Is anyone else finding themselves losing taste in more fast-paced retro-styled FPS? Personally I&#03...

Is anyone else finding themselves losing taste in more fast-paced retro-styled FPS? Personally I'm finding games like Doom, Duke Nukem, Blood, Quake, and even games like TF2 less appealing by the day, Meanwhile I'm finding games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. more enjoyable.
You'd think that a game which is 80% just walking around the wilderness of Eastern Chuckafrick, and then the other 20% is LARPing being in an actual combat scenario wouldn't be too fun. But for some reason, it is.
Any other anons have that feel?

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  1. 3 years ago

    >Is anyone else finding themselves losing taste in more fast-paced retro-styled FPS?
    No. And I say this as someone who only plays the ORIGINAL retro FPS games, not the reboot console trash Bethesda and indies try to shill these days.

    STALKER games are still amazing. I've put thousands of hours to each of the 3 titles during the past decade and then some.

    >You'd think that a game which is 80% just walking around the wilderness of Eastern Chuckafrick, and then the other 20% is LARPing being in an actual combat scenario wouldn't be too fun.
    And there you go, revealing your zoomer mentality and assuming that people would not have LOVED comfy exploration and adventuring since the pre-vidya times already.

    • 3 years ago

      >and assuming that people would not have LOVED comfy exploration
      SOC is the opposite of comfy.

      • 3 years ago

        Nope, SoC is widely agreed to be THE first comfy survival shooter in history. I sure support that notion.

        >And there you go, revealing your zoomer mentality and assuming that people would not have LOVED comfy exploration and adventuring since the pre-vidya times already.
        Never intended to say that. I'm more saying that the older FPS games are moreso like dopamine factories, built to produce as much happy lights and sounds as possible. But I don't like that anymore. I now much more enjoy the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. anthology, which is way more reserved in design.

        >I'm more saying that the older FPS games are moreso like dopamine factories, built to produce as much happy lights and sounds as possibl
        If by "older" you mean something from late-00s and early 10s, then sure, because you're literally describing the post-Xbox fat era console skinnerbox shit that are meant to make you feel powerful with all the cinematic garbage and super powers / skins you slowly unlock.
        Literally the antithesis of all the ego-shooters of the 1990s.

        • 3 years ago

          atmospheric != comfy

          • 3 years ago


            • 3 years ago

              is Banished the most atmospheric game in existence then?

              • 3 years ago

                convertible = car
                suv = car
                convertible =/= suv
                if a game is atmospheric, it’s comfy
                being comfy doesn’t mean it is atmospheric

              • 3 years ago

                >if a game is atmospheric, it’s comfy
                Nothing more comfy than being chased to death

              • 3 years ago

                are you a 12 year old girl? pls be in coralville

          • 3 years ago

            STALKER is atmospheric AND comfy.

            • 3 years ago

              As soon as you leave the camp the "comfyness" is gone.
              Call of Pripyat on the other hand is pretty comfy, since the game is focused on exploration.

              • 3 years ago

                Nah, SoC's comfy in a similar manner as the oldschool Resident Evil and Silent Hill games are. Chill, not too linear and scripted, and obviously the safe spots radiate comfortable feel of safety and warmth. Zone's a beautiful place.

              • 3 years ago

                >posts swap pic

              • 3 years ago

                >zoom zoom does not recognize Oblivion Lost era alpha screencap
                Sasuga cancer-gen...
                Still, my statement applies to the entire trilogy. SoC's just the best game in the series.

              • 3 years ago

                It's E3 Clear Sky screenshot

              • 3 years ago

                >muh dildoshit
                Пoccaл нa дилдoбoядь
                >SoC's just the best game in the series.
                Delusional moron

              • 3 years ago

                >not too linear
                So you never played the game. Jesus Christ at least play the game tou bandwagon, moron.

              • 3 years ago

                My little zoomer Black person,
                I played SoC for the first time before you were even legally allowed to drink and drive, and no one had an iPhone yet.
                My statement still stands: SoC is nowhere near as linear as just about every other contemporary shooter game out there. I spent 2 weeks playing the vanilla game alone.

