>Increasing the difficulty level just multiplies the number of enemies on the screen and multiplies the amount of time it takes to finish a fight

>Increasing the difficulty level just multiplies the number of enemies on the screen and multiplies the amount of time it takes to finish a fight
This game is beyond tedious and, quite frankly, sucks.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 5 months ago

    >bait: the thread

  2. 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    Doom Eternal fanboys will unironically call this #3D chess. No i'm not kidding.

    • 5 months ago

      looks fun

      • 5 months ago

        that's because you're 12

        • 5 months ago

          I'm not but I get that's your fantasy.

        • 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    I like shooting things.

  5. 5 months ago

    Can someone explain why eternal is so divisive? I personally hate it but I don't know why there are two absolutely confident sides to this issue instead of an overwhelming opinion of one or a grade of various opinions. It really seems like you have a 50/50 shot of absolutely hating it or absolutely loving it. What are the chances?

    • 5 months ago

      Every game gets uniformly shit on here by socially deprived kids who want a reaction to feel like they matter after all. If you see up to half of users defending it without having to huddle in a general thread or obscurity, then that practically certifies that its a good game.

      Not like there's no good reason to personally dislike it or anything, but I imagine the people who really gave it a fair shot, and the people who shit on it, dont overlap all that much.

      • 5 months ago

        It has a LOT of deep-set issues. The tutorials are abrasive, the UI is intrusive, the arenas are poorly designed, the platforming feels thrown in, the weapon switching is awkward and guarantees you either play it like someone with ADHD OR are always out of ammo, the hub is not well designed and doesn't fit the game, many of the new enemies are really annoying to fight, the lore is masturbatory instead of set dressing, the upgrade and unlock systems are ludicrously extensive and distracting, the "secrets" are so frequent and easy to get that you're constantly interrupting the flow of the level, and even with regards to the goals the game set out to include and focus on it falls short: Glory kills are unsatisfying now with the wrist sword, you feel weak when fighting enemies now instead of strong like you did in 2016, they didn't include mechanics promised before release like the demon invasions... Not to mention the focus on microtransactions cluttering the main screen. The bosses are shallow. The music is objectively lower quality than it was in 2016, as per the legal troubles surrounding the game. I feel like I could keep going if I wanted to. Like, why does the default punch not damage enemies any more, and you have to charge up the blood punch? Why the purple goo? Why the underwater sections and rad suit? What's with the performance issues where better pcs have a significantly harder game?

        • 5 months ago

          Underrated post, this is nail on the head. Well done anon.

        • 5 months ago

          >they didn't include mechanics promised before release like the demon invasions.
          I completely forgot this was supposed to be a thing
          also remember eternal has multiplayer

        • 5 months ago

          >you feel weak when fighting enemies now instead of strong like you did in 2016
          what are you on about, 2016 on nightmare was oneshot city

          • 5 months ago

            I played through 2016 on nightmare but I played through eternal (well, about 10 hours' worth of eternal) on easy because it felt like enemies ganged up on you and snuck up on you much more readily. Not to mention the fact that I never had ammo on hand.

            • 5 months ago

              you're either bullshitting or moronic. 2016 on nightmare is a slog with 90% dmg imp fireballs, worthless heal items and no mobility until halfway through the game.
              eternal has a lot of shit going on and is really bad at teaching newbies but it gives you the tools to deal with any situation

        • 5 months ago

          Holy fricking no arguments lads, just an endless stream of statements with nothing to back them up in the slightest

          >The tutorials are abrasive
          What the frick does this even mean? Tutorials are abrasive? What?
          >the UI is intrusive
          By what metric?
          >the arenas are poorly designed
          In what way?
          >the platforming feels thrown in
          >the weapon switching is awkward
          What does do you mean by awkward?
          > the hub is not well designed and doesn't fit the game
          >many of the new enemies are really annoying to fight
          Which ones? For what reasons?
          >the lore is masturbatory instead of set dressing
          For what reason?
          >the upgrade and unlock systems are ludicrously extensive and distracting
          Extensive compared to what? Distracting to what?
          >the "secrets" are so frequent and easy to get that you're constantly interrupting the flow of the level
          Secrets are something the player chooses to get, if you are interupting your own expeirence its your own fault. The game allows you an amazing system that allows you to teleport back at any time should you wish to hunt for secrets at the end. You hurt your own experience and blamed the game for it despite it being extremely friendly and open with giving you a solution.
          >Glory kills are unsatisfying now with the wrist sword
          Why is this?


