>is easily in the top 3 worst emulators in existence

>is easily in the top 3 worst emulators in existence

What the frick is their problem?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 10 months ago

    it works by default,you have to practically be moronic and with an IQ at room emperature to not being able to play.
    >grab roms from the mame you downloaded.
    >put the roms on rom folder
    >use the CRT overlay
    >have joystick ready
    >launch and play
    is that so hard??

    • 10 months ago

      You forgot the machine BIOS set and CHDs. Your shit ain't working actually.

      • 10 months ago

        chd? why?? most mame users know that naomi and other stuff aren't working despite being listed (only work if you have a 64 cores CPU with liquid notrogen cooling system due to needing to overclock the CPU at 7 Ghz.
        The only bios needed are neogeo,crystal system,and capcom qsound,and you have lot of games running.

        >have to use clunky dogshit software to update rom sets
        >devs spend more time breaking games in the name of muh accuracy than fixing them
        >add random old consoles to MAME too for gigabloat
        >spend time arguing on l*ddit because their egos are bigger than the fricking moon

        MAME 2003 plus and FBN devs mog these queers since they care about, you know, the games working

        >update romsets
        you just download the roms of current set instead of fixing them yourself,simple as that.
        and the games do workalso mame2003,you mean that old fork that hasn't been updated in decades,why would you use that one.
        it would be like using 0.133 (base of 2003) or mameplus,mame ultimate and so on forks that have unique features.
        final burn is suffering the same
        >add megadrive emulation
        >add master system emulation
        >add sega saturn emulation
        >not adding the required documentation
        >inputs have to be set to each game.
        great emulator gay,only reason i use it is because of custom screen despite that nothing at all,you are better with shuffle.

        • 10 months ago

          You're ignorant

          • 10 months ago

            you know updates are just forks of main mame build.
            besides why use it?
            also gamelist of 0.078 no thanks i rather keep playing mushihime sama,death smiles and KOV2NL and KOV3 on 0.252

        • 10 months ago

          MAME 2003 plus is updated regularly moron, try again!!

        • 10 months ago

          >most mame users know that naomi and other stuff aren't working despite
          A random dude downloading Mame doesn't know anything of you. You lack the perspective of someone who isn't familiar with Mame

        • 10 months ago

          >most mame users know that naomi and other stuff aren't working despite being listed
          You emulation is overly complicated, and sucks compared to real hardware. Give it up you can never defend this without looking foolish.

          • 10 months ago

            Different anon here. Why would something be listed as working when it clearly isn't? Are the Mame devs too lazy to update their website or something? It takes only a few minutes

      • 10 months ago

        what does that have to do with the emulator

    • 10 months ago

      >have to use clunky dogshit software to update rom sets
      >devs spend more time breaking games in the name of muh accuracy than fixing them
      >add random old consoles to MAME too for gigabloat
      >spend time arguing on l*ddit because their egos are bigger than the fricking moon

      MAME 2003 plus and FBN devs mog these queers since they care about, you know, the games working

      • 10 months ago

        I bought a Mister just to save myself the trouble of using MAME. I have been using it almost 20 years and it has given me more problems than any other piece of software. It isn't even close. Something always goes wrong.

        pathetic tbqh

        • 10 months ago

          >doesn’t have any counters
          I accept your concession MAME dev

        • 10 months ago

          I was able use it fine as a barely computer literate 12 year old. That doens't excuse all of the moron design choices or the lack of stability despite being an over 20 year old piece of software due to stupid feature creep.

          • 10 months ago

            >lack of stability despite being an over 20 year old piece of software
            Seriously. People are actually defending this. Not a single person on the planet playing MAME in 2003 would have believed you if you told them what MAME would be like twenty years from now.

            • 10 months ago

              You're right, it's stagnated, but it's still the only way to play several games, sufficient for said games, and isn't nearly as unfriendly as the bawwlers say.

          • 10 months ago

            >lack of stability despite being an over 20 year old piece of software
            Seriously. People are actually defending this. Not a single person on the planet playing MAME in 2003 would have believed you if you told them what MAME would be like twenty years from now.

            >lack of stability
            You people realize why this is right?
            Remember when people were b***hing about the MAME devs "hoarding" working drivers for games that weren't in MAME? Some MAME dev would post a video of a work-in-progress driver, people saw it and said "if it works, why not share it with the rest of us?!" It was because it was buggy and crashy. But people screamed about how the MAME devs were evil hoarders working on private emulators for themselves and all kinds of moronic shit until the MAME devs said frick it and put ALL work-in-progress drivers into the release branch,
            And that's what caused this issue. Dumbfricks who can't be bothered to understand what is happening, screaming about how the MAME devs are stupid and evil, until the MAME devs gave them what they claimed they wanted. Now they scream that MAME is unstable and crashy. And now you can't convince the MAME devs to pull the incomplete drivers back out, since they don't wanna hear people whining about "duh mame devs r hoarding!"

            Anyone working on an emulator who removes games from their emulator can go die in a fire. Imagine if SNES9x just took away all the first party Nintendo games because Nintendo hates piracy.

            Yeah how do mamegays handwave excuse getting rid of those games? (Many of which still work in MAME 2003 plus of course, especially the cave shooters, MOGGED)

            >removed games
            Literally just un-comment the lines and compile as usual. That was the removal. "//" in front of the line. The code to recognize and run the games is still there.

            Another MAME thread on /vr/, another bunch of homosexuals crying about literally nothing.

            • 10 months ago

              >expecting those types of people to compile on /vr/
              Anon, know what you are asking of them. These types of people can't handle a command line or non-gui emulator and you want them to uncomment code and compile?

              • 10 months ago

                They could just use google to find one of the versions of MAME that does support the game they want. Should take no more than ten minutes maximum.

              • 10 months ago

                >Have multiple versions of mame to play games that were broken in later releases.
                This is maximum copium

              • 10 months ago

                This is what mamexisters propose as a solution and it’s hilarious, they have 12 versions installed going back to 0.78 because it’s such an indescribable clusterfrick of compatibility or lack thereof, and THEN these turbopseuds think managing this mess makes them high IQ based and redpilled instead of basement dwellers with too much time on their hands to even care about managing this shit

            • 10 months ago

              >Bro you don't need to update and your ROMs will still work
              >You need to update in order to play the games
              Reddit moment.

              boomer egos (see haze, guru, cuavas), overly autistic about "accuracy" (regular regressions), poor priorities.
              ridge racer 2 is barely playable but the 2 or 3 people on the planet who actually know shit about those boards are too busy jerking of to the thoughts of emulating a 2001 hello kitty toy sound chip, or 1980s mainframe computers that nobody outside of mega corporations of the time even heard of
              not to mention "no nag builds" STILL have to be a thing because mame devs refuse to allow people to disable warnings about driver flaws, and groovymame
              then the developers b***h about people using decade old versions on reddit...

              All you have to do is given them a proper reporting method like you yt-dlp does and you won't get that shit. But that's too much effort easier to b***h and moan instead.

              This is what has happened with open source projects starting to get infested with new grads, the whole mindset of “requesting me to do something is literally violence” attitude has really set into a lot of these projects. Distros and major linux projects/tools are starting to see this bullshit as well. Look at what’s happened to Gnome.

              Seeing new grads resumes with self flagellation and stupid high salaries requests are always funny but sad.

