Imagine your MMORPG being so glorious and longlasting that you need to do a LEVEL SQUISH since your shit is getting just a liiiittle bit too crazy.

Imagine your MMORPG being so glorious and longlasting that you need to do a LEVEL SQUISH since your shit is getting just a liiiittle bit too crazy.

What game other than WoW could possibly do that?

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  1. 6 months ago

    didn't ff14 do that as well some years ago?
    maybe tor as well

    • 6 months ago

      >didn't ff14 do that as well some years ago?

      • 6 months ago

        lying wowtroon

        • 6 months ago

          So you knew all along...

          And yet you were pretending not to in your first post? Why did you do that? Why would someone lie about something so inconsequential, even if on the Internet?

          • 6 months ago

            that poster wasnt me you moron

            • 6 months ago

              Of course. I knew that all along, as you can see from pic related. My extension told me that you were a new poster. So why did I make that post pretending that I didn't know? To torture you, my friend. Get trolled.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah they did it in EW

    • 6 months ago

      they did it in Endwalker but they may need to do it again already in an expac or two since the drop-off didn't stay as big as it should have

  2. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      I remember when I first played many years ago and upgrading from the Lato to the 50,000 credit Lex in the market and its 50 base damage was like unlocking the right hand of God, and now I sneeze and my zaw does seven-digit damage.

      • 6 months ago

        I wish early game warframe were at all indicative of the next 50000 hours, but shortly after finishing the system map you just keep snowballing and the game plays itself
        Shame they'll never fix it because their third world userbase will canoe to canada and firebomb HQ

  3. 6 months ago

    imagine giving a frick about mmo
    get a life you fricking nerd
    this isn't 2007

  4. 6 months ago

    WoW had a level squish because they went full moron during Legion and went to 110.

  5. 6 months ago

    I don't think there is any other example because no other video game in existence has dominated an entire genre for so long

  6. 6 months ago

    >people quit in droves because the big fat numbers that produce the happy brain chemical they've been building up for over a decade have been reverted down to fricking TBC levels
    >they do this because uuuuuuuuuh the basic arithmetic calculations were burning out their toaster servers i guess?
    brilliant. truly genius move.

    • 6 months ago

      no, they do it so the numbers are easier to digest for players
      if you allow it to scale up inifinitely, numbers become meaningless.
      i'd rather see a 20,000 crit than a 200 000 000 crit

      • 6 months ago

        bullshit. at this point in the game's life everyone was running the numbers shortened in Ks or Ms if not outright percentages. a mob with 200 health that takes 20 damage at a time is the same as a mob with 200k health that takes 20k damage at a time. it literally does not make a difference.
        what DOES make a difference is seeing your power level plummet

        • 6 months ago

          >what DOES make a difference is seeing your power level plummet
          You get over the numbers declining pretty quick.

          Going back to struggling to kill wolves after you killed the world-destroying void god at the end of the previous expansion is always annoying though. But that has nothing to do with the squish.

        • 6 months ago

          i disagree. people like to understand and process what the frick is going on. at some point you just stop caring about numbers because they're so big

        • 6 months ago

          >what DOES make a difference is seeing your power level plummet
          this shit is the new normal on WoW these days. i wish i was kidding, a level 10 mage spamming arcane explosion does more effective damage against the scaled dungeon mobs than a level 49 anything performing their whole rotation.

          • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              how am i supposed to respond to this post?

              it's at least marginally better than the case in ff14 where being scaled down locks your abilities and you're back to spamming 1 and 2

              i don't know how 14 does their dungeon scaling but that's a hard disagree for me, i'd rather pretend i'm back in the past than having access to my full kit and while being outdamaged by someone clicking one button

              • 6 months ago

                in what fricking universe does a level 10 do more damage than a 49? are you braindead

              • 6 months ago

                in modern day retail. blizzard made every dungeon scale but they didn't even try to balance the scaling. doing the same dungeon with a full party of level 10s is significantly easier than doing it with a full party of level 50s.
                do you even play the game? if you say no i won't blame you, honestly

              • 6 months ago

                >didn't even try to balance the scaling
                who in the frick cares about balance low level scaled dungeons?

          • 6 months ago

            it's at least marginally better than the case in ff14 where being scaled down locks your abilities and you're back to spamming 1 and 2

            • 6 months ago

              There are pros and cons. The pro in XIV's case is that it retains some semblance of job balance in lower levels, the con is that you're using boring basic b***h abilities. Then in WoW there's zero semblance of job balance, like the anon said a level 10 arcane mage literally does more damage than a level 49 character of most other classes.

