In my upcoming session an easily excitable young elf-girl will visit a Dwarven Hold to facilitate a trade deal.

In my upcoming session an easily excitable young elf-girl will visit a Dwarven Hold to facilitate a trade deal. She is also a massive dwarfaboo. She loves dwarven machines, tunnels, their gyrocopters, zeppelins and steam-powered tanks. Since a trade deal between kingdoms is never just a simple exchange of goods, but also involves showing the foreign emissary around, eating dinner with them, showing them the accomplishments of the kingdom, she will have plenty opportunity to explore the dwarven machines she read so much about.

Do you have any suggestions for what situations to put her in and what kind of different characters I should have her meet?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Sorry, who is the players and who até the npcs? Im kind of lost.

    • 7 months ago

      >who até the npcs?
      Krabo, no!

    • 7 months ago

      The elf-girl is a player character, who managed to convince the King of Sunflower to accompany a trading mission to the Dwarven Hold of Steadfast as an official emissary. She asked for this honor as a reward for the party‘s previous mission. The other party members join her as her personal guard and one of them as the royal accountant.

      Why the frick is the elf kingdom sending a little girl to negotiate their trade deals? Is she some kind of ordained leader/child queen, or is this just some kind of really advanced 4d snub by the elves towards the dwarfs?

      She defeated a pack of Werewolves, who infected human villages on the border of the Sunflower Kingdom to commit acts of terrorism against it and asked for this as her reward.

      • 7 months ago

        Make the castle a little sandbox buddy, create some points of interest and let the player decide what to explore.
        Gotta have and airship to be ridden in battle or something

      • 7 months ago

        The Kingdom Of Sunflower? Is this campaign designed for eight year old girls?

        • 7 months ago

          No! It‘s not for 8-year-old girls!
          Typical only Elven warrior lodges are named after plants or animals. The Master of the Sunflower Lodge loved an Elven Princess and tried everything for the King to consent to marriage. He undertook trials, went on campaign, participated in human tournaments, but the King never agreed. When the Sunflower Warrior heard that the King planned to marry his love to a foreigner, he declared war on him. He fought for years. He had fewer numbers, but he was an excellent strategist and soon his small victories became big victories, people eventually came to hate the King and demanded he marry them. The sunflower became a symbol of peaceful resistance against the King and every building that had a sunflower adorning its front door was safe from the Sunflower Prince. Then he laid siege to the royal castle. In the end the Princess managed to sneak out of the impregnable royal castle, because she followed a magical sunflower trail leading her to her beloved Prince, which was conjured by the goddess of love, who cast an eternal storm over the remaining domain of the Elven King.

          Looks like the Argentine OP is AWOL. Someone go dig him up from /gsg/ on /vg/ and ask if he was shitposting or not.

          I am here. No, this is serious business. I don’t play gsg anymore. I want to try something else. So I am playing tabletop with people from discord now.

          • 7 months ago

            What ideas do you like in the thread so far? We could build more in that direction.

            Also, please update us once you actually run this.

            • 6 months ago

              >Also, please update us once you actually run this

          • 7 months ago

            Would be neat to see that anons

            The Kingdom Of Sunflower? Is this campaign designed for eight year old girls?

            thinking get used as some of the dwarven working/warrior class thinking. Like having some dwarven npc, as they are walking by, off hand call the Evlish Sunflower Kingdom's officials a bunch of pansy's/sissies/peace loving children, or something along those lines, because of their kingdom names and lack of respect of them. Even with an esteemed history, many Dwarves would likely have a negative view/ no respect of it for being for just being named after something passive and weak like a flower. Having the heckling dwarves get reprimanded by the Dwarven officials for causing a scene and potentially ruining international relations would be neat. Would be a good opportunity for the players to intervene and be able to sway popular opinion of the kingdom and give a show of might and ability, maybe through a drinking competition or a friendly spar/fight between the party and dwarves or showcasing something else like elvish crafting ability.

          • 6 months ago

            You just came up with all that dumb shit just now, you are fooling nobody. Post your VTT setup (I want to see your prep, homosexual) and maybe I'll consider responding to your pointless troony thread.

          • 6 months ago

            That's a really cute backstory.

