In a depressive mood but...ignoring the this game actually worth it?

In a depressive mood but...ignoring the this game actually worth it? I've seen a surprising amount of people say the gameplay is amazing, and engaging or whatever. But it all just sounds sus. Nobody actually describes why, except for the occasional vague "THE CONTROLS ARE AWESOME BECAUSE THEYRE NOT LIKE TLOU OR GTA (THING I DONT LIKE BTW!!! THEREFORE OPPOSITE IS GOOD!)". But, the people proclaiming the gameplay to be good also tend to be dissatisfied by classic MGS gameplay from 1-4 just like me. So I'm thinking that maybe it'll appeal to me somehow?

If this was a linear game. I'd just say frick it and buy it. But I've put my faith in SO many open world games that people promised me were amazing, and have been disappointed by EVERY one...unless you consider some games that people barely consider open world and don't have that as their main draw anyway (E.G Outer Wilds, Death Stranding) So I'm really scared on pulling the trigger for the game but...I'm also weirdly desperate for Stealth gameplay until TLOU2 comes to PC...and yes I've already played every big stealth game everybody praises, and they're all shit.

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    No. Do not believe nu-gays' lies.
    Only literal Ubishit zoomies could find this grindan' + waitan' trash "enjoyable". The story is also both nonexistent and shit, pretty much pissing on the entire franchise's legacy and grave. Plus it's not even a FINISHED GAME, because israelitenami axed Kojima Productions before they had time to complete and polish the campaign.

    >In a depressive mood
    Go play Nier Automata and Signalis instead, and be amazed. No, they're not stealth action, but it's still a love letter to history of video games and humanity as a whole.

    >desperate for TLOU2
    >dissatisfied by classic MGS gameplay from 1-4
    I think you might be a bit homosexual. And not the good type.

    • 4 months ago

      >I think you might be a bit homosexual. And not the good type.

      But anon, he can't be gay. He said he didn't like the old mgs games.

      • 4 months ago

        Yup, that's a textbook definition of sexually confused closet twink, and a Fortnite player.
        Official art, btw. troony-nies can frick off.

    • 4 months ago

      >Go play Nier Automata

      Need to finish that one as soon as my switch gets fixed, I remember not hating it atleast.


      Played a bit already. Extremely boring. Exploration is very on rails, combat is same boring Resi shit that everybody jacks off, not realizing that level design is the only thing that brings everything in those games together, because it's a very sum of its parts type of game. I DID like reading the logs and stuff more than most games. But it is very hard for me to continue playing a game with middling, or uninspired gameplay. Maybe I just haven't been convinced by the right person

      • 4 months ago

        Okay, gay.

    • 4 months ago

      >I think you might be a bit homosexual. And not the good type.

      Also, I forgot. Why can't I simply like something different without dismissively being assigned some arbitrary label of which there's no evidentiary basis for? I have more than enough reason to think the things I do and could probably write essays about it. I don't get it.

      • 4 months ago

        >I could write essays

    • 4 months ago

      >Go play Nier Automata
      id fricking kill myself if I had to play that shit while depressed, the best way to predict that story is to get on the worst most pessimistic mindset possible and expect the absolute worst even if it doesn't make sense.

    • 4 months ago

      >Jewnami axed Kojima Productions before they had time to complete and polish the campaign.
      they gave him years upon years and one day when he was modeling the pores on quiets feet they said ok time to wrap it up for real. no idea why dumb fricks defend this idiot that didndu nuffin

  2. 4 months ago

    The gameplay is fun enough, I'm someone who I a big fan of the metal gear series so this game was just kinda disappointing for me. A lot of my problems stem from the story and what this game does to the characters from peace walker, but since you don't seem to care about that I'll stick just to gameplay.

    The basic sneaking gameplay in this game is pretty good, though I don't find it as fun and as engaging as the older mgs titles. The game controls well and there are a lot of things to research and take out with you on missions, some fun stuff but a lot of it is just "GUN BUT DOES MORE DAMAGE/HAS MORE AMMO" which I find a little lame. At the end of the day the best strategy for this game is still to just shoot people in the head with the tranq gun, especially considering the game goes into slow motion everytime you get spotted and pressing aim point you almost directly below the enemies head, which is very lame (but to be fair you can turn this off).