            • 10 months ago

              Emulation communities have always attracted the biggest dipshits imaginable.

    • 10 months ago

      Frick off, we have shaders now.

    • 10 months ago

      fpbp. otherwise this board has turned to complete shit

  2. 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago

    I bought a Mister just to save myself the trouble of using MAME. I have been using it almost 20 years and it has given me more problems than any other piece of software. It isn't even close. Something always goes wrong.

    • 10 months ago

      Cool have fun with anything more challenging and exotic than 68k based hardware.

      • 10 months ago

        he didn't say anything about no longer using mame but ok.

        honestly getting games working is fine in mame but getting the visuals to look good (integer scale or non-integer with interpolation) is something i still can't figure out how to do.

  4. 10 months ago

    I've never had any issues with it but tbf I just got old sets of ROMs, BIOSes and CHDs matching my emulator version and never bothered to update. Everything just works. I see a game that looks interesting? I boot MAME, look up the filename of the ROM, drop a copy the zip from the archive into my "installed" ROMs directory. Done. If you have a full BIOS set installed, there's never any issues. But of course it's outdated now. I don't really care.

  5. 10 months ago

    >Doesn't even have proper analog stick support for games that need racing wheels

    • 10 months ago

      It does.
      Don't know what you're talking about. It has sull analog support with a lot of options to tweak it per game.

      • 10 months ago

        I said proper analog. MAME it treats analog sticks like actual racing wheels snapping to and from the deadzone instead of an actual analog curve. It's fricking garbage and you need an external program to simulate dinput.

        • 10 months ago

          That's all they could ever do with it without creating a massive extra project.
          >you need an external program to simulate dinput.
          So use it then?
          Does your autism prevent you from being able to enjoy games without an all-in-one solution?

          • 10 months ago

            >So use it then?
            It's still not a perfect solution, unfortunately, since MAME still treats it as being twitchy. This guy could very well figure it out but he hates MAME too much to bother:

            • 10 months ago

              The second video says it was added to MAME...

              • 10 months ago

                These videos are not about analog control fixes. He's just demonstrating global input for his custom build so you can play it without having the MAME window focused. I'm saying he could implement the former (which is also not in official MAME builds for some stupid fricking reason).

          • 10 months ago

            >Defending absolute crap that can't even emulate analog curves
            There goes 99% of all arcade racers, unless you use a 3rd party app. They instead break games and add new unplayable games before trying to actually fix something that would work right now, not 10+ years from now. It's moronation mixed with autism and you're digging them a deeper home by trying to shill bullshit.

            • 10 months ago

              >no analog curves
              I'm glad someone else said this. It's ultra dumb when I'm playing Mame and my car goes from 0% to 100% full wheel turn when taking a corner. There's no inbetween.

              20 years of development and they haven't fixed something as basic as this in Mame. This is so fundamental that I can't believe this hasn't been fixed yet. It's astounding.

            • 10 months ago

              >no analog curves
              I'm glad someone else said this. It's ultra dumb when I'm playing Mame and my car goes from 0% to 100% full wheel turn when taking a corner. There's no inbetween.

              20 years of development and they haven't fixed something as basic as this in Mame. This is so fundamental that I can't believe this hasn't been fixed yet. It's astounding.

              MAME has sliders for analog gain/decay when using digital controls. You can have it 0%/100% if you want, or you can have it gain 10% per frame and decay 20% on release.
              But really, if you want analog you need an analog controller and it's supported scaled mapping between the two forever.

  6. 10 months ago

    always been a mess, and they managed to make it even worse. i dont miss it.

    • 10 months ago

      What a MESS.

      • 10 months ago

        RIP MESS
        It should have stayed separate from MAME.

      • 10 months ago

        It's hard to compare it to anything. FBA maybe? I rarely play arcade games so idk


  7. 10 months ago

    gate successfully kept

  8. 10 months ago

    There are ten trillion ways to obtain pre-configured MAME setups. Use one if you're too much of a brainlet do it from scratch.

  9. 10 months ago

    From now I'll call you mame-schizo.

  10. 10 months ago

    Anyone working on an emulator who removes games from their emulator can go die in a fire. Imagine if SNES9x just took away all the first party Nintendo games because Nintendo hates piracy.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah how do mamegays handwave excuse getting rid of those games? (Many of which still work in MAME 2003 plus of course, especially the cave shooters, MOGGED)

      • 10 months ago

        I might be using a different version than you, but I play all the Cave games in MAME regularly without any issues.

        • 10 months ago

          You're probably using Arcade64 like any sane person. They never removed any of the cave games.

          • 10 months ago

            Anon, Arcade64 is just MAME compiled with the arcade subtarget flag, and a GUI. Arcade64 makes no changes to the device drivers. It has the same games as MAME mainline. The guy maintaining it isn't making changes to the MAME source, he's too busy trying to keep HBMAME updated.

            • 10 months ago

              Yes, I know, they are all derivative of Mame. Just saying, if you want to play games without 12.000 fruit / slot machines, Arcade64 keeps it simple without all the bloat. No need to play original mame.

          • 10 months ago

            My readme just says MAME 0.155.

  11. 10 months ago

    I remember emulating Marvel vs. Capcom way back in like 2002 and being blown away at even being able to do so. I then saw that MvC2 wasn't supported and wondering why it wasn't, but I thought surely it'd just be a matter of time. Over 20 years later, and you still can't really emulate it through MAME. Thankfully Dreamcast emulators stepped up, but jesus.

    Also, MAMEUI32/64 was my shit.

  12. 10 months ago

    I found out my roms were stale or some shit? What the frick is the problem with these developers, I don't remember it being like this in the past.

  13. 10 months ago

    feels good to have an IQ above 100

    • 10 months ago

      /vr/ really is full of midwits

      • 10 months ago

        >Its better to be a down syndrome moron crackbaby with sub 80 IQ and deformed facial characteristics, worse than an average grug, than to be a midwit.
        OK buddy moron. IQ is not everything, but it is indeed something that has genetic factors for sure. And what about the geniuses like the Galileo and Poincare-tier IQ folks.

  14. 10 months ago

    MAME, filtering scrubs since 1997 and counting.

  15. 10 months ago

    This emulator feels like it's made for hipsters

  16. 10 months ago

    >What the frick is their problem?
    David Haywood.

    • 10 months ago

      What did Mr. David Haywood do during the early-mid 2010s that led to MAME becoming so damn bloated nowadays? That and officially Merging MESS into MAME?

  17. 10 months ago

    >actually runs games properly in you are path

    • 10 months ago

      Doesn't support arcade games that used playstation based hardware like the Namco System 21, 22 and 11.

      • 10 months ago

        Hopefully one day it will.

      • 10 months ago

        I mean, of course I'll use MAME if I have no other choice, but for hardware supported in both, I'll use FBN

        • 10 months ago

          That's how I do it too. Doesn't mean MAME is shit though. Just sorta stagnant.

    • 10 months ago

      >tons of features hidden
      >doesn't have documentation on how to use those features.
      according to info it runs even megadrive paprium,still haven't founf out how to run it.

  18. 10 months ago

    dumb-dumb detected the real issue is that it has stagnated and we'll never see anything more advanced than ~1997 3D graphics on it, due to dev skill ceiling and/or refusal to adopt HLE or Vulkan LLE

  19. 10 months ago

    Explain to me why I should have to continually refresh roms

    • 10 months ago

      You don't.