  2. 7 months ago

    Why the frick is the elf kingdom sending a little girl to negotiate their trade deals? Is she some kind of ordained leader/child queen, or is this just some kind of really advanced 4d snub by the elves towards the dwarfs?

    • 7 months ago

      Personal Headcanon:
      Nearly all the elves are racist and the only elf they could find that could tolerate being around the dwarves is an autistic girl with a vulgar obsession with dwarves that brings shame to their local village and brings into question the superiority of the elves. The elders of the village had been trying to find a way to get rid of her without using the barbaric methods of the lesser races.
      The solution, make her an envoy to the nearest dwarven hold. But now they need to make a justification for it... Ah here we are

      The elf-girl is a player character, who managed to convince the King of Sunflower to accompany a trading mission to the Dwarven Hold of Steadfast as an official emissary. She asked for this honor as a reward for the party‘s previous mission. The other party members join her as her personal guard and one of them as the royal accountant.

      She defeated a pack of Werewolves, who infected human villages on the border of the Sunflower Kingdom to commit acts of terrorism against it and asked for this as her reward.

      Now we just have to find a way to keep her there indefinitely, or at the very least, away from here.

      • 7 months ago

        >find a way to keep her there indefinitely
        since she's so fascinated by the machines then somehow getting her an apprenticeship would either crush her spirit for failing or keep her in dwarven lands and give you an excuse to banish her, either way she's not going to be babbling to you about dwarves afterward

      • 6 months ago

        >the only elf they could find that could tolerate being around the dwarves is an autistic girl with a vulgar obsession with dwarves
        seems legit

    • 7 months ago

      >Why the frick is the elf kingdom sending a little girl to negotiate their trade deals?
      Anon, I'm pretty sure that "young girl" is actually 100 years old.

      Only just recently an adult by elven standards, but ancient compared to all the human diplomats who come by for trade.

    • 6 months ago

      Elfgirls naturally make a good impression and win people over due to their cuteness and attitude. Meanwhile, they're much smarter than they look because of dat elven INT bonus. That makes elfgirls the perfect diplomats.

    • 6 months ago

      She's about the same height.

    • 6 months ago

      > She is also a massive dwarfaboo.

      > Do you have any suggestions for what situations to put her in and what kind of different characters I should have her meet?
      has a point. The dwarves should act slighted and give her the most lackluster tour, giving her the challenge to show her knowledge and respect for dwarven culture. So common areas most visitors would have access to.

      Then, if she picks up the challenge, goes dwarfaboo, and find interest in even the small things, more influential nobles would take notice. An engineer will take her to a maintenance area and when he notices genuine admiration, leads her to an actual W.I.P. Similar should happen to a temple, and finally to a minor political council.

      Make sure she befriend the original dwarf she was assigned to, and hint that it reflects positively on the guy.

  3. 7 months ago

    >what kind of different characters
    Her opposite, of course. An elfaboo dwarf who is fascinated by elven magic and botanical architecture or whatever the frick elves in your setting have. They should be as annoying as possible, and a constant distraction from the things she actually wants to see there.

    • 7 months ago

      >Please. I just NEED a cute genki girl to save me from my sullen cynicism with her extreme energy and endless optimism. I NEED IT.

      Her main tour guide is an all business all the time dry bureaucrat. He has a schedule and will try, and fail, to keep it.
      A Dwarven lunch, which will be way too much food for her to handle, but will be described as a "light snack". This is in fact false, because the dwarves didn't want to be seen as not having enough.
      This is the best suggestion in the thread
      An absolutely unhinged inventor who all the other dwarves avoid and think is bordering on insanity. OOC knowledge shows he's working on some modern tech that the world your setting is in is entirely unprepared for, but he can't make it work. Only include that if your players can be trusted not to use that OOC knowledge tho. Otherwise just make him create big explosions.
      A "modest" treasure hall, containing massive riches on display.
      A tunnel carved to showcase a massive geode, with non-precious but beautiful gems all over the walls.
      A weird ancient tradition that the PC doesn't know about that causes some kind of misunderstanding.