              • 3 years ago

                Кoмy ты пиздишь, yтыpoк. Tы блядь из ceбя cтpoишь Лe oлдфaгa пpи тoм чтo пpoзнaл o cpaлкepe вo вpeмя peлизa мycopки.
                >My statement still stands: SoC is nowhere near
                Eбaный дeгpoд дyмaeт чтo игpaя в cлaвшит oт вecь из ceбя тaкoй кpyтoй и мoжeт выдaвaть пepлы чтo TЧ нeлинeйный шyтaн пoк пoк
                Tyпopылый cын дepьмa

              • 3 years ago

                >Nah, SoC's comfy in a similar manner as the oldschool Resident Evil and Silent Hill games are.
                And prior to CS, STALKER was mainly gray and gritty. Even in the sunshine it was pretty cold.

              • 3 years ago

                >best game in the series
                >shitty locations
                >no balance
                >shit 'sidequests'
                >embarrassing final parts
                Aгa, кaк жe. Tyпopылый гoвнoeд

    • 3 years ago

      >And there you go, revealing your zoomer mentality and assuming that people would not have LOVED comfy exploration and adventuring since the pre-vidya times already.
      Never intended to say that. I'm more saying that the older FPS games are moreso like dopamine factories, built to produce as much happy lights and sounds as possible. But I don't like that anymore. I now much more enjoy the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. anthology, which is way more reserved in design.

  2. 3 years ago

    Amid Evil and Dusk are the only ones I'd actually try to finish since they're actually 3D. All the secret hunting, scrounging for ammo and pseudo 3D makes all the Doom and Build engine games feel pointless to play. I finished most of both Doom games and 2 episodes of Blood before I gave up, as well as a few hours of both Hedon and Ion Maiden but I kept feeling like the they were wasting my time
    Check out Boiling Point: Road to Hell, it's kind of not really similar to Stalker but it's got the same kind of gunfights that approach how deadly guns are for real

  3. 3 years ago

    First of all Call of Pripyat fans need to be thrown off the roof of ChNPP
    Second of all why can't I enjoy CoC the way I could enjoy AMK 1.4? I'm genuinely thinking of going back and installing AMK, STALKER really is a lot more fun when it has the guided progression of the story and all the neat scripted events.

    • 3 years ago

      >First of all Call of Pripyat fans need to be thrown off the roof of ChNPP
      >Says soc shitter with worse balance, locations and quests

      • 3 years ago

        >yes I'll take my STALKER predigested into a bland generic fps please

        • 3 years ago

          >STALKER predigested into a bland generic fps please
          So just like Soc and CS? WOW
          Soc shitters are really delusional

    • 3 years ago

      >STALKER really is a lot more fun when it has the guided progression of the story and all the neat scripted events.
      And water is wet, congrats dumbass for figuring it out eventually.
      Stalker was never le sandbox freeplay shit, especially SoC and CS. CoP has more freeplay but it doesn't have 100000 locations that tou will never visit and actual side quests that impact story, not the randomly generated shit from wiener aka bring me 5 medkits I will give you 100 rub for them.

  4. 3 years ago

    Arena shooters haven't appealed because you no longer care about "getting gud" at it. Those types of shooters only cater to players that have the time to dump thousands of hours into getting perfect at it, its just something most people don't give a shot about anymore as there is a whole slew of games and genres to play instead, or they are caught up in life instead.

    What sounds more appealing, a dumb night of r6 siege with 4 friends or trying to play a game from 1999 that only has the people who can't let go trashing you 24/7 when you haven't put in at least 100 hours in the last month into maintaining that skill ceiling?

    Just a thought, ignore the homosexuals who think arena shooters are the end all be all.

  5. 3 years ago

    SoC is the best game ever made

  6. 3 years ago

    i never did like just super fast FPS games, i like games that treat their character development and world building with respect, and slow down to allow themes and atmosphere to dwell, and to have weapons feel like they have impact, frick bullet sponges, frick tanking bullets yourself, just give me something viscerally satisfying

  7. 3 years ago

    You just have shit taste if you are wanking over god awful Stalker games
    >dead '''''open world'''''''
    >braindead ai
    >braindead moster ai
    >shit guns and gunplay
    >Embarrassing side quests
    >game turns into shitty corridor towards the end
    Cъeбaл нaхyй

    • 3 years ago

      >cyrillic scribbles

  8. 3 years ago

    jank games are good in general because they have actual shit going and you can see devs trying, not to mention the stalker modding scene is filled with so much shit I don't know what to play first, reaches from insanity to milsim
    fricking 2007 ukraine shooter has more content through modding than CoD or whatever the frick is popular now

  9. 3 years ago

    Its time

    • 3 years ago

      Stop shilling your boring sandbox mod, kid.

