>indie band starts playing for 50th time. >soul every time

>indie band starts playing for 50th time
>soul every time
How did Kojima do it?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    just download ost and uninstall your "game" then, lel

    • 10 months ago

      It's not the same without the kino landscape

      • 10 months ago

        >kino landscape

        • 10 months ago

          brownoids don't get it

  2. 10 months ago

    >*tin titirin tintitirin tintitirin I'm leaaaaving*

  3. 10 months ago

    >indie band starts playing for 50th time
    >song stops because I need to check the map

  4. 10 months ago

    >song starts
    >gets interrupted immediately because it starts raining and the game has to do the O FUG THERE’S BTS HERE WATCH OUT cutscene for the 100th time

    Ruined several missions for me

    • 10 months ago

      This is how I know you never played the game you inbred moron, song parts are specially placed after you just cleared a BT area or in an area free of them.

      • 10 months ago

        what no they arent

      • 10 months ago

        The one where you carry the asian waifu to her bf is specifically scripted to where the song cuts off unless you take an autistic route around the BT territory
        There’s multiple other ones that can easily get cut off just by walking slightly the wrong way
        Wtf are you even talking about

      • 10 months ago

        Death stranding has that issue for other places though. it plays some badass song then the second you get anywhere NEAR a UCA building. The music just evaporates, Killing the mood.

    • 10 months ago

      >>gets interrupted immediately because it starts raining and the game has to do the O FUG THERE’S BTS HERE WATCH OUT cutscene for the 100th time
      Iirc you can turn that off in the settings

      • 10 months ago

        Mini-review since I beat it a week ago:
        >loved delivering shit other than in the mountains, since the rewards don't match the increased effort
        >plot was okay, Kojima could've used a couple wrist-slaps here and there
        >BB was great, both as a character and as a gameplay function, though I only got the autotoxemia thing once during the scripted part
        >music was great, though I hated how easy it was to have it get interrupted by shit like BTs and short trips cutting it off
        >hated that the third map was so short, seemed like it should've played a bigger role
        >liked most of the characters, though I kinda wish they would slowly start using their real names by the end, like Die-Hardman did
        >BTs in gameplay just felt like filler. Loved fighting them, but they just get plonked down in the middle of your path solely to slow you down or encourage you to drop your vehicle
        >100% of the game's boss fights were janky as shit and I almost feel like they shouldn't be in the game. Both XBOXHUEG bosses were health sponges and stupid easy because of the free guns and ammo
        >only used the long range trucks the whole game, didn't use anything else as soon as I unlocked them, there's no reason to, especially with the shit battery life of the non long range vehicles
        >vehicle physics are PS2-tier, which is completely baffling considering how complex the on-foot physics/mechanics are
        >hated that going to the private room forces you to pass, like, 6 hours in-game, ruining your shit

        You can't turn it off, it just makes it so it doesn't control your camera and zoom in close. The game still stops your vehicle, goes into slo-mo, and practically pauses gameplay for a few seconds.


        >indie band starts playing for 50th time
        >soul every time
        How did Kojima do it?

        Game was cool, but 99% of songs in the game get cut off if you go too fast or you get too close to a BT area, I think I only managed to have one or two songs ever actually complete.
        Vehicles in general were pretty OP if you build roads, or if you're any decent at avoiding hitting rocks.

        • 10 months ago

          >only used the long range trucks the whole game, didn't use anything else as soon as I unlocked them, there's no reason to, especially with the shit battery life of the non long range vehicles
          i liked the vehicle mechanics. With the motorcycles you had the benefit of (mostly) being able to travel rocky terrain but you dont have much storage. With trucks you're able to carry a LOT of stuff but you gotta be careful with what terrain you're driving on.

