I'm new to Warhammer, what Book to start with?

I'm late to the 40K warhammer party but seen a video on youtube which sparked my interests in it.
so now I'd like to read up on the series but don't know where to start.
upon initial research, I know that the timeline isn't considered linear(??? that's one comment I saw on reddit) so for those of you who have been a Warhammer 40k fan for years, what book(s) would you recommend for someone new to the series?
Thanks in advance frens.

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  1. 8 months ago

    What faction do you like

    • 8 months ago

      >seen a video on youtube which sparked my interests in it.
      I don't have any knowledge on factions, characters, planets, none of that.
      I'm legitimately brand spanking new to this.
      (I've seen Warhammer 40k in my LGS when I goto buy or play MTG but never had interest in it. so I'm like 99.9999% ignorant of the Warhammer universe.)

      • 8 months ago

        If you're aware of the franchise then you're aware of at least some of the factions. Your pic in the OP has 2. If you can't be bothered to even name a faction you think looks cool there's no point in naming books for you.

  2. 8 months ago

    >Ghaunts Ghosts series for human soldiers
    >Night Lords/ Black Legion/ Ahriman/ Fabius Bile for Chaos
    >Eisenhorn for Inquisition
    >Chris Wraiths Terra series for imperial capital
    >Infinite and the Divine for Necrons
    >Path of the Dark Eldar for Dark Eldar
    to drop a few.

    • 8 months ago

      Mucho gracias amigo!!!

      If you're aware of the franchise then you're aware of at least some of the factions. Your pic in the OP has 2. If you can't be bothered to even name a faction you think looks cool there's no point in naming books for you.

      >If you're aware of the franchise then you're aware of at least some of the factions.
      How do you even make that connection in thought?
      I know about Chemistry but that doesn't mean I know about elements or specifics within Chemistry.
      No, I don't know of ANY factions my guy, None.
      my OP pic was found by doing this;
      >Warhammer 40000 new meme
      >OH, I like this - this is a good pic to use for Ganker
      >right click save
      that simple my guy.
      you don't have no name anything for me if you don't like but chill the frick out with the detective ass questioning. what benefit does it serve me to lie about now knowing about factions? lol fricking hell some of you guys are being approach.

      i quite enjoyed the 3 Dark Imperium books from Guy Haley. I assume its a nice introduction to the "current" state of the setting.

      Adding it to the list
      question, you say;
      >I assume its a nice introduction to the "current" state of the setting.
      so now follow up question,
      what other states has the universe been in? which one's have had lasting impact upon the storyline of the series?

      Thanks for the 2 who have helped me

      • 8 months ago

        >what other states has the universe been in? which one's have had lasting impact upon the storyline of the series?
        In terms of novels, you have essentially 3 big eras. You have the Horus Heresy time period (10.000 years before the current day), then you have the pre Great Rift era and then you have the current era of the setting, that began with several cataclysmic events happening that changed the face of the galaxy forever.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't fully understand yet, but I will. Thanks for the information,
          question - I'm still doing research and keep seeing them reference "setting" as opposed to like "Story-arch" or something, is that the terminology to describe different eras/times in the series ("Setting")?

          • 8 months ago

            at the end of the day, 40k is not a coherent story with one big plot moving forward. Its a setting meant for minature soldier armies to duke it out. That ofc doesnt mean there arent big stories and then and now, big events shake things up.

            • 8 months ago

              So for example where as in MTG where the story push the cards and play,
              in 40k the story is the story and the play is the play but they both compliment one another without being dependent upon one another?

              • 8 months ago

                its kinda like "we want to sell a campaign book, invent a new war zone." "we want to sell new models, here are new types of soldiers, a new faction and new named characters, write some stories to push them." Thats the stuff clearly being driven by the miniture side of the company. Then you have a whole bunch of stories published by the companys book branch that isnt that. They just flesh stuff out or write about whatever their authors want. But in most cases, these fleshed out tales dont bring big, setting shattering events.

              • 8 months ago

                I understand.
                and sincerely anon, I appreciate you being patient with me and my questions. thanks fren.

              • 8 months ago

                No worries. Its a fun IP to dive into. Sure, not everything is perfect, not everything is the next coming of Tolkin, but its still somethink many people love and enjoy for a reason.