          • 5 months ago

            >What does do you mean by awkward?
            nta but the mouse wheel will slowly go through your weapons one at a time and there's no hud icons for weapons. It's not like this in Doom 3 or the Quake 2 remaster.

            • 5 months ago

              I guess QoL wise they could fix that issue. I think you would be better off learning to just... use keybindings like everyone else. Its one of the best parts of playing on PC, not being limited to using bad buttons like controllers. And honestly I think the developers would just tell you to use their weapon wheel like a controller user at that point. It even has all the weapon icons there like you want.

              • 5 months ago

                >I think you would be better off learning to just... use keybindings like everyone else.
                Ok see that's cope. I should have known you were just gonna get defensive.

              • 5 months ago

                Its not cope since I said that yes they could fix that very specific QoL issue that apparently you have. I'm telling you for your own benefit to learn how to play properly, or to use the weapon wheel that solves your issues entirely, its literally there for people like you.

              • 5 months ago

                You're a fanboy. You cant just concede and not make it personal.

              • 5 months ago

                What the frick are you talking about, I literally consneeded it TWICE now. All I've done is offer you two possible solutions to fix the issue yourself that would only benefit yourself by doing them.

              • 5 months ago

                The issue isn't me it's the game. God you're such a fanboy. They're all like this. This is why everyone hates you.

              • 5 months ago

                A record of your posts and interactions the past few posts:
                >in the year 2024 I am still using the mouse wheel to select weapons and need icons to know what weapon I have
                >the mouse wheel seems to be slow in swapping weapons
                >the person I am talking to has said yes they should fix this
                >he also told me that using keybinding is better and also if I don't like that then that the weapon wheel gives me the swapping speed and icons I asked for
                >I am now angry
                >the issue isn't me

              • 5 months ago

                I told you a problem with the game and you're reflecting it back on me. Listen to yourself. This is all you fanboys.

              • 5 months ago

                You know what? Yeah sure why not. I'll just become your boogeyman at this point and call you an obvious braindead idiot who grew up playing in the mid 2000's during doom 3/quake 4 era when you have half your screen as weapon icons because memorizing even 8 things you constantly use over the course of a double digit hour long campaign is asking far too much for you. Also the stasis and stagnation of your old age brainrot has caused you to simply not change how you have done things in the past such as using a mouse wheel, and even when given alternatives you lash out in a fit of rage to the person giving you advice, you would rather contuine being inept and angry over having to change anything you have done previously.

                You are a fricking idiot and I hope id software never fixes your the issue with the mouse wheel so I can keep thinking about it and knowing it upsets you. Pce.

              • 5 months ago

                Every first person shooter lets you cycle through your weapons but Doom Eternal

              • 5 months ago

                It does, you just rebind scroll up to next weapon and scroll down to previous weapon

              • 5 months ago

                NTA. You are being a colossal gay trying to force this false victimhood narrative. He said it should be fixed.

              • 5 months ago

                He's a gay

              • 5 months ago

                >I think you would be better off learning to just...

            • 5 months ago

              >and there's no hud icons for weapons
              Press the number buttons right above the letter buttons and you switch to the weapon mapped to that number. A lobotomized iguana can do this, why is it so difficult for you?

              • 5 months ago

                >doesn't use key bindings because the scroll wheel is broken
                youtube speak

          • 5 months ago


            >you feel weak when fighting enemies now instead of strong like you did in 2016
            By what metric?
            >they didn't include mechanics promised before release like the demon invasions
            Thats fair, but not a criticism of the game. Thats a criticism of the company.
            >Not to mention the focus on microtransactions cluttering the main screen
            You mean a single small icon of the current event? Thats not a real issue.
            >The bosses are shallow
            For FPS standards they are above average, if you have some examples of games to show that aren't Ultrakill, free feel to post them.
            >The music is objectively lower quality than it was in 2016
            Its objectively lower on the DR rating, correct. Not on the quality of the music
            >why does the default punch not damage enemies any more
            A fair point, but not something to actually cause any people to not enjoy the game. The punch does serve its purpose for opening doors and blocks and such.
            > Why the purple goo
            Obviously to give you a different challenge. I don't think it worked out that well, but its a minor element of the game that rarely appears and is basically absent from the DLC.
            >Why the underwater sections and rad suit?
            For pacing, just like the platforming. Another incredibly short section that wouldn't really ruin anyones enjoyment of the game. Just a petty thing to bring up in a lack lustre list you have going on here.
            >What's with the performance issues
            The last game on this earth to say has performance issues is Doom Eternal, this is regarded as one of the best optimized games released in many years. Try another angle.

