I'm making a character in this one brazilian RPG and I wanna know what's cooler

I'm making a character in this one brazilian RPG and I wanna know what's cooler
I'll be playing a class based around making items and I wanna go towards alchemy and stuff
The system is very D&D inspired but has a mana system instead of spell slots but you don't get a lot of mana back on rest (you get equal to your level) so it's pretty resource intensive
Potions replicate spell effects with no mana cost, but they cost money instead. So far I had 3 concepts here
1. Just a regular alchemist
>best at making potions (can just focus on crafting feats instead of having to pick up combat stuff too)
>bad damage (basically just throwing alchemist's fire and sometimes bombs that act like a fireball spell but are expensive)
>can mass produce mana potions to help the casters in the party cast more or just buffing potions and shit
2. Melee alchemist
>really solid damage from applying throwables to my weapon (if I hit in melee the enemy doesn't get a save, it just does damage)
>feat that allows me to apply my INT mod to hit and damage so I'm SAD
>later feat allows me to apply INT to damage with alchemical items (including the one applied to my weapon) so double INT mod to damage
>need combat feats so can't take stuff like "make twice as many alchemical items in the same time" so worse crafting
>squishy so gonna have to dedicate more time making potions to buff myself
3. Ranged alchemist
>alright damage at range so safety
>can use poison for even more damage but it has a save
>also I poison my arrows and not my weapon so if I miss that's gold down the drain
>will have to rely on my DM to have gold for both poisons and crafting
>all in all expensive but safer
Thoughts, anons?
I'm asking about what sounds cooler with the information I gave, I'm just indecisive. Campaign will run from level 1 to 5 so won't get to do anything too crazy.

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  1. 6 months ago

    >brazilian RPG

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah babe that's the one
      Didn't bother giving out a name because... yeah who the frick is gonna read a book just to answer a question, and who the frick is gonna bother reading something in portuguese

      what is the rest of the party made of?

      Melee-centric cleric and two undecided party members
      Almost 100% sure one will be a fighter or barbarian or something there is always a fighter or barbarian
      Or paladin even

      • 6 months ago

        Well, I could read It If you want.
        Anyways, is tormenta Dungeon crawl focused RPG or is more narrativist? If its a Dungeon Crawl Id pick the third option, there will be plenty of Gold in the underworld. Else Id go for the 2nd one, playing a mana bot will get really boring for you really fast.

        • 6 months ago

          Definetly combatfocused, enemies have these big stats that you're sorta expected to overcome with good builds and buffs
          Our DM likes narrative stuff too but he does tend towards combat every day
          I think you have a point about it possibly getting boring

          • 6 months ago

            Then the 2nd option is the way to go chefe.
            Ive never played tormenta before, so I dont know what to expect, but 3 seems like a Fun build, so you could ask DM to let you explore some dungeons/Lairs. These are very fun for the players, but also really Fun to create as a DM, and Im sure tormenta has enough material for Dungeon crawling being at least possible.

            • 6 months ago

              He likes to fully homebrew his stuff, so he just makes up locations
              Yeah I'll make something more combat-focused after all the feedback here, thanks you guys
              Last time out first few sessions were basically an escort mission where we had to deal with people chasing us and obstacles along the way, he just makes up a sort of story and adds combat every few steps

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah babe that's the one
      Didn't bother giving out a name because... yeah who the frick is gonna read a book just to answer a question, and who the frick is gonna bother reading something in portuguese
      Melee-centric cleric and two undecided party members
      Almost 100% sure one will be a fighter or barbarian or something there is always a fighter or barbarian
      Or paladin even

      So cool! I am a fan of Holy Avenger!

      • 6 months ago

        I'm not very familiar with it but I like the oldschool artstyle

      • 6 months ago

        Actually this looks pretty cool goddamn I love the art
        I'll look into it anon

  2. 6 months ago

    what is the rest of the party made of?

  3. 6 months ago

    >3. Ranged alchemist
    you will be able to choose your targets and coordinate with the rest of the party better in combat, like reserve troop deployed where needed.

  4. 6 months ago

    you have spells and can make potions or is it just alchemical stuff? Is it like this?

    did not find a tormenta srd

    • 6 months ago

      >you have spells and can make potions or is it just alchemical stuff?
      Yes you learn spells just like wizards do except you're behind a level (they get 2nd level spells at level 5, you get them at level 6. spells go up to 5th level I think)
      When you pick the alchemist initiate feat you get 3 level 1 spells known, then one every level, at level 6 you can start selecting level 2 spells etc etc
      You're basically a caster who can't cast, you have to make potions instead
      The potions are indeed useful, especially since they cost no mana (only money)

  5. 6 months ago

    You can say Tormenta anon. /tg/ is somewhat familiar with what Cassaro and the others did with elves and Glórienn.


    Image completely unrelated.

    • 6 months ago

      Let's be honest, what other fricking Brazilian RPG was it gonna be? Not like there are other notable ones.

      • 6 months ago

        There is that recently released Old Dragon system, never read much about It though. I know It tries to be OSR but Im not sure If It succeeds...

      • 6 months ago

        My DM just really likes the company that made it, that's mostly why we're playing it
        He likes the Ghanor books too, or whatever they're called. He kickstarted the new T20 release even

      • 6 months ago

        Poisé. Mesmo 4D&T valia mais do que eles fizeram com Tormenta. Eu jogava e gostava, mas todos os suplementos da cidade de Valkaria em diante são uma pilha de caralho quebrado.

  6. 6 months ago

    Eyy, I made a token with this image a while ago

  7. 6 months ago

    better resolution but has some grain

    • 6 months ago

      Eyy, I made a token with this image a while ago


  8. 6 months ago

    >one brazilian RPG
    does the setting have any original unique monsters?

    • 6 months ago

      >does the setting have any original unique monsters?
      Eh it's all pretty standard
      At best you have the thing in the title, Tormenta
      The red storm that mutates people and makes them crazy and evil, mostly themed around bugs
      There's also racists, a big army of them

  9. 6 months ago

    Also after this whole ass thread I ended up deciding and tweaking my planned build accordingly
    I'm going HARD on crafting, but I'll mostly focus on delivering poisons with a bow, instead of taking perks related to throwables or whatever
    Works pretty well there's a potion I can make to let me use INT to hit so things will work out fine
    If I run into an enemy immune to poison I will simply throw things at it, thanks homies

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