I'm playing this now and enjoying it. Why is it so hated?

I'm playing this now and enjoying it. Why is it so hated?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 6 months ago

    What do you enjoy anon?
    Is it the gameplay mechanics? The character progression system? The exploration and combat encounter design?
    The writing? Characters and interactions? The setting? How it follows up previous DA games ?
    All of the above?

    • 6 months ago

      You have low standards.

      Notice how he didn't reply to this. Motherfricker doesn't even know what he's supposedly enjoying. Or either way, it's a fricking troll.

      • 6 months ago

        >awesome-button haters samegayging

    • 5 months ago

      I'll bite. The game feels like Oblivion and DA:O had a child, and it came out well.

      Actually feels more immersive than DA:O and I can always micromanage to my heart's content when I want to play rtwp-style.

      THE CHARACTER INTERACTIONS, holy frick these are so good. I've yet to see another game pull it off as well. I sometimes even swap out my party and roam around just to hear the dialogue. It's often well-written and definitely feels the way an adventuring party would feel (also not that diff from a good fantasy anime).

      The explorable world is much larger, they took more time to flesh out the lore and some backstories/side quests are an excellent gateway into a deep dive of the dragon age wiki (e.g: Solas).

      I'll need to give this one a think but I enjoyed the direction they took with this release, including all the "map achievements", Witcher 3 style.

      • 5 months ago

        >THE CHARACTER INTERACTIONS, holy frick these are so good.
        why is that? compared to what?

      • 5 months ago

        Yup. Pure action-KINO mixed with top tier RPG feel and content. Without DAI, there would be no DD2 or FF XV and FF XVI

  2. 6 months ago

    Personally mages feel tedious to play. I tried modding to get multiple specializations to make it fun but it just shows up how bland the gameplay is. Knight Enchanters physically can't die, necromancer minions have broken ai and rift mage spells were just taken from beginner skill lines of earlier games. And there's only 8 skill slots.

    • 6 months ago

      Solo RM was quite fun to me, in all honesty I couldn't even name an action RPG with more engaging pure magic combat than DAI. If you can then please do. Even KoA devolves into AoE nuke spam with the only fun spell being the multi-element combo.
      The skill slot limit did suck massive balls though.

    • 6 months ago

      You shouldn't have tried to mod the game without understanding the game tbh. Only 8 skill slots is actually a benefit because it streamlines the action. You should educate yourself on action games before commenting on them.

      • 5 months ago

        have a nice day c**t

      • 5 months ago

        oh boy you are just a dumb n00b, is ok moron, we all know how simple and stupid your life is.

  3. 6 months ago

    >Why is it so hated?
    This is why you dont listen to weebs.

  4. 6 months ago

    the streamlining. I suppose we should be thankful they allowed us 8 abilities equipped.
    Villian doeasn't even do anything, the game is focused on VN tumblr simulator

  5. 6 months ago

    >Why is it so hated?
    empty world, a lot of fetch quests, mmo like designs (this game was planned to be an mmo btw), dogshit main villain (corypheus had a good reveal in da2, but they ruined him into a complete disney level moron in da:i).

    • 6 months ago

      >game was planned to be an mmo btw
      holy frick everytime I play a single player game and think "this plays like an mmo" it always ends up being a scrapped mmo lmao.
      this game and kingdoms of amalur both did this and I played both of them before I knew they were meant to be mmo's.

      • 5 months ago

        at least with kingdoms of amalur you can easily tell which quests to avoid entirely because there's no story.

    • 6 months ago

      So like Xenoblade Chronicles then?
      Where is the hate for Xenoblade Chronicles anon?

      • 6 months ago

        >Where is the hate for Xenoblade Chronicles anon?
        don't ask me; i liked the game despite the flaws, but it was clearly the worst one in the series. i imagine it's just not what the fanbase expected in regards to the sequel, with bioware having a paradigm of actively chasing trends, instead of setting them (which what happened after ea acquisition).

      • 6 months ago

        tbh to me it came across as a singleplayer trying to emulate an MMO rather than an scrapped MMO forced to be single player

        and it didn't have a dogshit villain frick you

        • 6 months ago

          It's action-adventure KINO. Pure and simple. DA4 is going to save this era of RPGs the same way

  6. 6 months ago

    The anti-awesome button crowd schizo-posted against Dragon Age 2 and DAI for years.
    They had a bunch of discord raids to do this on multiple sites.
    We live in better times now where awesome-button is KINO and appreciated by RPG players.

    • 6 months ago

      go away, gaydar

    • 6 months ago

      >everyone that hates leftist propaganda making games shitty is a small group of people doing discord raids
      >THEY are the schizos
      lol, lmao

      We're reaching levels of reach that shouldn't ever have been reached.

      • 6 months ago

        When you are not sure how to shitpost, just go contrarian

  7. 6 months ago

    Gameplay sucks balls and many of the characters are very irritating. Like the another anon said, the main villain is shockingly bad. I do think it's a very pretty game, however.

