Iron Tower Studio

Apparently Vince D. Weller says on the codex that Colony Ship will most likely be their last game ever. Why didn't you buy the game?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    I've never heard of them before.

    • 4 months ago

      The Age of Decadence

      • 4 months ago

        I've never played this but it got in my Steam library at some point. I've been looking for an RPG to get into.
        Colony Ship seems interesting too. I'd love to see how distinct the environments can get when the whole game takes place on a single ship.

        • 4 months ago

          both their games will bust your balls. if you discover you like that get dungeon rats which was a combat-centric spin off they made after age of decadence.

  2. 4 months ago

    I have no interest in it.

  3. 4 months ago

    They were part of the 99.997%

  4. 4 months ago

    >Why didn't you buy the game?
    I"ve had enough of "Age of Decadence"'esque shenanigans. Vince is a scam artist who tricked way too many novelty seekers into defending him by branding his bad design as "true hardcore experience". He's Styg but... Actually, no "but" - he is exactly like Styg, minus the luck maybe.

    • 4 months ago

      >lefties still seething about styg

      I agree he can be autistic, but styg actually made a decent game. Meanwhile both Iron Tower games are mediocre at best. Littleraly OG fallout is a better game than AoD. How do you get moged by a 20 year old game(at the time).

      • 4 months ago

        Calm down, I don't care about Sam Hyde.

        >Meanwhile both Iron Tower games are mediocre at best
        As is OG Underrail. If not for Expedition being an accidental kino the game wouldn'tve become that popular (and yes, it's accidental - Heavy Duty failed to capture the same feeling completely). Both game developers are self-absorbed buttholes that care about making THEIR game above making a GOOD game, leading to them making incredibly baffling decisions. If you want to know how these people end up just look at "NECROSTORM" and their idiocy regarding the management of their debut fighting game.

        >Literally OG fallout is a better game than AoD.
        Amen, brother.

        • 4 months ago

          >Heavy Duty
          Heavy Duty was interesting in idea but ended up being a literal lazy cashgrab. It's a shame, because psychic clones are interesting and yet the expansion contains, near literally, no dialogue or further information learned about them or the project that made them.

          • 4 months ago

            Heavy Duty gave us the fusion cannon though

            • 4 months ago

              Well yeah it was glorified weapon pack with shitty dungeon bundled in.

      • 4 months ago

        >if you dislike styg you're a lefty bogeyman
        get a grip. styg is a homosexual for continually nerfing things that are fun+his absolutely schizo war against anyone who has tried to mod his game.

        • 4 months ago

          >his absolutely schizo war against anyone who has tried to mod his game.
          Which is ironic, given that he's a Serb, and slavs have always modded the shit out of the games they played.
          Maybe he's secretly Japanese? They tend to have massive auteurship delusions.

          • 4 months ago

            Fake edit: OTOH, his "stop having fun" crusade is absolutely typical of slav game devs. Dioxine is the same: constantly nerfs stuff which makes X-Piratez easier in a fun way.

            • 4 months ago

              >OTOH, his "stop having fun" crusade is absolutely typical of slav game devs
              Fricking true. Still remember the 2007-2009 STALKER moron olympics to make the game more miserable. And we all gobbled it up and still remember the "AWP 2" mod as the best thing ever. Good thing I got over the trilogy before "STALKER Misery" became a thing, or didn't even engage with "Corsairs 3: to Each Their Own" - these people, both devs and fans, are completely deranged.

      • 4 months ago

        >but styg actually made a decent game
        The only good parts of UR are some bits of Expeditions and it was purely by accident considering how everything following it has been bad outside of the single instance of Styg fixing unique weapons.
        Get your mind out of the gutter too while you're at it.

        • 4 months ago

          I wish more devs incorporated the oddity experience system.

          • 4 months ago

            I honestly don't, hated it in underrail after coming back to it vs the classic xp system. I'd probably pass on any games that featured it exclusively unless it was an option and could be turned off.

            I kind of get what he was trying to do with it, you definitely get too much XP in classic, and combat centered XP is the bane of tabletops, but it feels like a silly choice to make in a combat oriented video game where there is not much to do outside of fighting.

            IMO styg should just have tweaked the amount of XP you get from winning combat encounters and doing quests instead of adding in a system where your combat hardened killer is good at doing what he does because he spent 30 hours walking around rummaging in people's trash cans and refuse bins vs you're good at what you do because you do it a lot.

  5. 4 months ago

    I did. I liked it. They're just too niche

  6. 4 months ago

    >Why didn't you buy the game
    I bought Colony Ship.

    The problem is quite simple: It's not very good and somehow managed to have less depth than fricking Age of Decadence.

    Dramatically more linear, there's next to no reactivity.
    Absolutely forgettable caricatures. They have no depth.
    Absolutely unforgivably bad, they may as well not exist with how little reactivity and interactions they have. No, the desperate patch that came out a week ago (two months post release) doesn't help enough.
    Laughably bad. There is little build variety, each combat takes place in a tiny fricking box with zero tactical depth. Often, encounters start with you somehow surrounded by enemies in cover. A complete step down from AoD.
    Unironically comes across as being AI generated. There is barely any worldbuilding or flavor text.
    They're okay, but maybe they should have spent some of the time they spent on them on, y'know, actually making a good game?

    It's a step down from their prior work in every way. It's a terrible way to go out.

    • 4 months ago

      >Absolutely unforgivably bad, they may as well not exist with how little reactivity and interactions they have. No, the desperate patch that came out a week ago (two months post release) doesn't help enough.
      It's funny, they refuse to do proper companions because that's "cringey jrpg romance waifu shit" so their solution is to give you a bunch of lifeless empty non-characters instead? LOL

      • 4 months ago

        They refuse to do proper companions becuase they are moronic and spread themselves thin.

        They refused to give up the lone wolf playstyle from the first game, so the result is completely half assed with companions having zero depth or even questlines associated with them due to the game being primarily built around the assumption of being beatable solo. The codexgays (who make up the primary audience) would shit their pants and wail and scream if they would actually have to risk missing large swathes of content by refusing to take companions.

      • 4 months ago

        They're just too lazy to write a decent story and want the autistic numbers audience instead.

    • 4 months ago

      I thought they're a really small studio and AoD sold really well for its budget?

      How are they out of money, it's been a few years but iirc from what they disclosed about AoD sales even if CS sold poorly they should still have enough money to stay afloat

      • 4 months ago

        their ceo was very transparent on finances somewhere. rpg codex? game did alright, but it didn't break bank.

    • 4 months ago

      I liked AoD, but not enough to play it. I sort of kept up with its' dev cycle and Colony Ship and when it released I realized I actually don't care all that much.