    • 10 months ago

      You don't if you don't need to use a newer version of the emulator

  20. 10 months ago

    What emulator we should use then?

    • 10 months ago

      Use Finalburn Neo if the arcade game you want to play is supported in it

    • 10 months ago

      My solution is just to play ports of arcade games. Sega Genesis had some very good ones like Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Altered Beast, Golden Axe, Raiden, Burning Force, and lots more.
      And the older games like Arkanoid, Galaxian, etc. those have many ports or clones on old computers that are just as good or better.

      • 10 months ago

        I constantly switch between thinking ports are the way to go and arcade is the way to go.
        The problem is there's rarely any arcade perfect ports out there, but they also add extra stuff to them that make them more fun at home like new modes or practice and other options

        • 10 months ago

          >that make them more fun

        • 10 months ago

          >I constantly switch between thinking ports are the way to go and arcade is the way to go
          You know you're allowed to play both right? You don't have to choose just one and only play that one for the rest of your life and officially declare the other as inferior and shit

  21. 10 months ago

    >had no problems figuring it out 2 decades ago because being able to play any arcade game for free was awesome
    >kids who have never seen an arcade don't understand how to use it
    Not my problem, go back to Fortnite

  22. 10 months ago

    MAME is not for playing games, only for documenting hardware.

    • 10 months ago

      > being able to play games is merely a side-effect
      It runs like shit too, unless you have a recent computer, which mine isn't.

  23. 10 months ago

    What are the other two?

    • 10 months ago

      Citra and vita3k

      • 10 months ago

        MEGAfiltered. Stick to consoles, kid.

      • 10 months ago

        >Emulator project that's barely even started booting games isn't great yet
        Wow no shit, you fricking moron.

        • 10 months ago

          >emulator that barely boots games isn’t shit
          Winner of the moron olympics right here.

  24. 10 months ago

    boomer egos (see haze, guru, cuavas), overly autistic about "accuracy" (regular regressions), poor priorities.
    ridge racer 2 is barely playable but the 2 or 3 people on the planet who actually know shit about those boards are too busy jerking of to the thoughts of emulating a 2001 hello kitty toy sound chip, or 1980s mainframe computers that nobody outside of mega corporations of the time even heard of
    not to mention "no nag builds" STILL have to be a thing because mame devs refuse to allow people to disable warnings about driver flaws, and groovymame
    then the developers b***h about people using decade old versions on reddit...

    • 10 months ago

      To play devil's avocado a bit, the complaining about decades old version is likely to be at least partially motivated because morons will come in and complain about issues to them in their decades old version. After a decade that becomes a bit annoying.
      It also hurts their ego of course to see "their" software get criticised for flaws that are in all likelyhood actually fixed if they didn't regress again, but you are underestimating the lack of common sense on the vast majority of users who will then complain they got (rightfully) shat on.

    • 10 months ago

      >ridge racer 2 is barely playable but the 2 or 3 people on the planet who actually know shit about those boards are too busy jerking of to the thoughts of emulating a 2001 hello kitty toy sound chip
      Are you just joking or is this actually what's happening?

      • 10 months ago

        You literally cannot emulate the arcade versions of the Ridge Racer games anywhere except on MAME. The situation is fricking dire.

    • 10 months ago

      >people b***h about MAME devs "hoarding" working drivers for arcade systems not in MAME yet
      >MAME devs get sick and tired of it, and dump all the non-working and partially-working drivers into MAME
      >people b***h that half the games don't even work
      >MAME devs tell people "what did you expect from non-working drivers?"
      >people b***h they can't tell what games are expected to work and which aren't expected to work
      >MAME devs put a notice in the emulator when you are trying to use a driver that isn't considered working yet
      >people b***h about getting "nagged" about games that aren't 100% yet
      >MAME devs decide they are tired of trying to please these people and just tell people to choke on dicks when they demand changes to MAME
      These things are a direct result of the MAME devs trying to listen to complaints and change things. Which is why I find it funny hearing people b***h about this stuff, since it was caused precisely by similar people making the same whiny complaints.

      >ridge racer 2 is barely playable but the 2 or 3 people on the planet who actually know shit about those boards are too busy jerking of to the thoughts of emulating a 2001 hello kitty toy sound chip
      Are you just joking or is this actually what's happening?

      Could be. MAME devs work for free, so they work on whatever they find interesting.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          This is what has happened with open source projects starting to get infested with new grads, the whole mindset of “requesting me to do something is literally violence” attitude has really set into a lot of these projects. Distros and major linux projects/tools are starting to see this bullshit as well. Look at what’s happened to Gnome.

        • 10 months ago

          >point out all the crap that has happened because idiots requested it
          No, I'm just glad they stopped listening to every moron who demanded something.

          • 10 months ago

            Nice strawman, but implementing things poorly then crying about having too much valuable feedback from an interested userbase is pathetic no matter how you look at it. I know it probably requires giga autism to simulate old electronics to begin with, but not being able to react in a healthy way isn't anyone else's fault.

            • 10 months ago

              >implementing things poorly
              It's 2005 and everyone is complaining about hoarding of drivers. If your solution is to not share the non-working drivers, than that fixes nothing. If your solution is to share the non-working drivers, than you've done the same thing as the MAME devs. Tell us, what is your solution to that issue?

              • 10 months ago

                How about skip to
                >MAME devs put a notice in the emulator when you are trying to use a driver that isn't considered working yet
                Then don't be a baby when people are more excited about some unfinished features than others

              • 10 months ago

                >calls other anon a strawman
                >proceeds to ignore the question
                Top kek. Let me know when you are capable of answering.

              • 10 months ago

                >Question: What would you have done if people wanted to use your unfinished driver stash?
                >Answer: Release the unfinished drivers and make it easy to tell which ones are considered finished and which ones are not (and obviously make it possible to turn off whatever that may be if you are incapable of presenting it in a non-obtrusive way)
                Restated for your moron level comprehension.
                I'm not sure why you're trying to present it as some sort of impossible situation when the problem was always their bad implementations and attitude.

              • 10 months ago

                >release them
                They did that.
                >make it easy to tell which ones are finished and which ones are not
                They did that too, people STILL can't seem to notice Yellow or Red colors for games.
                >make it possible to turn off the notice
                They did that too, it's a setting in the ini file.
                >moron level comprehension
                Nice projection, but you are literally complaining that they should have done exactly what they did.

              • 10 months ago

                It's similar to what they EVENTUALLY did, but you forgot the most important part:
                Not being a fricking baby about it!
                >all the crap that has happened because idiots requested it
                >These things are a direct result of the MAME devs trying to listen to complaints and change things.
                So basically all the "crap" (rational things) are because they did the correct thing (eventually) and listened to the "idiots" (userbase) requesting it. They were huge homosexuals about it along the way, and are well known for that behavior. Finally, they in your own words
                >decide they are tired of trying to please these people
                and decided to stop listening to input of rational things that had improved their open source project.

              • 10 months ago

                >get refuted on every point
                >"well they didn't have to be MEAN about it!"
                >while constantly screaming homosexual and moron at others
                You think their attitude might be a result of dealing with an endless stream of people like you?

