>ironclaw 1e?

>ironclaw 1e / 2e exist
>its a game made for furries
>most furries don't play it

why tho? tho i did hear some people say the game might be too deadly for furries to even play as they just go back to DnD 5e

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  1. 1 month ago

    I doubt that most potential players even know it exists.

    • 1 month ago

      Most Furries are fans of Furry Fandom itself, rather than being fans of the comics, cartoons, movies, books and games which feature animal characters.

      • 1 month ago

        >Most Furries are fans of Furry Fandom itself
        This is the long and short of it. Like look at this shit

        >game made for non-furries
        >most non-furries don't play

        (and the retroclone MITN) where you get to play as anthros in the human world. You can even play as humans who have been turned into anthros. You'd think furries would be all over it, right? Turns out not actually. Maybe for some, but for most furries it doesn't appeal at all. It just doesn't click with what "being a furry" is about, which seems to be shitposting on twitter and paying exorbitant fees to have artists draws you 'sona so you can try and get more popular with other furries.

        • 1 month ago

          So in other words, furries make their own original content and don't shill out to megacorps branded IPs and instead consume locally, keeping their money within their tight-knit community. Based.

          • 1 month ago

            I hate AI generated art, too. But humans were never anything to have faith in.

            • 1 month ago

              Miyazaki's idea of the "human spirit" is a plucky girl flying a plane and literally nothing else. Anything that isn't a plucky girl flying a plane is an affront to Nature, Humanity, and all the Gods that ever were.

              Also I think this is from the time some tech demo guys were showing him procedural zombie animation software, not AI art, and he was whimpering because it reminded him of a friend with mobility issues.

      • 1 month ago

        I play it.
        >too deadly
        That's DnD/vidya brainrot, where getting 100-0'd in one turn and brought back in the next is a fairly common occurrence.
        In Ironclaw it's basically impossible to die suddenly unless the GM is being a c**t, but it's also very easy to get yourself killed if you're reckless and resurrection is almost never an option.

        Also correct, newbies that have no interest in the source material are a plague.

        I recently had a discussion with a friend of mine who's a furry. In the discussion, she said that the movie Zootopia missed the 'point' of furryism. That the appeal to furry media was that furry characters were existing in an otherwise normal world, unlike Zootopia where it was a world custom-built to account for how a furry society would develop (like having different-sized stairs for different sized creatures). She went on to describe how there's almost a sort of kayfabe when it comes to furry settings, like you're supposed to just believe that this society works normally even with the addition of new furry species'. To her opinion, even a book like Maus was more furry than a movie like Zootopia.

        It's been a while since I played Ironclaw, but I recall the setting of Ironclaw being remarkably like Zootopia in its worldbuilding. It's trying to build a world with complex societies to account for what a 'realistic' furry society would look like, when the audience it's trying to accound doesn't want this sort of realism. They just want a 'normal' fantasy setting but with furries in it. In this way, DnD 5e is far superior than Ironclaw.

        pic unrelated

        That's not a common position in the slightest.

      • 1 month ago

        Jesus Christ, these degenerates are getting worse every day.

  2. 1 month ago

    I recently had a discussion with a friend of mine who's a furry. In the discussion, she said that the movie Zootopia missed the 'point' of furryism. That the appeal to furry media was that furry characters were existing in an otherwise normal world, unlike Zootopia where it was a world custom-built to account for how a furry society would develop (like having different-sized stairs for different sized creatures). She went on to describe how there's almost a sort of kayfabe when it comes to furry settings, like you're supposed to just believe that this society works normally even with the addition of new furry species'. To her opinion, even a book like Maus was more furry than a movie like Zootopia.

    It's been a while since I played Ironclaw, but I recall the setting of Ironclaw being remarkably like Zootopia in its worldbuilding. It's trying to build a world with complex societies to account for what a 'realistic' furry society would look like, when the audience it's trying to accound doesn't want this sort of realism. They just want a 'normal' fantasy setting but with furries in it. In this way, DnD 5e is far superior than Ironclaw.

    pic unrelated

    • 1 month ago

      >It's been a while since I played Ironclaw
      Not exactly hard to tell. Little if anything about Ironclaw's lore had to do with the existence of furries. It would work just as well if everyone were humanoids from different kingdoms with different basic philosophies. The differences kick in at the mechanical level, where species are assigned their natural abilities.

    • 1 month ago

      All of the furries I know in real life are women, but I suspect that's because the men keep it in the closet. Furry shit is very, very socially acceptable for women, where it isn't for men. Just look at the werewolf subgenre of romance novellas and the entire horsegirl subculture.

      • 1 month ago

        I've seen about 50:50 ratio, but all the male furries were VERY flamboyantly gay outside of one guy working warehouse.

    • 1 month ago

      >Zootopia missed the 'point' of furryism
      I don't know, it hit the point for my dick.

    • 1 month ago

      >Zootopia missed the 'point' of furryism
      Zootopia isn't supposed to address furries in the first place. It's just speculative fiction for kids with cute characters and comedy.

    • 1 month ago

      Shite opinion. What makes a furry is an appreciation of anthro and anything downstream from that.
      I'm one of those weird autist furry freaks who likes zootopia because it does address animals of different sizes and how they interact with the world.