      I always had a nagging feeling that trying to replicate Fallout 1 was not a good idea. Or at least, that it wouldn't lead to any financial success or even cult status. A company leader needs to know the spirit of the time if he wants the company to be successful, but ITS did the opposite, they got stuck in a past that never existed. Yeah I know "hur dur casul get gud" but not even the grognards were thrilled that much about their projects, all you can see on the codex are platitudes and pity stickers.

      >Absolutely unforgivably bad, they may as well not exist with how little reactivity and interactions they have. No, the desperate patch that came out a week ago (two months post release) doesn't help enough.

      The return rate for writing companions in RPGs is so fricking huge that it drives me nuts how absolutely pigheaded some people are about not having them. Yes, yes, bioware ruined rpgs whatever, but there's a huge market there for companions and it's extremely profitable. It's such an easy way to make even "normies" care about the game, because they'll care about their elf waifu's opinion. You don't even have to write them as one dimensional or as coomer bait if you think your writing skills are better than that. But the people at ITS believe everything that makes an RPG successful is just trifling bells and whistles, which is why their TRUE RPGS FOR TRUE RPG PLAYERS have player counts in the dozens.

      • 4 months ago

        >I liked AoD, but not enough to play it. I sort of kept up with its' dev cycle and Colony Ship and when it released I realized I actually don't care all that much.
        Are you me

        • 4 months ago

          I imagine a lot of people felt like me. I'm starved for a good cRPG and really wanted to love both AoD and CS, but in the end I realized I'm too much of a pleb. Yeah the combat is hard and you die a lot lol just like back in the day lmao amirite, and I could get along with that if there was anything else to grab onto, like an interesting story or cool companions. The worst part is that it's not even hard to have those, the devs just don't want them because those are for homosexuals (and so is making money, I guess).

  7. 4 months ago

    >make game for cuckdexers
    >turns out cuckdexers don't actually play games
    bullet-fricking-proof plan

    • 4 months ago

      AoD/Dungeon Rats were not what I'd consider good as much as I can praise some particular things about them, I'm not interested in Colony Ship so I don't have much to say about it in particular, but this
      They unapologetically make games for a tiny bunch of people who whine about games but don't actually play them, on top of that they have the audacity to pretend anyone who points out the numerous issues in their games are either wrong or not their "sophisticated" audience, so let them reap what they sow

    • 4 months ago

      >turns out cuckdexers don't actually play games
      Yeah, based on their top RPG lists the userbase just seems out of touch, swayed by external reasons.
      >"le taste in RPGs"
      Motherfrickers have more playtime on Skyrim than 20 "sophisticated" old games combined, yet couldn't admit Skyrim to the list, so there's the audience you're trying to appeal to.

  8. 4 months ago

    I loved AoD but I'm sick of crpgs

  9. 4 months ago

    Shame, I liked Age of Decadance. At least the atmosphere, writting, setting, aesthethic.

  10. 4 months ago

    Why should I buy colon shit?

  11. 4 months ago

    I bought this but it starts feeling soulless the second you hit the habitat, shuttle bay, etc. Honestly I believe they spent all their time and resources on making bells and whistles to wow with grafix and shit, nothing else explains how everything else is a downgrade from AoD. I'll continue to enjoy regular replays of AoD every now and then but once is enough for Colony Ship.

  12. 4 months ago

    Because I'm under no obligation to do so.

    • 4 months ago

      this is so fricking pathetic lmao
      how does a homosexual like vince get so many yes men?

      • 4 months ago

        >if you liked the game, and want to see more of the same in the future, please leave a positive review
        How is that pathetic?

  13. 4 months ago

    >make the game as niche as possible
    >attract only small minority of already small niche
    >complain when the game doesn't sell

    • 4 months ago

      it's a shame, really
      i actually loved the game

    • 4 months ago

      You can make niche games but you have to adjust the budget accordingly. All I've seen from CS is a bigger budget, more modernized version of AoD, and perhaps they don't have the kind of audience to warrant that extra step.

    • 4 months ago

      Read the screencap again. Only one of those two people is the dev.

    • 4 months ago

      when the game doesn't sell
      Who is complaining?

    • 4 months ago

      It's odd because they've switched the engine to improve the graphics and attract more people.

  14. 4 months ago

    Good riddance.

  15. 4 months ago

    thanks for this thread OP, I learned of a few games to try

    Age of Decadence had the vibe of a game made by friends in a basement who had the benefit of decent art and a non-shit engine, butmin-maxing is the only way to play without a guide and even then you may get a surprise stat check so the way to play is to hoard skillpoints which isn't fun

    Playing it with cheating however is extremely satisfying, I loved the smartypants Legionnaire path that used Int and Cha which are usually dump stats for a warrior build

    Colony Ship looks to be less of that AND without the "it's their first game" benefit so unless they have a good night's sleep and get back to improving combat builds, it will prolly end up on gog sales after the company is dissolved

  16. 4 months ago

    I might pick it up while it's on sale. I need something to play after Wasteland 2, and it's either this or ATOM

  17. 4 months ago

    I did, I feel colony ship is going in the wrong direction and there was too much edgy fatalist idpol shit with too easy gameplay. It's not terrible and it's better than a lot of the awful shit that gets pushed here, but I have too many genuinely good games to play already

  18. 4 months ago

    is he right?

    • 4 months ago

      why did you share your own post

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Jesus-fricking-christ cuckdexers are pathetic
      also you should go back

      • 4 months ago

        >Respect for "game opinions"

      • 4 months ago

        nta but I can't.
        Infinitron is bullying me.

        • 4 months ago

          What is Tovi's fricking problem?

    • 4 months ago

      The problem with AoD was it was a refreshing experience to the otherwise pretty stale RPG scene, and as such I consider to be a pretty good game.
      Do I want to play such games again?
      Not really.

    • 4 months ago

      In AoD you could pretty much do whatever you wanted and could avoid combat if you had enough points in the diplomacy skills. It really was a CYOA story with a lot of things you could discover if you wanted to.

      Regarding combat ranged and melee builds were viable based on the technologies. Something that isn't viable in CS due to guns being so much better.

      • 4 months ago

        They really are. You can still play melee, but it is so fricking limited by its massively decreased range

    • 4 months ago

      I agree

    • 4 months ago

      >Iron Tower Studio is a premier destination for all your hardcore RPG needs. Proudly serving 0.003% of the Global Gaming Market since 2015.
      >The remaining 99.997% need not apply.
      >wonder why your game failed
      Is this dev moronic?

      when the geriatrics you were hoping would latch on your niche game start agreeing that your game was bad, how do you recover?