            >source? source on this? yes source please? source?
            here's your (You)

            • 5 months ago

              >This is bad. That is stinky. This is poopy.
              >What do you mean by that?

          • 5 months ago

            you are not doing the needful

          • 5 months ago

            >Those are just statements!!! They're not valid unless you back it up with rigorous fact-checking!

            • 5 months ago

              >you mean i need to back up my claims with facts?!?!?!!?!?!?

              So if I label you as a dog-eating child rapist, you don't demand I explain why I did so and accept that you're now a dog-eating child rapist?

        • 5 months ago

          Holy fricking no arguments lads, just an endless stream of statements with nothing to back them up in the slightest

          >The tutorials are abrasive
          What the frick does this even mean? Tutorials are abrasive? What?
          >the UI is intrusive
          By what metric?
          >the arenas are poorly designed
          In what way?
          >the platforming feels thrown in
          >the weapon switching is awkward
          What does do you mean by awkward?
          > the hub is not well designed and doesn't fit the game
          >many of the new enemies are really annoying to fight
          Which ones? For what reasons?
          >the lore is masturbatory instead of set dressing
          For what reason?
          >the upgrade and unlock systems are ludicrously extensive and distracting
          Extensive compared to what? Distracting to what?
          >the "secrets" are so frequent and easy to get that you're constantly interrupting the flow of the level
          Secrets are something the player chooses to get, if you are interupting your own expeirence its your own fault. The game allows you an amazing system that allows you to teleport back at any time should you wish to hunt for secrets at the end. You hurt your own experience and blamed the game for it despite it being extremely friendly and open with giving you a solution.
          >Glory kills are unsatisfying now with the wrist sword
          Why is this?



          >you feel weak when fighting enemies now instead of strong like you did in 2016
          By what metric?
          >they didn't include mechanics promised before release like the demon invasions
          Thats fair, but not a criticism of the game. Thats a criticism of the company.
          >Not to mention the focus on microtransactions cluttering the main screen
          You mean a single small icon of the current event? Thats not a real issue.
          >The bosses are shallow
          For FPS standards they are above average, if you have some examples of games to show that aren't Ultrakill, free feel to post them.
          >The music is objectively lower quality than it was in 2016
          Its objectively lower on the DR rating, correct. Not on the quality of the music
          >why does the default punch not damage enemies any more
          A fair point, but not something to actually cause any people to not enjoy the game. The punch does serve its purpose for opening doors and blocks and such.
          > Why the purple goo
          Obviously to give you a different challenge. I don't think it worked out that well, but its a minor element of the game that rarely appears and is basically absent from the DLC.
          >Why the underwater sections and rad suit?
          For pacing, just like the platforming. Another incredibly short section that wouldn't really ruin anyones enjoyment of the game. Just a petty thing to bring up in a lack lustre list you have going on here.
          >What's with the performance issues
          The last game on this earth to say has performance issues is Doom Eternal, this is regarded as one of the best optimized games released in many years. Try another angle.

        • 5 months ago

          >you feel weak when fighting enemies now instead of strong like you did in 2016
          i don't even like the game (played it once, probably never will again unlike doom 2016) but i don't know how you got to that
          i guess those guys with the invincible shielding make you feel "pretty weak"? i agree they sucked, but they're hardly common enough to generalize the sentiment

    • 5 months ago

      If you ask me, it's a good game but a bad sequel. The gameplay and aesthetics are debatable, but the story took a completely different direction from 2016, Mick Gordon got kicked out of the DLCs, and battlemode doesn't compromise for the loss of snapmap, traditional multiplayer and invasion.

    • 5 months ago

      Doom is an iconic series, and Eternal changed the formula. Anytime you make major changes to a long-running, iconic series like Doom, it's going to be divisive. Some will embrace the change and others will refuse the change in favor of what was

      • 5 months ago

        Compared to what, Doom 3 or 2016?

        • 5 months ago

          Doom, doom 2, doom 64, doom 3, doom 2016, sigil, sigil 2, the endless legion of doom wads

          • 5 months ago

            Doom 3 and 2016 is a change on the classic formula, I don't see how you can lump them with 1, 2, 64.

            • 5 months ago

              Because the change from og to 3 & 2016 is less drastically in play quality compared to DE.

            • 5 months ago

              Easy, Doom 3 is an awesome game despite changing the formula. Doom 2016 and Eternal are woke troony garbage for homosexuals.

              • 5 months ago

                >Easy, Doom 3 is an awesome game despite changing the formula.
                Yes agree, survival horror kino
                >Doom 2016 and Eternal are woke troony garbage for homosexuals.
                Hold up what is woke about them?

