Imagine thinking Starfield will be good with how fricking shit FO4 was.

Imagine thinking Starfield will be good with how fricking shit FO4 was.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >todd's magnum opus
    yep im thinking its kino, actually

    • 11 months ago

      Todd is not an indication of quality

      • 11 months ago

        Todd is an indication of if you see it you can go there

        • 11 months ago

          You can see White Gold Tower in Skyrim but you can't go there.

          • 11 months ago

            Bullshit that you can see it.

            • 11 months ago

              You can see it from certain mountaintops and by rotating the map screen

            • 11 months ago

              You can see a low-LOD model of the tower

            • 11 months ago

              You can. Not sure you can normally rotate the map this much in vanilla but it's all there. Morrowind is also visible, Red Mountain and all. Technically you should be able to see all this outside of the map as well if you properly disabled LoD, maxed out distance and flew way up into the air to see over the mountains.
              Not sure who designed the map for Skyrim but they put in a fair amount of unneeded (but appreciated) effort. I'd love to see a highly detailed 3D map of all of Tamriel. Funnily enough the closest I've seen is an enormous Minecraft map although since we haven't had games in certain areas, not everything is fleshed out.

  2. 11 months ago

    Why is FF 16 universally praised for getting rid of all RPG mechanics and turning the game into an action game but FO4 was generally panned for doing something similar, but not nearly as drastic? FO4 turned the game into a much better FPS than FO3 and NV were and still kept plenty of RPG mechanics, just simplified them.

    • 11 months ago

      I've been asking the same thing. I suppose the answer is something in the lines of "there's so many FF games that they should experiment at least sometimes". -But previously FF has made "subtitle" games when it deviated some. "Dirge of Cerberus" is a spin-off, because it doesn't play like a JRPG.

    • 11 months ago

      Because the appeal of FF was never the gameplay and there are a billion other series to play if you like that genre anyway. Meanwhile Fallout 4 got rid of the only things the series was good for: character builds and writing. And the gameplay still isn't even good.

      • 11 months ago

        >and writing
        I am pretty sure Bethesda botched the writing as early as in FO3, so that's nothing new, because holy shit, Bethesda can't write. FO4 had this weird tryhard feel to it, when Bethesda thought they are better writers than Obsidian, because NV makes Todd salty to this day, and... no, they aren't.

    • 11 months ago

      Final fantasy fans are gays who will eat up any slop square enix puts in front of them as long as it has spiky anime hair.

    • 11 months ago

      FF fans are stupid

  3. 11 months ago

    FO4 was good though.

  4. 11 months ago

    Fallout 4 was pretty ok (better than Skyrim), and the stuff that sucked in it has been addressed (voiced protag, dialogue wheel), and the guy who wrote far harbor is lead writer, so hopefully the shitty story as well.

    FRICK I'm so HYPED, I don't know how I'll be able to remain in my PANTS for two more months

    • 11 months ago

      >the guy who wrote far harbor is lead writer
      Yeah, because Emil got promoted to director.

      • 11 months ago

        >Yeah, because Emil got promoted to director.
        Yea, but design director sounds like a more managerial position, where he pats people on the head, ensures that designs by different devs are coherent with each other, and that everything is running smoothly, stuff like that.

        I could be wrong and he has a more active hand in development than ever before, but ya gotta have hope.

  5. 11 months ago

    you just wanted to post your qt

  6. 11 months ago

    Name a good game

  7. 11 months ago

    everyone with an IQ above room temp is wondering
    "how good of a mod platform will this game be?"
    that's it. base aesthetic for SF looks neato and space is the #1 modding autism sink after fantasy. it's also basically the same engine again, again (again) so less effort to learn new systems

  8. 11 months ago

    fallout 4 unmodded is lacking in depth but its still good. ive been itching for a new playthrough actually

  9. 11 months ago

    Imagine thinking Fallout 4 was shit in particular like a zoomer when all of their games after Morrowind were shit

    Those games are fun when modded. Bethesda's open world RPGs are frameworks for mods and this time we have 1000 planets and spaceships and space bases and crew and shit to mod.

  10. 11 months ago

    Fallout 4 is shit because it isn't a Fallout game. Starfield has no such expectations. It can't fail to be something it's supposed to be. It can't sell its own soul to reach an audience other than the one it established. It can be anything it wants. It won't be as bad as Fallout 4.

    • 11 months ago

      >Starfield has no such expectations
      >It can be anything it wants
      It'll be a Bethesda game where they somehow find a way to strip away features/mechanics that were in all of their previous games and simplifying whatever is left over. Mods mite b cool tho.