          • 10 months ago

            the trucks didn't really have any real weaknesses aside from being less nimble than a bike in exchange for being able to contain a small village worth of parcels
            thanks to the cartoon physics you could do shit with them that would be 100% suicidal in any game with a respectable physics model
            But I can't say realism would've been more fun here

          • 10 months ago

            Nah, bikes ricochet off stuff, and can't drive over 90% of the rocks in the game. The truck drives over most rocks with no trouble, despite the game stating that the trucks stink at driving off-road.
            Another thing, the bikes are more strongly affected by the player's weight, so if you're fully-loaded, they drain stupid fast, whereas the truck can hold something like 3 tons and the battery is mostly unaffected.
            I think the reason the game says bikes are better off-road is because their jump is better, but the truck's jump is good enough 99% of the time, and being able to drive over rocks without getting lurched to the sides while also carrying literally 50x the capacity and having larger batteries, well, I don't see the point in the bikes.

            If they made bikes 30% faster and/or made them drive over smaller rocks with less trouble, I'd give a damn about them, but as it stands, no. The only reason to drive them is because they're cool and they don't block your obradek if you're avoiding BTs while in a vehicle; trucks you basically have to go blind, hop out and kill them, or use your superior off-roading ability to drive around the BTs entirely.
            ...or just excite BB before going in, so you can see them while you drive. Harmonica OP.

          • 10 months ago

            >power exosuit is great, but doesn't have hip attachment points, making your center of gravity really high
            >speed suit is fast as hell and has a double jump, but can't carry shit in a game about carrying shit
            >all terrain carries almost as much as the power suit, but has hip slots, helps with climbing and descents, helps with water and snow, helps with wet ground and rocks
            >no armored combat exosuit, unfortunately
            >somehow, for some reason, they expected us to NOT pick the all terrain exosuit

            >game has boot options, plus the sandalweeds
            >sandalweeds are only good for stealth
            >out of all the boot options, the only ones that matter are Bridges boots, the ones you start with (but higher level, of course
            >enemy npcs have their own boots, but they suck and you can't print them anyway
            >can get chiral boots as an RNG drop from the chiral artist's mom (I think? I forgot), barely 1/3rd of the way into the game
            >chiral boots are so good that I wore the same pair the whole game, invalidating all the other options

            There'd be a better tradeoff between bikes and trucks if trucks could roll over like that one in the first cutscene, but trucks drive on magic and can't roll, even if you try to get them to

            • 10 months ago

              Speed suits good for bandit camps. Turrets don't predict your path so you just flat-out outrun their fire.
              Powers pretty worthless.

              If you're going for 500xLLL, it's worth keeping a fair few pairs of chiral boots around, you wear through them surprisingly quickly.

  5. 10 months ago

    >tfw low roar won't be in death stranding 2

  6. 10 months ago

    I tried playing this with my Intel integrated graphics and parts of the scenery jutted all the way into the sky and I thought for awhile this is normal, the actual gameplay played better than I expected, What kind of GPU does a cheap laptop even have. will it blow up trying to play this?

  7. 10 months ago

    hes just based

    • 10 months ago

      have a nice day redditor

      • 10 months ago

        nah i like myself you should try it

    • 10 months ago

      I wonder if a shower with a toilet is a good idea or not

    • 10 months ago

      I like the cyberpunk eyes. Nice addition.

    • 10 months ago

      >try Netflix
      >watch the serie made by this fat homosexual about horror n stuff
      >first episode the main character is a white vet butthole acting like a complete moron, being a nuisance and rude to every heckin wholesome minorities in the episode. Also dies horribly while heckin wholesome minority watches him be sucked in by a demon
      >I switch to another episode
      >Roundtable of literally who's supposed to be famous summoned by a rich gay
      >b***h starts b***hing about Gaddafi out of nowhere depicting him as le child eating tyrant
      And that's where I uninstalled Netflix after deleting my subscription. Thanks gayllermo del goyo.

  8. 10 months ago

    >walking up the mountain
    >The Machine starts playing
    >pure kino
    >mama starts talking about how she is LE ONE with her sister and shit and ruins it

    i’m glad she died

    • 10 months ago

      >burn mama
      >look up nudes

  9. 10 months ago

    Terrain navigation + micro of weight management turns out to be pretty engaging, same for helping others get their lost shit delivered.

  10. 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago

    I can tell the random music playlist playing during various points in the game was kojima very much wanting death stranding to evoke the sort of feeling he was feeling when he first listening to it.




    • 10 months ago

      That's probably what I like the most about DS. It genuinely makes you feel something that the creator wanted to communicate. Even if it's far from perfect.

