In defence of Dark Souls 2..

In defence of Dark Souls 2..

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Unironically still my favourite in the series and I don't give a frick.

    • 12 months ago

      Your first Dark Souls tends to be your favorite.

      • 12 months ago

        played dark souls first but 2 is my favorite

      • 12 months ago

        Played Demons Souls first. Scholar is the best one.

      • 12 months ago

        this is genuine projection, you know it because its always people whose fav is das1 who say it

        • 12 months ago

          Your first Dark Souls tends to be your favorite.

          Nah I played 1 when I was like 12 made it to the demon axe thing, but explored other things this was like 2012 so not to much internet information. I couldn't figure out why the game was so hard, but then in 2015 or whenever 3 came out I bought that and beat it at ng+++ currently but in 2018 I got dark souls 2 I put the most time into it my 1st play through. I actually got lost in the gutter for awhile I couldn't figure out how to get back. But anyway dark souls 2 Is my favorite dark souls 1 is special the 1st half but once you get to sins fortress it loses its magic feeling to me. I beat dark souls 1 probably like 3 times, I tend to get bored around the chaos boss or whatever. So I went backwards I did everything I could before ringing the 1st church bell. It's kinda fun, I think I left off after the tomb of giants I only have the choas bed left and the church bell then I should be a straight shot to the last flame... But I played blood borne in 2020 I think I got it for free on Playstation plus with the dlc... My favorites are bloodborne and dark souls 2. I played and beat elden ring on release here's mine ds2>blood borne dungeons included>1st half of dark souls 1>elden ring > dark souls 3> 2nd half of dark souls 1> skerio > demon souls

      • 12 months ago

        Played SoTFS last and its my favorite

      • 12 months ago

        I played DS3 first and like 2 the most.

      • 12 months ago

        Started with DaS1 yet prefer DaS3 over it

      • 12 months ago

        played dark souls first but 2 is my favorite

        Played Demons Souls first. Scholar is the best one.

        Played SoTFS last and its my favorite

        I played DS3 first and like 2 the most.

        Started with DaS1 yet prefer DaS3 over it

        >shameless samegay
        Notice how they’re all carefully worded differently with differing capitalization but they give every since example contradicting the original statement with no overlap.

        • 12 months ago

          >schizo psychically detects samegay (not)
          what's your secret?

    • 12 months ago

      >Souls 2 fans will unironically defend this monstrosity animation.

      • 12 months ago

        Um yikes sweaty, don't you know that's pure SOVL?

  2. 12 months ago

    >literally left in the trash by fromsoft who now pretends it never happened

    • 12 months ago

      >literally wears the fricking armor of that game

  3. 12 months ago

    Literally cured my depression. Best souls game.
    Manages to have a very coherent plot - both literal and meta - despite it's development issues. People who think it's too hard or some shit all have ADHD (Iron Keep and Shrine of Amana simply require you to take it slow and steady and you'll clear the zones within 1 to 3 tries). The encounters are designed to pit you against multiple enemies but each individual enemy has a simple attack moveset by themselves. This is a far better step-up of the game design than BB/DS3/ER's "here's a fricking wild homie with unreadable berserker moves".

    But yeah, most importantly, it's got such a simple life advice to give people that play it.

    >No matter how tender, how exquisite, a lie is still a lie.
    >For now, seek strength, the rest will follow.

    If you're depressed, just get stronger. Physically. Mentally. Everything else will follow, stop overthinking life. All the building blocks will fall into place if you just focus on setting the bottom of the pyramid and then focus on whatever layer of the pyramid you build up to.

    >aaah I'm anti-social, I have no job skills, I am a coomer, I game too much
    Ok, just go to public meetings and hangouts, once a week, slow and steady. Learn to drive, get a basic job, do 5 sets of 15 pushups a day. So simple to start out, but the simplicity is masked by the high end goals (great job, amazing girlfriend, whatever) if you focus on the end. That's stupid. Just seek strength, the rest will follow.

    • 12 months ago

      >The encounters are designed to pit you against multiple enemies but each individual enemy has a simple attack moveset by themselves
      Yeah nah I'd rather take the one or 2 crazy enemies than this aids chasing me for 10 miles

      • 12 months ago

        >aggro 5 enemies
        >waaaah why are they chasing meeee

        You're never forced to deal with more than 2 Alonne Knights in Iron Keep at a time in a few parts of Iron Keep.

        If you want to bum rush through the levels then go play some other game entirely, Call of Duty is more your speed I think.

        • 12 months ago

          >Doesn't activate the pressure plate dropping them all into the lava
          You start to see why only stupid people hate 2

          Yeah Iron Keep has group encounters but you literally had to run past and kite multiple enemies to assemble that screenshot.

          Okay please defend this then
          That horse boss where you have to run past like 10 dudes to get through a narrow bridge.
          Why should I have to go through that shit?
          DS1 only did this for the final boss

          • 12 months ago

            That was every Demons Souls level

          • 12 months ago

            >run past
            Stopped reading there

            • 12 months ago

              those guys don't die in one hit, they aren't scrubs by the time you get there and they get aggro'd by hearing the wind move
              Not to mention the gimmick boss is already a headache when you're unfamiliar at first

              • 12 months ago

                wahhh wahhhh gooo goooo gaaaa

              • 12 months ago

                If you curb your ADHD for 10 minutes you can find that each and every single enemy on the way to Executioner's Chariot can be aggroed 1 by 1. You simply have to be patient and learn their aggro ranges. It's literally only hard if you're impatient. It's literally just another rendition of meme in pic.

              • 12 months ago

                >You simply have to be patient and learn their aggro ranges. It's literally only hard if you're impatient. It's literally just another rendition of meme in pic.
                Yeah that's cringe my guy, souls has much better avenues to force you to be patient instead of stacking mobs before a boss door in a narrow pathway and picking them off one by one.

          • 12 months ago

            That boss isn't even hard and what you have to do is pretty obvious. If you want to b***h about a boss b***h about the Blue Smelter Demon. That's the worst runback Souls has ever had by a mile.

            • 12 months ago

              It's fun. There's several ways through it. Go the long way and use spook spell. Stack poise and tank through the corridor. Or go light and roll through it. Only people who play at 69% equip load and fell for the adp meme struggle with it.

            • 12 months ago

              >the iron passage is the worst runback
              >forgetting the fricking frigid outskirts
              the passage is still a real pain in the dick, don't get me wrong, but there are multiple places you can readily cower in fear if you have to and the fact shit doesn't spawn out of the ether means you have a consistent problem to deal with, instead of being buttfricked quite literally from the blue by unicorns while running blind in the great nothingness

              • 12 months ago

                Nothing excuses Frigid Outskirts for being cancer but AT LEAST it's an utterly optional area.

          • 12 months ago

            1. You running through without fighting because you can't wait to re-challenge the boss is your problem, not the game's. This franchise only got stupider for embracing "easy boss runs" design.
            2. That being said, running past the enemies in Huntsman's Copse on the way to Chariot is not fricking difficult whatsoever. There are some really tough boss runs in DS2 but this is not one of them. Absolute, complete and utter skill issue.