  8. 6 months ago

    >play this game for like 20 hours
    >get to the 2nd area and realized i spent 20 hours grinding on tutorial island.

    i dropped it soon after

    • 6 months ago

      the game was just not stitched together well. each area feels good on its own then you do your objectives and youre onto another loading screen- never to return because going back to finish a checklist is the opposite of natural discovery and progression.

      the only real area i remember is the random palace in the woods because it felt so off- doubly so with a fricking dragon superboss just chilling up a hill near it "to come back to later".

      I enjoyed multiple facets of the game but not all of it as an experience. the entire leadership guff was like a poor attempt at what Bannerlord would end up refining from its own series with none of the scope because of the aforementioned patchwork of tiny gameplay features

    • 5 months ago

      you are literally me, yeah, could even pass the first scenario, it was so boring I didn't bother to continue, not even for Morrigan

  9. 6 months ago

    Which class is the most fun to play?

    • 6 months ago

      archer gets traps and backflips but obviously youve got the tried and true mage shenanigans. iirc you can play as all of your party members during battles so its not really too much of an issue having to pick one thing and never touch anything else all game

    • 6 months ago

      They all get boring quick

      • 6 months ago

        I disagree. Switching between different thrilling combat styles is very enjoyable. Simply awesome-KINO

      • 6 months ago

        the mmo gameplay
        the empty maps
        i enjoyed being thedas jesus tho

        It's a shitty offline mmorpg

        you homies need to learn to stop replying to bait.

    • 6 months ago

      they are all the same boring piece of shit class with the same exact design philosophy of “Builder-Spender” gameplay aka awesome button gameplay like someone else called it.

      Every class is going to spend every fight doing the same exact thing: Building their ultimate meter and then using their ultimate as much as possible.

      The game does have some build autism in there, but it’s not worth it at all. just click your buttons and as long as you are putting everything on cooldown constantly you will win easily.

      There is some “difficulty” to this game, another reason why people call it an MMO clone really, theres a lot of bosses and shit that just put a circle on the ground that you have to dodge or else be damaged by it.

      theres some more “mechanics” to some of the bosses but its genuinely all annoying MMO bullshit. literally did nothing fun or exciting in that game after beating it

      • 6 months ago

        It's incorrect as a whole. Dragon age Inquisition is certified Ganker culture

    • 6 months ago

      dwarf power bottom

    • 6 months ago

      Artificer and the kind of rogue the female elf girl is were both turbo overpowered, kill the boss in 10 seconds kinda thing on the highest difficulty with all extra difficulty challenges enabled.

    • 5 months ago

      I liked playing as a rogue artificier and just throwing bombs everywhere when I'm not shooting arrows at c**ts

  10. 6 months ago

    Some people were saying it was a return to form when it came out, but honestly the bit I have played actually seems further away from DAO gameplay/tone than even DA2 was.

  11. 6 months ago

    Is a woke turd and you are another piece of shit.

  12. 6 months ago

    Shitty singleplayer MMO

  13. 6 months ago

    I just couldn't stand the combat 2bh, it's neither RPG nor action, it's just dogshit, feels worse than Witcher 1.

    • 6 months ago

      the streamlining. I suppose we should be thankful they allowed us 8 abilities equipped.
      Villian doeasn't even do anything, the game is focused on VN tumblr simulator

      >Why is it so hated?
      empty world, a lot of fetch quests, mmo like designs (this game was planned to be an mmo btw), dogshit main villain (corypheus had a good reveal in da2, but they ruined him into a complete disney level moron in da:i).

      Pretty much all of this.

      I did enjoy playing it for the most part though. Like others have said some of the areas, when taken by themselves, are really fun to explore and while some of the characters were grating others were just great. It also has best girl of the series in it.

      The anti-awesome button crowd schizo-posted against Dragon Age 2 and DAI for years.
      They had a bunch of discord raids to do this on multiple sites.
      We live in better times now where awesome-button is KINO and appreciated by RPG players.

      This is bait right?

      • 6 months ago

        Harding... my beloved...

        • 6 months ago

          Based fellow dwarfette bro.

          You know the guys at bioware discussed romanceable dwarves as early as DA:O but Gaider gave the idea a hard 'no' because he likened it to pedophilia.

          • 6 months ago

            but you could play as a dwarf and romance non-dwarves...

            • 6 months ago

              I guess the argument would be 'as the player you have complete agency in who you romance' or some such.

              Or maybe the Gaider claims are just unfounded rumor.

  14. 6 months ago

    Because the writing is fricking atrocious and the cast is a bunch of obnoxious homosexuals

  15. 6 months ago

    Anon was a prophet.

    • 6 months ago

      Worked for Dragon's Dogma tbh.

      • 6 months ago

        What worked exactly?
        DD2 is not out yet

      • 6 months ago

        >compare the masterpiece that is DD to Biopoop from san francisco bay area dev's butt
        What is wrong with you, seriously. Answer quickly or frick off from this place forever for you do not belong.

