is an arcade conversion kit necessary to experience arcade games?

is an arcade conversion kit necessary to experience arcade games?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Thing is when you get deep into arcade controls autism you learn that the parts in your image are not really much more authentic to real arcade parts for many /vr/ era joystick and button games than using a gamepad.

    But they can still be fun.

    • 7 months ago

      What if the title was on a candy cab that used sanwa shit, what's off? come on now, get autistic.

      • 6 months ago

        >candy cab with all sanwa controls
        That would be an Astro City 2 or Versus City in their stock form. These are Sega fighting game cabinets. Principally Virtua Fighter.

        The controls in your image include

        >a fake Sanwa JLF
        These are made in China and even say JLF on them and in the listing on ebay or aliexpress. Might be decent JLFs are so cheap you should just get the real thing from a reputable dealer.
        These are new generation designs with a switch that was not ever commonly in use on arcade machines. It's still probably okay, but the feel won't be the same. As I recall this style of buttons was used in the SF 15th anniversary arcade stick and they have a rather long stroke and return time. They are supposed to be something like Happ Ultimate buttons, but they don't really pull it off.

        Combining the two into the same control panel is an odd combo that would almost have never, ever have been seen in a real arcade. Maybe some places deep in the developing countries where part supplies intermixed.

        For playing VF I would not recommend these parts.

        • 6 months ago

          it's not meant to be literally these parts, more representative

          • 6 months ago

            yeah but i suppose thats where the requested autism that was requested came from in his post. if youre significantly aged enough to remember the look and feel of the parts you used regularly as a kid it would absolutely matter to have that accuracy in a new build, not just the aesthetic representation in chinese fakes for Reddit points

          • 6 months ago

            The thing is the controls are simultaneously the most important part of the cabinet and the easiest thing to get right. So you ought to try to get the most accurate thing you can, including tracking down the exact same product used on the original cabinet.

      • 6 months ago

        it's not meant to be literally these parts, more representative

        So when you use parts like those in the OP picture you're basically using the arcade equivalent of a cheap third party knock-off controller.
        Now, if you consider that an acceptable thing then have at it. But most people who play games very seriously try to avoid products like that because they tend to be flimsy with very big manufacturing tolerances that make them inaccurate for skilled players.

    • 6 months ago

      Can confirm. I built an emulator cab and realized after a while that standing to play wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, and I was much more used to gamepad controls than arcade stick/buttons. It doesn't get much use now.

      • 6 months ago

        Get a barstool

    • 6 months ago

      >candy cab with all sanwa controls
      That would be an Astro City 2 or Versus City in their stock form. These are Sega fighting game cabinets. Principally Virtua Fighter.

      The controls in your image include

      >a fake Sanwa JLF
      These are made in China and even say JLF on them and in the listing on ebay or aliexpress. Might be decent JLFs are so cheap you should just get the real thing from a reputable dealer.
      These are new generation designs with a switch that was not ever commonly in use on arcade machines. It's still probably okay, but the feel won't be the same. As I recall this style of buttons was used in the SF 15th anniversary arcade stick and they have a rather long stroke and return time. They are supposed to be something like Happ Ultimate buttons, but they don't really pull it off.

      Combining the two into the same control panel is an odd combo that would almost have never, ever have been seen in a real arcade. Maybe some places deep in the developing countries where part supplies intermixed.

      For playing VF I would not recommend these parts.

      yeah but i suppose thats where the requested autism that was requested came from in his post. if youre significantly aged enough to remember the look and feel of the parts you used regularly as a kid it would absolutely matter to have that accuracy in a new build, not just the aesthetic representation in chinese fakes for Reddit points

      So when you use parts like those in the OP picture you're basically using the arcade equivalent of a cheap third party knock-off controller.
      Now, if you consider that an acceptable thing then have at it. But most people who play games very seriously try to avoid products like that because they tend to be flimsy with very big manufacturing tolerances that make them inaccurate for skilled players.

      I'm also kind of bugged by the presence of the JLF knockoff in the picture. The JLF is kind of like the PS1 d-pad of arcade joysticks.
      Yes, you can play all the 8 and 16 bit retro games just fine with one but if you're a dedicated player you'll probably want to be using something like a real OEM controller from those generations. Which would be the LS-32 in most cases. The same can be said for the Sanwa OBSF series of buttons.

