I'm sick and tired of cheaters in multiplayer FPS games

Just don't want to deal with them anymore, is console the way to go? Should I get a adapter like picrel so I can use keyboard and mouse or is it considered unfair advantage?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >sick and tired of cheaters in multiplayer FPS games
    >wants to move to console
    >first thought is getting hardware to cheat on console
    lol. lmao

    • 2 years ago

      That's why I'm asking, learn to read
      Been using mouse and keyboard to play shooters all my life, maybe rather than wanting to cheat my first thought is: can I use my go-to way of playing FPS on console too or is it frown upon?

      • 2 years ago

        Theres cheese, and then theres hacks, and thats always a blurry line.

        I know I have an advantage in a lot of games running at 240hz, nice mouse mat, low sens, low graphics settings. Its kinda cheese, but not that bad.

        Then a layer deeper into hell ya got simple macros, custom or modded graphics setting, game filters, custom crosshairs and damage sounds

        Then you go deeper. Hardware dedicated to cheating like custom mouse software that compensates for recoil. Id put using a mouse on xbox in the 3rd layer of cheese hell.

        I dunno man, videogames are just kinda a trash 'sport.' Its never fair, never organized, and its really hard to say its fair anyways. Do what you think is right. I dont even know if theres a right answer.

        • 2 years ago

          A sincere anon, how rare. But for me cheating is the act of modifying a given game's code - aside from that it's fair play. Fault from the devs either way. Not that I (willingly) make use of anything said by you or me btw.

        • 2 years ago

          Is using an alternative input system really that bad?

          Would you say someone who use a gaming wheel in a racing game or arcade stick in a fighting game is "cheesing"? They clearly have an advantage over regular controller simply because they're the better tool for the job.

          • 2 years ago

            if you plug those into an xbox it just recognizes them, 0 conflict. A lot of the games OP wants to play with a mouse do not have mouse support, so he wants to buy a device that mimics a controller. Its fricking cheating according to xbox.

            Im rusty on my console stuff. Ive heard some games have mouse support, and Im sure some (maybe?) even have separate lobbies for mouse and controller players if they are lucky enough to have a large playerbase. Or maybe there are none like that, I dont give a shit I play PC games. Imma go play doom mods.

          • 2 years ago

            Some console games have native support for keyboard and mouse. In my experience the overall lower framerate and extremely limited graphical options make for a choppier experience that is not what you would expect and enjoy. If for some Freudian reason you are absolutely scared of touching joysticks ultimately nobody will know of this cheat, as long as you don't use it maliciously nobody can care.

            A racing wheel is expected on a racing game, the game is designed to accomodate it and other inputs devices. A controller shooter might not, and if it's designed from the ground to be fair if everyone is shooting like that resident evil vendetta scene, mouse aiming is a complete advantage. As a counterpoint there's many who play >destiny >2 on PC with a controller for whatever reason. I consider a wheel or flight stick or a golf bit for your wiimote to be for comfort or immersion.

            • 2 years ago

              Are they not emulating controller input like xim?

          • 2 years ago

            If you're using an arcade stick for fighting games in 20 fricking 22, you're doing it because you like the feel of arcade sticks. You could argue that you're putting yourself at a disadvantage by using a stick as opposed to a pad or even a hitbox (read: cheatbox).

        • 2 years ago

          I've been thinking that competitive games should have FPS cap to level the playing field across players with different hardware, something reasonable like 120 fps. As a bonus, you can get better graphics and more smooth performance without tearing etc, less power consumption and noise, and the game becomes more enjoyable.

  2. 2 years ago

    Just play TF2 on PC, all the cheaters were chased off by the fully automatic aimbots.

  3. 2 years ago

    I dont think I could stomach console play at this point in my life. Many of the games I love are only on PC, and console games lack what I crave. Id be interested to know what you would even play on a console- last time I played one it felt like I was fumbling in the mud.

    Ive found it best to just make peace with cheating. A few months back I learned about undetectable AI-learning cheats that could run on a capture card and wouldnt even run code on your pc... and could simulate human-like gameplay.

    It was depressing, we would never stop cheaters! Then I realized how dumb that was, we already cant stop cheaters. Theres just always going to be a percentage of players who cheat. Just gotta find games with <<<active>>> moderation/admins that deal with the blatant ones so its bearable.

    • 2 years ago

      >undetectable AI-learning cheats that could run on a capture card and wouldnt even run code on your pc
      does that mean console cheating will be a thing in the future?

      • 2 years ago

        console cheating is a thing already. I used to sell lag switched to xbox goons. Since console gamedevs are laid back and don't expect cheating they are very easy to defeat with a lag switch

  4. 2 years ago

    Play CS:GO
    All the cheaters are scared away by the AFK spinbotter

  5. 2 years ago

    well. I don't play a game like DayZ because of the time and effort to get ruined by cheaters. But I play warzone and apex because its much less effort and time each game. you can watch em cheat and know its not ur fault.

  6. 2 years ago

    if you think you're running into cheaters frequently, chances are you just fricking suck at the game.

    • 2 years ago

      t. silver pleb

  7. 2 years ago

    Dude you're not running into cheaters that much are you, what fricking shit games are you playing where you run into cheaters so much it makes you want to play with children and minorities

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