    • 10 months ago


      >indie band starts playing for 50th time
      >soul every time
      How did Kojima do it?

      the game is really mediocre in it trying to be experimental but holy shit I've probably never heard a better composition of ost + gameplay ever in my life

  12. 10 months ago

    Silent Poets - Asylum For The Feeling

  13. 10 months ago

    he eats sleeps and breathes kinography
    I have nothing but contempt for modern cinema but they've figured out emotion/mood manipulation a bit

  14. 10 months ago

    >Kojima features someone

  15. 10 months ago

    I still can't believe this is real. It seemed like so many people hated the first game that Kojima would never dare to make this. Bless this madman.

    • 10 months ago

      >It seemed like so many people hated the first game
      You ever think you might be in a bubble

    • 10 months ago

      DS2, I don't know, it feels like he's changing too much, I don't even think BTs are in the game other than some stuff with the tar.
      Not even seeing much in regards to carrying cargo. Higgs being back also annoys me.
      Never liked fighting humans in DS1, I just ran away from them 99% of the time, they never gave you a good enough reason to bother fighting them, and you always had too much to lose if they shot/hit you. DS2 definitely makes it sound like we're mostly fighting humans. If the BTs are gone, that means they'd probably drop the voidout mechanic too.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm worried he is dropping the delivery aspect. Kojima even mentioned that people aren't staying in their underground bunkers anymore in DS2, so im not even sure who would be delivering to. I think the best we can hope for is multiple characters (Fragile, Lou etc) with the Old Man Sam sections being the delivery parts

    • 10 months ago

      I think it's lame that he's going for another sequel so soon after being released from MGS

    • 10 months ago

      I tried playing this for the first time yesterday and the onslaught of cutscenes nearly killed me.
      I could feel my soul being called back to Jesus from that shit.

      I think it's lame that he's going for another sequel so soon after being released from MGS

      Modern games are literally too expensive to not have sequels; it's not sufficiently profitable otherwise.
      What should actually be shocking is when a game is such a dud that they don't make another, like Days Gone.

      • 10 months ago

        There's one giant lump of cutscenes at the beginning and one giant lump at the end. Ironically, there's not a lot of cutscenes in between, or at least nothing too long or crazy.
        Both the beginning and end cutscenes are too long, I wish the game was a bit more balanced.
        Hell, the game's end consists of a giant wall of cutscenes, an interactive cutscene with credits playing where you do nothing but run around aimlessly, a beyond-easy gameplay segment that you can't fail unless you choke and die on your tears IRL, then more cutscenes, followed by a pretty cool lore dump cutscene and about half an hour of unskippable credits.

        I'm worried he is dropping the delivery aspect. Kojima even mentioned that people aren't staying in their underground bunkers anymore in DS2, so im not even sure who would be delivering to. I think the best we can hope for is multiple characters (Fragile, Lou etc) with the Old Man Sam sections being the delivery parts

        >make delivery game with aspects from MGSV as kind of a way to "complete" MGSV in spirit and get back into the swing of things
        >game is mostly about the delivery parts, combat and stealth are optional, almost discouraged
        >get a bunch of money from the release, and get your foot in the door for future games
        >make delivery game's sequel more like MGSV
        >get back to making MGS games without actually making MGS games
        la creatividad

        • 10 months ago

          does Kojima even play games?

          • 10 months ago

            Lol no. He never did. He still lists his favourite game as Super Mario Bros and you know he hasn't touched that in 35 years.

            He likes Death Stranding fans, though.

    • 10 months ago

      >all trailers and promo shots call it "DS2"
      >not "Death Stranding 2"
      >because its not Death Stranding 2


  16. 10 months ago

    >it's the parasite eeeeeeve

  17. 10 months ago

    I'm playing this game, I'm 13 hours in and I like it but the music selection is cringe. Having vocals ruins immersion

  18. 10 months ago

    >Beat Death Stranding in October
    >Go to Iceland around the new year
    >get back to Seattle just in time for Covid

    I was listening to the soundtrack the whole time and it was very fitting

  19. 10 months ago

    for me, its "Bones"

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