I'm playing this (currently half-way through) and I'm seriously considering dropping this.

I'm playing this (currently half-way through) and I'm seriously considering dropping this.
I loved TW1, even despite all the jank because of the atmosphere and story but from TW2 I get nothing.
Here's a few main things that I think are wrong with it
>completely butchered alchemy system (in TW1 I had to constantly prep potions by gathering ingredients and reading monster lore because they could make hard fights a lot easier and you actually felt like a witcher). Here it's completely useless since it only lasts for like 5 irl minutes and you can't even drink them during combat. Tough fight and you forgot to drink your potions because you had no way to know you're fighting because of an interrupting cutscene? Tough shit, reload and try again. God forbid it's actually a tough fricking boss.
>combat is complete garbage and makes Geralt look like a wimp. In TW1 you could really feel Geralt is a mutant who is an absolute beast in combat and could easily clear entire rooms on his own with a group stance. Here Geralt is a weak homosexual who has to constantly roll around like a moron and can get btfo by some shitty bandits or a guard.
>atmosphere is completely lacking. There's barely any monster hunting. I was hyped as frick to go in the forest in Chapter 1 only to realize I'm at the map's edge after a 30 second jog. I'm currently at Chapter 2 and it's all shitty boring ravines and cliffs, you can't even explore the map because there's some shitty instakill zone in the middle. All i'm doing is doing some shitty fetch quests and backtracking all around the place. There's so many characters that the game expects me to know and I have a hard time keeping track of who's who and get involved in some shitty wannabe ASOIAF politics. I don't care about the plot at all and I just want to get this shit over with but can't seem to stomach this any longer.
Should I even bother finishing it?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's an extremely short game compared to 1. The hell are you doing?
    >I'm currently at Chapter 2 and it's all shitty boring ravines and cliffs, you can't even explore the map because there's some shitty instakill zone in the middle.
    Hahahahha that's what you get for siding with the ELF. What a rat. Serves you right honestly, it's a complete shitshow with Iorveth and you have only yourself to blame.

    • 2 years ago

      I found Iorveth's path a lot more fulfilling compared to Roche's

    • 2 years ago

      >Hahahahha that's what you get for siding with the ELF
      But I sided with Roche. I fricking hate squirrels. I went full Hitler in TW1 and massacred hundreds of them with Siegfried.

      • 2 years ago

        How are you stuck in hills on Roche path. WHAT are you doing? You're supposed to be in the caves and then clearing the curse. Just do the main quest. Act II can be insufferable but there's no way you're dropping it, get a grip it's such a such game holy shit. I hate how short W2 is. It's insufferably short, how do you complain. Why even start playing if you don't like the story or characters that much? There's so many autistic games with mechanics similar to W1. Witcher series are about the world, setting and characters, gameplay ranges from abysmal to decent.

    • 2 years ago

      I bet you also did it because you thought Iorveth is going to be just as based as Yaevinn didn't you? Hahaha how do you not immediately see how much of a gigantic homosexual Iorveth was and nowhere close to my boy Yaevinn.

      I found Iorveth's path a lot more fulfilling compared to Roche's

      Absolutely souless, nothing personal. I could understand a little bit of the Saskia and Phillipa intrigue but my god it is absolute dogshit, gameplay, pacing and the story. You find out about Tile's involvement through a HARPY'S DREAM. This is absolutely beyond moronic I have no words.

    • 2 years ago

      I bet you also did it because you thought Iorveth is going to be just as based as Yaevinn didn't you? Hahaha how do you not immediately see how much of a gigantic homosexual Iorveth was and nowhere close to my boy Yaevinn.

      Absolutely souless, nothing personal. I could understand a little bit of the Saskia and Phillipa intrigue but my god it is absolute dogshit, gameplay, pacing and the story. You find out about Tile's involvement through a HARPY'S DREAM. This is absolutely beyond moronic I have no words.

      How are you stuck in hills on Roche path. WHAT are you doing? You're supposed to be in the caves and then clearing the curse. Just do the main quest. Act II can be insufferable but there's no way you're dropping it, get a grip it's such a such game holy shit. I hate how short W2 is. It's insufferably short, how do you complain. Why even start playing if you don't like the story or characters that much? There's so many autistic games with mechanics similar to W1. Witcher series are about the world, setting and characters, gameplay ranges from abysmal to decent.

      >the gameplay just pissed me off a lot
      Typical story gay casual. You're meant to try different builds and play both paths.

      kek wtf is this guy's problem? what a sperg

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't make the last post you stupid Black person, it doesn't even tie in together with my point, learn to read dumbass

        • 2 years ago

          you think you had a point? kek

          • 2 years ago

            >get told like a dumb Black person that can't even read
            >n-no u kek
            have a nice day, subhuman.

  2. 2 years ago

    Keep pushing through but I get ya, consolization killed this game

  3. 2 years ago

    TW2 is still one of the ballsiest games ever made for bifurcating its' content after the first act.

    • 2 years ago

      It was a gimmick and it detracted from the game.
      You only get to see half the plot in Act 2, and are left wondering what the frick you're missing.

