I'm still dumbfounded at how the PS3 eventually beat the Xbox 360 in that generation. >$600 BEFORE taxes

I'm still dumbfounded at how the PS3 eventually beat the Xbox 360 in that generation.
>$600 BEFORE taxes
>few launch games
>PSN hack
>PSN was shit, even if it was free
I'm sure some people bought it just for the bluray player but a lot of people hadn't moved off of DVDs yet, and it is never a good idea for a game console to cater to people that just want a multimedia machine (which was later proven again by the Xbox One).
What was Sony smoking?

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  1. 12 months ago

    All XBOX 360s released in the first couple of years had tiny life spans. Most only lasted a few months.

    • 12 months ago

      That's a good point, I completely forgot how pretty much every Xbox 360 eventually ran into RROD

    • 12 months ago

      Microsoft went moronic and went all in on Kinect while the PS3 was working on exclusives. It gained crazy steam at the end of its life.

      Damn. The 360 really did shit the bed that console generation. Like first they'd constantly red ring while showing how the ps3 was more stable. Then the ps3 had its price drop to be on par with the 360 so the two really competed head to head. Then to compete with the Wii the dumb fricks went all in on motion controls and had the price of the console bump UP because they came with the stupid motion controller gimmick stuff that nothing ever used.

      Like that consoles life was a fricking disaster

  2. 12 months ago

    Microsoft went moronic and went all in on Kinect while the PS3 was working on exclusives. It gained crazy steam at the end of its life.

  3. 12 months ago

    xshit kept dying before elite and when sony started releasing good games microsoft announced KINECT (TM)

  4. 12 months ago

    360 was discontinued years before PS3

    • 12 months ago

      That's not true. Pic is for the PS3, meanwhile Xbox 360 was also discontinued in 2016.

  5. 12 months ago

    Microsoft confidently shot themselves in the foot with the release of the Kinect. Sony had a horrible launch, but regained all that lost ground and then some in the back half of the generation. Combine that with Microsoft's dogshit E3 reveal of the Xbox One, and they basically handed the industry over to Sony for the PS4. It'll be years before we have any kind of balance.

    • 12 months ago

      Funny because MS did such a good job with the original Xbox. Besides them standardized payed online.

  6. 12 months ago

    On the side of MS helping the PS3 out it boils down to Kinect and the RROD, as has been said.

  7. 12 months ago

    It's not like Sony had to do much when MS are their own worst enemy with RROD and then focusing on Kinect couldn't even beat Sony when they were at their weakest. They killed themselves. So much money at their disposal and used almost none toward making games. Even now they are buying whole publishers with dozens of devs and still no games to show except for Starfield. I truly have no idea how Xbox even has fans. Xbots are truly the most brain dead morons fanboys around.

    • 12 months ago

      Even if they start to publish more games after the drought they've now shifted policy to being non exclusive to xbox to push game pass which devalues xbox and game pass is already stalling at 26 million subs

      • 12 months ago

        >devalues xbox
        I think from Microsoft's perspective it doesn't matter too much since they control the defacto PC gaming operating system. If you want to play MS games you have to either own an Xbox or a PC.
        I am not surprised that Gamepass is stalling though, $10 or $15 per month for games that you might not be able to play in a few months isn't something I'd be interested in personally, and people are already getting sick of other subscription based services like Netflix. I think the only industry that's going to continue being successful with subscriptions is music.

  8. 12 months ago

    PS3 came on stronger later in the generation, online was free, price dropped and it was Europe that helped swing it. Xbox will always be an America only brand

  9. 12 months ago

    yeah I jumped ship after my replacement 360 RRoD’d 4 months after getting it

  10. 12 months ago

    Europoors and japs, especially in the former, the PS3 surpassed the 360 in 2008 despite costing more.