      What made me a furry was stuff like Redwall, and it's also the reason why I don't like books beyond Mossflower because it completely drops this aesthetic or is at least mostly forgotten.

    • 1 month ago

      >furgonomics misses the point of being a furry
      You have got me positively fricked up. There are tons of artists out there who painstakingly try to draw and figure out how an anthropomorphic animal species would do things like wear medieval armor or sit in a chair or wear pants, and they LOVE doing that. That b***h is also not an authority on anything.

    • 1 month ago

      So basically it's about shoving being a furry in normal people's faces and not just doing their own thing, much like being a gay.

    • 1 month ago

      Your friend is a moron and their opinions are terrible, goddamn. Most furry stories/settings are 'normal world with animal people' because it's easy while coming up with an entirely new society that makes any sort of sense is hard work, and generally the audience (and the author) don't really care as long as they get their animal people.

      Zootopia was also wildly popular with furries and spawned endless amounts of art and fanfiction, so there's that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >she said that the movie Zootopia missed the 'point' of furryism.
      >That the appeal to furry media was that furry characters were existing in an otherwise normal world
      What a dumb b***h.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think they unironically call it "furgonomics" when describing worldbuilding and conscious design decisions that are built around different animal features and body type differences. Your friend is also an idiot for assuming that anything furry is inherently dependent on there being humans around to contrast them.

  3. 1 month ago

    Furry GM here, I'd need a whole table of furries to run a game like this. Instead it's easier to play DnD/Pathfinder which still has their fair share of fantasy furry races/monsters that you can include without magical realming for the other players. Gnolls, Tabaxi/Catfolk, werewolves, minotaurs, ratfolk, kitsune, kobolds, rakshasa, all somewhat furry things that you can include in a campaign without having to swap to some furry-centric system

    • 1 month ago

      >minotaurs, kitsune
      I miss when these two were majority human.

  4. 1 month ago

    I'm in some furry-flavored ttrpg groups and it never gets brought up aside from 'yeah that sounds neat I guess'. Usually they just say 'everyone is a funny animal' in whatever system they want to run, as God intended. Sometimes supplements like the GURPS or Savage Worlds ones pop up to add some spice and animal abilities.

    • 1 month ago

      Personally I prefer curry-flavored

    • 1 month ago

      >or Savage Worlds ones
      Got a link?

      • 1 month ago

        NTA but I've used this for every Savage Worlds game I've run. Since they just use the core rules it's easy to swap abilities and hindrances out and tweak to fit. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/351194/beastfolk-menagerie-the-complete-collection
        t. Furry who really likes running pulp and weird fiction games with anthros

  5. 1 month ago

    I'm the only human in my pf2e party, was about 3 sessions before the realisation dawned on me with everyone having furry pfps on discords, the least furry party member (other then me) is a kitsune which is still very furry. They want to play a more furry system in Mausritter though at some point in the future.

  6. 1 month ago

    Ironclaw is just like a decent game, you can ignore the furry races and it's a system that works fine for anything with weird races.

  7. 1 month ago

    >game made for non-furries
    >most non-furries don't play

    • 1 month ago

      I'm preparing to run an After the Bomb campaign with my group, but using Mutants in the Now instead of Palladium's system. I'm a Gankermrade as well as a fa/tg/uy, so for us the tone will be more like the cartoons we grew up watching, than anything "furry".

      I really like the TMNT&OS/MitN animal creation rules, as they let you build just about anything from Zootopia-like bipedal animal people, to nearly human Thundercats, to super-psionic normal-looking mice, and all points in between. The After the Bomb setting encourages going wild with the rampant mutations as well, so it's not like all the creatures will have a set appearance.

      • 1 month ago

        Ironically that strong point is basically what stopped Palladium's supers system from taking off.
        Kevin Siembieda is of the opinion that supers peaked with weird animal people like in TMNT and 80s/90s cartoons, so for the longest time that's all he wanted to support, even in his comic book super hero game where in the first edition you couldn't make most comic book super heroes.

  8. 1 month ago

    I was looking for a D&D group and I got a message from someone (I forget how I stumbled across them) wanting me to join their game.
    >"In this world everyone is transformed into a magical creature!"
    >"All right, can you give me some examples of characters you're running?"
    >It's all explicitly furry shit
    >Clearly, it's some fetishist world for people to go wild with fursonas and whatnot.
    >Nope out of that conversation and ghost that b***h
    I'd love to play some generic D&D-style game without everyone gooning the entire time.

    • 1 month ago

      >Didn't join
      >Didn't play a sexually oblivious jackalope

  9. 1 month ago

    >i did hear some people say the game might be too deadly
    not the whole game, specifically just combat, in which the game seriously leans into "death spiral" design philosophy

    • 1 month ago

      >>its a game made for furries
      Not really.
      >>most furries don't play it
      Most people don't play it in general.
      >might be too deadly for furries to even play
      It's not as deadly until guns come into play and then you find out your character save is meant for #Slaying damage.

      Damage is generally mitigated by soaking through armor or abilities, but when a character starts taking actual damage, things get very bad very quickly.

      • 1 month ago

        Oh yeah, the game can feel like you're good and bad roll away from being a bloody smear on the ground.

