>install mods for Skyrim. >realize mods ultimately dont fix the bland quests. >get bored and uninstall

>install mods for Skyrim
>realize mods ultimately don’t fix the bland quests
>get bored and uninstall

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  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    The quality quests are what always keep me coming back to new vegas.
    Sure it's a bit janky and nowhere near as polished as skyrim, but the graphics and basically everything can be modded to a desirable level.
    Nothing can fix skyrims quests.

    • 2 years ago

      >windows in a casino game room

  3. 2 years ago

    You forgot:

    >make a blog post on Ganker designed to start an argument

  4. 2 years ago

    what made skyrim so popular in the first place? i still don't really get it

    • 2 years ago

      Oblivion had 5 voice actors and people with ghoulish potato faces yet it was still one of the most popular games ever. Skyrim fixed all of that and removed all of the stats and rpg elements that require of a modicum of thought, making console smoothbrains happy.

      • 2 years ago

        >um actually oblivion required thought
        stop trying to rewrite history obliviongay, it's just as much of a dull shitfest as skyrim

        • 2 years ago

          Oblivion was epic when it came out. Blew me away when I first started playing it.

          • 2 years ago

            okay? it's still a shallow piece of shit rpg for casuals and nostalgiagays

          • 2 years ago

            Skyrim was epic when it came out. Blew me away when I first started playing it.

        • 2 years ago

          Applies to all Elder Scrolls games that released after 1996.

          • 2 years ago

            daggerfall is buggy garbage for children who hate actual rpgs and just want to larp in a shallow fantasy world. get some taste homosexual

            • 2 years ago

              >Complains about games for casuals and nostalgiagays
              >Is a Morrowind fanboy
              If Morrowind had improved upon the Daggerfall formula, keeping all of its good ideas in the process, The Elder Scrolls would be the best RPG franchise of all time. Oblivion and Skyrim were merely the inevitable result of Morrowind's disdain for the roots of TES, cope.

              • 2 years ago

                Daggerfall is not even a game, it's a delusional tech demo whose entire novelty wears off the moment you play the mechanical garbage that it is. It's close to Skyrim actually; a mile wide, an inch deep. Julian was concerned with flexing his code monkey skills, not making a good game.

              • 2 years ago

                >Daggerfall is not even a game, it's a delusional tech demo
                Although i find this kind of comment about Daggerfall to be an exaggeration, the game indeed needed improvements regarding its random generators (which often generate identical quests and repetitive dungeons). This is why, in my post, i implicitly said that it needed improvements by stating that Morrowind should have improved upon Daggerfall's formula, instead of completely dumpstering it.
                >mechanical garbage
                Don't tell me you got filtered by the "Hold right click and move your mouse to swing weapon in different directions". It doesn't take a long time to get used to and it deepens the combat by giving you 4 different types of attack that vary in both chance to hit and damage.
                >It's close to Skyrim actually; a mile wide, an inch deep
                Skyrim is not even wide to begin with, and Daggerfall's spell maker is deeper than any system present in Morrowind.
                >Julian was concerned with flexing his code monkey skills, not making a good game
                True, but he ended up making one.

              • 2 years ago

                Daggerfall is garbage, not even diabetic grognards ate that shit. You're a neckbeard hipster playing it on Unity and you've never finished the game.
                I didn't even mean mechanical in the gameplay sense, mechanical as in robotic - completely synthetic. What little content it has is complete RNG trash where the quest giver disappears after a few days because it's a random spawn NPC. Don't even get me started with the garbage fetch quests. Literally no flavor text, just direct orders from NPC#1488 where you have to find and "return" RNG shitcake#88 from a dungeon made by a shitty algorithm.
                Daggerfall's magic system is inane and makes 0 sense in the game's universe. Most of it is useless. It doesn't have a coherent world. It's all digitized diarrhea.

                Daggerfall is a facade, a literal backdrop simulator, a snowglobe. It's a code monkey project, not a game. It also has much more bugs than any of the Todd games, which is funny since Julian prides himself as some 1337 programming elder. He never was.

                Morrowind is the much better game and a pioneer of many things taken for granted in the games industry nowadays, Daggerfall is a failed delusion and its "playerbase" got roped by Patreon israeliteTubers into playing the 90s version of No Man's Sky because "le playing obscure game is le epic gamer credit score".

