Im not sure if im the only one that feels this way, but i think gen 7 was the last time playing a new gen really felt magical as gay as that sou...

Im not sure if im the only one that feels this way, but i think gen 7 was the last time playing a new gen really felt “magical” as gay as that sounds. the incredible leak season, all those reveal trailers, day 1 launch party with my online friends, playing nonstop til 3 am for the following week. I havent felt that magic with any of the switch titles, although scarlet and violet were somewhat close. Nothing to do with troony talking points like the national dex or graphics, just a sort of charm i feel has been lacking in recent years. Am i just getting old, or is this a shared sentiment?

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  1. 9 months ago

    I mostly agree. The games did a lot of things right and Alola felt genuinely distinct and fresh. SWSH was a shitty repeat of it which without any of the charm. SV brought back the fun with all the theories surrounding area zero but Paldea as a region is too bland

  2. 9 months ago

    It was Gen 6 for me. Megas were cool and it felt like the Ancient War was a chance to expand the lore of the world and that AZ would be important going forward. Instead Gen 7 came out and was linear as frick while missing great opportunities like Mother Beast.

    • 9 months ago

      Fair, gen 7 definitely has its flaws especially with story and legendary/ultra beast sidequests

      I actually found SM really disappointing and pretty much checked out of the series until gen 8 hype started. Revisiting it and knowing what I was in for, it's not so bad, but ORAS had left a bad taste in my mouth and that first island is such a chore. I've lost patience for grinding, so part of it is my own taste changing, but I don't like what their game design philosophy has become either.

      Oh no doubt the first island is tutorial island and drags. I think thats a glaring flaw with gen 7 as a whole. They had good intentions they just couldnt help themselves with tutorials and cutscenes

  3. 9 months ago

    Same here anon, bade sun and moon were the last good pokemon games imo. USUM, LG, SWSH, and SV all feel very cash grabby, where I feel like SM did a great job in most regards. If there was a skip cut scene button it would be a top 3 game.

    • 9 months ago

      List the top 3 poopiemon games.

    • 9 months ago

      Though the exp and difficulty system were sharpie on head/shoe in ass moronic, I felt BW/2 were the last time I had that magic feeling. They lost something switching to 3d that just becomes more distant as time moves on, focusing instead on the gimmick of the generation rather than improving what was introduced in the last gen.

      USUM 100% replaced base SM to me. Bigger dex, more to do, fleshed out a few story points, and Ultra Necrozma was the last time I was challenged going into an area entirely unprepared.

      • 9 months ago

        >USUM 100% replaced base SM to me. Bigger dex, more to do, fleshed out a few story points, and Ultra Necrozma was the last time I was challenged going into an area entirely unprepared.
        I didn't care for the changes they made to the plot.


        Pokemania had already begun to die down by Gen 3 and was dead before Gen 5 even came out.

  4. 9 months ago


    Discordtroony is so mindbroken he's now arguing against another guy who liked Gen 6 lmao.

  5. 9 months ago


    Can we please leave moronic discord gen 5 shit out of this thread you people are insufferable i just wanted to talk about gen 7 you people are so fricking annoying go the frick away

  6. 9 months ago

    No, I get it. Something about the big hype season in mid-2016 leading up to release felt really special, and then playing the game when it finally arrived was fresh and fun. I really didn't have that experience with SwSh, maybe because its leadup was so toxic by comparison with all the Dexit crap. I still had fun with it, especially with the gyms, but it didn't feel as impactful by comparison. And then SV had nothing going on leading up to release at all, they were practically drip-feeding us, so it was hard to get too excited, especially since I was dodging leaks. Though, I will say, when I started playing Scarlet for the first time, it did feel kinda magical then. I slipped into the groove of the game and had a blast getting lost before I even reached the academy.

    SM still holds a special place in my heart though. It has its issues, but it came at just the right time for me, I guess

  7. 9 months ago

    I actually found SM really disappointing and pretty much checked out of the series until gen 8 hype started. Revisiting it and knowing what I was in for, it's not so bad, but ORAS had left a bad taste in my mouth and that first island is such a chore. I've lost patience for grinding, so part of it is my own taste changing, but I don't like what their game design philosophy has become either.

  8. 9 months ago


    Alright confucius thanks for that, head on back to discord

    • 9 months ago

      go back kid

      • 9 months ago

        Why are you people so adamant on bringing your moronic gen 5 drama on to any unrelated thread is this some inside joke im not in on

        • 9 months ago

          >Why are you people
          Please take your meds, child

          • 9 months ago

            Dude look i dont care if you hate gens 4 and 5 but can you keep it to the respective threads? This thread is about gen 7 nostalgia

  9. 9 months ago

    >Positive alola thread
    >discord raiders start crying about unova
    Yet another reason more and more people will never like kalos

    • 9 months ago

      >Yet another reason more and more people will never like kalos
      Wonder what that says about Alola if it can't even beat that

      • 9 months ago

        >Gens 2, 4, and 5 are the best
        Checks out.

  10. 9 months ago

    Say what you want, dexcut really killed the hype for this series here. Say what you want about XY but it was fun experiencing friend safaris for the first time.

    • 9 months ago

      Friend safari was great concept that should have been a staple.

  11. 9 months ago

    For me it was gen 5.
    Alola was just like Kalos for me. Great ideas, very solid story, lovely world but butchered by bad storytelling, awkward decisions and clearly cut content.

  12. 9 months ago

    i don't care how much this board seethes over cutscenes, this game and by extension USUM to me are the last good games. totem pokemon and battle royales were great. it was also the last time we had every pokemon and move that existed at the time before LGPE started cutting both those things and then it sadly became a staple for the series. optional exp share was nice too

  13. 9 months ago

    it was the last gen with soul

  14. 9 months ago

    There were many theories and some optimism about the future still. Ultra Beasts leaks and Type Null led to wild speculation about the universe. And more people also started coming back to the series because of Pokémon Go. It was kind of fun. Sword/Shield there was less good will and Game Freak was under a microscope.

  15. 9 months ago

    I disagree i hated gen 7 and its leak season. But i will vaguely agree, since i found Scarlet/Violet leak season soulless and boring.

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