              • 6 months ago

                it's at least marginally better than the case in ff14 where being scaled down locks your abilities and you're back to spamming 1 and 2

                how am i supposed to respond to this post?

                i don't know how 14 does their dungeon scaling but that's a hard disagree for me, i'd rather pretend i'm back in the past than having access to my full kit and while being outdamaged by someone clicking one button

                Are you moronic? You are playing on a SCALED dungeon. The term "scaled" specifically means that level has no bearing because everyone is on an equal field. Of COURSE a level 10 player can outperform a level 49 player on scaled dungeon -- there is no effective difference between them once you remove the level and equipment disparity.

                Of course, level scaling is nonexistent in the actual fricking game. It is a mere tool to decrease queue times so you can ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME INSTEAD OF SITTING THERE ON ETERNAL QUEUES AS YOU HOPE OTHER PEOPLE OF YOUR EXACT LEVEL RANGE QUEUE INTO THE SAME DUNGEON AT THE SAME TIME. DO YOU GET IT NOW moron?

              • 6 months ago

                Your premise is flawed, if you're going to scale everything anyway then your leveling system is superfluous and exists only to pad playtime.

              • 6 months ago

                Well don't forget that in DF the zones also scale and the mobs are actually much easier to kill at 60-61 than at 69-70.

              • 6 months ago

                Irrelevant because the DF leveling experience is also not part of the actual game.

                And what you mentioned only exists so people of different levels can play together.

              • 6 months ago

                >be new player
                >grow weaker and weaker every level despite increasing complexity
                >meanwhile veteran players ask themselves why the game is bleeding numbers at ever-increasing rates
                >"must be the capeshit story nobody has given a shit about since arthas died in wotlk"

              • 6 months ago

                the game had a surge in players in season 3, doomsissy...

              • 6 months ago

                >it retains some semblance of job balance in lower levels
                BLM is absolute fricking shit at low levels, and not just in a "number bad" way. They feel like shit to play even compared to 121212 spam.

              • 6 months ago

                >forced to dance dance revolution on my keyboard only to do less damage than a lowbie spamming one skill
                >forced to play the class before it's feature complete
                Two evils. There is no winner here.

              • 6 months ago

                BLM is definately a special case in 14s system because it has a fricking new rotation every 10 levels or so due to its unique mana mechanics that they have iteratively changed over the years through spells or traits instead of reworking the class. Its horrible to deal with and ill never run BLM in roulettes for that reason.

              • 6 months ago

                BLM is definitely the worst but a lot of other jobs also have it pretty bad
                >DRG can't AoE until 40+
                >SAM can't use their hard hitting ST spender until level 50
                >WHM has to hardcast Cure 2 all the way to mid-HW
                >Dancer can't dance until level 60
                >SMN spends half its rotation hardcasting filler until fricking 86(!) then they get an extra button to press in each primal phase that fills out their rotation

    • 6 months ago

      Garrosh had 3 different health bars because they used 4 byte health storage and otherwise his health would overflow the buffer. Tanks doing 1kk dps didn't help that either.

  7. 6 months ago

    FFXIV did a stat nerf for the expansion before the current one because, if memory serves me right, BiS tanks were closing in on half a million HP and another expansion or two they'd have to change the UI to support seven-figure HP numbers, because I'm pretty sure the current one caps at 999,999.

  8. 6 months ago

    both Ragnarok and Maplestory had to completely redo their entire stat systems (Renewal / Big Bang) because it was all about horizontal progression choices for content, and you could not add linear upward growth to it anymore.
    Both were regarded as "a huge fricking mistake" and turned the games into the same seasonal numbers go up gear treadmill MMO slop as WoW and all of its current clones.

    • 6 months ago

      Is Maple worth even trying to get into today?

      • 6 months ago

        Depends on how you're approaching it.

        The entire soul of the early game is gone, they've added forced unskippable cutscenes which power you through the first 60 levels in an hour without killing a single thing as an explorer. The world map got streamlined long ago so everything is just a straight line. Every new map since is just flat ground between two portals with mobs fricking everywhere on platforms.

        The moment you hit level 200 is when the korean grind starts, you become locked into their daily quest routine which can take multiple hours, and don't you dare miss a single one. Itemization is the worst in any game i've ever seen in my fricking life.

        BIS gear at level 200 is level 140 item drops, a level 100 emblem, and a mishmash of random shit at varying stopping points because they simply just stopped making or updating content before Arcane River. And also that level 90 quest or whatever you skipped right on by? Actually that has a very important item you need to grind for. Also you need to grind daily these level 120 bosses for their fricking whatever even though the gear is useless to you because it still drops money.

        • 6 months ago

          Dont you also have to like level every single class to 200 for the bonuses to be actually caught up?

