In one of those depressive states where I'm not even sure "good" games exist.

In one of those depressive states where I'm not even sure "good" games exist. And no, this isn't to say that all games are bad. It's not even to say necessarily that they're mediocre it's just that they're..."enjoyable" as something to pass the time. That's it. They're something you can play. Dump hours in, and leave. Linear game. "Non linear" game. Open World game. FPS. TPS. Puzzle game. It doesn't matter. Why doesn't it matter? Am I the only one that feels the way? Enjoys games, but the give no satisfaction, no fulfilment? You just "play".

Let me scratch that. Actually, there is a game that felt like "more" to me recently. Actually there were two. One of them is related to picrel. But the problem is. That when you come across those games. You know they're such a rare feat, that you won't come across them again. Obviously the problem is "me". For ANYONE that doesn't like something, the problem is always "yourself". There are people that consider Elden Ring the greatest game ever played, whereas I consider it a chore I never once considered for my top 10. There are those that simply consider Outer Wilds "okay, but I don't get the hype" whereas, I consider it a top 3 game.

But that's not my problem. Not exactly atleast. It's the disappointment. It might sound like I have high standards. But some of my top 10 games aren't really that "crazy, innovative out there concepts" They're just a simple platformer, or a simple metroidvania, or a simple rail shooter. It's the disappointment of playing something you expected to offer a unique and satisfying experience...just to see that it doesn't even try to reach its own potential, like the 2 great games you recently played solely focused on. Instead, the disappointment was concerned with other things. Whether that was "story", but not synthesized with gameplay, or whether that was "options" without depth, or whether that was "openness" without complexity.

I almost didn't want to make this thread. But...I'm truly bored.

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  1. 4 months ago

    not reading allat

    • 4 months ago

      yeah, I understand. I wouldn't either. just needed to vent and cope I guess

    • 4 months ago

      >The author expresses their feelings of dissatisfaction and frustration towards gaming experiences in general, describing many titles as merely enjoyable time-passers rather than fulfilling or exceptional. They mention having encountered two rare exceptions recently, one being related to the picture they shared (picrel). The author questions if they are alone in feeling this way and acknowledges that preferences vary among people. However, the main issue seems to be the disappointment of not finding more games that meet their expectations for uniqueness and satisfaction. Despite this, they are still compelled to share their thoughts due to boredom.

  2. 4 months ago

    uh huh

  3. 4 months ago

    shut the frick up

  4. 4 months ago

    Is Ganker a harry-gay or a kim-fricker board?

    • 4 months ago

      Dunno about Ganker, but I like Kim in all of depictions, even in that one official art.

  5. 4 months ago

    >It doesn't matter. Why doesn't it matter? Am I the only one that feels the way? Enjoys games, but the give no satisfaction, no fulfilment? You just "play".

    A little balance helps, some work or even some other hobbies.

    • 4 months ago

      >A little balance helps, some work or even some other hobbies.

      that's the thing lmao. I try that, but TV and movies fricking suck. Especially movies, but that's more of a personal problem I recognize, so I don't even bother enough to be disappointed by movies.

      The last vestige is books. But books...also fricking suck and are probably the most mentally taxing form of entertainment to get into. Its so fricking hard to read, and I don't even mean this ironically or as a meme. I've been trying to read crime and Punishment for like a year now. And philosophy books are even harder to read because these dudes will be talking about high level already hard to understand concepts, in the most peculiar way.

      And anime and manga are out of the question because it's the medium I've invested the most into, and is basically dead to me currently. In my head I've basically already watched and read all the good shit. I could be wrong, but I imagine anything anyone could recommend me, that I'd have any interest in, I already watched

      • 4 months ago

        >TV and movies fricking suck
        Newer shows do, agreed. Gotta go through older ones to see if you can find something you can get into without the usual moronation that fills modern shows.
        >books fricking suck
        Instead of forcing yourself to read something like Crime and Punishment, to fulfill some sort of Ganker test, read what you find enjoyable. Here's your obligatory
        >genre fiction
        greentext so you feel right at home.

      • 4 months ago

        I feel you, OP. Ever since I completed Black Souls 2 nearly 3 years ago I've been chasing that high in other games, unsuccessfully. I don't know what it is about other games, but they're just unable to keep me engaged in the same way BS did. The game is living rent free in my head and it almost feels like it's holding me back from enjoying other games.
        Thankfully films and literature exist. Watched Tarkovsky's Stalker recently, it was great.

