
How can we make the genre geniunely more inclusive? Not just in a bare-minimum corporate mandate kind of way, but practically and effectively so that the global RPG playerbase doubles overnight. What's the genre's barrier to entry and how do we take it apart? Who is it that we're not letting in enough of?

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  1. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Roleplaying is not for normies. Their lives are so perfect why would they need to escape into videogames and roleplay? Let them live their spineless compromised lives but stay out of the industry, frick it they've already ruined it just look at that DoS 3 abomination

      insult the playerbase more but so eloquently that they dont know theyre being insulted.

      dont dumb stuff down but outright tell people a certain playstyle is more difficult and intended for people that know how to read, reason or perform basic planning for a few turns forward. the market for people who dont actually like RPG stories about warriors and would prefer every protag be a pseudo-bard in character has already been captured by quirky millenial writing so now, to capture an even larger audience all that needs to be done is convince them thats its an okay genre to play even if youre mentally bankrupt and cant cope without an explosion every 5 seconds by explicitly detailing that there are infact explosions every other combat encounter if you make the solid attempt to not be a knuckledragger.

      unless this is a shoddy bait thread because you think there are too many gays and browns in games in which case i just did it to you so we both win.

      You do realize BG3's so-called success is a drop in the bucket compared to the kind of success that we should be aiming for? Larian hasn't achieved anything, they haven't opened up the genre for anybody. What I'm thinking of has to go much, much, much further. Basically accrue FIFA or GTA level numbers but still being an RPG.

      • 8 months ago

        >FIFA or GTA

        That means the rpg has to become a major cultural touchstone that teenagers to working men will enjoy.

        Dragon Quest has that in Japan.
        DnD probably is the only thing close to that name brand in the West.
        If you can make it a thing that teenage jocks and 30 (and 40-50) yr old boomers will enjoy, you might get a game to do those numbers.

        It's also got appeal to a primal male testosterone which the sports ball and crime simulator appeal to.
        Nerds, outcasts and gay theater kids always played rpgs, how do you get all the other kids to? Might need to tone back up the hetero.

        Men nowadays like fantasy football, maybe make them interested in autistically stating their own orc barbarian rather than the orc felons in the NFL.

        There, saved your company focus group consulting, maybe put it into actually developing a good game.

      • 8 months ago

        >Larian hasn't achieved anything, they haven't opened up the genre for anybody.
        Let niche things be niche.
        Giving stuff mass appeal inevitably kills what made something good for the few people who enjoyed it as is.

      • 8 months ago

        I've never seen normie women play fifa but they sure as hell were interested in BG3

      • 8 months ago

        so Runescape.

      • 8 months ago

        >but practically and effectively so that the global RPG playerbase doubles overnight.
        Well to first arrive at this point of thinking you would have to be similarly subhuman and removed from humanity as the corpo who thinks that this truism actually works.

        It doesn't. Its "magical thinking" and the fact that people who get paid millions of dollars actually believe this works is hilarious to me.

    • 8 months ago

      Once again it holds true
      >op homosexual

  2. 8 months ago

    Roleplaying is not for normies. Their lives are so perfect why would they need to escape into videogames and roleplay? Let them live their spineless compromised lives but stay out of the industry, frick it they've already ruined it just look at that DoS 3 abomination

    • 8 months ago

      Normies aren't happy, they're just too stupid to know why they're miserable

  3. 8 months ago

    insult the playerbase more but so eloquently that they dont know theyre being insulted.

    dont dumb stuff down but outright tell people a certain playstyle is more difficult and intended for people that know how to read, reason or perform basic planning for a few turns forward. the market for people who dont actually like RPG stories about warriors and would prefer every protag be a pseudo-bard in character has already been captured by quirky millenial writing so now, to capture an even larger audience all that needs to be done is convince them thats its an okay genre to play even if youre mentally bankrupt and cant cope without an explosion every 5 seconds by explicitly detailing that there are infact explosions every other combat encounter if you make the solid attempt to not be a knuckledragger.

    unless this is a shoddy bait thread because you think there are too many gays and browns in games in which case i just did it to you so we both win.

  4. 8 months ago

    I'm not going to do your work for you, stupid ~~*marketer*~~.

  5. 8 months ago

    Start thinking of women as more beyond a) romance options, where you do something unrelated for them and they fall in love with you and give sex as a reward, and b) interchangeable “blank slate” protagonists where the sex is completely removed from the character.

    Write characters intentionally as women (including protagonists) BUT unlike large names such as Lara Croft, do ot without purposely writing them as a sex symbol for male players to ogle.