      • 4 months ago

        >Iron Tower Studio is a premier destination for all your hardcore RPG needs. Proudly serving 0.003% of the Global Gaming Market since 2015.
        Why must "hardcore" RPG players exaggerate how difficult/esoteric their genre is? It's arguably the easiest genre out of all video games, it's not like your testing your skills against someone in multiplayer games like arena shooters, fighting games or RTS/strategy games. Or need to autistically focus on the systems to learn them like in simulator games. Even singleplayer wise beatemups like godhand or puzzle games ask more from the player to complete than the standard CRPG. Overcompensating just makes RPG players look fricking moronic and it's embarrassing.

        • 4 months ago

          They were expecting to get the Dark Souls audience

        • 4 months ago

          There's appeal to gatekeeping, being part of a special club.

          It's possible to make "le true rpg" for a wide audience. I would think that challenge would be interesting for a developer. Make a complex but accessible RPG.

        • 4 months ago

          >It's arguably the easiest genre out of all video games
          If that were true it would be immensely more popular than it actually is, though I do agree that CRPG complexity, let alone actual quality, is ridiculously overblown by sour grapes neckbeard.
          It's also disingenuous to compare single player games to competitive ones, nevermind the fact that most multiplayer games aren't complex either, you sound like you have your very own sour grapes to eat.

          • 4 months ago

            No, he's right, anyone can play an rpg, which makes it all the more frustrating that people choose the most casual laziest crap they can find when the genre is so easy that even a monkey could get through the most complex games with very little effort. Like imagine the person making morrowind threads here trying to clear spelunky 2 or sunlust, let alone comp games like counterstrike or something that require focused long term practice and cooperation with others. There is a toothpick sized hurdle here and someone's unwillingness to clear it just shows me they aren't really all that interested in rpgs.

            • 4 months ago

              I like Morrowind. I’m replaying it right now, and having fun. I also used to play a lot of competitive team games, including CS (CAL-M). Why do you imagine that these are mutually exclusive things? Why do you insist in pigeonholing everyone into little tiny boxes? Your biggest problem on this board (aside from the fact that you’re a man who wishes he was a little girl) is that you’re trapped by the mental constructs you’ve created and projected onto everyone else. You are literally surrounded by fictitious ghosts of your own design, and constantly raging and lashing out against them.

              • 4 months ago

                >I like Morrowind. I’m replaying it right now, and having fun
                Because you don't like rpgs otherwise you'd be playing something better. If someone played CS over overwatch i would conclude they like fps instead of just playing them to waste time. You missed the point entirely to instead whine about someone who slighted you because you have a feminine brain structure.

              • 4 months ago

                >Because you don't like rpgs otherwise you'd be playing something better
                See, you're doing it again. You have created this incredibly simplistic where if someone plays a certain game, then they only play that game and nothing else. It's incredibly petty and tribalistic, and itself indicative of a feminine brain structure (which you immediately projected onto me, yet again). You have absolutely no idea about what games I've played, or haven't played, or liked, or disliked, yet you brashly proceed to make unfounded mental leaps and assumptions, incorrectly so, yet 100% confident in your own ability. You are the fourth quadrant of the Dunning-Kruger effect. You are an NPC, an unthinking automaton merely reacting to stimulus.

              • 4 months ago

                Clueless autists trying to explain shit they can't understand.

              • 4 months ago

                You've already been embarrassed, it's too late for samegayging.

          • 4 months ago

            >If that were true it would be immensely more popular than it actually is,
            no, not necessarily
            for instance consider reading, integral part of rpgs
            if you include substantial amount of reading in a videogame it's bound to be less popular than some arcady game with voiced cut-scenes
            but reading isn't hard, everyone can do it
            it's just that a lot of people find it less enjoyable than watching a cartoon
            >disingenuous to compare single player games to competitive ones
            it's not disingenuous in this context, successfully playing competitive games at any serious level requires dedication, skill and know-hows
            playing and beating rpgs [mostly] doesn't

            >nevermind the fact that most multiplayer games aren't complex eithe
            jesus christ I'm sorry I didn't know you were moronic
            why the frick would you bring it up in a reply to anon that specifically compares it to complex and hard multiplayer games?

            • 4 months ago

              >but reading isn't hard, everyone can do it
              This place alone proves you wrong already.
              >it's not disingenuous in this context
              It's absolutely disingenuous, it's like comparing welding a metal bench to precision casting, they're completely different things, with completely different aims and purposes, both require fundamentally different approaches and knowledge despite sharing some common grounds, not to mention you can be good at both.

              And no, I'm sorry for you but the vast majority of multiplayer games are exceptionally simple mechanically, just like single player games, the only real difference comes from the human vs human equation which creates a fundamentally different environment, a lot of which also effectively boils down to RNG.
              The hard part of competitive games isn't dealing with game mechanics, it's keeping your cool and dealing with other people who are also trying their best, RPGs can also be competitive too, which is why there's tournament scenes for roguelikes for instance, despite the games themselves being singleplayer.
              If you weren't so focused on your sour grapes and actually played competitively like you pretend to, you'd know, this is gaming 101.

  19. 4 months ago
    >lead dev is a zIgger with a Stalin pfp
    lmao, serves them right

    • 4 months ago

      The lead dev is ukranian, homosexual

      • 4 months ago

        Their coder was Ukrainian (RIP), the lead dev is Canadian. The artist is Spanish, and the rest are contracted IIRC.

  20. 4 months ago

    They never made a good game let alone an RPG.

  21. 4 months ago

    I wish they stuck with torque which would decrease costs and allow more dev time for gameplay content and story.

  22. 4 months ago

    >Why didn't you buy the game?
    I did.

    I didn't have time to play it yet though.

  23. 4 months ago

    I don't think that's Stalin, which is much worse, he's probably a leninist or trotskyite homosexual

  24. 4 months ago

    >Why didn't you buy the game?
    I bought it, and I enjoyed it.

  25. 4 months ago

    I bought it and it frickin sucked, good riddance

  26. 4 months ago

    >Why didn't you buy the game?
    Because I never heard of it

  27. 4 months ago

    Link and quote or OP's trolling.

    I did buy it just to support he dev because I enjoyed his writing in the adventure game Age of Decadence so much.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't know if they made an official announcement on social media anywhere. But if you go on rpgcodex, the colony ship thread has the devs posting about closing their studio.

    • 4 months ago

      >Link and quote or OP's trolling.

      • 4 months ago

        That's nice of them. I really like it. Shame it's not getting a sequel but it doesn't really need one.
        I already created the ultimate life form

        • 4 months ago

          I bought colony ship and liked it well enough. Not great, not terrible.

