Is Endless Space 2 fixed now?

Is Endless Space 2 fixed now?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Balance and Bug fixes look promising, albeit Awaking getting enabled depends on Nakalim not being a instant game remake or becoming irrelevant past turn 60 and Academy schizophrenia being toned down.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't really mind the Nakalim. I don't particularly like them but they don't bother me as a faction. But yeah the Academy bullshit needs to get toned way the frick down because it was overwhelming everything else. It literally made the game impossible to enjoy for me.

  2. 8 months ago

    This entire series appeal is in it's art and setting. And they added literal we wuz kangz faction to it lol. There is no recovery from this

    • 8 months ago

      >we wuz faction is barely able too research things
      >must either steal knowledge or study things left behind by greater intellects

      • 8 months ago

        amplitude really wants to go bankrupt

        • 8 months ago

          Amplitude's probably going to get liquidated if Sega goes under which is looking more and more likely

          • 8 months ago

            Eh, SEGA has enough assets to sell off before they're even at a slight risk of going onder, so I wouldn't count on that. But yeah Amplitude does look like they're one of the assets that'll quickly get sold or dumpstered if things get worse.

      • 7 months ago

        I think the we wuz faction was outsourced, which makes sense cause it's awful. Literal magic space Black folk that can't do science.

        Meanwhile in Galactic Civilizations IV...
        (don't buy it, they still haven't made anything better than GalCivII)

        • 7 months ago

          So it's okay to rape them?

    • 8 months ago

      I think the we wuz faction was outsourced, which makes sense cause it's awful. Literal magic space Black folk that can't do science.

      • 8 months ago

        Holy frick, I'm dying.

        I have this pile of shit on my steam account. How do I disown it?

        • 8 months ago

          I don't think you can. I know there are mods to remove the Black folk from the game and keep the rest of the stuff added in.

        • 8 months ago

          why are you spurging out this hard? just turn off the awakening dlc like everyone else does and you dont have to deal with the dumb Black person faction, its that easy

  3. 8 months ago

    The Nakalim could've been as cool as Egyptian Borg but instead we got crap

  4. 8 months ago

    Damn I might get the other DLCs now

  5. 8 months ago

    ES2chads just can't stop winning

  6. 8 months ago

    Master of Orion 2016 vs Endless Space 2 vs Stellaris vs GalCiv IV vs Distant Universe 2. Which is better? Haven't played any.

    • 8 months ago

      Out of those 5:
      If you want to play an actual game, ES2.
      If you just want to frick around in a big sandbox, Stellaris.

      • 7 months ago

        >actual game
        Numbers mean nothing, the tech web is a mess, the AI is moronic, DLCs break the game's balance, the AI and the game itself.

    • 8 months ago

      Master of Orion 1 (1993)

    • 7 months ago

      >Master of Orion 2016
      So mediocre so i even not rem any special thing about it.
      >Endless Space 2
      To be honest i was so disappointed with that after EL so i drop it quickly on release and never back.
      This game is about events and roleplay. Also, lot of numbers mean lot of ways to break the game if you into it.
      >GalCiv IV
      Still need lot of work. If they improve AI, rework combat and some mechanics i will back and try again. Now military actions is just awkward, and paint map by culture boring after first time.
      >Distant Universe 2
      You mean distant worlds?
      This game is plays itself. You should try to get experience of nation leader instead of nurse, and combat allow to direct control, but most of time player just w8 until happens something enough important and interesting. Personally i play that game and read text or watch video on phone.

      Also, you miss Polaris Sector. You should try it at least once.

  7. 8 months ago

    Not a one of those fixes is "fixed AI not adding a full set of modules to their ships" so no, it is not fixed.
    Nakalim should have been remade and based around seeding Lost babies on desert planets or something. They could keep the weak science mechanic and have access to research tiers granted based on fulfilling their quest line missions and have their research based on dust production or something. Academy shouldn't have any ability to expand at all. Just make them spawn with like 3-5 systems under their control. Nakalim donating planets will always be a dumb mechanic.

    They should touch hacking a bit as well, and I somehow doubt whatever they did to fleets will make a difference. Besides armor vs shields, the tactics cards weren't that great or distinguishable and should be the main target of changes.

  8. 8 months ago

    The academy feels way better now. I have done 2 runs and I'm really warming to the mechanics. Nakalim are just bland. I like the egyptsian aesthetic but I would like to be more alien. It is kinda weird having in mind they made Cravers, Riftborns and Horatio. Welp, it seems it is another "Vaulters" bland faction.

