I'm working on my FF7 knowledge so I can play FF7R, just started Disc 3 of the original which means I'm almost done with the original, so wh...

I'm working on my FF7 knowledge so I can play FF7R, just started Disc 3 of the original which means I'm almost done with the original, so what else do I need to play next? I was thinking about playing Remake, then Crisis Core Reunion, then Rebirth when it comes out on PC, and maybe watch a summary of that PS2 game
On that note, is Crisis Core Reunion basically the same game as the PSP version or do I also need to play the PSP version before playing Reunion? And should I play Crisis Core before Remake or is it fine to play after Remake?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Yeah Reunion is the same game, it's a very advanced remaster really, not a remake.
    Dirge is worth playing, it's not as bad as everyone says.
    Also you need to watch Advent Children

    • 2 months ago

      isn't that movie kinda bad?
      is it canon?

      • 2 months ago

        No, it's great. People hated it at the time for a variety of reasons but they're gay and moronic
        It's supposed to be canon, yeah. Who knows what that even means now, but its villains were referenced in the Remake, so as canon as Dirge I guess

        • 2 months ago

          the writing is dogshit and you're a moron

      • 2 months ago

        The Tifa titjob animation? Canon.

      • 2 months ago

        Yes, the movie is trash, Unfortunately, is cannon

        • 2 months ago

          Nah it's great, people were just triggered by Cloud being an emo. But he's been an emo for decades now, that's the character now. No point being upset anymore.

          • 2 months ago

            I'll never accept Nomuraslop.

            • 2 months ago

              Chad Cloud versus the Virgin Cloud literal meme. I also don;t care for how the right Cloud has his blade facing down, like he doesn't care. The original art, Cloud has a military stance. The original artwork always looked good. I love the pencil work.

              • 2 months ago

                >Both versions are by the same artist
                It's amazing how much difference a single man sharing his vision can make

              • 2 months ago

                >It's amazing how much difference a single man sharing his vision can make

                Yeah that is funny. I feel like some of the later decisions were intentional. Or maybe, he felt differently about the character later on? IDK. The right art is also purely digital. The left art was drawn and coloured with physical media. I always loved the coloured pencil look of that original artwork.

            • 2 months ago

              OG has this broad, open chest, complete chad
              Nomura version without a superior to reel him in is a sad pretty boy with tiny chest curved in

            • 2 months ago

              Who drew the one on the left?

            • 2 months ago

              so who was the artist that drew Cloud on the left I wonder?
              google says it's this guy.

              • 2 months ago

                pre-anime brainrot nomura.

          • 2 months ago

            The problem is not that Cloud is an emo in this movie, relapse is common among people who have suffered from depression (which is how I interpreted the whole thing back in the day). The problem with this movie is that is a nonsensical slop, even some character come off worse.

          • 2 months ago

            > But he's been an emo for decades now, that's the character now
            Yeah, that’s why advent children sucks
            It also misunderstood Aerith and it also sidelined most of the fun loving half of the cast (yuffie, cait sith, Barret, red xiii) and did too much regarding making Rufus a good guy

          • 2 months ago

            A stinky woman who didn't play the games wrote this.

          • 2 months ago

            hes not really emo hes just brain dead. he warms up to everyone once people start dying. in the remake its really easy to see it because hes not suffering just from amnesia/mako poison but also from the the infected jenovo/livestream connecting him across time and space. this is why sometimes he talks to the our dead aeirth or the cross dimensional sephiroth

          • 2 months ago

            So aside for the plot of Advent Children making no sense, the problem is that the issues Cloud is dealing with lend better to a character drama than an action movie. Cloud has not had a normal day in his life for nearly 10 years. He spent 2 years failing out of SOLDIER, 5 years in a coma, however long FF7 took being a psychological mess, and then 2 more years with crippling PTSD that was never addressed. Cloud being unable to connect with his family because his mind is still at war is a believable thing to happen to him. Doubly so because now that he doesn't have world ending stakes to focus on, he just has to live with everything that's happened. That's...a lot. And compounded on all of this, Cloud has space cancer. So not only is he failing mentally but he's failing physically too, you can't bludgeon cancer to death with a sword.

            But this is a Final Fantasy movie in case anyone forgot. Which means we need some bombastic action somewhere in there. And the issue is that we've already established that Cloud distracting himself with someone to beat up is not the answer because eventually he's going to run out of enemies to pummel. The movie ends with Cloud deciding he's going to live with his family and...I don't believe it. I don't believe this solved the core issue Cloud was dealing with. I think he got a temporary boost by having someone to fight and use his skills against and now that he's dead, Cloud is going to spiral again.

            • 2 months ago

              But anon-sama, he saw Aerith and Zack. It's all cool, mane.