        I don't remember Crime & Punishment being a particularly challenging read, but I read it years ago. Try something more action-heavy first. Don Quixote (in a modern translation) is simultaneously brisk, funny and thoughtful. Antigone and Oedipus Rex are a great (and short) intro to tragedy. The Iliad is basically an action movie, but told with the use of beautiful language and a touching message. You need to learn how to walk before you can run.

        • 4 months ago

          >Ever since I completed Black Souls 2 nearly 3 years ago I've been chasing that high in other games

          Oh man. Frick, that reminds me that I have to play Black Souls 1 so I can play this game... ughhhh why does it have to be so inconvenient, so inconvenient to download, so inconveniently boring to play. I just wanna see what all the hype about the first game is already. FRICK.

          I couldn't imagine chasing a high for 3 years. I don't believe ANY game is that good. But, still BS2 has got me intrigued. Just gotta motivate myself to get through BS1.

          >I don't remember Crime & Punishment being a particularly challenging read, but I read it years ago.

          Doesn't help that I literally have ADHD. Philosophy books generally are definitely hard to read, inspite of my ADHD personally though. I tried reading Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals and man...yeah.

          See you bring up something interesting about how I need something more funny and/or action packed, but I get equally bored of that very quickly now. Wait, unless it's ACTUALLY really funny. Funny shit is good. But...idk books are huge commitments, I'd need a guarantee of huge payoff beyond very funny

          • 4 months ago

            I think I was just unlucky. I played DE and LobCorp before BS2, so while they could've feasibly filled the void I don't count them in the 3 year period. I have high hopes for Pathologic 2, waiting for Bachelor's route before I get into that.
            Games like Elden Ring and System Shock remake, while very engaging, couldn't quite scratch that storytelling/storytelling-gameplay hybrid itch of mine.
            I'm not really into philosophy, but to my knowledge each philosopher built on top of the things established by the previous ones. So you'll have to do things chronologically and start with Plato & co., move through Augustine & Aquinas into Kant, and only then do Hegel, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, Nietzsche and whoever the frick is there. And analytic philosophy is a whole different beast I'm not even going to attempt to understand.
            If you have actual, diagnosed ADHD then you're going to have a real bad time. Maybe try short stories? A Dog of Flanders was really nice. And Hemingway wrote in an unusually clear, straightforward prose, that might click with you.
            Don Quixote is definitely funny, with both slapstick and situational comedy. Franz Kafka had a really absurd, surreal type of comedy to his writing. And though I haven't read it yet, I heard A Confederacy Of Dunces is really funny. All of them made it into Ganker's top 100, so you can rest assured that they're "worth it", though you talking about the so-called payoff worries me. Remember that both books and games are often more about the journey than the destination. Savour the prose, the characters, the at is, the symbolism - enjoyment is not found just in massive shocking twists and turns, like some people seem to think, but through the cohesive whole, how it all ties together.

      • 4 months ago

        Crime and Punishment isn't a challenging book to read. The reason you're struggling is probably just because of boredom. Find something you like instead of forcing yourself to read classics that don't click with you. Try reading some Philip K. Dick or Steinbeck. The witcher books are also pretty good for beginners. Probably the easiest popular fantasy series to get into.

        • 4 months ago

          Not OP, good avice. A Scanner Darkly was a mind frick, and currently reading through his short stories. Almost all of them have that mind-frick twist at the end. I wish I had started reading him earlier.
          On the topic of sci fi, Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash is pretty fricking great.

          • 4 months ago

            Lem is great. Hyperion was pretty good, but I heard the later entries dropped the ball.
            I gotta try Wolfe and A Canticle For Leibowitz.

  6. 4 months ago

    didn't read op but cool harry cosplay

    • 4 months ago

      God damn Harry is cool as frick, what a chad

      • 4 months ago

        yeah, he really is

        • 4 months ago

          only ugly bastards should cosplay harrier

          • 4 months ago

            he is, and yet looks nothing like him

          • 4 months ago

            harry isn't that bad looking he's just an alcoholic

  7. 4 months ago

    I think there is a point where your brain hits critical mass, at this point stories aren't interesting because they all follow the same tropes AND/or are badly written. Gameplay is almost identical in every single game you play, leading to an incredibly lackluster feeling after you've played 100 FPS games for example. Why is 101 any better than 10? The answer is that it isn't.
    When everything is basically the same because nearly everybody copies badly from each other how can you not be disappointed by the slop that gets released while the newer generations that haven't played all those previous games?

    I don't really believe that games are worse than they were, but it feels like it when you're already bored of the same game being released every 2 years.
    Honestly I've considered just taking a ten year sabbatical from games/media, but filling said time is difficult without spending money.