        • 6 months ago

          Dogshit Dogma is a garbage singleplayer mmo and even worse rpg than DA:I

    • 6 months ago

      >almost 8 years later someone asks why people hate a game he enjoyed
      >trying to claim this is corporate shilling
      the game has some big faults with its mmo feel but lets not pretend it wasn't overhated by snowflakes triggered by krem and other "woke" stuff.
      my one big non mmo related critique is they removed any ability to be truly evil, you could do some heinous shit in the previous 2 game but with inquisition at most you can just be an butthole while still stuck into the hero mold
      that and sera is an abysmal character, a practically human assimilated elf had the potential to be interesting but we got potatofaced child autist instead

      • 6 months ago

        It was overhated by people who hate action games. But now those people are going extinct. Dragon Age 2, DAI, Dragon's Dogma, all of these games are Ganker-approved awesome-button KINOs.

  16. 6 months ago

    Awesome-button KINO is appreciated now but the stigma is sadly still attached to Dragon Age 2. It is the precursor (and inspiration) to Dragon's Dogma but some miss this despite dev's own statements.
    When you press the button, you get awesome. This is what Dragon Age 2 did for RPGs, and Dragon's Dogma continues that philosophy.

    • 6 months ago

      When did this moronic bait start circulating anyway?
      Don't remember it from 2-3 years ago.
      Was it the official DD2 announcement that got people to find some new material to spam?

      • 6 months ago

        Dragon's Dogma is the Sister Game of Dragon Age 2. I don't know what you are calling bait here. Both operate on the same fundamentals, and Dragon's Dogma was directly inspired by Dragon Age 2.

        • 6 months ago

          Viral Marketer-kun switched to outrage-marketing.

          • 6 months ago

            I don't really understand what you are getting at. The two games are obviously deeply similar.

        • 6 months ago

          have a nice day

  17. 6 months ago

    the mmo gameplay
    the empty maps
    i enjoyed being thedas jesus tho

  18. 6 months ago

    It's a shitty offline mmorpg

  19. 6 months ago

    As you can see, there is still some hold-over of the stigma against action-adventure KINOs like Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age Inquisition (as well as Dragon's Dogma). Truly a shame.

    • 6 months ago

      Commit suicide you schizo Black person.

  20. 6 months ago

    Dragon Age is a video game.

  21. 6 months ago

    It was super successful and also won GOTY. It's Original Sin 3 of 2014. Complete garbage, but since it's filled with sjw diarrhea game journos sucked it off. Normalgays bought it because they were told to buy it with marketing, coomers used it as a vehicle for their degenerate porn and romancehomosexualry.

    • 6 months ago

      yeah it was a real rough year for 2014

      • 6 months ago

        People can say whatever, but I stand by Inquisition, Bayonetta 2, Shadow of Mordor, Shovel Knight and Mario Kart 8. Those games were great.

        • 6 months ago

          Yup. Pure KINO

  22. 6 months ago

    its like DmC in isolation its fine if your an autist fan of the other games its hated with passion.

    • 6 months ago

      Yes, Dragon Age Inquisition is pure action-KINO like DmC

  23. 6 months ago

    I really wanted to like it, but the controls on PC were worse to me.

  24. 6 months ago

    I see WRPGs have gotten so bad that westoids are going back to praise late bioshit
    I wonder how long until anthem starts getting treated like this

  25. 6 months ago

    What mods should I get for this game besides the obvious remove timer one?
    Also how should I play it for the best experience?

    • 6 months ago

      I play Vanilla tbh. Just enjoy the game your first time through, do what feels right.

    • 6 months ago

      I wouldn't say it's hated, if anything it's pretty well liked - it's certainly more liked than 2 and was considered a success. with that said the mmoesque feel is a huge turnoff and is the most consistently voiced criticism, and I say that as someone who really enjoys the game on the whole.
      I know some people didn't really love the main story but the dlcs were so well received they prop it up, the inverse of 2 where MOTA is so universally reviled it led EA to nix any plans to use hawke as the inquisitor

      I don't think they're necessary but for extra convenience and less grind I also do no fog of war on the map, party at the winter palace (has all your companions there instead of just your party), increased search radius and a store overhaul adding herbs and shit to shops because frick that mmo nonsense

    • 6 months ago

      Instant table missions is basic qol

  26. 6 months ago

    PS3 version was crashing on saving. Took me few times of restarting console before I realized that walking during saves for some reason makes game go crazy. It was also boring, the only thing I rmember fondly about it is Josephine's romance being cute (which I did because of fricking Chris Rea, not complaining though).

  27. 6 months ago

    Bumping for awesome-button RPG KINO justice
    DD-bros and DA-bros run this board!

  28. 6 months ago

    Game feels like a singpleayer mmo but not in a good way. It's also kinda boring.

  29. 6 months ago

    I don't like the mmo aspects what missions should I avoid?

    • 6 months ago

      It's exaggerated tbh. Just play the game and enjoy the extreme KINO

    • 6 months ago

      You literally can't avoid it, main quest has gating behind mmo checklist stuff. Just find the mmo stuff you consider least offensive.

  30. 6 months ago

    Should I side with the mages or templars?
    I was Pro mage in Origins, Pro templar (as a mage) in 2.
    I plan on making Leliana divine as I romanced her in the first game

    • 6 months ago

      Going with the mages makes it a lot easier to get Divine Lels

    • 6 months ago

      leliana is fully on board with reforming the chantry as the divine so pro-mage
      but to sidestep your divine preference I would say it depends on how much, if at all, the socioreligious landscape of southern thedas should change when it comes to mages in your view. leliana/pro-mage implies radical shifts from the status quo, mages independent from the chantry with a minority in a pseudo circle under vivienne, elves more recognized, married clerics, etc. while cassandra/pro-templar implies basically the pre kirkwall blowup status quo with some reforms to be slightly less corrupt/oppressive. or you can do viv/either pro-templar/mage for full clown world

  31. 6 months ago

    An important question: Is DA:I a CRPG or a new type of RPG?