      • 11 months ago

        I don't think that's fair. Some design isn't even compatible between fantasy and sci-fi. Bethesda made hockey games at some point. Are Elder Scrolls games somehow worse products because they neglected to bring in design from those games? I think that when you make a sequel to your own franchises, you have absolutely no excuse to strip away design that works. You're supposed to fix the things that don't and make even better the things that do. That's why TES sucks. Ever since Morrowind there has been less addition than there has been subtraction. Making a new franchise altogether like Starfield means that you can establish a new baseline. You can then predict whether they build on that baseline, or if they do what they always do, which is to tear is apart in consecutive installments little by little until there is nothing but a Skyrim-shaped husk.

        • 11 months ago

          It might not be a fair assessment but it's the one that they've earned. If Starfield ends up being an exception to the mold that they've been constructing for themselves that would be great, but there's no evidence to support that kind of expectation.

    • 11 months ago

      >Fallout 4 is shit because it isn't a Fallout game. Starfield has no such expectations
      FO4 is shit because it's held up against previous Bethesda games, which it's sorely lacking against.

      Same with Starfield. You won't be able to play it without noticing all the gameplay elements they've scrapped or dumbed down in comparison to previous Beth games.

      • 11 months ago

        You can't exactly hold it against Starfield that it doesn't have the same stamina and mana regeneration mechanics as Daggerfall. You can't hold it against Starfield if it doesn't accurately replicate the crit table and body-part targeted combat system of Fallout 2. I hate Bethesda for making so-called Fallout sequels that don't have the things that Fallout needs to have. Bethesda can completely freely define what a Starfield game needs to have.

        • 11 months ago

          >Fallout 2
          >Bethesda game
          Excuse me?

          And while it should've been obvious, I'm talking about mechanics from previous titles that would fit into Starfield's world.

          Instead, you'll get +10% poison resistance, and you're gonna love it.

          • 11 months ago

            >Fallout 2
            >Bethesda game
            >Excuse me?
            I think you're confusing ME with YOU, which is a Ganker first as far as I know. You're the one holding Bethesda games to the standard of Bethesda games. I hold sequels to the standards of their predecessors. I don't give a frick what Starfield has, because there isn't a previous game in the series for Bethesda to ignore the design of. I did care what Fallout has, Bethesda failed to deliver the basics of what it needs to have, and they doubled down on their mistakes in the second sequel they made.

            • 11 months ago

              >fails to address original point so just invents new perspective to address things from

              • 11 months ago

                No, even originally I disagreed with the idea that Bethesda games should be held up against Bethesda games. I think a sequel should be an improvement. Regardless of who made the previous game. I think Fallout 3 and 4 are bad games because they didn't do what Fallout 2 did but better. They failed. Starfield has no predecessor, so it has none of the expectations that games such as Fallout 4 failed to meet.

                >this homie plays with VATS

                That should be the only fricking way you play you cretious FO3 secondary. The real-time shooting in 3d Fallout should be reserved entirely for untargeted shots that take less AP. Your character's ability and luck should determine whether or not they hit, not you.

    • 11 months ago

      Just being a Bethesda game it has a lot of expectations. Even if it's not a TES or Fallout game, people still expect a lot of the same things from it.
      >RPG elements
      >dialogue interactions
      >"choices matter"
      >perks and skills
      >build variety
      Bethesda has definitely put some effort into hyping people up but they've clearly been trying to do so in a way that doesn't set a lot of specific expectations. They've really only shown the basics that it's in space, you make a character, have the opportunity to specialize in certain skillsets and explore a bunch of planets while some kind of main plot is going on. All of these things are the fundamental building blocks of Bethesda games so there's definitely some standards there but it's still all very vague because it's a new IP.

      • 11 months ago

        You forgot modding
        It is LITERALLY unacceptable for a Bethesda game to not feature mod support. People threw a ginormous shitfit over FO4 for having issues with them in fact

  11. 11 months ago

    Just so you know, if Starfield turns out to be the next Cyberpunk, don't come crying here because you fell for obvious media hype.
    Todd always overhypes his games.

    • 11 months ago

      >Starfield turns out to be a great game with a bit of a rocky launch
      How terrible

    • 11 months ago

      Cyberpunk also had expectations that it failed to meet, just like Fallout 4. You don't make a "Game XXX2" as a sequel to "Game XXX1" and just make it into a totally different experience without even trying to capture a fraction of the original's true design. Sure, a videogame sequel to a PnP RPG is literally impossible, but you can get a lot closer than a cinematic story-driven action game. Cyberpunk 2077 should have been "Cyberpunk: Silverhand" or something. The original game is called Cyberpunk 2020. There is no excuse for a Cyberpunk 20XX to be less of a game than that one is. And as it stands, it's literally infinitely less of a game.

  12. 11 months ago

    Fallout 4 is a good game and I don't particularly care what Ganker thinks. It's certainly better than New Vegas, a game that loves to pretend to give you choice, and apparently this is enough for brainlets.

    • 11 months ago

      >It's certainly better than New Vegas
      By what metric?

      New Vegas shits on 4 when it comes to writing, quests, worldbuilding, roleplaying ability, weapon realism, and overall consistency.