    The open world structure is the worst part of the game, the side missions are all boring copy paste stuff and the second half of the main story is pretty padded out too. The game just overall starts to lose steam in the second half. Really the game gains nothing from being open world other than travel time, and if anything just kinda makes it feel less like a metal gear game.

    Those are my basic thoughts anyway, the game is like a 7/10. Fun enough for a playthrough if you're a fan of the series or like this kind of games, but it's not the seconding coming of christ or anything like some people say.

    • 4 months ago

      >Those are my basic thoughts anyway, the game is like a 7/10. Fun enough for a playthrough if you're a fan of the series or like this kind of games, but it's not the seconding coming of christ or anything like some people say.

      missions are cool the rest is a sloppy sandbox with repetitive tasks. Motherbase and FOB? Worst shit ever. Forced ”multiplayer” thats shit.

      >missions are cool the rest is a sloppy sandbox with repetitive tasks. Motherbase and FOB? Worst shit ever. Forced ”multiplayer” thats shit.

      Dammit, I really need a second coming of Christ tier game, right now, but actually just a tier below.

      So an 8.5-9/10 right now. Frick

  3. 4 months ago

    missions are cool the rest is a sloppy sandbox with repetitive tasks. Motherbase and FOB? Worst shit ever. Forced ”multiplayer” thats shit.

    • 4 months ago

      Motherbase is dope. I have never played a game with such an expansive personal base. Its crazy. I also worked in oil and gas, so I love oilrigs anyway, but the base idea is very cool. You’ve probably never even jumped in the chopper and just flown from platform to platform while smoking a cigarette. It’s like a carnival ride. I love it.

      • 4 months ago

        >Motherbase is dope. I have never played a game with such an expansive personal base.

        There's nothing IN it. It's just window dressing. And you can't even change its floorplan.

  4. 4 months ago

    >But it all just sounds sus
    the game isn't for you

  5. 4 months ago

    Why did kojima decide to use this game to turn Huey into the worst person ever

    • 4 months ago

      Because he realized just making him an exact 1:1 copy of Otacon was a fricking moronic idea.

  6. 4 months ago

    This game has been on sale for $5 bucks w/ GZ included for years. Just buy it. If you don’t get your fob to AAA+ you didn’t beat the game (although its getting a bit late in its life cycle for fob shenanigans)

  7. 4 months ago

    Yeah it's really fun

  8. 4 months ago

    All stealth games are fundamentally shit where you mindlessly watch a computer guy until he turns around, you're obviously going by subjective feel at a certain point

    • 4 months ago

      >you're obviously going by subjective feel at a certain point

      Not really. There is a stealth game I have liked, or at the very least appreciated. But no point in mentioning it, since "good" discussion never comes at the mention of it.

  9. 4 months ago

    The controls and the freedom that you get are second to none, but the downside is that the world is borderline empty and there's nothing to use all those good things on
    Plus the story is hardly resembling any previous metal gears. Audio tapes were also a tremendous mistake since they replaced live codec calls and you'd just be basically listening to something that has already happened thus there's no emotion conveyed, just a dude talking to himself about some moronic shit. No back and forth and no twists
    To be fair we're about to be almost 10 years over this game and even though the gameplay is excellent, the novelty already wore off. I think about it and I don't want to replay it at all since doing the same copy pasted missions on empty land bar some copy pasted outposts isn't as alluring anymore

  10. 4 months ago

    It has the best actual gameplay of any Metal Gear game. Only reason people hate it is because it's blatantly unfinished and all the cool plot threads are resolved in the most anticlimactic way possible. My recommendation is to stop playing after chapter 1, uninstall and just imagine what the rest of the game is like.

    • 4 months ago

      Chapter 2 is the best part. Without it it's just a generic revenge story with a happy ending.

      • 4 months ago

        "Generic revenge story" is infinitely better than the unfinished moronic mess that is the latter half of MGSV.

