I'm old enough to remember when, to MANY a gamer, there was ONLY D&D. Full stop.

I'm old enough to remember when, to MANY a gamer, there was ONLY D&D. Full stop. If you ever presented to them any other TTRPG as an alternative, they immediately dismissed it out of hand (often in an over-dramatic fashion - or maybe that was just the buttholes I had to game with). They absolutely, positively refused to play any other TTRPG that wasn't Dungeons & Dragons. Nowadays, in the year of our Lord 2024, that seems to finally be changing, if it hasn't long since already, and I'm too damn slow to have picked up on it. What happened?

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  1. 4 months ago

    >confused boomer unaware of cultural shifts
    Many such cases!

    More games exist today and West Coast gamers like story games over tradRPGs.

    • 4 months ago

      Ben, you’re not even 30 yet.

  2. 4 months ago

    >I'm old enough to remember when, to MANY a gamer, there was ONLY D&D. Full stop.
    so you're an underage zoomer who's only looked at TTRPGs since 2014?
    in the 90's World of Darkness shit was everywhere, you couldn't fricking pretend to not know what vampire the Masquerade was.
    Then for part of 4th edition's lifespan the most popular TTRPG in the world was actually Pathfinder, again you literally could not have lived through the edition wars and still claim to only be aware of D&D.

    • 4 months ago

      >Yep! The DnD killer is just around the corner, haven't heard that one before

      People who talk like Pathfinder ins't D&D are the same people who think Marvel and DC are somehow different.

    • 4 months ago

      Vampire was the only time D&D was ever challenged, but TSR was going bankrupt, and WW (pre-Sword and Sorcery) wasn't far behind, with a dozen games that didn't sell and one that did.

    • 4 months ago

      >Then for part of 4th edition's lifespan the most popular TTRPG in the world was actually Pathfinder,
      Literally the month before D&D: Next dropped.

  3. 4 months ago

    >I'm old enough to remember when, to MANY a gamer, there was ONLY D&D.
    This is still the case
    >If you ever presented to them any other TTRPG as an alternative, they immediately dismissed it out of hand
    This is still the case
    >They absolutely, positively refused to play any other TTRPG that wasn't Dungeons & Dragons.They absolutely, positively refused to play any other TTRPG that wasn't Dungeons & Dragons.
    Still happening
    >Nowadays, in the year of our Lord 2024, that seems to finally be changing, if it hasn't long since already, and I'm too damn slow to have picked up on it. What happened?
    Yep! The DnD killer is just around the corner, haven't heard that one before

    • 4 months ago

      >Yep! The DnD killer is just around the corner, haven't heard that one before

    • 4 months ago

      D&D almost died before 3th edition and got close with 4th edition.

      • 4 months ago

        >thirth edition
        moron ESL, probably some poojeet.

        • 4 months ago

          Kek. It's threeeth you frickin idiot.

    • 4 months ago

      >Yep! The DnD killer is just around the corner, haven't heard that one before
      Black person TSR went fricking bankrupt and sold the game to Wizards of the Coast. D&D literally died once already, and came close to dying again near the end of 4th edition since Hasbro wanted it to be a $50 million a year property. The reason 5e's PHB is such a mess is because it was made by a skeleton crew, and now even that skeleton crew have all been fired or quit.

      • 4 months ago

        D&D didn't come close to dying at the end of 4E, it came close to dying at the end of 3E.

      • 4 months ago

        >The reason 5e's PHB is such a mess is because it was made by a skeleton crew
        Yeah, THAT's the reason.

      • 4 months ago

        >D&D nearly died because.....no one could buy *new* material !
        and I nearly died on the toilet trying to pass a turd

  4. 4 months ago

    When was this? I've been playing since the early 80s, and it wasn't the case then, and the older guys weren't like that either.

    • 4 months ago

      Same here. Also been playing since the 80's. Even back then we played
      D&D , but also had no problem playing Top Secret, Marvel, Twilight 2000, and Gamma World.

    • 4 months ago

      Guy has only played since like 2015 or something, for sure.

    • 4 months ago

      Me too. While I started with a girl DM'ing me through AD&D, I ran Moldvay D&D and Paranoia for friends, GM'ed Palladium TMNT and SJG's Toon for my family, and played GURPS, Star Frontiers, etc. Traveller, Tekumel, and BRP were always out there, though I never got into them on a player or GM level, but I did pick up CoC, could never find someone to play or GM it 🙁

      Even in the seventies, D&D wasn't the only game out there. Tunnels and Trolls, RuneQuest.

  5. 4 months ago

    The way you type makes you sound really annoying and if you suggested a game to me I'd say no out of spite

    • 4 months ago

      For real, what is it about the way he typed that just makes him come across as such a homosexual?