              • 2 months ago

                He saw Zack, a character that should have been absorbed well into the life stream when this slop takes place, but hey, why the frick no! After all we need to make a game about this plot device who only appeared like 2 minutes in the OG! (And that is if you took your time to go back to the Shinra manssion, otherwise you never find out what happened)

              • 2 months ago

                >After all we need to make a game about this plot device who only appeared like 2 minutes in the OG! (And that is if you took your time to go back to the Shinra manssion, otherwise you never find out what happened)
                Gaijin, y u no pray Crisis Core: Reuinification? We rerease it even ugrier and just as shitty for fifty dorrar, y u no pray? You need payment pran for bideo game? Youah need da furr experience. Don't forget pre-order for Paht Tree of a Remaked Trirogy, you get a sample version of soundtwack and digitar art booklet, arr for one time fee of $129.99USD. What a stear!

              • 2 months ago

                Part 3 will explain how he can talk to AC Cloud.

              • 2 months ago

                >Part 3 will explain how this easter egg keeps getting back because people want more of Zack Fair!
                Please, make it stop, please…

              • 2 months ago

                But Zack is on the cover

              • 2 months ago

                and he did fricking nothing

              • 2 months ago

                he got to learn his ex falls for his bff.
                He was impactful in the last fight
                He also has the brilliant idea to get Hojo to help Cloud

              • 2 months ago

                >he got to learn his ex falls for his bff.
                So, is he still a plot device?
                >He was impactful in the last fight
                No, it was cringe as frick
                >He also has the brilliant idea to get Hojo to help Cloud
                So, still a plot device to explain that frickery of decision=new world/dimension whatever the frick created that they tried to used in that convoluted scene at the forgotten capital? You know, the one that shipper gays are using to fight over daily threads?

                Dunno anon, he still seems like a plot device to me. (BTW, I am not trying to be edgy here, just want to understand why there are so many people insisting in giving this guy a protagonism that he crearly doesn’t deserve)

              • 2 months ago

                plot device, like in OG yes

      • 2 months ago

        Only the original FF7 is canon, the rest is fanfic garbage

      • 2 months ago

        The basis of Advent Children is fine. And the action is pretty anime but cool. Its just that they desperately try to fit every bit of fanservice they can in it and its an hour too long.

      • 2 months ago

        The Spirits Within, a movie that basically ruined Square and forced them to merge with Enix, has a story. Advent Children has none. That's how bad it is.

        • 2 months ago

          Advent Children does have a story, it's just a TV episode's worth of one, not a movie's.

      • 2 months ago

        It's a 5/10 flick. Actually, 6/10 for having one good scene:

        But overall, you can skip it entirely.

        • 2 months ago

          My wife Tifa is so cool

    • 2 months ago

      Play Crisis Core then watch Advent Children. There's cameos of characters from other games/books in the FF7 compilation but nowhere near as important as Crisis Core and AC. If you really want to understand more about the lifestream frickery between Aerith and Sephiorth I'd also recommend reading FFVII: On the Way to a Smile.

  2. 2 months ago

    >What else should I play?
    Nothing. You finish the OG and you're done with FFVII.

    • 2 months ago

      FF:compilation shit is slop

      • 2 months ago

        >so I can play FF7R
        why it's a genuinely terrible fricking game. don't bother with any of the compilation shit.

        >sephiroths awkward autism faces + needless cut to cloud to ruin the shot.
        It really is amazing they managed to toughly ruin every iconic scene with such bad direction.

        Even if they didn't completely frick up Aeriths death scene, they kill a moronic timeline clone of her right at the start of the game just to make sure it can never have any emotional impact and to make it clear this plot is fricking stupid, there are no stakes and nothing matters especially not the worthless characters with infinite clones.

        • 2 months ago

          How could you say there are no stakes? The stakes are different from the OG game but that's the point. There are new stakes because Sephiroth has a quasi 4th wall awareness now.

          • 2 months ago

            Because we never see the real cloud or any of the real characters.
            Just infinite versions of these shitty timeline clones who don't matter. Just a bunch of poorly written characters anime grunting at each other in a moronic universe with juvenile writing. Who fricking cares if they all die, It will just go to a different timeline and move the consciousnesses through the lifestream to a new vessel or whatever moronic fricking bullshit the devs want to say. death means nothing.
            the world being detroyed means nothing because we have no reason to care about this idiotic fanfic universe.

            • 2 months ago

              But anon, why do you care about terrier universe but not shiba inu universe or pitbull universe?

              • 2 months ago

                Why care about any of them? They're all part of the same idiotic, unsalvageable plot.

            • 2 months ago

              Why care about any of them? They're all part of the same idiotic, unsalvageable plot.

              I think people misunderstand the Remake trilogy's underlying tension. OG FFVII had a happy ending that came at a major devastating cost that for nearly 30 years people have agreed that it feels wrong. Not because it didn't work out but because maybe it didn't have to happen that way. You feel like if you the player only had another shot you could do something about it. And that's the main emotional weight behind Remake because that second chance has it's own cost: Sephiroth. You can't get your second chance without giving Sephiroth HIS as well. So you're gambling. The meta of the trilogy is you're gambling the happy but costly ending for a chance at a better one but at the risk Sephiroth beats you this time. And worse yet, he KNOWS what you're up to.