            • 12 months ago

              nta but funnily enough your pic is worse of a runback than chariot boss

              • 12 months ago

                not that you'd need to do a run back because he's pathetically easy and you really shouldn't be dying to him

      • 12 months ago

        >Doesn't activate the pressure plate dropping them all into the lava
        You start to see why only stupid people hate 2

      • 12 months ago

        Just treat every gank as a mini boss fight. Combine all their HP and pretend it's deacons of the deep. Literally every gank in SOTFS takes place near some environmental hazard or bottomless pit. Literally your fault for not knowing how to kite/bait enemies properly. You can't just spam god mode i-frames and chug a gorillion estus like dark souls 3. Learn to position your character, maybe buy some bombs if you want to save time, as they do AoE damage. SOTFS filters brainlets; it's the thinking/patient man's souls game. If you don't like ganks maybe don't speedrun the area, clear a hallway kite a baddie and fight them one at a time.

        • 12 months ago

          >inb4 muh weapon durability
          from the beginning of the game you get an infinite supply of weapons and a basically infinite amount of inventory space. save your main for bossfights. buy like 8 maces. Upgrade your boss fight weapon, spam disposables on mobs if you care. Enemies only infinitely respawn on Covenant of Champions, if your bad at the game just keep swinging until the areas become cleared and you can literally just walk to the boss with no enemies to harass you anymore.

          >muh soul memory
          Doesn't matter. Unless they're hacking you can fight any invader at any level. Even if you die it's like one second to pick your souls up again.

          • 12 months ago

            DS2's weapon durability should be the standard for the series. Having to have a back-up weapon for long levels is proper game design. It encourages experimenting with more than 1 weapon, makes crafting mats more precious and rewarding to find (gotta keep more than 1 weapon upgraded) and rewards forward thinking.

          • 12 months ago

            Just treat every gank as a mini boss fight. Combine all their HP and pretend it's deacons of the deep. Literally every gank in SOTFS takes place near some environmental hazard or bottomless pit. Literally your fault for not knowing how to kite/bait enemies properly. You can't just spam god mode i-frames and chug a gorillion estus like dark souls 3. Learn to position your character, maybe buy some bombs if you want to save time, as they do AoE damage. SOTFS filters brainlets; it's the thinking/patient man's souls game. If you don't like ganks maybe don't speedrun the area, clear a hallway kite a baddie and fight them one at a time.

            DS2's weapon durability should be the standard for the series. Having to have a back-up weapon for long levels is proper game design. It encourages experimenting with more than 1 weapon, makes crafting mats more precious and rewarding to find (gotta keep more than 1 weapon upgraded) and rewards forward thinking.

            Jesus christ nerd calm down your sperging and LITERALLY stop saying LITERALLY all the fricking time like LITERALLY

            • 12 months ago

              unironically have a nice day.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah Iron Keep has group encounters but you literally had to run past and kite multiple enemies to assemble that screenshot.

      • 12 months ago

        Disagree. High enemy counts and ganks encourage you to approach situations more strategically and learn the levels. Where as fighting one guy only teaches you how to press the iframe button at the right time. You can also design the enemies to individually be more fair and balanced if the the challenge is gonna be fighting groups. It's only a problem if you're too add and impatient but that's your fault.

      • 12 months ago

        Theres a lever that drops 4 turtleboys to the lava and 4 buttons you can sprint to to drop the elite alonne knights
        You got filtered

      • 12 months ago

        >These are the people telling you 2 is bad

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Nah Old Iron Keep is legitimately gay as frick and I usually play devil's advocate for DaS2.

          • 12 months ago

            What, you don't like fighting the same enemy spammed 15 times in a completely linear level with no shortcuts?

    • 12 months ago

      >Manages to have a very coherent plot
      Nice bait.

  4. 12 months ago

    it has soul.

  5. 12 months ago

    >Scholar of the First Sin RUINED Dark Souls 2
    DS2 bros, our response?

    • 12 months ago

      I loved vanilla DS2 and Scholar's remixes were excellent, no fricking clue what people are on about. I suspect it's the people who already hated DS2 for the group/tricky encounters being ass-mad that the game now has 20% more group/tricky encounters.

      Every multi-enemy encounter to me is an interesting puzzle, people that hate it placebo themselves into assuming the worst and not realize that it isn't that difficult.

    • 12 months ago

      It's actually true
      >puts a motherfricking horse in the castle because....?????
      No seriously in SOTFS they just took the chariot horse boss and dumped it in an area in the castle
      Did not even fricking bother to reskin it to make it look like a Knight horse or something
      Lazy fricking subhuman devs
      Even elden ring at least gave the random soldiers different apparel and some different spells and weapons depending on what region you were in

      • 12 months ago

        >He didn't three shot the castle horse
        Just say you got filtered.

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          So it's right. DS2 is a lazy piece of shit

          flip a coin to figure out if SOTFS or elden ring are the large pieces of shit

          • 12 months ago

            But every souls game does, including Vanilla DS2. You could equally be mad about flexile sentry being in Shaded Woods if you were going to be fair. And it replaces fighting like 6 Allone Knight archers.

            • 12 months ago

              every souls game does... what? Re-releases a soulless remake where they did nothing but tweak the graphics and copy paste shit around the map?

              • 12 months ago

                Repurpose a boss as an enemy.

              • 12 months ago

                Well that's cool because that's not what I was talking about you aspie moron

    • 12 months ago

      Literally none.
      Autists invading Frigid Outskirts every 20 minutes YEARS after release led to Elden Ring's devs castrating its PVP.
      Autismal Invaders ultimately griefed themselves out of a playstyle.

    • 12 months ago

      It absolutely did. SOTFS base game is absolute dogshit compared to vanillas base game. Anyone arguing otherwise did not play vanilla.

      • 12 months ago

        Being able to use a torch against freja ruins the game

  6. 12 months ago

    >In defence of darks souls 2
    Power stancing was actually a good concept that was never used again which is a shame. everything else was shit though

    • 12 months ago

      They literally have it in elden ring.

  7. 12 months ago

    At least it's better than 3

    Current objective ranking for fromsofties is

    Dark souls 1, kings field 4
    Bloodborne, elden ring
    Demon's souls, shadow tower abyss, sekiro
    King's field 3, dark souls 2
    King's field 2, dark souls 3
    Shadow tower
    King's field 1

  8. 12 months ago

    I'm doing a hex run with the crypt blacksword and I'm having fun

  9. 12 months ago

    >DS3babies are lumping Elden Kino with Dark Souls fricking 2
    DS3 and DS2 are the black sheep of the series.

    • 12 months ago

      Cry about it
      If it wasn't for DS2, ER would never be a thing

  10. 12 months ago

    I realised DS2 was shit when I saw the parry/backstab animation

    • 12 months ago

      There's several different ones IGN reviewer.

