In your opinion, which game embodies the concept of an RPG the most?

In your opinion, which game embodies the concept of an RPG the most?

Or put another way, which RPG is the most "RPG-like"?

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  1. 2 years ago

    The pillars of D&D being combat, social navigation, and exploration (including overland travel), and depending on your game, stronghold management, personally I think Pathfinder Kingmaker is the most RPG-RPG. Not to say it does any of those things the best, because it doesn't, but having it all there together really gives you the feeling of being on a grand campaign.

    • 2 years ago

      First post is best post. Anon understands that video game RPGs can never fully emulate playing a TTRPG so the best you can hope for is a good campaign styled game with some freedom and exploration. And I agree Pathfinder kingmaker is a eh game based on a god awful system but it does commit to replicating the TTRPG feel the best it can, moreso than any other game I can think of in the last 15 years

    • 2 years ago

      >single player
      >terrible combat
      >has a meta for schizos to care about
      >your build defines your character and how you play
      >terrible graphics
      >has exploits, bugs and softlocks
      >doesn't fit into self explanatory genres but isn't an action-adventure movie experience
      >multiple autistic wikis recounting meaningless lore half from the game, half made up by wiki contributors
      >upgrades are (usually) found as loot
      >trash vending isn't legitimised as a mechanic (MMORPGs aren't RPGs, they're looters)
      >useless esoteric mechanics everyone forgets about, like dragon shouts and poison
      >is popular not because it's good but because no-one has made something better
      >entire world is just disconnected vignettes
      >has magic, you don't have to use it but you probably should
      >"I'm saving these potions for the boss after the boss"
      >every female character is an adult with perky breasts
      >limited voice acting
      It's basically every RPG ever and you don't need to be a pretentious gay referencing some dead Tolkien-lite game that can't run on Windows 7, let alone 11.

      >The pillars of D&D
      D&D is a cycle of fight->loot/XP->upgrade->fight.
      Whilst social/arr pee and exploration help, it's not what makes an RPG. A spreadsheet and rules that everyone agrees are awful makes an RPG.

      >it's a game in which you can steal, buy or find your equipment and use either weapons or magic to kill the enemies you need to beat the game, therefore it's a rpg! Who cares how few meaningful decisions there are!
      J"RP"G tier, non-roleplaying game.

      JRPGs are just number goes up + purchase next sword/spell with a fancier name and different colour to the last.
      Not sure who you're quoting or why you're pretending that JRPGs can be immersive sims or even have theft mechanics beyond npcs stealing your money.

  2. 2 years ago

    Morrowind with Radiant AI™ would kill every other RPG for me.

  3. 2 years ago

    Morrowind for sure, not only it has the deepest RPG mechanics (complex, relevant and connected with everything in the game), it gives the player an unparalleled freedom of action and exploration. The roleplaying possibilities of that game are inmense.
    Main problems are:
    >stealth mechanics are completely broken in the sense that it's an unplayable playstyle
    >magic mechanics are completely broken in the sense that you can literally become a god if you know what you are doing
    >the world and its NPCs are completely static

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, what it lacks in simulation it makes up with thorough worldbuilding and environment storytelling. It's just a pure fantasy game that sucks you in to its world - so grounded, raw, and organic, unlike most games, especially nowadays, where you can clearly tell it has gamey tropes like hostile NPC outposts, UI/HUD clutter, almost little to no flavor text - just direct fourth-wall breaking tutorials, checklist world design, obviously synthetic terrain and vistas where the environment artist wants to show the player their le ebin art™, and disjointed systems that don't make sense like tiered loot and other AAA sterilization.

      It's just not accessible for zoomzooms, brainlets, Romanians and genre tourists which sucks because they're missing out. It's really hard to recommend vanilla without training wheel mods like magicka regen and accurate attack/better balanced combat.