          • 5 months ago

            Doom 3 and 2016 is a change on the classic formula, I don't see how you can lump them with 1, 2, 64.

            3 is a weird one like the levels, enemies and half the weapon lineup is survival horror but the gameplay itself is straight up quake
            eternal is just 2016 with more gimmicks

    • 5 months ago

      >multiplies the number of enemies on the screen
      it never gives you too many you can't handle or the game design doesn't allow it unlike doom 2 where you can drop 50 barons in a room and give the player a rocket launcher and it just werks
      the general balance in eternal is better than 2016 which was literally just enemies doing either no damage or killing you in 2 hits
      oh and armour is just another health bar y'know just standard nudoom design moronation

      midwits will say it's the story or aesthetic changes but it's really the gimmicks, eternal doubles down on that shit

      • 5 months ago

        it really is like capeslop with the stupid marauders and the final boss, whatever his name is. it would actually make for a decent film adaptation. Huh.

      • 5 months ago

        > but it's really the gimmicks, eternal doubles down on that shit
        eternal literally doubled down on all the stuff that people criticized 2016 for and people pretend like it's better?

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >oh and armour is just another health bar y'know just standard nudoom design moronation

        What did it do in the original games?

      • 5 months ago

        > but it's really the gimmicks, eternal doubles down on that shit
        eternal literally doubled down on all the stuff that people criticized 2016 for and people pretend like it's better?

        gimmicks have a horseshoe effect. A few gimmicks is a nice refreshing change of pace from the game at large, more than that and it detracts from the gameplay...until you have enough that you can be using multiple gimmicks all the time, and then it becomes established that is the intended gameplay and just go hog wild on it

      • 5 months ago

        Anyone that worships the OG Doom is either a Gen X subhuman who worships their childhood, or a larper doing the equivalent of VNF... THE IMPERIVM ROMANVN posting.

        • 5 months ago

          Anyone who worships half life and nu doom is a millennial redditor

    • 5 months ago

      There are just some really aggressive terminally online eternal white knights recently who I'm almost certain make eternal bait threads so they can tell people who rightly shit on the poor design decisions to git gud just troll as tediously as the gameplay for eternal is. If they were at least entertaining it wouldn't be so bad, but as it is its just boring and constantly shitting up the catalog.

      • 5 months ago

        From how this thread has gone you can tell that the trolls are asleep or already left the office for the day

    • 5 months ago

      I just started playing it and feel about the same on it as I do 2016: kinda boring but engaging enough to make you want to win the next battle. I don't know why there is such a divide among people about the two games. Eternal is just 2016 with more item drop mechanics and platforming. I like the levels a little bit more.

    • 5 months ago

      Basically, there are two kinds of people in this world: the intelligent, and the moronic. The moronic do not like Eternal. They will complain about shit like level design, or music. despite the fact that they are obviously clueless about these things.

      • 5 months ago

        Gooooood morning sir!

        • 5 months ago

          hahahaha they actually have started crawling out of the woodwork. Imagine not having new year's off. Aaaaahahahahahaha

          • 5 months ago

            In the land of the endless toilet, the flush never ends

      • 5 months ago

        Gooooood morning sir!


      • 5 months ago

        Intelligent people and moronic people usually agree, just for different reasons. It's the midwits causing most of the world's problems.

        • 5 months ago

          >Intelligent people and moronic people usually agree
          >my Ganker wojak memes are reality
          How delusional can you get? I think literally the only time I ever saw this play out in reality was during Covid where the people with PHD's were more skeptical of the vaccine similar to the uneducated.

      • 5 months ago

        purple goop

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly I think it’s mostly skill issues. It’s a difficult game and some people really don’t like acknowledging that they aren’t actually that good at fps.

    • 5 months ago

      the fact that marauders and TAG1 filter so many people says all you need to know. Ganker is fricking dogshit at games to add to that.

      • 5 months ago

        marauders only difficult comes from not realizing that it's literally just red light green light

      • 5 months ago

        marauder is annoying, not hard.

      • 5 months ago

        >marauders and TAG1 filter so many people
        >HEY ignore that guy and fight me instead
        >whoops did you take your eyes off me? Gotta stare at me for a few seconds again teehee
        >Didn't you say you liked shooting people in FPS games? Here, stand and stare at me while not shooting for an extended period of time while other enemies harass you.
        >Aren't you having fun? Haha, filtered.