  6. 4 months ago

    the hobby really doesn't work beyond dungeon crawling, it's the meat and potatos of the stew. some games try to be just carrots and they tend to be critically panned. some even try to pass themselves off as a good alternative to popular engines, but they turn out to be nothing but sugar.

    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        it's true though, if you're not dungeon delving with some decent mechanics and tools, then you're fricking up. a good game keeps the party centered, with a straightforward goal, while they corroborate stories and roleplay. nothing will ever be as good as plundering loot and leveling up.

  7. 4 months ago

    Literally never been true.

    • 4 months ago

      The US was fragmented by what they played even in the late 70s and early 80s.
      D&D was just one of them.

  8. 4 months ago

    > Never played a tabletop RPG before
    > Interested in trying, sounds like fun
    > Options are to do one of the following:
    > 1.) Spend money on a D&D Players Handbook, spend time learning how to play the game, come up with a character and backstory, buy specific dice, play a game, end up gaining knowledge that I can use to play the game with the bazillion other groups in my area
    > 2.) Do the exact same thing only now I am stuck playing with the same exact people because no one else in the area plays this weird game which means if I don't like the group I am fricked and have wasted that money but more importantly wasted all of that time

    D&D is probably popular because it has existed in some form or another for like 50 years.

  9. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >What is Traveller
      >What are the scifi systems TSR themselves released
      >What is Runequest
      0/10 bait


  10. 4 months ago

    Lmao. There was a time when D&D was thought as obsolete game, surpassed by other superior and more advanced and mature games, while that only kids played D&D anymore.

  11. 4 months ago

    What? I may not be an 80s scene grog but during the 90s there was way more diversification in terms of games distribution (at least where i live): VtM, BRP (from CoC, Stormbringer, Runequest to homebrew crossgenres like space+cyberpunk or historical with weird shit), CP2020, MERP and so on... AD&D was just one of many.
    Conversely today here is mainly 5e or some other iteration of d&d (3.5e, PF1/2e) and rarely something different from a d20 system game just because there's an old frick like me pushing for diversification (which stands only as long there's an active effort in proposals). It's a fricking barren wasteland compared with the past, new gamers don't give a shit in trying different games unless almost coerced into.

  12. 4 months ago

    American problem.
    In Germany it was always split between TDE, Shadowrun and WoD. Few people played D&D because it was just a worse TDE.

    • 4 months ago

      >few people played D&D because it was just a worse TDE.
      I commend your nationalism even though it's just plain deluded and even worse german.

    • 4 months ago

      In Poland it was either VtM or Warhammer Fantasy RPG. It has a lot with the fact that WotC kept ignoring the Polish market, so both GW and WW swooped in instead.

      • 4 months ago

        Well, WotC had standards. GW never had.

  13. 4 months ago

    Postmodernism and wokism sold the idea that a simple game with good Christian morality was bad and so in order to appear virtuous people rejected tradition.

    Nothing else.

    • 4 months ago

      >Buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

      I get it, you're big mad because your substitute father figure told you to be. But I was hoping we could stick to reality? K thnx bi

    • 4 months ago

      >Christian morality
      Did you miss the entire time period where Christians considered trpgs to be the spawn of Satan and made entire movies about how dungeons and dragons would drive you crazy and make you have a nice day or are you some moronic underage so high on trad larping that you've forgotten the most notable interaction with Christianity the medium ever had?

    • 4 months ago

      you should be executed for making an illegally bad bait post

    • 4 months ago

      >playable assassins
      >statted divine entities
      fundies would skin you alive if you brought even so much as a d20 to church.
      Try that in a small town

  14. 4 months ago

    In my country, wanting to run D&D has made others spit on you, just a decade ago. It's only gained traction since zoomboids sole connection to the hobby are streamers and netflix.

    • 4 months ago

      DSA mit D&D zu vergleichen ist sinnlos. Und niemand spuckt auf irgendwen der D&D spielt.

      • 4 months ago

        Ich spucke auf dich und deine Mutter!

    • 4 months ago

      American problem.
      In Germany it was always split between TDE, Shadowrun and WoD. Few people played D&D because it was just a worse TDE.

      >Few people played D&D because it was just a worse TDE.
      True for first edition Das Schwarze Auge only. Abenteuer-Ausbau-Spiel was a mistake.

  15. 4 months ago

    over 20 years ago the first TTRPG I played was Shadowrun. And even though I was a kid and didn't grasp the scope and concept of the industry I knew there were many different games back then. And people who played it. So you either:
    >live in a village under a rock
    >are 60 years old and just discovered Ganker
    >are lying to stoke some pointless discussion about D&D bad others good
    I do not get this board. Never in my life did me and my friends run into the problems /tg/ has with D&D. And even if one of us complained about aspects of it they quickly saw that each TTRPG has its fair share of problems.

