>Internet Archive delisted my iso dump of stronghold 2

>Internet Archive delisted my iso dump of stronghold 2
Bad game, but damn. Where else to dump/retrieve old ISOs?

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  1. 7 months ago

    For me, it's private trackers and having a lot of old shit backed up locally on external 4TB drives.

    • 7 months ago

      Any of the dozens of place that have had it up for ages?

      Sorry to hear you're so poor

      All I see in your post is boohoo there is never enough money, but there is no real way to tell what is allowed on that website and what isn't other than by their response to it. I'm not going to spend hours on legal research to decide if uploading wankmaster3000.exe from 2001 is considered preservation or illegal filesharing.
      Their book policy is the most obvious example that their own foolishness and haste to backpedal so as to not sink the entire valuable ship aka gay israelite negotiation had nothing to do with what users were doing. Funny you should mention MAME, a far more disorganized effort which also deals in copyrighted materials and takes things down on a case by case basis merely to protect the rest of its cargo.
      I will continue to benefit from all the free shit that usually stays up indefinitely, which has been uploaded to an archive site that can't decide if it wants to be a museum, a library, a file host, or another corporate copyright database frickpuppet, and you can keep whining that users are trying to maximize the use of a useful website. Internet archive is great but it only has value because it holds other people's creations. One should expect shit donations if they run a fecal museum.

      >there is no real way to tell what is allowed on that website and what isn't other than by their response to it.
      You mean there is no way for (You) to tell. Skill issue.

      • 7 months ago

        Not my problem

      • 7 months ago

        >Sorry to hear you're so poor
        NTA, but I so much did not get it, I want to ask anons for explanation.

  2. 7 months ago

    I dunno just buy an SSD and dump your shit whenever someone asks for it

  3. 7 months ago

    >here's a website for having an archive of old material that would otherwise struggle to find a long-term host
    >plus a highly valuable archive of websites including files they had available for download
    >should we take great care to ensure such a wonderful thing remains?
    >lol, no, let's use it as another fileshare site for piracy
    >what the frick? IA is getting shutdown? Where will I download muh romz and isoz now?!
    There are thousands of places for sharing roms and isos, and yet you morons insist on seeing how much of IA's legal funds you can waste on DMCA compliance. When funds run out, guess what happens to IA. There is no possible backup, since no one has the server space to store all the data the IA has archived over the years. It's one of the few good things on the internet, and homosexuals like OP are ruining it by being too stupid or lazy to use a romsite or filehost. IA is for uploading prototypes, betas, and other rare shit like that. Not for uploading AAA professionally released games like a warezkiddy.

    • 7 months ago

      most of what gets uploaded on to IA game wise is usually abandonware with little to no way of getting legitimately anymore unless you want to go through secondhand channels.

      that said i do agree with you on treating the whole site as piratebay but at the same time you can say the same for all the old shows and movies that would be lost to time if they weren't uploaded there as well.

      • 7 months ago

        >most of what gets uploaded on to IA game wise is usually abandonware
        Check again and with your eyes this time.

    • 7 months ago

      This. IA is the last thing you want to shit up and abuse.

    • 7 months ago

      How about they put their website archive in a separate eggbasket if it's such a big concern that one preservation focus will frick up the other
      >hm let's have a site where we preserve copyrighted material but uhhh only the stuff nobody cares about anymore, so uh yeah archiving stuff is just kinda going to be other people's problem until it seems like the rights holder doesn't care enough anymore, hopefully nothing gets lost to time that way haha
      Gay israelite negotiation, OP did nothing wrong. If they don't like something being on their hulking gray area of a website then they can remove it.

      • 7 months ago

        >lol just get another server with a few more petabytes for muh warez it's not that hard lul.
        That's some entitlement...

        • 7 months ago

          Get better reading glasses boomer

      • 7 months ago

        >>hm let's have a site where we preserve copyrighted material but uhhh only the stuff nobody cares about anymore, so uh yeah archiving stuff is just kinda going to be other people's problem until it seems like the rights holder doesn't care enough anymore, hopefully nothing gets lost to time that way haha
        That is the entire point. Because they don't have the money and time to constantly fight DMCA shit. You wanna fight copyright law, go right ahead. You are a fricktard if you expect other people to fight for your personal benefit.
        >How about they put their website archive in a separate eggbasket
        Because splitting staff and funds when both are already in short supply is a bad idea. All that accomplishes is increasing the odds both will die. It's why MAME and MESS merged together instead of remaining separate projects that share code. Quit being a baby and screaming gay israelite just because people expect you to upload your ripped games to romsites and filehosts instead of fricking over the IA.
        >If they don't like something being on their hulking gray area of a website then they can remove it.
        You are a gay baby.