    • 6 months ago

      Making the shitpost rounds huh? What awful thread will you bump with a stupid post next? Exciting.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm afraid it's over for dinosaurs like you. DAI set the standard for RPGs going forward. Even Japan hopped on the trend with their landmark game Dragon's Dogma. Final Fantasy went the same way with XVI.
        Dragon Age is the foundation of all modern RPGs, especially ones that are beloved on Ganker.

  32. 6 months ago

    its woke

  33. 6 months ago

    Part of it was because Witcher 3 came out the next year and blew the frick out of it in every aspect. Unless having a party was your thing.

  34. 6 months ago

    I thought it was okay too. The transsexual really grated me though. The Qunari were presented as having this extremely rigid caste system where everyone stays strictly in their own lane, and then this game makes them 100 % a-okay with transsexuals. Makes sense.

    • 6 months ago

      it actually makes sense if you think about it in the same way that Iran is somehow more okay with trannies than homosexuals, because they're theoretically at least simply ditching their old identity and taking on the new one and therefore not compromising the system. you can think of it as an edge case thing for super capable women who they believe should be placed into the warrior caste whose name I forget
      I find that this isn't even that relevant given the qunari are hardly depicted in a glowing light in any other sense, iron bull admits they're pretty totalitarian and how badly most of his friends would fare under it, and IIRC there's one cole/iron bull dialogue where it's implied iron bulls pseudo mom was deep down happy he escaped if he saves the chargers and goes rogue

      • 6 months ago

        >they're theoretically at least simply ditching their old identity
        Too bad that this was specifically told to be strictly taboo for them. You can't ditch shit. You can't choose shit. You can't appeal shit.
        You are what you are born and no amount of struggle will change it is literally the foundation of qunari religion as presented in da1.

        • 6 months ago

          >Too bad that this was specifically told to be strictly taboo for them. You can't ditch shit. You can't choose shit. You can't appeal shit.
          I'm not saying they chose it themselves anon, rather that the mother figure ladies whose name I forget might view them as capable warriors and therefore utilize that regardless of it they were born a women.
          and lets be honest qunari characterization is all over the place throughout the series, they're exotic foreigners in origin since you only know sten, treated sympathetically in 2 because apparently that was the way they wanted it, then are mostly shit on/villains in inquisition. I never expect much consistency with them

          • 6 months ago

            >the mother figure ladies whose name I forget might view them as capable warriors and therefore utilize that regardless of it they were born a women
            Yeah, this is specifically mentioned to be taboo. Sten in da1 specifically mentions how a farmer turned merchant is still a farmer no matter how successful a merchant he becomes.
            It's not a matter of pragmatism, the qun was clearly explained to be the most essentialist philosophy you could imagine.
            >lets be honest qunari characterization is all over the place throughout the series
            Lmao yes.
            They had an interesting exotic idea for them, but then realized just how hard it would be to have more than one guy like that appear as characters and pretty much backtracked all the way to twitter.
            Gotta say I didn't get the feeling I was supposed to feel sympathetic to them in 2 though. The trailer literally shows them killing people and the mc killing their boss.
            Their behaviour ingame doesn't make them any favours either, since they're enemies to pussy and most players will pick that over pacifism no matter how diseased it looks.

            • 6 months ago

              >Yeah, this is specifically mentioned to be taboo. Sten in da1 specifically mentions how a farmer turned merchant is still a farmer no matter how successful a merchant he becomes.
              I was basing this on the way iron bull talks about how the mother figures, tamassrans if I'm spelling it right, decide which job is right for you, which doesn't actually contradict this since someone has to decide what role is best for you
              I think they're sympathetic insofar as the arishok is stuck there due to isabela and the stolen tome, and the conflict is mostly inflamed by that chantry mother false flagging all over the place, the game definitely pushes you to feel sympathetic to qun converts as well. not to mention that abomination of a dlc with the qunari special snowflake spy you can't actually obstruct

              • 6 months ago

                >tamassrans if I'm spelling it right, decide which job is right for you, which doesn't actually contradict this since someone has to decide what role is best for you
                Yes, but they decide this shit on an extremely essentialist basis.
                In da1 it's pretty much spelled out that warriors are always male and producers always female because the genders are inherently better at certain shit, and even if a male shows talent for production he'll still get shuffled in the most production type of male roles instead of a pure production job, because that shit is for females.
                Of course if you just listen to da3 era shit you'll find different lore, but well that's the fricking point, isn't it? That they retconned qunari culture over the trilogy.

            • 6 months ago

              Qunari in 1 and 2 are cool, exotic, and badass. The Arishok is a fricking amazing character.
              Qunari in 3 are obnoxious trannies that feel like tumblrina self inserts.