              • 8 months ago

                Understood. and no, I don't expect anything I like to be major lol I'm usually into weird shit my irl peers/friends aren't into.
                but I like shit for reasons known only to me, and this definitely seems like a fun and interesting universe.

      • 8 months ago

        Honestly I don't want to ever run in to someone like you when I'm playing Warhammer.

  3. 8 months ago

    i quite enjoyed the 3 Dark Imperium books from Guy Haley. I assume its a nice introduction to the "current" state of the setting.

  4. 8 months ago

    This one features the true heroes of 40k overthrowing an oppressive, inhuman tyranny. Start with a free copy as a welcome gift.

    • 8 months ago

      I really appreciate it!
      I'm getting more into comic books and sci-fi readings and after the yt video I want to explore this series. from what the yt author said, it all a dark and grim universe (he says Warhammer coined the term "Dark <something>").

      this shit seems cool and I fear I'm going to end up buying warhammer miniatures next, but I have no space in mi casa or know any irl friends who play it (I'm sure I can find some at my LGS).

      • 8 months ago

        Ahhh, 'Grimdark'. Yeah, it actually came from 40k.

        • 8 months ago

          Yea! "Grimdark".
          the guy vid I seen was named "Weshammer" and the video in question;


          I appreciate the titles and informations frens,
          I'll return in a few weeks or so once I've read and learned up on the basics.
          Thanks again

        • 8 months ago

          it cam from warhammer because grimdark a meme phrase forced by 40kids. It isn't a real genre.

      • 8 months ago

        >I'm getting more into comic books and sci-fi readings and after the yt video I want to explore this series.
        Then you should be made aware a good chunk of it is ripped straight off without credit from the Runestaff series by Michael Moorwiener and Nemesis the Warlock by Pat Mills

        • 8 months ago

          And Dune. And Starship Troopers. And Judge Dredd.

  5. 8 months ago

    >which one

  6. 8 months ago

    Dont, its not in a good place narratively or balance-wise. If you must then stick to youtube

  7. 8 months ago

    >what book(s) would you recommend for someone new to the series?
    If someone is new to dungeons and dragons they read the players handbook
    likewise if someone is new to warhammer they read the rulebook. It's that simple

  8. 8 months ago

    Legion of the Damned is good old fashioned bolter porn with a lot of action. Idk if they still make "space marine battle novels" but they're just slice of life stories set across the galaxy that have no bigger consequences for the mains narrative. The night lords trilogy is also good if you like chaos.

    Know no Fear is also one of the best horus heresy books. I'm a little over halfway through it. The Horus rising trilogy is also supposed to be really good too

    Caiphus Cain books are also widely well regarded by fans

    • 8 months ago

      thank you fren

      you should read the horus heresy first, youll understand the setting better with context when you begin reading 40k stories. Start on the left.
      you could probably skip any stories relative to the iron hands or the salamanders, they're boring af to read with the exception of damnation of pythos, that one is a lot of fun.

      I purchased the first book of the Horsey series last night after getting advice from this thread and doing some more research.

      I really appreciate everyone who was helpful and not trying to discourage me or be dicks about answering my n00bish questions. after I read this first Horsey book I'll likely return with another thread full of questions.
      Thanks again to you helpful anons in thos thread.

  9. 8 months ago

    you should read the horus heresy first, youll understand the setting better with context when you begin reading 40k stories. Start on the left.
    you could probably skip any stories relative to the iron hands or the salamanders, they're boring af to read with the exception of damnation of pythos, that one is a lot of fun.

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        thanks for this diagram too,
        I appreciate it fren

        • 8 months ago

          thank you fren

          I purchased the first book of the Horsey series last night after getting advice from this thread and doing some more research.

          I really appreciate everyone who was helpful and not trying to discourage me or be dicks about answering my n00bish questions. after I read this first Horsey book I'll likely return with another thread full of questions.
          Thanks again to you helpful anons in thos thread.

          >I purchased
          you can get them free on library genesis, search libgen
          i had trouble finding four of the short stories published after 2018, I'm imagining its just because they haven't been compiled into anthologies yet.

          • 8 months ago

            Thanks for the suggestion and tip, I'll keep that in mind fren.