    • 12 months ago

      >being this much of a pleb moron
      enjoy your garbage choreography

  11. 12 months ago

    It's overhated

    • 12 months ago

      Its fairly rated.
      Shit base game
      Good DLC

      • 12 months ago

        It came out 10 years ago and people are still seething. Can you imagine people hating Super Mario Bros in 1999 like this?

        • 12 months ago

          >Super Mario Bros
          Mean SMB2 btw

        • 12 months ago

          People you mean are vocal minority on plebbit and Ganker. They don't even have valid arguments towards the game. It's just pure noise and cognitive dissonance.

    • 12 months ago

      It's about as hated as Dragon's Dogma, but only half as loved.

  12. 12 months ago

    DS2 has zero good music outside of Majula.
    I have never seen anyone post a boss track from that piece of shit game

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      character creation

    • 12 months ago

      >mogs dark souls 3
      >mogs bloodborne

    • 12 months ago

      Skeleton Lords and Rat Vanguard have hilarious themes for their difficulty

  13. 12 months ago

    Best armor designs
    Good color palette
    High fantasy aesthetic with dark elements makes it superior to pure dark fantasy
    Truly feels like an adventure in a fantasy land
    Every build is viable and they are all equally strong
    You can grab any weapon and make it strong enough to use in pve or pvp, no exceptions
    Gameplay designed to shit on players who just run past all enemies and head to the boss as quick as possible
    Only game where poison is a viable tool against enemies

  14. 12 months ago

    Its a good game, just not a good souls game.

  15. 12 months ago

    I had way more fun with Dark Souls 2 than Elden Ring.

  16. 12 months ago

    The problem with DS2 is that everything feels so fricking weightless
    Just fricking look at Raime and see how every swing feels off, there's no weight to any of his animations
    Same shit can be said about every enemy in this game, there's something completely off about how they swing and attack you

    • 12 months ago

      Blizzard games are extremely popular though.

  17. 12 months ago

    Nothing to defend, it's a fantastic entry that pushed the series forward.
    That's why DS3 and ER use soo many mechanics DS2 pioeered.

  18. 12 months ago

    There’s no other game I both loathe and love in equal measure.

  19. 12 months ago

    The problem with Dark Souls II is that its just to forgettable with no actual good levels, there wasn't a single moment in the entire game where I genuinely felt like the quality surpassed my expectations going into Souls. They completely missed every single bullet point that made Dark Souls good.

    The entire game just feels bad, it feels like they deprioritized making the game immersive and interesting and went all on out "How do we make the game annoying to play?". Even the level design in Unfinished Souls III managed to be better.

    • 12 months ago

      >They completely missed every single bullet point that made Dark Souls good.
      Another expert on a "series" that is one game long. Who is your favorite e-celeb youtuber? perchance.

      • 12 months ago

        It has my favorite levels in the series

        >no actual good levels
        The Lost Bastille though... It's almost like a Demon's Souls area, or DS2's Painted World.

        DS2 was 10 times more iconic and innovative than Piss Filter 3, still a garbage game though.

        >The problem with Dark Souls II is that its just to forgettable with no actual good levels
        We still have people to this day seething about the Amana's Shrine and Iron Keep with the latter being in this thread right now, and if they played the game long enough to experience the true agony that is the Frigid Outskirts. Meanwhile I cant even remember a single dungeon from elden slop, aside from that trippy one with the repeat rooms

        This is something that's completely ruined any form of fromsoft criticism that is the worst here, if I even dare mention "Oh this sucks" the replies and defense points always without a fail default to git gud or "YoU wATcHED mAuLeR" as if its some sort of coincidence that we all just so happened to be parroting opinions that were regurgitated and it wasn't just that people who played Dark Souls went into Dark Souls II massively disappointed at the fact that the game didn't live up to expectations and it completely felt disconnected from what we played in Demon Souls and Dark Souls, for a long time people here denied that a separate team was working away at this game and then that was debunked when Bloodborne came out a year later and it was phenomenal and what I and many others wanted in a dark souls sequel.
        You guys are just insufferable, you refuse to acknowledge that there's overwhelming amount of hate for this particular game but you want to be the underdogs, to simply put it NO, you will never push for that narrative. Like the game all you want but if you're going to pretend its this 10/10 masterpiece and then play victim then, frick off Black person.

        • 12 months ago

          It's because the same spammer has been spammign DS2 threads for 9 years now

          He even says the same shit

          When elden ring dropped and peopel were liek "this shit is broken" he spammed the threads with "YOU ONLY HAVE THAT OPINION BECAUSE YOU WATCHED A YOUTUBER!!!!!!!!!!"

          It's the same fricking guy for a decade

          • 12 months ago

            >that spacing
            anti ds2 casual is a redditor. not surprised in the slightest

            • 12 months ago

              Shouldn't you be screeching about how nobody can have an pinion that you don't hold because they got it from a youtuber

              you can look up this dumb homosexual in the archives of the DS2 threads from 2014

              • 12 months ago

                sorry buddy I don't watch YouTube """"stars"""" explain a game for children to me because I'm an adult who can read. If you want to waste your time go ahead but please stop pretending like your third hand opinions are worth as much as those who have actually played (and can understand!) the fricking game

              • 12 months ago

                How does it feel to make the same posts for a decade straight?

              • 12 months ago

                you have schizophrenia

        • 12 months ago

          You're completely deranged

        • 12 months ago

          >didn't live up to expectations
          >felt completely disconnected
          oh so you're one of those pseuds that thinks that if you write a wall of text about how you feel it will conceal the fact that you have no genuine opinions

        • 12 months ago

          >muh feelings
          well that's nice but i don't have time for feelings or why Dark Souls 1 cured your depression but I know 2 is the most fun. And an elevator taking you to a lava city in the sky doesn't change that. In fact it's cool. What a fricking game.

          • 12 months ago

            This looks like shit. I dont know what you were trying to prove here but I sincerely do not believe you understand Dark Souls or the formula. If this is what you enjoy you m ight aswell go play LITERALLY ANY game because you'll get enjoyment out of anything I assume.

            • 12 months ago

              >you do not understand souls or the formula
              >I lack the critical thinking necessary to articulate myself and will just continue to post vague nonsense and this will surely convince people I am correct
              You are so moronic you don't have the capacity to understand how moronic you are.

              • 12 months ago

                You know that area in the beginning of Fallen Giants where there's 20 enemies laid flat on the ground waiting for you to walk one step too close so they could all get up and beat the shit out of you? that particular part summarize the entirety of what's wrong with this game, it tries too hard to get you with those "GOTCHA" moments and this game handles group encounters terribly. There's only one other time where I remember something like this happening in Dark Souls and it was near the first bell where the gargoyles are fought when you head up to that arena and even that part wasn't nearly as cancerous as dark souls 2 because in dark souls the controls managed to not feel like restrictive shit, dark souls 2 literally has shit tier handling and delayed movements so every engagement is garbage and the majority of the game is in turn shit because you're fighting multiple guys at once.

                >muh feelings
                well that's nice but i don't have time for feelings or why Dark Souls 1 cured your depression but I know 2 is the most fun. And an elevator taking you to a lava city in the sky doesn't change that. In fact it's cool. What a fricking game.

