I'm too old and successful for RPG's.

> be me
> have well-paying, full-time job
> try to fire up Baldur's Gate I this weekend
> play 3 hours
> Monday rolls around and I no longer remember wtf is even going on in the game by the time I get to play it again
> Get frustrated, fire up Conquest of Elysium 5 again because it's the only game I know of with actual depth and you can play an entire game in like an hour or so.

Are RPG's over for me? I've already played all the console classics. Was hoping to catch up on what I missed during the 90's CRPG heyday.

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  1. 2 years ago

    How did you manage to become successful and yet not have basic common sense and time management skills. This hobby, like many others is an investment. If you don't dedicate a significant amount of time, thought bandwidth and effort to it then don't be surprised this happens to you. Set more time aside than 3 hours, that's unacceptable for an rpg. Especially an older title. I own a small business that's busy too but I still set aside at least a few days to play my neck beard shit in peace. Having an understanding family, peer group, friends helps too.

    • 2 years ago

      I think a big part of it is because I'm a software engineer and I'm looking at a computer screen for 6-8 hours per day. And then when it's finally time to "relax", my mind is so fried from problem-solving that I don't feel the urge to play anything other than games that can conclude within a couple of hours, like roguelikes.

      • 2 years ago

        >have well-paying, full-time job
        >actually code 6-8 hours per day
        lmao get a better job, leave the hard labour for junior engineers and just boss them around.
        >muh I have responsibility with my STEM degree and this job pays really well
        look at

        If you were really successful then you would be working an hour a week and have almost infinite time for videogames or ranting on twitter.


        >too old and successful
        I doubt it.

        >be me
        >in my 40s
        >can spend all my money on hookers and vidya
        >can spent all my day doing nothing but gardening and vidya and shitposting on 4chins
        If you dont have time for shit I guess you aren't really that successful after all.

        These c**ts are working a full time job too, yet they frick around all day AND they can control their time with families and vidya. There's no need for the "IT guys" like you to conform to the stereotypes, once you're too old to code nobody at the company will remember you and the only thing left is your hobby and your friends/families.

      • 2 years ago

        >6-8 hours per day

  2. 2 years ago

    do you have the memory of a fricking goldfish? if you can remember what you were working on friday when you come in on monday morning, you can do the same for video games

  3. 2 years ago

    I'm playing Baldur's Gate I as well since I missed it back then. Good luck.

    • 2 years ago


      > be me
      > have well-paying, full-time job
      > try to fire up Baldur's Gate I this weekend
      > play 3 hours
      > Monday rolls around and I no longer remember wtf is even going on in the game by the time I get to play it again
      > Get frustrated, fire up Conquest of Elysium 5 again because it's the only game I know of with actual depth and you can play an entire game in like an hour or so.

      Are RPG's over for me? I've already played all the console classics. Was hoping to catch up on what I missed during the 90's CRPG heyday.

      I tried playing BG since I also did not play it way back when so I got Enhanced Edition since it works with Sword Coast Stratagems, played for a bit and then quit. The story just isn't gripping.

  4. 2 years ago

    If you were really successful then you would be working an hour a week and have almost infinite time for videogames or ranting on twitter.

    • 2 years ago

      That's actually true. I meant "successful relative to the other inhabitants of this board".

      • 2 years ago

        Not true at all. I can easily mog you in all superficial matters. There's always a bigger fish.

  5. 2 years ago

    >too old and successful for RPG's

  6. 2 years ago

    >Too old and successful
    >Posts on Ganker

  7. 2 years ago

    >zoomer RPing as a working man
    Ok, OP. We believe you.

  8. 2 years ago

    You missed it though. Can't turn back the clock now. I did it all while in school but even I can't see myself going back. It was fun while it lasted but it's not like rewatching a movie. It's not only 2 hours long. You need a lot of time and dedication to get through a whole campaign.

  9. 2 years ago

    >too old and successful
    I doubt it.

    >be me
    >in my 40s
    >can spend all my money on hookers and vidya
    >can spent all my day doing nothing but gardening and vidya and shitposting on 4chins
    If you dont have time for shit I guess you aren't really that successful after all.

    • 2 years ago

      How do you stop people from doing the liquid concrete down the drain trick?

      • 2 years ago

        Im a landlord, not a real estate agent.
        If you damage the flat you dont get your deposit back, its that simple.

        • 2 years ago

          Can't say I understand anon, I work 40 hours a week and still knock out a 50 hour RPG in a couple months. Granted I don't have children yet and I prefer to stay inside.

          Ok, real shit. I'm aware of the hate landlords get, and a lot of it is justified, but in your experience, are tenants as bad as landlords make them out to be?

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm aware of the hate landlords get, and a lot of it is justified
            Not really.
            Yes some landlords are filthy rich guys who just put their money in assets.
            But most landlords are just people similar to me: People who could smell bullshit from miles away when it came to pensions and social security.

            The seething over landlords comes mostly from leftoid mid-wits who got tricked by the system into staying poor and thus are try to drag everyone who made it out of the shitsoup back in.
            Its all envy.

            > are tenants as bad as landlords make them out to be?
            Depends entirely on the location. I dont have any property in ghettos or downtown-areas that could turn into ghettos at a drop of a hat.
            People who are well off try to frick you over just as much as people who are poor.
            As an example I have some real estate that I am renting to dude owning a company that specializes in custom and exotic wooden floorings. His business is going well and he has tons of money hiring mostly immigrants as workers and he is also the most seedy israeli motherfricker Ive ever met.
            Every legal document between us I have to run by a lawyer because he tries to frick me over at every step. Its exhausting dealing with him because you assume someone who runs a multi-million dollar business wouldnt try to screw you out of rent-money every month but it what it is.

            kind of jelly
            did you inherit building with flats or offices or something?