              • 10 months ago

                >MAME is probably bad because the devs stopped listening to feedback, have huge egos, and prioritize things poorly
                >but what about the times they listened to feedback?
                >uh yeah they eventually made rational decisions after several missteps in some cases, too bad those times were few and far between, they were slow in doing so, and they are apparently still bitter about it to this day
                >yeah so basically they did everything right and it's your fault they have a huge ego
                It's time to stop posting, mamedev.
                If the end results weren't being dragged down by bad attitude and bad solutions that required multiple corrections to eventually reach a tolerable solution, we wouldn't be having this thread.

              • 10 months ago

                >bitches the program is unstable
                >because morons like you demanded incomplete drivers
                >then moves goalposts to say "But this is exactly what I wanted and they should be glad people asked for this!"
                Holy shit son. Pick a position and stick with it. You flip-flop more than politicians. Do you want the fricking incomplete drivers or not? PICK ONE. If this skitzo shit is supposed to convince me you are intelligent, it's having the opposite effect.

                >Bro you don't need to update and your ROMs will still work
                >You need to update in order to play the games
                Reddit moment.
                All you have to do is given them a proper reporting method like you yt-dlp does and you won't get that shit. But that's too much effort easier to b***h and moan instead.
                Seeing new grads resumes with self flagellation and stupid high salaries requests are always funny but sad.

                >Bro you don't need to update and your ROMs will still work
                >You need to update in order to play the games
                >Reddit moment.
                Ok, and WHERE in that post does it say anything about updating and roms? Because the post you are replying to is entirely about the "hoarded" drivers and the "removed" games.

              • 10 months ago

                >drivers are the only unstable thing, and they're only unstable because they are incomplete

              • 10 months ago

                >Ok, and WHERE in that post does it say anything about updating and roms
                You are telling to people to "just un-comment the lines and compile as usual." you know, updating the code. (Cause let's be real, no-one is going to check out an old version to build as the process/dependencies to build has changed)
                And in addition the thread is full of people complaining about updating and ROMs and you are whinging about the thread. as you said:
                >Another MAME thread on /vr/, another bunch of homosexuals crying about literally nothing
                If you don't want people calling you out, don't put such wide assumptions on others

              • 10 months ago

                Telling people complaining about commented out code to un-comment it is the same as updating because "NO ONE WOULD EVER COMPILE AN OLD VERSION EVER". One hell of a reach, but I'm coming to expect that from you. You might be surprised to learn that older versions of MAME up to a point can compile just fine with a newer toolchain. HBMAME couldn't due to the UI being tied to a specific version of the toolchain, but MAME has been designed by the devs to be toolchain version agnostic as much as possible. This way, anyone can download the source to the version of MAME they are using, re-add the two games, and use the same romset with them.
                Yes, the people complaining about needing proper dumps are whining about literally nothing. If someone complains about not having an NES game work right and they turn out to be using some goodNES b1 dump, do you complain to the NES emu devs or do you tell the moron to use a proper fricking dump? Basic logic man.

              • 10 months ago

                You act like you've paid for it.

  25. 10 months ago

    For me, it's MAME 2000 running under MS-DOS.

    • 10 months ago

      >Microsoft sidewinder

      • 10 months ago

        It's every bit as comfy and soulful as playing a real arcade cabinet.

    • 10 months ago


  26. 10 months ago

    It's my favorite emulator ever and I understand why they do everything they do and agree with 90% of it.
    Git gud.

  27. 10 months ago

    meh I just use it with retroarch plus I can use save states if I need

  28. 10 months ago

    I never understood who shares the roms for this shit, everytime they change something in the emulator you need new roms or something
    But I'm sure the devs don't share the roms, so where do I get or know which roms will work?
    I have downloaded some stuff from archive org and it worked but I never updoot

    • 10 months ago

      Use the built in audit tools or use a 3rd party program like cmpro or romcenter

      • 10 months ago

        They are some of the worst pieces of software in existence. Not to mention they work ONLY if you have got EVERY Mame rom in existence. In other words, a full romset.

  29. 10 months ago

    had to reinstall it a few times because it just stops working for no reason
    no error message, no logs or anything, it just launches as a background process and sits there doing nothing
    we had mame32 on our family PC in the mid 00s and it worked perfectly well

    • 10 months ago

      >wants GUI features
      >chooses not to use GUI mame

      • 10 months ago

        so mame is just a command line program apparently
        though I vividly remember a GUI starting when I ran the exe, but apparently that can error independently (and not output anything on the console)
        should I just get a different front-end for it?

    • 10 months ago

      and everybody else who used mame32 20 years ago see

      For newbies, pic related is MAMEUI. It takes most of the pain out of the process. The ROMs folder can download from https://pleasuredome.github.io/pleasuredome/mame/

      This is the current version of mame32

      • 10 months ago

        afraid facts mixed up

  30. 10 months ago

    I swear in the 90s it was great. I played a frick ton of bubble bobble and neogeo on it... Then one day I just got a neogeo emulator and never looked back.

  31. 10 months ago

    You know you droolers could've spent the time you wasted in this thread figuring out how MAME works, right?

  32. 10 months ago

    >is easily in the top 3 worst emulators in existence
    What emulators with comparable functionality are on top of it?

  33. 10 months ago

    It went from being unwieldy shit to decently accessible to being unwieldy shit over the last 15 years. Does it still sperg out when opening on multiple monitor setups?

  34. 10 months ago

    In the latest MAME, there is a new dump (provided by The Dumping Union) of the version of Arkanoid that was licensed to Phoenix Electronics. If that doesn't interest you, then MAME is not for you. You should download some pre-assembled package so you can get to "playing" without the fuss. MAME is for non-brainlet connoisseurs, that's why you're having a problem with it.

  35. 10 months ago

    I've been waiting 20 years and still can't play frickin' House of the Dead on that piece of grabage. What's the actual GOOD arcade emulator? Is there one?

    I mean like, frankly to me the list of arcade games actually worth emulating is very short anyhow. I am a 90s kid, I have immense arcade nostalgia, but even then the list of worthwhile arcade games is literally just House of the Dead, TimeCrisis, a few classic fightan games and Metal Slug.

    If there's actually an emulator out there nowadays that replaces MAME I'll even order one of those Shinden guns.

    • 10 months ago

      The closest competitor to MAME at the moment is FinalBurnNeo. It's faster and easier to use, and unlike MAME it actually puts the focus on playing games rather than "documenting" or "preserving" fricking everything ever made (so no slot machines or cash registers and other dumb shit). However, it still lacks compatibility with some machines, so it's not yet a full replacement.

      As for 3D arcade games, there's usually dedicated emulators for those. For Sega Model 2, which is what HotD runs on, you'll want this:

    • 10 months ago

      There emulators made for specific game companies. Download the Sega Model 2 Emulator.

  36. 10 months ago

    I'm just an EXTREME CASUAL here. So read my opinion with that in mind.

    Mame has been around... For What? 25 years? I've seen multiple entire emulators be created from scratch and be fully functional within that time. Emulators for Gamecube, PS2, and PS3, etc. All of them are fully functional and very playable now. So from an extreme casual perspective, it is very disappointing to hear that Mame STILL can't play certain high profile arcade games from the past. But these other console emulators can play hundreds and thousands of games without issue. These are consoles that run 3D games that are 1000 times more demanding than any game on Mame.

    At some point, Mame needs to get its priorities straight. Preservation a is nice cover, but let's get real. Mame is an emulator and we use all mostly uae to play games. That's why it's popular.