      • 2 years ago

        Now that you mention it, you are right, it feels truly organic and natural, yet exotic and alien; I feel it is the most developed bethesda game before they adopted the mentallity of making their RPGs essentially "attraction parks". Cities and buildings all have a purpose, you could see signs leading to towns in crossroads because of the lack of quest markers, you had NPCs (scouts) whose purpose was to orient the player through the world.
        Though, in my original post I was mainly refering to its deep RPG mechanics, you could create all kinds of characters and playstyles due to its classless system and robust magic system. Literally, that magic system influences and connects with everything, you could make a potion of fortify willpower, which would make you resistent to paralysisis and increase your chance of casting spells. Or you could create a spell that made you very good at enchanting. And not only the possibilities are endless, you could base entire playsties around these ideas.

        • 2 years ago

          Of course, of course. I got a little bit carried away there, I think the game just swooned me again.

    • 2 years ago

      >NPCs are completely static
      Not merely static, all of them lack any sort characterization or personality. If they were replaced by announcement boards, nothing would be lost.

      • 2 years ago

        >[Low Intelligence] Not merely static, all of them lack any sort characterization or personality. If they were replaced by announcement boards, nothing would be lost.

      • 2 years ago

        >"all of them lack any sort characterization or personality"
        >who is caius cosades?
        >who is therana and other telvanni lords?
        >who is davith fyr?
        >who is crasius "chad" curio?
        >who are vivec, dagoth ur and yagrum?
        You are moronic or simply haven't played the game by yourself, morrowind NPCs have more character and flavour than your average RPG, it's just that dialogue options are rare.

    • 2 years ago

      >stealth mechanics are completely broken in the sense that it's an unplayable playstyle
      It's not, though. You can enchant chameleon on gear and walk around perma invis and sneak attack everything at all times. The actual thieving mechanics are shit, but the stealth gameplay technically isnt, its just mediocre.

  4. 2 years ago

    >people ITT saying Morrowind
    Obviously they haven't played Fallout: New Vegas, which allows for meaningful choices to be made that aren't limited to the player's headcanon.

    • 2 years ago

      Meaningful choices, yes, but only those though first by the writers of the game. It's a narrative driven RPG excperience, in the sense that you are free to choose from a set of options, unlike morrowind in which your character is actually unique not only in build but in agency too.
      Let's put it this way, morrowind would be more of an old school D&D where players could have their own characters and let them interac with the world through mechanics and dungeon crawling, while F:NW would be more like 5e

      • 2 years ago

        >unique in agency
        Elaborate. There are two paths to go about the base game's story, which leads to a single ending. Great "rp"g.
        >but you can join a guild and great house!
        Aren't all of those linear with very limited choices each, same as the MQ?

        • 2 years ago

          You still think of roleplaying as just possible choices within a quest, when you can have RPG elements in play without even having quests at all.
          Do you think D&D, the original RPG, had a main quest with dialogue options? It did't, and of course it still was an RPG.
          The roleplaying aspect of morrowind does not only come from the ammount of factions you can join, it comes from the fact that there many, many possible and valid playstyles, ergo, many roles you can adopt. Being a thief and simply stealing shit in town is a valid use of morrowind as an RPG, since it has systems that support such playstyle and even advance the character progression; or maybe a barabrian that hates civilization and just loots ruins, or even an outlawed criminal.
          Your brain is so fricked by so many assumptions of what RPGs should do that you cannot separate roleplaying from dialogue options and secondary quests anymore.

          • 2 years ago

            Morrowind simply has an unlimited ammount of possible roles you can create, while in New vegas you will always be the mail man, and while you can (unorganically) ignore the main quest, your character will still have a fixed backstory and already set relationships with certain characters.

          • 2 years ago

            >it's a game in which you can steal, buy or find your equipment and use either weapons or magic to kill the enemies you need to beat the game, therefore it's a rpg! Who cares how few meaningful decisions there are!
            J"RP"G tier, non-roleplaying game.

            • 2 years ago

              I think it's clear that you simple don't know what "roleplaying" is, either that or you are just reatarded/trolling.
              What you need to understand is that just because the authors of the game didn't acknowledge a possible action in the narrative of the game, it doesn't mean you are not roleplaying by doing such action. If I decide to take the role of a thief, and I do thievery stuff, am I not roleplaying a character with its motivations and own ideas?
              I think morrowind filtered you philosophically, my dear brainlet anon.

