Ireland region

What would you like from an Ireland-based region?

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Same as Galar except all mention of pounds and royalty are hastily scratched out and all the cars are on fire

  2. 4 months ago

    >they made ireland into a chinese island
    hilarious honestly

    • 4 months ago

      IoA was based on the Isle of Man, not Ireland hence the DLC title "Isle of Armor"

  3. 4 months ago

    we already had britain as a region, frick off ginger

    • 4 months ago

      Ireland is way more interesting than Shitain. Frick off peasant!

  4. 4 months ago

    A potato pokemon

  5. 4 months ago

    Fairy and grass types everywhere.

    • 4 months ago

      Effort in the pokemon designs and routes
      Irish-only inhabitants, browns can be fricking tourists/sightseers
      Celtic cultural references in the regional pokemon and legendaries
      Local myths and legends referenced in the towns
      No soccer
      Cameos of a couple past gen trainers, like Jasmine in Sinnoh
      And this

      • 4 months ago

        >Irish-only inhabitants, browns can be fricking tourists/sightseers
        Fricking kek, we have a naturalised Kurdish All-Ireland winning Hurler. Ireland has always welcomed those She recognises as being persecuted, due to our own KEENLY aware knowledge of our own persecution. Not to mention one our greatest ever footballers was black. Go do what the palworld team did - go make your own pokemon game with no nasty minorities to annoy your delicate sensibilities, because Pokémon sure as frick's not going to afford you that.

        • 4 months ago

          t. either a homosexual or a Black person

          • 4 months ago

            Neither. I guarantee you're a terminally-online, ill-educated moron though.
            What do I win?

        • 4 months ago

          >why yes, we do outsource for our athletes even though they aren't Irish in anything but visa titles
          >"naturalized [non-native species]"
          Kek, shame to see this American cuckold behavior has spread all over the west. I don't understand how people can have national pride for a sports team that's 95% Kenyan or whatever and doesn't at all show the physical prowess of its native inhabitants. Might as well root for the Kenyan team, or whoever has the highest odds of winning.

          • 4 months ago

            Im more shocked they arent black natives of Ireland they are actual aliens picked up from Africa. Like the french soccer team has no actual black french people on it all of them are fricking African.

  6. 4 months ago

    What are some areas that can make good dungeons?

  7. 4 months ago

    A car Pokémon that knows Self-Destruct
    A poison type Potato Pokémon that slowly loses HP the longer it is in battle.
    A fog related weather based mon
    A variant of Zangoose who looks like a Christian bishop

  8. 4 months ago

    I thought that was Mata Nui for a second

  9. 4 months ago

    >Every gym is a pub
    >The new food gimmick is drink mixing
    >The legendary group theme is parts of the claddach

  10. 4 months ago

    1. To not find Gae-Licks like you at the end of the rainbow
    2. I wanna snort some lucky charms to boost my shiny chances
    3. I wanna kiss the dubs stone and like it.

  11. 4 months ago

    Here's what it'll be
    >Badger Pokemon in the first route
    >Some kind of Leprechaun pokemon, probably in a midgame forest
    >Maybe a Great Irish Elk pokemon, if you're lucky
    >NPCs will greet you with things like "Howya" and "How’s the man?"
    >You'll get one route, maybe 2 based on the cliffs
    >Obvious Dublin city
    >A gym leader with red hair
    >There will still be an ice mountain, a sandy desert, a bunch of caves, etc.
    >People will say Gamefreak could've done more with the concept

    • 4 months ago

      oh and i almost forgot
      >Prepare potato dishes that have various effects

    • 4 months ago

      >an ice mountain, a sandy desert,
      If they don't use Carrantuohill and the Burren for those locations, they need to be boiled in oil.

    • 4 months ago

      sex with the red haired gym leader

      • 4 months ago

        >sex with the red haired gym leader
        You sure? Ok.

        • 4 months ago

          i regret nothing

  12. 4 months ago

    ghost type potato pokemon, have it evolve into a starving frenchfry

  13. 4 months ago

    Ireland is so bereft of wildlife and culture you couldn't even fill the standard early game tropes with Ireland-specific concepts, let alone a full regional 'dex. What would the starters be? What're the version exclusive early bugs? The route one bird? The pikaclone?

    • 4 months ago

      Irelan's only culture is being America's meme version, wearing green and being funny talking Leprechauns. They're so devoid of culture that it's just "at least we're not brits"

      • 4 months ago

        I mean, we can do an Ireland-based region more justice, right?

  14. 4 months ago

    Not today, Padraig

  15. 4 months ago

    Pal World made me think about something, I hate the fact Shitfreak bases regions on real world places instead of making a straight up fantasy nation. Pal World takes place on an archipelago that isnt copied from any IRL island chain making exploring it exciting.
    Paldea is boring Spain
    Kalos is boring France
    And the most rage inducing thing is these dumbasses have no idea how fricking big Spain or France is because they think these tiny amount of settlements would cover the area. Kalos has clouds in its eastern side making it part of PokeEurope, that is fricking lazy design.
    Basically every romhack can easily design a fantasy region but Shitfreak cant frick.

    • 4 months ago

      Pokémon has always based their regions off of real world places Palshill

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      this. The Japanese inspired regions worked because they hyperfocused on a specific area of Japan and still extrapolated a lot. Once they left Sinnoh every region became a caricature and a way for them to fill the void of real world building.

      • 4 months ago

        >regions based on the devs' own homeland have more detail about their homeland than areas made outside their homeland
        Shocking that, Japanese people knowing more about Japan than about the world outside Japan. At least they don't pretend to know about regions outside their homeland like burgers do and actually can afford to visit them and research places for upcoming games.