              • 6 months ago

                >Qunari in 3 are obnoxious trannies that feel like tumblrina self inserts.
                they're just as totalitarian as ever and go full villain in trespasser
                so many people got filtered by a guy whose name means liar's feel good bullshitting, who when he's not coping for his lieutenant admits most of the people in the inquisition would be absolutely fricked under the qun, hence why he so easily goes rogue

  35. 6 months ago

    Are you homosexuals for real with this thread? You couldn't find anything else to play?

    • 6 months ago

      >mahiro poster bait
      Post hidden!

    • 5 months ago

      Anon, let the Biotards be contained here and amuse each other. They have nothing else.

  36. 6 months ago

    I could only ever play a mage in DA:I because it was the only class that felt bearable to play.

  37. 6 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Wait, is this meant to be DA?

      • 5 months ago

        literally the Netflix adaptation

        • 5 months ago

          >hey we herd u like poz so we put some poz in your poz

          l.o.l., l.m.a.o.

    • 5 months ago

      literally the Netflix adaptation

      Why is the Qunari female so pozzed.

    • 5 months ago

      homosexuals are so invasively disgusting.

  38. 6 months ago

    the game is almost completely bereft of any decent content. 95% of the quests in the game are some variation of:
    >find a random note laying around
    >note says "oh, man, there sure are a lot of bears around!"
    >suddenly get an objective to kill 3 bears
    >kill 3 bears
    >a reward pops out of thin air

    replace 'bears' with mages, templars, bandits, or whatever and you have the vast majority of the game's content

    • 6 months ago

      Wtf I love killing mages and bandits now

    • 6 months ago

      It's about action and adventure anon. It's about AWESOME. You don't understand action games. DAI is one of the greatest RPGs of all time.

  39. 6 months ago

    I find it funny for how much the game is not so subtly steering you towards siding with the mages that the templar quest is better - and I say that as a magegay most playthroughs - and the templars are depicted in a far, far more positive light than in either of the previous games
    on a side note, it's funny people focused so much on iron bulls brief moments of qunari shilling when he was already half rogue even before demands of the qun. the dude clearly deep down lost faith in the qun's universality as he lived in the south

    • 5 months ago

      I assume it was a conflict of writers leading to this and some other eccentricities in the game. One of my favorite RPGs of all time, really set the tone for the modern RPG.

  40. 6 months ago

    Inquisition has no replay value and most of the quests are fetch quest garbage searching for maguffins with no real pay off for so much work. It's an EA game through and through, adding padding with no real substance so it feels like there's more to do than there actually is.

    • 6 months ago


      It's about action and adventure anon. It's about AWESOME. You don't understand action games. DAI is one of the greatest RPGs of all time.

      • 6 months ago

        >action game
        The game isn't even action, it's rtwp with a lot of real time. This isn't Devil May Cry or Elden Ring.

        • 6 months ago

          >comparing rollslop to DMC
          >comparing rollslop to DA-KINO

          • 5 months ago

            >loves DAI
            >hates Elden Ring
            You've admitted that your taste in gaming is so utterly shit that your words shouldn't be taken with any modicum of seriousness.

        • 5 months ago

          Correct with regards to DAI
          There is hope for DAtards to enjoy DD2 kino though and reform their loss of motor function and braincells due to what is most assuredly rampant STDs and drug use. Polygon has their back.

    • 6 months ago

      What are you talking about? There's awesomeness in every button!

  41. 5 months ago

    Hinterlands is cancer and people keep getting tricked into exploring it instead of progressing the plot

    • 5 months ago

      I got around to replaying inquisition after playing it years ago and hinterlands wasn't as bad as I remember, but it is the perfect example of why going full ham on open world is not necessarily a good thing. hinterlands works much better if you know to explicitly do the western/eastern sides first then frick around with the south.
      like it's crazy to say but the best regions are ones funneling you into a specific or mostly specific path like Western Approach, Exalted Plains etc.

      • 5 months ago

        >hinterlands wasn't as bad as I remember
        It's a big space with too much in it and not much in it is good. So players spent too much time there instead of progressing.

        Not that the rest of the game is that good, it plays like an MMO.

        • 5 months ago

          >Not that the rest of the game is that good, it plays like an MMO.
          the majority of other zones are much more linear and smaller so you're not nearly as liable to run around aimlessly. I do agree they put the second worst zone as the starting zone (the oasis for shards comes first. it's fun to navigate that maze once after that it's just a chore, the only plus is it's an optional area) though. if they had made most zones like emprise du lion I think people would've like it much more, but yeah like you said this was peak pseudo mmo open world dev.

      • 5 months ago

        >hinterlands wasn't as bad as I remember
        It's a big space with too much in it and not much in it is good. So players spent too much time there instead of progressing.

        Not that the rest of the game is that good, it plays like an MMO.

        Basically, hinterlands is fine if you do in in parts, but there's nothing that says you should do it in parts so most people will just complete as much as they can before moving on to anywhere else. That was my first playthrough and it was a slog, then on every subsequent playthrough I just treated hinterlands as a filler zone to go to when I had nowhere else I could progress

  42. 5 months ago

    Inquisition is one of those games where if someone says they think its good you just stop taking any of their opinions seriously.

