In 10 years these games will be seen as underrated masterpieces.

In 10 years these games will be seen as underrated masterpieces. Just like with Black and White, people are going to suddenly change their minds and start liking these games.

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  1. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      fpbp no good Pokemon game has only part of the pokedex. Pokemon died in gen 8.

  2. 9 months ago

    Why did people cry about Black and White?

    • 9 months ago

      ugly overworld and gen 5 mon exclusivity. thankfully black and white 2 improved everything

    • 9 months ago

      because they couldn't get MUH CHARIZARD until postgame

    • 9 months ago

      I started playing White a few days ago and the main problem I have with it is every single new screen you get to there's story shit and 1-2 'friend' battles. I though Sun/Moon was bad with constantly shoving story down your throat but I guess it started with gen 5.

    • 9 months ago

      genwunners seething there was no charizard

    • 9 months ago

      Trash bag pokemon, takes place outside of Japan, epic plot, etc.

    • 9 months ago

      People complaining about two new pokemon out of like 155 and being mad that they couldn't use their old stuff in a new game.

      • 9 months ago

        They also didn't like that it was an actual JRPG with high difficulty and, you know, a story with themes and lore. Too much brainpower for a pokegay to handle.

        • 9 months ago

          Game Freak does not at all respect the intelligence of its playerbase and time and time again I come to understand that they are justified.

          • 9 months ago

            I mean, if you could put out a piece of shit that looks and plays like a licensed PS1 game every couple of years and make hundreds of millions every single time, why not?

            • 9 months ago

              That's not what I mean. I'm talking about the design and structure of their games, not the content and quality. Frankly it all started with FRLG and Game Freak giving Charmander Metal Claw. They once did design things in ways that allowed you to figure things out pretty easily on your own. This was up to and including them flat out laying the solutions out in front of your face and time and again people would struggle regardless.

              • 9 months ago

                I mean, that too, but it makes sense given the games themselves are(originally at least) for children.
                But the handholding and flat-out butthole gaping the games do now is embarassing. I'm a Zoomer and remember playing Y religiously the first couple months it was out only to get bored by it outside of online play given I overlevelled fast due to XP share. Then I got into BW2 which on the other hand I played for over a year until I stepped on my DS. Diffculty and challenge of the two was night and day and to it's annoying to see the games get so easy and redundant.

    • 9 months ago

      ugly overworld and gen 5 mon exclusivity. thankfully black and white 2 improved everything

      >you have to use the new monsters and don't just keep using your old favorites like all the other games
      Genuinely a good decision. It's just a shame the tardrage from the fanbase was so massive they abandoned their convictions and reversed course so hard that the sixth gen just gave you extra Kanto starters.

    • 9 months ago

      No one mentioned why.

      The truth is Black and White was the most linear of the games. There is NO exploration - you are literally hand held to go everywhere by the story. Which is some weird nonsense about and some immortal king and his flower Pokemon. The villain kid was neat I guess but wasn’t much of a threat.
      The Pokémon did not look that bad, the issue was the change to 3d was early and people weren’t used to it (3d was and is still a mistake, ruins a lot of the older Pokémon and will never look good).
      It at least had a nice mix of the 3d world and 2d sprites before it just going out the window.
      The game was also easy as shit, no Pokémon is particularly hard but you can tell some thought was out into a champion like Cynthia but not in any champ since.
      There is also a general lack of mystery in the world, every corner has been explored already.

      • 9 months ago

        >some weird nonsense about and some immortal king and his flower Pokemon
        That's X/Y.

        • 9 months ago

          Ah my bad, honestly can’t even remember the story of back and white then.

          • 9 months ago

            N and Team Plasma, Tumblr Sexymen Colress and the elemenatal triplets as well

          • 9 months ago

            Stfu if you don't know shit then fkn idiot

      • 9 months ago

        >The pokemon did not look that bad
        Yes they fricking did. Gen 5 has horrifically ugly mons that ruined what was once the strong point of the series, that you could get attached to just about any of the mons if given the opportunity.
        Not-machamp with his fricking roided veins, the two sesame street characters in karate gear, smallpox frog, the hand-puppet in the prison jumpsuit etc all ruined that.

        Agree with the rest of your post except 3d though. The 3d games for the N64, Gamecube and Wii all looked fine, it's just that gamefreak are lazy and incompetend.

        • 9 months ago

          Your chart shows a good 50% are average or good. Honestly it’s kind of remarkable how close it fits my tastes with a couple differences. The newer games are much much worse though so that may be influencing my opinion. Even the ugly ones of BW still at least were animal-like Pokemon and not some weird humanoid, furry bait, or appliance/vehicle, which are the majority today.