                Look at this webm, it literally happens right then and there, that's lame as frick and shitty. Like jeez I dont remember having 4 silver knights chase me down at moch speeds that also hit like a truck

              • 12 months ago

                >died to the soldiers in the forest of the fallen giants
                >thinks there's anything GOTCHA about the obvious corpses reanimating
                ah once again the anti ds2gays when pressed on why they actually don't like it out themselves as immense casuals. why is it so hard for you to understand that you're supposed to take on the enemies using the environment? ah I see because you're a massive pleb who can only handle one enemy at a time and god forbid they change the formula at all. Casuals like you are why the games post ds2 abandoned actually challenging the player in favour of 1v1 fights where you dont have to pay attention to what's going on.

                In the iron keep, an example you might point to as "cancerous", you are literally invading an enemy castle and the knights are mounting a defence. In ds3 and Elden ring, the knights in defense of their lord file through one at a time to die to you in a corridor. Casuals like you who can't adapt to even the slightest change are the cancer killing the industry.

              • 12 months ago

                DS1 is way more bullshit LMAO GOTCHA moments than DS2 and it's not even close, plus most of these outright kill you.

                -Hellkite one shotting you on the bridge
                -Capra Demon + 2 dogs stunlock fight
                -Forced Death on Seath first encounter
                -Several collapsing floors in Blightown that just kill you
                -Surprise arena collapse to Stray Demon that takes away 50% of your HP followed by an instant hammer smack if you don't spam roll and run in a corner
                -Falling in Nito's Arena takes away almost 50% of your HP followed by him chain casting gravelord sword from under you
                -Bed of Chaos arena pieces collapsing form under you with zero telegraphing

                You can clearly see FROM stepping away from these "OOPS a piano fell on your head, LMAO get gud" deaths after the early games and going into traps and ambushes that are far better hinted at if you look for them, while still being very harsh if you don't.
                Meanwhile DS2 just has a bunch of "surprise 3-4 enemies, think fast" moments.

              • 12 months ago

                none of these were frustrating because the game did not control like shit. DS2 on the other hand feels like shit and has overturned encounters, and the bosses are piss easy which insult to injury.

              • 12 months ago

                >game feels like shit
                >game controls like shit
                not valid criticisms because they don't mean anything. sounds like a skill issue to me

              • 12 months ago

                >game feels like shit
                >game controls like shit
                >>not valid criticisms because they don't mean anything

              • 12 months ago

                well I think it feels and controls good so I guess you're just wrong

              • 12 months ago

                The game has the exact same control scheme as ds1 you mong

              • 12 months ago

                NTA but the way animations work means the games play virtually nothing alike. The guy who designed the combat system for DaS2 was previously a designer for Monster Hunter and the games feel very different as a result. 1 is a slow paced almost dungeon crawler with intentionally clunky combat while 2 tries to play more like a rhythmic fighting game.

              • 12 months ago

                no there's definitely a noticeable difference in the way the game feels compared to every other souls game. I'd argue Dark Souls II has some of the worst delayed controls and the movement feels really fricking clunky. What would you want me to do to prove this to you?

                so one anti ds2gay is saying that it's really clunky, and we have another saying ds1 is the clunky one and ds2 is actually a rhythm game!
                you know it's just pathetic jealousy when even the haters don't agree

              • 12 months ago

                >if I pretend not to be able to read the criticism goes away hurrrrr

              • 12 months ago

                >everyone must listen to MY moronic opinions that no one else agrees with and engage with them as valid criticisms

              • 12 months ago

                no there's definitely a noticeable difference in the way the game feels compared to every other souls game. I'd argue Dark Souls II has some of the worst delayed controls and the movement feels really fricking clunky. What would you want me to do to prove this to you?

              • 12 months ago

                >The game has the exact same control scheme as ds1 you mong

              • 12 months ago

                All movement is locked to 8 directions, it wasn’t this way in 1.
                Look up “how to fix DS2 movement” on YouTube. It edits a file and makes movement smooth. I think it was an oversight.

              • 12 months ago

                If that's the case why can i run in a circle without snapping in diagonal directions? You don't know what you're talking about. Even if you hypothetically moved in 8 directions who fricking cares? You move in 8 directions playing any pc game and it never effected anything. A DS2 character would literally run circles around a DS1 charactery. You objectively move better.

              • 12 months ago

                Don’t lie to yourself, anon. You are demonstrably wrong.

              • 12 months ago

                1) What does contol even have to do with garbage instant-death gotcha moments?
                You don't even get to act, you just die. Did you even think before posting?

                2) DS2 actually controls better and is faster than DS2 at every single weight class except the ninjaflip.
                A DS2 midroll at 70% weight is just a single frame slower than a DS1 fastroll, with just reduced distance. And with 30% weight, your roll length is as long as the DS1 fastroll.

                And having iframed tied to ADP is a non issue, first bosses in DS2 give you between 10K and 17K souls + a 4K boss soul and levels in DS2 cost nearly 1/2 of what they do in DS1/3. You can quickly go to Dragonrider, kill him by just strafing and blocking and you'll have 15 levels worth of ADP and you won't need to think about that again until maybe very lategame DLC or tryhard PvP shit.
                DS2's weight system won, that's why both DS3 and ER used it.

              • 12 months ago

                controls feel like shit so now enemies encounters are terrible and not fun, enemies encounters are not fun so entire levels are not fun. There's a method to Fromsoftware's madness and people dont understand how essential alot of the designs are.

              • 12 months ago

                >controls feel like shit
                Stop talking like a woman, because you will never be one.

              • 12 months ago

                DS3 and ER dumbed down 2's weight system. In 2 it works linearly so a 50% weight gives you a benefit over a 55% weight, and there's actual tangible benefits and differences depending what weight you're at like roll distance and stamina regen speed.

              • 12 months ago

                The linearity was soo subtle that most didn't notice it before dataminers looked into it.
                The DS2 system with clear 30/70 breakpoints with obvious distance changes is probably better for visibility.

              • 12 months ago

                No it isn't because there's virtually zero reason for everyone to not just be at 69% all the time. It's really not that subtle. You don't even have to level adp if you're light enough to just roll away from everything and your stamina refills fast as shit. You can balance a low stamina pool with fast regen, or vice-versa. It gives you so many more options how to play the game.

              • 12 months ago

                They buffed 30% in ER quite a bit.
                Also, BHS is better at 30%.

              • 12 months ago

                >Surprise arena collapse to Stray Demon that takes away 50% of your HP followed by an instant hammer smack if you don't spam roll and run in a corner
                He actually does a 180 when you fall into his arena to prevent this. I can imagine they tested this in development and got annoyed at him AoE insta-killing you at the start.

              • 12 months ago

                That's every souls game though. You're just an idiot and soft. Maybe you get one or two guys to wake up, but if you're still mindlessly running around and not getting the situation that's your fault. It's pretty fair and still here you are crying about getting filtered in the first area. lmao these are the people telling you 2 is bad.