          Tried to do a solo build, but it's the exact same type of banging your head against the wall and reloading as Underrail; You just can't beat the enemy's action economy. And i swear to fricking god the game cheats. I've got a hundred dodge, i'm specked into shotguns, i'm de-buffing them with all types of nades, and they just keep fricking me on turn 1. I toss a flashbang at an enemy with 10% glare protection and they crit me over and over. I've got the 70% glare protection goggles + the glare shield upgrade, they toss a flashbang and my chance to hit goes from 100% to 10%

          • 4 months ago

            >I bought colony ship and liked it well enough. Not great, not terrible.
            Same. It also got me to buy and play AoD. Enjoyed both games and will be disappointed if the CS sequel never gets made.

            • 4 months ago

              >CS sequel
              I have seen a lot of talk about a CS sequel by fans but not AoD. Does it end on a cliffhanger or anything? Haven't played it yet but I don't care about spoilers.

          • 4 months ago

            get gud, scrub

            >CS sequel
            I have seen a lot of talk about a CS sequel by fans but not AoD. Does it end on a cliffhanger or anything? Haven't played it yet but I don't care about spoilers.

            Here you go.

          • 4 months ago

            >I bought colony ship and liked it well enough. Not great, not terrible.
            Same. It also got me to buy and play AoD. Enjoyed both games and will be disappointed if the CS sequel never gets made.

            It was decent, but it doubled-down on all the bad gameplay elements of AoD while stripping out all the aspects that made it great like world building, characters, and choice + consequence. If I want a game full of ranged spam, cutout companions, and with the story equivalent of eating air I’d rather just play Atom RPG

      • 4 months ago

        man thesecret is a perfect summary of everything wrong with nu codex. they just elder scrolls and underrail and porn games

        • 4 months ago

          People like to paint the Codex with a wide brush, but they're about as fractured as they come. It's just that their autism subject are RPGs. "What's an RPG?" became a meme for a reason.

          • 4 months ago

            Except they don't actually play or discuss rpgs, they just latch onto the most casual hipster games they can find

            • 4 months ago

              What's a non-casual non-hipster RPG?

              • 4 months ago

                RPG with good gameplay

              • 4 months ago

                No wait, that's the opposite.

              • 4 months ago

                Knights of the chalice 2

              • 4 months ago

                KotC2 is p. hipster though.

              • 4 months ago

                Charging 50 dollars for a game that looks like a Tales of Maj'eyal is insane.

              • 4 months ago

                Kind of offtopic tangent, I haven't played Knights of the chalice 2 so I don't know what the actual content and quality is but imo it kind of blows my mind how much people take game prices nowadays for granted.

                People are ready to drop 10$ on a burger they'll enjoy for 5 minutes, 15$ on a movie ticket that only runs 2 hours, 20$ on a hardcover book they'll finish over a weekend, but then balk at games with a hundred+ hours of content if they don't cost 20$ or less.

                Online game sales and modern game pricing has really spoiled the frick out of all of us.

              • 4 months ago

                >t. ~~*goyslop marketer*~~

              • 4 months ago

                I agree, but then again video games are just entertainment. Paying money to waste your own time, when you could do it for free in various other ways, or simply play what you already own. Nevermind the fact that people spend so much time on games, that 50 hour playthrough feels like nothing, lol.

                Now burgers on the other hand, they're essential for living.

              • 4 months ago

                Paper towels should cost 1000$ since you use them for way longer than it takes to eat a burger.

              • 4 months ago

                Not really, if you are familiar with wargames the price range is actually a steal. Like WITE2 is $80 despite LOOKING very simple, because it is a game for real enthusiasts that no one else is willing to make, and KotC is the rpg equivalent of those types of games. Also, I believe people who place video game aesthetics over gameplay are wrong in the head and the only cure is amputation.

              • 4 months ago

                These are the types of games ITS pretends to make ironically, except now their going out of business and Pierre will continue building on KotC2 for 10 more years and then sell us KotC3 for $250, and he can do this because he's the real deal and not full of shit like Vince.

  28. 4 months ago

    >Try to make games that as few people will like as possible
    >Achive their goal and noone liked their games so they didnt get any sales
    Woah how could this happen.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't think they were trying to make money though if what according to what

      >Link and quote or OP's trolling.

      said is true. But also if that's the case why not just release the game for free if it's a passion project and the money doesn't matter? Seems kind of israeli to me.

      • 4 months ago

        >according to what
        that's just a sour loser's
        >we didn't want to make sales anyway
        they most obviously did or they wouldn't fricking sell it for money see Moonring which is free

      • 4 months ago

        >why not just release the game for free if it's a passion project and the money doesn't matter?
        I'm baffled by the fact that you asked this question.

        Passion projects still require time, and I hopefully don't have to explain what "time is money" means. Dude probably wants compensation for his work, so that he can live, and furthermore he can employ others who work on his game.

        • 4 months ago

          >Dude probably wants compensation for his work, so that he can live, and furthermore he can employ others who work on his game.
          If he's trying to make a living while paying employees by making a game for an extremely niche audience he's a fricking moron.

          • 4 months ago

            I respect it. He made games instead of only talking about them. The rest criticizing the result are just crabs in a bucket.

            • 4 months ago

              >makes game that is worse than his prior decade old release made on fricking torque 3d
              >"you're all just crabs in a bucket"
              i'm nta but you codexgays are insufferable and should go back

              • 4 months ago

                Seethe more, homosexual

              • 4 months ago

                Only ones seething here are codexcucks who have been revealed to literally not even consoom the products they pretend to hold to high praise.

                >doesn't buy games
                >doesn't play games
                >spends 8 hours a day talking about how bad all modern games are except those made by x niche dev that posts on the forums and gives neckbeards a contact high of """fame"""
                >game flops
                Truly shocking, gayatron.

              • 4 months ago

                TOTAL KEKDEXER DEATH



              • 4 months ago

                nvm just testing something

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                ok so it's only for all caps

              • 4 months ago

                Except CS is bad and codexgays don't like it.
                If what you said was true ITS would have been dead after AoD.

              • 4 months ago

                >Except CS is bad and codexgays don't like it.
                It looks about on par with BG3 in terms of popularity there. Codex is a mix of the following:
                >morons from NMA that b***h about everything, disrupt communities, and then praise braindead bethesturd games when their host has been sufficiently demoralized. (beans falls here)
                >Morons who play braindead memester games that generally get pushed by people like Sseths. (thesecret falls here)
                >Angry 65IQ eastern europeans who hate everything that doesn't run on their toaster or aligns with their questionable politics. (the majority of nu-codex falls here)

                Codex used to be a place where you could get news on games you wouldn't find elsewhere, but now its really not that. Its like a hyperfocused asshurt factory full of disinfo and idpol. I think rpg watch is better than them now but its very slow.