              The emotional impaact is no longer in the events of the game. Because ultimately you know those events and you were counting on them. No, the emotional impact now is Sephiroth screwing with you. Changing things on you. Playing a shell game so your mental GameFAQs no longer works as a silver bullet. "No promises" is a threat. The characters that you spent almost three decades thinking about are now your charges, their fate your responsibility. In your hubris you've sent them back into the meat grinder and Sephiroth took full advantage and is making it worse. And now it's on you. This is your fault. You have to beat him and it's his game now. Sephiroth isn't Cloud's archenemy this time. He's YOURS. His taunts are to YOU.

              • 2 months ago

                >You feel like if you the player only had another shot you could do something about it
                I don't feel that. I put the game down and think "What a game" and move on.

              • 2 months ago

                This an insane post and you should feel bad for writing it.
                gay stalker sephiroth is genuinely pathetic character/marketing prostitute, the only emotional impact he has is on nerdy fujos fingering themselves to him every time he looks into the camera.

              • 2 months ago

                >nerdy fujos fingering themselves to him
                I want to be Sephiroth now, bros...

    • 2 months ago

      the only correct answer

  3. 2 months ago

    i can't think of a more miserable way to play games than this

    • 2 months ago

      >miserable way to play games
      Huh? Like just playing the games? I'm confused

      • 2 months ago

        Playing games just to catch up or to have as much info as possible for the lore drops or whatever.
        Just play the game to enjoy yourself man you really don't need all this homework if all you wanna do is play the Remake games lol

        • 2 months ago

          I don't understand the issue, I'm still playing the games

        • 2 months ago

          >duuuuude just play random games randomly if you feel like it
          Low IQ moment

          • 2 months ago

            Low IQ is thinking it's a good idea to waste your life away playing games you're not even enjoying just to play the one you actually want to.
            Square Enix literally released a remake of Crisis Core AFTER FF7R.

    • 2 months ago

      >comes to Ganker
      >complains that people play games

  4. 2 months ago

    Play CC before Remake.

  5. 2 months ago

    the compilation is absolute shite, don't even approach it

    • 2 months ago

      advent children is what compilationgays wanted and they got it (even more so with the AC Complete directors cut), in spite of OG FF7 fans who hate everything ever made based on the game.
      Think again, why should the company appease to a dozen purists who will simply turrn around and say "Thanks I hate it" for everything they do, when they got a massive Kingdom Hearts fandom who will pay for anything with Cloud's face on it?
      some people hate the compilation so much they want to de-canonize it through sheer force of wishful thinking and go full XV-kun on every 7R thread to profess their love for Sakaguchi and whine that people keep "defending" 7R, CC and every other compilation thing.

      why should I say why I like advent children anyway? anything I say about it will be invalidated because muh taste. consider the plot here: it puts an effort to build upon the orriginal and doesn't merely reeenact the game's events. this by itself is a good thing for me, because I'm a compilationgay who wants to see the VII canon grow into an autism multiverse.
      then all it takes for you is to say "nope, the extended universe is shit so it sucks". what was achieved in this discussion? did I fail to "prove" the film is good, then? iff you engage anyone who likes the thing expecting them to scientifically justify and legally prove their taste with airtight evidence, you ain't neutral for shit.

      >I'm gonna like the good stuff and call out the bad stuff. but don't you dare "defend" it!

      • 2 months ago

        >when they got a massive Kingdom Hearts fandom who will pay for anything with Cloud's face on it?
        This "massive fandom" is dwindling by the day

  6. 2 months ago

    Canon in the Square Enix timeline maybe.

    Not canon in the CHADsoft universe however

    • 2 months ago

      Advent Children Complete(Complete is a re-release with touched up and added scenes), DoC then CC and whatever alphabet FFVII after those 3. Its all shit from there. Also this This should be stated for every FF and Square games

  7. 2 months ago

    i played og and crisis core reunion before playing remake and later rebirth and there was nothing i did not know or understand (besides a literal who gacha character but who gives a shit about that)

    did not (and will not) watch advent children

  8. 2 months ago

    Why does the Lifestream "choose" certain peoples, and not absorb alien life? Bugenhagen confidently theorizes that The Planet will die with or without The Lifestream, implying that the aforementioned entity cannot actually create life, but recycle it to some degree. This is largely confirmed by Dirge of Cerberus, which reveals that The Lifestream will eventually leave The Planet, traveling to a new planet presumably to continue its process while theoretically absorbing whatever life exists on said planet, similar to Jenova.
    So... if you could utilize Mako Energy to produce life (I.E. breed chocobo, plantlife, etc...) at greater rate than you burn it, thereby benefiting all parties, what exactly would be the issue? The only hangup would be the ambiguous religious conotations tied to the Cetra.
    I don't get it. What the frick story are these homies trying to tell?