              • 12 months ago

                none of these were frustrating because the game did not control like shit. DS2 on the other hand feels like shit and has overturned encounters, and the bosses are piss easy which insult to injury.

                >everything has to be a yes or no answer
                >oh shit he got me? i'll just generalize


              • 12 months ago

                bro if you need handholds then just go back to skyrim

              • 12 months ago

                >where there's 20 enemies laid flat on the ground waiting for you to walk one step too close so they could all get up and beat the shit out of you?
                They get up only after you get close to them, you can realize what is going to happen after the first time and attack the rest before they get up. They have what, 100 HP? You can kill every single one of them in a span of 10 dagger hits.
                >that particular part summarize the entirety of what's wrong with this game
                A single area in the game with some sleeping enemies in it summarizes everything wrong with the game?
                >dark souls 2 literally has shit tier handling and delayed movements
                Literally shit tier handling and delayed movements in what way? There are no delayed movements in the game.
                >it literally happens right then and there, that's lame as frick and shitty. Like jeez I dont remember having 4 silver knights chase me down at moch speeds that also hit like a truck
                >that's lame as frick and shitty
                It isn't. You can use the environment to your advantage and fight them one-on-one, you can kill them with ranged attacks, you can block them with a shield or simply escape from the fight.

                >game feels like shit
                >game controls like shit
                >>not valid criticisms because they don't mean anything

                >game feels like shit
                >what does this mean? well, the game feels like shit
                That's not an argument. Expand on whatever do you mean or stop posting such nothingburgers

              • 12 months ago

                >Died to the most basic enemy in the first stage
                >Thinks he's entitled to an opinion
                F I L T E R E D
                You can literally stagger them and mow them down with the fricking dagger

            • 12 months ago

              >i-it's not duh formula yeah yeah..
              Hot youtube analysis

          • 12 months ago

            To understand why this is a bad thing i wan to take you back to mihacki mywieneri's childhood. Quote "When i was a young boy and ventured into the woods..." and this is why ds2 fails. Link to my twitter and patreon in the description

        • 12 months ago

          No one is saying DS2 is a masterpiece, they are saying it's the best souls game DS2enjoyers have played every souls game, and one way or another decided afterward to continue to play "le funny meme game everyone hates" because they admire its variety and agree that most games after it have almost zero replay value. Every DS2hater is someone saying the exact same thing over and over, and when pressed for further information, they never have anything to say or add to discussion.
          >"ew clunky"
          okay, and?
          >"ew poison swamp"
          okay, and?
          >"ew ganks"
          okay, play better
          >"no i don't want to"
          okay, great talk

          Like, what do you want?

    • 12 months ago

      It has my favorite levels in the series

      • 12 months ago

        Not a single area in shit souls 2 apart from bastille and heides tower of flame is even remotely good
        It's literally the game with the most
        >that area

        • 12 months ago

          >that area
          what the frick does that even mean moron? you are so full of shit that you can't even express yourself like a well adjusted person. go out and touch some boobs homosexual Black person.

        • 12 months ago

          This doesn't mean anything. Go back to youtube.

        • 12 months ago

          >that area
          ie filtered. It always comes out.

    • 12 months ago

      >no actual good levels
      The Lost Bastille though... It's almost like a Demon's Souls area, or DS2's Painted World.

      • 12 months ago

        >endless grey empty corridors with no lighting and nothing going on
        You're reaching

        • 12 months ago

          You could describe almost every level in a souls game as grey corridors. It has corridors, but it also has wide open spaces too. What's wrong with corridors anyway? It's the most efficient way to get from A-B and it's a prison. Lost Bastille has plenty of exploration, side paths, optional bosses, secrets, and things to do.
          And still you people b***h about too many enemies. Amazing.

    • 12 months ago

      DS2 was 10 times more iconic and innovative than Piss Filter 3, still a garbage game though.

    • 12 months ago

      >The problem with Dark Souls II is that its just to forgettable with no actual good levels
      We still have people to this day seething about the Amana's Shrine and Iron Keep with the latter being in this thread right now, and if they played the game long enough to experience the true agony that is the Frigid Outskirts. Meanwhile I cant even remember a single dungeon from elden slop, aside from that trippy one with the repeat rooms

  20. 12 months ago

    Dark Souls 2 has gotten less and less distasteful as the Souls franchise became more and more mediocre and less truly special and innovative. It's a huge letdown compared to DeS and DaS, but sits comfortably as a B-tier game in the market saturation of Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, and Elden Ring.

  21. 12 months ago

    Elden Ring is peak fromsoft
    >best and most beautiful environments
    >great variety if enemies and bosses
    >some of the coolest weapons ever

    If you disagree you're a subhuman with no taste

  22. 12 months ago

    >me realizing items have zero stamina penalty
    Is this the eve of my enlightenment?

    • 12 months ago

      Their weight gives the penalty no?

  23. 12 months ago

    Dark Souls 2 (2014) is so fricking good, man. Waiting for Scholar to go on sale and I'll try it, but man, Dark Souls 2. Cheese that Heide guy, pop an ascetic, cheese him again, bang, get like 40000 souls in the first 10 minutes of the game. Drop down to the Gutter, kill that shitty boss, pop an ascetic, kill him again, bang, now your level is so high you can powerstance ultra greatswords and anally rape everything in the game. Takes you like 40 minutes to enjoy the game.

  24. 12 months ago

    legitimately my favorite fromsoft game but the fricking drakekeepers in the dragon aerie still make me angry
    worst enemy type in the series

  25. 12 months ago

    Dark Souls 2 doesn't need defence, it's the best Souls game. It feels like King's field, a genuine adventure with a coherent plot and the DLCs are superb. People only whines about ADP and gank squads but gank squads are fun to handle, scholar of the first sin is the best edition.

  26. 12 months ago

    not sure why casuals complain about the quantity of enemies? god forbid you actually encounter challenge in the overworld and the game isn't just kill 1/2 mooks at a time then encounter a boss

  27. 12 months ago

    you do own all of them, right?

    • 12 months ago

      so clunky

  28. 12 months ago

    Kino DLC, fun invasions.

    • 12 months ago

      >3 massive dlcs with tons of weapons and equipment
      >each with their own unique aesthetic
      >accessible in any order
      what went so very right?

  29. 12 months ago

    I played elden ring first, then DS1 and now I'm playing DS2 and I'm around halfway through, I think. I just got to the iron keep area. I have mixed opinions on it vs ds1 so far, some stuff like the controls/character movement and the inventory menu are somehow worse than ds1 and the level quality is much less consistent. Some levels (lost bastille, no man's wharf) have been better than ds1 levels but some levels have been pretty bad (heides tower of flame, it's just a bunch of circles with bridges between them) and some are just crappy knockoffs of ds1 levels (gutter vs blight town). But the big thing is that the combat is way better, ds1 was baby easy, enemies would die in 1 hit from any moderately strong weapon and/or could be back stabbed for free. Ds2 you have to think about what you're doing more because it's harder to 1v1 everything and backstabs aren't free. The bosses are mostly better too, ds1 bosses have barely any health and die super fast.