  10. 1 month ago

    >>its a game made for furries
    Not really.
    >>most furries don't play it
    Most people don't play it in general.
    >might be too deadly for furries to even play
    It's not as deadly until guns come into play and then you find out your character save is meant for #Slaying damage.

  11. 1 month ago

    As a degenerate furryI like the idea of furry races being a part of the world along with humans, dwarfs and elves a lot more than the only races. That's why I play Pathfinder.

    • 1 month ago

      I hate Pathfinder kitsune, it's a disgrace that you fricking furry homosexuals turned what could have been an easy way to include cute kemonomimi anime girls into a horrifying bestiality freakshow. I ignore Paizo's moronic furry shit when I run Golarion and all kitsune and other demihuman races are instead kemonomimi and monstergirls.

      • 1 month ago

        Kemonomimi sucks. I’m glad it’s really only a thing in Japanese anime and not much else. Even Japanese video games prefer Kemono designs over kemonomimi ones.

        • 1 month ago

          No sane person even slightly agrees with you.

          • 1 month ago

            Try most of the world. Why do you think Kemonomimi is rare in comparison to regular furry designs? Even with all the influence anime has on animation kemonomimi designs have never caught on outside of anime. And as I said even Japanese video games tend to favor non-kemonomimi designs.

            • 1 month ago

              Peak furry delusion, kemonomimi characters are vastly more popular than furry shit. See every single gacha in existence you drooling moron. If furry shit was more in demand it'd at least be somewhat competitive, but it isn't even close. Freak.

              • 1 month ago

                Kemonomimi will always be shit until they stop giving them four pairs of ears and put the animal ears where they belong.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Watch more anime, lmao you suck at this

              • 4 weeks ago

                Dungeon Meshi is an exception and you know it if you've watched more anime. Kui makes it very clear her inspirations are rooted in old school DnD and CRPGs as opposed to every other fantasy anime these days being carbon copies of eachother with no actual understanding of why things are how they are.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >he posts the explicit exception
                also she is literally a muzzle away from being full furry. Have you seen her body?

              • 4 weeks ago

                That lack of snoot is what keeps her from being a furry. Having a snoot is the main indicator, a hairless anthro cat is going to be more furry than a anime cat girl with fur.

              • 1 month ago

                lol I’ve should mentioned gacha too. Ok so outside of gacha games and anime kemonomimi is practically non-existent despite anime’s international popularity and influence. If kemonomimi was vastly more popular you would expect it to be much more common outside of anime and gacha games yet it’s practically nonexistent barring a few examples.

              • 1 month ago

                >outside of gacha games and anime
                And videogames as a whole, and vtubers.

                So, excluding the formats which are attempting to appeal chiefly to heterosexual men, then. You furries do have a corner on the homosexual market, I'll grant you, but that's hardly something to brag about.

                Furries basically only have exposure through their twitter art slaves, they don't exist in almost any popular media except stuff directed at kids, because furries can only groom especially vulnerable minds.

              • 1 month ago

                vtubergays are not heterosexual men, they are brown subhumans and trannies
                >videogames as a whole
                lmao even

              • 1 month ago

                are not heterosexual men, they are brown subhumans and trannies
                Oh look, the furhomosexual is lying, how totally (not) unexpected!

              • 1 month ago

                I dunno, some of them are definitely just artgays. Check out Shonzo. He just does commissions all day every day.

              • 1 month ago

                Video games as a whole? Even with Gacha games included I don’t think so. If we take this year alone we have games like Eiyuden, Dragon Dogma 2 and unicorn overlord that favor non-kemonomimiw designs and exclude them and you also have games like FFXIV and Visions of Mana that have both. Aside from maybe Xenoblade Chronicles 3 I can’t recall any notable recent game release that exclusively features Kemonomimi characters.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Most videogames don't have animal people in them, and if they do, the animal people aren't furry shaped or sexualized. If animal people are present in a game and they're at all sexualized, they're kemonomimi >90% of the time. Furry shit appeals only to furries, while alienating everyone else. Kemonomimi appeals to all heterosexual men, as it's essentially a type of cosplay aesthetic, and it alienates only furries.

              • 4 weeks ago

                My brother in Christ Unicorn Overlord has a furry fox in a metal bikini.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >heterosexual men
                > cosplay

                Because of course they don't. Furgays still haven't figured out why so many people hate them:
                >Be a furgay
                >Demand to be included
                >Even if furries don't make sense in the setting
                >Do mental gymnastics and jump through hoops to prove 'Lance the Wolfie' belongs in any setting
                >Act just like a goddamned furgay no matter what
                >Get something explicitly for furgays
                >Avoid it because it doesn't allow you to shit things up for other people
                >Eat from a puppy's diaper

                >>Even if furries don't make sense in the setting
                the ironclaw setting is only furries (and insects/reptiles if you include the other books)
                and what, 5e, the soupiest of soupy settings couldn't support furries?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >5e, the soupiest of soupy settings couldn't support furries?
                Naw, dog, most tables couldn't support rampant furry main character syndrome.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You say that like 5e players don't have the exact same problem all the time and have had the same problem for decades through every edition.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You should feel ashamed about saying kemomimi so casually.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Anime image board, frick off furgay.

              • 1 month ago

                Half of the characters in this image are not furry.