    • 2 months ago

      >What the frick story are these homies trying to tell?
      Compilation Slop. I mean, you're using Dirge of Cerberus. The lifestream in the OG FFVII is pretty straightforward. It's the (meta)physical manifestation of the planet's will/consciousness/energy and just like your body can accept certain bacteries, it cannot accept viruses (like Jenova)
      Trying to overcomplicate things ruin the whole symbolism.
      FFVII Remake added lore to that fricking gi tribe I forgot about and it makes things even worse

      • 2 months ago

        Dirge of Cerberus is just part of it, what really complicates the mess is Bugenhagen's line from the original script, referencing The Planet's death. Despite his disdain for Shinra, this line effectively admits that everything's fricked no matter what, and The Lifestream by that point in recorded history seems incapable of reversing it, despite its deified status. Not so much symbolism as just a get-out-jail-free card to prevent having to write a story where the pieces fit.
        And yeah, the Gi Tribe are now space aliens, and despite the Lifestream not being able to (or unwilling? Again, ambiguity for convenience) absorb them because they're alien, not necessarily "viruses", they can manipulate Materia. So now that question of "Why the frick did The Planet make the Black Materia?" is now replaced by an even dumber, incoherent plot hole.

        livestream learns the exp or memories of the deceased. if its a memory battery or emotions or whatever. jenova is a biological entity from like planet venom or some shit.

        >livestream learns the exp or memories of the deceased

        • 2 months ago

          >it's supposed to be a tale against pollution and predatory capitalism
          I get that, and President Shinra and his council are definitely goobers. But the whole pollution aspect seems muddled given that the immediate, worlwide alternative is fricking coal. Like they couldn't come up with anything else, some fictional substance that isn't as effective as Mako, but doesn't really pollute either. Fifteen seconds to make up some shit, and they just went with one of the worst pollutants in known history because they're lazy and/or stupid.
          Also those themes are pretty secondary considering 3/4ths of the game is dedicated to acid tripping and sixth grade philosophy monologues. And breasts. Don't forget about breasts.

          This is the kind of stuff the remake should have fixed/improved on
          Instead we got time jannies and fanfiction fights. I hate hacks so much

          • 2 months ago

            But anon, let us defy destiny together

    • 2 months ago

      livestream learns the exp or memories of the deceased. if its a memory battery or emotions or whatever. jenova is a biological entity from like planet venom or some shit.

    • 2 months ago

      I want to add to your text though
      >So... if you could utilize Mako Energy to produce life (I.E. breed chocobo, plantlife, etc...) at greater rate than you burn it, thereby benefiting all parties, what exactly would be the issue? The only hangup would be the ambiguous religious conotations tied to the Cetra.

      This is what Nuclear energy would be. Despite its flaws, it's actually the most efficient yet ecologically-friendly source of power we have.
      The writers of FFVII tend to mix-up nuclear energy with oil consumption though, but it's supposed to be a tale against pollution and predatory capitalism so I forgive them

      • 2 months ago

        >it's supposed to be a tale against pollution and predatory capitalism
        I get that, and President Shinra and his council are definitely goobers. But the whole pollution aspect seems muddled given that the immediate, worlwide alternative is fricking coal. Like they couldn't come up with anything else, some fictional substance that isn't as effective as Mako, but doesn't really pollute either. Fifteen seconds to make up some shit, and they just went with one of the worst pollutants in known history because they're lazy and/or stupid.
        Also those themes are pretty secondary considering 3/4ths of the game is dedicated to acid tripping and sixth grade philosophy monologues. And breasts. Don't forget about breasts.

        • 2 months ago

          It seems like the message of FF7 got a little muddled along the way. The ideal relationship between people and the planet would be one akin to the Cetra. The Cetra left an extremely small footprint and tries to contribute more than they take from the Planet. Well that's neat. Except that we live in a post industrial revolution world. I don't think too many people in or out of universe are gonna be too jazzed about living a nomadic lifestyle of communing with nature and living off the land. Especially anyone who is capable of playing the video game known as Final Fantasy 7 on their TVs with their electricity. I love FF7 but it's kind of a Twitter hot take. It's saying things with no idea how to actually implement those things. I mean getting closer with nature sounds really good in the abstract but I kind of like my indoor plumbing.

          • 2 months ago

            I think to some degree the writers recognized this, at least originally. I mean Aerith's entire character is practically recognition of this. She's a halfbreed who sees the beauty in both worlds, even the one built by otherwise evil men.
            Then she dies and the plot and all of its sequelitis becomes about some weird religious obsession with the Lifestream.
            I wish they had made a legitimate, proper sequel to FFVII. Even post-Advent, if they needed to keep it relevant. Have it be about Cloud & Co. working with Rufus, Reeve, Reno and Rude approaching the world from both sides. The legacy of Aerith and Shinra, all for the sake of something better. Hell, have it be about rebooting the Shinra Space Program and the party exploring the galaxy in search of new life to recruit to the Lifestream, whatever that is. Final Fantasy VII: The Next Generation. I don't know.
            Anything but this awkward multiverse crap.