        • 7 months ago

          All I see in your post is boohoo there is never enough money, but there is no real way to tell what is allowed on that website and what isn't other than by their response to it. I'm not going to spend hours on legal research to decide if uploading wankmaster3000.exe from 2001 is considered preservation or illegal filesharing.
          Their book policy is the most obvious example that their own foolishness and haste to backpedal so as to not sink the entire valuable ship aka gay israelite negotiation had nothing to do with what users were doing. Funny you should mention MAME, a far more disorganized effort which also deals in copyrighted materials and takes things down on a case by case basis merely to protect the rest of its cargo.
          I will continue to benefit from all the free shit that usually stays up indefinitely, which has been uploaded to an archive site that can't decide if it wants to be a museum, a library, a file host, or another corporate copyright database frickpuppet, and you can keep whining that users are trying to maximize the use of a useful website. Internet archive is great but it only has value because it holds other people's creations. One should expect shit donations if they run a fecal museum.

          • 7 months ago

            >there is no real way to tell what is allowed on that website and what isn't other than by their response to it.
            Is there a valid copyright still active on it? Not allowed. This isn't rocket science. The reason so much remains up that violates that rule is because it hasn't been DMCA hit YET. I'm not gonna bother to read the rest of your drivel if you can't even figure out what is legal and not.

        • 7 months ago


          Yes, and I will

    • 7 months ago

      >lol, no, let's use it as another fileshare site for piracy
      anon, the right to backup and distribute software for deprecated hardware was upheld by the SCOTUS whether you like it or not

    • 7 months ago

      Service issue. Not my problem.

    • 7 months ago

      >IA is for uploading prototypes, betas, and other rare shit like that
      Archive.org removed my uploads after Microsoft issued a C&D claiming ownership, including an emulator package that I was maintaining (GPLv2).
      Archive.org is not safe anymore.

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            >no sauce
            No surprise

            • 7 months ago

              It's the copy of the C&D email I got. The three items they claimed ownership was 1964GEPD, a public archive of all known media of the XBLA 007 bean build, and a copy of the bean prototype when it was leaked. So even prototypes are not safe on archive.org.

              • 7 months ago

                >It's the copy of the C&D email I got.
                Might be. Might not be. Not proof of any of your claims. If you had any and wanted to post it you would have. No big deal.

              • 7 months ago

                The archive.org URLs themselves are reserved because they were removed by admins. Ask Jason Scott for verification if you'd like.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude, either post proof or stfu. The more obtuse cope you post the less anyone is likely to believe you.

              • 7 months ago

                He said to go ask him, because you're sounding like some clever troll.
                Stop relying on Arshit.org, there has to be a darkweb counterpart to Wayback at this rate. Something like Permabooru where nothing bends to DMCA judaists.

              • 7 months ago

                There are literally like 5 to 7 different archive websites out there. Stop relying on just one. Make copies across mutilple archive websites. And make a personal copy for yourself.

              • 7 months ago

                "He" said to go ask him, because he can't back up his claims.
                Stop projecting. The only one relying on poopooheadbuttsniffdumbdumb.org is the little child crying about how they took down his something he was doing something with.

    • 7 months ago

      I am not using MEGA
      New Zealand laws are relentless.

      • 7 months ago

        >Not putting passwords on your zip files

    • 7 months ago

      If they didn't want me to ruin their website they shouldn't have allowed me to access it, fricking morons

    • 7 months ago

      (you) bait

    • 7 months ago

      I will own everything.

    • 7 months ago

      >IA is for uploading prototypes, betas, and other rare shit like that. Not for uploading AAA professionally released games like a warezkiddy.
      The Internet Archive has made it clear that they WANT to be essentially the library of all human achievement from AAA stuff to obscure one off stuff made by individual enthusiasts in their basement. The library of Alexandria, the library of the entire knowledge of all the ancient world, is literally their model/inspiration.

      But, due to copyright/legal nonsense, they ACT like they are only for obscure stuff. However, you sure don't see IA deleting modern movies and games from their site unless they absolutely HAVE to. So essentially upload whatever you want to IA but don't be too blatant about it. Basically just upload everything as a .zip file so that it's contents, like music or video, cannot be embedded directly into the site for quick viewing. Your average lawyer isn't going to download a 14.6GB .zip file of cartoons, unzip it, and browse through it looking for possible copyright violations. But if they can scroll through all 75 episodes right there on the site because you didn't zip it then their job is a lot easier. The Internet Archive has literal petabytes of data on their servers, you can hide a lot of good stuff in there if you are smart about it. Don't ruin it by uploading "VIDEO GAME FREE WITH CD CRACK" and then posting it on Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter

    • 7 months ago

      people also upload hundreds of hours of their own twitch streams they streamed to zero viewers.