  4. 7 months ago

    While it may be a bit dark for your noblebright-sounding game, there's always the possibility of dwarves (or even elves) who DONT want this deal to go through and who will attempt to sabotage it by getting someone offended, hurt, or even killed in an "accident". Could be played straight and serious, or they coukd be bumbling Team-Rocket-tier frickups.

    • 7 months ago

      She should come to realize the real dwarves are not the dwarves she has idolized in he day dreams. They aren't always happy and hard working, some of them are sullen bastards and too drunk to work. Their fantastic machines can't do just anything, they have limitations and much work has to be done before the machine can do its thing. If you meet your heroes in person, they will never measure up to your unrealistic expectations. After going through a period of disillusionment and depression, she should begin appreciating the real dwarves, while also having a more balanced idea about what they really are like.

      || The king foresaw this would happen and wanted to reward her previous good works with a gift of wisdom. ||

      >Please. I just NEED a cute genki girl to save me from my sullen cynicism with her extreme energy and endless optimism. I NEED IT.

      Her main tour guide is an all business all the time dry bureaucrat. He has a schedule and will try, and fail, to keep it.
      A Dwarven lunch, which will be way too much food for her to handle, but will be described as a "light snack". This is in fact false, because the dwarves didn't want to be seen as not having enough.
      This is the best suggestion in the thread
      An absolutely unhinged inventor who all the other dwarves avoid and think is bordering on insanity. OOC knowledge shows he's working on some modern tech that the world your setting is in is entirely unprepared for, but he can't make it work. Only include that if your players can be trusted not to use that OOC knowledge tho. Otherwise just make him create big explosions.
      A "modest" treasure hall, containing massive riches on display.
      A tunnel carved to showcase a massive geode, with non-precious but beautiful gems all over the walls.
      A weird ancient tradition that the PC doesn't know about that causes some kind of misunderstanding.

      A dwarf engineer let's the elf ride inside his prototype dwarf war zeppelin to show off his sick engineering skills and it's military capabilities for levelling elf villages to cinders by dropping it's bomb payloads over mountains approved by the dwarf engineering guild.
      The destruction is an amazing sight.

      How the elf reacts will be up to you.

      What’s wrong with you? Why do you want to ruin it all for her?

      • 7 months ago

        I'm guessing it's because having an updeat and noblebright tone to games isn't considered cool, or is possibly in vogue at the moment and therefore /tg/ needs to be contrarian. I have no idea either way as I live under a rock.

      • 7 months ago

        Aside from that last one, these are all valid sources of conflict and plot tension. You know, that thing that drives like 98% of stories.

    • 7 months ago

      This is an excellent suggestion because it also gives the non-dwarfaboo players something to do during the visit.

  5. 7 months ago

    What cropped porn is this?

    • 7 months ago

      It's not porn, it's a shortened bit from a longer animation of Minami shit-talking Tomoko.

      • 7 months ago

        Where can I see that animation?

        • 7 months ago

  6. 7 months ago

    She should come to realize the real dwarves are not the dwarves she has idolized in he day dreams. They aren't always happy and hard working, some of them are sullen bastards and too drunk to work. Their fantastic machines can't do just anything, they have limitations and much work has to be done before the machine can do its thing. If you meet your heroes in person, they will never measure up to your unrealistic expectations. After going through a period of disillusionment and depression, she should begin appreciating the real dwarves, while also having a more balanced idea about what they really are like.

    || The king foresaw this would happen and wanted to reward her previous good works with a gift of wisdom. ||

    • 7 months ago

      The mark of shame.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Well this is stupid. Weeaboos just get more fanatical and passionate about Japan after visiting it and the same thing will happen with this cute dwarfaboo elf upon visiting the hold.

      • 7 months ago

        yeah, if anyone will be affected by Paris syndrome it's going to be elves, not dwarves since she's more interested in the machinery than anything else

      • 6 months ago

        >Weeaboos just get more fanatical and passionate about Japan after visiting it
        Some do. There are two types of weeaboos. The first basically found out about japan and japanese shit because of animango and inevitably become disillusioned with japan upon visiting it because it’s not like le heckin sugoi animu tbh ne. The second are obsessed with all things jap in general, not just anime. And they are the ones who tend to become even more obsessed upon visiting because they will worship anything japanese.