      • 11 months ago

        >when it comes to writing, quests
        Not really. New Vegas jumps the gun into stupid territory multiple times. Its final expansion is literally referred to by Ganker as Reddit World Blues.

        >roleplaying ability
        The only real. roleplaying advantage it has are the lack of voice and Straight/Gay perks.

        >weapon realism
        Too bad that without mods the weapons are even jankier than Fallout 3's because Obsidian forgot to make sure the ironsights were aligned properly on half the guns.

        • 11 months ago

          >Not really
          Yes, really. Are you a philistine? Do you not read books so that you have a frame of reference? Doesn't seem like it.

          Old World Blues is fine, and fits into the OG Fallout vibe. And it's only pajeets who call it that.

          >The only real roleplaying advantage it has are the lack of voice and Straight/Gay perks
          Blatantly untrue. You have a multitude of ways to handle quests and general interactions. And you have so many viable builds that you never get bored. The simple fact that you can kill everyone except Yes Man goes to show this, whereas in Todd games they need to make NPC's essential to keep morons from softlocking themselves out of finishing the game.

          >Obsidian forgot to make sure the ironsights were aligned properly on half the guns
          Ridiculous hyperbole. Besides, what I'm talking about is that the guns actually seem like guns, whereas Bethesda "guns" are fricking moronic. FO3's combat shotgun, FO4's assault rifle, etc.

          • 11 months ago

            >you can kill everyone except Yes Man
            You can kill Yes Man as well, but the game gives you a decent enough in-story excuse as to why you can't kill him permenently. The only npc you CAN'T kill is that Gun Runners bot, because there is a wall built around it.

            • 11 months ago

              I mean, yes. But my point still stands.

        • 11 months ago

          You really should play New Vegas first before you start spouting off Ganker shitpost "arguments".

        • 11 months ago

          >Obsidian forgot to make sure the ironsights were aligned
          That's less egregious than the fact that Obsidian didn't fix the combat that Bethesda broke. Enemies don't make probability judgments or combat rolls. Enemies have infinite ammo and spam attacks that have little chance of hitting from a range. Projectiles and throwables fly through simulated trajectories instead of attack success being determined by skill, luck, range and environment based rolls. Melee VATS can't target body parts. Level geometry can interrupt a successful roll after the roll has been made as the target moves outside its turn without permission to take cover. Movement takes no action points. Multi-layered critical roll chances for each individual body part don't exist at all. Statuses such as combat knockouts and critical fails don't exist at all. You can't even aim at eyes or the groin.
          Complaining about iron sights means that you don't care about the combat at all. You're acquiescing to what Bethesda broke and Obsidian didn't fix, then criticizing Obsidian not properly supporting Bethesda's mistake.

          • 11 months ago

            >this homie plays with VATS

    • 11 months ago

      [BRAND] is a good [BRAND] and I dont care what [Insert Adverse Group] thinks!

    • 11 months ago

      you're right. fallout 4s world is iconic. the dark blue nights, the creepy run down factories. it fricking RULES

  13. 11 months ago

    >have to dump seventeen (17) levels worth of perk points into crafting in order to unlock everything

    4 for Blacksmith, 4 for Armorer, 4 for Gun Nut, 4 for Science, and 1 for Local Leader to build the crafting benches.

    What the FRICK were they thinking?

    • 11 months ago

      The Fallout 4 protagonist is a grunt (established backstory is another one of Bethesda's mistakes). It makes perfect sense for someone like that to have to get massive amounts of educational experience for them to somehow become a virtuoso of mechanical engineering. Complaining that you need 17 levels before your character can make literally everything in existence is going really, really deep into Bethesda's anti-RPG rectum. In a real RPG, you would actually have to specc into your character being an engineer to make them good at engineering, and they would not become good at other things. In Daggerfall, only one of your skills can become maximized. Only two others can get very high. Only 5 others can be high, and the rest can never be high. -Because a character should never be good at everything and they should be the peerless masters of almost nothing.

      • 11 months ago

        >you would actually have to specc into your character being an engineer to make them good at engineering
        But that would be cool, though. Make gun mods more purchasable/lootable than they are so you have a way of getting them without speccing into engineering, and you'd have good RPG mechanics.

  14. 11 months ago

    >fricking shit
    It actually managed to get some joy from me unlike Skyrim so I see no reason to not.

    Say what you may about the lore though but as a game? It was decent. The engine was properly used like the FPS its supposed to be, dialog was properly voiced like a god damn multimillion dollar budget 3d game should be,the story was much more focused and walking around was actually kind of pleasant because you had the radio.

    Todd learns. Although yeah its probably gonna be a buggy mess on release. Thats how all modern 3d games are sadly.

    • 11 months ago

      >Todd learns
      Body type 1/2 begs to differ

  15. 11 months ago

    Weird looking dude.
    Are you intentionally making him supposed to look like a troony or something?

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