  9. 8 months ago

    >no fix for multiplayer desync

  10. 8 months ago

    >download game on recently upgraded W11
    >CTD on startup
    guess I'll check back again in 16 years when the next patch drops

  11. 8 months ago

    Can someone give me the rundown on terraforming? I always thought it was useless because you'd usually give up a lot of FISDI and sometimes even pop sizes, but people say it's worth it for increased habitability, but I don't have to worry about happiness because that's usually pretty easy to beat out with improvements/system development, so why would I give up Industry when I'm already at 100% happiness?

    • 8 months ago

      In most cases, the pops you get from a preferred world type is worth more than the specific bonuses you get from more extreme world types. The morale bonus is nice but not the most important part. For example, Lava might seem to give a way better bonus for a production world than Desert, but once you factor in FIDSI bonuses from stuff like buildings and pop effects the base difference quickly becomes irrelevant and Desert ends up being way more efficient than Lava. In the long run, "generic" worlds like Terran/Atoll/Forest/Ocean tend to become better than anything else because the extra pops simply outscale the base specialized income. Of course this also depends on your species, even putting aside odd ducks like Riftborn. For example most species will end up using Ocean for their science worlds, but Sophons get a science bonus on cold worlds so you can go Boreal or Tundra with them.

      • 8 months ago

        I realize now that my assumption was that the tooltip for the terraformed plant type included system improvements. Seeing the net changes to terraforming is now my #1 request for ES3, thanks.

      • 8 months ago

        no, the game has been made even worse. I liked my good ol' 6 carriers with green lasers to melt anything. the new patch made some 2k attack ships with 30 fleet points destroy my whole carrier group

        since when can you terrafrom to tundra?

  12. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      anon, I have bad news... about Auriga...

      • 8 months ago

        >the cold has dissipated
        >now the factions of the galaxy have landed on auriga to settle and reclaim its secrets

        • 8 months ago

          There's still basically nothing left on Auriga. At most they'd do a smaller scale game taking place underground explaining how the Vaulter remnants survived.
          The ending CG will be the winner escaping to the surface to be picked up as a minority pop in ES2.

          • 8 months ago

            Don't some of the EL factions go into hibernation in their story ending?

            It's been years since I played so I might misremember, but I think Cultists or Necrophage had an ending like that where they just go deep underground and wait for the weather to get less shit.

          • 8 months ago

            >explaining how the Vaulter remnants survived.
            They use the same ship every other faction would have to escape. The Vaulters themselves managed to repair the ship that originally brought the Vaulters to the planet. So technically, it's the Vaulter remnants that won EL, cop out as it is.

            In their prologue, this explosion knocking them off course at :37 is the explosion from the other ship as it used it warp engines
            The explosion itself happens here

            >the cold has dissipated
            >now the factions of the galaxy have landed on auriga to settle and reclaim its secrets

            anon, I have bad news... about Auriga...

            Well, you can find and colonize Auriga in ES2, and bring the lost back so you could put another on it as well. Could also have something like the Riftborn ended up using it as their original planet or whatever.

            It should be set on ancient Mezan instead though.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm not referring to the Vaulters being the 'canon' winners of Endless Legend, I'm referring to their ES2 faction quest where they can find survivors on Auriga called Foundlings who held the line for the Argosy to make its escape, led by the leader's daughter.
              What I'm proposing is expanding this into a full Endless Legend 2.

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm not referring to the Vaulters being the 'canon' winners of Endless Legend
                Neither am I. I am saying they weren't, because they just used their own ship(Argosy) to leave rather than the game ship(Gery Owl) that caused the explosion ES2 is based around.
                The remnants either used the Grey Owl and were the canon winners(that is, none of the playable factions won) or there's a third group out there since the other ship did canonically leave the planet.

                >I'm referring to their ES2 faction quest where they can find survivors on Auriga
                This doesn't happen. Your memory is bad. There is no one on Auriga. They left and found a new planet. They are also only "Foundlings" if you don't dominate them.

                >What I'm proposing is expanding this into a full Endless Legend 2.
                Impossible, because you're basing the idea off a false memory.

    • 8 months ago

      anon, I have bad news... about Auriga...

      Alternatively, just use a new planet and new races. It'll take some work, but I could see it working.

      • 8 months ago

        >frick, how many Lost are trapped inside planets anyway?

  13. 8 months ago

    So, has anyone actually played it since?

  14. 8 months ago

    >game feels easy
    >bump up difficulty a notch and start a new game
    >one decent system nearby and the rest range from trash to middling
    >neighbors are cravers and vodyani
    I did not have a good time.

    Unrelated, but the frick are you supposed to do with systems that have nothing but cold planets like ice and snow and maybe a gas giant? You have no industry and no food.

    • 8 months ago

      The only times I've ever beaten Cravers on higher difficulties are when A) I got lucky and their neighbors hemmed them in before they could snowball, and B) I played Lumeris and spent every dollar I had on merc fleets until they tired themselves out.