        • 6 months ago

          Furry cope. Every single friend of mine who has gone to Japan, weeaboo or normie, has loved it greatly. Enjoying anime and Japanese culture, contrary to your stupid gay memes, does not involve sitting in a dark room fantasizing about Japan. Mostly, it means you actually learn about Japan, you get a grasp of the language and the culture. Anime is beloved by the Japanese people, by the way. Every normonig in Asia plays gacha games and watched seasonal anime, let alone the Japanese themselves. In reality, Japan exceeds expectations, and more and more every year it flies way past every "Western" nation in its orderliness, cleanliness, and good sense.

          • 6 months ago

            Everywhere is great if you visit as a tourist. Japan has a terrible nonfunctional legal system, and abusive work culture. Their cultural exports are great, and they build good cities, but the nation has serious problems.

            • 6 months ago

              Yeah. I couldn't imagine what it would be like if America had a terrible nonfunctional legal system and abusive work culture. What a strange world that would be.

              • 6 months ago

                America's legal system has pretty bad corruption, but at the very least peers are able to sue each other and get real results. Japan's courts basically only rubber stamp defendants guilty.

    • 7 months ago

      u wot m8

    • 6 months ago

      Oh wow the anti weeb poster is a discord troony how shocking, well surely he's not a brown person and a furry too lol!

  7. 7 months ago

    My only suggestion is to play with less spastic people.

  8. 7 months ago

    A dwarf engineer let's the elf ride inside his prototype dwarf war zeppelin to show off his sick engineering skills and it's military capabilities for levelling elf villages to cinders by dropping it's bomb payloads over mountains approved by the dwarf engineering guild.
    The destruction is an amazing sight.

    How the elf reacts will be up to you.

  9. 7 months ago

    The dwarves should talk about the problems they've been having with goblins and elephants, then have them explain that once the preparations are complete, all they'll need to do is pull the lever.

    All burn.

  10. 7 months ago

    Lol did you just watch Joel's DF season 1.5?

  11. 7 months ago

    Have her get gangraped by three dwarves

    • 7 months ago

      i believe its 7 dwarves.

  12. 7 months ago

    what system? what setting?

  13. 7 months ago

    If you wanted to play it for laughs, having her be Dee Dee (Dexter's Lab) while some poor sod tries desperately to keep the hold/his honour/her head in place until the negotiations are over.
    More seriously - the old hand who LOVES practical jokes on apprentices is always popular. Maybe he sends her for the dwarven equivalent of rainbow paint or a long stand. A bit of disillusionment when she sees the price of heavy industry on the land and people (pollution, treeless hillsides, respiratory problems, maybe social issues from slum housing and such). The avuncular pilot who lets her "control" (honest) the vehicle for a few minutes. The opportunity to learn lots of new dwarven words from the engineering teams that make her tutors go very red in the face for some reason when she asks them what they mean.

  14. 7 months ago

    I miss Sandwich.

  15. 7 months ago

    I don’t believe you actually play games.

  16. 7 months ago

    and then everybody clapped, right OP?

    • 7 months ago

      I don’t believe you actually play games.

      What's with these homosexual bot-tier posts?

  17. 7 months ago

    Looks like the Argentine OP is AWOL. Someone go dig him up from /gsg/ on /vg/ and ask if he was shitposting or not.

  18. 7 months ago

    Have the dwarves show her name in the Book of Grudges, and then how they will deal with those grudges.

  19. 7 months ago

    >doesn't have what's in the dwarven hold already
    >upcoming session
    You could have literally anything you want if you're just going to make up on the spot

  20. 6 months ago

    so, question, what do the dwarves *Not* export? how about underground hydroponics grow rooms? Should have some fun cultural differences regarding how elves and dwarves regard plants.

  21. 6 months ago

    This thread is made by an AI chatbot. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

  22. 6 months ago

    Copied word for word, image included, from a recent thread. I hate this board

    • 6 months ago

      That‘s impossible, because I haven’t been on /tg/ for quite some time and typed this all up myself on my iPad.

  23. 6 months ago

    After proving herself through constructing some simple clockwork wind up models from memory, the dwarf engineering guild decides to put the young elf girl to dwarf engineering school where she is an anomaly among dwarves. Wacky stuff ensues.

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