          I think 2d had character, I wouldn’t mind 3d done right but Gamefreak is clearly incompetent at it.

          • 9 months ago

            In the 4 gens before that I'd put less than 5 mons in the bad category, which goes to show how much gen 5 fricked it. Fair enough on the weird furbait and appliances though, that's got way out of hand.
            It's a crying shame that Pokemon is still in Gamefreak's hands because a good developer could make something truly special with it. Even the crummy RPGmaker fan games can get pretty decent. Despite the egregious commercialism the series has always had I think the premise at least touches on a deep feeling that's worth exploring properly.

            • 9 months ago

              Monolithsoft Pokemon would be megakino

        • 9 months ago

          imagine not liking smugleaf

        • 9 months ago

          damn, that's pathetic. gen 5 added the most mons to the series and still gets the lowest amount of votes in fan polls lol

          what a fricking flop full of hideous dogshit

        • 9 months ago

          >not liking Seismitoad
          >rating the genies as anything other than ugly
          >falling for the "Garbadour is bad" meme
          you need to get some taste bro.

        • 9 months ago

          >chart is just basic MUH TRASHBAG, MUH ICECONE and MUH GEARS bs
          >at the same time "literally my moms dog" is "good"
          >thinking he has any right to spout his dogshit opinion anywhere
          lmao, homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      moronic story
      Piss easy difficulty
      Ugly characters, pokemon, and graphics
      Beginning of forced gimmicks
      Linear region
      Forced tutorials
      Endless cutscenes
      Half of region and fishing rod locked in post game
      C-Gear is annoying and takes up entire bottom screen
      No way to farm berries and get hidden abilities without online flashshit

      • 9 months ago

        >Beginning of forced gimmicks
        Such as?

    • 9 months ago

      Frick no. SS is complete crap, if you had posted SV I might be inclined to agree.

      The new mons were an extremely mixed bag quality-wise and most of them just felt like bootleg versions of already existing pokemon. Stuff like making the fire starter's final evo fire/fighting for a third time in a row was the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of people.

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      1. muh charizord
      2. unova is le circle xDD
      that's it

  3. 9 months ago

    I highly doubt that.
    SwSh genuinely sucked ass, which is unfortunate because it followed Gen 7, which was actually pretty great.
    Also, fifth-gen was a VERY solid generation. People who cried about were nit-picking tiny flaws because they were nostalgiagays who couldn't dump their outdated trash generations.

    • 9 months ago

      >gen 7

  4. 9 months ago

    Nope. These will always be the worst mainline games along with Sun/Moon

    • 9 months ago

      That would be Scarlet/Violet dumbass..

      • 9 months ago

        Scarlet/Violet was way better than Shart/Shield

      • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        Despite all the bugs and shit, Scarlet/Violet are better games.

  5. 9 months ago

    10 years? people have already been doing so even before the games themselves actually came out

  6. 9 months ago

    I doubt it. The pokemon monsters have changed to such a degree now, that the pokegay company has completely ruined the ip. Bin ghd bdgknning, ghe monsters were often very logical and sensical, inskpired by real animals, and such. They just worked, simple as. Now, the animals are weird and ugly and illogical snd uninspired and it's obvious to me that the devs have completely emptied the bag of ideas for pokemon and are now literally just coming up with anything and everything. "Whatever it takes to be able to stuff 250 new pokemon into every new game we come up with" seems to be their current new motto. In short, the new pokemon designs suck fricking ass and they'll never be able to replace the golden era pokemon.

    • 9 months ago

      >Bin ghd bdgknning

      • 9 months ago

        In the beginning, is what i think i meant to write

  7. 9 months ago

    you do relise that people still hate 6th gen, Both X,Y and ORAS are still panned they suck

  8. 9 months ago

    The main adventure through Sh/Sw was fun to me despite the story and wild area being shit. It was still classic wander around new places discovering what pokemon lie within. The postgame being shitty raids and an area we'd already gone through during the game caused me to not stick around long after the credits roll. It's not underrated nor a masterpiece but it's better than Sc/Vi, Let's Go, and the D/P remakes if nothing else.

  9. 9 months ago

    Old Tyme Gen Ranks:
    5 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4

    Nu Age Gen Ranks:
    7 >>>> 6 >>>>>> 8 >>>>>>> 9

    • 9 months ago

      genuine moronation

      • 9 months ago

        >genuine moronation
        >fails at quoting
        Anyway, Gen 4 can eternally suck my ass. Those games were bad when they were new and neither Pt nor Hg/Ss salvaged the generation. There was nothing about them which wasn't an enormous downgrade from Gen 3 aside from muh online trading.