            • 2 months ago

              Well the thing about FF7's narrative is that most of the information we get comes from either biased sources or sources with incomplete information. The Cloud twist being the biggest of them all. Point being the Lifestream in FF7 was less about the mechanical, cerebral function of a river of life and more about the feeling. Just knowing that you and me and everyone are connected into the same planet and that life still has purpose even after that life ends. And honestly, for FF7's purposes, they should've left it at that. Similar to Jenova, I feel like the more you try to explain the Lifestream, the less magical it becomes. It's supposed to be otherworldly, something beyond people even though people are a part of it. People demanding to know how many grandma souls does it take to power one PC for 2 hours or what the carbon emissions on Mako are just missing the point. It's why Barret proclaiming he's solved the energy crisis with crude oil comes off as hilariously stupid. They never should've brought it up at all especially since AC doesn't even focus on that.

              • 2 months ago

                >Just knowing that you and me and everyone are connected into the same planet and that life still has purpose even after that life ends
                The overarching question being what purpose exactly? You can't be absorbed into the Lifestream and be an organ donor. The latter can be measured, explained, and produce immediate, tangible results. What does the former do?
                >Uh, if it tells you why, it's not magical. Now here's an orb that will nuke the planet and kill everybody because frick you, that's why
                I'd rather have cancer from falling into a vat of refined mako than be turned into a monster by stumbling into a naturally-occurring unrefined mako well, which exists and causes cancer, comatoses, as well as maniacal metamorphis for... some reason? I don't know. It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.
                The real issue is that the Lifestream is marketed as a deity, but its actions, impact and effects are ambiguous and laced with propaganda, ironically. It's magic, fine. Why should I give a shit about burning it to play vidya?

              • 2 months ago

                >The real issue is that the Lifestream is marketed as a deity, but its actions, impact and effects are ambiguous and laced with propaganda, ironically. It's magic, fine. Why should I give a shit about burning it to play vidya?
                Lifestream = Nature
                It's a "deity" in the sense that it's the source of life and should be respected.
                It's very shinto in its concept. Nature is essential but Nature also creates viruses, mosquitoes, terrific poisonous animals, etc.
                Trying to pick the lifestream apart is like trying to make sense of the world of FFVII as a real living world instead of a symbolic one. I mean, it's a world with 3 or 4 cities/villages on a single continent. It doesn't make sense if you dissect itL The lifestream is the OG game is the same : symbolic. It's nature, essential but dangerous at times.

                Has anyone done the math and measured the circumference of the planet in Rebirth? Considering you can cross entire continents on foot and sail the width of their equivalent of the Atlantic Ocean in a few minutes on a broken down airplane it must be fricking TINY. Like smaller than Pluto. The population must also be orders of magnitude smaller than Earth's as well. Powering the entire world by wind might be plausible for them.

                Now this might be interesting given than Rebirth is aiming to be a "real world"

              • 2 months ago

                >Now this might be interesting given than Rebirth is aiming to be a "real world"
                I would do it but I'm a smoothbrain compared to the Ancient Greeks. I have a basic understanding of how to do it but I'll probably frick it up.

              • 2 months ago

                If you feel autistic try it, it could be fun.
                I remember when I calculated the surface of Kokolint island in Link's awakening
                It's about 5km2 or 1,240 acres/500 hectares

              • 2 months ago

                I THINK you need to use shadows and a known distance between to distant objects and then plug that into a proportion. We know Cloud's height is 5'7" so can use his shadow. I feel like all the data is there but at the same time I don't want to do the work if I'm missing something critical. If there's a math friend who can tell me exactly what I need to find I'll gladly get the numbers in-game.

              • 2 months ago

                I was good enough to calculate the surface of a 2D RPG, I won't be able to help with more. I hope someone can nudge you in the right direction.

                I suppose, that's not a awful compromise. I just wish they cared enough to try and do better, there was only going to be 1 attempt at a revisit/remake/whatever, and they went full blown Mr Nomuta's Wild Ride
                You know when parents say "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"? That's how I feel about 7RE, I'm just so fricking disappointed

                Same. FFVII had a chance to forever enter the cultural landscape much like how the LOTR movies helped Tolkien go from a "influencial fantasy classic" to a "worldwide epic"... and Nomura fricking ruined it.

                FFVII will forever be that "awesome JRPG gem, don't mind the graphics at first" game you only know about if you're deep into vidya in the first place.
                What a fricking shame.
                That's why I'm hoping it fails. Let's take down Nomura and Nojima and their hubris

              • 2 months ago

                >take down Nomura and Nojima and their hubris
                With gusto. My only hope is they're stupid enough to release pt3, and it ends up selling even worse than rebirth, forcing square to make really tough decisions, and ultimately get bought out because they don't know how to handle the geese they own that lay golden eggs

              • 2 months ago

                >It's a "deity" in the sense that it's the source of life
                What makes you say that?

              • 2 months ago

                It seems obvious. Symbols don't have to be literally spelled out.
                For example, I know that Kalm isn't really supposed to have 5 pitiful houses but I subconsciously accept that it's a representation of a comfy village (50 houses at most)
                Also, I think FFVII heavily takes from the Gaia Hypothesis : the planet is a living organism and we are all its cells/children. It's tied to the Shinto/taoist concept of the 10 000 living things. Everyone is a part of a greater (amoral but ultimately necessary) whole

              • 2 months ago

                So that would imply that The Planet is itself a part of a greater whole, seeing as life does exist outside of it in FFVII. So then where does the Lifestream as "the source of life" come in?