    Some of the other stuff I see people complain about with ds2 hasnt been bad for me so far, I don't really mind having to level adp, the new estus and lifegem system is fine, durability has been a complete non factor in both games - the only time I've had weapons break in either game is from acid attacks that specifically drain durability.

    I would rate both ds1 and ds2 9/10 but obviously that could change as I finish 2.

    • 12 months ago

      Forgot to add that having to go talk to the emerald Herald every time I want to level up blows. Easily the worst part of either game

      • 12 months ago

        >Forgot to add that having to go talk to the emerald Herald every time I want to level up blows.
        they thought it's a good idea to bring it back in DS3 and Bloodborne

        • 12 months ago

          Because DeS, DaS2, DaS3 and Bloodborne are all more or less linear games and without a central hub there'd be nothing to pull you away from the linear track you're on.
          Dark Souls has a hub, but gameplay progression is much more mazelike so forcing you to go back to Firelink to level would be counterproductive and instead it just connects various other areas together.

          • 12 months ago

            You know what else is counter productive? Going through 2 loading screens just to level up.

            • 12 months ago

              Imagine being so adhd-addled you believe all elements of game design should conform to your inability to sit still for 5 seconds

              • 12 months ago

                You'd find a way to dickride Elden Ring forcing you to teleport to Roundtable whenever you want to level up, too.

              • 12 months ago

                >you'd would certainly do [something that is incapable of happening]
                meds NOW

              • 12 months ago

                As long as Fromsoft has Miyazaki at their headquarters, forcing you to teleport just so you can level up is more than possible. Hell, they'll probably add it in the upcoming DLC.

              • 12 months ago

                I haven't played Elden Ring but considering it's a remake of what Dark Souls 2 was intended to be, it's probably because they wanted players to go off in different directions if they got stuck in an area and gain levels/equipment instead of needing to brute force your way through shit like in DaS1

              • 12 months ago

                Tree Sentinel teaches you this the moment you leave the tutorial.
                Either you learn his moves near perfectly and avoid panic rolls and consecutive rollspam, or you get destroyed.
                Or you learn to GTFO and go do other shit and come bact you have more than 3 heals.

            • 12 months ago

              I like going to majula and listening to the music it's very soothing

    • 12 months ago

      DS1 is defintely worse to control and play than DS2, it's just better in other aspecys like level design and visual polish.
      If you look at recent PvP footage, you'll see how much of a clusterfrick it is.

      • 12 months ago

        It's pretty meaningless to critique DaS1's controls using the PvP meta that the game was in no way designed around as evidence, anon. There wasn't even an official in-game way to do arena PvP until the DLC.

        • 12 months ago

          Okay DS1 feels sluggish, has more input delay, doesn't have 8 way rolling, and you can't sprint around locked on. You objectively move around better in 2 and can do more things.

          • 12 months ago

            >It's this schizo again
            Give it a rest, man

            • 12 months ago

              Is he wrong?

              • 12 months ago

                also kys

              • 12 months ago

                Never has been.

          • 12 months ago

            Because you're not intended to be able to move around with that level of agility in DaS1, because it wasn't designed with the intent of having large-scale PvP. 1 and 2 play so differently because they're trying to accomplish 2 different things. Both systems are fine imho, 2 looks very awkward but plays fine.

          • 12 months ago

            Oh look, it's DS2gay

            Is he wrong?

            Yes, every single time

            • 12 months ago

              Is Miyazki also a DS2gay as well for copying the majority of mechanics DS2 pioneered into DS3 and ER?

              • 12 months ago


                Ds2 was the best souls game, and I loved how Elden Ring brought back powerstancing. Theres many features that DS2 brought to the table and have been implemented since. It was an amazing game. My absolute favorite, I started with the original Dark Souls.

              • 12 months ago

                Now post DS2's delay on attacking with keyboard controls. You won't.

              • 12 months ago

                I know at least two reasons for why he won't.
                >nobody without mental illness plays Souls games on a keyboard
                >there's no delay on attacking with keyboard controls in DS2

              • 12 months ago

                >keyboard controls
                I only played on KB+M during an invasion where my controller battery died and it didn't seem laggy.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't do pvp at all so no I have no experience with what it's like. I guess I kind of forgot about the 4 directional rolling thing from ds1 when I was writing my first comment. But I still think ds2 controls worse. I fall off stuff way more often in ds2 because the character seems sort of slippery, like it's harder to make small adjustments. And my inputs seem to get lost sometimes, there are times I press the item button to heal and just nothing happens. That happened in elden ring a lot too but not really in ds1.

        >Forgot to add that having to go talk to the emerald Herald every time I want to level up blows.
        they thought it's a good idea to bring it back in DS3 and Bloodborne

        Interesting... Going from elden ring to ds1 made me think I was always going to be able to level up at any bonfire

  30. 12 months ago

    Dark Souls 2 is only worth playing if you're using the Great Club.

  31. 12 months ago

    Honestly I think its just the culmination of a lot of things that make the game shit, there's a domino effect at play.

  32. 12 months ago

    >ds2 makes bows better than they had ever been in the series and has decent non great str bows
    >people STILL dont keep a bow around for starting 1v1 fights in densely populated areas
    maybe its just MMO brain rot from 15 years ago but if i see a difficult room ahead im going to pull as many as i can for a fair fight before i head in

    • 12 months ago

      People got addicted to the feeling of being intelligent for figuring out how to circlestrafe/backstab or parry in DaS1, so they got pissed when DaS2 didn't follow that "HaRd BuT fAiR" design philosophy to an exact T.

      • 12 months ago

        This sums up a staggering amount of Ganker's criticisms for any of From's games since DS1. Every single thread about Elden Ring for months after release was filled with people that got blatantly filtered because the game has options beyond rolling and R1-spam that they refused to engage with, and they got stomped over it.

  33. 12 months ago

    DS2 by comparison looks like a slower DS3, instead of a fricking mess of backstabs and teleports.

  34. 12 months ago

    Alright im done, this is why people dont argue or get into specifics, you frickers are in denial and die on any hill. Enjoy your shit game.

    • 12 months ago

      >be incredibly moronic
      >post shit opinions
      >get blown the frick out
      >this is why no one can actually discuss ds2!!!!
      good frick off leave don't ever come back to ds2 threads

    • 12 months ago

      >they leave on their own
      The gift that keeps on giving. Thank you Dark Souls 2.

    • 12 months ago

      You literally cannot describe why DS2 has shit movement.
      Meanwhile I can easily do that for DS1: cardinal direction locked on rolls
      That shit literally gets you stuck on walls, enemies, bosses, constantly, especially in anything above a 1v1 or 2v1 vs mobs.

      The an encounter with 3-5 mobs in DS2, you can easily dance at any roll angle between the targers, using them as a povit point and going from backstab to backstab.