            >did you inherit building with flats or offices or something?
            No, I worked my ass off in my 20s to save up some basic investment capital, rest came from loans.
            I own one small-ish 2-story building in suburbia.
            3 apartments in different towns.
            And one small office space in a building.

            I was born into a poor workforce family, my dad was a mechanic, my mom worked the the dollar-store.
            I did however have the good fortune of having a savvy dad who taught me what to watch out for when buying property and how to spot good deals.

            I will bifurcate your skull with an axe, b***h.

            wagie wagie get in cagey

            • 2 years ago

              You're still gay fricking prostitutes and sitting on your ass in your 40s

              • 2 years ago

                ok wagie.

        • 2 years ago

          kind of jelly
          did you inherit building with flats or offices or something?

    • 2 years ago

      I will bifurcate your skull with an axe, b***h.

    • 2 years ago

      >prostitutes and Ganker

  10. 2 years ago

    >play DCSS
    >win in 5 hours
    >I guess that was refreshing

  11. 2 years ago

    well shit grandpa guess it’s time to have sex with a woman

  12. 2 years ago

    >Wagie got no time for his hobbies
    >dedicate entirety of his time on earth to wageslaving for megacorp
    >im too successful for my hobbies
    Stockholm syndrome

  13. 2 years ago

    You are on the spectrum (reinforced by you saying you're a software engineer) and don't have friends you enjoy spending free time with, when you're lonely and autistic anything you do in your free time that requires actual focus besides rote action feels draining and unfulfilling and you're stuck passing time up until your job comes up again and you can simply melt away and wallow in the daily routine and illusion of productivity. Conquest of Elysium is like a comfort food for you, it's a tasteless brick you can chew on not to get bored in your free time and to stop your mind from wandering into thinking about feeling horribly alone, it requires enough concentration for you to forget about everything else for a while, but you're so accustomed to it that it's entirely within your comfort zone

    t. horrible sperg recovering from being booted out another social group

  14. 2 years ago

    Stick to modern games. In this case, play BG3 instead of the BG1. That one is being made for your kind.

  15. 2 years ago

    I recently upgraded my phone's data rate,and now I have access to Google Play Plus for free,and one great game they have,including most of its DLC,is Titan Quest. The other is Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic, although the reviews say its buggy. At least for my Android, I could even buy Baldur's Gate 1 and 2,Icewind Dale,and other isometric view games. With the convenience of having such things on my phone, I can find the time to experiment with classes and abilities of characters like never before. I want to get Icewind Dale eventually, and since you can roll up your entire party,you could come up with wild combinations: all elven fighter mages specializing in longbow,with a dash of cleric and thief for those who have the stats for it,with their spell use tailored to enhance their fighting abilities. The Power Rangers from Lothlorian. Or gnome assassin illusionists,or a dwarven strike team. It's a freedom to play with the mechanics of the world. In Titan Quest, I am running a Spirit and Rune magic combo,and a Warfare and Rogue. There are also various skill trees as yet unexplored. The one is a piercing expert and dual wields throwing blades,with enhanced sharpness and poison damage from the Rogue tree. So try your own combinations.

  16. 2 years ago

    iktf bro. I work 50+ hrs a week, trade stocks and crypto most of my other waking hours, and have a wife. I feel like I won't be able to play vidya again until I'm retired and even then I still probably won't be able to because my wife won't shut the frick up while I'm playing.

  17. 2 years ago

    can someone tell me if Conquest of Elysium 5 is fun or not though i like dominions

    • 2 years ago

      It’s a bad game but if you feel like playing something like dominions without committing to a 3 month brawl it scratches a similar itch.

  18. 2 years ago

    From reading this the immediate impression I get is that you have brain fog because forgetting after only a couple days seems strange. Otherwise the 3-4 hours of playing a game tops sounds about right, past a certain age you just feel like anything more then that is wasting the day and you have other things you could be doing.

    • 2 years ago

      Because when you grow up, you do actually have other things that you could be doing

      I almost never have whole days to just sit and enjoy myself with some vidya, even on sundays on which I'm not socializing, there are always a bunch of chores to take care off

      • 2 years ago

        No, you've always had other things you can be doing but a neurological change in your brain will compel you to lose interest after a few hours.

  19. 2 years ago

    If you were really successful you would have all the time in the world for rpgs.

  20. 2 years ago

    Bro I just started playing yakuza and I already have a gist of what’s going on

  21. 2 years ago

    I think you might just have dementia, being successful isn't really relevant in this case

  22. 2 years ago

    >code max 4 hrs / day
    >stretch out estimates
    >finish code but dont push it out yet
    >shitpost / read books / browse at remaining hrs
    >get out at 5
    >ez game

  23. 2 years ago

    maybe baldurs gate is just boring for you, haven't played it myself but it honestly doesn't seem fun

  24. 2 years ago

    Just get a Steam Deck. You can manage to squeeze an hour into a game daily, right? Do you have a working memory? Even the week-long break shouldn't impair you if you did (I mostly play console-only releases exclusively during weekends), but in case your memory isn't the best, just play games in a handheld. An hour here, half an hour there, a sidequest here, some main quest progress there; a month later and you'll recall everything about the latest, hottest RPG you consumed, with such encyclopedic detail you could write a novel about it (or as is the case in modern times, a lengthy shitpost).
    I see a lot of people with jobs complain they don't have time for anything, yet spend hours daily on social media merely because it's convenient. Then again what do I know about the wagie's plight? I work from home and do exactly three proper hours of actual working per day at best (and that's when deadlines are getting tight or have been missed).

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