      • 2 years ago

        Only if you play Iorveth's path. I never thought I was "missing" anything with Roche. Running around a bunch of pissdwarves and shitty mountains hunting harpies, miss me instead.

        • 2 years ago

          the canonical Geralt who sides with nonhumans against humans and Poles against Germans is disgustingly kosher. Much cooler to go with Roche EXCEPT
          1. Dude tortured you. Frick him.
          2. His route you have to serve some foreign king like a b***h.
          Triss redeems Roche's route. Dragon Joan of Arc doesn't give it up so who wants to side with her? As for Iorveth's elf-hos? Who cares.

          • 2 years ago

            What happens with Triss in Roche's route?

          • 2 years ago

            >the canonical Geralt who sides with nonhumans
            Why do so many people try to take authoritarian stances on the series when they make it obvious they've never read a single page of the books?

            • 2 years ago

              Because due to contrarian predilections the users of this website have largely fallen prey to being programmed to disseminate a particular narrative.
              This actually has nothing to do with this specific work of fiction. Any tropes that feed into the idea of a redpilled individual, the supposed freethinker, will be used to signal that you're part of the traditional, xenophobic, racist, anti-semitic, misogynist - right wing, but actually alt right - reflection of everyone who's perceived as the defenders from the oppresors of the white race, the wretched globalist menace or whatever you want to call it. Think of movies such as They Live.
              These individuals are then further radicalized by online celebrities who are indirectly funded by larger entities, such as Russia, whose benefit is to disseminate conservative fundamentalist values. It's a propaganda machine that crept its way into the pits of less moderated parts of the internet and exploited its weak points to strengthen itself.

              • 2 years ago

                back to plebbit with you.

            • 2 years ago

              He's not wrong though, also Geralt is not exactly a human either.

  4. 2 years ago

    >start W2 using my saved game from W1
    >thrilled to see that the magic swords I worked so hard for are present and correct
    >they turn out to be absolute dogshit in the new game, and I end up selling them for peanuts

    • 2 years ago

      >they turn out to be absolute dogshit in the new game, and I end up selling them for peanuts
      lmao this
      >here's a fricking magical sword given to you by a literal goddess
      >yeah, that will be 12 orens

  5. 2 years ago

    OP here
    Just finished the game
    You guys weren't kidding that it was really short. Just when the shit got interesting in Act 3 it all just ended so suddenly.
    I don't really like how they split the game in two parts since I feel like I only got half of the story but I won't be replaying it any time soon because the gameplay just pissed me off a lot.

    • 2 years ago

      >the gameplay just pissed me off a lot
      Typical story gay casual. You're meant to try different builds and play both paths.

  6. 2 years ago

    >durr I'm a casual who just wanted to press buttons and see enemies drop dead
    >therefore the combat is shit
    Read the books. Geralt survives because he reacts faster and is more agile than his opponents. Not because he stand like a tard and tank every blow.
    The plot may be slightly exaggerated to make the game cinematic, but is far more gripping and nuanced than the previous game managed to be.
    The game is absolutely worth playing. Also every build is interesting in some way. Particularly the alchemy with the strongest potential DPS upgrade.

  7. 2 years ago

    In retrospect I would consider TW1 and TW2 both mediocre games. Both are far too railroaded for my liking and TW2 feels disgustingly Biowarean in its railroading. I didn't play TW3 because they instead seemed to opt for the Ubisoft game formula with points of interest marked everywhere.

    • 2 years ago

      You won't play a game because it marks points of interest? Who cares. Also you can just disable that in the UI if you really don't want it.

  8. 2 years ago

    I didn't mind the meditate to drink alchemy. I always knew when I was gonna have a fight but maybe I'm just more attuned to the rhythm of the game. The reason I like the system is because it formalized the preparation. You weren't a walking pharmacy stocked with every kind of potion you could think off, you had to plan it out a bit more.
    When I first played Witcher 1 I thought combat was ass and the worst possible design, then over the years, as I played shitty combat like W2/3, FromShitware games, and other aRPGs I came to realize that Witcher 1's combat was the best out there.
    It had it's moments. I distinctly remember completing the act 2 cursed set, and then just stepping into that cursed fog battlefield that was supposed to be impenetrable and actually making it across while 2 shotting enemies and the game letting get to the opposing camp doing it. But yeah, more generally, Act 1 was generic as frick, more like a prologue. Act 2 was OK, but the content felt dilute because it was essentially, both Veden and that other human city place that I can't even remember felt like half a story, Act 3 was pure cancer all about and is usually where I just drop the game. Especially because it amounted to just a quickfire series of dialogue choices so they could say we've got 17000 bajillion endings, much player freedom we make.

    I'd say finish it once, then maybe do the game up to act 2 again just to play the other side, and that's it. Playing Act 3 more than once is torture.

  9. 2 years ago

    Yeah it isn't my favorite. I like 1 and 3 a lot more.
    The game is still worth finishing especially since it is so short.

  10. 2 years ago

    2 is the best one, though.

    • 2 years ago

      Definitely better than 3 that's for sure. However an argument could be reasonably made that 1 > 2.

      • 2 years ago

        How is it better than 3?

        • 2 years ago

          all witcher games are jrpg tier shit

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