    • 8 months ago

      Stop thinking of women and definitely don't listen to more of this Anita Griftkeesian style I-just-discovered-reddit simping from 2014. The market has been glutted with feminism since then (coming up on a decade!) and it has put off more players than it earned.

      • 8 months ago

        >coming up on a decade!

  6. 8 months ago

    Everyone is simply non binary so they can be whatever they feel
    Everyone is simply multi racial so racism is ended
    Everyone is poor so theres no classism
    No rogue class so black players wont feel attacked personally

    • 8 months ago

      Harrison Bergeron RPG? Interesting.

    • 8 months ago

      >Rouges STILL getting nerfed

      Stealth archers have broken a generation.

  7. 8 months ago

    You can always take the Skyrim approach to ruining the genre further:
    >dumb down character building
    >make every mechanic as simple as possible
    >make the main character SUPER SPECIAL THATS WHY YOURE HERE WITH ME
    >make the game difficulty juuuuuuuust barely difficult but present it like its challenging so people think they are overcoming it
    >tell them they can climb that mountain and other assorted falsehoods

  8. 8 months ago

    It wouldn't be an issue if you went to totally different regions of the world but RPGs when they do this expect every city to be a cosmopolitan multi-ethnic haven which isn't so common in history the few that were like this are only like this at times like istanbul/Constantinople, Cairo, Tehran to a lesser extent and probably more but the level of multi ethnic they depict is like modern day NYC.

  9. 8 months ago

    You don't. Inclusivity is a moronic concept that was created by corporations because they want all the money in the world.

    People like what they like, when you change something to attract someone who doesn't like what you're making, you just lose the people that are already with you.

  10. 8 months ago

    I don't think you have to dumb it down like anons are saying. League is one of the most popular games atm and it has a pretty high skill floor. Even Dota, which is way more complex, is big enough that Putin congratulated the team who won the international.

    • 8 months ago

      >League is one of the most popular games atm and it has a pretty high skill floor
      garbage game, also not an RPG.

  11. 8 months ago

    >How can we make the genre geniunely more inclusive
    Improve conditions in traditionally underdeveloped and unaccessed markets.
    You want games representing african people, having studios based in africa is going to be the strongest way for tbat to happen.

    • 8 months ago

      >having studios based in africa is going to be the strongest way for tbat to happen
      Wakaliwood ftw!

      • 8 months ago

        nice, digital colonization ftw. resistance is futile.

        I'd play an African crpg that was made by by and for whichever country but the chances of it being made without some foreign influence is gonna be low.

    • 8 months ago

      nice, digital colonization ftw. resistance is futile.

  12. 8 months ago

    It's not though ESG DEI nonsense. It's through better game design. The modern world fixates on the superficial details and set dressing.

  13. 8 months ago

    By making the only way you can play a non-white is by playing a non-human race.

  14. 8 months ago

    We would need better maths education.

  15. 8 months ago

    Take major elements from Stardew Valley, The Sims, etc

  16. 8 months ago

    Multiculturalism is a plague on society and I will always firmly oppose it to the extent of my ability.

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        Anon, I wanna slap the shit out of you. Use removable highlighter, don't smear books with markers - books are the last thing holy in this world.

        • 8 months ago

          Movable type was a tool of the Devil.

        • 8 months ago

          Not my picture. I agree with you, I buy used textbooks and I cringe when I see highlighter.

      • 8 months ago

        Based. Bring back city-states. Our humongous nations are an affront to Nature.

    • 8 months ago

      Once again it holds true
      >op homosexual

      That's obviously not is meant by inclusivity.

      • 8 months ago

        >if u include everyone
        >u include no one
        >really makes u think

  17. 8 months ago
  18. 8 months ago

    I hope you explode

  19. 8 months ago

    >How can we make the genre geniunely more inclusive?
    Why? The definition of inclusive these days seems to be the definition for exclusive. Rather odd bait and switch.
    >Not just in a bare-minimum corporate mandate kind of way, but practically and effectively so that the global RPG playerbase doubles overnight.
    Once again why? Already you sound like someone who wants to make as much money as possible not a good product.
    >What's the genre's barrier to entry and how do we take it apart?
    Take it apart? I thought you wanted more people to enjoy them? Not everybody is going to be interested in the same genres.
    >Who is it that we're not letting in enough of?
    I'm going to assume you're a marketer, we need to gatekeep your logic as hard as possible because you're looking to commit fraud, not make good games.

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