              • 4 months ago

                Colony Ship wasn't good. AoD was imperfect but promising so I was hopeful, but CS seemed to take all the wrong lessons from it. In the end, I just don't find the idea of future games from them very exciting, so this isn't much of a loss.

                Place has been in a downward spiral ever since at least 2014. That's around when a few things happened all at once:
                >Largely disappointing releases broke the (naive) 2012 Kickstarter-induced optimism which had developed
                >Gamergate drew in a metric ton of posters who cared about culture-war first, games a very distant second, when they got banned everywhere else. Several older posters who stopped actually playing games and might have left in prior years ended up sticking around as a result, because there was now lots of culture war discussion to be had.
                >General decline of specific-subject forums really started to accelerate in the early '10s
                Used to be a place I'd go for news and discussion of games people didn't give a frick about anywhere else, with low moderation and some fun extra stuff like LPs of obscure shit I'd never touch. But the signal to noise ratio is just too bad now for it to be worth even visiting.

              • 4 months ago

                Colony Ship wasn't good. AoD was imperfect but promising so I was hopeful, but CS seemed to take all the wrong lessons from it. In the end, I just don't find the idea of future games from them very exciting, so this isn't much of a loss.

                Place has been in a downward spiral ever since at least 2014. That's around when a few things happened all at once:
                >Largely disappointing releases broke the (naive) 2012 Kickstarter-induced optimism which had developed
                >Gamergate drew in a metric ton of posters who cared about culture-war first, games a very distant second, when they got banned everywhere else. Several older posters who stopped actually playing games and might have left in prior years ended up sticking around as a result, because there was now lots of culture war discussion to be had.
                >General decline of specific-subject forums really started to accelerate in the early '10s
                Used to be a place I'd go for news and discussion of games people didn't give a frick about anywhere else, with low moderation and some fun extra stuff like LPs of obscure shit I'd never touch. But the signal to noise ratio is just too bad now for it to be worth even visiting.

                if you read between the lines here, you see the criticism is strictly about some posters saying politically incorrect things, which the codex has done since like 2004. are you guys goons?

              • 4 months ago

                >are you guys goons?
                is it not obvious? one of them was even defending rpg watch lol

              • 4 months ago

                >are you guys goons?
                is it not obvious? one of them was even defending rpg watch lol

                dont samegay politcally obsessed troony, funny you should mention goons because codex has the same angry mob mentality SA did that led to the birth of Ganker

              • 4 months ago

                >everyone who disagrees with me is one guy samegayging!

              • 4 months ago

                >accusations of samegayging
                >"i'm" not angry implication
                lolocaust denier

              • 4 months ago

                No moron, it's about focus. I'm not far off from the politics of the posters I'm complaining about, but I signed up for a RPG forum not a culture war seethe support group. Pre-2014 Codex was a place where people played games and came to discuss them, and could say Black person if they wanted to. Current Year Codex is a place where people come to complain about gay slav wars and say Black person, and occasionally make the effort to tie it into discussion of a game they may or may not have played.

              • 4 months ago

                You know how I know you're talking bullshit? because Infinitron moves all political drama to its own subforum (Gaming Drama, not available to newbies and buried to hide visibility) and the General Discussion section (the 'culture war' zone) is separated from the main gaming forums. Literally no one stops you from discussing games without in your face politics. You're just basically going to the political forum and complaining it's political while ignoring actual game discussion. You guys are always so fricking dishonest.

              • 4 months ago

                That subforum didn't exist when I left, I haven't kept up with the place bc like I said, it stopped being worth visiting. I assume the subforum was created precisely because of the shit I'm complaining about, which only serves to support my point. Not confident it will have improved the site of the userbase are still the same post-14 morons though.

              • 4 months ago

                >place has been in a downward spiral since 2014!
                >actually I haven't visited since 2014 teehee
                jfc you c**t stop wasting our time with dishonest posting.

              • 4 months ago

                the guy's still booty blasted by fricking gamergate, what do you expect?

              • 4 months ago

                Gamergate never stopped.

              • 4 months ago

                >because Infinitron moves all political drama to its own subforum
                Infinitron is an ex-obsidiot mod who hates the current state of codex and is constantly trying to manipulate it into God knows what and he'll let political threads sit for weeks until they're good and visible and then "move" them when engagement is high so it sits on the first page and advertises the sub board lol. everything about the board is political now with a bunch of clique-ish squabbling over PMs. The only reason it's moved at all is because if it wasn't the whole general board would be political clickbait and they couldn't pretend to be a neutral rpg site any more.

              • 4 months ago

                What are some actually good forums to discuss RPGs on in 2024? /vrpg/ is pretty bad for actual discussion too. Subreddits are hit or miss, they tend to be better for niche games but still not very good as a whole. rpgcodex has some decent discussions in the development threads, but not so much in general RPG discussion.

                What's the go to place now?

              • 4 months ago

                the genre is dying, anon

              • 4 months ago

                what the kids do now is sit in discords and then spew their shit elsewhere. discord is the most aptly named program. also goon created.

              • 4 months ago

                >What are some actually good forums to discuss RPGs on in 2024
                Your best bet is the forums maintained by devs making their games. This unfortunately disenfranchises indie devs who do not have a platform but it's not like codex discusses those anyways. It's mostly just some guy posting his unity game that looks like a flash game, posters laughing at it for upvotes, and then moving on. Like look at how brigand flew under the radar and Lancaster's new game is totally ignored, 10 years ago they would have been all over that but now the site is just pathetic eurowankery. At least here we can occasionally discuss stuff like grimrock or something, if you start talking about some game on codex 10 people will just pile in to tell you how it's not codex approved for updoots, but at least someone here can make some herculean effort and get a thread going on something that isn't some hyper casual moron game. The only reason codex has any devs at all is because it's high traffic, for now, but that seems to be waning.

              • 4 months ago

                >The only reason codex has any devs at all is because it's high traffic, for now, but that seems to be waning.
                The reason for this is two-fold: first, forum drama where the administration sided with the drama-hungry anarchist troony who moderates the shoutbox, driving a good portion of the hardcore RW userbase out (they went to create the rpghq forum), and then the forced monthly 2FA bullshit which did more damage to the forum's activity than anything else they've done before, with many long-time posters not wanting to bother with the place after that.

              • 4 months ago

                >brigand flew under the radar
                that's funny, i heard about that game there, not here.

              • 4 months ago

                The fact that Brigand took over two years to clear 3 pages of discussion total on that entire site is very indicative. Brofists were bad when they were introduced, and the button parade just made things worse. Reddit tier shit which led to reddit tier posting.