              • 2 years ago

                Do you feel that Soulcalibur V is a roleplaying game by virtue of it's character creator?

              • 2 years ago

                No because in a fighting game you only play as a fighter, though I haven't played soulscalibur, but if it is only fighting, then no, you moron. Learn the distinction between character customization and playing a role.

                TTRPGs cannot be compared to video game RPGs. The former's soul is in improvisation, the latter in interactivity and simulation. Copying only the dice-rolling and numbers into a digital format does not make a RPG.

                The fact that each medium has their own strengths and weaknesses does not mean they can't be compared, as long as the game lets you play a role, it is an RPG.
                >Copying only the dice-rolling and numbers into a digital format does not make a RPG
                Yes it does, Temple of Elemental Evil is a great RPG.

                Fallout 1/2

                I wouldn't say so, while the game has RPG elements for sure, it has a linear fixed story for every character, which essentially makes the roleplaying aspect of it worthless.

                Rogue, or in layman's terms Pathos or any game simulating Rogue.

                This homie gets it

              • 2 years ago

                Tabletop combat simulators are not RPGs. Lol.

              • 2 years ago

                That's actually the closest thing we have to a working definition of "role-playing game".

              • 2 years ago

                You are helpless, man.

                Stop eating shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Wow you backed down from this argument at light speed. I'm just stating facts.

              • 2 years ago

                Nothing factual with what you posted. You can continue eating shit but you should not share your incorrect opinions. I am right, you are wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                You are helpless, man.

              • 2 years ago

                I literally created a cast of characters and imagined stories in soul calibur games.

            • 2 years ago

              I guess the original D&D was also a "JRPG tier/not a RPG" game, then.

              • 2 years ago

                TTRPGs cannot be compared to video game RPGs. The former's soul is in improvisation, the latter in interactivity and simulation. Copying only the dice-rolling and numbers into a digital format does not make a RPG.

            • 2 years ago

              Picking from a list of dialogue options to get a specific ending slide is not roleplaying.

          • 2 years ago

            simply "being a thief" isn't actually a valid way to play morrowind though, you will experience much less of the "game" and the game wouldn't acknowledge your thievery beyond giving you a bounty here and there if you get bad rolls or aren't careful. there is no court system, and the scale of the world is so small that the amount of shops you can steal from will only last you like an IRL week of playing the game casually then you are out of places to go.

            Being a thief in morrowind just means buying a ticket to the Thief Rollercoaster, and playing all the Thief missions, making sure you talk to Thief NPCs, and then when the ride is over, there is NOTHING new to experience, you are stuck making it up yourself in morrowind, which the game clearly isn't designed for with so many named NPCs, the main quest line adherence (which you can't complete entirely as a theif) etc.

            Basically everything you praise morrowind for is done in a half-assed way that overall detriments the RPG experience, while technically improving the gameplay experience. by technically i mean literally better technology.

            Daggerfall is the one thats a true RPG, and it's hilarous when these threads pop up and morrowgays post about "Muh play ANY role!! Muh deep RPG mechanics!!" when it's literally either a contrarian opinion or a boomer opinion. either way you are letting preconceptions decide your tastes

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah in Daggerfall you can be a true thief with guards manifesting behind you in someone's attic when you try to steal from their shelf or the shit ton of Thieves Guild jobs that are "click on this item in someone's house and no you can't be caught and it doesn't require any thief skills whatsoever." See I've actually played Daggerfall and the thieving is fricking horrible.
              >there is NOTHING new to experience, you are stuck making it up yourself in morrowind
              >the main quest line adherence (which you can't complete entirely as a theif)
              What the frick does this even mean

      • 2 years ago

        if you argue that morrowind is good for those reasons, daggerfall is just better.

        In your opinion, which game embodies the concept of an RPG the most?

        Or put another way, which RPG is the most "RPG-like"?

        daggerfall, it's pretty much "Role-Play" the game, RPGs since then have become too streamlined even starting with morrowind. Streamlined in the sense that the developers are trying to make "Games" not roleplaying experiences placed within a thoughtfully crafted world. Daggerfall is that.