  4. 7 months ago

    The rom depot

    • 7 months ago

      Oh, and the Undernet aka the Deep Web. Places such as the Tor network, VPN-encoded sites, and the Freenet,

  5. 7 months ago

    They've been deleting a lot of stuff lately. They lose a lawsuit or something?

  6. 7 months ago

    I will continue to use the IA for this, and nobody will stop me.
    Unless they have good game recs. I'll stop for a minute to check out some new games.

    • 7 months ago

      >Title, The - Subtitle

    • 7 months ago

      What interface is this? Looky gnome-y

      • 7 months ago

        Lutris on xfce

  7. 7 months ago

    Real Black folk use ggn after blackcats shut down.

  8. 7 months ago

    "abandonware" isn't a real thing. It's just the next excuse piracy sites had found after "Delete the ROM after 24hours". It's hilarious to see all these people who think they have the legal right to download a game for free "because it's not on sale anymore" (and that's without mentionning the plethora of games that are indeed still being sold found on every single "abandonware" website).

    • 7 months ago

      I am entitled to the entire plethora of knowledge, media and whatever else I want.
      I will have everything. And I will pay nothing for it
      And further, I have pieces of media never digitized that the world will never see. They are entirely mine now.

    • 7 months ago

      Agreed. That is why I pirate games without coming up with any excuses.

      • 7 months ago

        >Agreed. That is why I pirate games without coming up with any excuses
        This is the only post I can respect. No lies. Just straight up admits they want free stuff without any excuses. Fully acknowledges what they are doing.

    • 7 months ago

      These people are genuine morons.

  9. 7 months ago

    vimm's lair is still up and for newer systems there's a pinned link on r/roms

  10. 7 months ago


  11. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Gimme ya soul

  12. 7 months ago

    Archive.org can't be trusted, they delete content and block certain websites (like some CEO's niece's Twitter) from archiving. They're at best like an USB drive, whatever is on it will eventually be lost.

    • 7 months ago

      There are other archive websites you can use anon. Archive.org isn't the only one out there.

      • 7 months ago

        Such as?

  13. 7 months ago

    damm archive deleted all those vidya magazines from the 90s

    • 7 months ago

      >damm archive deleted all those vidya magazines from the 90s

      I can still see 90s vidya magazines on the website. What do you think they deleted?

  14. 7 months ago

    Why are they deleting things? Why is everything that we like suddenly being taken away from us? This is absolute bullshit. I didnt want to believe the government and corporations were actually trying/making the internet turn into complete shit but now, here we are. I just want to know why. What happened to that old saying "if its on the internet, its there forever"? Was it all just lies?

    • 7 months ago

      Basically Europe and other countries passed a laws that state people have a right to their information being removed the internet. So people have been removing any content that has their info on IA, any other archive websites, and any search results on Google. People are Googling themselves and removing their stuff online. Websites must comply. Reddit, Twitter, etc....all passed new rules allowing users to delete their information. Admins must comply.

      They've banned any attempts to archive information or data that involve anyone. You can't create archives of favorite users posts, or famous posts made by users. No more archives of famous tweets or posts. It's been slowly happening for years, and ramping up in the last 3 years since the law was passed. Companies have also been ramping up their efforts too. Especially since lots of people wants their stuff deleted now. Purging data to avoid lawsuits and avoid breaking the law is pretty common now. The age of information staying online forever is gone. Cloud computing is not reliable. If you want to save something, then keep a personal copy on your computer. There is no guarantee information will stay up on websites anymore.

      • 7 months ago

        Sadly, the old internet - the internet we all loved - is dying. And it's dying fast.

        • 7 months ago

          usenet. usenet is the answer. it was there before the internet, it will be there after the internet.

      • 7 months ago

        Frick that sounds terrible. So these people you speak of that want their info online gone, why wouldnt they just delete the info themselves or ask the site admin to delete it for them? There is no sense of deleting every single thing that gave us many lulz. I fear its only a matter of time before they come for this place.

        • 7 months ago

          >I fear its only a matter of time before they come for this place.
          That's not really possible. Sites are given something like a 2-week or so time period to comply with the removal of a post or else you face legal consequences. This site archives nothing, and its posts are deleted after it's bumped off the so-called "archive" page, so it's gone before they have to bother with the compliance. Twitter and Reddit largely consists of insane schizos rambling on about bullshit, so I don't see how much of anything of substance could get lost on there. If something on there is linking to a storage site with a mod/hack or a game, those will likely go down even if the post is still there, and I think those links are more important than the rest of the rambling.