      • 12 months ago

        >That shit literally gets you stuck on walls, enemies, bosses, constantly, especially in anything above a 1v1 or 2v1 vs mobs.
        Skill issue

  35. 12 months ago

    powerstance was based
    being able to use spears without having to sit around waiting for counterhits to do meaningful damage felt really good

  36. 12 months ago

    Ds2 was the best souls game, and I loved how Elden Ring brought back powerstancing. Theres many features that DS2 brought to the table and have been implemented since. It was an amazing game. My absolute favorite, I started with the original Dark Souls.

  37. 12 months ago

    Dark Souls 2 finally looks good, 10 years later

    • 12 months ago

      Any good presets yet?

  38. 12 months ago

    >nearly a decade
    >STILL no boss fight nearly as kino as the mirror knight

  39. 12 months ago

    >What if we tie iframes to a stat?
    >What if we add soul memory?
    >What if we make the game uglier than DS1?
    >What if we butcher the lore from DS1?
    >What if we give the player an overabundance of souls on their first playthrough so that by the end they're always a hybrid of multiple builds?
    >What if we make the movement and combat worse?
    >What if we make the hitboxes completely broken?
    >What if we make the bosses worse than 1990s arcade game?
    >What if we make rapiers stupidly op?
    >What if we flood the areas with enemies so the player has to deal with constant ganks?
    >What if we make the player lose hp every time they die?
    >What if we make Estus Flasks near useless by not making the heal instant?
    >What if we realize that this was a bad choice and instead of fixing it we instead just add in another healing item that is completely overpowered and breaks the game?
    >What if we have nonsensical and goofy world design, like putting a fortress in a lava lake above a mountain peak?
    >What if we fill a boss room with poison unless the player thinks to pull out a torch and burn a METAL windmill that somehow gets rid of the poison, and what if we put no hints in the game about it?
    I refuse to believe anyone genuinely likes this game, it's just a bunch of contrarians.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh look, another expert on the souls "formula". Favorite youtuber?

      • 12 months ago

        I don't watch israeliteTubers because they suck off Miyazaki and think all of his games are 10/10 masterpieces.

    • 12 months ago

      >>What if we tie iframes to a stat?
      Only a problem on first/blind playthroughs, see DaS1 RES
      >>What if we add soul memory?
      objectively bad idea, but doesn't affect most people.
      >>What if we make the game uglier than DS1?
      >>What if we butcher the lore from DS1?
      DaS1 was never going to get a satisfying sequel
      >>What if we give the player an overabundance of souls on their first playthrough so that by the end they're always a hybrid of multiple builds?
      Builds are a community meta concept
      >>What if we make the movement and combat worse?
      >>What if we make the hitboxes completely broken?
      Name which enemies/bosses have this problem
      >>What if we make the bosses worse than 1990s arcade game?
      Subjective. 2 has some fun bosses and some shitters just like DaS1
      >>What if we make rapiers stupidly op?
      This is true in every Souls game
      >>What if we flood the areas with enemies so the player has to deal with constant ganks?
      Bring a bow
      >>What if we make the player lose hp every time they die?
      Skill issue
      >>What if we make Estus Flasks near useless by not making the heal instant?
      Skill issue
      >>What if we realize that this was a bad choice and instead of fixing it we instead just add in another healing item that is completely overpowered and breaks the game?
      Skill issue
      >>What if we have nonsensical and goofy world design, like putting a fortress in a lava lake above a mountain peak?
      Nobody questions this in 90% of vidya and it is DaS3's entire plot
      >>What if we fill a boss room with poison unless the player thinks to pull out a torch and burn a METAL windmill that somehow gets rid of the poison, and what if we put no hints in the game about it?
      I mean this is stupid, but it doesn't ruin the game or anything
      Just admit you're mad it's not Dark Souls 1.2

      • 12 months ago

        I responded.

      • 12 months ago
  40. 12 months ago

    DS2 controls great and I'm tired of pretending it's clunky.
    It's visually unpolished, but mechanically rock solid.

    • 12 months ago

      Cool argument

  41. 12 months ago

    things that ds2 pioneered that returned in later games:
    >being able to warp from bonfire to bonfire at the start of the game
    >omnidirectional rolling
    >non moronic weapon upgrade and infusement system
    >ng+ adding extra items/encounters
    >character respecs
    >power stancing
    >automatically restoring equipment durability at a bonfire
    there's probably some other shit i'm forgetting but ds2 made more good changes than it did bad ones, you morons just forgot they all came from ds2

    • 12 months ago

      There are far more, some anon compiled them into a big posta.

      >estus shard/golden seed system
      >midroll up to 70% weight
      >rolling in any direction while locked on
      >effigy/ember/rune arc useable at any time and get HP back to max or get stat boost via great rune effects
      >hit stun limit in PvP to prevent infinite stunlocks
      >casting magic also consumes stamina to limit perpetual spam (of fast low tier spells especially)
      >backstabs have 2 way confirmation via a grab animation
      >guardbreak on a blocking enemy allows for a riposte
      >jumping attacks on all weapons unpariable
      >ultra/colossal weapons unpariable when 2H, except rolling/running attacks
      >reasonable poise/hyperarmor levels that allowed for strategic trades but not facetanking endgame bosses
      >parry frames active at the apex of the shield swing, not instantly at the start
      >4 ring/talisman slots so you can still have some interesting synergies and use of niche effects instead of having 90% of players just put on Havel's Ring and Ring of Favor
      >blue sentinels to save hosts from invaders
      >limited respec
      >longer messages with 2 phrase structure
      >messages heal you for 25%HP if you're online when they get rated as "good"
      >power stancing with any 2 weapons of the same class (only ER)
      >rolling in poison/rot covers you and build up the status (only ER)
      >rolling in water raises fire def by 20% and lowers lightning def by 20% (only ER)

      • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      DS2 fanboys are mentally ill. Did you know that Sonic 06 actually pioneered the "automatically run forward" gameplay that returned in later games? Very cool. Did you know it had a German language option, a feature that returned in later games? Great game.
      What do you mean that the actual gameplay, graphics, level design, world design, enemy and boss design, and controls are absolute fricking trash that no one can defend? None of that matters, because DS2 has powerstancing!

      • 12 months ago

        >"Ganker you don't understand we *have* to agree on everything" anon said for the billionth time

      • 12 months ago

        >erm achually these improvements don't count because i dunno sonic or some shit
        you're definitely moronic

      • 12 months ago

        >strawmaning this hard
        Breathe, read

        There are far more, some anon compiled them into a big posta.

        >estus shard/golden seed system
        >midroll up to 70% weight
        >rolling in any direction while locked on
        >effigy/ember/rune arc useable at any time and get HP back to max or get stat boost via great rune effects
        >hit stun limit in PvP to prevent infinite stunlocks
        >casting magic also consumes stamina to limit perpetual spam (of fast low tier spells especially)
        >backstabs have 2 way confirmation via a grab animation
        >guardbreak on a blocking enemy allows for a riposte
        >jumping attacks on all weapons unpariable
        >ultra/colossal weapons unpariable when 2H, except rolling/running attacks
        >reasonable poise/hyperarmor levels that allowed for strategic trades but not facetanking endgame bosses
        >parry frames active at the apex of the shield swing, not instantly at the start
        >4 ring/talisman slots so you can still have some interesting synergies and use of niche effects instead of having 90% of players just put on Havel's Ring and Ring of Favor
        >blue sentinels to save hosts from invaders
        >limited respec
        >longer messages with 2 phrase structure
        >messages heal you for 25%HP if you're online when they get rated as "good"
        >power stancing with any 2 weapons of the same class (only ER)
        >rolling in poison/rot covers you and build up the status (only ER)
        >rolling in water raises fire def by 20% and lowers lightning def by 20% (only ER)

        at least 10 times over, remember that Yui Tanumura was co-director for DS3 and ER, doing the combat while Miyazaki did the level design+lore and reach acceptance.