  43. 5 months ago

    Tbh the entire game plays like and dungeon run in ESO but with way better enemies

  44. 5 months ago

    Am I the only person that likes single player mmo’s? I don’t understand why the term is used as an insult.

    • 5 months ago

      >Am I the only person that likes single player mmo’s? I don’t understand why the term is used as an insult.
      Because they boil to having large and empty in terms of content (mainly trash mobs) worlds with lots of bad quests (like fetch quests).
      You tend to also have to walk a lot of back and forth in said big empty world.

    • 5 months ago

      Most of Ganker loves single player MMOs. DD is a certified Ganker game for example. DA has always been loved too. Unfortunately, DA2 and onwards had some residual hate from action-gaming haters who couldn't get with the new awesome-button meta. Those people are gone now. The last holdouts are like the anon here who pretends DAI is woke while other games with the same stuff in them are not because...reasons

      • 5 months ago

        DD is not even remotely a single player MMO.

        • 5 months ago

          Absurd statement tbh.

          • 5 months ago

            >action combat
            >lots of unique content and unmarked things you just stumble upon and discover
            >several unique locations with specific quirks to them
            >systemic with things like water turning off torches, size of the character can allow you to pass through certain spaces or affects your stamina, etc
            >world is not that big or bloated
            The closest you can get is that it has some potential backtracking, mainly due to more limited fast travel. But that's not unique to MMOs and the way DD handles it is very different from MMOs.

            • 5 months ago

              Absurdity has only climbed higher tbh
              Your ignorance is large

              • 5 months ago

                >no eleboration, just shitposting with a "n-no, you're w-wrong"
                Grow up, loser.

    • 5 months ago

      It's a pointless comparison content wise, both have quests and storylines and statistics.
      If you're questioning your own tastes because some urban white trash on Ganker said your SP game doesn't lose at capitalism like an mmo can I suggest not worrying about trash people opinion so much and enjoying yourself more.

      The aughtsome button cometh soon bros and I am stoked. Our noble Nipponese being a natural woke filter because whitu piggus go home, kino action, kino builds. What's not to like here?

  45. 5 months ago

    The PC controls are terrible. DA2 is nearly perfect out of the box and the fights are really fun and viseral from the very beginning. I really want to like this game because I like singleplayer mmo rpgs, but there are not that many of them. I have tried playing this game 5+ times.

  46. 5 months ago

    Instead of archetypes, the characters are like real people. They are messy, inconsistent, and occasionally annoying. Apart from some wokeness seeping through, it has some of the most realistic characters in any videogame. But nerd autists do not want real characters. They have no care for them for the same reason a blind person has little care for a painting. You can not appreciate what you can not see and most video game rpg autists simply lack the EQ to appreciate how dirty and lifelike these characters are (again minus the workeness as ideology, regardless of source, always hampers realism).

    Honestly and without sarcasm, Sera is the best of all of the characters and is the most hated for the very same reason. People hate her because she is infuriating and employs a logically inconsistent philosophy.... like a real person.

    tl;dr they hate it because their autism keeps them from appreciating the nuance in the character writing. they will not understand my argument for the same reason which means this post is completely pointless.

    • 5 months ago

      What about the gameplay, you tard? The awful maps, actually infamously having the worst map in any game ever? The shitty mechanics? The bad encounters? The boring quests? Who cares about whether or not it has some boring Lifetime tier soap opera story you approve of for some arbitrary reason, you worthless lead paint chip gobbling moron.

    • 5 months ago

      Vivienne is a far better example for your point than Sera
      Sera acts like an infantile toddler for basically no reason (oh no she lied about the cookies! fricking christ) and the lack of any change in behavior despite being a part of an organization little tied to her beliefs is mind blowing.
      Vivienne is a mage but one who believes in some reforms to the current system rather than wholesale revolution for a variety of reasons. partly out of genuine conviction especially since she was in one of the most liberal circles of all, and partly because she loves having power and she is poised to dominate a restored circle. even at her most raw moment (the death of her lover, and unlike some I think she felt true grief there) she set herself and the inquisition up to benefit through their killing of the snow wyvern to try to help him. it was pointless but gave her and the inquisitor huge brownie points with his sister and son who are major players in orlais and the chantry
      she's an interesting character but most fans tend to hate and ignore her for her elitism and what they see as uncle tomesque behavior. well that and bioware's inability to come down one way or the other on how dangerous mages truly are

    • 5 months ago

      >it has some of the most realistic characters in any videogame.
      Holy fricking shit, play more games

  47. 5 months ago

    It's possible to enjoy things that are objectively bad. It might be because you have a shit taste or because you have some sort of attachment or because it resonates with you in some way. I like Devil May Cry 2, I know it's a shit game, but I like it anyways. See? You can like something that's bad and still acknowledge it is bad.

  48. 5 months ago

    I just started Dragon Age 2 on nightmare difficulty, and I'm aiming to play the whole series before Dreadwolf comes out. How is this so much more difficult than Origins on nightmare? In DAO, I had a rogue with all the dodge items and insane attack speed + poison and stealth/traps for the tougher boss fights. In Awakening, he just steamrolled most opposition and didn't even needs traps, poison or bombs.