        • 9 months ago

          >has everything gen 3 has
          >plus a better region
          >plus adding back the day night cycle that 3 removed for some fricking reason
          >plus a better soundfont
          >plus phys/special split
          >the best remakes in the franchise
          yeah bro gen 3 is so much better lmao

          • 9 months ago

            Not to the same extent, it's been quite a while now and they skipped over sucking off XY to suck off SM instead, even though USUM exists and stains it.

            >worse region
            >worse music
            >worse reason to play
            >more empty locations
            >only HGSS was good, and still irrelevant compared to OG gen
            Nah. The phys/special split was the only good thing to come out of that and that would've happened eventually anyway.

            • 9 months ago

              It's funny because XY was the best of nu-Pokemon and had the most potential as a region, they just gave up on it for some reason.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      That's fair but gen 4 still is better than gen 1 was

  10. 9 months ago

    IDGAF how funny Nessaposting is, this game will always be seen as the game that made everybody that wasn't a child or hardcore pokegay realize pokemon was now shit

  11. 9 months ago


    Close, they're pokegays
    They want to be women, they aren't actually women

  12. 9 months ago

    we knew that game freaks didn't give a damn about pokemon anymore but we didn't know to what extent until Pokémon Scarlet came out and seeing how it sold they now know that they can sell shit in boxes

  13. 9 months ago


  14. 9 months ago

    Yea probably kinda problem is, it has the same problem all modern turn RPGs have except SMT which is that they dont have a hard mode for adults, its child difficulty. I can still just fish for a Magikarp make it a Gyarados then Dragon Dance swipe the whole enemy team

    • 9 months ago

      There's no Magikarp in that game which is why it filtered brainlets

      • 9 months ago

        You can get a Gyarados tho I watched an streamer with a Gyarados in Sword
        Sword & Shield problem is that it is just too easy in general

    • 9 months ago

      It’s not even the difficulty, a game can be easy and okay still. It’s that Sword and Shield is Pokemon with every single aspect sanded down until you get a completely sterile, bland game. I’m not going to claim Pokemon was ever hardcore, but you’ve got to admit that a lot of games are getting rid of things that are considered an inconvenience. Sword and Shield is that design mindset taken to the extreme. Nothing is inconvenient, nothing is hard, but nothing is done well, nothing is even remotely experimental, it’s just a pile of tasteless gruel. I legitimately think Neptunia games are better, and I don’t even think those are remotely good.

      • 9 months ago

        There's just no sense of achievement or difficulty in the gameplay, and that's a kicker for me.
        The game just gives you everything and makes the AI terrible.
        Add that to the games themselves being glitchy, poorly designed, and all-around shitty.

        • 9 months ago

          The fun in modern pokemon is the catching aspect, that’s why PLA is the best modern pokemon game, the battling in s/s s/v is outdated and baby tier plus they don’t even add hard endgame pve like the older games anymore

          • 9 months ago

            >The fun in modern pokemon is the catching aspect, that's why the game with the worst catching in the franchise is the best modern pokemon game

  15. 9 months ago

    >Just like with Black and White
    I thought you meant Lionhead's and was about to call you a moron
    But I see you meant Pokemon's, and am here to call you a moron anyways.

  16. 9 months ago

    In 10 years these game will be remembered as soulless mediocre products that were made PURELY for profit without an ounce of artistic integrity which then led to somehow even worse game that is all of the above and then broken beyond all fricking belief. Black and white are drastically better than both of these insomnia cures masquerading as games.

    • 9 months ago

      SWSH in particular will forever be remembered as the moment GF realized it could put out fricking anything and have it make a billion bucks while having millions suck them off for it.
      Sort of like what happened to Sonic after 06

  17. 9 months ago

    I want to say you're a dumbass for thinking that but I've seen unironic sonic 06 apologist videos crop up on youtube so it wouldn't surprise me
    I definitely realized I was getting old when I started seeing everyone act like gen 4 was the best and not the absolute worst, frick me man platinum can only polish that turd so hard

    • 9 months ago

      I think the "remake" of gen iv being so shit gave people rose colored glass on Gen IV
      Platinum will always be kino however

      • 9 months ago

        Count me on team pro-exp share for all, for whatever that's worth. Spend a couple hours before each gym leveling my team up one by one is something I'd long since had enough of. And you know what? I was never overleveled in Gens VI/VII/VIII because I constantly rotated new 'mons in and out of my party rather than sticking with the same handful of early game pokemon the entire game. Not the games fault you're all old and stuck in your ways.