              • 2 years ago

                >[Daggerfall] is a code monkey project, not a game.
                All this does is reveal you don't know what a game is. Baseball is a game. Chess is a game. Tiddlywinks is a game. None of these has any story associated with them. Yet they are all games by definition. What you're zeroing in on is the narrative abstraction that is built on top of the game not the game itself.

                Of course narrative is also really important to the experience, but so is the game underneath. And often, I feel like so many games nowadays are merely repackaging almost the exact same game in separate narrative/setting wrappers. I blame the "girafics" hype.

              • 2 years ago

                >it wasn't bad, it just needed improvements!
                >morrowind should've fixed a system that would've been extremely hard to fix but it didn't so its bad but daggerfall isn't somehow

              • 2 years ago

                I liked daggerfall. The only ES game to make me feel like an actual citizen in a province, not someone's backyard where the furthest cities feel like an hour's walk away from each other.

              • 2 years ago

                >is a morrowind fanboy
                wrong, sorry no easy scapegoat for you here. TES is a shit series

              • 2 years ago

                TES is indeed overrated, but what do you consider a good RPG series?

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Ummm uhhh

              • 2 years ago

                Morrowind improved on Daggerfall in pretty much every way.

            • 2 years ago

              What a moron holy shit frick you if you're baiting you got me good

      • 2 years ago

        Frick the mods, download dungeon mods, treasure mods (legacy of the dragonborn too), companion mods, and encounter mods. Disable the compass, use Skyrim Unbound to disable the dragonborn bullshit, and go on an adventure.

        Elder Scrolls has never had depth, don't try and pretend otherwise.

        • 2 years ago

          >frick the mods
          Quests I mean.

        • 2 years ago

          >download dungeon mods
          Because if there's one thing Skyrim needs, it's more dungeons.

          • 2 years ago

            More like better dungeons.
            There's also the Revisited series that's trying to improve whats there, but having people who don't have a massive deadline to make as many low quality dungeons as possible will help improve the game feel.

            • 2 years ago

              >More like better dungeons.
              Yeah exactly.
              And that's part of the problem with 'quests' (

              The quests are definitely a sore point. Oblivion quests all had a character to them. Even ones nobody talks about like that one corrupt guard captain in Cheydenhal who evicts the guy from his home and the guy tries to murder a guard but gets killed, or that time you finally get to meet the Grey Fox and you're wondering what he'll look like, or when you FINALLY get into the arcane university after doing so many recommendations that they could be a questline in their own right. And with every playthrough there's a sense of giddiness when you finally head to the Shivering Isles. You don't get that in Skyrim. It's all fetch quests, heading to some unremarkable fort/dungeon, and heading back. You could play Oblivion for days just staying in cities or traveling to buildings like the Inn of Ill Omen, but in Skyrim you really have to go kill 20 draugr to advance in the thieve's guild or help some random guy in town.

              There are mods that admirably attempt to improve questing in Skyrim, but just because you polish a quest doesn't mean it's a quest you'll actually enjoy playing. What Skyrim really needs is to tear down and replace or majorly overhaul questlines like the companions and the college. Then you'd need to add a lot of charming quests scattered across the entire game. But I don't know if that's even possible given that there's only so much you can do to Whiterun to add quests.

              It's worth it to play Skyrim with mods but the secret is to find some other hook: combat mods, coomer mods, experiencing the novelty of new quest mods, or maybe some sort of collector/completionist run, and making the game harder is enjoyable for some people. And super followers that have dialogue for everything definitely help the game feel more alive. I remember back when I was playing vanilla Skyrim in 2012 it was kind of depressing because the world felt large but lonely. The chatter helps the game's atmosphere a lot.

              ). I would admit that Skyrim has too many quests that are just lazy objectives to get you cris-crossing the map, but I always thought they were OK narratively. The bigger problem is once you leave the overworld, the quality dips. Quests would be more memorable if the locations themselves were more memorable.

    • 2 years ago

      Streamlined the open world design for the drooling masses, even more dumbed down mechanics for "accessibility", had a bigger marketing budget, console focused development (hence the terrible UI), and bugs back then were seen as amusement instead of israeliteery which made for some cool Internet clipz.