    But my mage Hawke is constantly forced to run backwards with the whole party to find a chokepoint and hope for the best. Enemy minor bosses like assassins oneshot even the warriors, and can go into stealth. The second wave of minions usually overwhelms me if I take down the first. I've had to reload an walk away from two/three bandit fights now, and I'm hoping xp and levelling will make it more manageable.

    What's the best specialisation for a mage in DA2? I'm thinking of going blood mage for narrative purposes. An aggressive femhawke who dabbles in forbidden magics but leans pro-templar because she sees other mages as weak. Her life generally falls apart over the course of the game, most companions will have rivalry.

    • 5 months ago

      Blood Mage is strong. DA2 is a lot harder in general, which is another reason why many were mad at it tbh.

      • 5 months ago

        Eh, it can be trial and error, but the principle is the same: kill them before they kill you. Put everything tino doing more damage and abuse chokepoints

        Because of ANOTHER WAVE encounter design so you have no fricking idea where enemies are coming from and cannot plan for shit. Combat isn't bad in DA2, encounter design is with enemies just popping out of nowhere conveniently behind your lines.

        It's getting a bit more manageable as I level, stockpile potions and went to fetch the DLC items. Not being able to chug potions like the hero of Ferelden is a serious handicap though.

        >Elemental weapons helps a lot
        >Kiting enemies is an option, you couldn't do that in DAO
        >I once sent Merrill in alone while the rest of the party hid a corridor away behind a closed door
        >She kites everyone with her area damage keeper spell active
        >Every 4 seconds she does nature damage to the horde of demons chasing her
        >Eventually, you win or she does enough damage that the others can take over

    • 5 months ago

      Eh, it can be trial and error, but the principle is the same: kill them before they kill you. Put everything tino doing more damage and abuse chokepoints

    • 5 months ago

      Because of ANOTHER WAVE encounter design so you have no fricking idea where enemies are coming from and cannot plan for shit. Combat isn't bad in DA2, encounter design is with enemies just popping out of nowhere conveniently behind your lines.

    • 5 months ago

      Blood Mage is strong. DA2 is a lot harder in general, which is another reason why many were mad at it tbh.

      DA2 was pretty easy, people were mad at it for cut and pasted reuse environments and the beginnings of the first fujoshit tier woke writing through anders and later qunari retcons, desire demon retcons, and woke characters like Sera in DAI though it is true the combat wasn't that bad as the brief gambit style era of RTwP went.

      The best mage specialization was putting an ice staff in their hands iirc because that is what got you speed run times for dps which I did for a little bit on some of the dragon fight. Been too long for specifics to give you from memory and the game isn't worth looking up again.

  49. 5 months ago

    it never ceases to be hilarious to me how hard someone choosing harrowmont gets utterly shafted by the game, more so when you consider how opaque is about the actual viewpoints of the two contenders (IIRC the one guy in the orzammar bar implies harrowmont is the reformer dude rather than bhelen), it continues into inquisition too since harrowmont sticks to borderline isolationism unlike bhelen

    • 5 months ago

      harrowmont is an isolationist, and yet he sends a massive portion of the dwarven army to Denerim, thereby making them all casteless

      • 5 months ago

        finally finished inquisition with trespasser today
        one thing that is annoying is that it's painfully obvious the devs favored certain choices, and not in a harrowmont/bhelen rugpull kinda way. it's pushes hard for you to ally with the mages, though funny enough I sided with the templars and enjoyed how they handled it, and literally everyone, EVERYONE but cullen is telling you to disband the inquisition in trespasser. I kept it around just as a frick you. they also really should've set trespasser like 5 or ten years post main game rather than 2. it would've made teagans asshurt paranoia more believable instead of him basically chimping out immediately after the final few rifts are gone

        I always assumed that and the dwarven dudes in awakenings were just typical bioware plotholes tbh. you could say that same for the guards right at the door. origins seems to imply it takes time to actually lose your stone sense and that it's okay to travel on the surface in exceptional circumstances.

        Doing Wicked hearts, should I go for Briala + Gaspard or Full truce?

        depends entirely on how you view orlais tbh
        if you hate it I would pick truce, you've just paused the war long enough to beat corypheus then they can get back to killing each other
        the briala puppeting gaspard one is either going to lead to knife ears in charge of the whole thing or briala purged once she loses her inq backing post trespasser which basically is just gaspard ruling alone with more anger at elves
        gaspard alone implies a more traditional militarist orlais, but since bioware refuses to let you frick over fereldan his energy is directed at nevarra and tevinter
        celene with or without briala is diplomacy focused and more reformist though more tolerant for elves if she gets her frickbuddy back

        • 5 months ago

          its pretty funny that bioware portrays briala and celene getting back together as a good thing when its an abusive relationship with similarities to Marjolaine and leliana's

        • 5 months ago

          WEWH is another good example of that
          the original premise of the mission is you're supposed to save celene, you're given little information about gaspard and briala beyond their own self serving talk, and to get either of them in power requires letting the sister of gaspard, who is clearly in league with the big bad, succeed in her plan (the game just ignores how his sister implicated him in her plot right before you fight her lmao, well to the nobles anyway we know he isn't) to kill celene.
          not to mention with your companions, of the ones who have a concrete candidate they support when asked all but 2 prefer celene. only cassandra is explicitly behind gaspard and only leliana is behind putting briala in power with gaspard as a puppet.