              • 4 months ago

                >Brofists were bad when they were introduced, and the button parade just made things worse. Reddit tier shit which led to reddit tier posting.
                now this is why i stopped posting there. i can't stand that button shit, a joke gone too far.

              • 4 months ago

                >Your best bet is the forums maintained by devs making their game
                That's kind of a shame. There's definitely a level of fatigue associated with creating an account on every single forum you want to post on.

                The fact that Brigand took over two years to clear 3 pages of discussion total on that entire site is very indicative. Brofists were bad when they were introduced, and the button parade just made things worse. Reddit tier shit which led to reddit tier posting.

                >The only reason codex has any devs at all is because it's high traffic, for now, but that seems to be waning.
                Yeah, it's very slow nowadays. I'm really not so sure I'd call it high traffic at all. Most of the threads for actual game or dev discussion move so slowly you can check in once a week to read the latest 3-4 posts.

              • 4 months ago

                >The only reason codex has any devs at all is because it's high traffic
                Like 90% of the actual, competent devs who used to post there stopped the moment the place turned into /misc/ with upvotes ages ago. The only devs left are ACTUALLY insane ones like the Caveman lolcow, people like Vince who have deluded themselves into thinking that the praise of codexgays for AoD meant they would actually buy CS (codexgays stopped buying or creating things a decade ago), or the most desperate of indiedevs who can't even organically shill their stuff on Ganker.

              • 4 months ago

                >codexgays stopped buying
                Well how many are there? 20, 200? Probably not enough to make it profitable anyway. More helpful would be marketing the game.

              • 4 months ago

                the place used to be more influential despite a relatively small population once upon a time, or at least had a number of devs from studios big and small post there. no delusions of grandur but I can't think of anywhere else where devs used to interact with players in a less controlled PR focused manner. maybe twitter in the current day but there's obvious problems

              • 4 months ago

                >devs used to interact with players
                Sounds good on paper, but players with good precise input are actually very rare, and drowned out by unhappy autists.

                It's possible to have some good, productive back and forth, but it also requires a good community. Codex has already ruined any "good will" it may have had.

              • 4 months ago

                >Codex has already ruined any "good will" it may have had.
                Every time I think that place might redeem itself they just dissapoint me even more.

              • 4 months ago

                >ACTUALLY insane ones like the Caveman lolcow
                another sape who has no sense of humour

              • 4 months ago

                >merely pretending for 30 years

              • 4 months ago

                roleplaying god

              • 4 months ago

                Is putting ai art into his Lovecraft themed game just a funny joke too? Because I don't think it's funny and even though I bought grimoire I definitely won't be buying that. Everything I've heard about that game has like absolutely zero appeal to me.

              • 4 months ago

                >Is putting ai art into his Lovecraft themed game just a funny joke too?
                i mean, i just laughed reading that.

              • 4 months ago

                Okay well you have fun with that then.

              • 4 months ago

                with what? my sense of humour? oh, i will.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm looking at the general board right now and what I see is basically a big fat vertical slice of the absolute worst posts here. It's embarrassingly bad, I don't know what anyone gets from going here.

              • 4 months ago

                >a big fat vertical slice of the absolute worst posts here
                so you post there a lot too?

              • 4 months ago

                Show me one quality thread on the whole front page. I'm looking through it and it's all terrible lmao

              • 4 months ago

                tell me exactly what a quality thread is. mind you, i've seen you post here, you are meaninglessly and annoyingly combative without even proffering, at the very least, a humorous gimmick.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm suddenly realizing shit like the incredibly forced and awkward solasta threads are from there, and a couple of similar things. They really are poison.

              • 4 months ago

                codex and Ganker crossposting, for better or worse, has been going on for like 15 years. if you haven't noticed the meme osmosis already, then you are incredibly dense.

              • 4 months ago

                Gankerners want people to use only Ganker and avoid using all other websites. they think it's a marriage.

              • 4 months ago

                >meme osmosis
                Everywhere else picks up Ganker culture, even resetera does, not the other way around. Codex has not benefited this place in any way.

              • 4 months ago

                this is not true when it comes to rpgs. their memes were more powerful.

                >"when you guys got online"
                >suggests that calling something cancer on Ganker is a sign of being new, or has anything to do with the much more recent trend of calling stuff 'toxic'
                either you're a newbie or you're such an oldgay that you have Alzheimer's and don't remember mid-00s Ganker at all

                anon, i'm not talking about just here. i'm talking about the first waves even, in usenet days. this is a very old process. and yeah cancer is like toxic, it's about pathologizing other people.

              • 4 months ago

                >this is not true when it comes to rpgs. their memes were more powerful.
                i have no idea what you're talking about, rpg codex has contributed absolutely nothing to the internet at large

              • 4 months ago

                lol, i forget how obsessed you kids are about the one-way street illusion

              • 4 months ago

                you're free to leave, but you're here because your site is shit and you dont wanna be there, you wanna be here

              • 4 months ago

                >we were intarnat kangz an shiet

                Jesus-fricking-christ cuckdexers are pathetic
                also you should go back

                are you at least well respected (for your opinions on consumer electronic entertainment)?

              • 4 months ago

                what a poorly constructed post

              • 4 months ago

                Well sure, if you mean in the very general sense of "any word which, for any reason, categorize's someone else's behavior as dumb or otherwise bad, and a detriment to an overall community". Does using a word like that imply that the person using it might prefer some limits on free expression? Possibly, though "this is bad, I will stop participating and find a community that hasn't been ruined by such people" is quite different from "I will try not to let these people in because they damage what I like" and even that is different from "I will seek out these people wherever they already are and suppress them as much as I can because they are bad". Overwhelming majority of people saying "toxic" do the third variety, which is much more pernicious than the other two. For the second type especially, you'd be hardpressed to find anyone who doesn't have that view for at least some things (e.g. outright spam promoting boner pills)

              • 4 months ago

                i really feel like one thing leads to another with this stuff, cancer led to toxic. my whole thing is that you can't fix people, especially through generalized othering labels, and i'm personally fond of heresy.

                you're free to leave, but you're here because your site is shit and you dont wanna be there, you wanna be here

                i don't post there. i've just been around the internet longer than this site has existed, so i don't consider it part of my identity.

              • 4 months ago

                The dark souls 2 moronation appears to stem from there as well.

              • 4 months ago

                anon, you're just doing that moronic, "if you respond to something you are as bad as the person you are responding to". devs themselves are politically activated and you can't readily divorce politics from gaming when they are used as ideological vehicles, though of course crying all the time is obnoxious. but this type of commentary isn't going away in any place that allows open discussion and the internet is heavily stifled in general.