    • 4 months ago

      >Never in my life did me and my friends run into the problems /tg/ has with D&D

      That's because most of this board never play, they're just bitter reactionaries and contrarians whose only joy in life is being unrelentingly bitter about subjects others like, out of a perverse spite. It's so bad that people try to shut down discussion of RPGs on a traditional games board for fricks sake.

      • 4 months ago

        And the same attitude is pervasive on Ganker as well, although they actually play vidya games but never with anybody else.

  16. 4 months ago

    In my region in Brazil D&D was barely played, the major RPGs were WoD, GURPS, Tormenta and 3D&T.

    I would guess it is probably a lot more popular now with zoomers, streaming and what not pushing the same thing to everyone, but I wouldn't know because I have only being playing with this same group for years now.

    • 4 months ago

      3D&T is by far the best RPG I have ever played.

      D&D is a mess (and even the third party better versions like Tormenta and Pathfinder still lack something), WoD is edgy crap full of unused wasted lore and really overcomplicated dice pools. GURPS is fun, tho.

  17. 4 months ago

    In 79 or so among my colleagues a lot were playing Traveller. Later on, throughout the 80s, as many were playing other games as DnD. TSR Marvel, Star Frontiers, Palladium, Paranoia, Robotech, West End Star Wars, TMNT, Teenagers from Outer Space, Talislanta, Thieves' World. Yeah DnD was most popular but I had no problem finding other games. It's much harder now than it was then, at least where I live.

    • 4 months ago

      Oh! and Toon, and Call of Cthulhu.

  18. 4 months ago

    So you started playing in late 2023 or something?

  19. 4 months ago

    What are you talking about, the blithering fricking homosexuals on this board for a while now immediately start losing their absolute diarrhea if you mention an interest in D&D and in the process start promoting some other slop on the premise of "NOOO, LE D&D IS A BAD SYSTEM!! IT'S NOT A TRUE RPPPGGG!!"

  20. 4 months ago

    >I am a zoomer homosexual spamming a hobby board
    Here, your entire post in a single line

  21. 4 months ago

    >If you ever presented to them any other TTRPG as an alternative, they immediately dismissed it out of hand (often in an over-dramatic fashion - or maybe that was just the buttholes I had to game with). They absolutely, positively refused to play any other TTRPG that wasn't Dungeons & Dragons.
    This is still true
    Only now I refuse to play anything that isn't AD&D

  22. 4 months ago

    >Full stop

  23. 4 months ago

    Probably because WotC is hitting choppy waters and can't keep up the propaganda.

  24. 4 months ago

    Do you also remember when everyone clapped? homosexual.

  25. 4 months ago

    I've found it to be the opposite, at least in my area. Basically anyone who had gamed in more than a handful of D&D campaigns was itching to try something else. This was the 90s/00s so brand loyalty wasn't quite as cemented yet. You would occasionally encounter the diehard D&D fanatic but those people were weird even amongst the pen and paper crowd. Everyone else had long since branched out into different games, like Shadowrun, Battletech, Vampires and the various Warhammer/Middle Earth RPGs.

    Nowadays everyone that I meet just wants to play D&D on autopilot.

  26. 4 months ago

    more like Garigay

  27. 4 months ago

    In my scant few decades on this earth, my experience with the RPG community at large is that there's always at least one guy who is overwhelmingly hooked on some non-D&D system. Could be a GURPS guy. Could be your weird hipster goth friend who loves WoD games. Maybe the giga-autist wants to share his Palladium book collection with you. There's a chance that one of your older gamer friends got his start with TMNT and Other Strangeness and never owned a D&D book.

    What I'm saying is... you're not just a homosexual OP, but you're also wrong.

  28. 4 months ago

    Mediocre unity is better than any sort of fracture

    • 4 months ago

      This always waters down the potential of a creative endeavour, there is another way.

  29. 4 months ago

    If you want other people to play your game you have to champion it and run sessions with all the bits you need ready to go. There are many great games out there but you can't just wish people into playing.

    • 4 months ago

      >try to play another game
      >5e fans see this while watching jocat videos
      >they lynch me on the spot for not playing 5e

  30. 4 months ago

    It's not changing. That's still the case

  31. 4 months ago

    This thread needs to die.

    OP is a giant homosexual, but also a liar who has no idea what he's talking about. Within the first year of D&D being published, there were a dozen alternative RPGs, and it only grew from there.

    Gygax spent far more time in the early years of D&D in court trying to get a patent for the game and to stop competitors than he did writing or designing. It was also originally a pretty inaccessible game, thanks to needing dice that were extremely scarce in America at the time (so scarce that they had to print a paper "chit" system for people who couldn't find the dice) and it's for that reason that games like Tunnels and Trolls (Basically D&D, but 3d6) became popular.

    Stop bumping this thread already.

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