        >I think the "remake" of gen iv being so shit gave people rose colored glass on Gen IV
        >Platinum will always be kino however
        No, Gen IV was always held in high regard for some reason completely lost to me. Platinum was just as bad as D/P. The "fixes" in it were always well beyond overblown.

        It’s not even the difficulty, a game can be easy and okay still. It’s that Sword and Shield is Pokemon with every single aspect sanded down until you get a completely sterile, bland game. I’m not going to claim Pokemon was ever hardcore, but you’ve got to admit that a lot of games are getting rid of things that are considered an inconvenience. Sword and Shield is that design mindset taken to the extreme. Nothing is inconvenient, nothing is hard, but nothing is done well, nothing is even remotely experimental, it’s just a pile of tasteless gruel. I legitimately think Neptunia games are better, and I don’t even think those are remotely good.

        >It’s that Sword and Shield is Pokemon with every single aspect sanded down until you get a completely sterile, bland game
        This applies to X/Y as well. A completely forgetable region and game.

        gen 3 is unironically the worst of the original generations with its only redeeming quality being that the gamecube games existed during that gen. DP being slow shit still isn't as bad as gen 3 removing features and still somehow having the internal clock break on its own

        >only redeeming quality being that the gamecube games existed
        Those games were literally sleep aids. Utterly boring.

        The physical/special split alone made Gen 4 the best Gen. But it also had the best designs, best world, and best story. D&P definitely dropped the ball with the regional dex though.

        >The physical/special split alone made Gen 4 the best Gen
        Only if you're deep into competitive play. The split literally had no impact on the main or postgame itself.

        That's fair but gen 4 still is better than gen 1 was

        Gen I was at least memorable and had an ost that wasn't ass. Gen 4 had a handful of good tunes with the rest being utterly crap. Gen VI ost was largely crap as well.

        • 9 months ago

          Physical/Special split made it possible to use pretty much any mon and have them be good. Trying to use gengar for physical ghost moves was moronic.

        • 9 months ago

          >Gen IV was always held in high regard for some reason completely lost to me
          Porn and lore. That's it. The games themselves suck.

        • 9 months ago

          >Gen IV was always held in high regard for some reason completely lost to me
          Interesting region with great regional lore, adding back mechanics that were dropped from gen 3 because gamefreak is moronic, good music, good mechanic changes for battles, good pokemon designs, online play for pokemon is amazing, spinoffs in that gen were amazing, has the best remakes of any gen it was literally the golden age of pokemon even if the gen 4 engine itself struggled.

          • 9 months ago

            G5 blew it out of the water on everything, sorry

            • 9 months ago

              4 still has better lore than 5 and the gen 5 spin offs arent as good

              • 9 months ago

                Disagree on lore but that's a matter of opinion. Pokemon Conquest was very kino however and is probably the best Pokemon spinoff.


                What was Brock then?

              • 9 months ago

                >the best spinoff
                Ranger and Mystery dungeons say hello, both being gen 4 games btw

              • 9 months ago

                Literally: who cares. Lore is not a replacement for a story, nor is it good writing. It's legitimately the most minimum barebones effort of vidya "writing".

              • 9 months ago

                Its not a replacement for story but pokemon doesn't NEED grand story, lore makes a region interesting, which is one of the problems of gen 5, it has a little bit of lore about there being a king with the dragons but not much else. The story is good but like I said pokemon story isn't needed. I'd rather a fleshed out world with 0 story for a pokemon game than a game that has its story with no reason to get invested in the world. Thats why most of the modern games are ass, their stories exist in a template world that has little to interesting world building.

              • 9 months ago

                Regions notable and memorable locales make them interesting. Sinnoh isn't bottom of the barrel for bland ass regions as that title goes to Kalos, but it's right down there with the worst of them. Also most people expect fricking jrpgs to have a story. For GF to finally have some ambition in them to not do the exact same thing for the 5th time in a row was very refreshing at the time.

              • 9 months ago

                sinnoh has a story though its just the most generic jrpg shit ever, more of a story than gen 1 and 2 for sure. Man wants to become god and rewrite the universe is literally the JRPG standard. Gen 5 did more interesting commentary on the relationship between pokemon sure but unova doesn't have that many interesting locales outside of the dragon tower, the NYC stand in and the underwater ruins. Mt. Coronet on its own is interesting as frick with spear pillar, turnback cave is really cool if underutilized, the event exclusive areas in gen 4 are really interesting too especially the arceus event.