        • 5 months ago

          get filtered moron

          • 5 months ago

            get filtered by the kid asking if you have any games on your phone

        • 5 months ago

          I've never had problems with the Marauder. I thought you gamers were supposed to be ebin leet masters of gaming able to adapt to everything.

          • 5 months ago

            eternal defense force illiterate as usual. Good morning, sir!

            • 5 months ago

              You described how shit you were at fighting a Marauder. I can beat them in five seconds. Shit, Markiplier raped the first Marauder you meet as a boss and he sucks at games.

    • 5 months ago

      Eternal is more akin to a fighting game than a shooter, because it doubles down on its mechanics.
      Its a game where you constantly have to juggle a handful of mechanics and meters while also maintaining a base rythm of gameplay that consists of shooting and moving around the arena.
      So, in that regard, it's a game that always throws at you another aspect of gameplay to think about when the base gameplay is integrated into your state of flow, not unlike fighting games, where you learn some combos, some setups and to manage your life and meter bars.
      The game is not concerned with measuring if the player can understand the mechanics in the sense that you discover on your own what's the best playstyle for you or for you to overcome a certain check. To illustrate this point: in Zelda, you have to try all sorts of methods to find a weakness to the bosses and open them up for a direct hit. Doom Eternal tells you what the weakness is from the get go, its concern is more related to make you internalize this information to your mental structure of the gameplay so that it becomes part of your vocabulary so to speak.
      Peronsally, I like it. I get what they were going for, but I also think that they didn't managed to make the game shine by focusing more on the core gameplay in disregard of everything else.

      • 5 months ago

        No, it's just boring, there is no challenge. It just waste your time. I've never fallen asleep playing a game before DE.

      • 5 months ago

        I like this post even if I disagree and think its better by focusing on the core gameplay over everything else.

    • 5 months ago

      2016 was perfect. Eternal added a bunch of unnecessary shit for no reason that did nothing but breakup the gameplay. The platforming, the spaceship hub, the different worlds, the convoluted lore, who the frick needed that shit?

    • 5 months ago

      Eternal requires heavy modding to make it bearable. The fanboys are just acritical underaged morons too stupid to try classic dooms and see it is not only faster, but an actual shooter instead of a platformer with extra steps. Also, for some unintelligible reason, they think constantly switching weapons like an idiot looks cool in their tik tok videos instead of moronic.

      • 5 months ago

        I agree with you I just want to take the wind out of the sails of the gays that are going to try to say git gud like it's an argument by heading them off. They don't have real arguments as to why it's good just adhominim insults.

    • 5 months ago

      Unlike 2016 and the majority of modern games Eternal is a decent challenge even at moderate skills so casuals will kick and scream because its the games fault they suck

    • 5 months ago

      I haven't played either but eternal looks like they cranked everything up a few dials for adhd ridden zoomie brains

    • 5 months ago

      I think a sizeable margin of people that hate Eternal don't realize the chainsaw regenerates fuel, you don't have to save it.

      • 5 months ago

        I remember running out of chainsaw charges and HAVING to wait for it to recharge. Lol!

    • 5 months ago

      >Can someone explain why eternal is so divisive?

      mostly because it got to popular, partially because the gameplay is very 'strict' with how you're supposed to play.

      • 5 months ago

        Not even remotely true, it's an argument that doesn't even make sense, what do you doo if there are too many cows in the street?

        • 5 months ago

          >what do you doo if there are too many cows in the street?
          indians really do be defending eternal to their last breath

          • 5 months ago

            It's a pretty shitty "hill" to die on

    • 5 months ago

      It's a distillation of the same kind of kid that hated Wind Waker after playing Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask because it was brightly colored "baby shit" and they were sold on a dark, grungy Zelda that only existed for two games. Except it's even sillier here because Doom Eternal is just Doom 2016 with more Conan references and the saturation cranked up, and it's the same hyper-violent shooter the previous one was; arguably Doom Eternal is truer to Doom and Doom 2's tone than Doom 3 and Doom 2016 were.

      Everything else is purely Ganker contrarianism.