              • 1 month ago

                Which ones

              • 1 month ago

                I counted about a dozen scalies one bird and maybe two fishes if that's what you meant.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Anon please tell me I’m curious

              • 4 weeks ago

                who's going to tell him.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Not me

              • 4 weeks ago

                Olivia mentioned!!!!!!!

              • 4 weeks ago

                Who's the zebra in the top left supposed to be?

              • 4 weeks ago

                I wanna say it's possibly Tina, the Zebra from the (old as balls) Zoorama comics.

                But it may not be, just that I never saw another Zebra quite as memorable while still not having any special OC characteristics.

              • 4 weeks ago

                My first thought was Tanya Winters from HTH given there are a couple other porn characters in there; the blue eyes match but I can't remember ever seeing her drawn in anything close to that kind of style.

      • 1 month ago

        You play Kitsune because you’re a furry. I play Kitsune because I’m a weeb. We are not the same.

  12. 1 month ago

    What is the caster/mundane balance in Ironclaw?

    • 1 month ago

      Standard magic works like a ranged weapon and the more advanced magic has longer charge times that can be interrupted, outside of combat they don't really have overlap with mundane people outside of healing and tracking.

  13. 1 month ago

    Do Furry Pirates, Jadeclaw, Albedo, or TMNT After The Bomb have more furry appeal?

    • 1 month ago

      5e has the most furry appeal.

      • 1 month ago

        I'd argue Pathfinder 2e

        • 1 month ago

          I say 5e because it's the average person's choice for RPG and PF has a reputation for being crunchier and more complex than 5e. Furries are not any more of an intelligent community than any other general group of people.

          • 1 month ago

            Ok, guess I'll have to check em.

  14. 1 month ago

    Post fursuits, I dare you furries of /tg/

    • 1 month ago
  15. 1 month ago

    Why should anyone play a furry comic dnd copy? Furgays are not interested because they can't use a DnD session to groom children like they usually do over the net. And for other people you can just chill casually in a DnD homebrew.

    • 1 month ago

      If you are not in to homebrewing yourself and like the animal-gone-human-theme without 'murrican comic shit I can recommend Historia for it's art and ideas. Comes as solid 5e expansion altough their spelling is almost as shit as mine.

    • 1 month ago

      Hate to say it but it's this. Among the other posts of "they like to play in a normal fantasy world that happens to have furries!", this is the background explanation. The greatest reason furries were hated for fricking years is they can never fricking keep it to themselves and have to shove it into your face. I have experienced this repeatedly, in real life, in different settings and not just the internet. The only reason the hate simmered down a bit is because everyone else got on the internet, got into "politics", and then got just as if not more obnoxious in the same ways. There are some rational enough furries and friends where I look past it, but the vast majority of people, furries included, suck. And the vast majority of them are terminally online, and you get that + fetish and you know where it goes.

      Very solid art you posted there, though, I generally disallow any furry races in my settings for reasons of filtering and internal consistency, but realistic dogmen is interesting.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >dnd copy
      Opinion disregarded.

  16. 1 month ago

    >Game older than average player isn't played anymore
    Wow, unexpected!
    >b-but 2e
    ... do you have any fricking idea how bad marketing for 2e was? I'm playing Ironclaw and I didn't know 2e even came out until 2014. That's the level of the campaign we're talking. That's how fandom is aware.

  17. 1 month ago

    furries all play Pathfinder. Every time I hear about a game composed entirely of That Guy doing their furry fetishes, it's always Pathfinder.

  18. 1 month ago

    I'm surprised furries don't use Exalted 2 or 3E for making OC Donutsteels. Delver's Guide to Beast World has also completely eclipsed any other for-furries publication since it's for DnD 5E.

    • 1 month ago

      Why do you need 3 swords, especially 3 of the same sword?

      • 1 month ago

        You gotta have a spare. What if you lose one?

      • 1 month ago

        She was part of a Three Musketeers type thing, but her comrades died in the incident that lead up to her Exaltation. Now she carry's the burden of her fallen siblings and no small amount of survivor's guilt.

    • 1 month ago

      We kinda had a thread about this recently. Furries have a very unusual kind of creativity/autism that seemingly does not get applied to RPGs. You'd think they'd have some D&D splat or some original system or something that autistically covers all the fetishes and animal species and so on, but that doesn't appear to have happened. There's not even a lot of just games where all the options are explicitly furry, apart from Ironclaw. I think the obvious answer is because furries generally aren't that creative. Majority of furries aren't artists, let alone writers or game designers.

      • 1 month ago

        >ignoring Albedo, Eclipse Phase, Hic Svnt Draconis, GURPS Furries, Cyberpunk with its Exotics...
        It feels like you decided on a conclusion and came up with the (mediocre) arguments afterwards.

        • 1 month ago

          Of all of those, Hic Svnt Dracones and Eclipse Phase are the only two that get close to the depths of autistic furry fetishism with the high variety of different body types and features. Albedo is a furry milsim, GURPS furries is one of the worst splats in terms of actually being on theme and having useful material in it, and Cyberpunk Exotics surprisingly don't amount to much but cosmetics and stuff like claws or jaws.

          But I think you've misunderstood the exact kind of autism I'm talking about. We're not talking about games that have anthro characters. I'm talking about something the aims to evoke the weird as frick variety of kinks and fetishes in the furry community with all the granularity and specificity you'd expect from furries.