    When it comes to downloading and running MAME. It is rather confusing to a casual like me. Other console emulators you download the emulator from a website, and then you find your rom file, which is just a single file usually, and you run the game via the emulator. That's it usually.

    But Mame isn't nearly as NEAT. Not even close. Downloading and getting Mame to run feels like a chore to a casual like me. I have to find the right version of Mame. Then I have to find the roms. I usually just download it from a rom website. But then I find out Mame won't run the rom file for some reason. Apparently there are 3 other files that I need that aren't discussed or mentioned. REMEMBER I'M A CASUAL HERE. So now I have to find the extra Mame files associated with whatever Namco arcade or Sega Arcade game I'm trying to run. It's not on Mame's website. Why not? Again I'm a CASUAL here. Also Mame emulator versions have compatibility with specific rom versions? And I need "CHD" files? Wtf is this. Why isnt the presentation of Mame not as NEAT AS as other emulators? Troubleshooting is another beast.

    All this frustrates me as a casual.

    • 10 months ago

      And then when I get Mame running, I have to find specific versions of roms for specific versions of Mame. Wtf. Apparently everytime they update Mame they have to get new versions of roms or whatever. This seems so wasteful. Again I'm a casual here. But I can't play Crisis Zone on Mame from the 1990s for whatever reason. I have to play the terrible PS2 version that has different graphics and looks.

      So now I have this messy emulator folder with Mame files, and a messy folder with rom Mame files. Everytime a game doesn't run I have to figure out if there's a configuration issue, or if I'm missing any files, or if simply Mame can't run it because the devs haven't gotten around to fixing it. Or if I don't have CHD files or whatever. If I have an error message after all that, then I have even more of a headache because I have to tried to browse through legacy forums, or reddit to find someone with my issue, or discord. Maaaan what a pain. Again remember I'm a casual.

      What's the deal with romsets too? Why do I need to download 700GB of roms for a specific version of Mame? And the romsets change every single time there's an update?
      This whole exercise feels like the people running MAME get off on the idea of extreme cataloging and doing paperwork. Once I get Mame running or stable, I'm never updating it or going through this headache again.

      Most of the time I just turn off Mame and run another Emulator since it's far less hassle. I can jump into the game right away.

      Mame needs to remember that arcade games were popular because you could instantly jump into the action. Just insert a quarter and bam you are in the game. Mame needs to emulate that aspect with their installation and presentation. It's not nearly as neat as other emulators.

      Now I'm sure there are 100 reasons why it is the way it is. But im not interested in them. I'm a big casual. I care about the experience. Not the long drawn out history. This is my opinion and perspective as a casual

      • 10 months ago

        Ok, then don't use it. It's that simple, just not for you. You are a casual after all and you need to at least be a power user so you aren't the target audience. Shame, but that's life. Can't have everything, maybe try an easier alternative.
        If there isn't one for your usecase try to apply yourself anyway, you might start to understand it a little better. Get better sources for your roms and you'll see most of these issues fall away. It's genuinely a non-issue as someone who decided to just set-up meme one day without any prior knowledge.

        • 10 months ago

          You are missing the point of what that anon said. It's a question of why. If other more demanding emulators can have a neat and compact presentation, then why can't Mame?

          • 10 months ago

            Mame devs and their discord weirdo friends are in the thread now

            >it’s not like that, and even if it is it’s not that bad, and even if it is it’s not for you anyways

          • 10 months ago

            I'm glad someone FINALLY summed up Mame and asked a relevant question.

          • 10 months ago

            I'm not missing any point, what I say holds true, but I can answer that for you as it is obvious. Not their priority, which goes back to my post where if you NEED to use it, you'll just have to learn to deal with their priorities unless you want to contribute, but a casual or poweruser will (rightfully) have 0 interest in doing so. I'm sure it will one day happen.

            • 10 months ago

              >Not their priority
              If other emulator teams can make a fully functional emulator and make the presentation very neat and tidy, then why can't Mame? You aren't answering the question.

              • 10 months ago

                I am, not their priority. They don't care, they want to work on other things as you can clearly see with the godawful shit they focus on working on instead. That is the answer, but it isn't the one you want to hear. You can just complain about it normally instead of trying to dress it as a question with a specific answer you want to hear. It's a bit disingenuous.

              • 10 months ago

                Are you saying that MAME developers are so weak that making the presentation more clean is something they actually have to "concentrate" on? What kind of 3rd world pajeet programmers are you using? Lmao.

                Get good.

              • 10 months ago

                Ok. In the meantime that they find the motivation to make an idiotproof UI (never ever) you can learn to get good and use a simple program (when you stop seething).

              • 10 months ago

                >implying making a nice presentation takes effort


                Every other emulator team can do it and not whine about it. You just insulted the Mame developer by calling them idiots.

              • 10 months ago

                >Every other emulator team can do it
                Oh rly? Like, what, the horrible mess that is Retroarch? Or zero option minimal interface like KEmulator?

              • 10 months ago

                For me, it's Mednafen. The premier presentation emulator.

              • 10 months ago

                >If other emulator teams can make a fully functional emulator and make the presentation very neat and tidy, then why can't Mame? You aren't answering the question.
                The other anon doesn't understand your question. That's why he's repeating himself over and over without change. So I will step in here and answer the heart of your question.

                The answer is actually 2 reasons.

                1. Mame is made by an all volunteer team. No one gets paid. Ans No one gets paid to do specific tasks. So devs simply work on sections of the Mame emulator they want. One person likes working on the Atari 2600? OK so that's what he works on. Another person likes working on Neo Geo from the 90s? OK so that's what he works on. Everyone is doing whatever they want.

                2. Another big reason is there is a lack of leadership on the Mame team. Since no one is getting paid and there is a lax atmosphere, there's no one leader that can say, "No. We don't need you to work on Atari 2600. Based on your background, we are assigning you to work on Namco System 22 games. That's your assignment if you want to help us develop Mame."

                Unlike other Emulator teams, the Mame team is closer to a "club" than an actual team of people working working towards a shared goal. Everyone likes emulation but they are scattered doing whatever. There might be some senior members but they don't have any real power to assign duties. No focus. No true leadership. It's a school club. Not a race car team.

              • 10 months ago

                Can't say I'm surprised at this information.

              • 10 months ago

                You should be because it’s entirely wrong of how the team functions.

              • 10 months ago

                Mame doesn't pay anyone. End of discussion.

              • 10 months ago

                >the other anon isn't giving you the answer we want, so he doesn't understand the question.
                >1st point is the exact same answer
                Wow. Glad I could educate you anon.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, bit weird. You'd think anon would notice this when he typed that out.

              • 10 months ago

                Your answer didn't address the core issue. You just said the Mame devs didn't care but you didn't say why they didn't care, or say what led to them not caring.

              • 10 months ago

                Right? I thought that was pretty clear. The new anon gave a much better answer.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, the why is not 2 posts below it and it is the exact same post but less nice. Considering you are going on about repeating themselves I am sure you've read that post unless you just happen to miss that post specifically. It adresses the core issue just fine. You just want to pretend it doesn't to sniff your own farts.

              • 10 months ago


                Your answers sucked. You didn't make it clear why. Now you are butt hurt someone else explained it better?