      • 5 months ago

        >Doom Eternal is truer to Doom and Doom 2's tone

        >chainsaws for magic ammo
        >shoots epic Arachnotron™ weakpoint after lining up shot for 5 seconds while dashing side to side because pro Quake™ skills
        >moronic door opening cutscene plays
        >"Mhmm....rip and tear.. looks like the Hell Priest™ is nearby.. I will rip and tear because I am the ancient Doom Slaya™
        >"Come on, Vega™"
        >follows Skyrim™ compass
        >Picks up 10 epic fanfiction-tier lore dumps about how badass the Slaya™ is on the way
        >Door locks behind the Slaya™ and demons appear
        >cacophony of moronic monster noises while the fart synth kicks into action
        >chainsaws for magic ammo
        >"Rip and tear" WUBWUBWUBBWAMBWAMDUUUUUNUUUUNUUHHHNHUHHH *Uses Flame Belch™ on a deliberately spawned group of Possessed™ and they become Staggered™, does a badass Heat Blast™ and Armor Shards™ fly into the Slaya™'s face*
        >chainsaws for magic ammo
        >switches weapons 75 times
        >dashes aimlessly waiting for a Possessed™ to spawn
        >chainsaws for magic ammo
        >swings on monkey bars
        >performs impse
        >250 arena laps and 150 chainsaw uses later the Slaya™ is victorious
        >Mhmm.. The Hell Priest™ is not here.. Better tell Samuel Hayden™ about this
        >"Come on, Vega™"
        >Walks two meters and Alien Queen™ appears in an epic cutscene
        >"You will not defeat me, Slaya™, I am the Emperor of the Universe and you are nothing but a Usurper™, the Kar En Kuk™ Council of Elder Alien Space Sentinel Argent D' Nur™ has banished you from the alien kingdom and I will defeat you!"
        Cut to black and level ends before epic boss fight so player can process how epic this is and maybe make a Reddit™ post about it before carrying on

        • 5 months ago

          Nu Doom and all valve games are so reddit it hurts
          >bad games overrated because of literal morons who talk like babys

        • 5 months ago

          Do you have the one copypasta with israelite'israelite the Sensational Betrayer

        • 5 months ago

          Sounds fun

    • 5 months ago

      Hate the me mechanics that's all. Having to juggle with your arsenal with every enemies, and going for particular units or killing them in melee for armor and ammo, having very little ammo, having all your throwables on a gay cool-down like if I was playing a MOBA. It's going the opposite way of what I like in a fps ( doing whatever I want with the guns and fighting however I want ).

      • 5 months ago

        And the marauder illustrates every design choices I hate with it. You're not taking decisions on how to fight, you have to precisely do what the devs want and wait for the very strict opening to injure it. It's very very gay. It's a Simon says game.

        • 5 months ago

          Basically, a natural slave cattle adores eternal, free thinkers absolutely hate that game.

    • 5 months ago

      people with an open mind and some degree of objectivity recognize eternal as a good game in its own right. soda brained burnouts see flashy colors and rules and go into their zoomer bloodrage.

      • 5 months ago

        Nearly all the Eternal hate here comes from classic doom boomers though?

    • 5 months ago

      >is deliberately difficult and has a learning curve, which means people are going to get angry at it, guaranteed
      >gameplay is unlike anything else, so magnify that as people are going to be uncomfortable with the learning process- especially since it's a sequel, and it's following up on a style of gameplay that was emergent rather than intentional in d2016
      >By virtue of being niche, has an extremely passionate loud fanbase, great for trolling

    • 5 months ago

      it's not, 99% of gamers love it, the haters are all samegays

    • 5 months ago

      because it's shit and full of gimmicks instead of proper gameplay
      the fanboys believe people hate it because they're not good at the game as if Eternal is hard at all

  6. 5 months ago

    >multiplies the number of enemies on the screen

    I thought it just makes the AI more aggressive and do more damage. I haven't played in ages but I thought all the difficulties share the same amount and type of enemies.

  7. 5 months ago

    they wanted to make a schmoovement shooter but they had to compromise for controller input, guaranteeing a mediocre result.

    • 5 months ago

      yeah they completely neutered the movement which is basically a staple of the engine physics
      one of those early 2016 multiplayer tests actually had bunnyhopping you could activate through console but it was completely fricked up

  8. 5 months ago

    the difficulty level just multiplies the number of enemies on the screen and multiplies the amount of time it takes to finish a fight
    no it doesn't
    it also makes enemies individually more aggressive and damaging
    but ok whatever you say homie

  9. 5 months ago

    oh look another bing bing wahoo game

  10. 5 months ago

    >play first person shooter
    >complain when the game gives you more enemies to shoot at

  11. 5 months ago

    making a screencap of this thread brb

    • 5 months ago

      might be useful later

      • 5 months ago

        and just the full screenshot if you want that instead

  12. 5 months ago

    I liked it but it is heavy on enemy gimmicks and weapon switching. The dlc's at max difficulty are close to heart attack level of intensity with the blue ghost shit.

    • 5 months ago


  13. 5 months ago

    you know it's bad when people still cry about fighting the marauder, one of the most predictable and easier enemies to kill in this game.