                Did you play ff7 at all?

                I hope so.

              • 2 months ago

                >So that would imply that The Planet is itself a part of a greater whole, seeing as life does exist outside of it in FFVII. So then where does the Lifestream as "the source of life" come in?

                Who knows? Dependent origination? Lol
                But yeah, just like our solar system is only a part of our galaxy you can probably rev up the scale however you see fit.
                FFVII is about its planet. Jenova isn't "evil" in that sense. It's just an alien parasite doing what it does.

              • 2 months ago

                I like that idea of Jenova just doing what it's supposed to do. Reminds me of pic related, from Star Trek. Basically just a giant space funnel cake that consumes life war of the worlds style, presumably for energy with no ulterior motive able to be determined, then moves on.
                As much as I like the concept of the Lifestream though, I still don't see the fault in consuming it. We have the ability to commune with it, which is purportedly granted to us by itself whenever it feels like, or in most cases not at all. In the aforementioned episode of Star Trek, Picard's entire purpose was to communicate with the entity until self-defense was considered necessary, rather than just attack it outright.
                So using this approach, by what reason should I not fire on the Lifestream, so to speak? Communication is viable, but is refused. Its effects are dangerous, its benefits ambiguous, and it refuses cooperation. Yet it is a God-entity to be respected and praised? Feared might be a better description.

              • 2 months ago

                I guess the problem was that Shinra basically pilfered the lifestream without trying to have a symbiotic relationship with it.
                It's an idea that could have been explored in a proper sequel (the world of FFVII already has turbines) but we will never know.
                Thanks for the discussion anon. Have a good day/night!

              • 2 months ago

                cya my man

              • 2 months ago

                Did you play ff7 at all?

        • 2 months ago

          I think to some degree the writers recognized this, at least originally. I mean Aerith's entire character is practically recognition of this. She's a halfbreed who sees the beauty in both worlds, even the one built by otherwise evil men.
          Then she dies and the plot and all of its sequelitis becomes about some weird religious obsession with the Lifestream.
          I wish they had made a legitimate, proper sequel to FFVII. Even post-Advent, if they needed to keep it relevant. Have it be about Cloud & Co. working with Rufus, Reeve, Reno and Rude approaching the world from both sides. The legacy of Aerith and Shinra, all for the sake of something better. Hell, have it be about rebooting the Shinra Space Program and the party exploring the galaxy in search of new life to recruit to the Lifestream, whatever that is. Final Fantasy VII: The Next Generation. I don't know.
          Anything but this awkward multiverse crap.

          I think to some degree the writers recognized this, at least originally. I mean Aerith's entire character is practically recognition of this. She's a halfbreed who sees the beauty in both worlds, even the one built by otherwise evil men.
          Then she dies and the plot and all of its sequelitis becomes about some weird religious obsession with the Lifestream.
          I wish they had made a legitimate, proper sequel to FFVII. Even post-Advent, if they needed to keep it relevant. Have it be about Cloud & Co. working with Rufus, Reeve, Reno and Rude approaching the world from both sides. The legacy of Aerith and Shinra, all for the sake of something better. Hell, have it be about rebooting the Shinra Space Program and the party exploring the galaxy in search of new life to recruit to the Lifestream, whatever that is. Final Fantasy VII: The Next Generation. I don't know.
          Anything but this awkward multiverse crap.

          Cosmo canyon is powered by wind turbines. It's basically a town that manages a symbiosis between modern technology and nature.

          Coal was what was used before Mako energy could be harvested

          • 2 months ago

            Has anyone done the math and measured the circumference of the planet in Rebirth? Considering you can cross entire continents on foot and sail the width of their equivalent of the Atlantic Ocean in a few minutes on a broken down airplane it must be fricking TINY. Like smaller than Pluto. The population must also be orders of magnitude smaller than Earth's as well. Powering the entire world by wind might be plausible for them.

        • 2 months ago

          anon think really hard why japan was anti nuclear in the 90s when the story was written

          • 2 months ago

            Hasn't Japan been steadily increasing its utilitization of nuclear energy since the 50s? Where are you getting this info from?

  9. 2 months ago

    The compilation is canon only to VII and not to Remake series but they'll help you understand all aspects of it when you get there.

  10. 2 months ago
  11. 2 months ago

    I don't understand what happened to sephiroth at the end of the OG, was he absorbed into the lifestream?

    • 2 months ago

      Yes, no, maybe. I don't know. Can you repeat the question?

    • 2 months ago

      Now he is playing some kind of 5D chess with Aerith beacuse Kitase and Nomura

      • 2 months ago

        Do you think they are having sex in the livestream?

        • 2 months ago

          Aerith and Sephiroth? Or Kitase and Nomura?