          • 1 month ago

            Something about HSD's body type autism really makes me want to try it out, but I have no idea how I'd actually run a game in it or what I'd even have the PCs do. Something about the setting being broken up into multiple planets just stops me cold when I'm trying to come up with a plot.

          • 1 month ago

            Then you want FAPP

            • 1 month ago

              Reveal to me your dark secrets..

              So in other words, furries make their own original content and don't shill out to megacorps branded IPs and instead consume locally, keeping their money within their tight-knit community. Based.

              A minority of them do, at least.

          • 1 month ago

            What? GURPS Furries as all about how to play with animal people settings with a some folklorel examples. If you wanted to build you own furry race, you should have looked at Template Toolkit.

            • 1 month ago

              No excuse for GURPS Furries not having really basic stuff like how to make a thicc mommy with extra DR in the chest area (only against crushing damage), extra attractiveness bonus that only affects human men, disadvantages - harder to dodge attacks and runs slower because of big furry boobs.

              • 1 month ago

                GURPS Furries gets suggested from time to time, but I wonder how many GURPSgays have actually paged through it. The book kinda sucks shit. It's all templates and most of them are moronic and useless.

              • 1 month ago

                You can do all that with the Basic Set

                GURPS Furries gets suggested from time to time, but I wonder how many GURPSgays have actually paged through it. The book kinda sucks shit. It's all templates and most of them are moronic and useless.

                Me, it is an okay source for building campaing about furries and has extra martial rules for animal parts. If anything, the main problem is the lack of animal templates.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I'm talking about something the aims to evoke the weird as frick variety of kinks and fetishes in the furry community with all the granularity and specificity you'd expect from furries.
            I'm honestly of the opinion that the days of furries being into any and every fetish is over as the community has become so large it has started to fracture into smaller, more specialized communities. Theres a lot more dudes who are just vanilla now than there would have been 18 years ago when it seemed like all furries shared a vore, inflation, and diaper fetish.

            • 4 weeks ago

              The furry community is absolutely a fetish-based group, but you're right that they aren't a monolith of all kinks combined. Hell, you can't even get one subset of a specific kink to all agree on various subkinks. And anyone who is into furries but claims they are just into "vanilla" stuff is lying to you and themselves.

              That's not the point though. The point is that furries are a bunch of autists and autists love sorting things into various categories and classifications. Where's the furry RPG with a dozen different vore-based specialities alongside countless other kinks getting the same hyper-autistic hair-splitting classifications?

        • 1 month ago

          You wanna know how I know a furry had NO hand in making those and it was purely put in for fun by the developers?

    • 1 month ago

      We kinda had a thread about this recently. Furries have a very unusual kind of creativity/autism that seemingly does not get applied to RPGs. You'd think they'd have some D&D splat or some original system or something that autistically covers all the fetishes and animal species and so on, but that doesn't appear to have happened. There's not even a lot of just games where all the options are explicitly furry, apart from Ironclaw. I think the obvious answer is because furries generally aren't that creative. Majority of furries aren't artists, let alone writers or game designers.

      >ignoring Albedo, Eclipse Phase, Hic Svnt Draconis, GURPS Furries, Cyberpunk with its Exotics...
      It feels like you decided on a conclusion and came up with the (mediocre) arguments afterwards.

      Of all of those, Hic Svnt Dracones and Eclipse Phase are the only two that get close to the depths of autistic furry fetishism with the high variety of different body types and features. Albedo is a furry milsim, GURPS furries is one of the worst splats in terms of actually being on theme and having useful material in it, and Cyberpunk Exotics surprisingly don't amount to much but cosmetics and stuff like claws or jaws.

      But I think you've misunderstood the exact kind of autism I'm talking about. We're not talking about games that have anthro characters. I'm talking about something the aims to evoke the weird as frick variety of kinks and fetishes in the furry community with all the granularity and specificity you'd expect from furries.

      the golden rule of furry creativity is that most furries don't have an original bone in their body, but the REALLY creative ones? The movers and shakers? The ones who could create anything they wanted if they put their mind to it?

      Never finish anything.

  19. 1 month ago

    I do all my furry RP through a MUCK, but these days I'd say Discord is more popular.

  20. 1 month ago

    Like all deviants, there is zero thrill in spending time with one-another in spaces catered for them. The thrill is entirely on corrupting spaces where they are not yet dominant and spreading their plague rather than letting it be quarantined.

  21. 1 month ago

    Would love to play Ironclaw but don’t want to commit social suicide by mentioning it to my friends and I don’t like online gaming.

  22. 1 month ago

    I'd be willing to play Ironclaw, though I don't think anyone in my group would be interested. I don't consider myself a furry, but I won't lie, I play the anthropomorphic animal races every chance I get. I'm playing a tengu (crow person) and a catfolk in my two regular PF2e games.
    >cute kemonomimi anime girls
    There's a feat for that

  23. 1 month ago

    Can you have a setting be "furry" but still w furry and non-furry options?

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah you can have non furry options like avians or scalies

    • 1 month ago

      Most fantasy settings have a number of furry options. Though I suppose what would make a setting "furry" is having them be the majority while still having humans, which indeed I've yet to see.