          • 6 months ago

            Yes sorta, also depends on WHICH bonus you're talking about.
            For link skills its lv70/120/210 for the first through third tier of buffs.
            For legion is a bit wider, so realistically you could just blast a bunch of alts to 150 and leave them there for a wide array of buffs then start working all of them up to 210.

            You also have to star force each legion alt which can get expensive.

  9. 6 months ago

    >homosexual pays for Ganker posting
    >makes blatant flamewar thread
    >nothing happens
    So paying for Ganker pass makes you immune to jannies or what

  10. 6 months ago

    WoW hasn't been glorious in well over a decade. It's a hollowed out shell of a game running on fumes by addicts who will kill themselves once the servers shut down.

    • 6 months ago

      #1 MMORPG 2004-????

      • 6 months ago

        the king of morons is still a moron

        • 6 months ago

          cry more

  11. 6 months ago

    >ability squish
    Nice game wowbabs
    >umm look we have to shuffle way more okay?! that means more skill
    Yeah, you're totally not playing an ARPG-like

  12. 6 months ago

    >our game is bloated with garbage and we have to trim the fat because we're not fricking spending any more money on servers since you frickers have non-stop quit in droves since Cataclysm
    >this is a good thing by the way

  13. 6 months ago

    what the frick, do people really have 490k hp in retail? ive been playing wotlk, im lvl 76 and i only have about 10k

    • 6 months ago

      >do people really have 490k hp in retail?
      no because level squish

    • 6 months ago

      feral druid could easily break 1m during Legion

      • 6 months ago

        i mean guardian
        sorry, vanilla brainrot

    • 6 months ago

      That was for WoD, they made everyone level 60 in nuretail, and deleted anything before it for the cultural revolution.

  14. 6 months ago

    Why did they even begin the numbers bloat so dramatically in the first place? It always seemed pointless.
    >hey boss the best end game epic sword from the current expansion has like 20 strength
    >how strong should I make the swords in like...the starting area of the new expansion, like the vendor greens?
    >hmmm 500 strength????
    This is entirely their fault.

    • 6 months ago

      When they introduced artificial difficulty (easy med, hard, mythic raids) followed by M+

    • 6 months ago

      iirc vanilla to cata had the same calculation for stat %s at all levels. if you had x amount of stats, you got y%, like 50 haste was 5% haste rating, 500 haste was 50% haste rating. it worked at level 1 all the way up to max level. the higher level you were the more stats your gear had. people started reaching 100% in stats and it was breaking the game. pallys could get 100% mastery and get 100% damage resistance.

      to fix this, they broke the way stats scaled. now you need more stats the higher level you are to get the same stat % value. 50 haste on a level 1 makes them a god, 50 haste on a max level gives 1% haste. you need gear with +500 stats each now

      then this happened

      When they introduced artificial difficulty (easy med, hard, mythic raids) followed by M+

      at the end of mop, garrosh had too much hp. the game couldnt handle his healthbar. thats why hes split into 3 phases where his hp resets. they fixed that problem in legion so we went back to doing giga damage. they never fixed the underlying stat scaling problem, so they squished ilvls at the end of legion, then squished levels at the end of bfa

      • 6 months ago

        >additive percentage based bonuses
        jesus christ what the frick is wrong with them

        • 6 months ago

          It only became a problem in mid-late TBC when classes could reach 100% dodge rating and other ridiculous stat caps. Balance wasn't the priority, tanks dying if they were slightly unlucky was the norm ffs.

      • 6 months ago

        >putting endgame enchants on low level gear and reaching 100% dodge or crit at level 10

      • 6 months ago

        That's not quite accurate, the amount of haste/crit you gained from haste rating/crit rating would scale back as you levelled during both wrath and cata. The big difference was your base stats going into each of these expansions was so high that you really felt the effect when you levelled.

        In cata, you'd be going in with 30% base crit/haste from heroic ICC gear, and then when you levelled up you'd dramatically lose tons of stats. This effect was amplified by cata only be 80->85, and they wanted to scale you back massively by the time you reached 85 so that they can put you on the gear treadmill again. This was a big part of why cata levelling felt shitty - you literally got significantly weaker every time you levelled up, even if you were finding new items.
        (the other things making the levelling feel shitty was the phasing making the world dead, quests basically being memes and parodies of movies, and everything being so spaced apart and schizophrenic in terms of narrative)

  15. 6 months ago

    What I want to do is an Alliance squish. Just squish all the puny little blue cucks. They never win the race to world first. Useless weak cowards! I bet I could grab an Alliance player in my hand and squish until the little puny homosexual turns into shit. Fertilizer for crops for real warriors. Lok'tar Ogar!

    • 6 months ago

      Lok'tar, Chris!