      • 2 years ago

        Its amazing to me how kiss less virgins think they're superior to everyone because of their taste in video games

    • 2 years ago

      Hype. Console RPG standards.

    • 2 years ago

      normies with no tastes

    • 2 years ago

      it has ton of ok quality content and mods that add even more

    • 2 years ago

      Beautiful open world, immersive first person view, fully customizable character, free explore and to do whatever quests or dungeons basically without limit.
      People who criticize Elder Scrolls simply don't understand the appeal of this, and no other games fully match it.

      • 2 years ago

        This. Plus a ridiculously huge catalog of mods that allow you to fine tune your experience exactly as you want it.

    • 2 years ago

      It looks good and the first quest line you start feels great beforeyou overlevel.

    • 2 years ago

      Normies were told to like it. TES, including Skyrim, is a direct antithesis of normalgay cinematic console games they actually like. Or MMOs and other social heavy multiplayer games. But they were told to like it so they liked it. Any other explanation is incorrect. You can ask any normalgay to explain what they actually liked about Skyrim and they won't be able to provide an answer. Some of those smarter will even mention stuff like "quests were good" which is obviously a bullshit and they had to made up an excuse on the spot.

      • 2 years ago

        Name a single rpg with "good" quests you can try but at the end of the day it has no more or less substance than a skyrim quest, you hate skyrim because it interpret it as for "normies" you are a contrarian thats all you are the second your shit favorite rpg magically becomes popular you'll abandon it and say it was always shit

        • 2 years ago

          This is wrong. I like Skyrim. I like TES. TES is rightful autist clay. Characters, dialogues and quests aren't even of a tertiary concern in TES games. Meanwhile all normalgay games are focused on socializing. Either directly via multiplayer aspect or are simulating socializing with cinematic approach and strongly defined characters. The fact that TES is popular is an anomaly that only happened because normalgay preferences were overwrited with insane amount of marketing. And Bethesda is constantly trying to switch focus in their games to more normalgay friendly anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        That's pretty much it. It reads like schizobabble but it's pure fact. Back when Oblivion was released, a handful of my normalgay classmates were into it. When Skyrim came out, it was all anybody at my school could talk about.

  5. 2 years ago

    The big problem is the shitty guilds. NO MOD can fix them yet they’re a giant chunk of Skyrim’s quests and they all suck because they over rely on radiant quests to fill the gaps. Someone would have to do a full blown overhaul and redo of all of them to make them good

    The Thieves Guild questline had a nonsensical plot and made you feel more like a thug than a thief, there needs to be more actual heists instead of you just threatening people or going into some shitty dungeon. You can get by like 90% of the entire questline without stealing anything. Plus the part where you’re forced to submit to Nocturnal was dumb, you can just work for her like any other Daedric quest

    The College of Winterhold needs to feel like an actual college where you discover things about magic, get to know your classmates, and research things. The way it is now is nonsensical, you barely even need to know any magic to progress aside from some of the most basic spells, then you go into some dungeons and become Archmage. I heard there were plans to fix up Winterhold, or something? That could be interesting, maybe everyone has their own research project that improves Winterhold in some way, like one group of students focus on agriculture, another wants to bring back the sunken buildings, etc

    The Companions are just too short and underdeveloped, nothing fricking happens. You go to a dungeon, become a werewolf, go kill a witch, kill the werewolf hunters, then go to a tomb. That’s literally the entire questline. What about getting to know your actual companions? What if the Silver Hand is actually plotting something? You literally just go in and wipe them out, that’s the end

    The Bard’s College needs a total overhaul, you can’t even play an instrument. Maybe you can follow some unusual adventurers and record what they do, and they get involved in wacky hijinks? Honestly anything is better than what we have

    • 2 years ago

      >maybe everyone has their own research project
      Your 3 student friends each have their own project
      Then all of the teachers have a quest when you reach 90 in their respective spell shcool
      The librarian has a book quest
      And there was a cut quest that one of the most popular mods restores where you find what happened to 4 missing students

      The problem was, like most of Skyrim's quests, all of these boiled down to "Go to this spot, find this thing while killing everything in your path, then return to me" with the exception of the drow girl whose quest was "Watch 3 cutscenes and then I'm done :)"
      Completely uninteresting and with no steaks

    • 2 years ago

      how the frick are there no mods that would fix the guilds

      • 2 years ago

        Because the game is coded like absolute fricking shit. It would be easier to tear the entire guild down and start from scratch.