              • 10 months ago

                Learned to use MAME already? Or are you still too dumb to do so? I believe in you.

              • 10 months ago

                Honestly, this should be the standard response. People will either shut up or get mad enough to do a couple of 2 things: learn to use MAME out of spite or harass the devs about it. Anything else is a waste of time and it doesn't make for good shitposting.

              • 10 months ago

                Why don't people here just work on MAME and make it good? This thread makes it sound pretty easy, I'm sure if you all got together it would be fixed very quickly.

              • 10 months ago

                Don't spoil 2 reasonable suggestions with some absolute fantasy delusion just to make fun of them. It's not nice.

              • 10 months ago

                >130 pull requests
                >1800 forks
                >over 10 frontends
                I'm thinking the mega autistic dev team everyone constantly cites as being the problem might be the problem rather than willingness to help

              • 10 months ago

                You'd think the constant addition of new, previously unemulated systems in FBNeo would shame MAME to be reasonable, but they just never learn. How can we make them see reason?

              • 10 months ago

                Make them see by spamming their email with shock site stuff like Blue Waffle, video 1444, the Grifter, accompanied by text with demandsBeat them with a bat or Bamboo cane, if all else fails.

              • 10 months ago

                I prefer FBNEO but isn’t it missing a ton of games compared to MAME? I’d prefer they take over completely and cause MAME devs to troon out but they aren’t there yet

              • 10 months ago

                It misses mostly 3D games. For the majority of usecases, FBNeo works fine.

              • 10 months ago

                >mad other anon gave a better answer
                Gatekeeping answers is a new low for Mame threads.

              • 10 months ago

                I don't think you know what that means, but I do know you are moronic for trying to restart shit from over half a day ago over 2 samegayging masturbatory homosexuals. I have half a mind to think you are one of them, but I closed my tab so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

              • 10 months ago

                being this mad

              • 10 months ago

                You morons are arguing about about who made what moronic argument better because you morons can't use an arcade emulator which you don't want to use anyway.
                Yes I am mad, useless fricking thread with useless fricking posters in it just baiting moronicly. How about you play some retrogames on the retroboard, maybe try fbneo if this shit emulator doesn't work for you. post ironic frickwits.

              • 10 months ago

                >make thread to shit on MAME
                >decide to argue about arguments instead to feed ego
                they would make for some great MAME devs...

              • 10 months ago

                At least stay on topic and shit on MAME. At least some people are doing that now.

              • 10 months ago

                No one needs or cares about your benefit of doubt. You made a bunch of posts seething that someone answered a question better than you. Do you work for Mame of something? Otherwise it makes no sense.

          • 10 months ago

            The answer is that mame devs aren't as capable or skilled as devs working on other emulators

      • 10 months ago

        I'm just an EXTREME CASUAL here. So read my opinion with that in mind.

        Mame has been around... For What? 25 years? I've seen multiple entire emulators be created from scratch and be fully functional within that time. Emulators for Gamecube, PS2, and PS3, etc. All of them are fully functional and very playable now. So from an extreme casual perspective, it is very disappointing to hear that Mame STILL can't play certain high profile arcade games from the past. But these other console emulators can play hundreds and thousands of games without issue. These are consoles that run 3D games that are 1000 times more demanding than any game on Mame.

        At some point, Mame needs to get its priorities straight. Preservation a is nice cover, but let's get real. Mame is an emulator and we use all mostly uae to play games. That's why it's popular.

        When it comes to downloading and running MAME. It is rather confusing to a casual like me. Other console emulators you download the emulator from a website, and then you find your rom file, which is just a single file usually, and you run the game via the emulator. That's it usually.

        But Mame isn't nearly as NEAT. Not even close. Downloading and getting Mame to run feels like a chore to a casual like me. I have to find the right version of Mame. Then I have to find the roms. I usually just download it from a rom website. But then I find out Mame won't run the rom file for some reason. Apparently there are 3 other files that I need that aren't discussed or mentioned. REMEMBER I'M A CASUAL HERE. So now I have to find the extra Mame files associated with whatever Namco arcade or Sega Arcade game I'm trying to run. It's not on Mame's website. Why not? Again I'm a CASUAL here. Also Mame emulator versions have compatibility with specific rom versions? And I need "CHD" files? Wtf is this. Why isnt the presentation of Mame not as NEAT AS as other emulators? Troubleshooting is another beast.

        All this frustrates me as a casual.

        I pretty much agree with what is said in these post. Just because Mame focuses on preservation doesn't mean they should be cleaner in how Mame is installed. Having users chase all these different files across the internet is rather annoying. There should be clear documentation on their website for all users like RPCS3 and other emulators.

    • 10 months ago

      >I'm just an EXTREME CASUAL here. So read my opinion with that in mind.
      >Mame has been around... For What? 25 years? I've seen multiple entire emulators be created from scratch and be fully functional within that time. Emulators for Gamecube, PS2, and PS3, etc. All of them are fully functional and very playable now. So from an extreme casual perspective, it is very disappointing to hear that Mame STILL can't play certain high profile arcade games from the past. But these other console emulators can play hundreds and thousands of games without issue. These are consoles that run 3D games that are 1000 times more demanding than any game on Mame.
      I'm not gonna read the second post. You just have to understand that other emulators emulate one console, one architecture.
      Arcade games have different boards - and every board is pretty much a console of it own. MAME emulates dozens of them - a lot of them successfully - and some home consoles along the way - like Colecovision, for example - all in one package.
      Some boards are very stubborn - Supermodel, for example, traditionally requires a separate emulator. And I'm telling you, trying to get Supermodel emulator to work is much, much harder than trying to get MAME to work. Just try it, and then realise how much boards MAME lets you emulate with relative comfort. Imagine if every board required something akin to a Supermodel emulator.
      Technically, MAME is not one emulator, but many of them under one title. For what it has accomplished to this day, MAME is amazing.

      If you are so casual you cannot read the above text, you only deserve the following tl;dr:
      Frick U, MAME is king.

      • 10 months ago

        Like other anon said. You've had 20 years to get it running. Entire countries have been built, destroyed, and rebuilt during that time frame. Complaining about difficulty is not a valid excuse after 20 years.

        • 10 months ago

          Is it not running? As I've said, a lot of boards are running successfully.
          And nobody said anything about difficulty. My post sayd about how massive MAME is.
          Learn to read, darn troll, or just do yourself a favor and follow

          >I'm not gonna read the second post.
          OK not gonna read the rest of your essay then.


      • 10 months ago

        >I'm not gonna read the second post.
        OK not gonna read the rest of your essay then.

  37. 10 months ago

    >defending MAME devs, and not only doing that
    >but doing it for free


    • 10 months ago

      Black person.

    • 10 months ago

      >non-reply seething
      Ok, but nowhere did I defend them. I'm just not a pitch perfect echo of your opinion.

      >implying making a nice presentation takes effort


      Every other emulator team can do it and not whine about it. You just insulted the Mame developer by calling them idiots.

      Where did I imply that? I said they didn't give a shit, they don't care about making it presentable, it's not their priority due to them jerking off to chessmachines and cash registers. If you read between the lines, at least read what is not so subtly implied in the post you reply to instead of making up an implication to suit your argument for argument's sake.
      If you want me to call them idiots, that's fine by me. They are inbred morons, all of them. Don't even know their names like 99% of the users don't which probably hurts their egos the most.