  24. 1 month ago

    Furry tabletop gamers, which are the rarest furry, are more interested in injecting furryness into existing games instead of playing the games made for them.

  25. 1 month ago

    I know that Mutants in the Now, a retroclone/remaking of Palladium’s old TMNT/After the Bomb game has a big furry contingent.
    It’s a real pain because it makes most of the offical discord (where the community is) completely useless.
    No one wants to make new species or workshop adventures. It’s all Human-origin Mutants and their banal TF/Furry lives.

    • 1 month ago

      Are you really surprised that the furry TF game is mostly played by people interested in furry TF?

  26. 1 month ago

    Something I've unfortunately heard happen more than once from friends who have played online games with furries is that if they are bringing a pre-established OC if theirs into a campaign, it quickly ends up being cut short, or them leaving, due to some highly specific thing about said OC not being accommodated for. This could easily be the case for anyone trying to bring their precious brainchild/self-insert into a game where their life is in mortal danger, however. Such
    a shame. Half the fun of a campaign is seeing how long the character you make for it lasts.

    • 1 month ago

      >no hooves

    • 1 month ago

      If had friends bring in their OCs, have them die gruesome deaths, and keep going.

    • 1 month ago

      This is almost never a problem for me because I create most of my furry characters specifically to suffer, so Im there for the ic drama and the horrible deaths. It fuels me. These people are weak.

    • 4 weeks ago

      For the short time I ran a HS RPG group (as a teacher), the kids and their OCs were a hell of a challenge. They had a *lot* of their self and self worth wrapped up in their OC Donut Steele, and if anything negative happened do them, they just kinda freaked out.

      Like, they had gotten deep into that world of "OMG MY OC IS SO SPECIAL" shit that younger folks get into (of both the furry and non-furry variety), and saw D&D as this cool thing to try to do more with their character, without a real understanding that bad and unpleasant things can happen to your character. Like them getting hurt, or them hurting someone else (one person tried to play a pacifist not very well), and they can get very upset.

      I stopped the club because it was just too much. If I did it again, I'd have to cut it down to only card games and/or tabletop war games, no RPGs. Too much baggage with RPGs I don't want to piss around with.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Good on you for trying at least. I think wargames (or something less serious like Bloodbowl?) could be a better way to introduce them to the RPG sphere, so long as there are no sore losers at the table. Emotional maturity is your nemesis when organizing any sort of game for kids (and manchildren) .

        • 4 weeks ago

          I also ran into the problem of the well adjusted kids playing at their/a friends house, and I was mostly getting the weird kids who couldn't manage to get groups otherwise.

          If I do it again, I'd probably do OPR (because you can't go wrong with free PDFs), and paper standees and/or stuff I 3d print. Only had like 2 students once who wanted wargaming stuff previously though.

          I also mention the card games because most of the MTG and YGH students were low stress to manage/keep an eye on. They were mostly kids who would already play together at lunch and shit, and I just offered extended time after school in a place with lots of table space.

  27. 1 month ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      Oh, where to begin with this one?
      Ok, mechanics seem to be just lifted from EarthDawn - even down to ascending dice pool.
      Also a splash of Shadowrun with successes on dice - dumbed down ofc.
      Fighters do not have skills with lots of weapons, well, I guess that's a design philosophy.
      But making characters is involved and a slow process: you need to be on a look-out for skills that have synergies.
      Also, combat with comparing successes on rolls just sucks: dice mini-games just detract from a fast system.

      Setting dum-dums: knights errant wouldn't co-exist with musketeers. Going off on a tangent, knight errants did only exist as an excuse for a travelling freelancer or a spec ops infiltration. They are a complete - and very nicely done -fabrication in lays and stories made up centuries later.
      >Just use reneissance scholars as mages, bro!
      Nah, mages get results with supernatural things. Scholars investigate and try to get results from natural things. There is a difference.

      The original stuff seems to be wound system. Seems nice, needs playtesting in some other system.

      The system wouldn't be my favorite to run a campaingn.
      The setting is 1600s Europe, but with OC donut-steel religions: ahh, just use real ones or make up something more intresting.
      I really see no reason to use Iron Claw over 7th Sea.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I've skimmed a look at the pdf of Ironclaw V.2 a bit.

        It goes decently deep into the bestial side to the point of including a night/day cycle for races.

        The career/nature duality also is an interesting point so somebody can decide if their character leans more or less into their bestial side.

        The setting uses dinosaurs instead of horses, so no horse on horse riding conundrum.

        The monsters seem to be mostly undead, large insects and then goblins which are some sort of Avian race?
        But the main fare looks to be brigands and other evildoers.

        Necromancy is like magic in Warhammer, the more you tap into it the more it goes out of hand with exploding dices and unholy effects.

        As for the pictures it clearly is a product of it's time.
        (Jadeclaw is slightly more consistent but still has it's eye gouging moments)

        Also the World is called Calabria and as an Italian I find it funny.

      • 4 weeks ago

        My complaint was the mixing of classical warfare and slavery with a Renaissance setting where you have the breakdown of the feudal system and emergence of free labour.
        Particularly the wolf nation where it’s noted it maintains a highly dynamic economy because so many people who start as freemen will succeed or end up serving as indentured labour.
        Plus explicitly there are slavers roaming not just the borderlands but the rural regions within each nation to sell within the nation, makes it much more Ancient Greece/Rome than medieval Europe.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Now compare to d20, but yeah it's a hybrid of ideas. 1e was playtested for ~10 years, and 2e is the backbone for half a dozen RPGs over ~15 years.