      >systems that have nothing but cold planets like ice and snow
      Generally you beeline Industry structures priority 1 so the planet isn't worthless forever, and in 20 turns or so you have a reasonably productive science base.
      >and maybe a gas giant
      Wastes of your time.

  15. 8 months ago

    I wish amplitude wasn't moronic with their IP. It already calls itself a "Space Opera 4X" and would be a perfect setting for an RPG but they are doing some gay roguelite instead. They have a goose laying golden eggs but all they do with it is collecting feathers for pillow filling. They literally had a D&D session on their youtube channel. Just fricking do it or cooperate with someone who has experience to do it.

    • 8 months ago

      Just make your own campaign.

      • 8 months ago

        Was talking more about something akin to Mass Effect than D&D. Big tiddy fish mommy romance option.

    • 8 months ago

      People just want RPGs today with AAAA production values. Anything less than that and you definitely need to be tight with your budgets and conservative with sales expectations, which I don't think Sega would allow. I feel like we'd have to have another big name studio come in and say they'd want to make it on Amplitude's behalf, but we all know that would never happen.

    • 8 months ago

      Amplitude is too lightweight to make anything bigger than ES2 and I'm never going to rag on them for playing with their own setting and formula. I think a shmup would be cool though.

  16. 8 months ago

    how's the AI?

    t. only passably challenging space 4x AI is MoO2 with ICEMod or RotP

  17. 8 months ago

    I'm trying to play it but I feel like a moron. I hate military upkeep. I need to have defense but too much defense and I'm barely making money, meanwhile my construction crews scream bloody murder being there's nothing in the que, because I'm trying NOT to go even more bankrupt than I already am.

    Meanwhile the tech tree is fricking horrible to look at and I don't feel a inclination towards any general way because you find new military hulls in the empire building section instead of the military one?

    I'm going along the tutorial with UE, and honestly I dunno if I should go tall or wide (since I am an Empire). Or maybe UE is the noob trap with the "muh space facists" angle. Is there a more "stupid baby mode" civ I could pick instead? I'm told Cravers/Sophons are that.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >Is there a more "stupid baby mode" civ I could pick instead? I'm told Cravers/Sophons are that.
        Answered your own question

        >Meanwhile the tech tree is fricking horrible to look at and I don't feel a inclination towards any general way because you find new military hulls in the empire building section instead of the military one?
        This is a statement, not a real question.

        What do you want from us?

    • 8 months ago

      >Is there a more "stupid baby mode" civ I could pick instead?
      Pic related
      Food focus means more population means more FIDS in general. There are stronger factions, but there aren't easier ones.

      On the other hand it sounds like you might be playing wrong, and no faction will carry you through that.
      If you're short on dust, you research dust tech and build dust structures, simple as. Past your first few Pulvis Productions you should be a-ok.

    • 7 months ago

      you sound a little moronic, no offence. what difficulty are you playing on? if you're struggling then just turn it down and soak up the mechanics gradually until you're ready to strain yourself a bit more.

  18. 8 months ago

    are they gonna go back and fix the shitty expansions for EL too?

  19. 8 months ago

    all i want is endless legend 2 but they take their energy making homosexual humankind.
    what a bummer.

  20. 7 months ago

    There has to be something wrong with me. Umbral Choir is by far my favorite and best faction. I'll try out others, but always quit mid game, and then play the Chior again, and do the same thing every time, and go through the same quest tree because its their most powerful. I cant help myself.
    It may be because I only play the CPU and I've never tried multiplayer?

    • 7 months ago

      It's because you're autistic and can't stand not having something go your way.

    • 7 months ago

      Everyone hates them but UC is lowkey the comfiest faction

    • 7 months ago

      Is the netcode even fixed?

      • 7 months ago

        Not sure, I've never played multiplayer.

  21. 7 months ago

    I regret buying Endless Space 2. It seems like everything they added just made the game worse. When I play a civ game, I want to write my own story not be led around on a shitty forced questline. Jesus, imagine if Civilization proper did that.

    • 7 months ago

      Space 4x are not civ games, they are moo games.

  22. 7 months ago

    >unfallen start with a second vineship
    frick yeah
    >launch new game
    >first faction quest random tech gives me coordinators
    FRICK yeah

  23. 7 months ago

    why waste time balancing a single player game with mod support

    • 7 months ago

      teebh it doesn't need balancing so much as it needs reworking the terrible outsourced DLC and fixing existing bugs that haven't been addressed for years.

      • 7 months ago

        Good thing thats what they're doing right now isn't it?

  24. 7 months ago




    • 7 months ago

      good. that shit was fricking silly.

  25. 7 months ago

    When is this patch meant to release? It's still in beta, right?