      And since it is most likely a JLF knock off and not the real thing you're actually going to be playing with arcade equivalent of one of these controllers

      >the picture is for illustrative purpose anon
      Get treatment for your autism.

      • 6 months ago

        low iq post

  2. 6 months ago

    No. You can just play arcade games on arcade hardware, instead of whatever homosexualry you're thinking about.

    • 6 months ago

      To me the controls are much more important than the hardware the game is running on.

      Final Burn Neo can emulate most 2d joystick and button games to the placebo tier. As in with a PC stashed inside a cabinet you're not going to be able to tell the difference between CPS1/2 or Neo Geo games vs running on real hardware. The Mister also exists for those interested in pursuing that avenue.

      However, I would instantly be able to tell something is off if the wrong arcade controls were installed in the cabinet.

      • 6 months ago

        >However, I would instantly be able to tell something is off if the wrong arcade controls were installed in the cabinet.
        Then you definitely won't want a conversion kit as it'll be "the wrong arcade controls" for the vast majority of games.

        • 6 months ago

          I'd be fine with a conversion as long as it had the correct controls installed. That's the part that really matters.

          • 6 months ago

            Have you only played a few of one series of arcade games? Not even seen more than a few panels? How many games do you imagine came with the exact same layout and parts?

            • 6 months ago

              Not responding to you because your post is too low IQ.

              • 6 months ago

                >I can't think of a way to bullshit my way out of this pseud hole I've dug my self into so I'm going to call you names.
                lol. Surely that will make you look very intelligent and knowable and totally not like a dumb kid who was saying shit he thought would impress strangers on the internet.

              • 6 months ago

                Nah that anon was right, you're just dumb.

            • 6 months ago

              >How many games do you imagine came with the exact same layout and parts?
              148 Neo Geo MVS games at the very least.

              • 6 months ago

                This. I am a neo geo mahjong otaku and used to practice with the original arcade controls every day. I know SNK only ever used one type of stick and buttons in their cabinets and I need to use the exact same for the fight stick I am building for my raspberry pi. If it's not identical I will feel the difference due to my having played on the original over 1000 times. To use anything else would be a violation of my bushido code, which I follow 100%

      • 6 months ago

        MAME has timing issues, accuracy issues, if you're not playing on a CRT then motion won't look nearly as good, and most setups are going to be much more laggy (unless you have a high refresh-rate VRR monitor)

        • 6 months ago

          Another low IQ response.

          • 6 months ago

            >Another low IQ response.

  3. 6 months ago

    The only important question is bat top or ball top

    • 6 months ago

      There is literally no advantage in one over the other, it's just dependent on what you grow up with. Japs grew up with ball tops so they prefer ball tops, and Koreans grew up with bat tops.

  4. 6 months ago

    Arcade style gamepads make all 8 and 16 bit era games better. Hell, even a lot of PS1 games benefit from it. They're great for almost all games up until the era of analog sticks and appropriate shoulder button usage.

    • 6 months ago

      been playing NES games with my fight stick and damn it's comfy, makes me wish I owned one of those advantage controllers back in the day

      • 6 months ago

        The advantage controllers kind of suck at everything aside looking cool. They make a good shelf piece but you are most likely having a better time with your fightstick.

  5. 6 months ago

    What is an "arcade conversion kit"? What are you converting -to- an arcade panel?

    Anyway, you only need to build an arcade stick or panel if you personally want to recreate the arcade experience at home.

    • 6 months ago

      >What are you converting
      Arcade sticks and buttons to a PC controller.

      • 6 months ago


  6. 6 months ago

    The controls arent enough. You ne2d to buy the whole arcade cabinet that only has one game on it for maxim autism. And not those shitty 1uparcade things. It has to be a real one.

  7. 6 months ago

    I'm also kind of bugged by the presence of the JLF knockoff in the picture. The JLF is kind of like the PS1 d-pad of arcade joysticks.
    Yes, you can play all the 8 and 16 bit retro games just fine with one but if you're a dedicated player you'll probably want to be using something like a real OEM controller from those generations. Which would be the LS-32 in most cases. The same can be said for the Sanwa OBSF series of buttons.

  8. 6 months ago

    And since it is most likely a JLF knock off and not the real thing you're actually going to be playing with arcade equivalent of one of these controllers

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