    • 4 months ago

      >Honestly I've considered just taking a ten year sabbatical from games/media, but filling said time is difficult without spending money.

      Completely agree. But I think if I can crack the code for books. I can coast through. There are SO MANY books because it's like the longest lasting medium other than maybe music, except it can have more depth. And it also happens to probably be the most time consuming medium, atleast in terms of how much you're actually engaging your brain vs passively engaging.

      The problem, is that books are really annoying and hard to read. But as soon as I crack the code. I think books can be the answer, not to get rid of videogames (hopefully) but just to make it so that I don't have to rely so desperately on videogames to constantly impress me.

      >TV and movies fricking suck
      Newer shows do, agreed. Gotta go through older ones to see if you can find something you can get into without the usual moronation that fills modern shows.
      >books fricking suck
      Instead of forcing yourself to read something like Crime and Punishment, to fulfill some sort of Ganker test, read what you find enjoyable. Here's your obligatory
      >genre fiction
      greentext so you feel right at home.

      >greentext so you feel right at home.

      Thing is. I'm not sure what genre I'd care for. I bought Crime and Punishment because I thought I'd be like some of my favourite animes in the whole psychological and philosophical aspect, because that's what people praise so much but...I hadn't read a book in so long that I forget how long books take to build up to the important shit that makes them famous.

      Honestly, if there's one book I'm interested in currently, it'd be "Gone Girl" but at the same time, it feels redundant, cuz I've watched the movie already. But who knows. I hear the book is worth it.

      • 4 months ago

        >Thing is. I'm not sure what genre I'd care for.
        >I bought Crime and Punishment because I thought I'd be like some of my favourite animes in the whole psychological and philosophical aspect
        Tell me which animes you are into and I'll recomend you a book that deals with similar topics/tropes/generes and that is easy to read for a beginner.

  8. 4 months ago

    Your problem is that you ended up growing up and overthink playing videogames instead of just playing them.
    You can argue that some games are simply slop and not "worth your time" or "arent getting you anywhere" but so does working a job and paying taxes, it's what you make out of it.

    • 4 months ago

      >it's what you make out of it.

      yeah, but I already spent a life time of my teen years "making the most of it" and mostly just going with the flow of whatever generic shit everybody else likes. and I've now finally found my own personal meaningful way to engage with media that feels satisfactory and...barely any media tries to appeal to the kind of way I love to get deep into media.

      Its not hard to "make the most out of it". I'm saying, that's not the same as something being satisfying, or memorable, or cherishable. But the conversation becomes complicated because there have been things I genuinely enjoy but don't rate highly, but that's even more rare arguably.

  9. 4 months ago

    >a guy in his mid twenties fails to see the signs of his body telling him to stop wasting his time on virtual toys and get his shit together.

  10. 4 months ago

    Stop playing live service games. They're designed to frick with your head from the ground up.

    • 4 months ago

      >Stop playing live service games.

      I knew somebody would immediately assume these are the type of games I'm talking about instead of the popular mainstays that have circlejerks on here like MGS1-3, Silent Hill 1-3 (especially 2), Castlevania SOTN and Aria of Sorrow, or FF6 & 7, etc.

      I have never even touched a live service game. You understand nothing about the type of person I am. Honestly, if my experience with mobile games is anything to go off of. Playing a live service game, and experiencing such shallow and predatory gameplay loops, would probably make me appreciate even the disappointment overrated games people have constantly thrown at me for years. Because that is how I came to become obsessed with videogames. By experiencing a very well made one, after years of mostly playing mobile games.

  11. 4 months ago

    >poor writing ability
    >insecure arrogance
    many such cases
    Also likely a drug addict of whatever type.

  12. 4 months ago

    Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun

  13. 4 months ago

    I really hate that I recognize the OP of this thread.

  14. 4 months ago

    Димa, хвaтит мecить мaйoнeз в Cтapдью Baлли, Димa

  15. 4 months ago

    Do you exercise OP? That'll help with your mental state.

  16. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago
  17. 4 months ago

    Why are VNgays so gay?

  18. 4 months ago

    >I'm truly bored.
    You're not bored. You're boring.

  19. 4 months ago

    That's a whole lot of text OP but I also loved Disco Elysium because it made me FEEL THINGS and if you'd like I have some other games that made me FEEL THINGS and they are all very different

    >Death Stranding (strand-type game)
    >Hotline: Miami (top-down shooter)
    >Nier: Automata (Action RPG)
    >Primordia (point and click adventure)
    >LISA (JRPG)
    >Yuppie Psycho (adventure horror)
    >Max Payne 1+2 (third person shooter)

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