        • 4 months ago

          Watching motherbase turn on itself after their target is gone is pure kino.

  11. 4 months ago

    Gameplay is fun but the story was half baked if even that. This was actually my first MGS game sadly. I'll prob play the others eventually. Gameplay was engaging enough, but redoing missions to get the S tier or whatever was kinda of annoying.

    Quiet was always pleasant to look at.

  12. 4 months ago

    MGSV almost objectively has the best gameplay of the mgs series. What the other entries have over V are things like atmosphere, soundtrack, story, characters, etc. MGS1 is my favorite and I don’t mind it’s controls but V simply controls better

    • 4 months ago

      >What the other entries have over V are things like atmosphere, soundtrack, story, characters, etc.

      aka, useless worthlessly subjective things. what should really be highlighted that MGSV lacks. is level design, which is like the 2nd most important thing in a stealth game especially.

      • 4 months ago

        weak bait

      • 4 months ago

        That’s true that MGSV also has weaker level design but you’re an unironic homosexual if that’s the only thing that matters to you

        • 4 months ago

          >but you’re an unironic homosexual if that’s the only thing that matters to you

          ...what? urhh anyway...level design isn't appreciated or cared for nearly enough. probably because it's the hardest thing to do well, and also because it's admittedly pretty hard to understand, for me personally aswell, because it's not as straightforward as "nonlinear good!", "linear bad!" because I can think of counter examples for either.

          well anyway. you're pretty boring if the only form of engagement you can resort to is adhoms and arbitrary name calling, so I won't go any further. MGS fans are annoying man. But it may be a Konami thing, cuz Silent Hill fans are too. nothing about "game design" matters when it comes to these two fans of these two series. they just get a pass.

  13. 4 months ago

    You sound like an absolute cromag so you should probably avoid it.

  14. 4 months ago

    I'm considering just buying Ground Zeroes alone, but $20 seems too steep for what I imagine won't be longer than 2 or 3 hours.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't know why it's still priced that high but yeah, wait for a sale. you can get the bundle for less than 10.

    • 4 months ago

      >$20 seems too steep for what I imagine won't be longer than 2 or 3 hours.

      First, it's not even one hour, GZ is like 35-40 minutes long.
      Secondly, as pointed out above MGSV Definitive Edition that INCLUDES Ground Zeroes is constantly on sale for five dollars. There is no reason to pay more than $5 for any of this because that's the going price.

      • 4 months ago

        >GZ is like 35-40 minutes long.
        it took me a few afternoons to get all the achievements. there's some meat in it, it's not completely devoid of content. I still wouldn't pay 20 bucks for it but I'm just saying.

      • 4 months ago

        >MGSV Definitive Edition that INCLUDES Ground Zeroes is constantly on sale for five dollars
        not anymore since the remasters got announced

        t. been waiting for it to drop in price, it refuses to dip below the $12 mark

      • 4 months ago

        it's also the same price as normal mgsv.. for some reason? why didn't they take away normal mgsv or like lower the price

        • 4 months ago

          some frickery is going on. on xbox the definitive edition is cheaper than standalone TPP. weird.

  15. 4 months ago

    The story is the closest games have come to art and the gameplay is the best in the series

  16. 4 months ago

    FoB invasions are fun for a while.

  17. 4 months ago

    who the frick has ever said that
    its got decently fun gameplay but its mainly a wacky hideo game
    t. zoomer

  18. 4 months ago

    It's fun for the first 30 hours, though it gets repetitive at the end, the campaign is too long imo.

    I only enjoyed it again when I played with mods like Infinite Heaven which lets you customize almost everything like vision/hearing ranges of enemies, or loadouts. You can even play with no weapons, having to rely on looting from enemies (OSP), which forces you to get creative on your approach.

  19. 4 months ago

    >explaining how the gameplay is fun
    Umm what am I supposed to say? Snake handles perfectly, there are several movement options and executing them feels natural. Missions are designed in a very open way. You can walk around the outpost, mark enemies with your binoculars and think of what is the best way to approach it. There's endless ways of doing it, in fact I've never been in any mission that felt like it had an "intended" way of executing it.