  38. 10 months ago

    Open source software attracts leftist ideologues who see "meeting users where they're at" as a betrayal of their ideology. It's the real reason why FOSS software never takes off, not a lack of budget.

    MAME's ideology is that they're purely a hardware preservation group; the ability to actually play the games only matters as proof that their preservation attempts are successful.

  39. 10 months ago

    Not a single person here has an arcade game 1cc, done in MAME or otherwise

  40. 10 months ago

    Didn't the devs literally say they don't want you to play games on it

  41. 10 months ago

    While I like Mame, I'm dissatisfied with some very fundamental things with the emulator. They really need to get games to a playable state before adding more and more games and consoles. Even if it's from a "preservation" perspective, you still need to have a game that runs at near full speed. You can't show others the history of games when the game itself won't boot, or the game runs at 5 fps with tons of graphical glitches.

  42. 10 months ago

    seethe & dilate you subhuman moron,
    mame is literally flawless

    • 10 months ago

      For newbies, pic related is MAMEUI. It takes most of the pain out of the process. The ROMs folder can download from https://pleasuredome.github.io/pleasuredome/mame/

      >have to sit at a computer to use these

      Gross, it should work better with things like batocera or retropie. Console and arcade gaming at a desk is disgusting.

      • 10 months ago

        does your computer not have hdmi? I run mame and other emulators off my laptop and run it to my tv over hdmi. works fine for me and feels like a much better solution than getting a whole other device that just does what my laptop does but worse. I don't have a crt yet but i assume its similarly simple to output to composite with an adapter.

      • 10 months ago

        >Console [...] at a desk is disgusting.


  43. 10 months ago

    For newbies, pic related is MAMEUI. It takes most of the pain out of the process. The ROMs folder can download from https://pleasuredome.github.io/pleasuredome/mame/

    • 10 months ago

      Wait, wait, wait.
      You do not mean to tell me that all that time before we were talking about raw MAME, without UI.

      • 10 months ago

        MAME devs are extremely insistent that people not use any alternative frontends or forks apart from their own. Only people I've seen be this autistic about urging people to only use their Official™ version of an open source emulator and stay away from forks are byuu and Stenzek.

    • 10 months ago

      Wait, wait, wait.
      You do not mean to tell me that all that time before we were talking about raw MAME, without UI.

      Lol who the frick uses the default MAME UI. I've configured Hyperspin as a frontend along with a ton of other emulators. I've not had that many problems and haven't updated it. My Pc is connected to a 55 inch OLED screen too for the ultimate arcade experience.

      • 10 months ago

        cmd is all the real man need.

      • 10 months ago

        Good for you anon!

        • 10 months ago

          Thanks mate. I'll be signing autographs at the end so let me know if you want one.

    • 10 months ago

      Does it have any advantages over arcade?

  44. 10 months ago

    >havent updated anything, Roms, BIOS, MAME itself
    >the rom Ive had in my library for years suddenly is missing required files

    this happens every single fricking time I run MAME and try to play anything but Donkey kong

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        What a gay and unfunny acronym

    • 10 months ago

      I thought I was the only one. I would install Mame, and play. Then leave the PC alone for a long time. Come back to the PC, turn it on, and Mame won't run anymore. Always some error I gotta troubleshoot despite not updating anything. I've never had any trouble with other emulators like I do with Mame.

      • 10 months ago

        it's probably because you moved the roms folder somewhere else. It used to be on F: and now it is on G: because you switched around your external USB drives. Sorry to the anons who don't know how to operate a computer. You'll have to settle for some pre-packaged shit where someone else decides which games should be included.

        • 10 months ago

          my roms file hasnt moved at all. Why would I move it in the first place?

    • 10 months ago

      I thought I was the only one. I would install Mame, and play. Then leave the PC alone for a long time. Come back to the PC, turn it on, and Mame won't run anymore. Always some error I gotta troubleshoot despite not updating anything. I've never had any trouble with other emulators like I do with Mame.

      Do you have a moment to talk about our God-Machine, Omnissiah?
      Have you uttered any prayers to the machine spirits of your computer recently?
      You should really think about doing that...

    • 10 months ago

      You expect to have arcade emulation but you're not willing to figure out pic related. Notepad is too hard for you.

      • 10 months ago

        forgot pic

        • 10 months ago

          no, I used notepad AND notepad++ many times.
          my question is why does the ini file keep changing despite me not updating anything

          • 10 months ago

            obviously you don't know how to use a computer. if you can't figure out what's changing files on your hard drive then you're not bright enough to handle desktop apps. Go use a tablet.

            • 10 months ago

              It's 2023 not 2003. Developers shouldn't be making such clunky apps in this day and age. Standards please.

              • 10 months ago

                >Developers shouldn't be making such clunky apps in this day and age
                Developers in 2023 make ONLY clunky apps. Heck, it looks like pretty much nobody even ever heard about optimisation.
                Fricking bank app weights a GB. Fricking raddit tab eats a GB of ram. Everything is clunky today.
                Or do you think that slapping a pretty UI makes the whole thing good?

            • 10 months ago

              so whats changing it then?

  45. 10 months ago

    I always just emulate arcade games on one of those websites since you can beat them in 30-60 mins anyways and I'd rather not go through the trouble of dealing with MAME. However lately it's been really glitchy for me, it used to work just fine and now I get frame issues that also wreck the sound.

  46. 10 months ago

    >get the rom i want to play
    >try different versions of mame in retroarch until it works flawlessly
    i don't see the problem

  47. 10 months ago

    MAME isn't an emulator, it's an abstraction layer like Retroarch. The fact that you call it an "emulator" proves you don't understand its workings well enough to comment on them.

    • 10 months ago

      >nitpicking to “win”

      I accept your concession MAME dev

      • 10 months ago

        to “win”
        It's not nitpicking you moron, it's called having accurate information

        MAME is the "worst emulator" because it's not an emulator. What you said is the equivalent of calling a plate "the worst bowl."

  48. 10 months ago

    Is there any arcade emulator that just works like console emulators?
    >just get a rom of x game
    >click play
    >it works

    • 10 months ago

      Unfortunately no. The convoluted rom setup isn't just MAMEdev autism. Arcade hardware is often multiple custom chips that all pull their own data from dedicated ROMs so you have a set of .bin files that are for the main 68000, you have another set for the sub 68000, another set for the x80, another one for GFX1, another for GFX2, etc. etc. And you're lucky if a rom format is used for more than 1 game. Even amongst "standard" arcade hardware like the neo geo or cps2, etc. there's game to game variations that mean trying to create an arcade version of a .sfc or something is just a non-starter.

      • 10 months ago

        This problem was solved literally decades ago. We don't have SNES ROMs split across however many chips, and we don't have NES PRG/CHR split either.
        It absolutely is autism.

        • 10 months ago

          This 100%.

          I keep reading all these "problems" Mame supporters keep discussing, but these same issues have been solved by every other major emulator years ago.

          Clearly the Mame leadership refuses to adapt to modern times and are just being anal and stubborn.

  49. 10 months ago

    > dogshite emulation and performance because le hecking accuracy

    • 10 months ago

      >let's emulate things wrong so they'll run faster for losers who need to use a gayberry pi

  50. 10 months ago

    Since this is the dedicated MAME autism thread: How the frick do I get Q*Bert to run?