  42. 12 months ago

    Ds2 was genuinely a fun time and I’ve played all of the games from demons souls, 2nd favorite out of the series easily with fun pvp.

    • 12 months ago

      Same except I hate it

  43. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      That areas looks like shit, but boosting the contrast/gamma to 400% to fake an image of DS2 looking bad is pathetic.
      Here, I can do it as well.

      • 12 months ago

        >but boosting the contrast/gamma to 400%
        Holy cope.

      • 12 months ago

        it's unfairly maligned

        ds1 is so fricking ugly

  44. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Lightyears better than the alternative at the time.
      No wonder why most players went to DS2 and never looked back at DS1 unless they wanted PvE.

      • 12 months ago

        What's so great about 1's pve anyway? I'll still choose 2 over it.

        • 12 months ago

          Overall the level design, presentation and polish is better than DS2's.
          With the DLCs released, I'd put them around the same level but for different reasons.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm not seeing it.

        • 12 months ago

          Well it's not total shit with bad hitboxes and pathetic bosses. There aren't any good bosses in DS2, they're all bad.

          • 12 months ago

            That's exactly what DS1 is

            • 12 months ago

              Better than any boss in DS2. But you know that and you're just being contrarian for (You)s.

              • 12 months ago

                And you're completely deranged

              • 12 months ago

                >lose argument
                have a nice day

              • 12 months ago

                >better than ANY boss
                come now at least don't be a hyperbolic moron fume knight and ivory king are good fights

              • 12 months ago

                >Broken hit box knight
                >Ivory gank king with broken hit boxes

              • 12 months ago

                >complaining about hitboxes in souls games in the year of our Lord 2023
                sorry 2 hear you are bad at the game

          • 12 months ago

            Better than any boss in DS2. But you know that and you're just being contrarian for (You)s.

            DS2 bosses mop the floor with DS1's equivalents, even with a bunch of Pinwheel tier bosses like Jabba, Congregation, the Rats, Skeleton Lords etc.

            It's honestly not even close: Pursuer, Ruin Sentinels, Sinner, Chariot, Smelter, Rotten, Mirror Knight, Veldstat, Darklurker, Sinh, Elana, Fume Knight, Alonne, Avaa, Ivory King.
            DS1's decent bosses by comparison are: Gargoyles, Queelag, Sif, Iron Giant, O&S, 4kings, Gwyn, Artorias, Kalameet and Manus.

            • 12 months ago

              >Gaping Dragon not in the 'decent' DaS1 bosses
              >Gwyn is

            • 12 months ago

              Skeleton Lords is fricking great

            • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                Rotten is fine, it's just a very simple boss
                Chariot's a meme and Elana is an asset flip, dunno what that anon is smoking

              • 12 months ago

                Chariot is great

            • 12 months ago

              Trash boss with broken grab hit box.
              >Ruin Sentinels
              Threesome gank fight? You're calling that GOOD?
              Forgettable and bland.
              Boring and tedious.
              Broken hit boxes, constant ticking damage, one of the worst runups in From Software history if you die.
              You're seriously calling this fatass a good boss? His hit boxes are broken too btw.
              >Mirror Knight
              Trash, Iron Golem was better.
              Average, which makes it the best boss in DS2.
              Annoying boss that can shoot you in the back and half of his attacks can one shot you.
              Literally a worse Kalameet that likes to fly in the air forever.
              A shitty boss that just summons adds over and over with the exciting possibility of also summoning fricking Velstadt.
              >Fume Knight
              Broken hit boxes and you need to waste time destroying the idols or else he heals.
              Dogshit boss with the single most cancer runup in history of video games along with a broken grab hit box.
              Shit boss you can barely see and has broken hit boxes.
              >Ivory King
              Ivory Ganking, you mean. His grab hit box is also broken.

              have a nice day and never reply to me again, DStworoon.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm afraid your skill issue may be terminal

              • 12 months ago

                >skill issue
                But DS2 is by far the easiest From game? It also just so happens to be their worst.

              • 12 months ago

                two thirds of

                Trash boss with broken grab hit box.
                >Ruin Sentinels
                Threesome gank fight? You're calling that GOOD?
                Forgettable and bland.
                Boring and tedious.
                Broken hit boxes, constant ticking damage, one of the worst runups in From Software history if you die.
                You're seriously calling this fatass a good boss? His hit boxes are broken too btw.
                >Mirror Knight
                Trash, Iron Golem was better.
                Average, which makes it the best boss in DS2.
                Annoying boss that can shoot you in the back and half of his attacks can one shot you.
                Literally a worse Kalameet that likes to fly in the air forever.
                A shitty boss that just summons adds over and over with the exciting possibility of also summoning fricking Velstadt.
                >Fume Knight
                Broken hit boxes and you need to waste time destroying the idols or else he heals.
                Dogshit boss with the single most cancer runup in history of video games along with a broken grab hit box.
                Shit boss you can barely see and has broken hit boxes.
                >Ivory King
                Ivory Ganking, you mean. His grab hit box is also broken.

                have a nice day and never reply to me again, DStworoon.

                is you complaining about how it isn't fair you keep dying

              • 12 months ago

                >complaining about hitboxes in souls games in the year of our Lord 2023
                sorry 2 hear you are bad at the game

                yeah you sure make it sound easy

                Lol, lmao, rofl, kek even.

              • 12 months ago

                I think I speak for everyone when I issue this hearty degree
                GIT GUD


              • 12 months ago

                >SHIT box defender
                Eww, go back.

              • 12 months ago

                yeah you sure make it sound easy

  45. 12 months ago

    >41 bosses and only like 6 are good
    >Ugly, unappealing lighting and aesthetic
    >Uninteresting lore and characters
    >Area design is among the worst in the series with its best areas only being ok
    >Life gems are overpowered
    >moronic branching yet unconnected world design
    >The adaptability stat
    >8 directional movement
    The few good things it has going for it aren't nearly enough to make up for its massive flaws. Worst souls game by a mile.

  46. 12 months ago
  47. 12 months ago

    >hard but fai-

    • 12 months ago

      >*tries to cheese the game with co-op*
      >*game cheeses back*
      out fricking skilled.

  48. 12 months ago

    Still a decent game but definitely not as good as the first.

  49. 12 months ago

    looking glass knight had the potential for total kino overload but sadly he shows up late enough in the game your so leveled you can just smash him while he tries to summon a phantom

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