  20. 4 months ago

    This game filtered Ganker it's fricking great. Sounds like you're looking for gameplay and the purest MGS "gameplay loop" (yeah yeah I hate the term too) in the series (except for MGS2 VR missions maybe) is found when grinding high level FOB's. People complain about lack of level design, well try ghosting any of the core FOB platforms to the core on a Lv.52+ base. Turn off the HUD if you don't like markers. The game's biggest crime is presentation and exposition, but if you can get past that it's got some of the best replay value in the series. Just don't be scared of FOB's and don't burn yourself out on side ops like an autist. Play with every new gadget you unlock instead of tranq headshot all the time.

    No morons in here will ever change my mind it's one of my favorite games of the last decade

    • 4 months ago

      >except for MGS2 VR missions maybe

      damn. a man that understands. I'm convinced. only worried that the game will be too...frontloaded is the only word I can think of. But it's not the right word. I'm moreso thinking "too loaded on the FOBs" or whatever that is. Just hope everything else doesnt feel too much like bloat or unsatisfying, and doesn't get in the way of whatever the FOB is

      • 4 months ago

        FOB is the mode that allows you to attack other players' bases and steal their shit. You unlock it after mission 23 and it's a nice mode that complements the game thematically and also gameplay-wise. It's a nice break from the open world gameplay, to be able to do more traditional infiltrations, and it's by far the most efficient way to grind resources to get the nice high level gear. It doesn't take anything away from the main game, don't listen to morons with their complaints about "forced online" these are the same gays that play dark souls offline to avoid invasions.

    • 4 months ago

      >turn off the hud
      The game is miles and harder without the hud. Anyone who thinks the game is too easy has never played no hud, no traq, no reflex. Its a totally different game. A much harder one.

      • 4 months ago

        100% agree. Turn off the HUD and reflex and suddenly it feels like classic MGS. It's a shame the markers and reticle are on by default and that these settings aren't tied to a difficulty setting or bonus points or something. But the option is there for players if they aren't too autistic to customize their experience a bit.

        • 4 months ago

          I think there are mods for that, but I'm still too much of a noob for that shit

          also OP if you're on PC get it for PC, cause there's tons of mods for side missions and to frick around with your character (or enemy's sight to be better etc)

  21. 4 months ago


  22. 4 months ago

    It has the best controls of any game ever.
    But the level design isn't good enough to accommodate them.

  23. 4 months ago

    It's not really open world. It's just a big space you can tackle things from many angles

    The controls are seriously 10/10 tho.

    But it takes like 20 minutes until you leave tutorial.

    Why are you scared, download a pirated version and test it. Holy shit, what a gaylord

  24. 4 months ago

    Start with Ground Zero since Phantom Pain has like a 30 minute tutorial with Kojima nonsense story beats while Ground Zero is straight into stealth action in Guantanamo Bay and the little story there is it's actual thriller spy shit

  25. 4 months ago

    Two missions
    >Capture/kill random guy
    >Trail random guy and THEN capture/kill him
    In the meantime, you're picking shit up off the floor in an empty world with copy and pasted outposts. God I hate this game.

  26. 4 months ago

    the gameplay and story are both good. people that didn't like are morons who just wanted to see a story they already knew front to back.

  27. 4 months ago

    I would recommend Ghost Recon Breakpoint over this game.

    • 4 months ago


      The sound design in wildlands makes shooting dudes so insanely satisfying but there's almost no other stealth option other than silencers and shitty melee animations. Breakpoint has better animations overall but a generic empty world.

      Metal Gear is fun because you can surrender enemies at gunpoint, beat them up, choke them, shoot darts, throw stun or sleep grenades, shoot guns and fulton them or leave them to die slowly, you can frick around with them.

  28. 4 months ago

    It's amazing for what it is: a blatantly unfinished game. Storywise, there are some good bits but as a whole it just feels like half the story is missing. Same goes for the gameplay, which is amazing but you only get so many decent missions and the open world feels completely pointless. It's a weird combination of the most refined and perfect gameplay you'll ever experience in what is otherwise a rough draft of a game. Even though it feels like there's only just a handfull of good missions, you can approach them in so many different ways that the game never gets old. It is a 10/10 sandbox.