      • 6 months ago
  16. 6 months ago


  17. 6 months ago

    >mmo is somehow still alive
    >getting a complete top to bottom remake in a new engine
    >will also let you transfer your character and everything you own as is to the update
    damn literally only 1 game to ever do this

    • 6 months ago

      chris metzen announced a 3 expansion saga that will wrap up the first 20 years of wow, setting it up for another 20 years
      so, maybe a wow2 after the last titan?

      • 6 months ago

        he wants his own endwalker so fricking bad

    • 6 months ago

      Mabinogi bros... I wont be able to play on my winxp machine anymore, go on without me...

      • 6 months ago

        i'll remember you bro, we'll have actual hands now in the new age

        • 6 months ago

          Hands? With fingers?
          Sounds like... a dream...

          • 6 months ago

            They showed a testing preview in a recent stream bro..
            its happening..

    • 6 months ago

      >still has netcode that would make games from the early 2000s blush in embarassment
      >still limited by consolegays
      >still a shitty single player JRPG with a generic fricking JRPG storyline
      >still barely a game, more like a visual novel with a textfrick endgame
      One game too many if you ask me.

      • 6 months ago

        >actually moronic
        delete yourself

        • 6 months ago

          >no argument, just adhoms
          i accept your concession, xivtroon

          • 6 months ago

            I'll give you a moment to try and start up that shriveled piece of meat you call a brain, and read the context clues in this thread to see as to why I call you a moron, moron

            • 6 months ago

              Nah, your troon ERP chatroom isn't worth the effort.

              • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago

          ATR, now that's a throwback

      • 6 months ago

        is that FFXIV? i tried playing that once and the whole style of the game looked really ugly, i never even bothered to leave the first room after you create a character

        wow has this really nice clean artstyle (and wotlk has some of the best areas ive seen in a game)

      • 6 months ago

        Current 14 still has worse netcode and gameplay (like jumping) than the vanilla client of WoW, 2003.

      • 6 months ago

        fricking lol, imagine playing that japanese garbage in 2023
        how are they getting away with having worse responsiveness than mario on sega?
        do the troons inhabiting that shit not play the game or what

        • 6 months ago

          >still has netcode that would make games from the early 2000s blush in embarassment
          >still limited by consolegays
          >still a shitty single player JRPG with a generic fricking JRPG storyline
          >still barely a game, more like a visual novel with a textfrick endgame
          One game too many if you ask me.

          >I absolutely need pixel perfect precision on some random moron in the world spazzing in place
          Weird priorities but it is pretty gross to see in action.

          • 6 months ago

            you'd expect things to at least happen when they are supposed to happen, right? that's fricking basic for any video game. for fricks sake its almost 2024

          • 6 months ago

            If you're following another player their position on your screen lags behind. This can cause death if you're relying on other players to dodge a mechanic, an absolutely abhorrent PvP experience, or looking like you got cheated out of a win in the fall guys crossover event.

            does FFXIV have PVP? i dont think ive ever heard of anyone pvp in that

            It does, and like all tab-target MMO PvP, it's shit.

        • 6 months ago

          the game doesn't need to be responsive when 100% of your gameplay is typing and reading smut in whispers

  18. 6 months ago

    Who cares about Stat's just meaningless numbers

  19. 6 months ago

    >trying to make number homosexualry seem even remotely grounded
    shit thread OP lose 9 vigintillion HP.

  20. 6 months ago

    Can any giga boomer ITT enlighten us on how Everquest's power creep was? The game has 30 expansions. That's rad.

    • 6 months ago

      I only played up to planes of power and it seemed pretty straightforward, I have zero idea what happened to EQ afterwards aside from the whole EQ2 disaster.

    • 6 months ago

      Live EQ player here: our power doesn't really increase relative to current content. There's been some complications in regards to melee and caster dps because the devs don't know what the numbers mean but each year goes by and nothing really changes here.

  21. 6 months ago

    does FFXIV have PVP? i dont think ive ever heard of anyone pvp in that

    • 6 months ago

      It does but its not great, its always been a meme sideshow at best that a select few take VERY SERIOUSLY but most people just laugh at them.
      The only praise I can give it is its balanced fairly well.

    • 6 months ago

      It's garbage because their entire online is built around snapshots, which means game mechanics can sometimes not work at all, see pic related.
      Resilience is a buff that is supposed to make you immune to CCs, but the online is so garbage that I got hit with 3 different CCs despite having the anti-CC buff up

    • 6 months ago

      It does. It's actually fairly decent but it's also the part of the game where all the rampant cheating from the playerbase will negatively effect you, so make of that what you will.

  22. 6 months ago

    Maplestory has gotten pretty moronic

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