              • 4 months ago

                I'd be very sympathetic to this view if the quantity and quality of discussion of other elements of the games hadn't plummeted. It's not a case of good game discussion posters simply talking about the obnoxious politics-pushing of devs as part of that, it's a bunch of people flooding in who only care about that element and have nothing of value to say about anything else.

                >place has been in a downward spiral since 2014!
                >actually I haven't visited since 2014 teehee
                jfc you c**t stop wasting our time with dishonest posting.

                No, I gave up some time in mid to late '18. At that point in time, the shit I'm talking about was absolutely not being quarantined in any subforum. 4 years is long enough to see the direction things are going on a site. I suppose it's possible that it pulled out of the nosedive in the 5-6 years since, but that seems very unlikely.

                the guy's still booty blasted by fricking gamergate, what do you expect?

                Do you really deny that it was a period where game forums very rapidly became much more cancerous? Basically all of them either became a totalitarian gay shithole or something like the Codex I'm describing. I prefer the latter but it's still garbage. Unfortunately most gaming forums still don't seem to have recovered from this.

              • 4 months ago

                i believe people who use this word are suspect and their ostensible support of free expression is smoke. it's like "toxic". yes, smartphones were invented, the barrier for entry lowered, you have to get over it like we did when you guys got online.

              • 4 months ago

                >"when you guys got online"
                >suggests that calling something cancer on Ganker is a sign of being new, or has anything to do with the much more recent trend of calling stuff 'toxic'
                either you're a newbie or you're such an oldgay that you have Alzheimer's and don't remember mid-00s Ganker at all

              • 4 months ago

                >everyone that drives slower than me is an idiot
                >everyone that drives faster than me is a maniac
                September never ended.

              • 4 months ago

                stfu Black person and go back

              • 4 months ago

                although I also respect those lads for actually making and releasing games, I still sign by your words
                TCD, total cuckdexer death

            • 4 months ago

              Sup Vince

      • 4 months ago

        >OY VEY don't dare to charge for your own games, meanwhile Schlomo and La Goblina are making the eleventh SpiderMan remake where they will charge $80 for the base game, $40 for the DLC an $200 for the collectors edition with a real spiderman figurine
        have a nice day israelite.

  29. 4 months ago

    Devs needs literally someone with actual table RPG module experience to design literally the whole campaing before a single line of code or asset is written.

    idk what happened between AoD C&C "fun things are fun" design philosophy and CS bleak unfun design.

  30. 4 months ago

    Never played AoD, I will play at some point simply because the setting reminds of Conan, however, Colony Ship looks drab and depressing, has generic name. the setting doesn't sound interesting, the game looks good but its a small team so I know were the budget went, should have made a sequel to AoD or something more unique, not a generic sci-fi game, it looks and sounds generic, CS is not for me.
    Funny thing about graphics in video games, if you increase the poly count of a model you need to increase the quality of the animations as well, its look jarring as hell.

  31. 4 months ago

    >Why didn't you buy the game?
    Because they marketed it as an RPG even though you're just a class personified who makes random (mostly optimal) choices, the game doesn't react to characterisation.

    If they'd labelled it honestly as the tactical CYOA that it is, would have got around to it.

  32. 4 months ago

    I like Vince but Fallout 1/2 style CYOA CRPGs based on choice and consequence aren’t really jam I’m afraid. I like killing monsters, looting them and levelling up, traditional dungeon crawlers, story focused RPGs bore me.

    • 4 months ago

      >story focused
      I'm all about it BUT CS seems unfinished. For example, if you talk to Al Swearington in the starting area and tell him you will side against the Sheriff with him, you can no longer talk to the Sheriff to hear his side, accuse him, trick him or flip sides.
      This is explained as an intentional design choice as there's a loading screen that's like
      >your word matters, you will be held to it
      but it smacks of having lacked the resources to implement additional quest-routes.

      It's bog-standard in RPGs to at minimum have a set-up like
      >introduced to both sides of a conflict
      >choose initial side to progress with
      >hear from the opposing side why they're in the right, your side's bad, etc.
      >last chance to switch before locking in

      what's worse is the situation's in unreliable narrator territory so you'll lack conviction as to your side choice.
      Al claims the guy's extorting Solomon weren't his but he could be lying. If you ask him for some kinda proof he tells you to frick off. So you have just met these dudes and have nothing to go off but their words.

      That's nice of them. I really like it. Shame it's not getting a sequel but it doesn't really need one.
      I already created the ultimate life form

      >sided against the mission

      • 4 months ago

        What do you think the mission came from? Don't be deluded by power. Trust in faith. Trust in yourself.

  33. 4 months ago

    Iron Tower Studios?

  34. 4 months ago

    they take too damn long to develop their games. AoD took somehow 10+ years to get made even though it's a text adventure with some basic fallout combat, colony ship also had a long dev cycle and missed out on the indie crpg renaissance

  35. 4 months ago

    I get the impression they didn't find a reasonably streamlined process for making videogames. Just look at how long it took for Age of Decadence to come out. I feel the team just ended up absolutely burnt out after Colony Ship. Perhaps they'll still make games in the future but in another genre and under a different company name.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't think they got burnt out from lazily making games in shitty ass torque engine.

    • 4 months ago

      AoD only had couple of years of real full-time development. For the longest time it was a part-time thing devs whenever they were free.

  36. 4 months ago

    I don't know how to explain it other than Colony Ship felt like the worst parts of Dungeon Rats instead of the good parts of it and The Age of Decadence. It felt like the only reason why it's long is because the combat is unforgiving, but other than that it doesn't have much going for it.

    • 4 months ago

      You guys just suck.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm not the one with the failing studio

        • 4 months ago

          I mean, you just fricking suck, dude. It's really not that hard if you build toward combat.

          • 4 months ago

            I already finished the game and it doesn't change the fact that whether or not the combat is easy or not the game has nothing else going for it. It's shit. It's just a combat gauntlet masquerading as a roleplaying game. If they had focused on more content then maybe things would be different. Having to patch in a Monk ending with an extra hard battle isnt the option that will change things, there's just something about the game that is fundamentally lacking

            • 4 months ago

              i swear, you guys completely forget what AoD was actually like
              for all its branching paths, very little actually changed

              • 4 months ago

                All of it is very replayable. I remember enjoying doing different questlines. I did buy Colony Ship but haven't played it.

              • 4 months ago

                I did all of them. And there is very little difference. I like AoD but it's really not good beyond its combat and lore. Some of the storylines are good but most are meh.

              • 4 months ago

                Did you want different endings for different factions? Text epilogues weren't enough?

              • 4 months ago

                >Did all of them
                >Little difference
                How to be full of shit 101.

                Explain to me how Thieves are not different from Imperial Guards.