        When people talk about D&D, the pillars of gameplay, the actual "Role" playing, they are talking about daggerfall without realizing it.

        In daggerfall, the world is there, and you are there to live in it. That is the true essence of an RPG, it's the video game equivalent of Gygax's laws of the RPG "a lived-in world which you can believe possibly exists". Other RPGs, the player is there, and the world is there to be played in.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I was thinking on morrowind and dagerfall, but I just have more experience with the former.

          simply "being a thief" isn't actually a valid way to play morrowind though, you will experience much less of the "game" and the game wouldn't acknowledge your thievery beyond giving you a bounty here and there if you get bad rolls or aren't careful. there is no court system, and the scale of the world is so small that the amount of shops you can steal from will only last you like an IRL week of playing the game casually then you are out of places to go.

          Being a thief in morrowind just means buying a ticket to the Thief Rollercoaster, and playing all the Thief missions, making sure you talk to Thief NPCs, and then when the ride is over, there is NOTHING new to experience, you are stuck making it up yourself in morrowind, which the game clearly isn't designed for with so many named NPCs, the main quest line adherence (which you can't complete entirely as a theif) etc.

          Basically everything you praise morrowind for is done in a half-assed way that overall detriments the RPG experience, while technically improving the gameplay experience. by technically i mean literally better technology.

          Daggerfall is the one thats a true RPG, and it's hilarous when these threads pop up and morrowgays post about "Muh play ANY role!! Muh deep RPG mechanics!!" when it's literally either a contrarian opinion or a boomer opinion. either way you are letting preconceptions decide your tastes

          I like how you moved the goalpost, first you said you couldn't roleplay only through mechanics alone and that you needed the narrative to acknowledge every action, and now you admit you can but you say it's limited in morrowind's case.

    • 2 years ago

      >Fallout: New Vegas, which allows for meaningful choices to be made that aren't limited to the player's headcanon.

      • 2 years ago

        >t. Butthurt Elder S0ys autist / FO3 Apu

    • 2 years ago

      All ARPGs are not RPGs. There are plenty of action adventure games with light RPG elements and there is no objective difference with that and what other people call ARPGs.

      • 2 years ago

        TTRPGs cannot be compared to video game RPGs. The former's soul is in improvisation, the latter in interactivity and simulation. Copying only the dice-rolling and numbers into a digital format does not make a RPG.

        why are you guys even here
        its the video game RPG board (/vrpg/) not /tg/
        people like this complain in every single thread

  5. 2 years ago

    Romanian moment.

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Path of Adventure perfectly encapsulates the sense of exploring the world, overcoming encounters and using your imagination in a neat, bite-sized package.

  8. 2 years ago

    video games aren't rpgs

    • 2 years ago

      None, games can't be RPGs.

      If you don't think so why are you in /vrpg/ then?
      Btw you are a big moron, you should know that.

      • 2 years ago

        NTA, but I'll answer - because unfortunately I can't just play TTRPGs whenever I want, so I'm forced to play with the blind, crippled, and moronic step-cousin.

        • 2 years ago

          When Black folk like you get asked what kind of setting they play in TT you always answer the most basic shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Because he has schizophrenia and shitposting is the only thing that quiets the voices in his head. If you see that image or someone saying "not an RPG" to what is clearly an RPG you know it's him. Ironic cause you know this fat loser doesn't have friends to play tabletop RPGs with in the first place.

  9. 2 years ago

    "Here's your quest choices, bro."
    >steal (unheroic)
    >just ignore it entirely and allow this c**t to continue (unheroic)
    >give solider a painful death by killing him in a merchant's store surrounded by several citizens
    >die at his hands less than 10 minutes into the game (unheroic)
    Okay, a few options to be very unheroic, good so far, BUT...
    >CAN'T attempt to blackmail him
    >CAN'T talk to his higher-ups about his actions
    >CAN'T intimidate Hrisskar into leaving the Bosmer alone at the threat of Hrisskar's life
    >CAN'T beat Hrisskar up until he promises to change his ways
    >CAN'T persuade Hrisskar to stop his bullshit with any combination (including all the following at the same time) of 100 Speechcraft, 100 Personality (or above), 100 Disposition with him and casting an Illusion spell on him
    >CAN'T offer to help him with money in exchange for leaving Fargoth alone
    >CAN'T tell Fargoth about his request
    >CAN'T discuss the note with anyone
    Truly the most "RPG" out of all and any "RPG"s in existence...