        >Also, combat with comparing successes on rolls just sucks: dice mini-games just detract from a fast system.
        It is a fast system, there's no math and you default to counter-attacks so somebody always gets stabbed. There are a lot fewer wasted rolls. I fricking hate d20 systems sitting through half a dozen turns of Morrowind MISSMISSMISS. The tweaks for this and faster death spirals in 2e were addressing the same problem in 1e.

  28. 1 month ago

    My number one turn off (and this is my group's turn off) is the doofy art style. I would be waving this in everyone's face if the example character and setting art didn't look like that. (As for my personal trash 'solution', but if I could wave a magic wand at an Ironclaw book and change it all to kemono style art, I'd shove it in the faces of everyone I knew who played TTRPGs.)

    • 1 month ago

      Paste some prints of kemono girls over the official art, how hard can it be?
      You're all too deep in the rabbit hole anyway.

      • 1 month ago

        Paste over? Sounds like a lot of time in mspaint. Or that GIMP shit. I'd be better off making something with blackjack & hookers.

        • 1 month ago

          And there it is.

          Why waste time on RPGs that could be spent fapping to furry porn?

          • 1 month ago

            No, no, you misunderstand. I have logistical and aesthetic concerns, not 'hmm me should touch weewee to wolf people instead' concerns.
            I'd have to not only find kemono art that sufficiently replaces the art in the book, but fit it in beside the text, make it blend in with the background, and put a lot of thought into making sure that the different art styles don't clash so much (i.e. something cutesy and a more 'human' expression on one page and a character whose facial structure is very faithful to the animal theyre based off of.)
            I'd also have to decide on what kind of anthro bodyplan I use for the whole book. Whether or not characters would have digitigrade legs is a primary concern. I could probably crop the legs if I reaaaaally wanna use a certain piece of art, but I'd have to make a decision and hold to it.
            This is to say that Ironclaw has the benefit of (as far as I know) having a CONSISTENT art style and art made FOR the game. Which is what I mean by blackjack & hookers; being better off creating my own thing instead of just pasting random artworks into a rulebook.

            • 1 month ago

              Plantigrade with pawpads is superior so you can square that one away.

              • 1 month ago

                True enough lad.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Whether or not characters would have digitigrade legs is a primary concern.
              Just do it based on the animal.
              No thought required and automatic variety.

    • 1 month ago

      Use a pdf editor, I used a free online one to replace all the e-girl guro in the nechronica book with more sfw stuff so my friend could read it at work. Get creative, get inspired, get to it. Nothing happens unless you make it happen.

      • 1 month ago

        Which online editor do you recommend for this in particular?

        • 1 month ago

          We used photopea. Anything should work though. Hell, you can even peel all the images out instead of replacing everything too, just give the players a collection of images and say 'so it looks like this, especially the ones where they're naked."

          • 1 month ago

            I'M SERIOUS ABOUT THIS DAMNIT. But thanks for the advice.

            • 1 month ago

              You think I'm not? Overprepping is the leading cause of death among GM's. The second is cardiac arrest caused by diabetic heart disease.

          • 1 month ago

            Photopea does PDF editing? I've been using an ancient copy of acrobat pro (11, in case you're wondering), which works pretty well.

            If you're willing to fix where it screws up, you can also usually buy office 2021 (non-subscription) on substack for like $60 (or see if you can torrent it, whatever works) and the newer versions of word have a PDF import function, which *usually* works okay (Word 2007, the last Word I owned, did not have that, and then you get a nicely editable word document).

            Not browser-based though.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Holy shit somebody finally nutted up and made Normiechronica? How much Hetza did you end up using in the end?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Zero, it was all Care Bears and ponies. It just had to be usable at work, it didn't have to have any merit aside from that.

  29. 1 month ago

    Which is better, 1e or 2e?

    • 1 month ago

      2e is generally seen as a solid improvement, and I would definitely say to go for that edition, but there is enough different in design between the two that I'm sure some may still like 1e more. The biggest thing is a lot of mechanics being streamlined (Magic in 1e requires magic point budgeting while 2e treats magic basically as weapons you have to spend actions to ready) and there being overall less math, smaller dice pools, and fewer moving parts to worry about. So you have to choose between 90s era design where numbers are everywhere and everything is accounted for over 00s design where things are much smoother and everything in grouped into interchangeable chunks (like species in 1e are balanced through a points system while in 2e they simply each get 3 Gifts of roughly equal power). I'd say easy recommend for 2e though if those details are really not important to you.

      • 1 month ago

        '90s style RPG design is almost always the way to go. Though, for SR, the best one is 4e, in no small part because of it's maximally customizable point-buy character building.

  30. 1 month ago

    The point of being a furry is waving it in everyone's faces. You can't do that in the furry containment game with other furries, you have to hamfist Kyr'Shyn the Diaper Wearing Kitsune into a regular game instead. It's no different from the way other coomers try to force regular players into their magical realm instead of just setting up ERPs with like-minded weirdos.