              • 9 months ago

                there's literally no region more bland than the circle based on an american city

            • 9 months ago

              Gen 5 has a shit region, shit mons, shit music, shit story, and fricking horrendous competitive meta.

    • 9 months ago

      The physical/special split alone made Gen 4 the best Gen. But it also had the best designs, best world, and best story. D&P definitely dropped the ball with the regional dex though.

  18. 9 months ago

    gen 3 is unironically the worst of the original generations with its only redeeming quality being that the gamecube games existed during that gen. DP being slow shit still isn't as bad as gen 3 removing features and still somehow having the internal clock break on its own

    • 9 months ago

      Gen 2 is the worst. The fun of going back to Kanto doesn't outweight the godawful balancing and the Johto mons almost all being fricking useless or too rare to be obtained at a reasonable point in the playthrough.

  19. 9 months ago

    Jokes on you. I always liked it

  20. 9 months ago

    all pokeshit games are mediocre and overrated

  21. 9 months ago

    None of the complaints about BW were technical or execution, just about the choices they made, no amount of time is going to fix the game running like garbage, having embarrassing animations and literally teasing you with the story you don't get to experience, do people even remember that a big part of the plot was pokemon dynamaxing all over the place? But you don't get to join it, you have to go get your next badge, leave it to the rest of the cast to deal with it offscreen

  22. 9 months ago

    Yup, lots of people are going to look back on SWSH fondly now that Gen 6 and Gen 7 are losing their online privileges, therefore permanently lowering their value for replays.

  23. 9 months ago

    The only people I see defending this game are talking about how dynax was good gimmick for competitive. Raids were a good addition, just badly implimented. The QOL of life features like not needing to discard a perfect IV egg for having the wrong nature.
    Some of the designs were good, for the trainers. They're going to try to lump in the DLC with is by far best aspects of the game. only the hardcore fans stuck around to play it because the base game was shit.

  24. 9 months ago

    Not even underrated, it will simply be accepted.
    There is no denying gen 8 breathed new life into the series like never before.
    It was inevitable for the first game released for the switch, regardless of how shitty they were.
    Add the pandemic that has retro pokemon fans buying up cards and old games just compounded the popularity of gen 8.
    Crazy time.

  25. 9 months ago

    why do unovatrannies always seethe at better gens? no one gives a shit about your garbage other than reddit trannies making gay video essays about the homosexual shonen story LOL

  26. 9 months ago

    gen 5 is americanised nu-pokemon dogshit.
    Black personmutts that defend it will always have to live with this sad reality

  27. 9 months ago


    Youre trying way too hard lol

    • 9 months ago

      cry homosexual

      • 9 months ago

        Youre the only one getting pressed over pocket monsters

        • 9 months ago

          eww nice pajeet. muttnova really was a mistake

  28. 9 months ago

    No, SwSh is just too undercooked, with too many unrealized ideas and glaring gameplay problems. They're more like Gen 4 games without Platinum to back them up.
    Gen 9 is a different story though. I'm playing it right now, and despite graphical issues and other shortcomings, this is by far the most ambitious Pokemon game to date. It's a game where your journey actually feels like a journey, not a series of tunnels. The music is great, the characters are memorable, and for once there's a story worth telling, it was clearly a serious attempt by GF to make the "Pokemon BotW" that everyone has been dreaming of.
    Sure, it had a troubled release, and there are still problems (the lack of level scaling is a big one), but otherwise the games are spectacular, and it's the most fun I've had with a Pokemon game since Gen 5.

    • 9 months ago

      The only reason why I put Scarlet & Violet over Sword & Shield is Area Zero, if not for that I would consider them tied in terms of quality.

      • 9 months ago

        not him but area zero is a real highlight but even the base region map is still fricking miles better than SWSH, SWSH has better overall character designs but thats about it, the game is just too fricking linear

        • 9 months ago

          You'll be singing a different tune when GF drops the free roam of SV next generation, returning to the basic routes of previous games.

          The region and free roam is exactly what I really don't like about the game. A giant open map of nothing is not better than some hallways.

          • 9 months ago

            At least it lets you leave and choose a different fricking hallway. Routes were always full of nothing but random encounter grass and trainers, at least SV lets me move someplace else to look for Pokemon and items, or choose a different approach to the next town.