        • 7 months ago

          >Frick that sounds terrible. So these people you speak of that want their info online gone, why wouldnt they just delete the info themselves or ask the site admin to delete it for them? There is no sense of deleting every single thing that gave us many lulz. I fear its only a matter of time before they come for this place.

          There are many reasons why. Maybe these people said some weird things using an account that exposes their face or real name. Maybe they were dumb teenagers. And when they are job hunting, they don't want their posts coming up on background checks for companies. They don't want to answer questions about weird stuff they mentioned 8 years ago on Reddit or some other website.

      • 7 months ago

        Wow, people are finally starting to realize it?
        Maybe now simpletons will stop trusting the internet so much.

        • 7 months ago

          I will say that the forced compliance is pretty brutal. I've seen entire subreddits banned overnight because there was some obscure post some from 7 years ago that some guy made. Then the guy comes back 7 years later, complains to the admins, and admins don't want to deal with the shit and just shut the entire sub down. A decade of discussions lost because some guy or girl was ashamed about her past post.

          • 7 months ago

            Yep. Dumb fricking kids - or sometimes not even kids - do not realise that the web is a part of real life now, do not care about anonymity, and now they have the rights not to answer for their own frickups. Beautiful world, ain't it?
            But perhaps it will open someone's eyes.

            • 7 months ago

              I honestly wonder if it's going to drive things more "underground" now. It's very strange to me seeing entire websites get nuked. Then even the "archives" of those websites get nuked. Then the backups of those archives get nuked too.

              I was trying to find a meme compilation pack that was made a few years ago. It was from a niche engineering subreddit I used to visit. Many years ago one of the users made a really dumb post using their real face and started arguing with others thinking they were right. He would post reaction images using his face like an emote. And everyone turned him into a meme. Some Really funny memes (if you understood engineering).

              The subreddit got nuked. The posts I bookmarked were all gone. All the imgur picture links were purged too. The backup file sharing links were deleted from reddit and users were warned not to repost them. I can't even search by his username anymore because the guy Googled his own name and got any website using his name or picture taken down. The guy managed to find several backup websites that hosted his meme face pack taken down.

              Honestly, I wouldnt care so much. The meme wasnt that funny (it was like advice animals but using his face) But because the guy is trying so hard to remove his face, it makes me want to try 10 times harder to find it again and repost it. I only have a few saved photos on my computer. But I need to find the rest. This whole thing taught me a lesson to save a personal copy to my computer from now on. Don't rely on websites to save data.

              Overall this whole situation....It's so...odd to me as someone who grew up in the late 80s and 1990s. It's the reverse of what I thought the internet would be. Nothing is saved. Things are regularly purged. I wonder if an "underground" internet will be created where we can share Forbidden memes and pictures that got purged.

    • 7 months ago

      >Why are they deleting things?
      Archive.org tends to be very stubborn about deleting things and will only do so if they get a legit copyright claim or if a nation says that the info in question is dangerous. I uploaded some old military manuals to archive.org years ago and they were geo-restricted in France of all places and the page was set to be viewable to logged in users only. After a few years the page is still geo-restricted in France but is again now fully viewable to non-logged in users. Archive.org must have figured that enough time has passed that they can sneak it back in without anyone noticing so its available again. They never deleted it though.

      Just reupload your .iso dump to archive.org again in a few weeks but make it really vague as to what it actually is and no one will probably notice it or complain. The people who REALLY want to download it and play it will still find it anyways. If worse comes to worse just bundle it with other .iso files and upload it as "Old Game .ISO Collection". The people looking for stuff to complain about probably look up "Stronghold 2" specifically, so don't give them that keyword to use and you will likely be gtg.

  15. 7 months ago

    Must be the guy nuking uploads that contain his precious games

  16. 7 months ago

    Is donating to the Internet Archive a good idea?

  17. 7 months ago
    Fair-minded Anon

    Everything has planned obsolescense and all hardware will eventually be fricked and all sites will either go down or be systematically taken down as a way to usher in a new era or reset media. Entire countries have tried to preserve shit for thousands of years now and barely anything actually survives. Even if you have physical shit it will rot or be lost or you'll be robbed or bombed or flooded or whatever. Archive sites are a temporary thing, and it's nice to be able to keep something alive a little longer but the signs are there now that something better is needed before shit gets wiped.

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