  11. 12 months ago

    it was the better product even the built quality is better by a landslide

  12. 12 months ago

    In the end the Xbox had no gaymes

  13. 12 months ago

    by the end of the gen the ps3 was still getting stuff like persona 5, while microsoft had decided to only, exclusively 100% invest in kinect games

  14. 12 months ago

    >I'm still dumbfounded at how the (the successor of the most popular console of all time) PS3 (best console of it's gen) eventually beat the Xbox 360 in that generation.
    >$600 BEFORE taxes
    >few launch games but healthy dose of exclusives every year
    >PSN was superior
    >PSN was free
    >Exclusives had dedicated servers FOR FREE
    >I'm sure some people bought it just for the TEH GAEMZ but a lot of people hadn't moved off of DVDs yet, and it is a good idea for a game console to cater to people that just want a multimedia machine (which was later proven again by the PS4 and PS5).
    What was Sony smoking to be in eternal epiphany?

    • 12 months ago

      >>PSN was superior
      lol. It was fricking dogshit compared to xbox live.

      PS3 was the obvious choice for normalgays who just wanted to play Call of Duty and Fifa because you didn't have to pay to use the internet you were already paying for.

      360 was always the normalgay console
      never mind you're a europoor

      • 12 months ago

        >lol. It was fricking dogshit compared to xbox live.
        PSN had dedicated servers on all it's exclusives FOR FREE while the homosexuals on XBL were paying FOR P2P LMAO. What a bunch of fricking morons. Imagine paying for p2p and claiming you have the superior experience lmao. That garbage game Gears couldn't handle more than 3v3 matches HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA. I will eternally laugh at these morons that to this day say XBL on the 360 was superior to PSN.

        • 12 months ago

          >slow as shit and ugly store UI, literally just a web page
          >PSN gets hacked multiple times
          >taken down for weeks
          >millions of customers' information including credit cards gets stolen
          >"b-b-but it's FREE"
          The only reason I can think of for someone to defend this is if they were extremely poor or a child and could not afford $60 a year

          • 12 months ago

            Imagine paying Microsoft so it can allow 5 eyes to pwn your shit since 2007! LMAO
            PSN was a better online play experience and it was free.

            • 12 months ago

              >he still thinks it's limited to PRISM
              you are actually moronic if you think you can avoid the NSA without going completely off the grid

              • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            dude the 360's hardware wasn't build to even last for a year and lack everything the ps3 came with and more.

            • 12 months ago

              we're talking about PSN vs. Xbox Live though.

  15. 12 months ago

    PS3 was the obvious choice for normalgays who just wanted to play Call of Duty and Fifa because you didn't have to pay to use the internet you were already paying for.

  16. 12 months ago

    In my country the reason was pretty simple, the 360 was easier (or possible in the early days) to pirate.

  17. 12 months ago

    >Won the HD video battle by going bluray
    >Can get YLOD but it never hit the 360 RROD numbers of destroyed units
    >Controllers dont need batteries in order to work
    >It is also home for fighting games and jrpgs. 360 was only good for fps games
    >PSN was shit, but in the end of the day free always wins. To this day, I still find people playing black ops online on ps3. That says alot.
    >Ps3 was less noisy. Early 360s sounded like jet engines

    • 12 months ago

      YLOD can be fixed with some mosfets. It is not truly dead yet.

      • 12 months ago

        I should really fix my 60GB PS3 fat some day.

        From what Ive heard, you need to replace the NEC TOKIN capacitors from your ps3. They wear down from the years and the heat and its usually the main cause of YLOD

    • 12 months ago

      YLOD can be fixed with some mosfets. It is not truly dead yet.

      I should really fix my 60GB PS3 fat some day.

  18. 12 months ago

    I liked 360 better for various reasons but I have yet to own a PS3 that failed on me.
    Meanwhile my stack of broken / malfunctioning 360s is growing higher each passing year.

  19. 12 months ago

    The stretch of 2010-2013 had banger after banger game meanwhile the Xbox was doing some really weird stuff with the Kinects and the 3rd party videogame which nobody played or owned

  20. 12 months ago

    Because the PS3 started with its pants on its head while 360 took them away with Kinect. All PS3 had to do in from 2010 onwards was not do what 360 was doing.

  21. 12 months ago

    The PS3 was behind the 360 up until the first half of 2013. The launch was awful but the recovery was great and had exclusives worthy of buying the whole console for. 360 didn't have as much in terms of exclusives, and also online required a subscription. The most important thing is that people bought the console their friends played on, if everyone is on xbox, you'd probably buy an xbox.

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