              • 4 months ago

                No matter what you do, you will side with Aurelian until near the absolute end, which will require charisma and speech skills. So for every route except praetor, you will go down the exact same damn series of actions.

                Did you want different endings for different factions? Text epilogues weren't enough?

                I wanted the story to actually change not the reasoning behind the next acts to be different.

              • 4 months ago

                >1 mortal man, with no connections prior to those established due to luck and skill, should be capable of changing outcome of entrenched factions quickly and too a far greater degree.
                Paint a plausible scenario and perhaps I'll agree with you. Otherwise you're advocting a surfer not only riding the wave, but also changing it's course.

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                So it exists then? What seems to be the problem? The ending is open-ended enough for you to use your imagination and fill in the blanks as on how you're gonna assblast the entire elite, the sleeping God who's not gonna be ready for you Supersayin-his sleepy ass into an eazy death, and anyone else that comes to mind.

                The only thing that sucks in that ending is that you don't get to enjoy your powers for a few fights. Like sieging Imperial Guard base all by yourself or something like that.

                But assuming it's not God ending, what's a plausible scenario where one mortal, non ascended-man, should be capable of chaging the course of the wave?

              • 4 months ago

                Killing the people in charge?
                It should be astonishingly easy if you've played the game: you do this shit regularly.

              • 4 months ago

                You can kill all 3 noble leaders, but you can't kill Imperial Guard leader. Getting all 4 is unrealistic considering how the story evolved. Alternatively you can kill IG commander and 2 noble but Aurelian lives.

                You're just salty that you can't go full murderhobo in world populated by cynic psychopaths. That's pretty realistic. The moment you start showing your power level, they will band together and end you. Tons of examples of real world where Chads end up getting cucked by limpdick psychopaths who fear getting impaled on spikes down the line.

              • 4 months ago

                >You're just salty that you can't go full murderhobo in world populated by cynic psychopaths. That's pretty realistic.
                when you're the biggest cynic psychopath around at that point?

              • 4 months ago

                >You're just salty that you can't go full murderhobo in world populated by cynic psychopaths. That's pretty realistic.
                when you're the biggest cynic psychopath around at that point?

                >cynic psychopath allying with cynic psycopath
                >cynic psychopaths who have backstabbed each other time and time again
                you are such a midwit it hurts

              • 4 months ago

                >muh realism

              • 4 months ago

                >fantasysisters salty that realistchads cucked them
                Fantasysisters....not like this.

  37. 4 months ago

    Is he right?

    • 4 months ago

      This poster is clueless, and that's worthless feedback.

    • 4 months ago

      He is, unfortunately, world is populated by hyllics who do not have the souls to understand him. A soulless npc does not understand a man who talks with his soul and tries to reach others soul. That's the curse of pneumatics in general, even if you tryhard psycics are like what? 5-10% of population, so at best even if you awaken all of them it's still 15-20% of population vs 80% soulless Black folk who are unable to get the basics that guy was putting down.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      The exception to the, otherwise typical, cuckdexer standard. I kneel.

    • 4 months ago

      This person is a drooling idiot, but ironically he accidentally touches on the reason why Colony Ship is shit.

      There is zero tension of any sort, between characters and between the factions. Given how essential they are to the plot, the three main factions are fricking jokes. The have no development, they aren't even caricatures, strawmen have more personality and depth. Why are they fighting? For literally nonsensical reasons. The nu-Ship Authority (they are so unmemorable I can't even recall their name) in particular are like a parody, a childs drawing. If Vince was the guy behind their development and writing, he must be a hack fraud.

      The background of the ship, being that of an "escape from sin" founded by a bizarre Christian cult never gets developed. It's barely there, it's flavor instead of worldbuilding. None of the characters or factions have a sense of real history. I'm not asking for a complete breakdown of social moores and norms ranging from sexuality to socilization, but there is NOTHING there in the game. Half the dialogue is indistingiushable from chatGPT, the other half is infantile embarrassing shit like the nu-Ship Authority.

  38. 4 months ago

    it's really simple,it's fricking boring. Not much else to say

  39. 4 months ago

    "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn't."

  40. 4 months ago

    i can take them

  41. 4 months ago

    I just hate Slavs and can't respect them. The burden of living in a rich, sophisticated North European country.

    • 4 months ago

      > Grenade afficionado hates on Slavs
      Pipe down Sven, this is a video game board.

      • 4 months ago

        I also hate slavs

        • 4 months ago

          Slavs should be on codex, but they don't want to be there because it's full of slavs so they come here and shit up this place.

  42. 4 months ago

    >Why didn't you buy the game?
    I am broke and lost my job.

  43. 4 months ago

    If is true than the studio is closing this means that le hardcore rpg players are not an audience worth pandering to because they don't buy games

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, it couldn't be that they don't make games cost-efficient or appealing. Obviously ANY "hardcore rpg player" should automatically love AoD and CS.

    • 4 months ago

      Stuck up nerds who are more interested in criticizing games and talking about their "taste" in RPGs, rather than playing them.

    • 4 months ago

      "hardcore rpg players" do not share a common identity with the average poster here on /vrpg/, and absolutely not with most all codex posters.

      a hardcore rpg player is someone who enjoys rpgs, and has the basic level of interiority required to branch out from their comfort zone. most /vrpg/ posters and all codex posters by contrast are base creatures motivated by contrarianism. hyper niche Gankerermin who due to personal failings irl have turned hatred of products outside their tiny ingroup into a surrogate brand identity.

      many posts on here are shitposts, trolling or irony, but a significant enough number are what I described above.

      • 4 months ago

        >hyper niche Gankerermin who due to personal failings irl
        I daresay you might be projecting there, my lady.

  44. 4 months ago

    Why did this game flip?
    I played through AoD multiple times and wishlisted Colony Ship. Is this game worth playing? Or something changed and they released a bad game?>

    • 4 months ago

      I enjoyed both. I think AoD is better though. Ideally I would like them to be able to make CSII and have it be the best of the three.

      • 4 months ago

        Counter Strike 2?

      • 4 months ago

        I don't think cs2 is in the cards since cs1 was so bad. You don't make a narrative sequel to a game no one wants to play.

        • 4 months ago

          >You don't make a narrative sequel to a game no one wants to play.
          worked for Sawyer

          • 4 months ago

            PoE has a fanbase of more than 3 people.

        • 4 months ago

          But the narrative wasn't the issue. It required some more fleshing out and options, sure, but I feel like the bones of the story and the tones and themes are solid.

          Just take what they have, expand upon it and make combat (mainly the battle areas) actually engaging.

          • 4 months ago

            No one wants to play through a bad game to continue the narrative in a sequel, and yes the writing was major step down from aod.

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