        • 4 months ago

          >At least they don't pretend to know about regions outside their homeland like burgers do and actually can afford to visit them and research places for upcoming games.
          whats the point of that? all the shit they add that's inspired by the country could be gotten from a day of wikipedia surfing. They don't go deep enough with it, the post-Japan regions are neither committed enough to be real cultural showcases nor iterative enough to feel like their own places. Do you play through a region like Galar or Paldea and think "thank God they went to the UK & Spain before making this region, it's clear they did the research to make it really feel like an homage!"

          • 4 months ago

            But it's not meant to be a 1:1 thing, even the nip regions weren't true-to-life as Hoenn had a fricking desert and Japan doesn't have an aridly dry barren wasteland within its borders. So it's perfectly fine to take a skim of the surface of the culture of the region, because ultimately they're doing their own fricking thing, from their own conception and using a real location to help them fill it all in like a jigsaw. That's why there was a separation in-lore from our world starting Gen 3 - they wanted to do Game Freak's Pokémon Universe's Earth's Map of the World, not continue with the "oh, animals are unimportant, so you don't see them in the real world along with the pokémon". It was superfluous to keep it in the real world, but avoid showing any proper animals, much less pokémon being able to interact with them in some way or fashion (PETA WOULD have been able to cancel it if ANY part the media had a pokémon attacking a regular dog, like they use pikachu shock gags for laughs). Not using it, becoming irrelevant or difficult to justify within the context of your series? Cull it, easier than tying yourself in knots to keep it in.

            • 4 months ago

              I ended up just making a thread for it but I'll respond here anyway


              They don't need to be a 1:1 thing, but they should still feel like a real place, when they were in Japan they weren't able to just use a blanket "Japanese culture" idea because they were focused on smaller parts of the country, and needed to make the regions stand out from each other too. Their current idea is basically "make a place with all these different elemental environments, shape it somewhat like this real world place, let's get maybe 4-5 pokemon lines based off the local animals/myths, a few cultural landmarks to copy/paste, aaaand we're good.

              Here's what it'll be
              >Badger Pokemon in the first route
              >Some kind of Leprechaun pokemon, probably in a midgame forest
              >Maybe a Great Irish Elk pokemon, if you're lucky
              >NPCs will greet you with things like "Howya" and "How’s the man?"
              >You'll get one route, maybe 2 based on the cliffs
              >Obvious Dublin city
              >A gym leader with red hair
              >There will still be an ice mountain, a sandy desert, a bunch of caves, etc.
              >People will say Gamefreak could've done more with the concept

              is basically the kind of philosophy they have when they have "real world inspiration" now.

              If they want to make it their own world then they should do that, because as it stands they just don't put the effort to make a fully realized region anymore, and they bandage those holes with a few basic, predictable, "inspirations" from real countries. Paldea doesn't feel like it's own place, it doesn't feel like "Gamefreak's take on Spain" either, it feels like a generic run of the mill region that ticks all of their boxes and has a few Spanish ideas in there to argue that it's unique.

        • 4 months ago

          The Isle of Armor is nip shit in British region
          Dont get me started on NIPPOkami
          You can clearly see their nip bias so they should just stick with nip regions, Im certain some stupid frick director is the reason Unova exists.

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, because there's frick-all of interest on the Isle of Man, but a death race every July 'round the island.
            It also wasn't Galar, the Region they'd based off the UK, thus played relatively straight. they decided they wanted to make kung fu Bear, so they decided they wanted to add Kung Fu Dojos to train it. They waited until this Gen to add LizzerBikes, so they couldn't play IoA as "Death Island Race Time!" like the actual Isle of Man is every July.

        • 4 months ago

          But that's the problem; they have the funds and support to go study ANYWHERE in depth and hire any specialists alive to give them a run down on history/geography/myths/local flora and fauna and yet they don't. They take a glorified vacation for "research" to see what NY or France are like, then just go with the nation's stereotypes. Everything they put in modern games is stuff found on post cards that the average 5 year old would list if you ask them what they think when they hear a specific location.

          • 4 months ago

            It's a kid's game dude. it's also entertainment, not educational. Doubtless they'd HAVE to report everything per the real world as known, if they kept pokémon in the real world, because I'm sure people in general would be in uproar if they used a real-world map, but stuck a town or city under a desert area as they wanted to add the Ground-type habitat. Like I said, tye yourself in knots trying to make it worlk, or frick it all out, fill in the map how you want to and relate them to real-life locatoions to build the air of the place, while making your region. Because that's ultimately the kicker - it's Game Freak's region. Even though it may be inspired by real life france, Hawaii, Hokkaido whereever, it's still ultimately the staff of Game Freak deciding how they want the progression flow to be and how best to place their waypoints on the map to achieve that.

            • 4 months ago

              >It's a kid's game dude
              I accept your concession

              • 4 months ago

                What, that you're an incel realgay malding they don't give a frick for the real world as critical to their kiddy game series? I do concede that. I don't entertain your points, because they're the hallmark of an autistic b***h having an episode.

  16. 4 months ago

    We need a South American or Asian country, I'm tired of how boring European countries are.

    • 4 months ago

      >or Asian country
      Already had 4 generations of it

    • 4 months ago

      >I'm tired of how boring European countries are.
      they're not boring at all, Gamefreak just skims the top of the pond for ideas, they did the same thing for Unova, that region is nowhere near as well crafted as it's predecessors

  17. 4 months ago

    What can you do to make an Ireland-based region good?

    • 4 months ago

      Make reference to how it governs the territory of Galar as well as Bernia. Instant sellout in Ireland and just over 50% of Northern Ireland.

  18. 4 months ago

    ir*sh people are vile beasts not deserving of life. Disgusting little runts. The English should have wiped them off the face of the earth

  19. 4 months ago

    >People like Kitakami more than Paldea

  20. 4 months ago

    >evil team is the IRA

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