            • 9 months ago

              Routes are nothing but random encounters and trainers, but Paldea is mostly nothing with some encounters and a few optional trainers.
              Sure, you get to choose where to go, but nowhere is interesting. Most of the world is literally just plain (as in basic, though there are a lot of plains), there are no remarkable areas. Even the towns and cities have nothing, they only have the same ingredient/food/basic accessory shops.

              • 9 months ago

                Paldea was the first Pokemon region where I managed to completely circumvent the intended order of events and did gyms and Team Zero bosses in my own order, with absolutely no clue what I was in for. Sure, I ended up being overleveled for some of them, which is why level scaling would've been so good, but the fact that I could do that alone is worth a lot in my book. The last time Pokemon tried to be at least semi-open were Gens 1 and 2, and those were incredibly limited by comparison simply because they're ancient Game Boy games.

              • 9 months ago

                Lack of level scaling means the game wants you to do certain things first. You can ignore them and do something that's meant for later, but by doing so you make anything that comes before become nothing.
                The open world of the game just adds a whole lot of nothing. You can go do anything you want, but between the things there's nothing.

      • 9 months ago

        You'll be singing a different tune when GF drops the free roam of SV next generation, returning to the basic routes of previous games.

        • 9 months ago

          I wouldn't mind going back to routes if they are actual routes and not the 5 second hallways with 1 (one) patch of OPTIONAL grass on the side. Gen 7 and 8 routes are so fricking shit man

          • 9 months ago

            Gen 6 was worse. This is route 1.

            • 9 months ago

              Vs route 1 in Gen 1.

            • 9 months ago

              Disingenuous Black person, Gen 6's Route 1 exists to show-off the 3D engine

          • 9 months ago

            No, they're going to be those 5 second hallways (they were like that since Kalos), followed by towns that are a single strip of land with a fixed camera angle. Critics shat on on SV and praised SwSh to high heaven, so you can guess exactly what lessons GF will learn from that.
            I fricking wish pokegays defended SV as much as they defended SwSh, maybe then there would've been hope for the series.

            • 9 months ago

              What's there to defend about SV? It's the first Pokémon game I got my money back for.

              • 9 months ago

                The way they did the open world is great, and it's one step (level scaling) away from achieving that dream of truly open world Pokemon. It actually felt like an adventure where you weren't restricted by anything.

              • 9 months ago

                Shame the gameplay is buggy and the new Pokémon are bad. I don't think there's a single new Pokémon or npc I cared about even slightly.
                Also crystal clear did the open world thing better. Literally zero reason to buy sv.

                Disingenuous Black person, Gen 6's Route 1 exists to show-off the 3D engine

                So why couldn't it show off any gameplay?

              • 9 months ago

                It's taking some time to show off the visuals, which is something XY does a lot, it was Pokemon's first mainline 3D entry. There's plenty of trainers everywhere else. Surely this isn't a difficult concept to grasp right?

              • 9 months ago

                The opening cutscene wasn't enough? They had to make the game worse too?

                >Shame the gameplay is buggy and the new Pokémon are bad. I don't think there's a single new Pokémon or NPC I cared about even slightly.
                The gameplay was patched, the only serious bugs still in the game are the camera sometimes going through geometry and your mount getting stuck. The only serious technical issue the game has is graphics.
                >Also crystal clear
                Literal troony shit.

                The first day I played I clipped through the floor and fell into the infinite blue abyss under my house within 10 minutes of booting it up.
                I also got out of bounds in the tutorial. Have both of these been patched?
                Still doesn't change the fact that the Pokémon designs are the worst in the series so far.

              • 9 months ago

                >Still doesn't change the fact that the Pokémon designs are the worst in the series so far
                This is subjective, and has zero impact on the discussion of gameplay structure. SV will be remembered as the second and last attempt of Gamefreak to make a game that's more than just the same slop they've been making since gen 1, and once level scaling and randomizing mods happen, this game will become the cult classic purely for its unique and ambitious approach. Everyone was too focused on glitches and graphics and completely ignored how much SV did right, and I was one of those people before I finally gave this game an honest shot not that long ago.

              • 9 months ago

                >This is subjective, and has zero impact on the discussion of gameplay structure
                I was discussing it since my first post. Weak cope.
                Did it fix the bugs I talked about?

              • 9 months ago

                >I was discussing it since my first post
                Good for you. It still has frick-all to do with gameplay.
                >Did it fix the bugs I talked about?

              • 9 months ago

                Wrong, no they didnt. You can still escape the tutorial and fall through floors.

              • 9 months ago

                Worked on my machine.
                You can glitch the everliving shit out of most Pokemon games. These games are developed on deadlines shorter than Masuda's dick, and if you can't look past that, you might as well drop the franchise and look for greener pastures.

