim af. poor snoys

  106. 10 months ago

    I'm really excited to play the multiplayer in this game. I've never played any of these games with other people.

  107. 10 months ago

    Pre-Demon's Souls From games are dogshit anyway.

  108. 10 months ago

    >no co-op
    >3v3 only with 3 spectators (what the holy frick how moronic)
    >meanwhile chromehounds was 6v6 on 360

    • 10 months ago

      >no co-op
      This is a good thing.
      >3v3 only with 3 spectators (what the holy frick how moronic)
      3v3 was in FA.
      >meanwhile chromehounds was 6v6 on 360
      Its also a completely different game, one I can't see them reviving.

  109. 10 months ago

    What the frick is going on.
    This is like the 5th thread I've been in back to back with like no shitposting all discussion.
    Are the discord raiders asleep?
    Never played AC before but I've been meaning to and this is a good opportunity.

    • 10 months ago

      Probably busy with BG3. The shitposters will basically completely disappear once the game comes out though. I can't seem them sticking to it like they did with ER, its too niche for that.

      • 10 months ago

        >The shitposters will basically completely disappear once the game comes out though
        i hope youre right but youre gonna be completely wrong.

        • 10 months ago

          the threads within a day or two of release will be entirely shitposters replying to each other since the actual posters will be playing the game instead
          then they'll move on to starfield full time and comfy ac threads will be here to stay

          • 10 months ago

            Will they even be satisfied with shitposting with Starfield? Every bethesdagay is going to buy it regardless and everybody including them, know it's going to be a buggy mess with fake promises and nothingburger quest lines but nobody cares

      • 10 months ago

        >its too niche for that
        The game appear to have good trajectory to be a hit, Sekiro-level at least. I'm afraid we're going to see a lot of such shitposting even after the game's release.

        • 10 months ago

          How are you so sure?

          • 10 months ago

            Not him but I expect Sekiro numbers as well. Hour 1 of playing it, normalgays will be turned off because it's not fantasyshit or soulserino as seen by people straight up admitting that this shit is not a soulslike.

            For whatever reason mecha and corporatehellscapes doesn't capture their minds like made up sounding shit like "Magistrate Zekhayal battles the Hamvill Coven establishing the start of the Quartzen Age"
            Souls stories legitimately just read like this shit to me nowadays and got tired of it past 1.

        • 10 months ago

          Why should we be concerned about the shitposts of anons who failed in life?

  110. 10 months ago

    >not a Souls game
    >not directed by Miyazaki
    yawn, not interested.

  111. 10 months ago

    What is the best AC released so far? I will play it now.

    • 10 months ago

      Silent Line

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          In what world has Silent Line became a “meme”. I’d at least understand if you said Last Raven

  112. 10 months ago

    last time I played an Armored Core game it was on a fricking PS1 demo CD they used to give out. It only had like 3 missions total you could do. Never played anything beyond that.

    But I've enjoyed their other games, so they're getting my money.

  113. 10 months ago

    There are no ultimate weapons? that was the hypest shit i was looking forward to be honest

  114. 10 months ago

    Someone mentioned novels, where can i read those?

  115. 10 months ago

    Can I play these games without clawing?

    • 10 months ago

      no, the games were designed around claw hold. you can do it without but it'll be way harder and very unintuitive.

    • 10 months ago

      Probably, if you stick to weapon bays instead of shoulder weapons. Otherwise if you don't want to claw you might want to find a controller with back buttons.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm interested in how kbm controls play out

  116. 10 months ago

    Dear Lord please let it filter Women, Faoots, & Non-Whites.
    Please let them stay in soulslop so they can fund my based mecha game.

    • 10 months ago

      you definitely wont last two days in pvp

    • 10 months ago

      Because they're better than you in video gaming?

      • 10 months ago

        Jia. You shouldn't stoop to seeping the same bitter blood as him. You should be demonstrating a more beneficial social standard that people can admire. No reason to meditate on the needlessly hateful. They already demonstrate a lack of vigor. He has no good blood in him. He bears no fruit. No energy passes his lips. He is deaf to the songs of the angels.

        He hath died long ago. His spirit parted this world and left to Valhalla. To fight and die endlessly until the bell is rung. Let us observe his death with honor and give him what peace he can get.

    • 10 months ago

      I already signed up to the week one tourny even though I work a stupid amount of hours that week
      I'm going to have a good time regardless of placement

  117. 10 months ago

    Who is Down Gamble's JP voice actor?

  118. 10 months ago

    I have a feeling building a super tank called Zangief is going to be a lot fun. Playing against super fast goku mechs will be torture though. I'll wait for a sale.

  119. 10 months ago

    reminder that there will be a livestream in 2 days

    • 10 months ago

      They'll probably show the level the first gameplay video featured in with the roomba which apparently also feature an enemy AC with chainsaw legs, massive crater and a big intercontinental transport cannon.

  120. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago
  121. 10 months ago

    shillup said this game gulps load and he was trying to be positive. he was like "it WILL get better in the later game, its CERTAIN, this is FROM"

    • 10 months ago

      When gays don't like something that means it's good.

  122. 10 months ago


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