      • 3 years ago

        What makes vanillagays so asshurt? Also shilling for free mods lol, have another one pal

        • 3 years ago

          Haхyй пoшeл co cвoeй кpинжмaлиeй, гoвнo.

  10. 3 years ago

    Anomaly's last questline was pretty nice.

  11. 3 years ago

    I'm losing interest in gaming in general. Modern trends don't appeal to me at all. These days all I play each day is Stalker Anomaly. Sometimes some RuneScape. I force myself to play New World just so I can stay in touch with friends.

    Here's to hoping Stalker 2 will not be a total pile of shit.

    • 3 years ago

      >Stalker 2
      >still not gameplay footage
      huge red flag, it's just gonna be a scripted movie-game

      • 3 years ago

        This is sadly what I am expecting. The mention of Skins and Battle Passes is also deeply worrying. The only thing that has my hopes up is the "Seamless World" but even then that's just a buzz word that reminds me of Far Cry. Massive spaces with frick all to do.

        Please don't frick this up GSC.

        • 3 years ago

          >Massive spaces with frick all to do.
          So just like soc/cs/cop? Wow

          • 3 years ago

            Ah so I see you've clearly played them.

            • 3 years ago

              >you've clearly played them.
              Now tell me what do you do in stalker locations? Collect artifacts that are right under you nose? Shoot random bandits/mutants? Collect some loot by shooting woiden crates? Gee weeze, so different from far cry

  12. 3 years ago

    its because this game reminds you of how miserable your life is, it is relatable to you and other slavs so thats why you like i and its one of the most well known games in eastern europe

  13. 3 years ago

    I've been thinking about it anons... there are no singleplayer linear shooters being made anymore, whoever pumps out a really high quality 12 hour long singleplayer fps is gonna rake in cash from a currently untapped market. The only releases i've seen so far has been more minor stuff like Industria. (And by singleplayer fps i refer to stuff like hl2, F.E.A.R and other games such as those, NOT things like Dusk and other boomer shooters)

    • 3 years ago

      >whoever pumps out a really high quality 12 hour long singleplayer fps is gonna rake in cash from a currently untapped market.
      Doom Eternal was released in 2020, dumbass

  14. 3 years ago

    I uninstalled Stalker 1 after my first gunfight

    • 3 years ago

      This looks so generic and also unmoddable, original Doom is 4 lyfe

      • 3 years ago

        It's also fun. Games are meant to be fun, if game is not fun, why bother.

        • 3 years ago

          Yes, STALKER games are also fun in their own way. I play Stalker Anomaly ironman when i want a tense FPS, i play Doom with a bazillion mods when i just want to rip and tear.

          • 3 years ago

            Rolling a dice to see if you got a headshot or not is not fun to me. And I'm not even talking about across the map pussy mode sniping with pistol iron sights, but like 10-20 meters

            • 3 years ago

              >Rolling a dice to see if you got a headshot or not is not fun to me
              Literally, and I mean LITEARLLY, doesn't happen. Seems the car park filtered another absolute moron.

              • 3 years ago

                I have 5000hrs+ in FPS games I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference between being able to hit a bot that's standing still vs. the game RNG not giving me a hit. Maybe you don't.

              • 3 years ago

                There is no RNG, you're just an idiot

              • 3 years ago

                There is bullet spread and bullet drop, would you count that as RNG?

              • 3 years ago

                >xhair is dead center on target's head
                >miss because "bullet spread" on a fricking 9x19mm parebellum fired from a semi auto pistol
                you're delusional, I can't bother replying anymore

            • 3 years ago

              Personally i think that the guns in Stalker are quite precise at least when using mods that rebalance them and its not like you are gonna have a lot of long range fights unless you are roaming around CoP maps. Gun damage is also on point at least with Anomaly, maybe in vanilla it was possible to hit a heavily armored Stalker in the head with a bullet and not kill him but i haven't played vanilla in ages.

  15. 3 years ago

    Has anyone tried Anomaly survival mode? Does it change absolutely all spawns to zombies or just mutants/stalker and leave merchants?

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