              • 9 months ago

                >Lies about the bugs being fixed
                >Somehow this is my problem

              • 9 months ago

                Works on my machine, so it's fixed to me. The burden of proof is on you, feel free to boot up the game right now and show the footage.

              • 9 months ago

                >Boot up the game you said you returned
                What moronic point are you trying to make?

              • 9 months ago

                No evidence then? The bug is fixed as far as I'm concerned. Feel free to prove me wrong whenever you feel like it.

              • 9 months ago

                >Ask what your point is
                >Say nothing
                You could just say you don't have a point. It would save us all a lot of time.

              • 9 months ago

                The point is that you're trying to shit on a game you barely played because you didn't like how the rocks looked while ignoring the important parts. If Gamefreak drops all the cool as frick ideas they developed in Arceus and SV and returns to mind-numbing grass tunnels, it will be on people like you, because they'll use your feedback as an excuse to be lazy.

              • 9 months ago

                I beat the main story, it wasn't good so I got my money back. Sorry this upsets you so much.

              • 9 months ago

                >If Gamefreak drops all the cool as frick ideas they developed in SV
                Such as?

              • 9 months ago

                A fully open map where you get to choose what order to play in, and multiple main objectives to get you through it instead of only gyms.

              • 9 months ago

                >A fully open map
                It's not fully open.
                >where you get to choose what order to play in
                With no level scaling, so there is a "correct" way to play.
                >multiple main objectives to get you through it instead of only gyms
                And none of which you can ignore. So it's not "multiple main objectives". It's 1 main objective split into busywork.

              • 9 months ago

                >It's not fully open.
                It is. You can go anywhere, nothing restricts you other than your level.
                >With no level scaling, so there is a "correct" way to play.
                You can still go against it, but level scaling must be the next step in this development.
                >And none of which you can ignore.
                So? You can't ignore the main quest if you want to finish the game in most RPGs (except some rare old CRPGs like Fallout 1). I guess it would be cool if you could ignore everything and go straight to the finale, only to get your shit kicked in by the Elite Four, but that's hardly a priority.

              • 9 months ago

                >nothing restricts you other than your level.
                And the gates that won't let you pass until certain arbitrary requirements are met.

              • 9 months ago

                What gates? I never saw any, and I did things in a pretty arbitrary order.

                >You can go anywhere
                Except in buildings.

                That sucks, yes. The game needed more interiors.

              • 9 months ago

                Area Zero, for example.

              • 9 months ago

                Area Zero is the only walled off zone in the game, because it's a story-locked late game area. Everything else is fair game.

              • 9 months ago

                Then it's not an open world.

              • 9 months ago

                Is Morrowind not an open world because the Red Mountain is story-locked?

              • 9 months ago


                The route to Pal Park
                Jubilife City being a big crossroad
                Going back to the abandoned mansion
                Being able to get back to Oreburg after visiting Eterna City
                Mount Coronet (nuff said)
                Hearthome splitting so the player chooses to do Maylene or Crasher Wake next
                Looping back to Eterna City
                The entire battle resort peninsula being a triangle you can choose which side to tackle first
                It beats Gen 5’s follow a straight path until the loop, except lol go the wrong and a bunch of fat morons and blocking you

                So gen 1 is non-linear because you can ignore some dungeons and badges until later?

              • 9 months ago

                You're braindead, sorry you had to find out this way.

              • 9 months ago

                Ok. I'm still correct tho.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, that is like the definition of non-linear - not having to do thing linearly

              • 9 months ago

                But that means the first 3 games are non-linear. So gen 4 isn't remarkable for being non-linear.

              • 9 months ago

                Its remarkable in comparison to all the future Gens
                Although Gen 3 was pretty linear, trying to think were it diverges… the desert route, the abandoned ship and all of the routes around Pacifilog being optional?

              • 9 months ago

                You can skip the fighting Gym for almost the entire game.

              • 9 months ago

                You sure Mr Briney lets you go without doing it? Don’t you need it for Flash? I mean you don’t NEED flash so I guess

              • 9 months ago

                100% fact. You can leave without the badge.

              • 9 months ago

                >You can go anywhere
                Except in buildings.

              • 9 months ago

                >With no level scaling
                this is a good thing, level scaling is a dogshit mechanic in every game it's ever been used in. The only "level scaling" Pokemon should have is Gym Leaders should scale their team to the # of badges you have so that you can challenge them in any order. Wild pokemon shouldn't scale at all.

              • 9 months ago

                >Did it fix the bugs I talked about?
                Why are you lying to people?

