I'm still mad we didn't get it. I don't give a frick about a SH2 remake.

I'm still mad we didn't get it. I don't give a frick about a SH2 remake.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    I give a frick about the remake, but I'm also mad.

  2. 10 months ago

    I also do give a frick about remake. Not because i will be playing it or it will be good (it wont), but because we all know what a disaster it will be and i just cant wait to participate in all those shitposting

  3. 10 months ago

    Eileen shaving

    • 10 months ago

      Do you recall in SH4 when you come back to your apartment from SH, and there is new ghastly painting in your line of sight when you get out of bed? That game actually gave me two jump scares. I was impressed. I audibly gasped when I suddenly saw that painting.

      • 10 months ago

        I can't remember any painting hauntings in the game. I do remember the ghost or whatever in the closet next to the bed, which was some bullshit, since it starts damaging you the moment you spawn and The Room™ doesn't heal you anymore by that point

        • 10 months ago

          That was so brutal.

          The worst part is that painting isn't of regular walter. It's of crucified walter in the adjacent room


      • 10 months ago

        The worst part is that painting isn't of regular walter. It's of crucified walter in the adjacent room

    • 10 months ago

      God Eileen is so hot

    • 10 months ago

      God Eileen is so hot

      She sweats from there btw

    • 10 months ago

      That's disgusting, why is SHE shaving on her fricking bed?

  4. 10 months ago

    silent hill was always shit

  5. 10 months ago

    I have zero faith in Kojima's ability to make an SH game. His interests are too fricking bizarre and the dialogue he has just rambles about shit. Doesn't fit SH at all, or anything other than what he makes for that matter.

    • 10 months ago

      True. Kojima has what I'd call a maximalist style. Silent Hill works better in a minimal style.

      • 10 months ago

        TPP's minimalist style was one of the biggest criticism about the game, i think between that and how much of the narrative was reliant on listening to tapes and putting together the story yourself it could have been really interesting. i mean even PT itself lacks a real straightforward narrative.

        It wouldn't have been like PT anyway, since it was simply just a teaser and they had paid for Norman Reedus. I still would have liked to see what it would have turned out to be, and i have no faith in the SH2 remake.

        no real work had even begun on Silent Hills because everyone was working on finishing MGSV, for all we know they might have kept the first person haunted house thing for the full game.

        • 10 months ago

          >and how much of the narrative was reliant on listening to tapes
          please no more tapes

        • 10 months ago

          >putting together the story yourself
          What is there to put together yourself? The tapes spell everything out for you

    • 10 months ago

      I think another problem is that Kojima has a super-gigantic ego and huge superiority complex. That's why all dialogue and storytelling in a Kojima game is extremely hamfisted and basic things that the audience should be allowed to infer by themselves is not only directly explained but re-iterated. There isn't a single subtlety of the worldbuilding of Death Stranding that isn't directly dictated into the main characters ears by someone in radio or face to face. That's why Kojima should never be allowed to make anything related to Silent Hill. He doesn't consider any audience to be intelligent or attentive enough to find out anything themselves or to find any meaning in anything that isn't author-intended. I think that kind of mentality is completely incompatible with Silent Hill storytelling. All the evidence from the last three and a half decades indicates that Kojima is incapable of the things that Silent Hill needs to be.
      If the orange hallway was in a Koijma game, someone would call Cheryl afterwards to explain it to her.

      • 10 months ago

        He's tried to be subtle in the past and it did not work out for him at all since us gamers are actually moronic
        Granted the exposition dump near the end of DS was egregious and genuinely ruined the game for me
        Now I'm curious how other Jap auteur devs would handle SH. Yoko Taro? Miyazaki?

        • 10 months ago

          I don't recall him ever trying to be subtle about anything. I believe he considers all audiences to be beyond even surface-level concepts. It could just be that he's a midwit with a giant ego, or maybe he's literally moronic and he himself thinks that very basic things are too complex for the average person to understand through inference, metaphor or just simple deduction.
          I haven't paid much attention to Yoko Taro but the little I've seen seems to have a bit too much fourth wall breaking to fit Silent Hill. Miyazaki puts gameplay on the forefront and doesn't even try to convey a story in any conventional ways, so that's a bit too much interpretation sometimes. I don't think Silent Hill would benefit from storytelling where you're supposed to examine the designs of the walls of a room in order to find out what's going on in the story and none of the rest is conveyed in any other way. The closes that SH has gotten to Miyazaki storytelling was the knife that you carry around in SH2.