      • 2 years ago

        Because 99% of mods out there, for every game that has a modding scene, are just window dressing, low effort bullshit that nobody cares about. There hardly are any passable mods whatsoever.

        • 2 years ago

          This is factually incorrect. Games like Med2/Rome1, Civ 4 or Mount and Blade have untold amounts of a massive and complete overhauls.

        • 2 years ago

          Incorrect. Doom mods are amazing.

  6. 2 years ago

    I like Skyrim and its quests.

  7. 2 years ago

    What if elder scrollz 6 is skyrim 2
    Takes place 15 years after the events of skyrim, like how oblivion takes place right after morrowind

    • 2 years ago

      That's probably what will happen. They set up the skyrim mc to be hermaeus mora's hentai slave for eternity in the dragonborn dlc to make way for the next game.

    • 2 years ago

      >What if elder scrollz 6 is skyrim 2
      It literally is.

  8. 2 years ago

    >mods ultimately don’t fix
    one day you spergs will finally realize that mods don't fix games, mods make games better at what they already do.

    • 2 years ago

      >one day you spergs will finally realize that mods don't fix games, mods make games better at what they already do.
      Exactly, if people hate the base game so much why don't they just play another game? I don't get why Skyrim of all games has this groups of whiny players that constantly complain about the game but still force themselves to play it. Like you don't like it, OK just play something else, why insist on sticking around?

  9. 2 years ago

    No game has ever had good quests. They're just holdover excuses to get you into combat or exploration.

  10. 2 years ago

    This is why oblivion+shivering isles will forever be the best elder scrolls game although vrpg shizos deny it

  11. 2 years ago

    >install sex and pregnancy mods and new landmass/quest mods
    >marry Borgakh build comfy house and impregnate her
    >go do epic quest in a far off land and return to virtual family
    Comfy 🙂

  12. 2 years ago

    >point out flaws of a game
    >underage schizos just start saying games were always shit because they have no argument
    why do you mindbroken little insects do this

    • 2 years ago

      Expressing contempt is the only way these neckbeards can feel superior.
      Also, checked.

  13. 2 years ago

    Finally someone's telling it like it is. How come no one on all of Ganker has spoken up about this until right now?
    You sir are a revolutionary, one of a kind

  14. 2 years ago

    >being mentally broken

  15. 2 years ago

    Cool, glad you made a post about this a decade after the rest of us figured it out.

  16. 2 years ago

    Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

  17. 2 years ago

    Morrowind is unironically the only decent game in this series. Redguard is cool but the gameplay is atrocious.

    • 2 years ago

      Posers all of you

  18. 2 years ago

    >tfw want to play skyrim again
    >tfw remember pic related
    erry tiem

    • 2 years ago

      Cause the work you put in to it doesnt justify the joy you get out it helps if you quit porn but we both know you wont

    • 2 years ago

      I spent a couple weeks looking up mods, making sure everything worked together, then played over 100 hours over the course of a year and thoroughly enjoyed it. My character is now retired and relaxing back home in Falkreath after vanquishing Alduin.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't understand this

        >tfw want to play skyrim again
        >tfw remember pic related
        erry tiem

        autism. I spent like a week modding and then played for a month of two until I burned out for a time. The only problem I have is that analversary update broke my mod list and I can't get myself to rebuilt it again for now.

        • 2 years ago

          Literally just download the downgrade patcher

  19. 2 years ago

    If you need hundreds of mods to make the game playable then the game isn't good to begin with

  20. 2 years ago

    I couldn't find anything to do in dagger fall. Got a quest that expired in the travel time it took me to get where it wanted me. Closed it and never went back. Everything and everyone looked the same and didn't matter. World is really big but there's zero reason for it to be.

  21. 2 years ago

    >install body mod for Skyrim
    >starts game
    >T poses...T poses every where
    >tity physics work though
    >flips table, uninstalls, goes back to Ganker to shitpost

    • 2 years ago

      You need nemesis engine

    • 2 years ago

      >install body mod for Skyrim
      >don't install physics, heels, XPMS skeletons.. and other unnecessary shit
      >never have any problems
      Wow that wasn't so hard..