    • 1 month ago

      t. outsider

      • 1 month ago


  31. 1 month ago

    How do people feel about the other games that use the Ironclaw system like Jadeclaw or Urban Jungle?

    • 1 month ago

      I did not know they existed.

    • 1 month ago

      I like the core mechanics of the Ironclaw 2e gameplay (the “Cardinal System”), and some of the later games they make seem to make some slight improvements on those mechanics (like Myriad Song). Urban Jungle seemed a little too much like they were tampering with the formula and making some weird decisions, though. Things like making a bunch more Soak Gifts you need to buy for really situational things like, “Reduce damage by acting like a coward” or “Reduce damage by allowing your armor to get destroyed.” Stuff that Ironclaw had to some extent but not quite as bad. And the frequency at which you were expected to run out of ammo for guns (or have your gun malfunction) was kind of ridiculous going off the default rules.

      • 1 month ago

        Urban Jungle seemingly added an extra gift or trait to all species if I recall. I don’t know why they did that.

  32. 1 month ago

    Furries just can't carry a game by themselves. Ironclaw and its derivatives flounder but the moment you can play a furred homosexual in D&D they're all over that shit.

  33. 1 month ago


    Because the art is dogshit. Some pals and I opened the PDF and got greeted with early 2000s Deviantart pictures... not a good look.

    We just went to Pathfinder instead, where they added Beastkin as a "catch all" furry option.

  34. 1 month ago

    Imagine a remastered version that has art from actual kemono artists

    • 1 month ago

      That would be nice.

    • 1 month ago

      This style is shit. This is just an anime girl, fricking yawn. Where’s the snoot at?

      This is the problem with anime, when everything is simplified and heavily stylized it all starts to look the same.

      • 1 month ago

        Now don't get me wrong I love the shnozzle of animals like the Borzoi breed, but short muzzles are ok too so long as it's not pug levels of wrong.

        Before we pass judgement on this design we ought to see if she has kemono hands.

        • 1 month ago

          These aren’t even short snoots. They’re flat faces because Japanese artist almost never put detail into the face.

  35. 1 month ago


    >weren't the good/best guns illegal for anybody that isn't official guardsmen to curb murderhobos
    All guns (and some other weapons) are Proscribed, yeah. Unless you're cooperating with local law or of noble status, it's illegal to have them.

  36. 1 month ago


    >Same slop, different style.
    No, some slop is made better than others. Your example is like saying deviant art users are in the same league as professional artists doing stylized designs.

  37. 4 weeks ago

    Haven’t the furry fandom changed a lot since the 90s/2000s? I’m not really well versed in the whole thing but as an outsider looking in it seems like the fandom changed from enjoying anthropomorphic animals in cool settings to simply being about drawing hypersexual furry characters in normal settings. Of course the fandom was always sexual but it feels like everything but the perverse got stripped away at some point. Or maybe I’m wrong.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >drawing hypersexual furry characters in normal settings.
      no, it was like that back then too

    • 4 weeks ago

      The big difference is that the horizons of imagination closed and now the default setting is, Modern Day City but people are Furries when in the past the default setting was Sci-Fi (80s and 90s) or Fantasy (2000s)
      They just want to imagine their charters getting railed in clubs and coffee shops.

  38. 4 weeks ago

    Buy an ad

    • 4 weeks ago

      That response doesn't work with games that are 15 years old, buddy.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    >It is a fast system
    Ok, now do a combat with ~10 combatants on both sides...
    with different weapons and abilities.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why do you have 10 combatants on the player side in the first place? Are you actually rolling with 10 PCs or are you rolling for player-aligned NPCs when you should be just narrating what happens between two fighting NOCs?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why don't your heroes lead retinues, or peasant militias?
        Are you seriously telling me that heroes will never fight overwhelming hordes?

  40. 4 weeks ago

    Because of course they don't. Furgays still haven't figured out why so many people hate them:
    >Be a furgay
    >Demand to be included
    >Even if furries don't make sense in the setting
    >Do mental gymnastics and jump through hoops to prove 'Lance the Wolfie' belongs in any setting
    >Act just like a goddamned furgay no matter what
    >Get something explicitly for furgays
    >Avoid it because it doesn't allow you to shit things up for other people
    >Eat from a puppy's diaper

    • 4 weeks ago

      What a bizarre made up scenario in your head

  41. 4 weeks ago

    Hey, now that I think of it Armello would be a perfect fit in setting for these rules.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    I'm a huge fan of the sci-fi spinoff Myriad Song, a lot of the rules have been a big inspo on my homebrew.

  43. 4 weeks ago

    I literally run a campaign of it that's been going on for the past few months. Reading this thread is funny because it's clear that everyone's perception of furries is colored by whatever group they've been exposed to personally. I'd consider myself a furry in the sense that I'm an anthro appreciator and generally play them about as often as I do anything else. I'm running Ironclaw, playing a mouse in a different campaign and am playing a regular knight in a GURPS: Banestorm campaign. I suppose the difference is that I don't use twitter, don't interact with the 'fandom' and all of the furry players similarly hate the wider furry culture aside from sharing art. Here, have a picture of the party.

  44. 4 weeks ago
  45. 4 weeks ago

    Where's the furry game about exploring giant monsters from the inside?

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