          • 2 months ago


            • 2 months ago

              Well, Sephiroth seems to enjoy impaling Aerith, so I wouldn’t be surprised; Kitase and Nomura not sure if they are fricking each other due to the fact that the compilation is trash and they are finally destroying it or because the the newest game appears to be struggling with sales and is their way to deal with it.

  12. 2 months ago

    is Cloud an incel?

    • 2 months ago

      No, he's just 5"7

      • 2 months ago

        what is the difference?

        • 2 months ago

          Hmm, this graph doesn't explain why seph is a virgin

  13. 2 months ago

    so uhhhh what order to play?

    • 2 months ago

      CCR, AC, DoC, Remake, Rebirth

    • 2 months ago

      OG, Remake, Rebirth

    • 2 months ago

      OGVII -> Before Crisis -> Last Order (with the knowledge, that anything that conflicts with OG VII about it is officially explicitly noncanon) -> Advent Children -> On the Way to a Smile novels -> Final Fantasy VII: The Kids Are Alright: A Turks Side Story -> Dirge of Cerberus -> Crisis Core -> Remake -> Tale of Two Pasts -> First Soldier -> Rebirth

      • 2 months ago

        It's funny to say Last Order non canon when CC doubled down on the fight sequence at the end of TLO and made Cloud even more of a badass.

        • 2 months ago

          Square-Enix referred to Cloud already having Mako eyes, Tifa being conscious and Sephiroth jumping into the Mako. (Although the last one is because the Turk (Martial Arts Female) arriving and seeing the aftermath in the reactor wrote down in her report that Sephiroth must've jumped, because him losing a fight was inconceivable. Before Crisis and Last Order are officially faulty Turk reports.

          • 2 months ago

            The point is it's harder to swallow CC than TLO

            • 2 months ago

              this looks kinda goofy in a realistic style

              • 2 months ago

                The scene is badass but it always was kinda goofy
                Why didn't Sephiroth just let go of the sword? It's not like Cloud threw him quickly.

            • 2 months ago

              I feel like it would have worked better if there wasn't a lot of fanfare to it. Something more like Cloud getting a rush of adrenaline and throwing Sephiroth over the railing before he even thought to let go of the sword.

            • 2 months ago

              Now that is correct. I fricking despise everything about the Compilation except Before Crisis (which is good),Last Order (which is only supbar) and Final Fantasy VII: The Kids Are Alright: A Turks Side Story (which is alright, but nearly totally irrelevant). Crisis Core in particular was clearly the worst thing about the Compilation until the Remake came along and was filled with retcons of everything that came before.

              • 2 months ago

                I know zoomers get overly emotional about any CC criticism but the last piece is the most egregious one to me.
                Forget even ruining the bleak tone of the original: I cannot suspend disbelief that Zack manages to fight an entire platoon and when finally defeated, the Shinra soldiers don't take the time to execute Cloud as well, after the shitshow that took to kill Zack.
                Oh and Zack is also victim of a clear headshot but survives to give a speech lol. Why do people even use guns in the setting if people who undergo Mako/Jenova cell treatments are this resistant to bullets?

              • 2 months ago

                You will never meet a Crisis Core fan who doesn't have autism or some other neurological defect or emotional issues. It's fascinating.

              • 2 months ago

                >I cannot suspend disbelief that Zack manages to fight an entire platoon and when finally defeated
                This is a bigger problem than a lot of people realize. Part of the underlying message in FFVII was that SOLDIER was a sham. Every single one we see gets ass fricked by a random trooper. We don't see the Wutai war but it's implied that it was a bloody quagmire, something akin to their version of Vietnam. It wasn't just a squad of superhumans cleaning house. The mythos surrounding SOLDIER and Sephiroth especially was pure propaganda. They were nothing more than Hojo's lab rats and that's why Sephiroth went ballistic. Zack was like...the ONE guy who actually got into it for the right reasons. He was a hero not because he was SOLDIER but in spite of it. He made the mistake of buying into the propaganda and while he stepped up when he needed to, it also got him unceremoniously killed. And that ties into Cloud because in the end Cloud never needed SOLDIER. Not to impress Tifa and not to be a badass. He was chasing an illusion. So changing it so Zack is instead reenacting Jet Li's "The One" and just DBZing his way through an army ends up shifting the perspective to "SOLDIER is pretty badass." It undermines everything when you give them Avengers level strength.

              • 2 months ago

                I agree with everything you've said but that would take interpretation and CC gays are incapable of it, they just look at pretty anime scenes and muh Cloud muh Aerith muh Zack HONOR OF SOLDIER!

              • 2 months ago

                It bothers me more that Remake followed the CC formula for that scene as opposed to returning to the OG FFVII dynamic where it's just a couple of troopers. Not only would that have maintained the whole point of the scene, it would even make Zack's alternate survival more plausible.

              • 2 months ago

                But he died in beagleverse. That's how Cloud got his buster sword and soldier persona.