          its pretty funny that bioware portrays briala and celene getting back together as a good thing when its an abusive relationship with similarities to Marjolaine and leliana's

          that's mainly in that tie in novel or whatever right?
          it feels like kotor 2 and karypyshyn's novel setting up TOR where he butchered 2's characters out of asshurt, but here they just completely ignored the novels characterizations for their own design plans

      • 5 months ago

        finally finished inquisition with trespasser today
        one thing that is annoying is that it's painfully obvious the devs favored certain choices, and not in a harrowmont/bhelen rugpull kinda way. it's pushes hard for you to ally with the mages, though funny enough I sided with the templars and enjoyed how they handled it, and literally everyone, EVERYONE but cullen is telling you to disband the inquisition in trespasser. I kept it around just as a frick you. they also really should've set trespasser like 5 or ten years post main game rather than 2. it would've made teagans asshurt paranoia more believable instead of him basically chimping out immediately after the final few rifts are gone

        I always assumed that and the dwarven dudes in awakenings were just typical bioware plotholes tbh. you could say that same for the guards right at the door. origins seems to imply it takes time to actually lose your stone sense and that it's okay to travel on the surface in exceptional circumstances.
        depends entirely on how you view orlais tbh
        if you hate it I would pick truce, you've just paused the war long enough to beat corypheus then they can get back to killing each other
        the briala puppeting gaspard one is either going to lead to knife ears in charge of the whole thing or briala purged once she loses her inq backing post trespasser which basically is just gaspard ruling alone with more anger at elves
        gaspard alone implies a more traditional militarist orlais, but since bioware refuses to let you frick over fereldan his energy is directed at nevarra and tevinter
        celene with or without briala is diplomacy focused and more reformist though more tolerant for elves if she gets her frickbuddy back

        I think a bit of lore in Origins says the assembly can give permits to go to the surface and not lose your caste for events just like in the first game: diplomacy, war, etc.

        The rock wraith at the end of act I in DA2 was very hard on nightmare, but I got through it eventually. Anders is essential on nightmare difficulty. It's a bit of a shame that you're half-forced to pick a certain party to win, but whatever. Sebastian is also very strong, both in dps and tactical versatility. Entire party down except him? Just activate his stealth decoy and have him run back far enough, this resurrects the team and teleports them back to where he is. Rinse and repeat, just pick of the nightmare difficulty enemies.

        • 5 months ago

          never actually done a nightmare run, interesting to hear.
          I find it funny how vocally sebastian is hated when I found him perfectly fine beyond the weird way they handled friendship/rivalry for him

          • 5 months ago

            Worth checking it out on nightmare, it's a great playthrough to be had.

  50. 5 months ago

    Doing Wicked hearts, should I go for Briala + Gaspard or Full truce?

  51. 5 months ago

    I hated it because the movements and combat were slow and boring. The game was about running around and doing fetch quests. It's badly optimized, kept crashing and erasing my progress.
    Basically it was unplayable so I didn't play much. But the story and characters looked gay, the UI and general gameplay felt like the textbook definition of a soulless open world AAA RPG, so I didn't feel like getting through the technical problems was worth it.
    The multiplayer mode is the worst multiplayer I've ever experienced btw.

    It really is the definition of soulless / goyslop. A popular franchise bought by corporates who have no clue about what's important with the product, who then ordered a sequel (as opposed to the sequel being thought of by the creator), threw a lot of money at it, and asked for all the features they thought should be in a game of this scale as if they were buying options for their new car. There is no artistic or ludic vision behind it. This is a completely artificial product made to generate money. Not a video game.
    Which wouldn't be that big of a deal had they hired competent people to make a correct product.

    • 5 months ago

      >It really is the definition of soulless / goyslop. A popular franchise bought by corporates who have no clue about what's important with the product, who then ordered a sequel (as opposed to the sequel being thought of by the creator), threw a lot of money at it, and asked for all the features they thought should be in a game of this scale as if they were buying options for their new car. There is no artistic or ludic vision behind it. This is a completely artificial product made to generate money. Not a video game.
      Which wouldn't be that big of a deal had they hired competent people to make a correct product.
      It’s funny because this can be applied to so many different games.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, but DAI is the one that pops to my mind when I think of these general ideas that plague AAA games. It's the physical manifestation of the word soulless.

        • 5 months ago

          Personally I hate the loss of the dark fantasy aspects. Dragon age was like the only example of a dark fantasy setting that was not low fantasy as well.

          • 5 months ago

            Warhammer fantasy is dark + high fantasy.
            Diablo too. Most old crpgs are, actually. I don't get what you're talking about. DA didn't have an original setting.

  52. 5 months ago

    Simply ignore the few DAI haters. These are the same people who hate DD and any other RPG that dared to graduate into better combat systems.

  53. 5 months ago

    Combat is alright but becomes so easy that dragons are the only interesting fights. Rest of the game is absolute dogshit outside of Solas being based.

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