  26. 7 months ago

    is there an overhaul mod that makes es2 not shit?

  27. 7 months ago

    >Nearly 6 years later
    Humankind shit the bed that much?

    • 7 months ago

      It did literally the opposite of everything they're good at.

  28. 7 months ago

    >Endless Legend got a patch today for W11 crashes
    Auriga bros are we back???

    • 7 months ago

      >Endless Legend
      Is this game worth playung?

      • 7 months ago

        It has a nice atmosphere and nice looking cities. The gameplay is shit except the combat which some people hate as well and is easily exploitable.

        • 7 months ago

          ES2 opinion?

          • 7 months ago

            Fun, but boring after a few plays. Every DLC made it worse somehow. I like the game a lot, mind, but it needs like more than a few patches, it needs someone to bring all the ideas together and make a coherent ES3. I do like the political system, I somewhat like the pops system, manpower is a good idea in theory, the battle system needs an overhaul so the different strategies actually matter. I'm not sure how I feel about heroes. The market is a good idea too but easily exploitable. (especially selling your own ships and buying them back so you can disguise them as pirates). Like EL, food and industry is better than everything else, but unlike EL you can't just buy lumps of industry/food/science and dump them on places so it's less bullshit.

            The AI is passive in a weird way. It will win if you let it gain enough territory to or some other win method but it will siege until your planet has no defenders to attack and doesn't really build ships effectively so they siege really slowly. The last time I played, it wouldn't even upgrade ships to have more equipment when it unlocked extra slots for them which made them total pushovers even when they did attack. I do really like the diplomacy/pressure system.

            I dislike the use of wireframe ships instead of displaying the ships and overall the game is less interesting looking than EL. There are also too many menus and sub-menus and beginning of turn popups. If they make a 3, they should make all factions that were major factions in 1 and 2 be major factions. (2 turns some ES1 major factions into minor factions)

            I never used the race designer they included because I never liked how it was coupled to the base races.

            • 7 months ago

              Heroes are bizarre in ES2 since they never get better ships, they're stuck with a shitty scout-sized ship for the entire game.

      • 7 months ago

        In regards to the other anon I agree, perhaps some of the best art style you'll see in a 4x game, but the war and combat is a real hit or miss situation that changes person to person. For me there was a period of
        >I hate it, I don't understand what's happening
        >I watched some online tutorials on how it works, now that I have an idea I can't wait to improve and do cool unit designer builds
        >I have done all that stuff and now I kind of hate it again
        If EL2 gets announced and it was just EL1 but was normal about how you decide your actions each unit's turn I'd buy it day 1

  29. 7 months ago

    I couldn't grasp combat system when I last tried it

  30. 7 months ago

    >play with some friends
    >end game ends up vodyani vs horatio with human and fishdude vassal states
    >entire game revolves around one side manufacturing a deathball fleet that leads a massive destructive push across the center of the galaxy
    >losing party desperately analysing the deathball to find a counter and manufacture it at scale that then destroys the old deathball and takes its place
    >eventually vodyani win based exclusively on bonkers admiral buffs including movement that makes it completely impossible to evade the deathball and play for time
    >it’s then revealed that the fishes won a colonisation victory fifty turns ago and the game bugged out and disabled victories
    Best fun I’ve had in a 4X, we never played again

  31. 7 months ago

    >start a new game
    >early exploration and colonization goes well
    >run into first AI's
    >build a fleet and smack one of 'em around a bit
    >then focus on the other one
    >have to stop because of system soft cap
    >lose interest in game since actually winning would take forever
    Am I the only one whose games go like this? I've never actually played a game to the end since I just know I've won when I've eliminated (or damn near so) two AI's and control far more space than anyone else.

    • 7 months ago

      If you had that much freedom and control over space, you could just colonize a few more planets and win.

      • 7 months ago

        >you control 12 out of the required 28 systems
        >a few more
        I already nearly collapsed from unhappiness due to overcolonization and managed to get it back together by researching the techs that increase the cap.
        My snowball is bigger and rolling faster than anyone else's so I'll win the game by whichever method I choose. However, whichever way I go takes a lot of time. That's how my games end: I realize I'm ahead and there's no real threats left so why bother grinding out a win?

        • 7 months ago

          The way you put it sounds more like your empire will collapse and you'll lose. It doesn't really matter if your systems are happy, once you have the ability to take them all you need to do is take them. Anyway, you sound like the kind of guy who'd quit a match when his initial plan failed, so there's really no helping you with these kinds of games. I'm not sure why you need validation regarding leaving game early anyway, although I consider ending a game without winning it to be the same as resigning and losing.

  32. 6 months ago

    >Decide to start a new randomized game.
    >This fricking constellation.
    What the frick.

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