    • 5 months ago

      >this thing is annoying
      >haha get filtered idiot

  14. 5 months ago

    i completely agree, and feel that both 2016 and Eternal are a more fun experience on Too Young to Die difficulty
    as lame as that sounds

  15. 5 months ago

    Fun game

  16. 5 months ago

    >almost 4 years since the game launced
    >Ganker is STILL seething about it

    • 5 months ago

      good meme
      still hate the game
      but good meme

      • 5 months ago

        False equivalency because it's eternal gays constantly bringing it up so they can tell people that they "weren't ready"

        seething a about what? that the game is shit?

        how often do you think about doom eternal?

        • 5 months ago

          Never played it but got it for free on games with gold on xbox or something

        • 5 months ago

          whenever it's brought up on here or with my buddies when we talk about game design.

    • 5 months ago

      False equivalency because it's eternal gays constantly bringing it up so they can tell people that they "weren't ready"

    • 5 months ago

      seething a about what? that the game is shit?

    • 5 months ago

      whats hilarious is hugo is literally better than morons on Ganker who cry about marauder while he has literal 50yo man reflexes and plays on a gamepad.

      just fricking inconceivable level of shitters that play this game.

      • 5 months ago

        >is literally better than morons on Ganker who cry about marauder
        what is with this consistent cope?

        marauder is annoying, not hard.

        • 5 months ago

          They don't have real arguments, merely adhominim attacks on people to try and start a back and forth and pad the thread by screaching git gud while the other person list the many flaws

  17. 5 months ago

    DOOM 4 was a vastly superior effort to Eternal.
    > Story/Characters
    > Atmosphere/Art Direction
    > Actual Level Design (Foundry was kino)

    DOOM 2016 is a near perfect game start to finish where only really the ending fell flat and the boss were mid. But overall, DOOM 4 is a tremendously good FPS game, one of the finest I've played in terms of providing a strong memorable experience.

    Eternal changed the gameplay, for better or worse, if one prefers the gameplay then more power to you. I personally do not like that they removed the melee attack and replaced it with Bloodpunch since that made old animation cancels like punching between shotgun blasts impossible in Eternal, but overall the gunplay is pretty good and the Dash/Dodge specifically is a nice improvement.

    But in every other regard except technical (it runs exceptionally well considering the graphics on offer) its predecessor is simply the superior game. Eternal was fine, but it's a letdown after the genuinely great 2016 reboot.

    • 5 months ago

      >doom 2016 is a near perfect game start to finish
      if your standards for good games is half life 2 a boring dogshit game that strings you along for ages with almost nothing happening other than weak explosions with no real impact and brain dead enemies

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          you can try to ignore it all you want
          but doom life 2 isn't a good game
          the gameplay is trash and doesn't even bring the same sense of fulfillment as timesplitters 2

          • 5 months ago

            You trash Black person homosexual, mentioning timesplitters 2 in a DE thread, have some fricking dignity

            • 5 months ago

              KYS you monkey bar swinging ape with dogshit taste

              • 5 months ago

                Timesplitters 2 blows DE so far out of the water it's not even funny. Now that was a real shooter.

    • 5 months ago

      >DOOM 2016 is a near perfect game start to finish
      I can't imagine anyone having this opinion unless their only exposure to shootan games were halo and cod

  18. 5 months ago

    i appreciate eternals experiments
    like they could have just made doom 2016 2 but they chose to build on it instead
    but they did overdo it a bit

  19. 5 months ago

    >Always hear that Eternal is too strict
    >Play an FPS that isn't Eternal
    >Feel pigeonholed into a specific mode of play because of ammo and health scarcity that Eternal doesn't have in the same way

    Every time

    • 5 months ago

      Play ion fury. Even on hard you never run out of ammo there's shit to grab everywhere. And enemies aren't bullet sponges you do as much damage to them than they can do to you.
      Yeah I'll continue shilling for it for free. Game deserves more recognition for how big and great it is.

  20. 5 months ago

    It's Doom-themed Simon Says for zoomers
    Doom died for this

  21. 5 months ago

    >multiplies the number of enemies on the screen
    I wish

  22. 5 months ago

    Why are gays crying about this piece of shit game instead of, I don't know, playing the trillions of doom wads available, playing the build engine fps, or playing the new boomer shooters made available with the resurgence of indies like ion fury ( I'm on the fence of buying the dlc )?

  23. 5 months ago

    Hourly shit on doom eternal thread?