  29. 4 months ago

    Look up Quiet if you think she is hot play the game pretty simple

  30. 4 months ago

    >Nobody actually describes why, except for the occasional vague "THE CONTROLS ARE AWESOME BECAUSE THEYRE NOT LIKE TLOU OR GTA (THING I DONT LIKE BTW!!! THEREFORE OPPOSITE IS GOOD!)".
    I like TLOU, the controls are fine for the feeling of weight and that you're an old strong daddy joel. But Phantom Pain you're an agile cool tactical soldier spy so they made it a very reponsive thing while still maintaing some inertia and weight and solid animations that feel cool. It feels loose, like it fits to your particular play style.

    You can go and shoot everyone with a machine gun like you're 1959 Nick Fury, run around, use grenade launchers and go full loud motherfricker. Or you can slowly sneak by people and surrender them at gunpoint, interrogate them, then crawl or then sneak less slowly etc. Or you can blow up a mine to cause a distraction and take out 3 dudes near one another etc. It's barely a sandbox (they're just big areas barely connected and very empty), but it is a stealth mechanics sandbox where you can do shit from many angles and styles.

    The fundamentals of the control are very loose, enjoyable, freeing and fit to what you want to play at that moment.

    • 4 months ago

      I felt the game punished me a bit if I played it loud.

      • 4 months ago

        When I first played it I only played loud (or at least initially with a supressor but lethal). I hated stealth and the grenade launcher was too much fun.

        Specially also because Quiet starts unsupressed, so when she shot it was loud lethal rounds so I'd just kill everyone

  31. 4 months ago

    It's literally the only MGS game that actually has stealth mechanics. The first two are especially hilarious in this regard, since they're glorified Pacman.

    • 4 months ago

      I'd say snakeeater has stealth mechanics

      • 4 months ago

        A game only has stealth mechanics when you have crouch walking and shadows that makes you invisible, both very realistic elements.

    • 4 months ago

      There is stealth even in 1 and 2, but it takes way more patience and the gameplay then becomes less fun

    • 4 months ago

      >the only MGS game that actually has stealth mechanics

      The one where you can just lay down on the ground wearing something the complete wrong colour in the middle of the day and 90% of the time the guards don't see you, and if they do reflex mode triggers so you can just shoot them in the head, that's the one you want to claim is the only mgs game with stealth mechanics?

      • 4 months ago

        What? If you have the right camo they see you at 50m if you're crouched and at 10m (or 5?) if you're lying down. If you're wearing a bad camo it's even further and shirtless is even further (and there's more penalties if you're moving and bigger ones if you're running).

  32. 4 months ago

    It's a slop sandbox game thats designed around mission based gameplay. Yes, if you hate open world turd, then good god, avoid it all costs. Are you fricking high??

    • 4 months ago

      But it's not really open world. You end a mission, go back to the chopper, choose another mission. Unless you want to stay in the 'open world' and chase the next mission on car or horse

      (ie like a moron)

  33. 4 months ago

    It's worth it for $8 or whatever it cost during a steam sale

  34. 4 months ago

    Yes it is great. There is some hilarious shit if you have enough creativity.

  35. 4 months ago

    You're a manly 50s-60s old timey soldier in the gay 80s in soviet Afghanistan playing YOU SPIN ME ROUND on your walkman.

    Yes it's worth it.

  36. 4 months ago

    I really liked the gameplay. Kojima writing aside, there was something oddly comfy about the somewhat open world, helicopter support, capturing enemy soldiers and unlocking new shit through the tech tree.
    Now on the bad side, research taking hours/days is fricking moronic, the multiplayer aspect is also terrible, basically they ruined several parts of the game in order to sell microtransactions. I also feel like there should be way more side missions or random events in free roam. Game loses its charm once you beat it, but it was a lot of fun while it lasted.

    • 4 months ago

      >there should be way more side missions or random events in free roa
      search for side ops mods, it's genuinely good

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