  10. 8 months ago

    Everyone is suggesting novels but that's a terrible way to get into 40k. You're better off downloading a copy of the rule book from a past edition and just reading all the little lore bits throughout the book and look at the artwork (and ignore any rules). It with have an introduction to the setting and then a lot of small paragraphs and one or two page long little stories about varies parts of the setting, all designed yo give you a taste of everything.

    After that, pick the codex of the faction(s) that most interest you and do the same.

    • 8 months ago

      hes looking for an onboarding point for the setting, not a few lines of text to figure out whether or not he likes it, thats already been established you adhd riddled zoomer.

  11. 8 months ago

    I enjoyed audiobooks. Audible was great for Warhammer.

    >Black Templars go on a doomed mission to the planet of Armageddon (yes really lol) to make a last stand against Orks, as High Chaplain Grimaldus comes to terms with his new position and Andrej the guardsman is based for the entire story

    >The Eisenhorn series
    >stories more down to earth perspective of the universe following an Inquisitor and his retinue negotiating the common folk, planetary governors, and plotting cultists to something something Inquisitor shenanigans

    >The first three Horus Heresy books
    >not my first recommendation but these three are sequential following a cast of characters as they navigate the events that set the events of the mythology around the titular Horus Heresy in motion, from there you can just hop on a wiki and pick a story that follows your favorite faction with a brief lookup of stuff to fill in the gaps if you wish.

    >Infinite and the Divine
    >Necron focused book that help characterize the psychology of insane near immortal nobles as they feud bitterly both warring with each other over MACGUFFIN as well as working with each other buddy cop long enough to backstab the other one first.

    >The Twice Dead King books
    >Necron focused book with a darker more tragic tone that explores a dying dynasty and the ambitions of a disgraced Overlord that fights Xenos courtly politics and external enemies to SOMETHING SOMETHING hey let me have your skin for just a second bro

    >Prophets of Waaagh!: The End of Daze
    >fricking awesome short stories following Orks stranded on a planet post crash into said planet, mostly a good laugh but should also be considered as a part of the purchase of "The Xenos Audio Collection" of short stories (some are incredible while others are a mixed bag and some are a waste of time)

    >The [insert faction here] Audio Collection
    >probably worth for short stories so you can see a range of neat stuff play out without a huge investment of time

    • 8 months ago

      Thanks for the book suggestions

      Read the original Eisenhorn trilogy op. It's an excellent introduction to the setting.

      Thanks for the suggestion, I'll read up on them after I finish the Horsey.

      • 8 months ago

        Horsey's the Star Wars Prequels of the 40k setting. Opinions on it are divided. Not everyone agrees on turning the settings semi mysterious and wrapped in myth past into a soap opera about being a shitty father and a woman moment ruining everything.

        >no Deff Skwadron

        • 8 months ago

          actual modern 40k isnt that fun IMO
          i'd recommend either looking into an older edition (3rd and 4th are both great) or playing sometbing like Onepage rules. Models are costly, don't buy from GW directly, its a ripoff moneywise. acquire secondhand, 3d print, cut out 2d model proxies or use third party models to standin. that will save you hundreds if not thousands. make sure you research what you want to so, figure out goals (do i want an army? what army? what edition? what minis do i want? how can i save money and not spend hundreds directly from GW?) most people will not care that you arent using "proper" models outside of an actual Warhammer store or "competitive" setting, thats where people will not be haply you wsre creative.

          thanks for the input frens.

  12. 8 months ago

    Read the original Eisenhorn trilogy op. It's an excellent introduction to the setting.

  13. 8 months ago

    actual modern 40k isnt that fun IMO
    i'd recommend either looking into an older edition (3rd and 4th are both great) or playing sometbing like Onepage rules. Models are costly, don't buy from GW directly, its a ripoff moneywise. acquire secondhand, 3d print, cut out 2d model proxies or use third party models to standin. that will save you hundreds if not thousands. make sure you research what you want to so, figure out goals (do i want an army? what army? what edition? what minis do i want? how can i save money and not spend hundreds directly from GW?) most people will not care that you arent using "proper" models outside of an actual Warhammer store or "competitive" setting, thats where people will not be haply you wsre creative.

  14. 8 months ago

    Don't be a fricking secondary queer. Ignore bottom of the barrel novel crap. Read pre-5th edition rulebooks and get some games into you.

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