    • 10 months ago


      I'm going to guess you're missing something under files > show mame required files

      • 10 months ago

        Why isn't this information posted directly on Mame's main website? Why do I have to go to some some 3rd party Italian website to learn this?

  51. 10 months ago

    you fuming cucked morons screeching into the void about how you're all personally moronic and hate the only good emulator out there. there literally isn't anything to replace MAME unless you're a normal gay who only plays stupid shit like CPS2 or Neogeo

    • 10 months ago

      You don't need anything else
      SNK is the only good arcade company ever

      • 10 months ago

        you've played like 6 games in your entire life and don't know anything

        • 10 months ago

          I grew up with an atari XEGS, it had a full library of computer atari games
          Shut the frick moronic kid

  52. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      MAME literally stands for "mame ain't an emulator" are you moronic?

      • 10 months ago

        >MAME literally stands for "mame ain't an emulator"
        You can't be serious. I lost IQ points reading this.

        • 10 months ago

          Thats what it stands for.

          • 10 months ago

            >Thats what it stands for.
            Just stop anon.

  53. 10 months ago

    all the losers complaining about mame, so what is their alternative to mame that will play just as many games just as performent?

    • 10 months ago

      I play on real hardware.

      • 10 months ago

        > pic related quote fail

      • 10 months ago

        i guess that's a joke, so nice joke i guess?

      • 10 months ago


  54. 10 months ago

    I can't figure out how to set up this shit in retroarch no matter what
    I don't wanna download an entire fricking romset I just wanna play a few games I liked as a kid

    • 10 months ago

      Get your purse out then

    • 10 months ago

      What do you want to play?

  55. 10 months ago

    MAME actually stands for "My Autism Means Everything".

  56. 10 months ago

    >be me
    >use mame on my machine
    >it just works

    • 10 months ago

      Stay cool, anon.

      • 10 months ago

        He's lying.

  57. 10 months ago

    I recommend using MAME (current) in RetroArch since it is exactly the same as standalone with more features.

    MAME on RetroArch gives a lot of advantages over standalone:
    >1000 save states per game with screenshot previews
    >undo save state/undo load state
    >save state and rewind support in EVERY game, even those without support in standalone
    >RetroArch save states remember CPU overclock settings to remove slowdown*
    >can play removed games like SDOJ and Akai Katana (mame devs cucked to a takedown request) on current builds natively
    >tons of filters/shaders that you can change on the fly
    >can freely rename games (in the playlist, not the actual files) because MAME's names are inconsistent garbage

    *MAME devs specifically have it so there is no way to save overclock settings and make you sit there for 30 seconds adjusting overclock every time you boot the game just because it might make them receive 1% more complaints, lol

    The only thing that is a bit of a pain is adding plugins (mainly just for autofire, but there are many more plugins you can also add), but it shows you how to do it here, and shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes and then you're set: https://forums.libretro.com/t/guide-libretro-mame-current-hiscore-history-gameinit-command/24452

  58. 10 months ago

    Maybe if I wait 20 more years I can finally play Crisis Zone from the 1990s on Mame.

    • 10 months ago


      It's meant for preservation not playing bro, didnt you listen

    • 10 months ago

      It's playable on PCSX2 Nightly complete with mouse aim

      • 10 months ago

        >complete with mouse aim

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks for the info, but after looking it up, it appears that the PS2 version is wildly different from the arcade version. Not sure why they didn't just do a direct port but the textures, colors, and physics engine are completely different. The PS2 version also has a really weird annoying smoke effect when you shoot enemies that was never in the arcade version.

        • 10 months ago

          >The PS2 version also has a really weird annoying smoke effect when you shoot enemies that was never in the arcade version.

          From what I found:
          >In the arcade, Crisis Zone uses a mirror to read your position. The TV is actually a flipped image perpendicular to what you see, projected on what you THINK is the monitor.
          >To make it work better at home, they need to inlay a texture on top for constant positional reading, hence a "fog."

          Apparently there's also a patch or something that completely removes the fog

      • 10 months ago

        there aren't any good home ports of system 22 games

    • 10 months ago

      TC2, which runs on the same hardware, got some nice progress with its emulation. It's still very glitchy, but now it can be finished.

  59. 10 months ago

    does any company make a prebuilt trackball that works over USB and doesn't require me to build my own panel? I want to play crystal castles and major havoc but I don't have time to build my own controller again. Those atari single player fight sticks would work for me if I could find one.

  60. 10 months ago

    >"mildly difficult applications, am I right guys?" has this much staying power
    gayest board

  61. 10 months ago

    >Get a cease and desist from Cave because they don't like that DoDonPachi SaiDaiOujou works in MAME
    >Game was released in 2012
    >MAME devs get scared and code an exception so the game doesn't run
    >It's now 2023
    >It still doesn't support DoDonPachi SaiDaiOujou
    >Somebody had to fork the code and patch it back in, so now I need 2 installs of MAME

    Thanks, MAME devs.

    • 10 months ago

      Why would Mame comply with a cease and desist order from a no-name company like Cave? Mame emulates games from real companies like Sega, Namco, and Nintendo. Those are real companies to worry about.

    • 10 months ago

      >Get a cease and desist from Cave
      EXA Arcade sent the C&D, it's nothing to do with Cave. Thanks Shou.

    • 10 months ago

      >now I need 2 installs of MAME
      Why don't you just use FB Neo? Every game it supports runs better than on MAME with less glitches

    • 10 months ago

      So what you're saying is you are able to play the game in MAME.
      What's your actual, real world problem that affects you here?

      >so now I need 2 installs of MAME

      • 10 months ago

        mame dev detected, shouldnt you be coloring your hair?

  62. 10 months ago

    The point of MAME is preservation. Without MAME there would be no code to use as a base for other arcade emulators nor would there be "original arcade version" releases on virtual consoles and other shit normies waste their money on. Preservation is preservation.

    • 10 months ago

      >Without MAME there would be no code to use as a base for other arcade emulators nor would there be "original arcade version" releases on virtual consoles and other shit
      Mame is not the only emulator out there that can play arcade games.

    • 10 months ago

      >muh preservation
      The original Italian creator of Mame said he just wanted play arcade games from youth like Pac Man on his computer. That's why he made Mame. The preservation shit came much later when big companies threatened to sue Mame.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, MAME changed and now we have things like playable capcom arcade games without having to worry about board suicide, fricked components, scratched discs (cps3), and irreplaceable parts. You don't even need the original hard drives to run Killer Instinct 1 and 2 on original hardware because someone bothered to dump them and create chd's.

        • 10 months ago

          I'm glad you agree.

          But I must add that you are forgetting that the original creator of Mame emphasized Playing the games. Not preserving them. He didn't want hundreds or thousands of games added to Mame in unplayable states. He wanted people to be able to play the games. And development of Mame to be focused on getting games playable first.

  63. 10 months ago

    MAME was great and going on the right track until the Italians who made it were forced out of the project for ~piracy~ and this spoony looking troony fricker took over the project, and its been downhill since.

    Anglos, not even once.

    • 10 months ago

      kek he does look like Spoony, never made that connection before. He's just as unstable, too.

    • 10 months ago

      >This is who this thread is vehemently defending, and saying this is who we should listen to instead of calls for more reasonable software

      oh ok now it all makes sense, all of /vr/ just looks like this

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