    • 2 years ago

      I'd love to hear your pick for the most RPG RPG anon

      • 2 years ago

        None, games can't be RPGs.

        • 2 years ago

          >role playing GAMES
          >can't be games
          ok moron

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, you ever hear of an oxymoron or a misnomer anon?

            • 2 years ago

              >RPG is an oxymoron
              ok moron

            • 2 years ago

              The misnomer in RPG is the roleplaying part more than the game part.

              • 2 years ago

                Except it is not and you totally can play videogames in which you choose a role to play with.

  10. 2 years ago

    Probably one of these aimless life simulators like Kenshi or Daggerfall, but my heart goes with Arcanum.

  11. 2 years ago

    >In your opinion, which game embodies the concept of an RPG the most?
    Most people in this board don't know what is an RPG in the first place.

  12. 2 years ago

    Fallout 1/2

  13. 2 years ago

    Rogue, or in layman's terms Pathos or any game simulating Rogue.

  14. 2 years ago

    >In your opinion, which game embodies the concept of an RPG the most?
    Lifeweb. Nothing can even compare.

  15. 2 years ago

    Icewind Dale

  16. 2 years ago

    It depends what people think is the ultimate goal of an RPG. People used to reference tabletops and say "that but in vidya" but I think with the emergence (or perhaps reemergence) of rule-lite, storytelling-heavy campaigns even this lazy definition is less useful. As I see it there's a split between what players want out of an RPG:

    1) Participatory Narrative := Players who want to play a pivotal role in an epic tale; they want to feel like their choices and actions dramatically alter the story resolution.

    2) World Simulation := Players who wish to inhabit a fantasy world (not necessarily of the fantasy genre) simulated in as complex detail as possible.

    Anyone crowning Daggerfall (or any Bethesda RPG for that matter) almost certainly falls into the latter camp. While fans who would pick PST, V:TMB, or New Vegas are solidly in the former group.

    • 2 years ago

      Wow, a non moronic nuanced reply on Ganker? Are you even real? How is this possible?

    • 2 years ago

      Also, based
      Regards here are throwing shit at each other for valuing different aspects of role play

      Listen here mongrels, to argue about anything you have to establish certain criteria and variables that you're discussing, otherwise you're all just throwing turds at each other

  17. 2 years ago

    Well, first you need to define what an RPG is.

    • 2 years ago

      A role playing game.

  18. 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago

    moronic question because you can't really define "rpg".
    Anyone that tries to use some PnP interpretation is moronic because games are different and too amourphous,

    • 2 years ago

      All roleplaying games are games in which players choose roles to play with, no matter the medium of the game itself (TT, vidya, larping, etc.)
      If your definition is anything other than that you are just simply wrong.
      His question is totally valid and very interesting in fact.

      • 2 years ago

        Not him but if argue that each medium has its own needs/qualifiers that define it and separate it from the others and theirs in it's medium. Like a TT and a larp have their own unqiue aspects that define them from each other. A video game would be something like "a digital game that allows roleplaying within it's strict rules and world". By no means a perfect definition but you get the idea.

    • 2 years ago

      >In your opinion

  20. 2 years ago

    yiik, a post modern rpg

  21. 2 years ago

    Better not level anything that isn't combat because then game becomes unplayable.

    • 2 years ago

      That's skyrim moron, in morrowind non combat skills are equially useful, and unlike skyrim quest enemies don't scale when you level up anyways, so it doesn't matter.

    • 2 years ago

      Only armorer is useless in Morrowind.

  22. 2 years ago

    ToEE is the most pure CRPG I've ever played, although it's underdeveloped outside the mechanical/combat side of things.

  23. 2 years ago

    Temple of Elemental Evil

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