              • 9 months ago

                >Shame the gameplay is buggy and the new Pokémon are bad. I don't think there's a single new Pokémon or NPC I cared about even slightly.
                The gameplay was patched, the only serious bugs still in the game are the camera sometimes going through geometry and your mount getting stuck. The only serious technical issue the game has is graphics.
                >Also crystal clear
                Literal troony shit.

  29. 9 months ago

    Still better than S/V.

  30. 9 months ago

    Do people never realize that the groups shitting on a game initially and the group praising them later aren't the same?

  31. 9 months ago

    the only correct tier list of pokeshit games

    • 9 months ago

      Try again.

    • 9 months ago

      >gen 5 and 7 and orass
      oh no no nono

    • 9 months ago

      >not worth pirating

  32. 9 months ago

    seething begins

  33. 9 months ago

    black and white suck shit
    the people who say they are good were children who played it as their first pokemon games
    yes, I also think kids who grew up playing sword and shield will say they are good when they grow up

    they aren't good, black and white wasn't good either and they both suck shit.

    • 9 months ago

      I started playing Pokemon in my mid-teens because I didn't have a Game Boy as a kid, starting from Gen 3. Gen 5 was the most memorable one because it actually tried to tell a story, the music was the best in the series, the characters were cool as shit, and Unova was an overall fun region.

      • 9 months ago

        well I am glad you can think for yourself anon and even if I disagree I can respect your opinion because its clearly not clouded by it being your first experience
        I started playing pokemon as a kid with silver, I still think red version is better than silver, and gen 3 is better than both, with gen 4 being the best at the time it was added but having what made it special become staple now makes it mediocre looking back and I found gen 5 did very little and started the modern trends I dislike, gen 6 was pretty solid despite the same reasons
        I never played BW2 but maybe I should because I have heard they are far better, but BW were absolutely horrible and I stand by my thoughts on why people like gen 5 as it seems to be a trend among pokemon fans preferring the generation they grew up with even further than what should be attributed to nostalgia

  34. 9 months ago

    I enjoy sword and play it every day. I just like when the numbers go up and in Sword with EXP candies, cheap EV boosting consumables, and easy access to hyper training, I can get the numbers to the highest they can possibly go. And I really enjoy that. I wish I could have played this game when the online was more active and the mystery gifts were still being rolled out

  35. 9 months ago

    When will you guys realize Sinnohgays are single-handedly responsible for ruining the entire Pokemon fandom

  36. 9 months ago

    I had fun playing all Pokémon games

  37. 9 months ago
    >Ampharos line
    >Ekans line
    >Missing starters from nearly every generation
    >Bellsprout line for some reason?
    >Geodude line but keep the other 3 trade evolutions?
    >Dunsparce is in, Yanma, Murkrow, Misdrevus along with their gen IV evolutions are gone
    Genuinely had no idea it was THIS bad holy shit

  38. 9 months ago

    No they won't. SV and SM but swoosh is a mess.

  39. 9 months ago

    Gen 1 was cool cause it was the first
    Gen 2 was cool cause it was basically everything a sequel needs to be, including having the while Gen I region
    Gen 3 was cool cause it added abilities and double battles
    Gen 4 was cool cause it fixed the meta and had a cool non-linear region
    Gen 5 was okay, but basically coasted on the novelty of being a soft reboot and having an interesting narrative
    Gen 6 was frustrating, adding fairy was interesting and megaevolution was novel, ultimately being wasted potential
    Gen 7 was tolerable, with a change up to general game progression and having an interesting plot, but left a bad taste with the Z move gimmicks
    Gen 8 was just bad, terrible gimmicks, terrible plot, awful pokemon
    Gen 8.5 (Arceus Legends) was ac to ally legitimately cool, a big mix up to conventions and open world
    Gen 9 was tolerable because it borrowed open world from Legends but everything else sucks, albeit tolerable because how the bar har been lowered

    • 9 months ago

      >Gen 4
      >non-linear region

      • 9 months ago

        The route to Pal Park
        Jubilife City being a big crossroad
        Going back to the abandoned mansion
        Being able to get back to Oreburg after visiting Eterna City
        Mount Coronet (nuff said)
        Hearthome splitting so the player chooses to do Maylene or Crasher Wake next
        Looping back to Eterna City
        The entire battle resort peninsula being a triangle you can choose which side to tackle first
        It beats Gen 5’s follow a straight path until the loop, except lol go the wrong and a bunch of fat morons and blocking you

  40. 9 months ago

    nothing else exist

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