          • 10 months ago

            i'm really sorry that Chico wasn't Gray Fox or whatever your pet fantheory was but this is just embarrassing lol

            • 10 months ago

              I don't know what the frick that is but I always enjoy the drones getting defensive when anyone criticizes him. It's been the same shit the last 25 years. Someone, anyone, happens to not like every aspect of Kojima, and here come the impotent, embarrassingly ineffective insults instead of any argument.
              If you're gonna be a cultist, at least put on some cool robes.

          • 10 months ago

            okay then
            It is odd that Silent Hill ever got made at all, truly lightning in a bottle

        • 10 months ago

          >Now I'm curious how other Jap auteur devs would handle SH.
          Only Suda51 and even then it wouldn't be the same. Team Silent was partially inspired by Moonlight Syndrome and both Suda games and Silent Hill share common influences. I mean, there was a club called Lost Highway in Moonlight Syndrome. Another interesting fact is that Kyoya Suda from Siren was named after Suda51 (not joking you can google it)

    • 10 months ago

      SH games are mediocre as frick. That could be only good game in series but konami is too moronic not to shit their kimono.

  6. 10 months ago

    I feel like my favorite game got canceled

  7. 10 months ago

    This wouldn't have worked as a full game nor would Kojima be able to make a full game without it deteriorating into farthuffing about whatever social issue he's fascinated by

  8. 10 months ago

    It wouldn't have been like PT anyway, since it was simply just a teaser and they had paid for Norman Reedus. I still would have liked to see what it would have turned out to be, and i have no faith in the SH2 remake.

  9. 10 months ago

    why? it's overrated as frick

  10. 10 months ago

    I can see that a lot of the ideas he took and played on them in death stranding anyway. Or at least I like to think. Like the whole thing with the baby in the sink and the dead mother named Lisa is a part of death stranding but it’s bb/you and the brain dead woman named Lisa. And all the bts would’ve probably been similar they did have a silent hill teaser with the black handprints going down a hallway that could’ve been the same gameplay wise. One last thing that’s also sort of out of my ass is some boss fights in death stranding have those brick buildings float up out of the ground which shared a similar style to what the setting they had in mind for the town like when you see Norman reedus revealed at the end of pt. I could just be schizo who knows.

    • 10 months ago

      Cliff shoots Lisa in the face, looks like in the eye, same eye that the ghost Lisa in PT has that's all fricked up. there are also paintings in the hallway that look like development photos taken from KojiPro's trip to Iceland, looks just like a place taken out of Death Stranding. so there's definitely some shared DNA, but it seems like there was some interest in parallel dimensions and the like (kind of a contentious topic in Silent Hill) which was never realized in Death Stranding. so seems like some characters and concepts carried over but not everything Silent Hills was meant to be made it over. really hope he takes the other stuff to do a horror game one day.

      • 10 months ago

        wait when did parallel dimensions come up in SH

        • 10 months ago

          people think the foggy/rusty versions of Silent Hill are multiple dimensions

  11. 10 months ago

    Surprised it hasn't been mentioned but someone recommended to me a game called Madison. Gonna try it out.

  12. 10 months ago

    PT was amazing and it was just taken down and deleted from history. Your fellow man doesn't want you to ever be happy. They just want us to suffer.

    • 10 months ago

      >Your fellow man doesn't want you to ever be happy.
      Konami execs aren't human bro

  13. 10 months ago

    >boring game with shitty 5 hour long cinematics
    >kuckjima mess
    At least Gullermo was cool

  14. 10 months ago

    I couldn't be happier that PT never amounted to anything. Kojima's cult of personality is so overpowering that the entire SH franchsie would have been retroactively defines as his brainchild, with only his entry to the series being considered the only valid one.
    Remember those blacksmith channels on YouTube? One of them constructed Pyramid Head's knife, and the top comment under the video, upvoted to hell and back, was some ignorant cretin secondary saying "Kojima would be proud".
    A Kojima SH game would have been a bargeload of excrement on the grave of the franchise, with a trillion flies around it praising its taste.

    • 10 months ago

      kek I love Kojima but this is possible
      then again its probably a kinder fate for the franchise than whatever Konami has in store for it next

      • 10 months ago

        The thing is, nobody gives a shit about what Konami would do with it. The majority don't even care about Homecoming or Downpour. A very large, very wrong audience would care about a Kojima entry, and that would be a very bad thing.

        • 10 months ago

          >The thing is, nobody gives a shit about what Konami would do with it. The majority don't even care about Homecoming or Downpour.
          This does not deter Konami
          There is no grave for Silent Hill, it will continue to walk the Earth for the foreseeable future

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