              • 2 months ago

                Better than muh defying fate muh NPTK muh timelines muh canon date

              • 2 months ago

                Crisis Core isn't inherently a bad idea, it's just that a lot of the material it covers has to be jammed in sideways for it to make any sense. Genesis being present at all, for example. Characters have to be there for a conveniently specific period of time. They have to pop in and out with artificial precision in order to be gone before any scenes from FFVII happen. Plus everything about Sephiroth being relatively friendly comes off as weird since he was very clearly designed to look evil. The original story just wasn't equipped to show that much of his pre-breakdown history.

              • 2 months ago

                I guess you just have to accept that FF7 is about badassery.

                I know zoomers get overly emotional about any CC criticism but the last piece is the most egregious one to me.
                Forget even ruining the bleak tone of the original: I cannot suspend disbelief that Zack manages to fight an entire platoon and when finally defeated, the Shinra soldiers don't take the time to execute Cloud as well, after the shitshow that took to kill Zack.
                Oh and Zack is also victim of a clear headshot but survives to give a speech lol. Why do people even use guns in the setting if people who undergo Mako/Jenova cell treatments are this resistant to bullets?

                Zack wasn't shot in the head in CC and Cloud was hiding behind a rock. Plus there's like only 2 troopers left after everything.

              • 2 months ago

                >Zack wasn't shot in the head in CC

                26:33, literally shot in the head

              • 2 months ago

                Yet no hole on his head

              • 2 months ago

                >Clear inconsistency
                I know, CC is shit, didn't need you to point it out.

              • 2 months ago

                Glad you agree that he wasn't shot in the head

              • 2 months ago

                I gave you video evidence of him being shot in the head. Cope, seethe, dilate.

              • 2 months ago

                He obviously wasn't shot in the head since he has no hole on his head

    • 2 months ago

      Release order, always.

  14. 2 months ago

    I'm trying to complete Final Fantasy VII for the first time on my Playstation Classic.

  15. 2 months ago

    If you're able to make it to disk 3 for the first time in this era, my advice is consult online guides to find the hidden equipment and materia, and just enjoy it for what it is, back when games didn't have an agenda and were made by people who were passionate for games, and when games were fun
    I also advise NOT playing 7RE

    • 2 months ago

      >I also advise NOT playing 7RE
      Get some used copy if you must to, you shouldn't give any money to square enix

      • 2 months ago

        I suppose, that's not a awful compromise. I just wish they cared enough to try and do better, there was only going to be 1 attempt at a revisit/remake/whatever, and they went full blown Mr Nomuta's Wild Ride
        You know when parents say "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"? That's how I feel about 7RE, I'm just so fricking disappointed

  16. 2 months ago

    You need to play everything (yes, including Before Crisis) and watching Advent Children is the most mandatory one.

    Or you could just not play anything past OG VII.

  17. 2 months ago

    After OG FF7, Crisis Core was "okay". Everything else is trash. I was actually okay with remake but rebirth killed any fun I was having with those. Or go ahead and watch FF7 turn into Mario Party with shittier minigames, your choice.

  18. 2 months ago

    I don't think it's possible for someone to be a fan of Advent Children over the age of 18 without being an autistic sperg

  19. 2 months ago

    >mod scarlet into ff7 remake
    >game is infinitely better in every single way
    i love playing scarlet's game

    • 2 months ago

      I want to lick Scarlet's pits

    • 2 months ago

      They better fricking do the Tifa vs. Scarlet slap fight scene. My fricking dick.

      • 2 months ago

        They won't, it's mysoginistic

        • 2 months ago

          Okay, I'll bite, because I'm that curious, exactly how?

        • 2 months ago

          they literally have a slap fight between two women in Rebirth

  20. 2 months ago

    You really dont need to play anything past the original game to really understand any of the Remakes.

    Crisis Core has a few throwbacks in the way of cameos. There is also a few enemies that appear only in the Remake DLC Integrade that are distinctly from Dirge of Cerebus but theyre hardly plot relevant at this point. Dirge is also a pretty lousy game.

    Frankly though. You shouldnt even play the spin offs. Crisis Core in particular ruins a pretty substantial twist that will be revealed in Part 3 and its such a terrible half baked story that itll most likely just leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

  21. 2 months ago

    So how different will the wheelchair cloud + lifestream consciousness be?

    • 2 months ago

      It is no coincidence we have a wheelchair cloud in zack's world.

  22. 2 months ago

    So apparently Aeris doesn't die in Rebirth, I'm very curious how that will change things specially for Tifa
    I thought Tifa grew so much as a character after Aeris' death

    • 2 months ago

      She's dead in Rebirth. Cloud is seeing an illusion of Aerith in the ending. This is to fix the plothole in OG where he's not depressed avout Aerith whereas he's depressed as hell in AC.

      • 2 months ago

        why would he be depressed?

        • 2 months ago

          He thinks he's responsible for the deaths of Aerith and Zack. But by the end of the movie he made peace with them and his depression is gone.

  23. 2 months ago


  24. 2 months ago

    Kadaj and his brothers would make a great secret boss in part 3

  25. 2 months ago

    Cloud isn't even likable in universe

  26. 2 months ago

    >people thought those arms were ever acceptable

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