  24. 5 months ago

    I like the game but looking back there’s a few problems.
    >the hub was confusing and made no sense from a lore perspective and a gameplay perspective. How did Doomguy even get something like that after Hayden left him for dead in 2016? Why did he need it? Shit was also a pain in the ass to navigate.
    >how masturbatory people were of Doomguy. Like I get it. He’s a self insert badass character like Chief. But jfc it was so fricking annoying to see cutscenes and dialogue and other shit that was like “oooooh look how kewl Doomguy is! Isn’t he so kewl?”. Previous doom games just made him a badass through player action. It was simple. You were just a really pissed off dude against an entire demon army. That premise itself is inherently badass. Just think of Aragorn leading the charge against the entire army of Uruk-hai. But when the game shows him as some prophesized god man I rolled my eyes. Please have some fricking restraint jfc.
    >I liked the gameplay loop back when I played it but now I find it to be too restrictive. What made 2016 and other “toolset” shooters (like Half Life) work was that it gave a player a set of tools and said go nuts. It gave the player an option to sort of carve out their own play style within the game. I understand wanting to utilize all the weapons but that should be an option that I want to go down, not forced on me

    Anyways I think the game is good but I have some issues with it in retrospect.

  25. 5 months ago

    Wow look at this. Actual level design and hand placed enemies. Tactical weapon switching, resource management, and strategic enemy prioritization. Fast movement speed. No cooldowns. But because it doesn't have flashy colors, memes, and gum drops the kiddies hate it.

    • 5 months ago

      >Actual level design and hand placed enemies
      DE has this, who else placed the enemies there?
      >Tactical weapon switching
      You mean you swapping for no reason just for a webm.
      > resource management
      Quake 2 has almost none of this and is a bab game even compared to quake 1, which was already too easy. The enemies here are a jobber joke.
      > strategic enemy prioritization
      You literally just killed this first target you laid eyes on, why even lie about your own webm?
      >Fast movement speed
      Eternal is far faster, and this game has no way to move vertically in combat.

    • 5 months ago

      Quake 2 is maybe the single dumbest shooter I've ever played. it's like the stereotype of the retro FPS as this moronic game where you run in and kill everyone without thinking

      fun tho

  26. 5 months ago

    Doom Eternal is such a tik tok game.

  27. 5 months ago

    >Doom Eternal is like a dance with chess
    No i'm not kidding watch youtube reviews and they say this.

  28. 5 months ago

    >cinematic takedowns

    never going to play these nuDoom games no matter what

  29. 5 months ago

    >Increasing the difficulty level just multiplies the number of enemies on the screen and multiplies the amount of time it takes to finish a fight

    I thought that was one of the things everyone praises the original Doom games for, having loads and loads of demons on the screen at once. The lack of demon numbers is certainly one of the things people who hate Doom 2016 and Eternal constantly complain about.

  30. 5 months ago

    agreed. even worse than the last one somehow
    >leave negative review with fair criticisms
    >get loads of ass hurt zoomies in the comments

  31. 5 months ago

    It's obvious there's one guy who like Eternal in this thread

  32. 5 months ago

    the difficulty level just multiplies the number of enemies on the screen
    Easier difficulties remove enemies but all encounters a re balanced toward Nightmare.
    Eternal is very well balanced toward the highest difficulty to the point it could had been the only difficulty.

  33. 5 months ago

    Honestly sick of the discussion and constant baiting about this game from both sides. As someone who likes it I will just say that I hope they double down on their design choices next game. The whining about difficulty from consolegays on TAG1 release was glorious and it's a shame they were forced to nerf it.

    • 5 months ago

      I beat UN across all modes on console.
      I liked Eternal better on console because DPS on PC is tied to the framerate plus it felt like I actually had a chance online. Battlemode is incredibly sweaty on any platform but you will be surprised how dedicated the people who still play BM are in regards the game. They will often throw and coach people if it mean getting more players.

      As for playing the campaign on Ultra Nightmare, the game is balanced toward Nightmare but yeah Tag1 was a rude awakening for everyone but it was my fault at first for trying to speed run the game not knowing TAG intent. I respect Id because they are the only group to value challenge and gameplay above all else in an industry that is dangerously leaning toward cheap tricks like award bait story telling and now straight up porn.

      • 5 months ago

        It is popular to shit on this, but I had a ton of fun playing as demon. One of the benefits of its lack of popularity is that it is very possible, if not likely, you will be matched against a "pro" level Slayer eventually. Highlight of my time playing battlemode is getting queued against Hugo Martin and fricking destroying him.

  34. 5 months ago

    here's a (You). enjoy

  35. 5 months ago

    I like it. I hope they make more games like it.

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