    • 2 years ago

      Run fnis moron

  22. 2 years ago

    I literally did this a couple days ago. I had around 90 mods installed and remembered Skyrim is hardly even an rpg. It's literally more fun to mod Skyrim than to play it.

  23. 2 years ago

    Why do modgays blame the game for their own stupidity?

  24. 2 years ago

    A thing I noticed is many modgays probably have a trillion mods installed and that's why they waste so much time installing and tweaking them and then complaining online like it's the game's fault and expecting some sort of praise for what they did.
    I doubt it's because they genuinely need them, even for their own vision of the game. They just suck at selecting and organizing their mods. They're more like those people that go to the store and just can't help buying all the unnecessary crap that has a colorful package.

    I have Mod Organizer and I use some certain mods only on certain characters. I also don't have all the mods activated. Some mods that you only test once or twice to see how it is, like a house or weapons mods remain deactivated, I don't use them all the time.

  25. 2 years ago

    homie cat

  26. 2 years ago

    >decide to install skyrim
    >remember all of the map, quests and locations
    >remember that the game's replayability is 0 due to one character being able to complete it
    >decide not to install skyrim

    • 2 years ago

      Literally just did this. I haven’t played it in 10 years but I was really exited and installed a bunch of mods and was gonna play as dagoth ur since ghosts of tribunal added his mask and shit. I finally install it and all my mods and I’m instantly bored when I see the 5 towns and remember every single quest

  27. 2 years ago

    The quests are definitely a sore point. Oblivion quests all had a character to them. Even ones nobody talks about like that one corrupt guard captain in Cheydenhal who evicts the guy from his home and the guy tries to murder a guard but gets killed, or that time you finally get to meet the Grey Fox and you're wondering what he'll look like, or when you FINALLY get into the arcane university after doing so many recommendations that they could be a questline in their own right. And with every playthrough there's a sense of giddiness when you finally head to the Shivering Isles. You don't get that in Skyrim. It's all fetch quests, heading to some unremarkable fort/dungeon, and heading back. You could play Oblivion for days just staying in cities or traveling to buildings like the Inn of Ill Omen, but in Skyrim you really have to go kill 20 draugr to advance in the thieve's guild or help some random guy in town.

    There are mods that admirably attempt to improve questing in Skyrim, but just because you polish a quest doesn't mean it's a quest you'll actually enjoy playing. What Skyrim really needs is to tear down and replace or majorly overhaul questlines like the companions and the college. Then you'd need to add a lot of charming quests scattered across the entire game. But I don't know if that's even possible given that there's only so much you can do to Whiterun to add quests.

    It's worth it to play Skyrim with mods but the secret is to find some other hook: combat mods, coomer mods, experiencing the novelty of new quest mods, or maybe some sort of collector/completionist run, and making the game harder is enjoyable for some people. And super followers that have dialogue for everything definitely help the game feel more alive. I remember back when I was playing vanilla Skyrim in 2012 it was kind of depressing because the world felt large but lonely. The chatter helps the game's atmosphere a lot.

    • 2 years ago

      >that time you finally get to meet the Grey Fox and you're wondering what he'll look like, or when you FINALLY get into the arcane university after doing so many recommendations that they could be a questline in their own right. And with every playthrough there's a sense of giddiness when you finally head to the Shivering Isles.
      Yea you totally aren't nostalgic for Oblivion or anything
      >It's all fetch quests, heading to some unremarkable fort/dungeon, and heading back
      Despite this being half the quests in Oblivion too, but with even worse dungeons

      • 2 years ago

        >Yea you totally aren't nostalgic for Oblivion or anything
        I like how when anyone likes part of oblivion, they're told it's just nostalgia.
        >Despite this being half the quests in Oblivion too
        Half is less than all.
        >but with even worse dungeons
        Unlike Skyrim, this is something that can be fixed with mods. There are mods reworking every dungeon in Skyrim.

  28. 2 years ago

    >Quests would be more memorable if the locations themselves were more memorable.
    And just as one example, the first stage of the winterhold college quest line takes you to a pretty cool excavation site, but the interior level is not memorable at all except for the part where you discover the orb. And this pattern goes for most quests. Dungeons are made from a handful of generic kits and although each one has a handful of unique details, it's rarely enough to leave an impact.

  29. 2 years ago

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